Planning Commission Minutes 03-16-1976
March 16, 1976 - 7: 30 P. M.
Members present: Howard Gillham, Dr. C. Bauer, J.
Ridgeway, H. Doerr, F. Topel.
Members absent:
1. Minutes of Feb. 18, 1976,
Motion by Bauer, second by Doerr and unanimously
carried to approve the minutes of Feb. 18, 1976,
as presented.
2. Public Hearing on Rezoning Request for Elderly
Housing Project"
A Public Hearing was held on the request of Bergstad
Construction Co. to rezone Lots 1,2,3,9 & 10 of
Block G from R-2 to R-B to allow for a 50 unit
elderly housing project.
The architectural firm for the project gave a pre-
sentation outlining the proposed development and
answered citizens questions relative to the project.
A majority of the 25 citizens present at the hear-
ing felt an elderly housing project was needed
within Monticello, but some citizens did object to
the site location and parking problems it may
cause Other questions raised at the hearing con-
cerned possible sewer problems along 4th Street
and whether this project would always remain strictly
elderly and handicapped housing.
The project proposes a total of 25 parking spaces for
the 50 unit development, which conforms to the re-
quired spaces in the city ordinances, except that the
plat plan must indicate future space for an additional
25 cars.
A revised plan was presented by the architects providing
for the additional parking spaces in the front yard,
which, according to city ordinances is not allowed.
The developer indicated that the present 25 spaces should
be more than adequate and that if future parking expansion
was not allowed in the front yard, the entire project would
probably have to be dropped due to limited funding being
available for additional land purchases to meet parking
Regular Meeting of Planning Commission
March 16, 1976 - continued
Motion by Bauer, seconded by Topel and unanimously
carried to table the rezoning request until further study
can be done on the project.
The developer was instructed to obtain a list of possible
tennants (at least 100 names) and indicate how many
would have cars if such a project was completed. The
city administrator is to check with other communities
who have elderly housing projects to see what parking
requirements and problems, if any, they might have had.
3. Presentation by Stuart Hogland - on possible motel
Mr. Hogland presented preliminary plans for a 42 unit
(expandable to 100 units) motel to be located on his
property just off south highway 25 and 1-94.
The developers were interested in knowing whether
sewer and water would be available to this site in the near
future. Indications are that they could provide their own
sewage system if necessary, but they would prefer to be on
city water.
The developers were invited to attend the March 23
information meeting on proposed 1976 improvement pro-
jects,in order to obtain more information on the possibility
of sewer and water being extended to this area.
Mr. Hogland stated that he will be requesting that this
property be rezoned to B-3 to allow for a motel and be
applying for an On Sale Liquor License.
Since most new projects and proposals must start at the
Planning Commission level, the concensus of the committee
was to have Howard Dahlgren, the city planner, attend
future planning meetings so that he would be available to
answer any questions relative to new projects and how they
might relate to our new ordinances.
Motion by Topel, seconded by Bauer and unanimously
carried to adjourn.
Rick Wolfste er,
Assistant Administrator