Planning Commission Minutes 04-20-1976
Planning Commission Meeting
April 20, 1976
7:30 P.M.
Members present: Howard Gillham, Fred Topel, Jim Ridgeway,
Henry Doerr, Dr. Charles Bauer, Jay Miller.
1. Motion was made by Bauer, seconded by Ridgeway and unan-
imously carried to approve the March 16, 1976 minutes.
2. Public Hearing on rezoning request for elderly housing
John Bergstad of Bergstad Construction Co. of Minneapolis,
summarized the proposed elderly housing project for lots
1, 2, 3, 9 and 10 of block G, including a revised plat
plan showing parking spaces for 33 cars. Mr. Bergstad
stated that efforts were made to obtain additional land
for future parking, but nothing was available within
the allowed budget.
Comments were made by the senior citizen's director and
elderly citizens urging approval of the project. They
felt that the parking would be adequate and the community
needed this project.
Only one citizen expressed opposition to the project
relating to future parking in the front yard, which he
felt should not be allowed in a residential neighborhood.
A motion was made by Bauer, seconded by Topel and unan-
imously carried to rezone lots 1, 2, 3, 9 and 10 of block
G to R-B, grant a conditional use permit for an elderly
housing project providing 33 parking spaces, and grant a
variance for side yard set back requirements from 20 feet
to 10 feet.
3. Public Hearing on rezoning request by Curtis Hoglund for
Machinery Sales.
Curtis Hoglund requested that his parcel of land consisting
of approximately 10 acres on which his present equipment
sales area is located be rezoned from R-3 (medium density
residential) to B-4 (regional business) to allow for future
expansion of his business.
Planning Commission Meeting
April 20, 1976 Page 2
Howard Dahlgre~ City Planner, felt that since this property
is surrounded by potential residential development, rezoning
this large portion of land to commercial would not be desir-
able to the neighboring residential area.
His recommendation was to rezone a smaller portion of this
tract along County Road 39 and 75 to allow for any future
expansion, but still create a buffer zone for the residen-
tial property located to the north.
A motion was made by Ridgeway, seconded by Doerr and unan-
imously carried to rezone approximately 2.5 acres of Curtis
Hoglund's property from R-3 to B-4 fronting along County
Road 39 and 75, subject to presentation of a legal descrip-
tion of proposed area. (See map enclosure 4-20-76 #1.)
Public Hearing on rezoning request by Stuart Hoglund for a
Mr. Stuart Hoglund requested that a parcel of land approx-
imately 20 acres located south of 1-94 and east of highway
25 be rezoned from 1-1 and 1-2 to B-3 to allow for the devel-
opment of a motel complex.
Initial plans for the motel were reviewed by the Planning
Commission at the March 16, 1976 meeting.
Hearing no objections, a motion was made by Topel, seconded
by Bauer and unanimously carried to rezone approximately
20 acres from 1-1 and 1-2 to B-3 to allow for a motel
5. Public Hearing on conditional use permit request by J. Miller
for a 4 unit family dwelling in a R-2 zoning district.
J. Miller presentedplans proposing a 4 unit apartment dwelling
to be located on his property on the NW corner of 4th St. and
Minnesota St. (Blk 27 Lot 5) and requested a conditional use
permit and a sideyard variance of 8' for the project.
The City Planner indicated that the sideyard variance request
should not cause any problems because of the 80' right of way
width of the street. All other provisions of the zoning
ordinance have been met.
Planning Commission Meeting
April 20, 1976 Page 3.
A petition was presented by neighborhood residences within
350' of proposed project objecting to the 4 unit development.
A motion was made by Ridgeway, seconded by Bauer and unan-
imously carried to table until the next meeting a decision
on the conditional use permit request in order to further
evaluate the impact the project would have on the area.
6. Request for rezoning by Howard Gillham.
Howard Gillham requested that a strip of land approximately
! mile long fronting on 1-94 be rezoned from R-l to B-3 to
allow four billboards to remain located on this property
The current city ordinance does not allow billboards,
however, the city council had decided to I1grandfatherl1 any
current billboards plus any sites for which a permit had been
applied for, including Mr. Gillham's, for a period of 5 years.
The State of Minnesota has informed Mr. Gillham that they do
not recognize the city's 11 grandfather" clause unless the prop-
erty is rezoned to commercial.
HowaUDahlgren, city planner, feels that property should be
rezoned commercial, etc., only where the obvious potential
or need exists.
No action on the rezoning request was taken by the Planning
7. Request for Variance on Sign Requirements - Kentucky Fried
Kentucky Fried Chicken had applied for a
a standard Kentucky Fried Chicken Sign.
request did not meet city ordinances in
sign permit to install
The original sign
several respects,
1) Size (sign area)
2) Height of sign
3) Revolving bucket
4) Flashing light
A representative of Scenic Signs, Inc., St. Cloud, presented
a sign proposal that would have a stationary bucket, an arrow
without flashing lights and would be 99 square feet in size
including the bucket.
Planning Commission Meeting
April 20, 1976 Page 4
The present height and size requirements for the Kentucky
Fried Chicken location calls for a maximum height of 18'
and 50 square feet of sign area, because of the 30 mph
road classification.
Howard Dahlgren recommended that since the location of the
sign is close to the freeway, the provisions of the city
sign ordinance that relate to a 35 mph speed limit zone may
be more applicable. (Height 22' - size 100 sq. ft.)
A motion was made by Bauer, seconded by Doerr and unanimously
carried to allow Kentucky Fried Chicken to erect'a sign
within the provisions of the 35 mph major thoroughfare
classification. The bucket would also have to be stationary
and no flashing lights would be allowed.
Request for variance on side yard set back requirements
by Arve Grimsmo.
Mr. Grimsmo, whose home is located on Lot 1, Blk 9, River St.,
was requesting a variance to build an addition to his garage
up to the lot line abutting Hennepin Street.
A future storm sewer is planned for Hennepin Street leading
to the River, but the 401 right of way would be adequate for
future construction requirements.
A motion was made by Doerr, seconded by Topel and unanimously
carried to approve a variance for Mr. Grimsmo to build up to
the lot line on Hennepin Street.
9. Presentation by Larry Flake - Motel Development.
Bill Eichler of Winkleman Enterprises outlinedan 80-100
unit motel development including a separate pancake restau-
rant, planned for construction on 20 acres south of 1-94
owned by Larry Flake. Mr. Flake also plans to construct
his new Ford Dealership on the balance of the 20 acres.
The motel development would include an entertainment lounge,
banquet and convention facilities and indoor swimming pool.
The presentation to the Planning Commission was for informational
purposes, but Mr. Flake indicated that he would be finalizing
plans and requesting a building permit and liquor license
application in the near future.
Planning Commission Meeting
April 20, 1976 Page 5
Mr. Bill Seefeldt wi th Electro Industries of Monticello
inquired as to possible commercial sites available within
the city as Electro Industries would like to build a new
plant and warehouse.
Mr. Seefeldt indicated that before a decision could be made
on a site, future assessments for sewer and water would have
to be known. The Planning Commission informed him that future
assessment estimates for commercial property located south
of I-94 WQuld be available at the council meeting on April 26,
Motion by Ridgeway, seconded by Topel to adjourn.