Planning Commission Minutes 12-21-1976
December 21, 1976 - 7:30 P. M.
Members present: Gillham, Bauer, Doerr, Ridgeway, Miller.
Member absent:
1. Appointment of Acting Chairman.
Howard Gillham stepped down from the chair since a
public hearing involving his property was on the a-
genda. Acting Chairman Topel was not present and a
motion was made by H. Doerr, seconded by J. Ridge-
way and unanimously carried to appoint D. Bauer as
moderator for the meeting.
2. Approval of Minutes.
Motion by H. Gillham, seconded by H. Doerr and un-
animously carried to approve the minutes of November
4, 1976.
3. Public Hearing - Consideration of Rezoning Howard
Gillham Property.
Howard Gillham is requesting rezoning a portion of
his tract of land which is situated just south of
West County Road #39 and north of the freeway from
R-1 (Single Family Residential) to B-4 (Regional
Business). This tract is approximately 45 acres in
Mr. Gillham's reason for requesting a change from
residential to commercial is that he feels the pro-
perty bordering the freeway is adapted to commercial
use as opposed to residential use. He feels that
visibility from the freeway is an asset for commercial
property but is a liability for residential property.
Of additional concern is the noise factor which Mr.
Gillham feels is a detriment to a residential area
as may be borne out by the construction of sound
barriers in the Twin Cities along freeway residential
Mr. Gillham's immediate concern relative to the re-
zoning request is that unless the property along the
freeway, presently leased for two of four billboards,
is zoned commercial or industrial the State Highway
Department will require these billboards be removed.
Initially, the city of Monticello agreed to "grand-
father" all four sites for billboards for five years
as the present city ordinance does not allow bill-
boards. However, the State will only recognize this
"grandfather" clause for two of the four sites which
have signs on them already unless the property is
rezoned. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, Mr.
Gillham feels there is basis for rezoning, other than
merely for allowing his billboards to exist.
Both Gary Wieber, city administrator, and Dick Dwinell,
planner, reviewed the proposed rezoning change and
Mr. Dwinell further explained that the proposed
revised comprehensive plan has the land use for the
area designated as commercial.
Consensus of the Planning Commission was that "ideally"
the area should be rezoned after the revised comprehen-
sive plan is adopted. However, it was felt that this
would impose an undue hardship on Mr. Gillham as the
revised plan was not expected to be adopted for six
Additionally, it was felt the area should be zoned
commercial regardless of the sign situation. A motion
was made by J. Ridgeway, seconded by H. Doerr and
passed to recommend to the council to rezone the pro-
perty described below from R-1 to B-4. Voting in
favor: J. Ridgeway, H. Doerr, D. Bauer. Abstain:
H. Gillham.
NWi of NEi of ry; 10 121 25 W. 5/8 of S!
of NEi & E 5/8 of SEi of NWi exc 9340A B,
exc. prt to State for HWY exc tr desc. in
Bk 50 Mis-290 #9340C; exc tr desc. in Bk
245-291 #9340D; all lying NE of I #94.
J. Ridgeway made a motion to recommend the council
follow the direction of the future comprehensive plan
in regards to area abutting the freeway, specifically
the commercial areas as specified by the planner.
Motion died for lack of a second.
4. Consideration of Ordinance Amendments - Pylon Signs.
Howard Dahlgren & Associates were requested to review
the pylon sign ordinance by the city council.
At the Planning Commission's October 19, 1976 meeting,
our planner's were requested to study the possibility
of developing sign requirements for freeway oriented
Howard Dahlgren Associates prepared a planning report
relative to the issue dated December 10, 1976.
A motion was made by H. Gillham, seconded by H. Doerr
and unanimously carried to recommend that Section
10-3-9-E-1-B-4 be amended as follows:
(MPH) (SQ. FT.) (FEET)
30 25 16
35 50 20
40 100 24
30 50 18
35 100 22
40 125 24
45 150 26
50 175 28
55 200 32
& above
Major Thoroughfares
Freeways and
Motion also recommended that an additional provision be
added to allow a "bonus" for certain freeway oriented
major businesses that are within 800 feet of a freeway
but do not abut a freeway to read as follows:
A bonus allowing "freeway standard signs (200
square feet in area and 32 feet high) in a Com-
mercial or Industrial Area is available to certain
major businesses that are freeway oriented and are
within 800 feet of a freeway but do not abut a
freeway such as:
Full Service Car Agency
Hotel or Motel
Restaurant, Minimum 4,000 square feet,
gross floor area
Shopping Centers
Full Service Motor Fuel Stations
Recreational Buildings
5. Consideration of Ordinance Amendments.
Howard Dahlgren Associates prepared a planning report
relative to landscaping requirements. This planning
report was prepared after there was some discussion at
the council and planning commission level relative to
the existing landscaping requirements.
Currently, Section 10-3-2-(F)-5 reads as follows:
In all zoning districts the lot area remaining
after providing for off-street parking, off-
street loading, sidewalks, driveways, building
site and/or other requirements shall be planted
and maintained in grass, sodding, shrubs or other
acceptable vegetation or treatment generally
used in landscaping. Fences or trees placed upon
utility easements are subject to removal if re~
quired for the maintenance or improvement of the
utility. Trees on utility easements containing
overhead wires shall not exceed ten (10) feet in
This section does not require any specific portion
of landscaping be devoted to shrubbery and has no
requirements relative to off-street parking areas.
After a discussion and review of the issue a motion was
made by J. Ridgeway, seconded by H. Gillham and unan-
imously carried to recommend the following provisions
be added to the city's landscaping ordinance requirements:
1. No off-street parking within 15 feet of any
street right-of-way and 10 feet from any lot line.
2. All buildings shall be finished on all 4 sides
with consistent architectural materials, quality
and design.
3. Three per cent of the service area within an
off-street parking area shall be landscaped with
grass and/or decorative surface treatment,
trees and shrubbery.
4. Businesses shall have curbing and hard-surfaced
drives and parking areas.
5. Two per cent of the development costs as deter-
mined by the building permit valuation shall be
devoted to landscaping exclusive of sod and
walkways. A bond shall be posted for twenty
per cent of said two per cent for two years to
insure ordinance complaance.
These requirements would apply to all developments,
except single family residential.
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City dmlnlstrator