Planning Commission Minutes 07-20-1976
July 20, 1976 - 7:30 P. M.
Members present: Howard Gillham, Dr. Bauer, Jim Ridgeway,
Fred Topel, Henry Doerr, J. Miller.
1. Approval of June 15, 1976 minutes.
Motion by Ridgeway, second by Topel and unanimously
carried to approve the minutes of June 15~ 1976 as
2. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit and Variance
Request - James Teslow.
James Teslow, of Teslow Auto Sales, requested a
conditional use permit to establish a used car lot
on the north east corner of Linn and Broadway
In addition to the conditional use permit, Mr. Teslow
is also requesting a variance from the outside sales
area limitations of 30% of the gross floor area of
the present building, which would limit his sales area
to approximately 4 or 5.
Mr. Dennis Lundquist, who lives in the area, was
opposed to the permit because he felt that the lot
was too small to hold 20 or 30 cars and it would be
a detriment to the abutting residential areas.
Joyce Dowling indicated that with the new post office
coming into the area, she felt that the corner site
would be more appropriate for other commercial uses
other than for used car sales.
Mr. Teslow contested the fact that he actuaJly needed
a conditional use permit. He feels that motorized
vehicle sales should be a permitted use as outlined
in zoning ordinance pertaining to a B-3 District.
Howard Dahlgren, city planner, reviewed with the
Planning Commission the ordinances relative to used
car sales and feels that a conditional use permit is
After considerable discussion by the commission mem-
bers, Topel made a motion to recommend approval of
the conditional use permit and variance request by
Jim Teslow. Motion died for a lack of second.
A motion was made by Ridgeway, second by Bauer to
deny the variance request of more than 30% outside
sales area for used cars by Jim Teslow. Voting in
favor: Gillham, Doerr, Ridgeway, Bauer. Opposed:
3. Public Hearing - Preliminary Plat- Lauring Hillside
Mr. Roy Lauring presented a subdivision plat of ap-
proximately 45 acres with 13 lots for preliminary
approval. The plat had been reviewed by the city
planner and city engineer. A motion was made by
Bauer, second by Doerr and unanimously carried to
approve the preliminary plat of Lauring Hillside
Terrace, contingent upon Mr. Lauring giving the city
all necessary utility easements.
4. Request for Sign Variance - Stuart Hoglund,
Mr. Stuart Hoglund and Ed Larson discussed with the
commission their progress on developing a motel
south of 1-94.
The motel will be a Best Western franchise if the
group can meet all of their requirements; one of
which would be an advertising sign.
Mr. Larsen requested a public hearing be held on a
sign variance request for a sign approximately 60'
high and 230 square feet in area. Mr. Dahlgren felt
that in his opinion, a variance in this case was not
unreasonable and would be necessary for this motel
to attract its customers from the freeway; a major
source of its business potential.
Ridgeway made a motion, second by Doerr and unan-
imously carried to recommend approval of a sign
variance up to 60' high with an area of 230 square
feet according to the sign specifications submitted.
Motion by Bauer, second by Gillham and unanimously
carried to adjourn.
Rick Wolfste er
Adm. Asst.