Planning Commission Minutes 11-04-1976
November 4, 1976 - 7:30 P. M.
Members present: Gillham, Topel, Ridgeway, Doerr,
ex-officio - J. Miller.
1. Approval of Minutes.
Ridgeway made a motion, second by Topel and
unanimously carried to approve the minutes of
October 19, 1976 as read.
2. Consideration of Building Permit - Jls Restaurant.
Site plans and building specifications for a
restaurant to be located on Lots 4,5,6 and 7,
Block 3 were reviewed by the Commission.
A motion was made by Ridgeway, second by Doerr
and unanimously carried to recommend approval
of a building permit for Jls Restaurant con-
tingent upon city engineer's approval of the
drainage plans and the building inspector's
approval of test borings and building plans.
3. Presentation by Floyd Kruse - Remodeling Monti-
cello Ceramic Building into Supper Club.
Mr. Floyd Kruse discussed with the Commission
preliminary plans for remodeling the Monticello
Ceramic building into a supper club. Jay Miller
indicated that he has inspected the property
and felt that the preliminary remodeling plans
would be sufficient to meet state building codes.
Complete site plans were not available for review,
but Topel made a motion, second by Gillham and
unanimously carried to approve the preliminary
remodeling plans provided a site plan indicating
the required parking spaces and landscaping lay-
out, along with building plans showing the front
elevation of the building were submitted to the
city council for consideration.
A motion was made by Ridgeway, second by Doerr
and unanimously carried to adjourn.
Asst. Adm.
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