Planning Commission Minutes 04-12-1977 . . . PLANNING COMMISSION :M:EEl'ING April 12, 1977 -- 7:30 P.M. Present: Absent: Howard Gillham, Henry Doerr, Dave Bauer, Fred Topel, J. W. Miller. Jim Ridgeway. 1. Topel made a motion, seconded by Bauer and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of March 15, 1977 as presented. 2. Discussion on Duplex - Bud Kline. Mr. Bud Kline is proposing to build a duplex on Lots 8 and 9, Block 10. The Commission discussed whether the newly adopted landscaping ordinances re- quiring 1% of the development coats or $1500 mini.nnJm would apply to two family dwellings. Same members of the committee felt that tIle $1500 minimum was too excessive for duplex developments and that this provision of the new ordinance would not apply to residential developments. Topel made a motion, seconded by Doerr and unanimously carried to recommend approval for Mr. Kline's application for a building permit to construct a duplex and also recommended to the city council that the $1500 minimum land- scaping requirement be waived for this parcel. 3. Public Hearing - Rezoning and Variance Request - John Sandberg. Mr. Sandberg applied for the following: 1. Rezoning of property described in enclosed notice of public hearing and depicted in certificate of survey alao enclosed from B-4 (Regional Business) to R-2 (Single & Two Family Residential). 2. Variance from lot width and lot area ordinance requirements of 80 feet and 10,000 square feet respectively. Proposed lot would be 68 feet wide and 8,976 square feet in area. A petition was received from a majority of the property owners on the block in question indicating their preference that the entire block be rezoned to residential. The Commission discussed whether Mr. Sandberg's lot which he was requesting to subdivide was a valid lot for development since the existing house had been built on both lots. A legal opinion may have to be obtained to deter- mine whether both lots are considered as one lot of record because of the existing hou:l e covering two lots. Since the Public Hearing for the rezoning request does not include the entire block, but rather just a portion of one lot, Bauer made a motion, seconded by Topel and unanimously carried to deny the rezoning and variance request for Lots 1 and 2, Block 30, to Mr. John Sandberg. . 4. Consideration of Ordinance Adopting Municipal Shorelands and Mississippi Wild Scenic River Regulations. Mr. Paul Swenson reviewed the model ordinance relative-,to the Wild Scenic River Act with the Planning Commission. The proposed ordinance has been reviewed and approved by the Plamling Commission appointed subcommittee and Dick Dwinell of Howard Dahlgren and Associates. Some significant provisions of the ordinance are as follows: 1. Lots not served by publ~c sewer shall be at least 20,000 sq. ft. and 100' wide. Lots served by public sewer shall be at least 15,000 sq. ft. and 75' wide. 2. Setbacks shall be at least 100' from the high water mark for lots not served by sewer and 75' for lots served by public sewer. 3. Substandard lots of record which do not meet the requirements of the new ordinance may be allowed as building sites provided such use is permitted in the zoning district. Since Monticello's river frontage and frontage along Otter Creek is almost entirely platted, there would be a very minimal effect on MOnticello relative to lot sizes. A pUblic hearing will be held in the near future to explain the provisions of the proposed ordinance to the public. . 5. Consideration of a Public Miniature Golf Course in a Mobile Home Park. Vivian J. McLaughlin, owner of River Terrace Park, requested the city to allow a miniature golf course on her property. The permitted acoessory uses in a Mobile Home Park district includes recreational facilities which are operated for the enjoyment and convenience of the residents. This would allow a miniature golf course in a mobile home park that was intended for the use by the mobile home park reaidents and guests only. The commission discussed the possibility of issuing an annual license to operate a facility such as a miniature golf course. A license could be reviewed annually to insure that the facility is bein~ operated according to the present zoning ordinances. Gillham made a motion, seconded by Bauer and unanimously carried to recommend amending the present ordinances to allow for an anrlual license for Miniature Golf Courses, if such a use is permitted under the current zoning regulations. The committee also recommended that the River Terrace Mobile Hame Park be granted a license to operate a miniature Golf Course intended for use by the MObile Home Park residents since it would qualify as a permitted accessory use in a.n R-4 zone. . -2- . . . 6. Discussion on Possible Expansion by the Trinity Lutheran Church. Two members of the Trinity Lutheran Church building committee discussed with the Planning Commission some possible future expansion plans for the church. They were interested in obtaining the committee's reaction in regard to building a new church at their present location, (Block 49) or building a new church on the east end of the city on a parcel of land that could be purchased. Discussion centered on whether there would be enough area available for parking, etc., at their present si1eon Broadwciy. The church representatives indicated that they would not be ablete provide all of the required parking area at the present time, but would be attempting to purchase additional property at their current location when the parcels became available. They indicated that all requirements would be met if they should decide to build at the new location. The Planning Commission did not want to make any fim. recommendations until more detailed plans are presented concerning the building and site layout, but did feel that starting at a new location may be the better alternative. The church representative will report back to the Planning Comnission when more infonnation is availa.ble. 7. Discussion on Subdivision Ordinance requirin~ trees to be 121anted in new subdivision. The committee discussed ways of enforCing new subdivisions to plant the re- quired (3) trees per lot, if no:re currently exist. Comni ttee consensus was to require the developer of any new subdivision to plant the required (3) trees, if necessary, on each lot. The committee felt that placement of the trees should be located either in the right of way (boulevard) or just off the boulevard so as to not obstruct any future building excavation. The City Administrator was asked to contact Sam Perraro and advise him that if he does not plan to continue construction of homes in Hillcrest Second Addition, the previously excavated basesments should be filled in. A special meeting of the planning commission will be held on Tuesday, April 26th to review the orderly annexation area comprehensive plan. Motion was made by Bauer, seconded by Toper, and unanimously carried to adjourn. 0;/. in uJ~~ ~fstel~ Administrative Assistant RW/mjq -3-