Planning Commission Minutes 02-15-1977 . REGULAR MEEI'ING OF PLANNING COMM:ISSION February 15, 1977 - 7:30 P. M. Members present: H. Gillham, D. Bauer, F. Topel, J. Ridgeway, J. W. Miller. Member absent: H. Doerr. 1. Approval of Minutes. Motion by Topel, second by Ridgeway and ummimously carried to approve the minutes of January 19, 1977. . 2. Review of Regulations Relative to Monticello as a Result of a Portion of the Mississippi River being Designated a Com- ponent of the Minnesota Wild Scenic & Recreational Rivers System. Mr. Wayne Sames of the DNR briefly outlined the provisions of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act and the affect it would have on Monticello. He indicated that the cities along the Mississippi River will be required to adopt the Muni- cipal Shoreline Regulations by April 15, 1977. General Development Regulations would apply to Monticello and should not cause much change in our city ordinances. The most noticeable effect of these regulations would be in lot size areas of newly platted subdivisions requiring: 1. 20,000 sq. ft. for unsewered lots 2. 15,000 sq. ft. for sewered lots abutting the river 3. 10,000 sq. ft. for all other lots within the boundary districts. The setback requirements for non sewered lot would be 100' and 75' for lots served by public sewer. The current city ordinances require 12,000 sq. ft. for re- sidential lots, but since most of the property located along the river within the city has already been platted, the square footage requirements of the new regulations would not have much affect on Monticello since all previously platted lots are grandfathered in. The general development regulations would also apply to the property abutting Otter Creek in Monticello, such as lot size and setback requirements. Chairman H. Gillham appointed planning commission members Bauer and J. Miller, Dick Dwinell of H. Dahlgren & Assoc., and G. Wieber, city administrator, to a committee to study and reconmend an ordinance that can be presented to the city council for adoption. . . . . 3. Public Hearing & Consideration of Rezoning Parcel from R-1 to R-2 for a Four Unit Apartment. Ron Doerr requested that Lot 7 of Doerr Estates be rezoned from R-1 (Single Family Residential) to R-2 (Single and Two Family Residential) to allow a four unit apartment as a conditional use. The present city ordinance does not allow a 4 unit apartment in an R-1 zone either as a permitted or conditional use, but does allow a 4 unit apartment as a conditional use in an R-2 zone. Steve Johnson presented the planning commission a letter opposing the rezoning. He felt that the area is presently single family residences and property owners developed the area with the assumption that it would remain single family. Greg Roden also spoke in opposition to the 4 plex and felt that such a develolEent would hurt the property values of surrounding neighbors. As an alternative to rezoning, a 4 unit dwelling co~d be allowed as a conditional use in an R-1 zone, with possibly more stringent oonditions than presently required in an R-2 area. Such conditions might include requiring the lot size to be sufficient to provide 75% of the required single family residence for each unit. Commission consensus was to table this request until Mr. Doerr can present building plans and site plans for com- mission review. 4. Consideration of Variance for a Mobile Home in an R-1 Zone. Mr. Charles Biegert requested a variance to allow a mobile home in an R-1 zoning district for his mother. Mr. Biegert presented a petition signed by surrounding neighbors indicating they would have no objections. A motion was made by Ridgeway, second by Topel and unanimously carried to deny the variance request to locate a mobile home in an R-1 zone. 5. Consideration of Allowing a Duplex in an R-1 Zoning District. Pat Donahue requested a variance be granted to allow a duplex in an R-1 zone. Mr. Donahue would like to move a home he purchased just east of the Monticello Hospital to Lot 11, Block 5, River Terrace Addi tion. The Planning Commission reoommended holding a Public Hearing to rezone the parcel in question to R-2 (Single & Two Family Residential) because the property is adjacent to an existing duplex that was "grandfathered" in and is also adjacent to an R-2 zoning district. . . . .. 6. Review of Comprehensive Plan. Dick Dwinell discussed with the Planning Commission the pre- liminary goals and policies of the Orderly Annexation Area Board as they relate to the city and orderly annexation area comprehensive plan. Mr. Dwinell indicated that planning statements will now be prepared for the comprehensive plan based upon the recent pre- liminary goals and policies adopted by the OAA Board. 7. The Planning Commission discussed Electro Industries interest in acquiring the property and buildings formerly occupied by Dycon, Inc. The present zoning is R-1 (Single FBJIlily) but it appears that when the new comprehensive plan tor the city and orderly annexation area is completed, the zoning may be changed to Light Industrial, which would seem compatible to the adjacent property. J. W. Miller, building inspector, informed the Commission that a prospective buyer of the Steak Hut building plans to construct an addition to the building for use as a Montgomery Ward catalog store. The Commission didntt forsee any problems if the building meets all building codes for a change of occupancy. Motion to adjourn by Topel, second by Ridgeway. ~lf~1r~ Adm. Asst. RW/mjq