Planning Commission Minutes 01-19-1977
January 19, 1977
Members Present: Howard Gillham, Jim Ridgeway, Fred Topel,
Henry Doerr.
Members Absent: Dr. Bauer, J. W. Miller.
In attendance:
Stan Hall, Gene Walters, Arve Grimsmo.
Dan Blonigen.
1. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman.
Motion by H. Doerr, seconded by J. Ridgeway and unanimously
carried to elect Howard Gillham as chairman and Fred Topel
as Vice-Chairman.
Approval of Minutes.
Motion by J. Ridgeway, seconded by H. Doerr and unanimously
carried -to approve the minutes of December 21, 1976.
Building Permit Approval - Perkins Cake and St~.
Mr. David Kasell and Jon Redmond, representatives of Perkins
Cake and Steak, reviewed plans for a 5,000 square foot family
style restaurant with the Planning Commission. Location
would be the southeast corner of the intersection of Seventh St.
and Highway 25.
They indicated that trash storage would be accomplished by
means of a trash compactor inside the building. Furthermore,
they agreed to limit the height of their sign to the ordinance
maximum of 32 feet, square footage would be 120 square feet.
Motion was made by Topel, seconded by Doerr and unanimously
carried to recommend the city council approve the building
permit contingent upon review by the building inspector of
the building plans and review by the planner of the revised
site plan.
Joint Workshop Session with City Council relative to Compre-
hensive Plan.
Dick Dwinell reviewed Sections I and II of the comprehensive
plan page by page and through consensus of the planning comm-
ission and city council various amendments were made.
Mr. Dwinell indicated he would be incorporating the goals
and policies of the Orderly Annexation Area (OAA) Board as
a separate section of the plan and hoped to review this with
the Planning Commission at the next meeting.
5. Consideration of lot width variance and subdivision of lot.
Mr. Claude Hupe requested that lots 3, 4, and 5 of Block
P in Upper Monticello be subdivided into 2 lots running
east and west instead of north and south. This would create
two lots of16,335 square feet and 14,734 square feet. A
variance of 15 feet on the lot width requirement for a portion
of the smaller lot was necessary.
Consensus was to approve subdivision and variance.
Meeting adjourned.
~~ UJ ~~-
ary "eber,
City Administrator