Planning Commission Agenda 08-03-2021AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, August 3, 2021 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Paul Konsor, Andrew Tapper, Alison Zimpfer, Eric Hagen and Teri Lehner Council Liaison: Charlotte Gabler Staff: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), and Ron Hackenmueller 1. General Business A. Call to Order B. Consideration of approving minutes a. Special Meeting Minutes —July 6, 2021 b. Regular Meeting Minutes —July 6, 2021 C. Citizen Comments D. Consideration of adding items to the agenda E. Consideration to approve agenda 2. Public Hearing A. Public Hearing — Consideration of a Request for Conditional Use Permit and Variance to Size of an Accessory Use Structure — Major in the R-1 (Single Family Residence) District Applicant: William Swan B. Public Hearing — Consideration of a Request for Amendment to the Affordable Self -Storage PUD District for On -Site Storage Pods Applicant: Keith Burnham C. Public Hearing — Consideration of a Request for Preliminary and Final Plat for a Car Wash Facility in the B-3 (Highway Business) District Applicant: RRG Holdings, LLC D. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Request for Ordinance Amendment to allow Excavation of Materials in the B-3 and B-4 Districts by Interim Use Permit 3. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of finding that land acquisition of Outlot A, Cedar Street Addition by the City of Monticello is in conformity with the Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan. B. Consideration of the Community Development Director's Report 4. Added Items 5. Adjournment MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, July 6th, 2021- 4:45 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Paul Konsor, Andrew Tapper, and Eric Hagen Commissioners Absent: Alison Zimpfer Council Liaison Absent: Charlotte Gabler Staff Present: Angela Schumann and Ron Hackenmueller 1. Call to Order Paul Konsor called the Special Meeting of the Monticello Planning Commission to order at 4:45 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Interview of Planning Commissioner Candidate and Recommendation of Candidate The Planning Commission interviewed Teri Lehner for the vacant Planning Commissioner position. The position was previously held by John Alstad who resigned from the board. Any recommendation of a candidate would be forward to the City Council on July 12, 2021. ANDREW TAPPER MOVED TO RECOMMEND TERI LEHNER TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. ERIC HAGEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 3-0. 4. Adjourn Paul Konsor adjourned the meeting at 5:25 p.m. Recorder: Angela Schumann Approved: August 3rd, 2021 Attest: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director Planning Commission Minutes (Special Meeting) —July 6th, 2021 Page 1 1 1 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Paul Konsor, Andrew Tapper, Alison Zimpfer, and Eric Hagen Council Liaison Present: Charlotte Gabler Staff Present: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), and Ron Hackenmueller 1. General Business A. Call to Order Paul Konsor called the Regular Meeting of the Monticello Planning Commission to order at 6:00 p.m. B. Consideration of approving minutes a. Regular Meeting Minutes —June 1, 2021 ERIC HAGEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES —JUNE 1, 2021. ANDREW TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. C. Citizen Comments None. D. Consideration of adding items to the agenda Angela Schumann noted that the City of Monticello received a request for appeal of administrative decision related to the 15 percent brick or stone requirement in the R-1 District. The item was requested to be presented as 313. ANDREW TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA. ALISON ZIMPFER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. Eric Hagen requested the addition to the Regular Agenda for a recommendation of appointment to the Planning Commission. PAUL KONSOR MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA. ERIC HAGEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. Eric Hagen also requested adding to the Regular Agenda an item for a proxy for Vice Chair with the resignation of John Alstad. E. Consideration to approve agenda ERIC HAGEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA. PAUL KONSOR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. 2. Public Hearing A. Public Hearing — Consideration of a Request for Conditional Use Permit for a Group Residential Facility, Multi -Family in an R-3 District Applicant: Dawn Rogosheske Angela Schumann explained that the Planning Commission was being asked to Planning Commission Minutes —July 6th, 2021 Page 1 1 8 reauthorize a previously approved Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Group Residential Facility, Multifamily. The property is located at 612 5t" Street West. Schumann noted that according to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. The applicant has one year to secure and begin construction or commencement of the use authorized under the CUP. At this point, the applicant had not yet begun that work causing the CUP to expire. The applicant is only requesting one change from the previous approval. The applicant is proposing a platform lift system. Staff recommended approval of the application with conditions as explained in Exhibit Z. Eric Hagen asked if the pandemic and construction difficulties were the main reason for the request. Schumann noted that was correct and that the applicant sited those as concerns. Charlotte Gabler noted the applicants future switch from a group residential facility to assisted living with the CUP. She asked if the zoning would remain the same. Schumann noted that was correct due to the number of residents at the facility. Paul Konsor opened the public hearing. Hearing no comments, the public hearing was closed. ANDREW TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR GROUP RESIDENTIAL FACILITY, MULTI -FAMILY FOR 612 5T" STREET WEST, BASED ON FINDINGS IN RESOLUTION PC -2021-020 AND SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS IN EXHIBIT Z. ALISON ZIMPFER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval Rogosheske Conditional Use Permit 612 St" Street West 1. Density of residents shall equal no more than one person per 520 square feet of total net livable area in the principal dwelling. 2. Living accommodations for on-site resident staff may be accommodated as needed and shall be deducted from the principal dwelling square footage for purposes of determining density in (1) above. 3. The property shall maintain a minimum of 30% landscaped green space based on the gross area of the property. 4. The exterior building addition shall be designed and constructed to be consistent with the architectural character of the neighborhood in which it is located. 5. Comments of the Building Official, and other staff and Planning Commission. Planning Commission Minutes—July 6th, 2021 Page 2 18 B. Public Hearing — Consideration of a Request for Variance to Cul -de -Sac Length, Rezoning to Planned Unit Development, Development Stage Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plat for 28 Twin Home Units in the R-2 (Single Family and 2 Family Residential) District Applicant: Mark Elliot Homes Steve Grittman introduced the item and explained in detail the development proposal for 28 twin home units in the R-2 District and noted that it is surrounded by a variety of different zones. The Monticello Comprehensive Plan notes the area as Mixed Density Residential, which the proposal falls below the recommended density, however staff believes that it is an appropriate land use of the property. The property is slightly under seven acres. Grittman showed the location of the proposal and the site plan. The development is proposed as a Planned Unit Development (PUD) for two primary reasons. The design of the plat creates building lots around the individual building sites and common area surrounding these areas. Technically, the building lots do not have street frontage. The second request is for the cul -du -sac length. Per the subdivision ordinance, cul -du -sacs should not be larger than 600 feet, whereas the applicant proposed slightly over 700 feet. Grittman noted the impracticality of bringing the cul -du -sac out to Elm Street or 7t" Street. He also explained that additional traffic generated at the proposed intersection was not seen as an issue and the additional right-of- way would accommodate any of the necessary changes. Staff recommended approval of the application with conditions as explained in Exhibit Z. Paul Konsor asked if they were twinhomes or townhomes. Grittman noted they are two family homes or twin homes. Konsor asked if these units would be owner or rental occupied. Grittman responded that it was his understanding that they would be owner occupied and a homeowner association would be established. Konsor asked if there was a landscaping buffer requirement on the west. Grittman confirmed that there are land use changes requiring the additional landscaping. Konsor noted that there is not a buffer requirement on the north side. Grittman confirmed as the zoning is the same as the subject parcel. The City anticipates a medium density project on the parcel to the north in the future. Konsor asked about Building 1 and the proposed 25 -foot side yard setback. Grittman confirmed and noted the zoning ordinance requires only a 20 -foot side yard setback in the R-2. Andrew Tapper asked for clarification on lot lines. Eric Hagen asked for clarification on the two proposed pathways. Grittman explained that because the property abuts collector streets (7t" Street and Elm Street), there is a pathway requirement in the right-of-way along Elm Street. Grittman explained that one of the quirks of the parcel is that it does not extend all the way to the corner of 7t" Street and Elm Street as there is an intervening parcel. There is a little bit of frontage along 7t" Street that would Planning Commission Minutes—July 6th, 2021 Page 3 18 require pathway. Grittman noted that 7th Street is unique and that there is not pathway west of the subject parcel. Hagen asked if there were any implications for having a path in front of the entrance monument sign. Grittman noted that any monumentation would have to be on private property. Andrew Tapper asked what happens with the triangle parcel along 7th Street and Elm Street. Grittman noted that the parcel is part of the west. Tapper asked if there was a screening requirement because of the change in zones from the two parcels. Grittman explained that there would not be because there is an intervening right-of-way. Grittman stated that no commercial development would be located on the small triangle parcel. Charlotte Gabler asked if the Fire Department reviewed the proposal. Angela Schumann confirmed they were part of the staff review and made comments related to compliance to standards for width and turning radius at the cul -du - sac. Gabler also asked that staff recommended requiring a sidewalk inside of the development. Grittman confirmed. Gabler asked that parking was sufficient for the development proposal. Grittman explained that there is room to park two cars on the driveway without extending into the road. Parking on the public street could also occur as adequate width is proposed. Paul Konsor opened the public hearing. Patti Pratt, 514 Elm Street, noted traffic concerns with Elm Street. She recommended a three way stop or some traffic calming measures. Pratt also asked where children would play that lived in this development as the back yards are small and no playground existed on the proposed site plan. Grittman noted that the applicant is proposing this as an age restricted neighborhood of 55 years plus. Konsor asked if they needed to add that as a condition of Exhibit Z. Grittman stated that was an aspect of the application, but it's inherent of their request. Konsor asked if clarification on Ms. Pratt's comments for a three way stop. She recommended at 6th Street and Elm Street or at 7th Street and Elm Street. Gabler asked if at the intersection of 7th Street and Elm Street there has been any traffic count or study. Schumann was not aware of any traffic count or study for that section of Elm Street, however the intersection of Elm Street and 6th Street & Elm Street and Golf Course Road are an area that have been studied for pedestrians and cyclists through Safe Routes to School. Mark Pasvogel, applicant/Mark Elliot Homes, introduced himself. Gabler asked for confirmation on that the homes would be for 55 years plus. Pasvogel confirmed that was the goal. Hagen asked if the applicant could speak more about the concern for pathways on 7th Street and Elm Street. Pasvogel noted that with these types of communities, privacy is a big deal. Pasvogel noted that sidewalk on Elm Street is a good idea to connect it to the west with existing sidewalk. They had concerns with the southern portion of the sidewalk connection. Gabler asked about if eliminating a few buildings would still make the project work. Pasvogel noted they needed both buildings Planning Commission Minutes —July 6th, 2021 Page 4 18 to make the project work, but they are looking to adjusting it to provide more room for units 25 and 26. Pasvogel reiterated concerns with having pathway in connecting from the cul -du -sac to Elm Street. Konsor asked if the developer talked to the owner of the triangle piece parcel to see if it could be part of their development. Pasvogel declined. It was noted a similar development at the intersection of Edmonson Avenue and Elm Street. Schumann commented that the City has received concerns from residents with the public use of the pathway that connects from their development to the School Boulevard pathway. One letter of public comment was received by the City and included in the agenda packet. The letter comments on the traffic on 7t" Street and the loss of the open space given this is a vacant property. Hagen asked if we were aware of any wildlife in the area that would need to be relocated. Schumann explained not that she was aware of. Hearing no comments, the public hearing was closed. Zimpfer commented that the setback for units 9 and 10 according to the applicant was because of privacy of the units next to them but noted that other units are looking into each other. Decision 1: Consideration of a Preliminary Plat for Stony Brook Village ERIC HAGEN MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC 2021-021 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE STONY BROOK VILLAGE PRELIMINARY PLAT, SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS IN EXHIBIT Z WITH AN AMENDMENT TO ITEM 8 — REMOVING THE STIPULATION OF A CUL -DU -SAC ELM STREET PATHWAY CONNECTION AND BASED ON FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION. PAUL KONSOR SECONDED THAT MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. Decision 2: Consideration of a Rezoning to PUD, Planned Unit Development District ERIC HAGEN MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC 2021-022 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE STONY BROOK VILLAGE REZONING TO PUD, SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS IN EXHIBIT Z WITH AN AMENDMENT TO ITEM 8 — REMOVING THE STIPULATION OF A CUL -DU -SAC ELM STREET PATHWAY CONNECTION AND BASED ON FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION. PAUL KONSOR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. Decision 3: Consideration of a Development Stage PUD �:�[�l7le�eL�►�1[�>►�I�l�lel�Z�li�:i�.��Il�J1�[�]►��[�al�► ��i �L►�c�:i��Z�l► 1► I��l]I�[� APPROVAL OF THE STONY BROOK VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT STAGE PUD, SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS IN EXHIBIT Z WITH AN AMENDMENT TO ITEM 8 — REMOVING THE Planning Commission Minutes —July 6th, 2021 Page 5 1 8 STIPULATION OF A CUL -DU -SAC ELM STREET PATHWAY CONNECTION AND BASED C�1►��1►1�]I►[eL�l►[•�_11�1:ZX•��1��)r1[�LA�_111�:(�l►[►��]:�•y��L�L � � �:L�► [���[�1►� MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval Stony Brook Village Preliminary Plat, Development Stage PUD Revise the landscaping plan to increase understory tree planting along the west buffer of at least 42 ACI. Remove unwanted species including Siberian Elm and Boxelder trees as a component of the landscaping plan. Replace the Specimen Tree loss as required by city ordinance. Revise the landscaping plan to add additional planting along the Elm Street exposure and the stormwater ponding areas. 4. Clarify the potential for porches or patios in the rear of the units. Address landscaping in the areas of the patios to provide additional privacy screening and buffering. 6. Address the discrepancy in west lot line location with the County Surveyor as a part of the Plat recording process. 7. Consideration of shifting building/lot locations around the cul-de-sac to minimize the siting of buildings behind adjoining structures as noted in this report. 8. Provision of sidewalk along the internal street, pathway along Elm Street. Fd era ii'r66ii PrcccF6 , crn the -eR cr9 the - Compliance with the terms of the City's engineering staff letter dated June 24tH 2021. 10. Comments and recommendations of other staff and Planning Commission. C. Public Hearine — Consideration of a Reauest for Rezonine to Planned Unit Development, Development Stage Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plat for 94 Townhome Units in the B-4 (Regional Business) District Applicant: Monticello Meadow Townhomes, LLC (Peter Stalland) Steve Grittman explained that the applicants are reconsidering their townhouse proposal and have submitted a revised site plan that would consist of a 200 -unit multifamily development. Following the adjournment of the Regular Meeting, the Planning Commission and City Council will meet in a joint work session, to discuss the revised plans. Grittman noted that there is no action for the Planning Commission to take on this item, pending the applicant's confirmation that they are waiving the 60 -day decision rule that Planning Commission Minutes—July 6th, 2021 Page 6 18 the City has to make on the original application layout. Paul Konsor opened the public hearing. Mark Welch, G Cubed Engineering representing the applicant, noted that the applicant would be sending a letter waiving the 60 -day review and tabling action on the request. The applicant's will withdraw their original application if everything goes well with the revised multifamily plans. Hearing no further comments, the public hearing was closed. PAUL KONSOR MOVED TO TABLE THE AGENDA ITEM. ALISON ZIMPFER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. 3. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of a request for a one-year extension of a Variance to the required 10' side yard setback in the Mississippi Wild Scenic Recreational River District in the R-1 (Single -Family Residence) District Applicant: Chris Holtz Due to the pandemic and construction pricing, the applicant is requesting a one- year extension of their previously approved variance. Angela Schumann noted that the applicant is working though the conditions of approval with the City's Engineering and Building Departments. The applicant intends to begin construction this year yet. ALISON ZIMPFER MOVED TO APPROVE A ONE-YEAR EXTENSION (JULY 7T", 2022) FORTH E VARIANCE APPROVED ON JULY 7T", 2020 FOR 205 RIVERVIEW DRIVE. PAUL KONSOR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. B. (ADDED ITEM) — Consideration of Administrative Appeal Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapter. Applicant: Erin Jones. Angela Schumann noted that this is an individual request for administrative appeal to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance for the requirement for 15 percent brick or stone on the front facade in the R-1 District. The request is for the construction of one new home in the Club West subdivision. The applicant has requested that the Planning Commission consider an alternative building design, that is outlined and allowed by the Zoning Ordinance. Staff recommended approval of the request and believe the design presented on the fagade includes a number of desired aesthetic improvements that are specifically outlined as alternatives within the code. Schumann noted that this includes the board and batten siding, in addition to the vertical siding included along the porch. The porch is more than the six-foot minimum usable. There are additional design details including the eyebrow above the garage, additional window detailing above the garage, and there are corbel features on the eves of the home. In addition, on the gables facing the fagade the roof pitches are 12' x 12'. Overall the main structure of the house has gables set at 8' x 12'. Planning Commission Minutes—July 6th, 2021 Page 7 18 ALISON ZIMPFER MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC 2021-024 APPROVING THE APPEAL AS SUBMITTED BY ERIN JONES AND AS SUBMITTED IN THE PLAN DATED 5/19/21, BASED ON THE FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION. PAUL KONSOR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. Eric Hagen noted the importance of how the request met the zoning ordinance for alternative materials to the brick or stone requirement. ADDED ITEM: Recommendation to Fill the Planning Commission Vacancy: Angela Schumann noted that the Planning Commission made a formal recommendation at its special meeting to appoint its interviewee — Teri Lehner. The recommendation will be forward to the City Council on July 12, 2021. ADDED ITEM: Recommendation of Vacant Vice Chair Position: Angela Schumann noted the opportunity of the Planning Commission to fill the vice chair position or they could wait until the appointment of Teri Lehner. Alison Zimpfer recommended waiting until the new appointment began before making a recommendation on vice chair. ERIC HAGEN TABLED ACTION ON SELECTING A VICE CHAIR. PAUL KONSOR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. C. Consideration of the Community Development Director's Report Angela Schumann provided the Community Development Director's Report as included in the agenda. 4. Added Items Added items were discussed prior. 5. Adjournment ANDREW TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:20 P.M. ALISON ZIMPFER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. Recorder: Angela Schumann Approved: August 3rd, 2021 Attest: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director Planning Commission Minutes —July 6th, 2021 Page 8 1 8 MINUTES SPECIAL JOINT WORKSHOP - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, July 6th, 2021- 7 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Council Present: Mayor Lloyd Hilgart, Jim Davidson, Charlotte Gabler, Brian Hudgins, Sam Murdoff Commissioners Present: Paul Konsor, Andrew Tapper, Alison Zimpfer, Eric Hagen Staff Present: Rachel Leonard, Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, Steve Grittman 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of a Concept Stage Planned Unit Development Proposal for a 200 -Unit Multi -Family Residential Development Applicant: Baldur Real Estate, LLC 4. Adjourn Recorder: Angela Schumann Approved: August 3rd, 2021 Attest: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director Planning Commission Minutes (Special/Joint Meeting) —July 6th, 2021 Page 1 1 1 Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/2021 2A. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit and Variance to Size of an Accessory Use Structure — Major in the R-1 (Single Family Residence) District Applicant: Bill Swan Prepared by: Northwest Meeting Date: Council Date (pending Associated Consultants (NAC) Commission action): 08/03/2021 08/23/21 Additional Analysis by: Community Development Director, Chief Building and Zoning Official, Community & Economic Development Coordinator, Project Engineer REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Property: Legal Description: Lot 4, Block 4, Featherstone 4t" Addition PID: 155-252-004040 Planning Case Number: 2021-023 Request(s): Conditional Use Permit to construct a detached garage resulting in total garage space of more than 1,200 square feet, and Variance to allow garage space of more 1,500 square feet. Deadline for Decision: August 25, 2021 (60 -day deadline) October 24, 2021 (120 -day deadline) Land Use Designation: Low Density Residential Zoning Designation: R-1, Single Family Residential Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: NA Current Site Uses: Single Family Residential Surrounding Land Uses: North: Single Family Residential East: Single Family Residential South: Vacant - Agricultural West: Single Family Residential Project Description: The applicant is proposing to add a detached garage to the property currently developed with a single-family home, 1 Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/2021 including an attached garage. The proposed detached garage would exceed the maximum 1,500 square feet of garage space on a residential parcel. F -A LIF -M -1&V Conditional Use Permit. The subject site is zoned R-1 Single -Family Residence District. Within the R-1 district, detached garages are an allowed accessory use. The zoning ordinance limits total accessory building floor area to 1,200 square feet, or 1,500 square feet by CUP. 5.3(D)(2)(a)( (i) Size. 1. Except by Conditional Use Permit issued pursuant to Section 5.3(D)(2)(a)(i)(2) below, no detached accessory building shall exceed ten percent (10%) of the rear yard of the parcel on which it is located, nor shall any combination of attached garage and detached accessory building exceed the following maximum area, whichever is less: a. 1,200 square feet; or b. The gross square footage of the principal building footprint. Staff Comment: Because the garage is greater than 1,200 square feet and exceeds the footprint of the home, a CUP has been applied for. 2. The size limitations for accessory building area listed in Section 5.3(D)(2)(a)(i)(1) above may be increased, up to a maximum square footage of 1,500 square feet, by the issuance of a Conditional Use permit when the following conditions are found to exist: a. Accessory building space is to be utilized solely for the storage of residential personal property of the occupant of the principal dwelling, and no accessory building space is to be utilized for commercial purposes. Staff Comment: The applicant has stated previously that the garage will be used for storage of personal property. As a condition of approval, no commercial business will be allowed in the new garage or existing garage. b. The parcel on which the accessory building is to be located is of sufficient size such that the building will not crowd the open space on the lot. Staff Comment: The lot is more than .6 acres in size. The proposed side yard where the building is proposed of sufficient size to accommodate this accessory structure behind the front building line as measured from the cul-de-sac. 2 Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/2021 C. The accessory building will not be so large as to have an adverse effect on the architectural character or reasonable residential use of the surrounding property. Staff Comment: The new garage will be 768 square feet. While this size appears to fit within the required setbacks of the parcel, when combined with the current attached garage square footage of 792 square feet, the total area is 1,560 square feet, over the maximum threshold. The applicant's materials suggests that the existing attached garage area is 720 square feet, however, the building floor plan shows the higher figure cited here. The applicant has requested a variance to exceed the 1,500 square foot maximum, which is reviewed below. d. The accessory buildings shall be constructed to be similar to the principal building in architectural style and building materials. Staff Comment: The applicant has stated their intent to provide lapped siding with brick on the fagade to match the house, per City code requirements. Variance. For variances, the applicant is required to demonstrate that they have a unique physical condition on the subject property that creates a practical difficulty in putting the property to what would otherwise be considered a reasonable use. Such conditions may not be caused by the applicant/owner, nor may they be solely economic in nature. In the subject case, the applicant has not identified any such condition. The primary argument put forth by the applicant relates to the ability to fit the building within the required setbacks and lot area. However, the City's standard, following state law, requires a unique condition that interferes with property rights otherwise common in the area. The City has not granted such variances on residential parcels in the past, and the applicant's property is a typical single family lot, although it is somewhat larger than the average. Such larger lots are permitted to construct larger accessory buildings than the base standard of 1,200 square feet, but the cap is 1,500 by CUP, as discussed above. Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/2021 ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for a detached garage with a total of more than 1,200 square feet on a single-family parcel. 1. Motion to adopt Resolution No. PC -2021-025, recommending approval of the Conditional Use Permit, based on findings in said resolution, and the conditions of approval as required in the ordinance and in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the adoption of Resolution No. PC 2021-025, based on findings to be made by the Planning Commission following the public hearing. 3. Motion to table action on Resolution No. PC 2021-025, pending additional information from staff or the applicant. Decision 2: Variance from the maximum total garage space on a single-family parcel. 1. Motion to adopt Resolution No. PC -2021-026 (approval) approving the variance for a detached garage that increases total garage space to 1,560 square feet, based on findings to be identified by the Planning Commission, sitting as the Board of Adjustments and Appeals. 2. Motion to deny the adoption of Resolution No. PC -2021-026 (denial), denying the variance for a detached garage exceeding the total square footage allowance of 1,500 square feet on a single-family parcel, based on the findings in said resolution. 3. Motion to table action on Resolution No. PC -2021-026, pending additional information from staff or applicant. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit, Decision 1, Alternative 1, based on the findings in the supporting resolution. The lot is large enough to support additional detached garage space. However, staff's recommendation includes a condition that the building result in a total garage area of no more than 1,500 square feet when combined with the existing attached garage. Staff recommends denial of the Variance to exceed the 1,500 square foot threshold. There are no apparent conditions that would satisfy the uniqueness, practical difficulties, or reasonable use requirements found in both the City's ordinance nor state law. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC -2021-025, Conditional Use Permit B. Resolution PC -2021-026, Variance (approval) C. Resolution PC -2021-026, Variance (denial) 4 D. Subject Site Arial E. Applicant Narrative F. Site Survey and Proposed Structure G. Applicant Home Elevation and Floor Plan H. Proposed Structure Elevations I. Site Plan J. Supplemental Applicant Information K. Supplemental Applicant Illustration Z. Conditions of Approval 5 Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/2021 Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/2021 :3:1111 to CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT GARAGE SPACE TOTALLING 1,500 SQUARE FEET 8526 EBBEN CIRCLE 1. The applicant provide a certificate of survey including the proposed structure for building permit. 2. The structure is constructed per plans, with the exception that the building is reduced in size to ensure that a total of 1,500 square feet of garage area is maintained on the property. 3. No business use may be made of the building, and such building is utilized solely for the storage of personal residential equipment and materials. 4. The exterior materials used to finish the accessory structure must match the existing home in material type and color. 5. No exterior lighting be attached to the garage that will glare onto adjoining property. 6. The disturbed areas of the site shall be seeded or sodded within one (1) calendar year of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 7. The proposed driveway be constructed as illustrated on the site survey, which shall limit the width of the driveway at the property line to that allowed by ordinance. 8. Recommendation of the City Engineer as related to site grading and drainage. 9. Comments and recommendations of other staff. 0 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-025 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A DETACHED GARAGE IN AN R-1 (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE) DISTRICT 8526 EBBEN CIRCLE, LOT 4, BLOCK 4, FEATHERSTONE 4T" ADDITION WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to construct a detached garage structure in the side yard portion of the subject property for storage of private residential storage and lawn equipment; and WHEREAS, the proposed attached garage space would exceed the standard garage area of 1,200 square feet; and WHEREAS, garage space, when exceeding 1,200 square feet, requires a Conditional Use Permit, and WHEREAS, the site is zoned Single -Family Residence (R-1) and, which allows such use by Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Places to Live" for the area; and WHEREAS, the applicants have provided materials documenting the proposed structure and location of the structure on the subject property; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 3rd, 2021 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The applicant has provided plans demonstrating that the detached garage will be in compliance with maximum square footage requirements, which require a maximum square footage for attached and detached accessory structures of 1,500 square feet, or a separate variance to exceed that total. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-025 2. The applicant has provided plans demonstrating that the detached garage addition is architecturally similar to the principal structure in roofline and fagade appearance, subject to appropriate conditions of approval. 3. The parcel is a lot which will accommodate the accessory space without crowding the subject property or neighboring parcels. 4. The building will be constructed so as to be consistent with the use and building massing of other single-family structures common in the community and in the neighborhood. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit for a detached garage, subject to the conditions identified in Exhibit Z of the Staff report, as listed below: 1. The applicant provide a certificate of survey including the proposed structure for building permit. 2. The structure is constructed per plans, with the exception that the building is reduced in size to ensure that a total of 1,500 square feet of garage area is maintained on the property, unless a separate variance is approved for additional square footage. 3. No business use may be made of the building, and such building is utilized solely for the storage of personal residential equipment and materials. 4. The exterior materials used to finish the accessory structure must match the existing home in material type and color. 5. No exterior lighting be attached to the garage that will glare onto adjoining property. 6. The disturbed areas of the site shall be seeded or sodded within one (1) calendar year of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 7. The proposed driveway be constructed as illustrated on the site survey, which shall limit the width of the driveway at the property line to that allowed by ordinance. 8. Recommendation of the City Engineer as related to site grading and drainage. 9. Comments and recommendations of other staff. ADOPTED this 3rd day of August, 2021 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-025 eIs] ►11[41=il]we1►1LI11010role] &IXI WI Is] ►1 IA Paul Konsor, Chair ATTEST: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director 3 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-026 DENYING A VARIANCE FOR SQUARE FOOTAGE OF A DETACHED GARAGE IN AN R-1 (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE) DISTRICT 8526 EBBEN CIRCLE, LOT 4, BLOCK 4, FEATHERSTON 4T" ADDITION WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to construct an detached garage structure in the side yard portion of the subject property for storage of private residential storage and lawn equipment; and WHEREAS, the proposed detached garage space would exceed the standard garage area of 1,200 square feet; and WHEREAS, garage space, when exceeding 1,200 square feet, requires a Conditional Use Permit, and WHEREAS, the proposed garage space, including attached and detached areas, would exceed 1,500 square feet in floor space, the maximum allowed under the Conditional Use Permit provisions of the zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, the site is zoned Single -Family Residence (R-1) and, which allows such use by Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Places to Live" for the area; and WHEREAS, the applicants have provided materials documenting the proposed structure and location of the structure on the subject property; and WHEREAS, the applicant has not provided evidence to the Planning Commission, sitting as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, that a practical difficulty is present which interferes with putting the property to a reasonable use, which includes a garage of more than 1,500 square feet; and WHEREAS, the City has defined "reasonable use" of single-family residential property as including garage and accessory building space up to a maximum of 1,500 square feet per property; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 3rd, 2021 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-026 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the denial of the variance: The applicant has provided plans demonstrating that the detached garage could be in compliance with maximum square footage requirements, which require a maximum square footage for attached and detached accessory structures of 1,500 square feet, or a separate variance to exceed that total. The applicant has provided plans demonstrating that the detached garage addition is architecturally similar to the principal structure in roofline and fagade appearance, subject to appropriate conditions of approval. 3. The parcel is a lot which will accommodate the accessory space without crowding the subject property or neighboring parcels. 4. The building will be constructed so as to be consistent with the use and building massing of other single-family structures common in the community and in the neighborhood. 5. The applicant's additional square footage is not in keeping with other garage floor areas in the Single -Family Residence District. 6. Restricting the applicant's garage to no more than 1,500 square feet does not deprive the applicant of reasonable use of the property, due to the factors stated above. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby approves the variance for attached and detached garage floor area of up to 1,560 square feet, subject to the conditions identified in Exhibit Z of the Staff report, as listed below: The applicant provide a certificate of survey including the proposed structure for building permit. The structure is constructed per plans, with the exception that the building is reduced in size to ensure that a total of 1,500 square feet of garage area is maintained on the property. No business use may be made of the building, and such building is utilized solely for the storage of personal residential equipment and materials. 4. The exterior materials used to finish the accessory structure must match the existing home in material type and color. 5. No exterior lighting be attached to the garage that will glare onto adjoining property. 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-026 6. The disturbed areas of the site shall be seeded or sodded within one (1) calendar year of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 7. The proposed driveway be constructed as illustrated on the site survey, which shall limit the width of the driveway at the property line to that allowed by ordinance. 8. Recommendation of the City Engineer as related to site grading and drainage. 9. Comments and recommendations of other staff. ADOPTED this 3rd day of August, 2021 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Bv: Paul Konsor, Chair ATTEST: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director 3 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-026 APPROVING A VARIANCE FOR SQUARE FOOTAGE OF A DETACHED GARAGE IN AN R-1 (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE) DISTRICT 8526 EBBEN CIRCLE, LOT 4, BLOCK 4, FEATHERSTONE 4T" ADDITION WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to construct a detached garage structure in the side yard portion of the subject property for storage of private residential storage and lawn equipment; and WHEREAS, the proposed detached garage space would exceed the standard garage area of 1,200 square feet; and WHEREAS, garage space, when exceeding 1,200 square feet, requires a Conditional Use Permit, and WHEREAS, the proposed garage space, including attached and detached areas, would exceed 1,500 square feet in floor space, the maximum allowed under the Conditional Use Permit provisions of the zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, the site is zoned Single -Family Residence (R-1) and, which allows such use by Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Places to Live" for the area; and WHEREAS, the applicants have provided materials documenting the proposed structure and location of the structure on the subject property; and WHEREAS, the applicant has provided evidence to the Planning Commission, sitting as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, that based on extraordinary lot size, proximity to a collector roadway, and other factors, that a practical difficulty is present which interferes with putting the property to a reasonable use, which includes a garage of more than 1,500 square feet; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 3rd, 2021 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-026 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the approval of the variance: 1. The applicant has provided plans demonstrating that the detached garage will be in compliance with maximum square footage requirements, which require a maximum square footage for attached and detached accessory structures of 1,500 square feet, or a separate variance to exceed that total. 2. The applicant has provided plans demonstrating that the detached garage addition is architecturally similar to the principal structure in roofline and fagade appearance, subject to appropriate conditions of approval. 3. The parcel is a lot which will accommodate the accessory space without crowding the subject property or neighboring parcels. 4. The building will be constructed so as to be consistent with the use and building massing of other single family structures common in the community and in the neighborhood. 5. The applicant's additional square footage is in keeping with other garage floor areas in the Single -Family Residence District based on percentage of lot devoted to accessory building space. 6. Restricting the applicant's garage to no more than 1,500 square feet deprives the applicant of reasonable use of the property, due to the factors stated above. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby approves the variance for attached and detached garage floor area of up to 1,560 square feet, subject to the conditions identified in Exhibit Z of the Staff report, as listed below: 1. The applicant provide a certificate of survey including the proposed structure for building permit. 2. The structure is constructed per plans, with the exception that the building is reduced in size to ensure that a total of 1,500 square feet of garage area is maintained on the property, unless a separate variance is approved for additional square footage. 3. No business use may be made of the building, and such building is utilized solely for the storage of personal residential equipment and materials. 4. The exterior materials used to finish the accessory structure must match the existing home in material type and color. 5. No exterior lighting be attached to the garage that will glare onto adjoining property. 6. The disturbed areas of the site shall be seeded or sodded within one (1) calendar year of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-026 7. The proposed driveway be constructed as illustrated on the site survey, which shall limit the width of the driveway at the property line to that allowed by ordinance. 8. Recommendation of the City Engineer as related to site grading and drainage. 9. Comments and recommendations of other staff. ADOPTED this 3rd day of August, 2021 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Bv: Paul Konsor, Chair ATTEST: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director 3 William Swan I Request for Conditional Use Permit and Variance Created by: City of Monticello Legal: Lot 4, Block 4, Featherstone 4th Addition I PID: 155-252-004040 1 8526 Ebben Circle On December 29th, 2020 1 met with individuals from the City of Monticello via video meeting to discuss the possibility of building a detach garage on my property. The property is located in the Featherstone development at 8526 Ebben Cir. Monticello. This property is a new build, due to these uncertain times there have been many construction delays, hence why the lengthily time between our meeting and the return of this application. We homesteaded this address in May of this year. Proposal 1: I am respectfully requesting a variance on the amount of allowable garage space within the city limits of Monticello. i am aware the maximum allowable garage space is 1200. 1 am requesting to have an increase to 1500 square feet. I currently have an attached garage that is 720 square feet. Proposal 2: If approved to 1500 square feet of garage space, I am requesting to build a 24X32 detached garage on the side of my residence, with a parking pad (14 feet wide) on the west side of the garage. This garage will match my house, with the same siding and garage doors to include the appropriate amount of brick work on the front, as requested from the city. I would like to extend my driveway above the boulevard to the secondary structure. At no time will this driveway be used to park any vehicles on. This part of the driveway will only be used as means to access the secondary structure. This secondary structure will only be used for personal use, storage of boat and an additional vehicle. With placement of the secondary structure in the purposed position I am able to meet the requirement of 20 feet off of any roadway and the 6 -foot requirement off of the neighbor's yard (with the 14 ft pad I would be approximately 15 feet off of property line) . I am also able to meet the requirement that no portion of the secondary structure would exceed the front most portion of the residence. Attached you will find a drawing of the approximate placement of my residence. It is important to note that the house was moved closer (then shown on drawing) to setback line making more room for my detach garage (this has been noted on the drawing). By moving the house closer to the setback line, it will allow for approximately 20 feet between my house and the detached garage. This also allowed for 15 feet from the parking pad to the property line. Any question I can be reached at 320-420-4073. Sincerely, Bill Swan Grading As -built SurVey for Novak Builders N 1 Y -• . • - Lot 4, Block 4, FEATHERSTONE FOURTH ADDIT1O City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota r `" - 'I Py ray , ►s� s ,d' .'y' w�- - .0 start .ra usT. ­nam­namm r TK wwr w+ _ PRVv � To ux.v.,s .0 9.vrr va tacaam n-ar , E% OTP R ooc a�,rT .�5 Y.,,. Ebbe/1 Pass - 4` d : yFlM � N 1lO�IO:W' Circ% , `- m �. 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T7- Er 965.5 _ ��'� ten" Lo+rest F3aor Cera y54g 95H9 ^s b' Lywesl ()p n g F- - 96?9 961, 9 Ls u7w u.+.re F.t� s rro...rw Ls _ - - - - e. - - -• - oa - --- - " - -' J a "- SF7'AACXS i . .�.� o..Mn m,�.r...roo loFrom Jo ase- ?:' Sae Sft e - — t._ o.ne.w w•c y raw 7.r -- 85117 St.Fµ0 6P,s r a�- -ei-- .. _. _ Z�rJ.WG .LT.3 _- - - - _ _> _ a- a.mro rw6P � ou.e... L'ESCF'�FT 5"w h° Grading As—built Survey BOGART, PEDERSON I Novak Builders & ASSOCIATES, INC. �• �•�- a S, CJue -- — --. _— { - -_ .._ 4 RS.L{ 94 Cs3 L4, 84, FEATHERSTONE FOURTH ADD - I LEFT ELEVATION IV I/ \IIV 1 LI V/ \I VUL I I\LL 51DING � TRIM 11-011 MAINTENANCE FREE 51DING * TRIM FRONT ELEVATION 1 /8" = 1 '-0" GxG WOOD P05T CEDAR WRAP— m Dnr)P: \/FAITC /\C PF/'llfl BEAR ELEVATION 12 G FRONT TO REAR 1 1 �� FilFil II CONC. PORCH � STEP 12 - 8 miiiiwf-,= jwgq oq M Iwrow ■pom! mil: IVIr\IIV I LIVr\IVVL I I\LL 51DING TRIM 1/(5"= 1 '-0" 090 G'-011 81-011 OVHD. DR. RIGI-IT ELEVATION G" TRIM BD. 12 8 il� ■i�l� alp 9'-011 81-011 OVHD. DR. 1/4"= 1 '-0" 4" TRIM BD,ARZ G99 SFT. (LESS OVHD DR.) 110 SFT. (STONE COVERAGE) 15.74% 1/(5"= 1 '-0" D15CLAIMER IN PREPARATION OF TH15 PLAN EVERY ATTEMPT HAS BEEN MADE TO AVOID MISTAKES. DESIGNER CANNOT GUARANTEE AGAINST HUMAN ERROR. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAME. THESE DESIGNS, CONCEPTS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE AND A5 SUCH REMAIN THE EXCLU51VE PROPERTY OF COUNTRY LUMBER AND ARE NOT TO BE COPIED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF COUNTRY LUMBER. o - - CV (\i N C�') Lc) N — N - O O O Nlz 00 c/ N O N O N Cc) z z Q Q 0 0 OF 4 50'-0" 1 G'-0" G'-8" 23'-0" 121-1011 7'-0" CANT. FLR. SLDR. SLDR. TRUSSES I'-G" SLDR. 5036 5036 F/- 503G T 0 2-2x 10 2-2x 10 3-2x 10 0 �r 5 CRS. 8" CONC. BLK. 77 20" x 8" CONC. FTG. XX BEDROOM = 2xG @ I G" O.C. KNEE WALL 12 CRS. 12" CONC. BLK. – 20" x,5" CONC. FTG. N BASEMENT 6' 2/G "' 4" CONC. FLR. SLAB - 0 �9IN cn )� N OF O 12 CRS. 12" CONC. BLK. 0 Vq �, 2011x 8 CONC. FTG. o 0 6'-0" F[47,59'-4" 3G 3'-G" 13'-G" 3'-G" 14'-2" "� m 5— 3G" 2/4 NOTE 4 � — — — — mN 2-2x 10 `\' NOTE 4 2/6 2/8 WH z — U - N m O N BEDROOM R*S `0 15'-4" 5'-0" 12'-0" - 5'-2" 3'-2" 51-10 " NOTE 4 2-9 1/2' MLH FF__ 12 CRS. 12" C0NC. BLK. 20" x 8" CONC. FTG. DZ 0 UP 0 L2/4 1 5F\ 2/G `n 12 CRS. 12" CONC. BLK. CANT. FLR. 20" x 8" CONC. FTG. `9 TRUSSES I'-G" 0 N I CRS. G" CONC. BLK. UNEXCAVATED 4 CRS. 8" CONC. BLK. 0 I G" x 8" CONC. FTG. �r N I CRS. G" CONC. BLK. 0 4 CRS. (5" CONC. BLK. I G" x (5" CONC. FTG. I CRS. 6" CONC. BLK. 4 CRS. 8" CONC. BLK. I G" x 8" CONC. FTG. - N N NOTES: I) HEADERS AT EXTERIOR I'-4 11211 I'-4 I /2" 2'-10 1/2"L I G'-3" 2'-10 1 /2" 9'-3" DOORS � WINDOWS TO BE SIZED BY SUPPLIER 2) SMOKE DETECTORS AS 15'-0" 1 1'-0" G'-0" 22'-0" 12'-0" REQ'D PER CODE Ir 3) STEP FTG'S � FDN'S AS 321-0"34'_0'1 REQ'D FOR GRADE - VERIFY W/ BUILDER 4) 1 CRS. 4" CURB BLK. 66'-0" I G" x,5" CONC. FTG. 2x4 @ I G" O.C. FULL WALL BASEMENT PLAN 1/4"= 1 '-0" 2 OF 4 35'-0" 15'-0" 10-0" 12'-2" 10'-10" 5'-4" 7'-0" z 0008 SLIDING PATIO DR. r_1 DID 5040 CSMT. LDR. 2-2x 10 2 7050 2-2x 10 0 3-1 1 7/8" MLH � L� o 46 2-9 1/2 MLH X 0 � N - 0 301 N N — Ln / L N 2/4 GAS FIREPLACE W/ FLUSH w `_" X N `V v HEARTH VERIFY DESIGN cn DINING RM. - In 6 N IT - BEDROOM W/ OWNER�_ j -1 m - 00" VAN. 4'- 10" LIVING RM. o N lL N X cn O O LIN. o N CV O N , 9'-0" 3'-G" 214 j 7'-4" 29'-8" /—T DW. N W.I.C. O O 9'- I 1/8" CLG. / O - N 0 2/4 R$5 KITCHEN o - 41-110"1 m oz Ln m 3G" VA J(S) 0 � o Q Ln N o LIN. j PAN. Lu N N FF. nN N O SHLVS. a 0 2/8 PKT. �, (n o BEDROOM - 2/6 DR. O Q) � cm � �n 13'-0" 2' 0" I I'-0" 5'- 10" 3'-G" � 4'-G" 9'-8" ��� BEDROOM �o DN. o Ln O O 13R �' o `0 Q GIRDER TRUSS 2-2x 10 cn N LS - U — — 2-2x 10 2-2x 10 2-2x 10 SLDR. 5040co SLDR. CANT ROOF PORCH 5040 TRUSSES G'-0" COVERED 121-1011 5'-2" �o CONC. 18'-0" 10-0" NOTE: GARAGE 5/8" TYPE "x" GYP. BD. CLG. � ON ALL COMMON - 4" CONC. FLR. SLAB WALLS PER CODE VERIFY W/ GXG- 10/ 10 W.W.M. W/ BUILDER cn o 0 , O N ROOF TRU55E5� `\' "' @ 2'-0" O.C. 0 Fa__0"x8'-0" _ I OVHD. DR. �'-0"x8'-0" — — — OVHD. DR. IX 2/81 N 2-9 112" MLH 9'-1 1 /8" CLG. 2-1 1 7/8" MLH I = 0 N NOTES: 1'-8" 5'-0" 5'-0" 3'-4" 0'-0" 5'-0" 3'-1 " 2'-1 1 " 1 1'-0" 1 1'-0" 0'-0" 0'-0" 1) HEADERS AT EXTERIOR DOORS * WINDOWS TO 15'-0" 17'-0" 22'-0" 12'-0" BE SIZED BY SUPPLIER 2) SMOKE DETECTORS AS REQ'D PER CODE 32'-0" 34'-0" 3) SLIDING WINDOWS (UNIT SIZES INDICATED 00'-0" VERIFY WINDOW MANUF. W/ BUILDER FI R5T FLOOR PLAN 1539 SFT. (HOUSE) 748 SFT. (GARAGE) 1 /4"= 1 '-0" 3 OF 4 STAIR INFORMATION - 3-2x 12 STRINGERS - 7 3/4" MAX. RISERS - 10" MIN. TREADS - G'-8" MIN. HEAD CLEARANCE. - HANDRAIL TO BE 34" TO 38" HIGH ENDS ARE TO BE RETURNED. ROOF VENTILATION RATIO 15F. IN 200 5F 50 % ROOF 50% SOFFIT NOTE: CAULK � FLASH AROUND ALL EXTERIOR OPENINGS BUILDING SECTION 2'-0" 0-0" CANT. 30'-0" 2'-0" SEE BUILDERS SPECIFICATION FOR BUILDING MATERIALS 3/811= 1 '-0" �, �\ -- ..� � __ —_ ® se f � M` S sT�'� i �,'A, �. y� . 1 C} Reset Sone 1, t y y J V a . Exit Full Screen a R , 6/23/2021 Design ID: 320358981443 Estimate ID: 69468 How to purchase at the store 1. "lake this packet to any Menards store. 2. Have a building materials team member enter the design number into the Garage Estimator Search Saved Designs page. 3. Apply the design to System V to create the material list. 4. Take the purchase documents to the register and pay. Garage Image 14'11" 2' Garage n+�>ENARLiS How to recall and purchase a saved design at home 1. Go to Menards.com. 2. Select the Garage Estimator from the Project Center. 3. Select Search Saved Design. 4. Log into your account. 5. Select the saved design to load back into the estimator. 6. Add your Garage to the cart and purchase. 1'4" 2' I6" 16' 11'4" 2' 18" I- 11' 2' 1 11' 24' ----J 8" T 3' 11'4" 2' 1/9 6/23/2021 Design ID: 320358981443 Estimate ID: 69468 Dimensions Garage Wall Configurations *Illustration may not depict all options selected. ENDWALL B 24"W x 24"H JELD-WEN&reg; Vinyl Slider MEN.ARD►S &•j SIDEWALL D Mastercraft&reg; 36"W x 80"H Primed Steel 6 -Panel 24"W x 24"H JELD-WEN&reg; Vinyl Slider 3/9 6/23/2021 Garage Design ID: 320358981443 Estimate ID: 69468 SIDEWALL C 24"W x 24"H JELD-WEN&reg; Vinyl Slider *Some items like wainscot, gutter, gable accents, are not displayed if selected. 141>ENARUS ENDWALL A Ideal Door&reg; Commercial 16'x 10' White Insulated 24"W x 24"H JELD-WEN&reg; Vinyl Slider 24"W x 24"H JELD-WEN&reg; Vinyl Slider 4/9 6/23/2021 Garage Design ID: 320358981443 Estimate ID: 69468 De="gn&Buy- GARAGE Materials Building Info Building Location Zip Code: 55362 Building Width: 24' Building Length: 32' Building Height: 12' Wall Framing Stud: 2" x 6" Roof Framing: Truss Construction Truss Type: Common Roof Pitch: 6/12 Pitch Eave Overhang: 2' Gable Overhang: 2' Concrete Block Option: 1 Row Block Type: 8" Standard Concrete Construction Block Anchor bolt: Grip Fast 1/2" x 10" HDG Anchor Bolt w/ Nut & Washer Custom Garage Plan: No I do not need a custom building plan Wall Info Siding Material Types: Vinyl Vinyl Siding: ABCTO® Cedar CreekTM Double 4" - White Accent Material Type: None Wainscot Material Type: Vinyl Wainscot: Novik® Stacked Stone Polymer Siding Panel - Moka Wainscot Height: 36" Endwall A: Yes Endwall B: No Sidewall C: No Sidewall D: No Wall Sheathing: 7/16" OSB (Oriented Strand Board) House Wrap: Kimberly-Clark BLOCK-IT99'x75'House Wrap Gable Vents: None 5/9 6/23/2021 Garage Design ID: 320358981443 Estimate ID: 69468 Design& Buy- GARAGE Roof Info Roof Sheathing: 1/2" OSB (Oriented Strand Board) Roofing Material Type: Architectural Shingle Architectural Roofing: Owens Corning0 TruDefinition0 Duration0 Limited Lifetime Vinyl Trim Color: Warranty Architectural Shingles (32.8 sq. ft.) - Estate Gray Roof Underlayment: Owens Corning0 ProArmorO Synthetic Roofing Underlayment 42" x Windows: 286' (1,000 sq. ft.) Ice and Water Barrier: Owens Corning0 WeatherLockO G Granulated Self -Sealing Ice and Windows: Water Barrier 3' x 66.7'(200sq.ft) Fascia material Type: Aluminum Fascia Fascia: 6" x 12' Aluminum Rustic Fascia - White Soffit material Type: Aluminum Soffit Soffit: 16" x 12' Aluminum Vented Soffit - White Gutter material Type: None Ridge Vent: None Roof Vents: None Openings Entry Door: Mastercraft0 36"W x 80"H Primed Steel 6 -Panel Overhead Door: Ideal DoorO Commercial 16'x 10' White Insulated Overhead Door Trim Type: Vinyl Vinyl Trim Color: Brown Windows: 24"W x 24"H JELD-WEND Vinyl Slider Windows: 24"W x 24"H JELD-WEND Vinyl Slider Windows: 24"W x 24"H JELD-WEND Vinyl Slider Windows: 24"W x 24"H JELD-WEND Vinyl Slider Windows: 24"W x 24"H JELD-WENS Vinyl Slider ,additional Options Ceiling Insulation: None Wall Insulation: None Ceiling Finish: None Wall Finish: None 6/9 6/23/2021 Garage Design ID: 320358981443. Estimate ID: 69468 De,14n&.B-u--y= GARAGE 7/9 Midwest Manufacturing Truss: C61224 Address 1 JobNanr: RESSTOCK Address 2 Date: 02/22/17 09:27:48 City, State Zip Page: 1 of l SPAN PrrCll QTY OHL OHR CANT L CANT R FLYS SPACING WGT/PLY 24-" 6/12 1 2-0-0 2-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 78 lbs 28-0-0 2-0-0 6-3-4 5-8-12 5-8-12 6-3-4 -- , r 6-3-4 12-0-0 17-8-12 24-0-0 51- T 1.541 1 44/ 612 126 n c� r; O 3x8- 31- T 9 4 4 3x4 EMS 10 - 4 - - 4z 0-0-0 0-0-0 8-2-3 7-7-10 8-2-3 8-2-3 15-9-13 24-0-0 All plates shown to be Eagle 20 unless otherwise noted. Loading (psi) General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed TCI -L: 42 Bldg Code: IRC 201 5) TC: 0.78 (2-3) Vert Tf : 0.25 in L/999 (5-6) L/ 180 Sncw(Ps/Pg):42/60 TPI 1-2007 BC: 0.74(8-1) Vert Ll— 0.13 in L/999 (5-6) L/ 240 TCDL: 10 Rep Mbr Increase: Yes %b: 0.54(3-8) Harz TL: 0.08 in 5 BCLL: 0 LumberD.OL.: 115% B CDL : 10 Reaction Summary IT Brg Combo Brg Width Rgd Brg Width Max React Max GravUplift Max MWFRS Uplift Max C&C Uplift Max Uplift Max Horiz 1 1 3.5 in 266 in 1,696 lbs -276 lbs -776 lbs -221bs 5 1 3.5 in 266 in 1,696 lbs -Z76 lbs -2761bs Material Summary Bracing Summary TC SPF #2 2x 4 TC Bracing: Sheathed or Purlins at 3-0-0, Purlin design by Cthers BC SPF #2 2x 4 BC Bracing: Sheathed or Purlins at 10-0-0, Purlia design by Others. Webs SPF Stud 2x 3 Loads Summary 1) This truss has been designed for the. effects of balanced and unbalanced snow loads for hips/gables in accordance withASCF7 - 10 with the following user defined input: 60 psf ground mow load, Terrain Category B, Exposure Category Fully Eatposed (Ce = 0.9), Risk Category II (I = 1.00), Thermal Condition Cold ventilated (Ct = 1- 1), DOL = 1.15. Urnzrdilated. If the roof configuration differs from hipYgable, BuildingDesigaec shall verify snow loads. 2) This truss has been designed for the effects of wind loads in accordance withASCE7 - 10 with the following uses defined input: 115 mph (Factored), Exposure B, Enclosed, Gable/Hip, Risk Category II, Overall Bldg Dims 25 ft x 60f% h= 15 ft, End Zane Truss, B othend webs considered. DOL=1.60 3) Minimum storage attic loadinghas been applied in accordance with IRC 307.5 Member Forces Summary Tatia nd cafes Memtxr ID, max CS1 max axial bzcn (ma coops. Icccn fd t$srant frau max axial lista) Only fQons grnale than 30016s a n ahavn in this taHn TC 1-2, 0.760-2,5821bs 34 0.784 -2255 lbs 14-5 2-3 0.784 -2.255 lbs 0.760 -2:1. lbs BC 5-6 0.738 2'199 1b3 -112 lbs 6$ 0.576 1.486 1b, 8-1 0.738 2,199 ba -112 lbs webs 2-8 0.342 -709 lbs 3$ 0.543 902 lbs (-58 lbs) 3.6 0.543 902 lbs (-581bs) 41t 0.342 -709 lbs JSI Summary 1 = 0.91, 2 = 0.46, 3= 0-78,4 = 0-46,5 = 0.91, 6 = 073,7 = 1.00, and 8 = 0.73 Notes l) Unless noted otherwise, do not cut or ales anytruss member or plate without prior approval from a Profe sdonal Fngintes. 2) Whoa this truss has been chosen for quality assurance inspection, the Double polygon Method per TPI 1-2007/Chapter 3 sball be used. 3) The fabrication tolerance for this roof truss is 0 % (Cq = 1.00). 4) Brace bottom chord with approved shead-ing or purlins per Bracing Summary. 57 Creep has been considered in the analysis of this truss. 6) Listed wind uplift reactions based on MWFRS & C&C loading. ALL PERSONS FAB RICATING,HANDLING, ERECTING ORINSTALJNGANYTRUSSBASEDUPON=STRUSSDESIGNDRAWINGAREINSTRUCTEDTOREFERTOALL TrueBuild(�)Software v5.5.2.240 OF TSEINSTRUCTIONS, LIMITATIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS SETFORM IN THE EAGLE METAL PRCDUCTS DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH TIES DESIGN AND Eagle Metal Products AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST DESIGN VALID ONLY WHEN EAGLE MEI AL CONNECTORS ARE USED. Dail n, Tat 75234 7/9 6/23/2021 Design ID: 320358981443 Estimate ID: 69468 Garage KAVNART3S -- M Job Truss Truss Type City Ply ST QTRECO630025 T1dE COMMON 2 1 Job Reference (optional) Midwest Manufacturing, Eau Claire, vn Run 8.31 S Nov i9 20 i a Print: 8.320 S Novi a i9 Mi i ek i naustnes, inc uvea jun 2406 26.u4 Pagei I D. XKI ub VXKpJEc9h 658zoXl ZzHG SL-IBO kabu XB?wGg dhb3jL 1 H 06mw6gABwhG yXASUl z39En 12-0-0 I 24-0-0 12-0-0 12-0-0 4x4- 6 o cc' r u7 21 3 2 22 ST ST ST ST ST 9 25 10 ST 26 1 0-0_*_ T ST 11 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 3x4,* 3x4 x. 5x6= f 24-0-0 Scale = 1 43.4 Plate Offsets (X, Y): [17:0-3-0,0-3-0) Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in Qoc) Ildefl Lld PLATES GRIP TCLL (roof) 50.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.20 Vert(LL) n/a n/a 999 MT20 1971144 Snow (Ps/Pg) 45.0165.0 Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.15 Vert(TL) n/a n/a 999 TCDL 7.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.23 Horiz(TL) 0.00 11 n/a n/a BCLL 25.0 * Code IRC20181TP12014 Matrix -R BCDL 10.0 Weight: 80 lb FT = 15% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No -2 BOT CHORD Ri id ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x3 SPF Stud MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be REACTIONS All bearings 24-0-0. installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer (lb) - Max Horiz 1=-71 (LC 15) Installation guide. Max Uplift All uplift 100 (lb) or less at joints) 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20 Max Grav All reactions 250 (lb) or less at joints) 1, 11 except 12=511 (LC 3),13=301 (LC 21),14=390 (LC 6), 15=379 (LC 21), 16=290 (LC 30), 17=379 (LC 20), 18=390 (LC 5), 19=301 (LC 20), 20=511 (LC 3) FORCES {Ib) - Max. Comp./Max_ Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. WEBS 5-17=-341154, 4-18=-340159, 3-19=-286/45, 2-20=-362282, 7-15=-341154, 8-14=-340/59, 9-13=-286/45,10-12=-362/82 JOINT STRESS INDEX 1=0.52,2=O.51,3=0.51,4=0.51,5=0.51,6=0.47,7=0.51,8=0.51,9=0.51,10=0.51,11=0.52,12=0.51,13=0.51,14=0.51,15=0.51,16=0.51,17=0.31,18= 0.51,19=0.51 and 20=0.51 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=115mph (3 -second gust) Vasd=91 mph; TCDL=4.2pst,, BCDL=6.Opsf; h=25ft; Cat. 11; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) exterior zone and C -C Exterior(2E) 0-6-15 to 3-6-15, Interior (1) 3-6-15 to 9-0-0, Exterior(2R) 9-0-0 to 15-0-0, Interior (1) 15-0-0 to 20-5-1, Exterior(2E) 20-5-1 to 23-5-1 zone; cantilever left and right exposed . end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown, Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Truss designed for wind bads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPl 1. 4) TCLL ASCE 7-16; Pr -50.0 psf (roof LL: Lum DOL=1.15 Plate DOL=1.15); Pg=65.0 psf; Ps=45.0 psf (Lum DOL=1.15 Plate DOL=1.15), Is=1.0; Rough Cat B; Fully Exp., Ce=0.9; Cs=1.00; Ct=1.10 5) Roof design snow load has been reduced to account for slope. 6) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 7) All plates are 1.5x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 8) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 9) Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0 oc. 10) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 11) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = 10.Opsf. 12) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 Ib uplift at joints) 1, 17, 18, 19, 20, 15, 14, 13, 12- 13) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2018 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.102 and referenced standard ANSI1TPI 1. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 8/9 6/23/2021 Design ID: 320358981443 Estimate ID: 69468 Garage M�NAR.iiS Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply QTREC0630025 T1dE COMMON 2 1 Job Reference (optional) Midwest Manufacturing, Eau Claire, WI Run: 8.32 S Nov 19 2019 Print: 8.320S Nov 192019 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Jun 2406:2&04 Page: 2 I D: XKI ub VXKpJEc9h658zoXl ZzHG SL-jBQkabu XB7wGg dhb3jL 1 HO6n* w6q A8whG yXASUlz39En 9/9 6/23/2021 Garage Design ID: 320358981443 Estimate ID: 69468 Estimated Price: $19,021.24 FilE1�ARDS Dera*gn&Buy- GARAGE Today's estimated price, future pricing may go up or down. Tax, labor, and delivery not included. Floor type (concrete, dirt, gravel) is NOT included in estimated price. The floor type is used in the calculation of materials needed. Labor, foundation, steel beams, paint, electrical, heating, plumbing, and delivery are also NOT included in estimated price. This is an estimate. It is only for general price information. This is not an offer and there can be no legally binding contract between the parties based on this estimate. The prices stated herein are subject to change depending upon the market conditions. The prices stated on this estimate are not firm for any time period unless specifically written otherwise on this form. The availability of materials is subject to inventory conditions. MENARDS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS INCURRED BY THE GUEST WHO RELIES ON PRICES SET FORTH HEREIN OR ON THE AVAILABILITY OF ANY MATERIALS STATED HEREIN. All information on this form, other than price, has been provided by the guest and Menards is not responsible for any errors in the information on this estimate, including but not limited to quantity, dimension and quality. Please examine this estimate carefully. MENARDS MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS, ORAL, WRITTEN OR OTHERWISE THAT THE MATERIALS LISTED ARE SUITABLE FOR ANY PURPOSE BEING CONSIDERED BY THE GUEST. BECAUSE OF WIDE VARIATIONS IN CODES, THERE ARE NO REPRESENTATIONS THAT THE MATERIALS LISTED HEREIN MEET YOUR CODE REQUIREMENTS. THE PLANS AND/OR DESIGNS PROVIDED ARE NOT ENGINEERED. LOCAL CODE OR ZONING REGULATIONS MAY REQUIRE SUCH STRUCTURES TO BE PROFESSIONALLY ENGINEERED AND CERTIFIED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2/9 4537 Cobblestone Ct ■ .57 acres = 24,829.2 square feet ■ Attached garage 528 square feet. ■ Detach garage 960 Square feet. Total square feet for garage 1,488 square feet. Using 6% of lot size. 4614 Cobblestone Ct ® .54 acres = 23,522.4 square feet ■ Attached garage 464 square feet ■ Detach garage 720 square feet • Total 1,184 square feet ■ Using a little over 5% of lot size 4442 Eakern Cir ■ .45 acres = 19,602 square feet ■ Attached garage 630 square feet ■ Detached garage 624 ® Total 1,254 square feet ■ Using 6.2 % of lot size I understand the reason behind putting a limit on the amount of allowable garage space. But that limit should reflect the size of the lot. I paid a lot of money to own a city lot this size. I should be allowed to use my lot to the same capacity of my neighbors. My request is over the 1,500 square foot limit however by percentage I will actually take up less yard space with secondary buildings then other neighbors. My request: 1) 2) 3) ■ Asking to use 6% of my .66 acre lot. Square feet 28,749.6 = 1,724.94 ■ Attached garage is 792 measuring the outside. ■ Detached garage 25X32 = 800 square feet ■ Would like a 10x12 shed 120 square feet ® Total of 1592 square feet. Total with shed 1712 ( a little less then 6% of lot size) ■ Garage size 24x32 = 768 ■ Attach garage = 792 • 10x12 shed = 120 • Total 1680 square feet. Less than 5.9% of lot size. ■ Garage size 22 X 32 704 square feet. Attach garage = 792 ■ 10 X12 shed = 120 ® Total 1616 square feet . Just over 5.6 % lot size. Attached is drawing to show the distance between buildings. Yes, asking to go over 1,500 square foot, but above will show I am not exceeding lot size. I am actually under the % of two of the three houses within my neighborhood. 00 2B Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/2021 Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for Amendment to the Affordable Self - Storage PUD District for On -Site Storage Pods. Applicant: Affordable Storage, Inc. Prepared by: Northwest Meeting Date: Council Date (pending Associated Consultants (NAC) Commission action): 08/03/21 08/23/21 Additional Analysis by: Community Development Director, Chief Building and Zoning Official, Project Engineer, Fire Marshal REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Property: Legal Description: Lot 11, Block 4, Groveland Addition PID: 155-125-004110 Planning Case Number: 2021-024 Request(s): Amendment to a Planned Unit Development to allow outdoor storage of rental "storage boxes" Deadline for Decision: August 27, 2021 (60 -day deadline) October 26, 2021 (120 -day deadline) Land Use Designation: Community Commercial Zoning Designation: Affordable Storage PUD District Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: NA Current Site Uses: Self Storage Facility Surrounding Land Uses: North: RV Dealership East: Vacant Commercial (Zoned B-3) South: Single Family Residential West: RV Dealership Project Description: The applicant proposes to utilize a portion of the current self -storage property along the westerly boundary of the property to store a series of "storage boxes" which are rented to individuals and which are then used to self -store goods on the properties of the renter. The applicant 1 Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/2021 indicates that the request is for a total of "approximately' 50 such storage boxes, which he suggests will be empty, and not contain any private property while they are stored at the Affordable Storage location. The applicant states that the boxes would be stacked two -high. Box dimensions are 8 feet tall by 8 feet wide, and in lengths of 8 feet, 16 feet, and 20 feet. As such, the boxes could be stacked to a height of 16 feet as proposed. It is noted that several of these boxes have already been moved on to the site counter to the requirements of the original PUD approvals and are currently in violation of the Zoning Ordinance. A violation notice has been issued, with further enforcement halted as the applicant moves through the amendment request process. The applicant proposes no other changes to the PUD. ANALYSIS: Planned Unit Development (PUD) is a zoning technique that allows developers and the City to establish a set of development requirements which, while not meeting all of the specific standards of a traditional zoning district, are designed to exceed the City's objectives for the zoning district that would otherwise apply. The City's land use objectives are described in the Comprehensive Plan, and typically address various performance standards as well as classes of land use. In this case, the applicable land use classification in the Comprehensive Plan is "Community Commercial", and the underlying zoning district that would apply if the PUD zoning were not in place would be B-3, Highway Business. One of the primary objectives of the Comprehensive Plan is the orderly development and use of land, consistent with consideration for other land uses in the neighborhood of the subject property. As shown on the map below, and noted above, the subject property is in an area of mixed commercial and residential uses, directly abutting residential development on one side of the property. The "Community Commercial" designation is designed to be a "low -scale" retail areas along major roadways that serve the community. When the original PUD was granted for the self -storage facility on this property, it was specifically noted that outdoor storage of materials on the site would not be permitted. In Monticello, outdoor storage of materials is a use that is specifically relegated to industrial 2 Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/2021 districts. The reason for this is that such areas often create a significant amount of noise and activity that is not compatible with neighboring "low -scale" uses, and particularly problematic for single family residential areas, where outdoor activities rely on relative quiet and non- industrial activity on adjoining property. The applicant's materials do not specify, but the process by which the storage boxes would likely be transferred to and from the site would be via truck and some manner of lift, jack or crane, increasing the heavy equipment activity and noise on the site. This activity is expected in an industrial area, but not in a commercial district, and not in proximity to a residential neighborhood. There is one self -storage site in Monticello that was granted an interim use permit for temporary storage boxes in the past. That site is the Storage Link facility at Dundas Road and Cedar Street. The City granted the IUP for this site as a temporary measure to accommodate expansion of the facility. There are at least three major aspects of this prior approval that differentiate it from the Affordable Storage request. First, the Storage Link facility abuts undeveloped commercial land. There is no residential in near proximity to the site. Moreover, the facility sits at the intersection of roads that serve Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/2021 exclusively commercial properties to the west, north and south, and industrial property to the east. Second, the StorageLink temporary storage boxes are utilized as an interim storage use, and have only limited, if any, trucking and active machinery at the site. As such, there is much less likelihood of noise disruption to surrounding land uses, particularly as the adjoining property was anticipated to be vacant for some time. Finally, as noted, the permit granted to StorageLink was an Interim Use Permit, acknowledging that the proposed storage units were temporary in nature. While no adjoining development was anticipated in the near term, removal of the temporary storage is required at the expiration of the IUP term in 2024, and adjoining development (now a part of the Chelsea Commons planning area) would then develop without the impacts of temporary storage on that site. In summary, the proposed storage box business on the Affordable Storage site would introduce what is commonly considered to be an industrial activity to the Affordable Storage PUD site. As noted, PUD requires a finding that the proposed development meets and exceeds the City's land use goals in exchange for relaxation of certain zoning requirements. Introduction of an industrial use on property guided for "low -scale" commercial use, adjacent to a low-density single-family neighborhood would be counter to this requirement. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Consideration of an amendment to a Planned Unit Development for Affordable Storage to allow on-site storage pods. 1. Motion to adopt Resolution No. PC -2021-027 (approval), recommending approval of a PUD Amendment for outdoor storage as provided in the application materials dated 6- 28-2021 for the Affordable Storage PUD, based on a finding that the proposed use would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan objectives for uses and activities in the area, and any other findings of the Commission as stated, and per conditions set by the Planning Commission as a part of the public hearing. 2. Motion to adopt Resolution No. PC -2021-027 (denial), based on findings as identified in said Resolution. 3. Motion to table action on Resolution No. PC -2021-027, subject to additional information supplied by staff and/or applicant. 4 Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/2021 STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends Alternative 2, denial of the PUD Amendment. As noted in this report, the addition of outdoor storage, and the nature of the storage in question which would entail heavy equipment and truck operations to support it, as well as on-site assembly, would be inconsistent with the intent of the land use direction specified by the Comprehensive Plan, and incompatible with the uses directly adjoining the subject property, particularly that of the single-family residential neighborhood to the south of the subject property. The resolution for denial specifies a removal date for the storage boxes of September 30th, 2021, which may be modified by the Commission. Should the Planning Commission or Council desire to allow the use on the site, including through interim use permit, conditions will be required to be enumerated by the boards for Exhibit Z. Staff has provided a set of suggested conditions in Exhibit Z and in the resolution drafted for approval. If allowed as an interim use, such condition and timeline should be added to Exhibit Z. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC -2021-027 (approval) B. Resolution PC -2021-027 (denial) C. Subject Site Aerial Image D. Applicant Narrative E. Applicant Site Plan F. Pod/Box Storage Images G. Monticello Comprehensive Plan, Excerpts H. Affordable Storage PUD Ordinance Z. Conditions of Approval 5 Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/2021 EXHIBIT Z — PENDING RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL Amendment to Planned Unit Development Affordable Storage 1. Redesign of the site plan to accommodate 24 feet of width for all drive aisles to provide fire access as required by the Fire Department. 2. Stacking of such boxes no more than two high, or a total of 16 feet. 3. No outdoor storage of materials other than the storage boxes allowed by this amendment shall be permitted. 4. No changes to the site signage plans are allowed under this amendment. 5. No changes to site lighting are allowed by this amendment. 6. No outdoor operation of equipment or machinery except between the hours of 8:OOa.m and 6:OOp.m., Monday through Friday. 7. No other changes to the site or uses shall be allowed under this amendment. 8. The applicant shall demonstrate compliance and completion of all prior required improvements in the PUD 9. The developer shall enter into an agreement for the PUD Amendment. 0 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-027 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE AFFORDABLE STORAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REVISING THE SITE USES IN THE AFFORDABLE STORAGE PUD ZONING DISTRICT WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to revise certain aspects of an existing self -storage project, including the addition of outdoor storage, handling, and assembly of individual "storage boxes"; and WHEREAS, the site is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development, and is subject to a previously approved Planned Unit Development ordinance; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Community Commercial' for the area, as uses associated with self - storage, a permitted use in the district; and WHEREAS, the applicant has provided updated materials describing illustrating the changes; and WHEREAS, the uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the underlying zoning district; and WHEREAS, the uses will not create any unanticipated changes to the demand for public services on or around the site; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 3rd, 2021 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: The proposed uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the Affordable Storage PUD Zoning District. The proposed uses are consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-027 3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by the existing and future land uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. 4. The planned amendments meet the intent and requirements of the applicable zoning regulations, subject to the flexibility granted under the PUD and the conditions attached to this PUD Amendment. 5. Changes to utility services are expected to have no unanticipated impacts on public utilities or other services as a result of the proposed amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Planned Unit Development Amendment for Affordable Storage, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z as follows: 1. Redesign of the site plan to accommodate 24 feet of width for all drive aisles to provide fire access as required by the Fire Department. 2. Stacking of such boxes no more than two high, or a total of 16 feet. 3. No outdoor storage of materials other than the storage boxes allowed by this amendment shall be permitted. 4. No changes to the site signage plans are allowed under this amendment. 5. No changes to site lighting are allowed by this amendment. 6. No outdoor operation of equipment or machinery except between the hours of 8:OOa.m and 6:OOp.m., Monday through Friday. 7. No other changes to the site or uses shall be allowed under this amendment. 8. The applicant shall demonstrate compliance and completion of all prior required improvements in the PUD 9. The developer shall enter into an agreement for the PUD Amendment. ADOPTED this 3rd day of August, 2021 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION A Paul Konsor, Chair 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-027 Angela Schumann, Community Development Director CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-027 RECOMMENDING DENIAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE AFFORDABLE STORAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REVISING THE SITE USES IN THE AFFORDABLE STORAGE PUD ZONING DISTRICT WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to revise certain aspects of an existing self -storage project, including the addition of outdoor storage, handling, and assembly of individual "storage boxes"; and WHEREAS, the site is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development, and is subject to a previously approved Planned Unit Development ordinance; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are inconsistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Community Commercial" for the area; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment would create impacts that are incompatible with the adjoining single family residential neighborhood, including noise, truck and machinery operations, and other effects; and WHEREAS, the applicant has provided updated materials describing the changes, which are associated with industrial uses in Monticello's land use regulations; and WHEREAS, the uses are inconsistent with the intent and purpose of the underlying zoning district, which is "Community Commercial", which anticipates "low -scale" commercial activities; and WHEREAS, the uses will create unanticipated changes to the demand for public services on or around the site; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 3rd, 2021 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of denial: CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-027 1. The proposed uses are inconsistent with the intent and purpose of the Affordable Storage PUD Zoning District. 2. The proposed uses are inconsistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located, including both the adjoining commercial uses as well as the adjoining single family residential area. 3. The impacts of the improvements exceed those anticipated by the existing and future land uses and cannot addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. 4. The planned amendments do not meet the intent and requirements of the applicable zoning regulations. 5. The existing storage and assembly uses related to this request for amendment are not consistent with the terms of the approved PUD, and must be removed from the site no later than September 30th, 2021. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council denies the Planned Unit Development Amendment for Affordable Storage: ADOPTED this 3rd day of August, 2021 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION MI - ATTEST: Paul Paul Konsor, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director 2 Keith Burnham I Request for Amendment to Planned Unit Development Created by: City of Monticello Legal: Lot 11, Block 4, Groveland Addition I PID: 155-125-004110110111 Innsbrook Drive KB Properties - PUD Amendment In September of 2017, the City Council approved a PUD for Affordable Storage, located at 10111 Innsbrook Drive, and recently, approved an amendment related to screening on this property (October 2020). Affordable Storage provides public self storage, with multiple locations in MN. This nearly $4MM investment has provided a much needed service to the area, and contributes over $62,000/year annually in property tax base. Applicant is proposing to launch a new business Affordaboxes, a portable storage company that delivers empty storage boxes to our customers. Applicant is asking to amend the PUD to allow for the storage of the empty boxes at 1011 Innsbrook Drive. The proposed location is approximately 6,000 square feet, at the Northeast corner of the property, immediately adjacent to Monticello RV Center. The purpose of this space is to store the empty boxes. Filled boxes will never be stored at this location; there will never be any customer material or property within the boxes. Applicant is proposing to store approximately 50 boxes maximum, stacked two high. There are three different sizes of boxes (width, height, length): • 8'x8'x8" • 8'x8'x 16" • 8'x8'x20" Boxes will be stored on the asphalt, inside the curb. Once empty boxes are delivered to customers, customers will fill the boxes, and they will be stored offsite. Filled boxes will never be stored or located at this property. There will be no changes to lighting, signage, garbage, or any other elements of the property. There will be adequate space for drive aisles, and traffic increases will be negligible. PRO�0' OStd St-OK3Qt RReg F�� i f x40) = �,oDo IQ1� I InnsbRook D}2{Vt A' M wUs�w,i..en x. N� �w EWfAU-11u h' ¢ F q'?va ACEI 4KV M I*UA A' frRq.' We PEN" BWAF`R A.-fta ip J?ro&g A7 j1fS7 or pq"4:7 rawJ? K D ff—QLC RTI es _.. .« '7 Rd M+� G.AU6t� �� b Ai.b6 Wtr �lyr. N�irauRn RfR�'RR 'Vtr rtrre �CfIM�M'�rMt�.•1Mriarn b�-MnI i�9 ti�+e.+xwn mAxsMM pM0 [mRM�[t f� +MrE wPl!K � ��yYp, rrm orO' �+ .x www •xn� na .min 9V's, 0, rru `�`- RVIl.OR'1G 5E7'84L'1C ikNi 30' Srtk.Ei rvxrAw IT +R,e .ah Y . 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C'r'a.e .,A ane oz� ","Oft 4" Nam IOu. t,Geia+t L%N�pet6 MNYe.Wt+ ®AITNYCRM.K SIE iWCW Pum fm 35r.AY Kau Ml ammo+sa MAWAR r a,.- 04 INDEX OF CWVL 5itE DRAWINQS SO pROLA" IOU,%* " to SOL plph l'A GrA09 Q Am ampea M7ili Ga VOW WO VROY KIN KAp 0 "Wy yMp µp pD10M" P4JiI C# Gut" t4 p"Wa ailh :' r � `��." ONE F27M COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC) The Community Commercial designation includes low -scale retail, service, and office uses located along the City's arterials and collector streets. Some of these areas are developed as auto -oriented "strip" shopping centers while others are freestanding offices, commercial uses, or clusters of businesses intended to meet the needs of the community at large. Typical retail uses would include supermarkets, drug stores and miscellaneous local -serving retail stores and services. Typical office commercial uses might include banks, finance, real estate, medical and dental offices, and professional services. Typical service commercial uses might include gas stations, restaurants including fastfood, used car sales, and minor auto repair businesses. MONTICELLO 2040 VISION + PLAN Secondary Mode Shared bike/ pedestrian facilities • Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 0.30 to 0.50 • Height - 1-2 stories • Lot Area - N/A DEVELOPMENT O' 2018 Correlating J Zoning District B-2 Limited Business District B-3 Highway Business District Primary Mode Vehicular with access to collectors and arterials Transit or shuttle service Secondary Mode Shared bike/ pedestrian facilities • Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 0.30 to 0.50 • Height - 1-2 stories • Lot Area - N/A DEVELOPMENT O' 2018 Correlating J Zoning District B-2 Limited Business District B-3 Highway Business District ORDINANCE NO. 680 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE, BY ESTABLISHING THE AFFORDABLE SELF -STORAGE PUD AS A ZONING DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, AND REZONING THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY FROM B-3, HIGHWAY BUSINESS, TO AFFORDABLE SELF -STORAGE PUD, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: LOT 11 BLOCK 4, GROVELAND ADDITION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 2.4(0) — Planned Unit Developments, Title 10 — Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended by adding the following: (XX) Affordable Self -Storage PUD District (a) Purpose. The purpose of the Affordable Self -Storage PUD District is to provide for the development of certain real estate subject to the District for commercial land uses. (b) Permitted Uses. Permitted principal uses in the Affordable Self - Storage PUD District shall be self -storage uses as found in the B-3, Highway Business District of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, subject to the approved Final Stage Development Plans dated , and development agreement dated September 11th, 2017, as may be amended. The introduction of any other use from any district, including Conditional Uses in the B-3 District, shall be reviewed under the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section (0) — Planned Unit Developments for Development Stage PUD and Final Stage PUD. (c) Accessory Uses. Accessory uses shall be those commonly accessory and incidental to industrial uses, and as specifically identified by the approved final stage PUD plans, but shall not include outdoor storage or other activities. (d) District Performance Standards. Performance standards for development in the Affordable Self -Storage PUD District shall adhere to the approved final stage PUD plans and development agreement. In such case where any proposed improvement or use is not addressed by the Final Stage PUD, then the regulations of the B-3, Highway Business District shall apply. ORDINANCE NO. 680 (e) Amendments. Where changes to the PUD are proposed in the manner of use, density, site plan, development layout, building size, mass, or coverage, or any other change, the proposer shall apply for an amendment to the PUD under the terms of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 2.4 (0)(10). The City may require that substantial changes in overall use of the PUD property be processed as a new project, including a zoning district amendment. Section 2. The zoning map of the City of Monticello is hereby amendment to rezoned the following described parcels from B-3, Highway Business District to Affordable Self -Storage PUD, Planned Unit Development District: Lot 11, Block 4, Groveland Addition to Monticello Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to mark the official zoning map to reflect this ordinance. The map shall not be republished at this time. Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety and map shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance and map are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this I r, day of; 2017. an Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff dministrator AYES: Davidson, Fair, Gabler, Hilgart, and Stumpf NAYS: None 2 Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/2021 2C. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for Kampschroer Addition for the purpose of construction of a Car Wash facility in the B-3, Highway Business District. Applicant: RRG Holdings Prepared by: Northwest Meeting Date: Council Date (pending Associated Consultants (NAC) Commission action): 08/03/2021 08/23/2021 Additional Analysis by: Community Development Director, Chief Building and Zoning Official, Community & Economic Development Coordinator, Project Engineer, Fire Marshal REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Property: Proposed Legal Description: Lot 1, Block 1, Kampschroer Addition PID: 155-500-142402 155-500-142310 155-500-142311 155-500-142312 155-500-142313 Planning Case Number: 2021-026 Request(s): Preliminary and Final Plat to combine and replat several parcels, including remnant vacated right of way into a single development parcel to accommodate the construction of a car wash facility in the B-3 zoning district. Deadline for Decision: August 31, 2021 (60 -day deadline) October 30, 2021 (120 -day deadline) Land Use Designation: Community Commercial Zoning Designation: B-3, Highway Business Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: NA Current Site Uses: Truck Repair 1 Surrounding Land Uses Project Description: ANALYSIS: Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/2021 North: Automotive Repair East: Vacant Commercial (City owned) South: Auto Parts Retail West: Highway 25 The applicants are seeking a combination of several remnant parcels into a single platted parcel. The platting includes abandoned right of way for previously designated street alignments and platting of required right of way to accommodate existing road alignments and required drainage and utility easements. The applicants will then construct a car wash facility on the newly platted lot, a permitted use in the B-3, Highway Business District. Preliminary Plat. The applicant is establishing a plat consisting of one building lot, but which is comprised of a series of parcels, easements, and former street rights of way. The property has been utilized as a single business parcel for many years, despite the complex legal descriptions underlying the use. As noted above, at least five separate property Identification numbers (PIDs) make up the property in question. The plat consolidates this confused description by eliminating reference to the former rights of way and clearing the title for new development. In addition, it allows for the proper legal description and dedication of the Cedar Street and Dundas rights of way as now constructed. Concurrent with the plat application, the property owner has petitioned for vacation of the rights of way as needed to facilitate the plat as proposed. The applicant will be required to reestablish drainage and utility easements and plat right of way along Dundas and Cedar as required by the City Engineer. The applicant will remove the existing building following the plat approval and develop the property for commercial use as discussed below. The plat itself raises no specific planning issues and is a positive step in redevelopment of the property in question. The only unusual aspect of the plat is the retention of an existing utility line that runs along the Cedar Street former right of way through the south and east portions of the plat. This line will result in a much larger utility easement than is typical, however, it does not impact the eventual construction and use of the property. The applicant is seeking concurrent Preliminary and Final Plat approvals. While these are separate applications, the code accommodates their combination for review. The Planning 2 Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/2021 Commission technically comments and recommends only on the Preliminary Plat, with the Final Plat review a function of City Council action only. The Final Plat drawings are included here to help illustrate the objective of the preliminary plat request. Land Use. The proposed net lot area would be 1.15 acres upon platting. The parcel would have approximately 300+ feet of frontage on Cedar Street, and approximately 170+ feet along Dundas. The B-3 District standards for commercial lots is for lot widths of at least 100 feet, and no minimum lot area. As such, the proposed plat is compliant. The B-3, Highway Business District allows car wash facilities as a permitted use but applies the following standards to those facilities. The listing here is for the purposes of reviewing the compliance of the project with zoning requirements and supporting the consideration of the plat decision. (4) Automotive Wash Facilities (a) All automotive wash facilities shall adhere to the following standards: (i) The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall be consistent with the existing buildings and area to avoid impairment in property values and blight within a reasonable distance of the lot. (ii) Magazining or stacking space is constructed to accommodate that number of vehicles which can be washed during a maximum thirty (30) minute period and shall be subject to the approval of the Community Development Department. (iii) When abutting a residential use, the property shall be screened with at least a semi-opaque buffer (Table 4-2, Buffer Type "C) in accordance with section 4.1(G) of this ordinance. (iv) All lighting shall be in compliance with Section 4.4 of this ordinance. (v) Parking or car magazine storage space shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Section 4.1(F) of this ordinance. (vi) The entire area other than occupied by the buildings or plantings shall be surfaced with material which will control dust and drainage which is subject to the approval of the Community Development Department. (vii) The entire area shall have a drainage system which is subject to the approval of the Community Development Department. (viii) Vehicular access points shall be limited, shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement, and shall be subject to the approval of the Community Development Department. Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/2021 (ix) All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with Section 4.5 of this ordinance. (x) Provisions are made to control and reduce noise. (xi) Car wash facility shall have direct access to major thoroughfare via driveway or frontage road. (xii) Intermittent sounds produced by car wash operation such as the sound of a vacuum or warning signal shall not be audible to adjoining residential properties. In reviewing the civil and site plan materials, the applicant has addressed each of these requirements. Because the location is not near residential property, the external impacts are not expected to raise any issues. The applicant has provided support for the traffic lanes as proposed, and the majority of these items will be addressed as a part of the formal site plan review that accompanies building permit application. As a permitted use, the development is an expected facility in the B-3 District, with expected impacts. From a site planning perspective, the primary driveway entrance to the site is the only departure from common development standards. The purpose of the multiple -lane entrance is to separate traffic between those customers continuing into and through the wash facility and those entering the parking area only. Staff would suggest that these driveways are marked well to distinguish lane locations and help drivers entering the facility to find the proper lane. This can be a particular problem in winter conditions, when pavement markings only can become obscured, and when car wash facilities are often at peak use. The City Engineer has also reviewed this proposed configuration and made comments in their letter accordingly. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Consideration of a Preliminary Plat for the Kampschroer Addition, a one -lot commercial plat in the B-3 Highway Business District. 1. Motion to adopt Resolution No. PC -2021-028, recommending approval of the Preliminary Plat, based on the findings in said resolution, and the conditions of approval identified in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the adoption of Resolution No. PC -2021-028, based on findings to be made by the Planning Commission following the public hearing. 3. Motion to table action on Resolution No. PC -2021-028, subject to additional information from staff and/or applicant. 4 Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/2021 STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends Alternative 1, approval of the Preliminary Plat. As discussed, the plat is a significant improvement over existing conditions, and will result in a compliant B-3 parcel supporting redevelopment consistent with the City's zoning requirements and Comprehensive Plan objectives. This recommendation incorporates the conditions identified in Exhibit Z. The final plat will be reviewed by the City Council for conformance to the preliminary plat. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC -2021-028 B. Subject Site Aerial Image C. Applicant Narrative, including image illustrations D. Certificate of Survey E. Civil Plans, including: a. Project Location Plan b. Site Plan and Preliminary Plat c. Grading and Drainage Plan d. Sanitary Sewer and Water Plan e. Storm Sewer Plan f. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan g. Existing Conditions and Removal Plan h. Details i. Landscape Plan F. Architectural Plans G. Final Plat H. Proposed Vacation I. City Engineer's Letter, dated July 27th, 2021 Z. Conditions of Approval 5 Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/2021 :3:1I 11 to CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR KAMPSCHROER ADDITION PI Ds: 155-500-142402 155-500-142310 155-500-142311 155-500-142312 155-500-142313 1. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineers letter, dated July 27', 2021 2. Compliance with the requirements of MnDOT and any review letter provided from that agency. 3. Cooperation and compliance with the City and County in required road vacations, dedications, and other title actions in preparing the plat for recording. 4. Revision of civil and plat documents consistent with the dedication and vacation requirements of the City. 5. Execution of an encroachment agreement for proposed facilities located within required drainage and utility easements. 6. Execution of a Development Agreement with the City addressing any outstanding plat requirements following Final Plat approval. 7. Recommendations of other City Staff and Planning Commission. 0 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-028 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR KAMPSCHROER ADDITION WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to plat said property into a single parcel for development as commercial property; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for commercial uses under the label "Community Commercial" in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the property is zoned B-3, Highway Business, a zoning district suitable for commercial development as proposed; and WHEREAS, the proposed Plat is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for commercial use; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 3, 2021 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The Plat provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by continuing the development plans for commercial use. The proposed improvements on the site under the Preliminary Plat are consistent with the needs of the development in this location as a commercial area. 3. The improvements will have expected impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4.. The Plat is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the B-3, Highway Business zoning regulations. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-028 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Preliminary Plat for Kampschroer Addition, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: Compliance with the terms of the City Engineers letter, dated July 271h, 2021 Compliance with the requirements of MnDOT and any review letter provided from that agency. Cooperation and compliance with the City and County in required road vacations, dedications, and other title actions in preparing the plat for recording. 4. Revision of civil and plat documents consistent with the dedication and vacation requirements of the City. 5. Execution of an encroachment agreement for proposed facilities located within required drainage and utility easements. 6. Execution of a Development Agreement with the City addressing any outstanding plat requirements following Final Plat approval. 7. Recommendations of other City Staff and Planning Commission. ADOPTED this 3rd day of August, 2021, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. [�1►�1[�I����IZI_1►1►11►[e���]►�1► I[.Y.9[�7►1 Z ATTEST: Paul Konsor, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director 2 RRG Holdings, LLC I Request for Preliminary and Final Plat Created by: City of Monticello PIDs: 155 -500 -142402,155 -500-142310,155-500-142311,155-500-142312,155-500-142313 1 1301CedarSt 'Sota Car Wash Executive Summary: 'Sota Car Wash will provide a new concept car washing experience that is desperately needed for consumers in the car wash industry, with a strong Minnesota theme. For decades, consumers have been forced to settle for a car wash experience that is not convenient, doesn't actually clean their car, and leaves consumers with a poor experience. 'Sota Car Wash will deliver a superior service focused on three critical areas, convenience, quality and experience. 'Sota Car Wash delivers customers a convenient, high quality, first-class experience with exceptional customer service, unprecedented marketing, superior car wash equipment, and cutting edge technology. 'Sota Car Wash is delivering a better car wash experience by bringing forward a design that allows consumers to clean both the interior and exterior of their car in a comfortable climate controlled environment. 'Sota Car Wash is locally owned and is acutely focused on the environment in which we work, live and play. We work and live in this community and are proud to provide a service to our friends and neighbors. In addition, we are focused on building a better climate for our kids and grandkids. Company Goals Our number one goal is to provide flawless customer service resulting in a superior customer experience. Company Mission Statement Convenient, high-quality car wash experience delivered with exceptional service to build a better experience and community. Company Principals Exceptional car washes with a premium experience for consumers to achieve a clean interior and exterior of their vehicle in a climate controlled environment. We will provide them with superior value, delivering on our core principles of convenience, quality, and experience. Convenience Delivering on convenience incorporates several factors, including the physical location, hours of operation and the overall time it takes to wash your car. The physical location of 'Sota Car Wash has been researched, vetted and pursued for a number of years and has been chosen strategically as the most convenient location near the heart of the economic trade center of Monticello. Hours of operation are also carefully designed to meet the convenience of consumers' retail behaviors. Our projected hours of operation are 12 hours a day, seven days a week for a total of 84 hours a week. Our tentative hours of operation are slated for 7am-to-7pm. Hours of operation will also adjust based on seasonality, holidays and peak washing demand. Another critical convenience factor is focused around the overall time it takes for the car wash to wash a vehicle. The overall car wash tunnel length is 120 feet and the car wash itself is designed, in general, to wash 115 cars per hour. As for each vehicle, a customer's vehicle can be washed, dried and shiny in under two minutes from start to finish. Quality Above all else, 'Sots Car Wash promises to deliver a clean, dr, shiny vehicle. No matter the season or whatever the Minnesota weather brings, the design and operation of 'Sots Car Wash brings with it decades of car wash experience to ensure the cleanest, driest, shiniest car possible. Experience We will deliver an exceptional, yet uniquely different experience through multiple facets including exceptional customer service, premium building design and site layout along with cutting edge technology. The site layout and building design will feature a simple and easy to navigate site. The building design will feature lots of windows to create a light, bright, airy, welcoming, clean and attractive experience. 'Sota Car Wash will integrate cutting edge technology to make it easier for customers to quickly become members or buy a single car wash. In addition, the use of license plate reader technology will eliminate wait times and friction points for customers to clean their cars. Customers can quickly and easily sign up for a membership right from their phone within a matter of minutes, regardless of their physical location. And, once on site, members can pull up to a gate and the car wash system will instantly read their license plate and open the gate. Company Leadership 'Sota Car Wash is proud to be locally owned and operated. `Sota Car Wash leadership works, lives and shops in this community and is proud to call Monticello home. Our roots in this community go back generations and we are excited to carry it forward to future generations. Cory Kampschroer, Managing Partner Cory will be responsible for oversight of the day to day operations, management, sales, and marketing. Cory will also be responsible for research and development of the real estate, partnership development, construction and development. Cory's background includes extensive experience in technology and marketing, including as a partner in a new technology platform to raise and collect funds. Cory has lived in the Monticello -Buffalo area for more than a decade and is proud to call this community home. Impact of the Project Environment `Sots Car Wash is committed to building a better Monticello for generations to come, beginning with our environment and climate. The building design and site layout has been strategically designed to maximize natural light to help reduce energy consumption. In addition, only the highest efficiency equipment will be used to further reduce energy consumption and water consumption. The `Sots wash process will leverage a precision timed, on -demand system that measures your vehicle ensuring only the exact amount of water is applied. The water that is used to wash your car is then captured, cleaned and recycled as part of our cutting-edge water reclaim system. The water reclaim system is even capable of capturing, filtering and reusing rainwater as part of our wash process. Because of our investment and focus on building a cleaner Monticello, `Sota's innovative wash process will feature biodegradable soaps and will be the most efficient, greenest car wash. Economic In addition to bringing 6 -to -10 FT and PT high quality, highly compensated jobs to the local Monticello economy, the site redevelopment will create something not many commercial redevelopment projects create. There will be an overall reduction of impervious square footage of the parcel, which is overall better for water quality and the environment. Community Initiatives `Sots is focused extensively on the community in which we also work, live and shop in to help our friends and neighbors to build a better Monticello. `Sota Cares and will feature a number of community initiatives, including, but not limited to: • `Sota Kids is a program designed to advance STEM education for elementary students by hosting field trips to show young students the importance of science, technology, engineering and mathematics and the role they play in the car wash. `Sota Gives is a program designed to provide a portion of every car wash back to our community causes. `Sots will donate a portion from every car wash back to local, Monticello, causes. Better yet, customers will be able to decide the local cause they want to support. This giving program will be displayed in a NEW, groundbreaking, custom built, cutting edge giving back technology platform. • `Sota Scholarships is proud to give back and strongly supports our employees and help them achieve their dreams and goals. The `Sota scholarship program is critical to support and help our team members grow and achieve their goals and dreams. Supplemental Images Below are examples of what the outdoor vacuums will look like and what they will feature. The outdoor vacuums will include canopies and a high quality, high end curb appeal. These outdoor vacuums will be visible and attractive to consumers and potential customers driving by. W I'� ku Li if !o IN RECORD DESCRIPTION Parcel A: Lot "D" of the Northwest Quarter, Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, except therefrom a tract conveyed to State of Minnesota in Book 210 of Deeds, page 256, legally described to wit: All that part of the following described tract: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121 North, Range 25 West, described as follows: Beginning in the middle of the Buffalo and Monticello County Road, 26.84 chains southwesterly by the course of the road, from section line between Sections 11 and 14 said Township and Range; thence along middle of said road, South 29 degrees West, 3.95 chains, more or less, to the intersection of this line and the middle of Marvin Road; thence along middle of said road, North 14 14 degrees West 5.79 chains; thence South 85 degrees East parallel to the North line of the piece of land from which this is taken, 2.77 chains, more or less to the beginning (designated Lot D of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14); which lies Northwesterly of a line run parallel with and distant 75 feet southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the North line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14, distant 62.3 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof, thence run southwesterly at an angle of 71 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds with said North line for 1700 feet and there terminating. Parcel B: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies Southeasterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. And which lies Northerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 40.00 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter referred to as "Line A"; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said "Line A" there terminating. And also, which lies Westerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West assumed bearingalong said North line of the South Half of the Northwest uarter, a 9 Q distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non–tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Northerly, a distance of 64.55 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet, and a central angle of 03 degrees 45 minutes 18 seconds, to a point to be hereinafter referred to as "Point A` thence continuing Northerly, a distance of 401.23 feet, along said 985.00 feet radius curve, with a central angle of 23 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating. And also, which lies Northwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at said above reference "Point A"; thence South 50 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 72.87 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of said above reference "Line A" and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel C: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: A strip of land 33 feet in width over that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, the Northwesterly line of said strip of land is contiguous with the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to the plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. Said strip land is to extend by its full width from the Southeasterly extension of the South line of said Lot 5, to a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said line there terminating. Except that part of the above described strip, which lies Easterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non–tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Northerly, a distance of 465.78 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet and a central angle of 27 degrees 05 minutes 38 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel D: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows; Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County; thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 263.65 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 60.32 feet to the Southerly right of way line of Dundas Road; thence North 51 degrees 01 minutes 32 seconds West along said Southerly right of way line, a distance of 51.73 feet; thence North 22 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 38.62 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East along said Southeasterly right of way line a distance of 170.60 feet to said Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel E: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in said office of the County Recorder, thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 213.30 feet to the centerline of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 50.35 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence North 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds West along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East, along said Southeasterly right of way line, a distance of 62.20 feet to said centerline of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East, along said centerline, a distance of 178.08 feet to the point of beginning. Abstract Property THE LANDS SURVEYED, SHOWN AND DESCRIBED HEREON ARE THE SAME LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN THE TITLE COMMITMENT PROVIDED BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, FILE NO. 20210548, DATED JULY 12, 2021. UTILITY NOTES UNDERGROUND UTILITIES 111 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL I/t 2 WORKING DAYS h BEFORE YOU DIG CALL 1-800-252-1166 (TOLL FREE) UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF MINNESOTA THE LOCATION OF UTILITIES SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM OBSERVED EVIDENCE OF ABOVE GROUND APPURTENANCES AND GROUND MARKINGS. THE SURVEYOR WAS PROVIDED WITH UNDERGROUND UTILITY PLANS. UNDERGROUND UTILITY PLANS WERE REQUESTED FROM THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY PROVIDERS AND PLOTTED AS PROVIDED. GROUND MARKINGS WERE OBSERVED AT TIME OF SURVEY AND THE LINES ARE PLOTTED AND SHOWN HEREON. MFLOOD NOT BY GRAPHIC PLOTTING ONLY, THIS PROPERTY IS IN ZONE C OF THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, NUMBER 2705410005B, EFFECTIVE ON 11/01/1979, PROPERTY IS IN ZONE C AND IS NOT IN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA. AS SHOWN ON THE FEMA WEBSITE (HTTP://MSC.FEMA.GOV). NO FIELD SURVEYING WAS PERFORMED TO DETERMINE THIS ZONE. SCALE : 1 " = 30' 0' 15' 30' 60' i r r / / r / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \ i k/ QO/ Co, �h , / � O / <0T 4�� STORM MANHOLE RIM= 960.61 � 'S'0 INV. = N/A BZ0 �FST�� / r / of l ITEMS CORRESPONDING T� SCHEDULE B -II 14 14. Reservation of Utility easements in favor of the City of Monticello as set forth in Document No. 1103715. (PLOTTED AND SHOWN HEREON) 15 15. Drainage and utility easement in favor of the City of Monticello as described in Document No. 1122751. PLOTTED AND SHOWN HEREON) ) gU�k_pING O / cry i / i i Q'`/ l / OW= 958.8 STORM INLET \ /� / r IN �� 954.11 4 ��/ FLOW= 958.01 INV.= 940.51 _ 1 1 4 UV�Q/Avc 667 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT / 33 / O (PARC L D) / \ J �� > O • / /� \ m �� SURFPGE / / / o $� PARCE so . N of O / / J h I A� ,O (b �D \ O / O c� 1 Q / Ss 7 \ Q \0 ovo or, m 0000 ^\ `T` / `b/J r�``/ cO �� V rn o ^per^ �ooto\> \ o i� ^D v ��QS AZ Z� "� o ��/`OQ� I `v�0 �V�� N JI \o \ Q r7�v ^ / II I /� Q� 4, A� �0We �P yQOO liJQVp�Q� GRPJE� S \\ 00� h / / O O�OVO 00 N o/ \ �� ST2RM INLET \�,�11 ���� QO FLOW= 957.24 / l l PARCEL D / /�e� / �V� I 1 / ��}� INV.= 928.94 / / l \ /�Q STORM M/� FLOW= 957.23 INV.= 952.63 co POB (PARCEL D) —/�� SANITARY 1 11 RIM= 962.25 O ` 1 STOR_ M INL� INV.= 950.58 �• V 1 FLOW= 961.18 7- aj \ `�, / / Q r</ l INV 957.88 o ��,h� / – – – / POGO vV v / POIN F BEGINN�NG THIRD o a LINE RCEL B Z p Np o ^�� 00/ / Q O \ p I "POI I A �??� cb- 1 '� � 03 ,' 0 STORM /NLET - 00 INV.= 957. 78 SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF _ _ –� c / ���, / o) I00 DUNDAS ROAD AS DESCRIBED STORM INLET /Ij s ` -� ____ ��9� B -*7 26`3?iY / o PER PARCEL D FLOW= 95738 s S ,�� %O, I POIN OF BEGINNING, SECOND \ INV.= 950.42 So? � SQ `��\ ��1�\ – 4��.16 %DOQ �OD,�•k�4 ® I �j DESC IED LINE (PARCEL B) STORM MANHOLE ��F��A^��' ��- \�`,\ �•�1rh� 6� �oI A LINE 40.00 NORTHERLY RIM= 957.77 \ I V $1 J INV.= N/A 11\ C \ CONCRETE 5 �ti 11 OF "LINE A" / �5�0` RIM= RM96 32 y // INV.= 954.68 STORE �/O T �I I �u o FLOW= 957.49 ` / /� /I / / ` I 1\ I O INV.= 953.74 �\ p`/�L 1 6 - 318.44 �_ N 4 i POINT OF BEGINNING 24-e � (LINE A, PARCEL B) /C R/ 4. 1- -50.00 I N o I o \ \ / 2TOR MANHOLE I ZZ Ir RIM= 960.72 I --- --- —1 – LEGEND OF SYMBOLS & ABBREVIATIONS 9P POWER POLE iLIGHT POLE EGUY WIRE ® ELECTRIC MANHOLE 8 ELECTRIC METER ❑E ELECTRIC VAULT ❑T TRANSFORMER CLIENT COMMENTS TELEPHONE MANHOLE FIELD WORK: 03/12/2021 DRAFTED: 4/22/21 CHECKED BY: TS FB & PG: TELEPHONE PEDESTAL CABLE BOX ® STORM DRAIN MANHOLE 0 STORM DRAIN INLET INV = N/A I I _ I SANITARY MANHO I RIM= 961.42 ® VAULT ® SANITARY MANHOLE ` ` �� INV.= N/A SIGN (AS NOTED) GAS VALVE 8 GAS METER f-- _ I FLAG POLE �L HANDICAPPED PARKING D4 WATER VALVELLS:j MITERED END SECTION FIRE HYDRANT 10 MANHOLE (UNKNOWN) SIAMESE FIRE HYDRANT STORM PIPE ® WATER MANHOLE ® FOUND IRON (AS NOTED) -~► POINT OF ACCESS SET 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP #5 70 70 — UT UT UT — UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE — UE UE UE — OVERHEAD ELECTRIC — GAS GAS GAS— UNDERGROUND GAS —I —I — I —I — I — I- UNDERGROUND WATER — > > > > - UNDERGROUND STORM SEWER >> >> >> — UNDERGROUND SANITARY SEWER \ — — — — — — — – MISCELLANEOUS NOTES 1. PER TABLE A ITEM 2: 1301 CEDAR STREET, MONTICELLO MN 55362 WAS DISCLOSED IN DOCUMENTS PROVIDED AND NOT OBSERVED AS POSTED AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY. 2. PER TABLE A ITEM 4; PROPERTY CONTAINS 1.18 ACRES (51,353± SQ. FT.) OF GROSS LAND AREA. 3. PER TABLE A ITEM 9: THERE ARE 0 STANDARD STRIPED PARKING SPACES, AND 0 HANDICAP PARKING SPACES, FOR A TOTAL OF 0 STRIPED PARKING SPACES WITHIN SUBJECT PROPERTY. 4. PER TABLE A ITEM 10(a): NO PARTY WALLS WERE OBSERVED WITH RESPECT TO ADJOINING PROPERTY. 5. PER TABLE A ITEM 13: ADJOINING OWNERSHIP INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON WAS OBTAINED FROM THE WRIGHT COUNTY WEBSITE. OWNERSHIP INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO REVISION UPON RECEIPT OF A TITLE SEARCH BY A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. 6. PER TABLE A ITEM 16: THE SITE IS NEW CONSTRUCTION SO THERE WAS SIGNIFICANT RECENT EARTH MOVING WORK, BUT AT THE TIME OF THE FIELD SURVEY THERE WAS NOT ANY EVIDENCE OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PRESENT. 7. PER TABLE A ITEM 17: WE ARE NOT AWARE OF ANY PROPOSED CHANGES IN STREET RIGHT OF WAY LINES, BUT THIS IS NEW CONSTRUCTION SO THERE IS SIGNIFICANT EVIDENCE OF RECENT STREET OR SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION OBSERVED AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY. 8. PROPERTY HAS PHYSICAL AND DIRECT ACCESS TO AND FROM PARRISH AVENUE NORTHEAST BEING DULY DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT–OF–WAY – THE ACCESS IS BY MEANS OF TWO CURB CUT DRIVE ENTRANCES. 9. BASED ON OBSERVED EVIDENCE ONLY, THE SITE DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY CEMETERIES OR BURIAL GROUNDS. 10. THE RECORD DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FORM A MATHEMATICALLY CLOSED FIGURE WITH NO GAPS, OR GORES. 11. THE BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE WRIGHT COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD83(2011). 12. VERTICAL CONTROL WAS DERIVED FROM MNDOT VRS, NAVD88 DATUM. ELEVATIONS WERE CHECKED TO THE MNDOT VERTICAL CONTROL POINT NAMED '8605 J" (ELEV. 959.247). THE LOCAL BENCHMARK IS THE TOP NUT OF THE FIRE HYDRANT ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY ELEV.=_----, AS SHOWN HEREON. SIGNIFICANT OBSERVATIONS -.A= A� EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF CEDAR STREET IS SHOWN PER THE EXTENSION OF CEDAR STREET AS SHOWN PER THE PLAT OF AMAX ADDITION (B r DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT OVER VACATED CEDAR STREET WAS NOT RELEASED AT THE TIME OF VACATION. ZONING INFORMATION PER TABLE A ITEM 6b, ZONING REPORTS HAS NOT YET BEEN PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT ALTA NSP LAND TITLE SURVEY for CESD MONTICELLO NWSE Project No. 21382 1301 CEDAR STREET, MONTICELLO MINNESOTA BASED UPON TITLE COMMITMENT NO. 20210548 OF FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BEARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF JULY 12, 2021 @ 7:00 A.M. Surveyor's Certification To: RRG Holdings, LLC a Minnesota limited liability company, First American Title Insurance Company. This is to certifythat this ma or lot and the survey on which it is based were made in P P y accordance with the 2021 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and includes Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b 1, 8, 9, 10, 11o, 13, 14, 16, and 17 of Table A thereof. The field work was completed on 06/17/2021. Surveyor's signature Kaleb J. Kodelbach 20980 Rogers Drive Suite 500 Rogers, MN 55374 (763) 515-6040 Surveyor License #:57070 SHEET 1 OF 1 SUR[ 11 AMS v PROJECT REVISION RECORD DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION 6/21/2021 FIRST DRAFT 7/19/2021 UPDATED TITLE 7/03/2021 CLIENT COMMENTS 7/13/2021 CLIENT COMMENTS FIELD WORK: 03/12/2021 DRAFTED: 4/22/21 CHECKED BY: TS FB & PG: MISCELLANEOUS NOTES 1. PER TABLE A ITEM 2: 1301 CEDAR STREET, MONTICELLO MN 55362 WAS DISCLOSED IN DOCUMENTS PROVIDED AND NOT OBSERVED AS POSTED AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY. 2. PER TABLE A ITEM 4; PROPERTY CONTAINS 1.18 ACRES (51,353± SQ. FT.) OF GROSS LAND AREA. 3. PER TABLE A ITEM 9: THERE ARE 0 STANDARD STRIPED PARKING SPACES, AND 0 HANDICAP PARKING SPACES, FOR A TOTAL OF 0 STRIPED PARKING SPACES WITHIN SUBJECT PROPERTY. 4. PER TABLE A ITEM 10(a): NO PARTY WALLS WERE OBSERVED WITH RESPECT TO ADJOINING PROPERTY. 5. PER TABLE A ITEM 13: ADJOINING OWNERSHIP INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON WAS OBTAINED FROM THE WRIGHT COUNTY WEBSITE. OWNERSHIP INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO REVISION UPON RECEIPT OF A TITLE SEARCH BY A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. 6. PER TABLE A ITEM 16: THE SITE IS NEW CONSTRUCTION SO THERE WAS SIGNIFICANT RECENT EARTH MOVING WORK, BUT AT THE TIME OF THE FIELD SURVEY THERE WAS NOT ANY EVIDENCE OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PRESENT. 7. PER TABLE A ITEM 17: WE ARE NOT AWARE OF ANY PROPOSED CHANGES IN STREET RIGHT OF WAY LINES, BUT THIS IS NEW CONSTRUCTION SO THERE IS SIGNIFICANT EVIDENCE OF RECENT STREET OR SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION OBSERVED AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY. 8. PROPERTY HAS PHYSICAL AND DIRECT ACCESS TO AND FROM PARRISH AVENUE NORTHEAST BEING DULY DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT–OF–WAY – THE ACCESS IS BY MEANS OF TWO CURB CUT DRIVE ENTRANCES. 9. BASED ON OBSERVED EVIDENCE ONLY, THE SITE DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY CEMETERIES OR BURIAL GROUNDS. 10. THE RECORD DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FORM A MATHEMATICALLY CLOSED FIGURE WITH NO GAPS, OR GORES. 11. THE BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE WRIGHT COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD83(2011). 12. VERTICAL CONTROL WAS DERIVED FROM MNDOT VRS, NAVD88 DATUM. ELEVATIONS WERE CHECKED TO THE MNDOT VERTICAL CONTROL POINT NAMED '8605 J" (ELEV. 959.247). THE LOCAL BENCHMARK IS THE TOP NUT OF THE FIRE HYDRANT ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY ELEV.=_----, AS SHOWN HEREON. SIGNIFICANT OBSERVATIONS -.A= A� EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF CEDAR STREET IS SHOWN PER THE EXTENSION OF CEDAR STREET AS SHOWN PER THE PLAT OF AMAX ADDITION (B r DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT OVER VACATED CEDAR STREET WAS NOT RELEASED AT THE TIME OF VACATION. ZONING INFORMATION PER TABLE A ITEM 6b, ZONING REPORTS HAS NOT YET BEEN PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT ALTA NSP LAND TITLE SURVEY for CESD MONTICELLO NWSE Project No. 21382 1301 CEDAR STREET, MONTICELLO MINNESOTA BASED UPON TITLE COMMITMENT NO. 20210548 OF FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BEARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF JULY 12, 2021 @ 7:00 A.M. Surveyor's Certification To: RRG Holdings, LLC a Minnesota limited liability company, First American Title Insurance Company. This is to certifythat this ma or lot and the survey on which it is based were made in P P y accordance with the 2021 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and includes Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b 1, 8, 9, 10, 11o, 13, 14, 16, and 17 of Table A thereof. The field work was completed on 06/17/2021. Surveyor's signature Kaleb J. Kodelbach 20980 Rogers Drive Suite 500 Rogers, MN 55374 (763) 515-6040 Surveyor License #:57070 SHEET 1 OF 1 SUR[ 11 AMS v Copynghtltl05 digital-topo-maps_cam MINNESOTA CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com SITE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 651-245-7455 MONTICELLO, MN WRIGHT COUNTY PROJECT LOCATION I CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7—C8 DETAILS C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN co 10 It N 2 N co N a a m� z �. O L� W W I� a m� O V� J (C" C0 o r C W O a m co 10 It N 2 N co N I-- j.. �J� m W ai Q O � NCN n 0) ti I W W I� °�Lo O CO d U O (C" O m bi � m � I-- j.. �J� m W ai Q O � FILE N0. 00821 CO Project Location plan O O m � m � � a0 O O W W Q � W O O O U FILE N0. 00821 CO Project Location plan E STORM INLET FLOW= 957.24 INV.= 928.94 STORM INLET FLOW= 957.23 INV.= 952.63 STORM MANHOLE RIM= 960.61 INV. = N/A ® E R� SNE / SAO / 10 O O 13 Q /i0�// X2.0 / c. / FU TOREJ� BUILDING �� STORM INLET O S� l\ ADDI TION 16 x FLOW= 958.01 INV. = 940.51 / �cT / TOR M INLET - 26 \ \ BUILDING FLOW= 958.8 1 6 ^� ,�� \ SETBACK /O INV. = 954. 11 / \ /0000000000000 0000\ / 0°-0000°0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0�\ o \ / o 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ogg. 0 0 0 O O O C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,-- 5 '0°000 3 J000, _000000000000080 O• i �O° °° O°°°O°°< 5 0� 2 �� °°o°o°o° �o°o° °o°o°o°o°o°o°o°o° y. o"0 0 0 0 0"0"0 o c nj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 O 0000000000-o�oo�0.4 000o000000000000000°0� O• °0000000000 O000000000000000000000o \ / ?o o� 2 ,°°° ,O_ O'0000000000000000° 3 BUILDING O° °00000000000 // O `3 o °j°jP 0000 0°°°0°0°°O°00'000°°O°°° \ 1 6 SETBACK l / 72 0 4 \0000.°0 0�0°� ° ++ 5 O II►0000000000� °0000°00° + 5 9 / Oo00000006 0600000 O + + 0/ °0 3 00 °o°° ° + + 1 + o _++0+++ +++ \i °o°o �Oo°o°o°0000 y� + + + + + + + + d // 41 ° 0 °0°0°0°0° / �� + ++ +++++++ O++ +'O 20 18 / 8010-8810, ° 0000° + + °`° / O` ni y O ° ° 0 0000 -\+ + ^ + + + + + + ° l DEPRESS / °� 10 C. P, + + + + + +� l CURB AT ,,000g��°. ° °'1 j:�o%l l + ++++++ + ++ 19 ° 0040°0 SIDEWALK°o°0 5 /000° ° / 6 + + + + 1 �+ owoOg / --� O411. 0o00c �� 00000°°�/ / / O` +0�+ V + $oci° °°000000� , 0 ,000000° 16 �` +++ °¢°r 9 ♦ 10 / M ° o ° /°i 6 °o°0 5 / O 1 y +P� ��'o° O / c %0000 °000000O / 20 `c 15 o °/+ °°o+++ ° NEW 19 v�g ooo°o°o5•o STREET i0 ° 0 °o°o oR/W LINEO +++ ++ ++ + b SO ///+�01 / Spy 18 / ++ ++ 7 O /�/+ +O+ + 0 ++++ ++ 116 9 /9 , (0 +++++ +++++// 6 �Q 17 0)III+++++++ + ++++++II r``` II++++++ + ++++++ p // / + ++ + / +++ ++ II R=45.0 / R=65.0 + ++ + I + + 16 + + + �11++++++} A ++4 5 / 10 c� `1f+ \�/�-\li•- ��c c� / // / / / // / / / / // / / O \ J /" ,�, MV JJ 0° O .2��,/J�+ �++R += +1G 0+ . 0+i ++ ++ + ++ O+ + + \\\ 16 +' CO +4 ++ + 12 ++ +12 +++ 1 + +++++2 4 ++ +++++ + -++ AftK \G 9 ++ + ++++ 0 + } 0+ + + ++++ + 18 o0 21 `++++++ ++ +++ O+ ++ .+ + + ++++++ OOO0 00/ O0 0CO 00 hl +++ ++++ + + +++ 19 ° 0+ + 0 I O 0+ + ++ ° 00+ ++ °° + +++ }}++ 0000000 VVV + T22 + �J +++ 21 ++ 0 + + + + + + 00000°yyyO21++++ + + ++ + ++++++0 + +++4 + + + + + 0000000 r JJJ+ ^zJ + ++ + + + 0° + + + }++ 21 A" 0 ++ +++++++ �' 22 +1_4O +++ + 15 67 4� 0 + + ++++++ + + + + + + V (� O, I I a / '+ �00 +O +h o0 o "�J v 00 + + + + + 00o00o0o z C0�0'0 00 0 };} }0o0O° G0O J°o } }o°22 } 21 +0oo0'DEPRESS o°++++ +/+++++}+ ++ ++ 10 Ooo ++++ 4 + +t,+ ++o0CURB AT o°}}}}}} ,++ }+}++ } } } } } } } } } } + ° }} 000 °o°g 000 10 ++++ oO SIDEWALK } 3 3 +0 ++++ ++++R=3.0 5 + 16+ +O+21� I I I ill BUILDING SE TBA CK / O ,0o + + + + + + + + QQo° °o°o° I 72 / /+++++++/ 44 + ++ ++ +++++++++++++++ + ++++} +�� X5.0 �000 Q + + +++ 3 +++++++++ ° ++O +/ / +++ ++ ++ ++ ++++++++ ++ ++ ++ +++ ++ W = /+ 11 16 y %O 25 ++ 2 +// tj��O I ,,0+ ++ ++++++++++ 0 1�0 D //+++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + / 5 + �� 23 01 /` + 4p +( + + +�I/ II �O ++�� O 5 ,+ ++++++++ o)'+++ 18 �� I O / + + + + + + + , O \+ 0 + + + + + + + + + / I+++++++++++++++++++++++ + 6 ,+ ++++ ++++++++++++++++++++'�+ ,+ ++ 16 I Ol/++% ++++++++++++++++++ I +++++++++� +++ +++++++++ + +PROPOSED + I 7S0 L / ++ + +++++++++++++�.++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ D&U + / 1 9+ +++ +++++++=,-++++++ �ANyLalTY�gNLIO'L-� EASEMENT ,+ e,4. +4.0 + �� + ,q6�•2+3+ + + + + �+ / 9 STOR IN T I 14 / C/++++++�++++ ++++++++++++ ++1 ++5U5$+++++++++++++ / II FLOW 9 1.18 ++ +�+ ++ ++ + ++++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++0++++ + + +++++++/ INV.= 952188 I ++ + + + + ++++++ ++++++ +++ + 16 /++++ + ++ +++ +++++++ +++++++ + t0 + + + + + + + +++++++++++++,++++++ + + + ,+ +.i/ U V + + o' + + + + + + + + 17.0 ORT 5 + + N + O+ + � + 5 Z N o1` 'S'F�� + +++ ++� +++\�, + ++ 5 ;O+ +++ ++++++++++ ++ a+++ + 16 50.0 + + ++++ + + + + + + + --+++ ++ O +++ ++++ ++++ 03 ��03, s R\ \�+ /++ +++++++1 ++ ++ +// _� NEW ? Oq0 + STREET ST RM INLET BUILCo SETBACK \ �� / A` R/W LINE _ FL W= 961.27 I I I 15-++++++ �/ 1 1 IN = 957.7 10 10M I 50 aJ / � S� STORM INLET - s S � 16 FLOW= 957.38 �o / h -,-,_INVlb � 90 - 950.42 �, � 10 � �° �s � o ��o� VACUUM �; �7o. 00 � 0 , N I CON TA INER o STORM MANHOLE C�'� (TYPICAL) �� I �- Gj RIM= 957.77- INV. = N/A `� SANITARY MANHOLE 10 CO TE RIM= 959.38 O STORM MAN OLE CP STM � = 950.74 p. RIM= 961.3 " R ��� INV. 954. 8 O � � o. STORM INLET O d` 10 � FLOW= 957.49 Q INV.= 953.74 `36 ,RCP i LEGEND: EXISTING BOUNDARY EXISTING EASEMENT EXISTING SETBACK EXISTING R/W LINE 4° • '+":" s. ;.� CONCRETE LIGHT DUTY 00000ppppppppppp CONCRETE HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AGGREGATE SURFACE PROPOSED R/W LINE - - - - - - - - - - PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER STANDARD PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER TIP -OUT ® PROPOSED PARKING STALLS SITE DATA: EXISTING ZONING: B-3 HIGHWAY BUSINESS DISTRICT PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA: 24,665 SF LOT AREA: 50,365 SF = 1.15 ACRES (building and pavement areas) BUILDING AREA: 8,208 SF PERCENT PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA: 49.0% (% of lot area; 24,665/50,365) PERCENT BUILDING FOOTPRINT COVERAGE: 16.29 (8,208) / 50,365) TOTAL PERVIOUS AREA: 25,700 SF (landscape, turf areas) FLOOR AREA RATIO (ALL FLOORS) 0.163 PERCENT PERVIOUS AREA: 51.0% (8,208 / 50,365) (% of lot area; 25,700/50,365) EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 35,092 SF DISTURBANCE AREA: 56,104 SF (includes existing building, existing pavement 1.29 AC and aggregate surface areas) KEY NOTES: O BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT; SEE SECTION ON DETAIL SHEET O TRENCH DRAIN 0 CONCRETE PAVEMENT HEAVY DUTY; 4,500 PSI MIX; SEE SECTION ON DETAIL SHEET O CONCRETE PAVEMENT LIGHT DUTY; 4,500 PSI MIX; SEE SECTION ON DETAIL SHEET (PRIVATE SIDEWALK) OB612 (6") CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER MIX 31`32 FOR MACHINE PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) MIX 31`52 FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) O6 B612 (6") CONCRETE OUTFLOW CURB & GUTTER. (TIP -OUT FLOWLINE). MIX 3F32 FOR MACHINE PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) MIX 31`52 FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) O PAINT 4" SOLID STRIPE - WHITE LATEX PAINT Og RELOCATE EXISTING LIGHT POLE. COORDINATE NEW LOCATION WITH CITY. O9 SAWCUT AND REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT SURFACE FOR CLEAN EDGE (REPLACE PAVEMENT SURFACE IN-KIND) 10 EXISTING PAVEMENT TO REMAIN 11 EXISTING UTILITIES TO REMAIN IN PLACE. CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT 12 CLEARANCE BARS. SEE ARCHITECT PLANS FOR DETAILS. 13 WASH WATER RECYCLE UNDERGROUND TANKS. MONUMENT SIGN 15 FT FROM PROPERTY LINE. SEPARATE 14 SIGN PERMIT TO BE OBTAINED FROM CITY. 15 COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE SEE DETAIL 16 PERVIOUS AREA. SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN BY OTHERS 17 B618 (6") CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER MIX 31`32 FOR MACHINE PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) MIX 3F52 FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) 18 PUBLIC SIDEWALK. SEE MONTICELLO DETAIL ON SHEET C8. 19 PED RAMP TO COMPLY WITH AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT & MnDOT STANDARD PLAN 5-297.250 INCLUDING CONTRASTING DETECTABLE WARNING DEVICES. DEPRESS BACK OF CURB AT RAMP. 20 INSTALL TRAFFIC SIGNS, MOUNTED ON STEEL POST. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE LOCATION. 'DO NOT ENTER' SIGN 21 PAINT TRAFFIC ARROWS - WHITE. 22 PAINT 24" HIGH LETTERS - WHITE. 23 PAINT INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSABILITY-WHITE LATEX PAINT. 24 ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN (MNDOT #'S R7 -8A AND R7-813). CENTER SIGN ON PARKING STALL. LOCATION PER GENERAL CONTRACTOR. MOUNT ON 6" CONCRETE BOLLARD. SEE DETAIL SHEET. 25 PAINT 4" WIDE SOLID STRIPE - WHITE. (DASH WHERE INDICATED ON PLAN) 26 FLAG POLE 24 FT HEIGHT. GENERAL NOTES 1. PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND APPROVALS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED. NO CONSTRUCTION OR FABRICATION SHALL BEGIN UNTIL THE CONTRACTOR HAS THOROUGHLY REVIEWED ALL PLANS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS APPROVED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITIES. 2. WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND THE REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS OF THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITY. THE SOILS REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION SET FORTH THEREIN ARE A PART OF THE REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND IN CASE OF CONFLICT SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER OF ANY DISCREPANCY BETWEEN SOILS REPORT AND PLANS. 3. SITE CLEARING SHALL INCLUDE THE LOCATION AND REMOVAL OF ALL UNDERGROUND PIPING, VALVING, ETC. 4. SITE GRADING SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND THE RECOMMENDATIONS SET FORTH IN THE SOILS REPORT IF OWNER HAS PROVIDED SUCH REPORT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVING AND REPLACING ALL SOFT, YIELDING OR UNSUITABLE MATERIALS AND REPLACING WITH SUITABLE MATERIALS AS SPECIFIED. IF REQUESTED BY THE OWNER, CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A COMPACTION REPORT PREPARED BY A QUALIFIED SOILS ENGINEER, LICENSED WITHIN THE STATE WHERE THE WORK IS PERFORMED, VERIFYING THAT ALL FILLED AREAS AND SUBGRADE AREAS WITHIN THE BUILDING PAD AND PAVEMENT AREAS HAVE BEEN COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS SET FORTH IN THE SOILS REPORT. 5. THE LOCATIONS OF THE UNDERGROUND FACILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE BASED ON AVAILABLE SURVEY RECORDS. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CONTACT THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES TO LOCATE THEIR FACILITIES PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION SHALL BE PAID TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR DAMAGE AND REPAIR TO THESE FACILITIES CAUSED BY HIS WORK FORCE. 6. ALL EXISTING DIMENSIONS AND GRADES SHOWN ON THE PLANS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY OWNER IF ANY DISCREPANCIES EXIST PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION FOR NECESSARY PLAN OR GRADE CHANGES. NO EXTRA COMPENSATION SHALL BE PAID TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR WORK HAVING TO BE REDONE DUE TO DIMENSIONS OR GRADES SHOWN INCORRECTLY ON THESE PLANS IF SUCH NOTIFICATION HAS NOT BEEN GIVEN. 7. ALL EXISTING CONCRETE CURBING AND PAVEMENT TO REMAIN SHALL BE PRHTECTED FROM DAMAGE. CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR ANY DAMAGED EXISTING CURB AND PAVEMENT AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. 8. THE CITY WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ADDITIONAL COSTS INCURRED ASSOCIATED WITH VARIATIONS IN THE AS -BUILT ELEVATIONS. THESE ELEVATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 0 20 40 60 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: NORHWESTERN SURVEYING & ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. BOX 3067 BEMIDJI, MN 56601 DATED: JUNE 22, 2021 BENCHMARK: VERTICAL CONTROL WAS DERIVED FROM MNDOT VRS NAV88 DATUM, LOCAL BENCH MARK IS THE TOP NUT HYDRANT OF THE MOST SOUTHERLY FIRE HYDRANT (SOUTHERLY POINT OF PARKWAY AVE. NE) TOP NUT ELEV.=873.74. EXISTING PROPERTY DESCRIPTION SEE SURVEY PROPOSED PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LOT 1, BLOCK 1, KAMPSCHROER ADDITION, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. PROJECT LOCATION SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 SECTION 14 TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. BUILDING USE AUTOMONTIVE WASH FACILITIES PARKING DATA REQUIRED PARKING STALLS PER CHAPTER 4 SECTION 4.8 SCHEDULE #1: AUTOMONTIVE WASH FACILITIES 10.0 SPACES OR ONE SPACE FOR EACH EMPLOYEE ON THE MAXIMUM SHIFT, WHICH IS GREATER PROVIDED PARKING 10 STALLS SETBACKS: L OCA TION: BUILDING FRON T 30' INTERIOR SIDE YARD 10' REAR YARD 30' S TREE T SIDE 20' LOT MINIMUM: Base Lot Area No Minimum Base Lot Width 100 ft Minimum SITE PLAN NOTES 1. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO FACE OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. MATCH EXISTING GRADES AT EXISTING PAVEMENT TO REMAIN. 3. EXISTING PAVEMENT TO REMAIN SHALL BE SAW CUT FOR CLEAN EDGE. TACK SHALL BE USED ON ALL VERTICAL EDGES PRIOR TO PATCHING. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AND COORDINATE CONDUIT REQUIRMENTS FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IF ANY WITHIN THE WORK ZONE WITH THE OWNER PRIOR TO PAVING. 5. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING WITH FIRE MARSHALL FOR POSTING OF FIRE LANES, CURB MARKING AND SIGNAGE AS REQUIRED. 6. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF ALL EXISTING SITE FEATURES THAT INTERFERE WITH NEW WORK AS SHOWN. Drainage and utility easements are shown thus: II I� 6 II 6 _I Being 12 feet in width and adjoining right of -way lines, also being 6 feet in width and adjoining lot lines, unless otherwise indicated, as shown on the plat. INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7 -C8 DETAILS C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com 651-245-7455 _Lu V C) Q O N (L 00 m � m O m �Z O W a) � Q Vo W m o UJ O O Vm CIL FILE N0. 00821 V - r0 z INC Q co W O~ O In C- O W N C) C) C) r o 00 m � m O m W O a) V N N 0) V c0 N O O O U FILE N0. 00821 I O U O~ O In C- O A o x ai I mm °n> r F - -%I°' � Wh X000 c�` c o�� c 4,�00421:33 ►�~ 3 IW��ai3 co� � .10o m o p 4 O a too I C2a N C) C) C) O m � m O m W O � V O O O U FILE N0. 00821 CI Site Plan & Preliminary Plat STORM INLET FLOW= 958.01 INV. = 940.51 INV. = N/A �✓ 0 20 40 60 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com 651-245-7455 INV.=54.11 // cS � // I / o)&- � 964K �\ 141 v LEGEND: Qo lo 11)g6�• gOg Existing Contours � / oq, l >� ExistingStorm Sewer 96319 ° \ 963 / o / ?�s9 // o� 33 xsos.o Existing Spot Elevation 1CP��� 06 908 Proposed Contours N Z DEPRESS CURB //' �, ��' j 9 g \\ 96265 `5� ►► Proposed Storm Sewer Q 4" M J �i a m� a ALONG SIDEWALK / _ l , �� 11 l/l �?o �6, / Nol `� \ � � ` � 3 64g \ � y X 943.50 Proposed Spot Elevation LLI // 1 / 3 359 963.00 �� Z Z 0% 2.40 <<< W / / ` Flow Direction ` C Q oo / / \ 963 /�96/2 ^� / / y �.00, / Overflow Route ♦Q♦ LLI C Z / 0) 0 w /1r r i ?o �i 962.10 / SURVEY DATA Q a c 0111% Gj 62.75/ �R SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: V NORHWESTERN SURVEYING & ENGINEERING, INC. O W Z °a Co, -J1 90�' 1'92q �` / = `� Q 11 MN3067 Co ~ 0 DATED: JUNE 22, 2021 �;' ;•, / / �O 961-60 l �� `t � 11 � BENCHMARK: v / III O l/ / VERTICAL CONTROL WAS DERIVED FROM MNDOT J �� l ;r`' ' 9 1'92% I g614o / \� l/ VRS NAV88 DATUM, LOCAL BENCH MARK IS THE TOP NUT HYDRANT OF THE MOST SOUTHERLY 6' / V 962 / '90 / �O� 30 AVE.RDRAN (SOUTHERLY POINT OF PARKWAY INE)NUT 961.60 l ELEV.=873.74. c� -1 / 196. `96- CID GENERAL GRADING NOTES: o c 00 o 96 / 1. Specifications applicable for this project: Current standard Z! :y specifications for City of Monticello, MN, and the latest Minnesota ` Z N / O 63.42 ®j Department of Transportation Specifications for Highway Construction ° c c 24 I o E / 963.50 342 0 963 ss21p / and all NPDES requirements except where modified by these contract o �' Lc -4 ' 1 0 a2 / til documents. o 0 96 g6 C~ _ / 2. OSHA requirements shall be followed for all work on this project. °c W I °o x � �° 3. The Contractor shall notify "Gopher State One Call" 48 hours prior to � ° A m 0 0 rq / 00 Q m=co - o� a6� ' any excavation (1-800-252-1166.) o W [� Ino 0 0 474. The Grading Contractor shall verify all locations and elevations of o c '' ►� t; I w° v �^ Y 962 50 I underground utilities with utility companies prior to any construction, Z3 � , � o o / rn \ and immediately notify the Engineer of any conflicts. o o N U 5. Erosion Control shall be constructed, as applicable, as sequenced below:Qo �, o \ , S A. Silt Fence. c E ,' V ' N �Q)b osG I B. Rock Construction Entrance. lobC. Demolition D. Common excavation (grading). °`o ° o 0 E. Seed and mulch or sod (See notes on Landscape plan). J / o s6 \ g g 6. Final Plat shall govern for easements and lot dimensions. i aw ° o W 6�5 230 � \ `O`l. / I � c r a 7. Any erosion control items necessary to protect adjacent properties shall 3 a 962.20 �� 6� 80 I be constructed by the Grading Contractor. rn / //\ rho 9 2. q 9 8. Erosion control maintenance shall be performed by the Grading Contractor, and removed as per the Contract Documents or as „D directed by the Engineer, followed by all necessary restoration of / 96318 disturbed area. This work shall be incidental to the grading contract. / 963 96� ° // �:: 961.65 9. The Grading Contractor shall schedule the soils engineer to facilitate � CIV/ �� y // 15 c`O� P V a;II certification of all controlled fills in a timely fashion. Density tests �� g�� o /// II I shall meet the following: / j g63.0 J / ,a' II A. Within the upper 3 of streets, the Grading Contractor shall utilize approved soils that are within 1% of the optimum Q 250 ss2,g4 moisture content as defined by the Standard Proctor Test -ASTM: z 96 i. I I D-698 with compaction meeting 100% Standard Proctor Density O and not exceeding this compaction by more than 1%. Below Q 961- 961 55 11 the upper 3', compaction shall meet 95% Standard Proctor 11 I g62 N SANITARY M HOLE �p Density, and be within 3% of the optimum moisture content. W ° Grading tolerances shall be 0.1'. C� /RIM= .25 g6�' / STOR IN T I Z / /NV.= 58 9 / 11 FLOW 9 1.18 B. Grading tolerances for the remainder of the site shall be 0.25'. O 961.5p'VV.= 957188 I 15o M W 10. All areas of unsuitable soils found in the pad described above that J 96 / cannot be corrected shall be located in the field by the Grading m 0.60 Contractor. The Grading Contractor shall immediately notify the ? -Q611 oo`� Q Engineer of these areas and provide information as to their size and N 2. location. Z 6�L �o� �� Cq 961.30 O 11. The Grading contractor shall provide positive drainage on the site at N X0`3,0 S qD ►► \0 / 96, a I I times. 96 ° O�' 3S ST RM INLET 12. The Grading Contractor shall keep public streets and travel ways clear 0 p C 2 � / A FL W= 961.27 1 I I of soil and debris. Daily cleaning at the construction entrance shall be ONCR /N = 957.7 performed, especially at the end of each day's work. 99,90/ g622o� I 50 I 13. All silt fence shall be removed at project completion. N C) C) C) 5 14. All proposed elevations are at curb flow line or finished bituminous co CO co STORM INLET 962 XjOP I surface unless otherwise noted. co FLOW= 957.38 / A �5' R 15. All erosion control best management practices shall be per City m m . NV. = 950.42 standardso m W O � O Y Q \ 960` I I Q W I ANHOLE - O O O C� 57.77 �W SANITARY MANHOLE CO TE ✓/A _ RIM= 959.38 STORM MA OLE OP STM V = 950.74 RIM= 961. R � - INV. 954. FILE NO. 00821 O INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS. INLET ' 957.49 953.74 �\ CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7 -C8 DETAILS C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN C2 Grading & Drainage Plan INV.= N/A,., E� R� SSE / 96 � S�° / 964 ` / r STORM INLET FLOW= 958.01 - 964 INV. = 940.51 _ \ / TORM l LET FLOW= 58.8 c� / / 6�� o \ O INV. = 54.11 / g 964 \ 963.19 \\ 963 f eo o .ory. III o 5 962.x5 O / Q0 O/ �6 / ► a, ` \ 963.00 6 / l O 11 11 'l O l ' ` Aft . // //-CONNECT TO EXISTING 96300 0)• / 96/2 �/ SANITARY SEWER SERVICE < / /(FIELD VERIFY). 6" DIA. �CLEANOUT WITH NEENAH o // CASTING R-1976 OR I 962.1 EQUIVALENT I IE=950.73 (FIELD VERIFY) 962.;75 75 LF 6" PVC SCH 40 O 2.00% / '�s REMOVE EXISTING VALVE; INSTALL 6"x4" DIP REDUCER; /, I / 961.60' i INSTALL 4" GATE VALVE AND RISER; FIELD VERIFY 6 PVC SCH 40 IE=952.23 J' II 1 / D LOCATION, ADJUST AS / CONFIRM SANITARY SEWER I NECESSARY , SERVICE LOCATION, SIZE, AND 961.40 / 7 -- MATERIAL MATERIAL WITH MECHANICAL / ' I 90 I 4" 450 DIP ,� �� 96230 `v PLANS, ADJUST AS NECESSARY �,,. - I / BENDS, 2 EA V / /// h� 111 6��`L ,► 961-60 4 DIP CL52 TOP=955.00 �\ `� 91 LF 4" CL 52 DIP WM CONFIRM WATER SERVICE LOCATION, SIZE, AND/9625 �\ MATERIAL WITH MECHANICAL 3 CID6?�R �4" 450 DIP BEND PLANS, ADJUST AS 96�\\ NECESSARY / / / 0 963.50 63.42 \ 962.70 / / ^ 63. / 1° \ 963 14" 450 DIP BEND 1610 V / 962.50 0 I / \ 0 / ybb � � I 96---.,30 c�0 / 962.20 \\ 9618000 I ^7 963. I 963 18 96� 11 961.6,5 I 0) 10/ 863.15 �� GjP // °' II I l \® 963.05 962 50 ` I 96 .84 5° / I / s . / 11 96� ' 961.55 I I 962 SANITARY M HOLE 10 RIM= 96 .25 961'/ STOR IN T I / INV.= 0.58 RETROFIT EXISTING SANITARY � FLOW 9 1.18 / O I � SEWER MANHOLE CASTING TO 961.50'VV.= 951-188 I 96150 / RE=961.70 (LOWER 0.55 FT); o CONFIRM RETROFIT METHOD I -0 �(01 WITH CITY PUBLIC WORKS 222, .q,o 1�5 10, o / PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 961..5u / I 703\ 2 ST RM INLET C 962 \\ / A I , FL W= 961.27 I I I IN = 957.7 96220 ` 7 I 50 I STORM INLET 962 FLOW= 957.38 / A 15 INV.= 950.42 MANHOLE �� \ 96'0 I I '57.77- 11A \ Nlb /,\ 1 SANITARY MANHOLE CO TE 0 20 40 60 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA LEGEND: (n (00 N SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: _908-- Existing Contours NORHWESTERN SURVEYING & ENGINEERING, INC. LO A Lx I° Im°o(O•> P.O. BOX 3067 >� Existing g Storm Sewer BEMIDJI, MN 56601 Existing Water Main > Existing Sanitary Sewer DATED: JUNE 22, 2021 Existing Trees BENCHMARK: Existing Bndy Line VERTICAL CONTROL WAS DERIVED FROM MNDOT Proposed Sanitary Sewer VRS NAV88 DATUM, LOCAL BENCH MARK IS THE I Proposed Water Main TOP NUT HYDRANT OF THE MOST SOUTHERLY FIRE HYDRANT (SOUTHERLY POINT OF PARKWAY H Proposed Gate Valve AVE. NE) TOP NUT ►► Proposed Storm Sewer ELEV.=873.74. O Proposed Fire Hydrant GENERAL UTILITY NOTES W 1. Specifications applicable for this project: Current standard specifications for the City of Monticello, MN and all Minnesota Department of Health and MPCA requirements except where modified by these contract documents. 2. OSHA requirements shall be followed for all work on this project. 3. The Contractor shall notify "Gopher State One Call" prior to any excavation (651 -454-0002 or 1 -800-252-1166 out state.) 4. The Contractor shall verify all locations and elevations of underground utilities with utility companies prior to any construction (storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water, natural gas, telephone, electric, etc.), and immediately notify the Engineer of any conflicts. 5. The Contractor shall protect all existing utilities and facilities to allow proper functioning during and after construction. Any required supporting structures shall be supplied by the Contractor as work incidental to the contract. 6. The contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any conflicts between existing utilities, and the proposed construction. The Engineer will coordinate with the Utility Company in question to determine the need for relocation of the existing utility. 7. Existing conditions such as sand in manholes or valve boxes shall be identified by the Contractor and these shall be reported to the Engineer prior to excavation by the Contractor. Once construction has begun, all damage to underground utilities will be assumed to have been caused by the Contractor, any repairs necessary shall be performed by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. 8. Final Plat shall govern for easements. 9. The Contractor shall coordinate with the local jurisdiction to obtain permits and meter for water source. All associated costs shall be incidental to the Contract, including disposal of test water into City's sanitary sewer system. The Contractor shall not operate gate valves or hydrants on the City's water supply system. 10. The Contractor shall notify the City Engineer and the Project Engineer 48 hours prior to starting work or as required by the local jurisdiction or be subject to being shut down. 11. The Contractor shall keep access roads clear of soil or other debris, and perform daily street cleaning as required by the NPDES permit. Positive drainage, controlled with erosion control and erosion prevention measures as required by the NPDES permit shall be performed. Inlet protection shall be installed within 48 hours after inlet construction. Unless specified on the plans or as a bid item on the Bid Form, any temporary culverts, ditches, filter fabric, etc. necessary to accomplish this shall be performed as incidental to the Contract. 12. The Contractor shall preserve and protect the markers and monuments set for the subdivision of the land. 13. The Contractor shall schedule the soils engineer to facilitate certification of all controlled fills in a timely fashion. Density tests shall meet the following: A. Density tests shall be taken on all trenches at locations as determined by the Engineer or his representative. B. Within the upper 3' of streets, private drives and parking lots, Contractor shall utilize approved soils that are within 1% optimum moisture content as defined by the Standard Proctor Test -ASTM: D-698 with 100% Standard Proctor Density and not exceeding compaction by more than 1%. Below the upper 3', compaction shall meet 95%. Grading tolerances shall be 0.1'. 14. The Owner shall pay for all testing of soils compaction. Any areas which fail to meet the above standards shall be corrected and re -tested by the Owner's testing agent at the Contractor's expense. 15. All water main shall be installed with a minimum of 7.5 feet of cover. 16. Contractor shall provide temporary traffic control in compliance with MN/DOT "Temporary Traffic Control Zone Layouts Field Manual" most recent version for construction adjacent to travel ways. 17. Contractor shall be responsible for verification of the depth of existing stubs listed on this plan prior to the ordering of any fittings, structures, castings, etc. Engineer, Owner or City shall not be responsible for any discrepancies found as depths are estimated. 18. The contractor shall coordinate schedule with adjacent property owners to minimize disturbance for water shut down and temporary closure of access if necessary. 19. The contractor shall be responsible for coordinating with utility companies for power pole and/or line relocation required. 20. The contractor shall provide all necessary traffic control. 21. The contractor shall be responsible for all grading and restoration required to restore surfaces to like kind existing condition. 22. Existing curb and pavement damaged or impacted on adjacent property shall be restored with in-kind materials and section. All match lines are to be saw cut. 23. The contractor shall obtain a Utility Excavation Permit from the City Public Works Department prior to commencement of utility connections. 24. City will not be responsible for costs incurred that are associated with variations in the utility as -built elevations. These elevations are to be field verified prior to construction. 25. City will maintain sanitary sewer mainline and watermain system within the site. Property owners will be responsible for maintenance of storm sewer system. 26. Installation of fire suppression systems in buildings to only be installed when deemed necessary by building department based on building use and/or occupier activity. 27. PVC pipe shall be ASTM D1785, ASTM D2241, or AWWA C900. 28. PE pipe shall be AWWA C901. 29. Watermain and service line installation to comply with the requirements of Section 2611 of the City Engineers Association of Minnesota (CEAM), 2018 specifications or current edition. 30. Tracer wire to be installed in accordance with Appendix D of the City of Monticello, MN General Specifications, revised July 2019 or latest edition. 31. Where the watermain crosses either sanitary or storm sewer maintain 18" of separation and insulate with 4" rigid insulation. INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com 651-245-7455 V = W 00 Qa CCW Q W V w O Q(L ♦O w v, co 00 N 2 q) N Qo N Z a ccW R W FILE NO. 00821 INLET CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN 957.49 ` © C1 SITE PLAN 8c PRELIMINARY PLAT 953.74 36„ R _ / C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN / cP SrM C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C3 - ►� C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN / I - C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7 -C8 DETAILS Sanitary Sewer & C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN Water Plan (n (00 N �0) LO I LO A Lx I° Im°o(O•> W m_�._ ►� � I Li '0 FILE NO. 00821 INLET CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN 957.49 ` © C1 SITE PLAN 8c PRELIMINARY PLAT 953.74 36„ R _ / C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN / cP SrM C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C3 - ►� C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN / I - C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7 -C8 DETAILS Sanitary Sewer & C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN Water Plan N C) C) C) O O m � O DO O W W Q W O O O V FILE NO. 00821 INLET CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN 957.49 ` © C1 SITE PLAN 8c PRELIMINARY PLAT 953.74 36„ R _ / C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN / cP SrM C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C3 - ►� C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN / I - C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7 -C8 DETAILS Sanitary Sewer & C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN Water Plan 961 964 964 STORM INLET l FLOW= 958.01 INV. = 940.51 _ TORM I LET = ME�rV SNEER \ -964 FLOW= 58.8 \ INV.= 54. 1 1 1P 964 \ I (N, TRENCH DRAIN -106 NEENAH R -4990 -BX -A OR EQUAL 10 LF TOTAL LENGTH' (0�� ,�ti° 67 LF 12" HDPE PROVIDE 10" MINIMUM WIDTH GRATE, �� 96 ® 1.87% HEAVY DUTY �� = 96319 y�963-- SLOPE FLOWLINE AT 1.0% / 1 O / IE 960.20 +/- 03 / / 14 LF 8" SCH 40 PVC / 0 2.00% MIN. SLOPE / CBMH-105 / 27 DIA. PRECAST 4 / RE=962.50 (R-4342) S IE(NW)=959.90 (8" IN) IE(SE)=959.59 (12" OUT) �o cs CBMH-103 ,' / c 48" DIA. PRECAST RE=961.30 (R-3067) / IE(NE)=956.80 (12" IN) �I IE(SE)=956.80 (12 OUT) �I 12 LF 8" SCH 40 to , �; / PVC 0 4.17% 1 c� STUB / ROOF DRAIN CONNECTION IE=958.00 963.50 63.5 (:D 0) / 0 \ 0C 4 0 0 9 rn I g6�c:0 / 963.18 R2 �� 963 / 96'5 Cry / // 1� g`15 / \ 957'... 962.84 c� l <962 / SANITARY M HOLE / RIM= 96 .25 g6 \ INV. = 0.58 \ g6� 5° _Q o^.� CPO CB -106 ~ / 2'X3' PRECAST" O6 / RE=961.15 (R-3067) IE(E)=957.65 (12" OUT) li , CBMH-104 / 60" DIA. PRECAST RE=961.30 (R-3067) IE(W)=958.25 (12" IN) IE(SW)=957.20 (12" OUT) h / 3`3 J12. ss SO IQ6.0 963.00 963 0pce / 88 LF 12" HDPE I 962.10 / l 0 0.45% 962.;75 962 A-10 960 Ore I Y61.40 I962-30 4,1 4 L 9a,<, \ 28 LF 12" HDPE / <� \ ® 0.53%CO A STMH-102 48"DIA. PRECAST !� RE=962.29 (R-1733) 962.10 / IE(W)=957.50 (8" IN) / \ �IE(NE)=956.60 (12, " IN) IE(SE)=956.60 (12 OUT) > ' 962.50 I I 163 LF 12" SCH 40 / PVC 0 0.48% I > 6� y 0 g no >62 3 O � 0 962.2 �� 961$ / I 9J CBMH-101 I 48" DIA. PRECAST RE=961.70 (R-3067) 1 I ro IE(N)=956.30 (12" IN) C� c�P /IE(S)=956.30 (12" OUT) II 94 LF 12" SCH 40 II I I 661 ss PVC 0 0.53% II I I •� II / STOR IN T / FLOW 9 1.18 / CBMH-100 i'VV.= 9511.88 I 48" DIA. PRECAST / RE=961.20 (R-3067) I IE(W)=957.00 (12") IE(N)=955.80 (12" IN) 61.30 / IE(SE)=955.60 (12" OUT) 31 LF 12" SCH ST RM INLET I 40 PVC 0 1.61% I FL W= 961.27 I I 0 42 LF 12" RCP 957.7 g6ti? CL 5 0 1.43% k 50 I 65 LF 12 SCH 40 / 5\ STORM INLET \ PVC a 1.00% 962 y 120P I FLOW= 957.38 ------ INV. = 950.42 Q \ MANHOLE '57.77 �lb I ✓/A SANITARY MANHOLE RIM= 959.38 CP STM INV. = 950.74 / J INLET 957.49 '' /i r�/ ��1 41 953.74 �\ UC 4' \ \ y�� STMH-99 48 DIA. PRECAST RE=962.20 (R-1733) IE(NW)=955.10 (12" IN) �IE(SE)=955.10 (12" 0UT) E- REMOVE EXISTING SIDEWALK, STREE STORM MA PAVEMENT, AND CURB AS RIM= 961. NECESSARY FOR UTILITY INV. = 954 INSTALLATION; �^ SAWCUT FOR CLEAN EDGE; REPLACE Q)' PAVEMENT TO MATCH EXISTING MATERIALS, SECTION, AND ----_ , v 36 RcP ` ELEVATIONS; - ALL WORK TO BE COMPLETED IN ro ACCORDANCE WITH CITY STANDARDS;- CONTRACTOR TANDARDS;-CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE A TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE CITY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK �� _ nnivi ivLL I CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM MH SAWCUT CONNECTION AND _ LE RETROFIT; IE(NW)=954.50 (12" IN); CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXISTING INVERT ELEVATION; ADJUST AS NECESSARY i I SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: NORHWESTERN SURVEYING & ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. BOX 3067 BEMIDJI, MN 56601 DATED: JUNE 22, 2021 BENCHMARK: VERTICAL CONTROL WAS DERIVED FROM MNDOT VRS NAV88 DATUM, LOCAL BENCH MARK IS THE TOP NUT HYDRANT OF THE MOST SOUTHERLY FIRE HYDRANT (SOUTHERLY POINT OF PARKWAY AVE. NE) TOP NUT ELEV.=873.74. A 10101 '1�Imhw1[611160 0 20 40 60 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET LEGEND: 908- Existing Contours >> Existing Storm Sewer = Existing Water Main > Existing Sanitary Sewer � Existing Trees Existing Bndy Line ® Proposed Sanitary Sewer I Proposed Water Main ►� Proposed Gate Valve - ►► Proposed Storm Sewer �LU Proposed Fire Hydrant 1. Specifications applicable for this project: Current standard specifications for the City of Monticello, MN and all Minnesota Department of Health and MPCA requirements except where modified by these contract documents. 2. OSHA requirements shall be followed for all work on this project. 3. The Contractor shall notify "Gopher State One Call" prior to any excavation (651-454-0002 or 1 -800-252-1166 out state.) 4. The Contractor shall verify all locations and elevations of underground utilities with utility companies prior to any construction (storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water, natural gas, telephone, electric, etc.), and immediately notify the Engineer of any conflicts. 5. The Contractor shall protect all existing utilities and facilities to allow proper functioning during and after construction. Any required supporting structures shall be supplied by the Contractor as work incidental to the contract. 6. The contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any conflicts between existing utilities, and the proposed construction. The Engineer will coordinate with the Utility Company in question to determine the need for relocation of the existing utility. 7. Existing conditions such as sand in manholes or valve boxes shall be identified by the Contractor and these shall be reported to the Engineer prior to excavation by the Contractor. Once construction has begun, all damage to underground utilities will be assumed to have been caused by the Contractor, any repairs necessary shall be performed by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. 8. Final Plat shall govern for easements. 9. The Contractor shall coordinate with the local jurisdiction to obtain permits and meter for water source. All associated costs shall be incidental to the Contract, including disposal of test water into City's sanitary sewer system. The Contractor shall not operate gate valves or hydrants on the City's water supply system. 10. The Contractor shall notify the City Engineer and the Project Engineer 48 hours prior to starting work or as required by the local jurisdiction or be subject to being shut down. 11. The Contractor shall keep access roads clear of soil or other debris, and perform daily street cleaning as required by the NPDES permit. Positive drainage, controlled with erosion control and erosion prevention measures as required by the NPDES permit shall be performed. Inlet protection shall be installed within 48 hours after inlet construction. Unless specified on the plans or as a bid item on the Bid Form, any temporary culverts, ditches, filter fabric, etc. necessary to accomplish this shall be performed as incidental to the Contract. 12. The Contractor shall preserve and protect the markers and monuments set for the subdivision of the land. 13. The Contractor shall schedule the soils engineer to facilitate certification of all controlled fills in a timely fashion. Density tests shall meet the following: A. Density tests shall be taken on all trenches at locations as determined by the Engineer or his representative. B. Within the upper 3' of streets, private drives and parking lots, Contractor shall utilize approved soils that are within 1% optimum moisture content as defined by the Standard Proctor Test -ASTM: D-698 with 100% Standard Proctor Density and not exceeding compaction by more than 1 %. Below the upper 3', compaction shall meet 95%. Grading tolerances shall be 0.1'. 14. The Owner shall pay for all testing of soils compaction. Any areas which fail to meet the above standards shall be corrected and re -tested by the Owner's testing agent at the Contractor's expense. 15. Contractor shall provide temporary traffic control in compliance with MN/DOT "Temporary Traffic Control Zone Layouts Field Manual" most recent version for construction adjacent to travel ways. 16. Contractor shall be responsible for verification of the depth of existing stubs listed on this plan prior to the ordering of any fittings, structures, castings, etc. Engineer, Owner or City shall not be responsible for any discrepancies found as depths are estimated. 17. All manhole castings in pavement shall be sumped 0.05'. All catch basin castings in curb shall be sumped 0.10'. Rim elevations on plan reflect sumped elevations. 18. Castings shall be Neenah or equivalent. 19. The contractor shall be responsible for coordinating with utility companies for power pole and/or line relocation required. 20. The contractor shall provide all necessary traffic control. 21. The contractor shall be responsible for all grading and restoration required to restore surfaces to like kind existing condition. 22. Existing curb and pavement damaged or impacted on adjacent property shall be restored with in-kind materials and section. All match lines are to be saw cut. 23. Pipe lengths shown are measured center of structure to center of structure. 24. The contractor shall obtain a Utility Excavation Permit from the City Public Works Department prior to commencement of utility connections. 25. PVC pipe crossing over watermain pipe shall be ASTM D 1785, ASTM D 2241, or AWWA C900. 26. Contractor or owner to provide an as -built utility plan once construction is complete. INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7 -C8 DETAILS C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com 651-245-7455 FILE NO. 00821 C4 Storm Sewer Plan = V W N � 3N C) Q pC m M z J a �LU z �z � W U, m �� � V V w Q cc (L r 0) c a: - o OLU o Co - FILE NO. 00821 C4 Storm Sewer Plan N C) C) C) � m � m � � o m o W W Q W O O O V FILE NO. 00821 C4 Storm Sewer Plan I *11111, I/ 1 96_;1 4%* / 964 Monticello Country Club _C9 S r yy Golf Course Rd County Ro fie �dy S `1� ra�e1 651-245-7455 oy T`h r GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET STORM INLET / C) 911, 1k 25 S CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com FLOW= 958.01 INV. = 940.51 TORY I LET = FLOW= 58.8 INV.= 54. 11 0 9E N / -_-_- k rn // 1 ° rn \\ / on ° ?O 1 I� l O lir A`° 11 o o1-11 (0 • co // �fl`� / 96/2 / 0 g62 / SAN 0 /// 29,/ / r^ - / I / 1.92% / CO J 00 (0 / (-V / ' - v o� / � � 4.4 9 ® i 03 rn 2�' 0 639° 09 o / 963 / o 010 ° CV 9620 SANITARY M HOLE / l RIM= 25 / INV. = 58 / o \\ / 0)\ 0. 60 T � \\ ��'A A D12, 0 ♦/ A , C'ONCR ♦ ` STORM INLET • ` 962 FLOW= 957,3 • / -,---INV.= 950.42 \ ♦ • • , O MANHOLE '57.77 �Ib ISAN✓/A ITARYMANHOLIM= 959.38 RCP STM INV= 950.74 / » O s� /N LET 957.49 O 953.74 �\ I% -964 olsea 1E y Dundas Rd Y e LU / PROJECT LEGEND: SITE \\ ♦, / S ool Blvd 908 Existing Contours W Z Starling D j �ur.� erg ct N r >� Existing Storm Sewer 3 9g ,♦ 33 Ell 1) " 908 Proposed Contours I.8 �` / ►► Proposed Storm Sewer = Lv ♦ �251 r - w - 9�q t `s Sp / / toe stn St Nle y Proposed Silt Fence vJ 0 c� 4r, NO IMPAIRED WATER 3 y 0 Proposed Fiber Logs / ®: • ` � � •' � .. / ♦ 33Sq - / WITHIN 1 MILE RADIUS t Proposed Storm Sewer Inlet Protection z / / • ?,� OF PROJECT SITE Flow Direction � w I y 1.9% Q j Proposed Erosion Blanket U 0 SWPP NARRATIVE ^ ct / Q\ This comerial project construction will consist of site clearing, grading, utilities, and street construction. Construction is planned for 2021. The SURVEY DATA 0 W r / permanent stormwater treatment for this project is part of an off-site regional pond located south of this project. First, perimeter silt fence and rock construction entrance shall be installed. Then site work (n shall commence. The contractor shall dispose all debris off-site within 24 hours. Then the SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: site can be graded, utilities installed, building constructed, curbing and pavements installed, NORHWESTERN SURVEYING & ENGINEERING, INC. final grade tolerance, and landscape final stabilization. Once final grade is established and P.O. BOX 3067 certified, the site shall be stabilized with seed and mulch or sod. Once vegetation is BEMIDJI, MN 56601 established, temporary erosion control measures shall be removed. / DATED: JUNE 22, 2021 O� POLLUTION PREVENTION NOTES BENCHMARK: V / VERTICAL CONTROL WAS DERIVED FROM MNDOT Solid waste: collected sediment, asphalt and concrete millings, floating debris, paper, plastic, VRS NAV88 DATUM, LOCAL BENCH MARK IS THE / fabric, construction debris and other wastes must be disposed of properly off-site and must TOP NUT HYDRANT OF THE MOST SOUTHERLY / comply with MPCA requirements. FIRE HYDRANT (SOUTHERLY POINT OF PARKWAY AVE. NE) TOP NUT Hazardous materials: oils, gasoline, paint, and any hazardous substance must be properly C ELEV.=873.74. stored, including secondary containment, to prevent spills, leaks or other discharge. Restricted •C O / access to storage areas must be provided to prevent vandalism. Storage and disposal must O C C be in compliance with MPCA regulations. EXISTING PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 'q External washing of trucks or other construction vehicles is not allowed on site. No engine o q) degreasing is allowed on site. No concrete washouts are allowed on site. SEE SURVEY j 963 Concrete truck washout is not to be allowed on site unless washout waste is contained with +r v W 0'>>no discharge to round surface or site drainage facilities. Containments stems are to be ra a! / located a minimum 50 feet away from drainage facilities and watercourses. Containment PROPOSED PROPERTY DESCRIPTION .Z o 8 ° ' systems shall have an impermeable liner. Containment system shall be clearly marked with LOT 1, BLOCK 1, KAMPSCHROER ADDITION, a) E0 RESPONSIBLE PARTY signage. WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Contact information for the responsible All sanitary was� waste must be collected from portable toilet units on site by a licensed waste e � � c o � art for erosion control is: management contractor. The units must be secured and shall be maintained on a regular p e party basis as needed to prevent overfilling.PROJECT LOCATION ' %, / Owner: CORY & JESSICA KAMPSCHROER S O NE Corner of Highway 25 & Dundas Road EROSION CONTROL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 ra � 0 1 Monticello, MN 55362 SECTION 14 TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, t / �\� \ I 1. Erosion control measures shall be inspected by the contractor's representative and WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. p , a) Contractor: Not Known Yet maintained by the contractor every Friday and within 24 hours after any rainfall event larger than 1/2" until the project is completed. Maintenance requirements are as follows: ROCK C0NSTR. silt fence - 1/3 height of fence or damaged, remove sediment and/or repair fence within Manager: Cory Kampschroer 24 hours; rock entrance - refresh as necessary to conform to detail; inlet protection 651 TOTAL SITE DATA: corykampschroer@gmai1.com inserts - remove sediment after each rain event, clean or replace filter when clogged; 4� O ZI:• ENTRANCE corykampschroer®gmail.com surface water - drain and stabilize, within 7 days of discovery; and street sweeping - � o \ remove all sediment tracked onto paved surfaces within 24 hours or as directed by City TOTAL AREA: 50,365 SF 3 w I Engineer. DESIGN CALCULATIONS 2. Replacement - Fabric shall be replaced promptly when it decomposes or becomes EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 35,092 SF ineffective before the barrier is no longer necessary. Design calculations, including soil types are 3. Any sediment remaining in place after silt fence is no longer required shall be dressed to PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA: 24,665 SF cZ I on file with: Civil Engineering Site Design conform with the existing grade, prepared, and seeded with appropriate seed mix, as • SWPPP Designer: Scott Dahlke (Expires 2022) directed by the engineer. TOTAL PERCENT IMPERVIOUS AREA: 49.0% / 4. Removal of the silt fence- Silt fences shall be removed when they have served their useful (y of total area; 34,360/50,365) ti purpose, but not before the upward sloping area has been permanently stabilized. Z EROSION CONTROL INSTALLATION SCHEDULE PROPOSED DISTURBED AREA: 56,104 SF = 1.29 AC W 'I I 1. Silt fence shall be installed or restored prior to any construction. Silt fence Q) shall be located as shown to intercept runoff. The area located beyond the VEGETATION GROUND COVER SCHEDULE Z3 II I perimeter silt fence shall not be disturbed during construction. EROSION CONTROL QUANTITIES: a 2. Rock Construction Entrance shall be installed prior to grading operations. 1. Stabilization of all exposed soil areas must be initiated immediately but in no case Q 3. All storm sewer inlets shall have inlet protection inserts installed. Inserts shall completed later than seven (7) days after the construction activity in that portion of the ITEM: QUANTITY UNIT be "Road rain -Top Slab" or "Road Drain -Curb & Gutter" inlet protection devices site has temporarily or permanently ceased. Seeding and mulching shall conform to Z P Y P Y 9 9 ROCK ENTRANCE 1 EA � II as manufactured by WIMCO (or approved equal) and installed per manufacture's the latest NPDES requirements for installation schedule with regards to grading. recommendations. 2. Permanent turf ground cover shall include all disturbed areas be covered with a SILT FENCE 871 LF Q 4. All erosion control installations shall remain in place and be maintained in good minimum 6" topsoil and sodded or seeded as allowed by City, or as proposed on City WOOD FIBER LOG 0 LF II I condition by the contractor until the site has been re -vegetated, at which time approved landscape plan for the project. Use of low -impact earth moving equipment MULCH TYPE 1 & DISC ANCHOR 0.36 AC J it shall be removed by the contractor. For proposed paved surface areas, the shall be utilized to prevent compaction of the underlying soils. If not otherwise specified, EROSION BLANKET CAT. 3 0 SY contractor may remove necessary silt fencing to construct roadway, while STOP /N sand soils. MnDOT TyT I maintaining adequate erosion control in adjacent areas. turf seed to be OT Ty mix 25-121 applied at 61 pe 1 mulch shall be applied at 2 at 2 tons/ac and disc for sandy and silty INLET PROTECTION 10 EA C� FLOW 9 1.18 5. Sufficient topsoil shall be stockpiled to allow for the replacement of 6" topsoil Z for disturbed areas to be re -vegetated. anchored in areas not covered by sod or erosion blanket. Seeding and O INV.= 957 88 6. The contractor shall schedule site grading, utility installation and roadway mulching shall conform to the latest NPDES requirements for installation LOCATION OF SWPPP REQUIREMENTS IN PLANS _:SI construction so that the general site can be mulched and re -seeded soon after schedule with regards to grading. m I disturbance. Areas that will not be subject to construction traffic for 7 days 3. Temporary ground cover to be MnDOT seed mix 22-111 shall be applied at 31 lbs/ac, shall be seeded and mulched or sodded within 7 days of final grading. or equivalent as approved by City. MnDOT Type 1 mulch shall be applied at 2 tons/ac '_ N O LOCATION STANDARD BMP DETAILS DETAILS ON SHEET C8 STORMWATER CALCULATIONS and disc anchored in areas not covered by sod or erosion blanket. STORM SEWER REPORT C LO TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN 4. Fertilizer for turf shall be MnDOT Type 3 22-5-10 and applied at 350 Ib/ac. Disc SOILS DATA GEOTECHNICAL REPORT � 1. One of the individuals described in Responsible Party information must complete 3. The site must be kept in a well drained condition at all times. The contractor shall be all SWPPP changes. Changes involving the use of a less stringent BMP must responsible for temporary ditches, or other means necessary to ensure proper drainage. O fertilizer into top 3" of soil. Specification reference is MnDOT 2574. W ORM MA OLE site characteristics. to the grading contract. C) 5. Dormant seed mix shall be used after November 1 or when temperatures do not exceed 1. A temporary sediment basin must be provided where 10 or more acres of 40° F, using same rates specified above. No seed shall be placed on snow or ice disturbed soil at one time drain to a common location. If within a mile of an greater than 2" in depth. r ST RM INLET i FL W= 961.27 1 1 , I impaired water, the temporary basin must be provided where 5 or more acres of disturbed soil at one time drain to a common location. 6. Any seeded areas that do not become established Contractor's expense. with vegetation shall be re -seeded at /N = 957.7 2. The temporary basin must provide 3,600 cubic feet of live storage per acre 7. Erosion blanket shall be installed in seed areas with ground surface slopes of 3H:1V or - draining to the basin or calculate the greater volume of 1,800 cubic feet of steeper. / 50 I live storage per acre or runoff volume of the 2 -year, 24-hour storm. S 3. The basin must be constructed prior to disturbing 10 acres or 5 acres within N �GQ I the one mile impaired water zone. EROSION CONTROL NOTES \ A(5 4. The basin outlet must be designed to withdraw water from the surface and DESCRIPTION LOCATION STANDARD BMP DETAILS DETAILS ON SHEET C8 STORMWATER CALCULATIONS STORM SEWER REPORT SITE MAP STORM SEWER REPORT C LO GRADING PLAN SHEET C2 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN DETAIL ON SHEET C8 SUMP MANHOLE STORM SEWER SHEET C4 SOILS DATA GEOTECHNICAL REPORT prevent short-circuiting andthe discharge of floating debris. 1. All devices necessary to control erosion and sediment (I.E. perimeter silt fence, rock K co N construction operations. co C LO O 0z 3 o� O Q reinforced matrix, erosion blanket with seed, or sod. � 1. One of the individuals described in Responsible Party information must complete 3. The site must be kept in a well drained condition at all times. The contractor shall be all SWPPP changes. Changes involving the use of a less stringent BMP must responsible for temporary ditches, or other means necessary to ensure proper drainage. O prevent short-circuiting andthe discharge of floating debris. 1. All devices necessary to control erosion and sediment (I.E. perimeter silt fence, rock K construction entrances, swales, ponds, berms, ETC.) shall be installed prior to any other m construction operations. �z C LO SWPPP AMENDMENTS 2. After completion of final grading, exposed soils must be permanently stabilized within 7 days. Stabilization shall consist of disc -anchored seed & mulch, HECP with fiber 0z 3 o� �z Q reinforced matrix, erosion blanket with seed, or sod. � 1. One of the individuals described in Responsible Party information must complete 3. The site must be kept in a well drained condition at all times. The contractor shall be all SWPPP changes. Changes involving the use of a less stringent BMP must responsible for temporary ditches, or other means necessary to ensure proper drainage. O O - include a_justifirnfl n_describing how the replacement BMP is effective for the The building pad must be provided with a positive outflow. This work shall be incidental O W ORM MA OLE site characteristics. to the grading contract. R/M= 96 1. 4. Entering/exiting exitin of the site shall occur only at rock construction entrance to reduce 2. NPDES permittees must amend the SWPPP to include additional or modified 9/ 9 Y INV.= 954. BMP's as necessary to correct problems identified or address situations tracking of dirt onto paved streets. Sediment tracked onto streets during working hoursFILE NO. whenever there is a change in design, construction, operation, maintenance, must be reclaimed via street scraping and sweeping at the end of each working day. INDEX O F f%11111 S ITE DRAWINGS. 5. Stormwater discharge e outlet energy dissipation shall be provided b rip -rap with weather or seasonal conditions having a significant effect on the discharge of 9 pipe 9Y P P Y P P pollutants to surface waters or groundwater. size, quantity, and placement in accordance with City standards. Rip -rap installation O � o' P g CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN d © 3. NPDES permittees must amend the SWPPP to include additional or modified shall be within 24 hours of pipe installation. 6. Install silt fence around all temporary inactive stockpiles which are not place within C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY P LAT BMP's as necessary to correct problems identified or address situations existing silt fence area or other perimeter erosion controls. 3 V / whenever inspections or investigations by the site owner or operator, USEPA or 7 Stabilization of temporary or permanent drainage ditches that drain water from the C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN 00 r ((A (0 N N W LOI 6 X I Q) SAI ►�� C:C: r 00 l Q N m W Q a 00821 C) Y QQW Q 6 RCP , MPCA officials indicate the SWPPP is not effective in eliminating or significantly construction site must be initiated within 24 hours of connecting the drainage ditch to CJS SANITARY SEWER 8c WATER PLAN STj11 minimizing the discharge of pollutants to surface waters or groundwater or the any storm water conveyance system and must be completed using erosion blanket. - discharges are causing water quality exceedonces or the SWPPP is not 8. Sufficient personel, equipment, and materials shall be mobilized within 24 hours of C4 STORM SEWER PLAN consistent with the objectives of a USEPA approved TMDL. written order (ie. email) by the owner or owners representative to conduct corrective C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN ce5 �� / work and install temporary erosion control work in the case of an emergency. I C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7 -C8 DETAILS Storm Water Pollution C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN Prevention Plan 0 q)L �z C LO J Q 0z o� o� �z 0 � zu-6 -I-, > O W Ict0- C) 00 r ((A (0 N N W LOI 6 X I Q) SAI ►�� C:C: r 00 l Q N m W Q a 00821 C) Y QQW Q 6 RCP , MPCA officials indicate the SWPPP is not effective in eliminating or significantly construction site must be initiated within 24 hours of connecting the drainage ditch to CJS SANITARY SEWER 8c WATER PLAN STj11 minimizing the discharge of pollutants to surface waters or groundwater or the any storm water conveyance system and must be completed using erosion blanket. - discharges are causing water quality exceedonces or the SWPPP is not 8. Sufficient personel, equipment, and materials shall be mobilized within 24 hours of C4 STORM SEWER PLAN consistent with the objectives of a USEPA approved TMDL. written order (ie. email) by the owner or owners representative to conduct corrective C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN ce5 �� / work and install temporary erosion control work in the case of an emergency. I C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7 -C8 DETAILS Storm Water Pollution C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN Prevention Plan / //v v. = /V/,9 REMOVE & DISPOSE 252 SF OF CONCRETE STORM INLET l FLOW= 958.01 INV. = 940.51 TORM I LET = FLOW= 58.8 INV.= 54. 11 i REMOVE & DISPOSE OF 111 LF OF RETAINING WALL REMOVE & DISPOSE GAS METER m a /a l/ (v� :C % S�0R� 1 , 1-96--1 /\ Y V A 964 0 -REMOVE &DISPOSE ELEC BOX O/ 3,3 REMOVE &DISPOSE OF 89 LF OF RETAINING WALL / -, REMOVE & DISPOSE 609 SF OF CONCRETE / SA6- -,REMOVE -,REMOVE & DISPOSE 5,840 SF OF BUILDING AND FOUNDATION REMOVE & DISPOSE OF 26 LF OF CURB & GUTTER -1 REMOVE & DISPOSE 1,760 SF OF CONCRETE O 00 962 II 00 I REMOVE & DISPOSE 1,064 SF OF CONCRETE N RIM= 96 .25 INV. = 0.58 N o W o N FR TyFR� y �O 3-0? RpgD � S,q STORM INLET FLOW= 957.38 INV. = 950.42 �� \ lb MANHOLE 57.77 ^gib SANITARY MANHOLE ✓/A \ RIM= 959.38 / \ R6P STM = 950.74 41 /_1 INLET ` 4_ /;'/ /-), `- ,< 957.49 ;'/ /-) /,, 953.74 �\ 4'/„ � CJ/ V/ 1�1 \/ O, 960 ` Ik 4 �0 STORM MA. RIM= 961. INV. = 954. O o � � Q 36 P SrM 50 T REMOVE &DISPOSE OF 35 LF OF CURB & GUTTER & 136 SF OF BITUMINOUS REMOVE & DISPOSE 219 SF OF SURFACE PAVEMENT v � J I I REMOVE & DISPOSE OF 73 LF OF CURB & GUTTER & 249 SF OF BITUMINOUS I N I I REMOVE & DISPOSE OF 297 SF OF SURFACE PAVEMENT I 1 � REMOVE & DISPOSE OF 14 LF OF CURB & GUTTER STOR INLET I FLOW 961. 18 INV957.88 957.88 I I STORM INLET I FLOW= 961.27 I I INV. = 957.7 _ 50 I S�� Cl? I A 5 R 1 I� — 0 20 40 60 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET LEGEND: —908 — Existing Contours > Existing Sanitary Sewer Existing Water Main >> Existing Storm Sewer Existing Trees z Oz Existing Bndy Line �Z PROPOSED DEMOLITION & REMOVAL AREA . •. •. • ....... •'. •'. • ................... PROPOSED TREE REMOVAL AREA SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: NORHWESTERN SURVEYING & ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. BOX 3067 BEMIDJI, MN 56601 DATED: JUNE 22, 2021 BENCHMARK: VERTICAL CONTROL WAS DERIVED FROM MNDOT VRS NAV88 DATUM, LOCAL BENCH MARK IS THE TOP NUT HYDRANT OF THE MOST SOUTHERLY FIRE HYDRANT (SOUTHERLY POINT OF PARKWAY AVE. NE) TOP NUT ELEV.=873.74. EXISTING PROPERTY DESCRIPTION SEE SURVEY PROJECT LOCATION SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 SECTION 14 TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. DEMOLITION NOTES 1. Install perimeter sediment controls as soon as possible during clear and grub operations. See Erosion Control Plan. 2. Provide air quality control measures at the request of the Engineer or City Representatives. Take necessary measures to keep dust levels to a minimum. Provide sweeping of adjacent paving as needed, or as required by the City Engineer. 3. Locate and protect all utility lines prior to and during demolition. Utility locations shown are based on best available information and are not guaranteed. Contact private utility service for disconnection and removal. 4. Remove or relocate all existing site features that interfere with the proposed construction. 5. Protect existing site features that are to remain during construction. Replace anything damaged with new construction. 6. Pavement shall be saw cut at limits of removal unless noted otherwise. Do not impede existing traffic circulation to adjacent businesses or streets. 7. Sufficient topsoil shall be stockpiled to allow for the replacement of 6" of topsoil in disturbed areas to be re—vegitated. 8. All construction and post—construction parking shall be on—site. At no time shall parking, loading, or unloading be allowed on public streets. 9. Storage of materials or equipment shall not be allowed within public Right—of—Way and shall be maintained on site within project boundaries. INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7—C8 DETAILS C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com 651-245-7455 FILE NO. 00821 C6 Existing Conditions & Removal Plan = W N 003 Q C) C4 C) aCO I00 z Oz � Z �Z �J QW � "d ills pQ VO c Vm V> Q o�Lo I o o (Do z W !a! 0) CO CC QW A Nft X C0 — o W FILE NO. 00821 C6 Existing Conditions & Removal Plan O N C) CU C) C) I00 O N +% C\1 C)) (/� co N O 61 � N� I O E c � W `j o�Lo I o (34o A x I mm °(> o N3 o W 003 W Y.. �� � N Q Q, W m O O V FILE NO. 00821 C6 Existing Conditions & Removal Plan N C) C) C) � m � o m o W W Q W O O O V FILE NO. 00821 C6 Existing Conditions & Removal Plan 4" MIN p L D35 1/4 ' 43" CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX O NEENAH N0. R -3067-V 4" CONCRETE COLLAR INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12" MAX / ENCASE IN CONCRETE (/ COLLAR USE CONCRETE CURB MIX FOR COLLAR 34" PLAN ALL STORM SEWER CASTING ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN DEPRESSED 0.10' BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION (SEE DETAIL 5003) 6" 24" FINISH " GRADE 4" CONCRETE COLLAR NOTES: SECTION A -A POUR A 3" TO 4" CONCRETE COLLAR AROUND RINGS EXTENDING FROM THE CASTING TO THE PRECAST SECTION CATCH BASINS LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE TYPE MnDOT DESIGN H. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: AStandard Plate Library Standard Catch Basin City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate Revised: n z .1 TOP OF PROPOSED SUBGRADE C CASTING ADJUSTING RINGS A DESIRED MINIMUM OUTER LIMITS OF A� 3' 8" 8" CONCRETE WALK 4" MIN - 12" MAX 3' i 3' 8" 3' 8" UMLO LO STANDARD FRAME & COVER O CONCRETE < WALK O 02 ti n ~ INSTALL INFRA SHIELD r CONK RETEWAAL ti `° (OR APPROVED EQUAL) ROADWAY SURFACE 5' 8' a 5' 8" 5, 8 < 5. 8. EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL BACK OF CURB SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4020 O FOR COVER REQUIREMENTS FRONT FACE OF CURB FRONT FACE i eo m r WALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE CLASS II 7 Oo v OF CUR ... o a PRECAST PIPE, EXCEPT 48" DIA MAY BE 10 T SLOP£' O 10:t SIOPB e I I ® I --I ASTM C 478 CONCRETE PIPE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD VARI. BASED '0 10:1 SLOPE VARI. BASED 10:1 SLOPE ON SIDEWALK ON SIDEWALK z z 8" CAST -IN-PLACE PLATE 3000 (NO TONGUE OR GROOVE AT TOP OR TRAIL WIDTH OR TRAIL WIDTH PLAN VIEW OF DIAGONAL RAMP © CONCRETE OR BOTTOM OF THIS SECTION). CAST -IN-PLACE CURB APLAN VIEW OF PERPENDICULAR RAMP CURB AND GUTTER 50% - 659 5' 4" 4' 0" DESIRABLE OF BASE DIAMETER CONCRETE OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION \" C' 4' TO 10' a (BRICK OR BLOCK) ALLOWED ONLY IF APPROVED ... 0.02 FT./FT, MAX. Q 7 8"-1 7/116 CONCRETE WALK 0.08 FT./FT. OR FLATTERQ3 z z BY ENGINEER 1 DOME SECTION o U- CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON SECTION A -A 1 5/8"- OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE P.I. APPROX. P.I. 2 3/8" 15/16"(TYP. �66 10:1 SLOPE �66� rDOME TVP 1 6'b000000dl .000000000 0 W zo AND PIPE CONNECTION _ Q S2 m °° 1_n 158"-23 00000000 iv .o / /" 000000.00 = Y } U 22 a m 0000 oo 16-16-1 15/16"(TYP.) 5/8"MIN. 5/B" P'L �I P'IDOME SPACING MIN. 10:1 SLOPE—o-- 6 - 0"- 10:1 SLOPE STRUCTURE MIN. 8" POURED CONCRETE BASE, FOR ALTERNATE PRECAST CONCRETE BASE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4011 (MODIFY DIAMETER AND ELEVATION OF RAMP 2" RAISED AREA TO FIT REQUIRED DIAMETER. NOTES: Q1 REFER TO STANDARD PLANS FOR HEIGHT AND Q1 1/2 INCH PREFORMED JOINT FILLER MATERIAL, AASHTO M 213. W DIAMETER REQUIRED. O WHEN POSSIBLE, PROVIDE A CLEAR PATH OF TRAVEL 4' 0" WIDE BEHIND THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP. A RELATIVELY FLAT 4' X 4' LANDING WILL O Q2 MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS -1 -PF ALLOW WHEELCHAIRS TO NAVIGATE AROUND THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP. NO SIGNALS, SIGNS, CABINETS, OR OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS ARE ALLOWED (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS IN THE RAMP OR PATH OF TRAVEL. AND SPACED 16" OC. 03 WHEN A MEDIAN IS NOT WIDE ENOUGH FOR TWO PEDESTRIAN RAMPS AND A 48" LANDING BETWEEN THEM, THE PEDESTRIAN CROSSING SHALL 03 MINIMUM STEEL REINFORCEMENT BE CUT THROUGH THE MEDIAN AT STREET LEVEL. WITH PROTECTIVE COATING AS ® PLACE THE DETECTABLE WARNINGS (TRUNCATED DOMES) AT THE BACK OF CURB. WHEN THE DETECTABLE WARNING SYSTEM IS A PRECAST 4 EQUIVALENT STEEL AREA IN WIRE MESH MANHOLE MANHOLE.,..: MAY BE USED OR PLASTERED OR CATCH EXTERIOR CATCH ; BASIN MATERIAL, THE CURB SHALL BE HAND FORMED TO FILL THE GAP. QS GENERAL DIMENSIONS FOR CONCRETE APPLY BASIN ' '; 05 ADA REQUIRED TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL BE 2' 0" MIN. IN DIRECTION OF TRAVEL AND SHALL EXTEND THE FULL WIDTH TO BRICK AND CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT DIA DIA :: OF THE CURB RAMP. CONSTRUCTION ALSO, EXCEPT AS NOTED. SEWER BRICK (MnDOT SPEC 3616) BLOCK © THE CURB & GUTTER TRANSITION WILL BE PAID FOR AS LINEAR FEET OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER. THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP AREA WILL BE ® 12" MINIMUM FOR PRECAST, 3 BRICKS OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION PAID FOR ON A PER EACH BASIS. THE TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP. 1 BLOCK MINIMUM FOR MASONRY CONSTUCTION (2) THE TRUNCATED DOME/DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT ACCESSIBILITY Q REINFORCEMENT AS PER MnDOT SPEC 3301, GRADE 60. GUIDELINES (ADAAG). Title: ® DETECTABLE WARNING PAVERS MANUFACTURED BY HANOVER ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS SHALL BE USED WITH THE CHARCOAL COLORING. TO PROVIDE A VISUALLY CONTRASTING SURFACE TO THE WALK. ' Standard Manhole for Title: Standard Plate Library Storm Sewer City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Curb Ramp 4001 the City of Monticello Re"'sed'03-17 �LA Plate No. - 4" MIN p L D35 1/4 ' 43" CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX O NEENAH N0. R -3067-V 4" CONCRETE COLLAR INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12" MAX / ENCASE IN CONCRETE (/ COLLAR USE CONCRETE CURB MIX FOR COLLAR 34" PLAN ALL STORM SEWER CASTING ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN DEPRESSED 0.10' BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION (SEE DETAIL 5003) 6" 24" FINISH " GRADE 4" CONCRETE COLLAR NOTES: SECTION A -A POUR A 3" TO 4" CONCRETE COLLAR AROUND RINGS EXTENDING FROM THE CASTING TO THE PRECAST SECTION CATCH BASINS LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE TYPE MnDOT DESIGN H. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: AStandard Plate Library Standard Catch Basin City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate Revised: n z .1 TOP OF PROPOSED SUBGRADE A DESIRED MINIMUM OUTER LIMITS OF A� 3' 8" 8" CONCRETE WALK THE TOP 3' SHALL BE COMPACTED 3' i 3' 8" 3' 8" UMLO LO AT A MIN OF 100% OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (MN/DOT 2105) O CONCRETE < WALK O 02 ti n ~ A MAX OF 2' LIFTS TO BE WETTED r CONK RETEWAAL ti `° AND CONSOLIDATED BY VIBRATORY MEANS AND COMPACTED TO A MIN OF 95% OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (MN/DOT 2105) 5' 8' a 5' 8" 5, 8 < 5. 8. 4' COVER COMPACTED TO 95% OF BACK OF CURB STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY WITHOUT THE USE OF HEAVY ROLLER EQUIPMENT O GRANULAR BEDDING AS PER MN/DOT 3149.21' FRONT FACE OF CURB FRONT FACE i eo m GRANULAR FOUNDATION WHERE ORDERED BY THE ENGINEER 7 Oo v OF CUR ... o a SHOVEL, PLACE, AND HAND COMPACT AROUND PIPE TO 12" ABOVE PIPE.VIBRATORY COMPACTION REQUIRED EACH SIDE OF PIPE, AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 10 T SLOP£' O 10:t SIOPB e I I ® I --I Title: VARI. BASED '0 10:1 SLOPE VARI. BASED 10:1 SLOPE ON SIDEWALK ON SIDEWALK Standard Plate Library Typical Trench Compaction and Class B Bedding City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 1007 OR TRAIL WIDTH OR TRAIL WIDTH PLAN VIEW OF DIAGONAL RAMP 4" MIN p L D35 1/4 ' 43" CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX O NEENAH N0. R -3067-V 4" CONCRETE COLLAR INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12" MAX / ENCASE IN CONCRETE (/ COLLAR USE CONCRETE CURB MIX FOR COLLAR 34" PLAN ALL STORM SEWER CASTING ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN DEPRESSED 0.10' BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION (SEE DETAIL 5003) 6" 24" FINISH " GRADE 4" CONCRETE COLLAR NOTES: SECTION A -A POUR A 3" TO 4" CONCRETE COLLAR AROUND RINGS EXTENDING FROM THE CASTING TO THE PRECAST SECTION CATCH BASINS LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE TYPE MnDOT DESIGN H. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: AStandard Plate Library Standard Catch Basin City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate Revised: n z .1 A PLAN CASTING TO BE SET 0.10' BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12" MAX ENCASE WITH CONCRETE COLLAR •15" 24" w •48" P a � A 35-1/4" 1 43" CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX STANDARD CASTING - NEENAH R -3067-V 9" > 'DIMENSION VARIES BASED ON STRUCTURE DIAMETER CONCRETE CATCH BASIN MANHOLE AND BASE TO BE CRETEX TYPE 433B OR APPROVED EQUAL SECTION MANHOLE COVER TO BE 48" DIA CRETEX TYPE II WITH 24"x 36" OPENING CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE AND PIPE CONNECTION RCP PIPE NOTES: 1. BASE TO BE GROUTED TO FORM A SMOOTH INVERT TO OUTLET. 2. PIPE CUT-OUTS TO BE LOCATED WHERE REQUIRED. CATCH BASIN MANHOLES REQUIRED IN GREEN SPACES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF PRECAST CONCRETE ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH Mn/DOT STANDARD PLATE 4006L. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R-4342. CATCH BASIN MANHOLES LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH AN ECCENTRIC TOP SLAB WITH A 27" ROUND OPENING. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: Standard Plate Library Catch Basin Manhole City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised:4003 03-17 T EXISTING (OR FINISHED) GRADE PLUGGED END i A DESIRED MINIMUM OUTER LIMITS OF A� 3' 8" 8" CONCRETE WALK 4' 3' i 3' 8" 3' 8" UMLO LO NOTES: O CONCRETE < WALK O 02 ti n ~ 1. RE -USE EXISTING AIR BLEED LINES AND PLUGS r CONK RETEWAAL ti `° 1" CORPORATION STOP ON PROPOSED STUBS. INSTALLATION TO BE MADE AT 5' 8' a 5' 8" 5, 8 < 5. 8. NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION. FURNISH NEW GASKETS BACK OF CURB WHERE REQUIRED. O 2. NEW LINES WILL BE PAID FOR AT UNIT PRICE BID FRONT FACE OF CURB FRONT FACE i eo m FOR 1" COPPER AND 1" CORPORATION STOP. ALL OTHER 7 Oo v OF CUR ... o a WATERMAIN WORK TO BE INCIDENTAL TO THE PROJECT. 10 T SLOP£' O 10:t SIOPB e I I ® I --I 1" COPPER VARI. BASED '0 10:1 SLOPE VARI. BASED 10:1 SLOPE ON SIDEWALK ON SIDEWALK PLUGGED END OR TRAIL WIDTH OR TRAIL WIDTH PLAN VIEW OF DIAGONAL RAMP AIR BLEED DETAIL CURB APLAN VIEW OF PERPENDICULAR RAMP CURB AND GUTTER 50% - 659 5' 4" 4' 0" DESIRABLE OF BASE DIAMETER STEEL T -STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED BLUE WITH AN OIL \" BASED PAINT AND MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE ... 0.02 FT./FT, MAX. Q 7 8"-1 7/116 CONCRETE WALK 0.08 FT./FT. OR FLATTERQ3 (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK 1 DOME SECTION VALVE BOX. TO BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF VALVE BOX SECTION A -A 1 5/8"- INSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL) P.I. APPROX. P.I. 2 3/8" 15/16"(TYP. �66 10:1 SLOPE �66� rDOME TVP 1 6'b000000dl .000000000 0 W 4' °° 1_n 158"-23 00000000 iv .o / /" 000000.00 NOTE: 0000 oo 16-16-1 15/16"(TYP.) 5/8"MIN. 5/B" P'L �I P'IDOME SPACING MIN. 10:1 SLOPE—o-- 6 - 0"- 10:1 SLOPE IF GATE VALVE BOXES ARE EXTENDED, THERE MIN. GROUND LINE SHALL AGATE VALVE NUT EXTENSION TO WITHIN 7. 7.5' OF FINISHED GRADE AND ATTACHED ELEVATION OF RAMP TO THE GATE VALVE NUT NOTES: 2' Q1 1/2 INCH PREFORMED JOINT FILLER MATERIAL, AASHTO M 213. W VALVE BOX O WHEN POSSIBLE, PROVIDE A CLEAR PATH OF TRAVEL 4' 0" WIDE BEHIND THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP. A RELATIVELY FLAT 4' X 4' LANDING WILL O 1/2" RUBBER GASKET INSTALLED ALLOW WHEELCHAIRS TO NAVIGATE AROUND THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP. NO SIGNALS, SIGNS, CABINETS, OR OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS ARE ALLOWED BETWEEN THE GATE VALVE ANDMIN 7.5 ' COVER (UNLESS IN THE RAMP OR PATH OF TRAVEL. GATE VALVE ADAPTOR OTHERWISE NOTED) 03 WHEN A MEDIAN IS NOT WIDE ENOUGH FOR TWO PEDESTRIAN RAMPS AND A 48" LANDING BETWEEN THEM, THE PEDESTRIAN CROSSING SHALL 1/4" STEEL VALVE BOX ADAPTOR BE CUT THROUGH THE MEDIAN AT STREET LEVEL. WITH PROTECTIVE COATING AS ® PLACE THE DETECTABLE WARNINGS (TRUNCATED DOMES) AT THE BACK OF CURB. WHEN THE DETECTABLE WARNING SYSTEM IS A PRECAST 1/2 CU. YD. GRAVEL MANUFACTURED BY ADAPTOR INC. MATERIAL, THE CURB SHALL BE HAND FORMED TO FILL THE GAP. OR APPROVED EQUAL 05 ADA REQUIRED TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL BE 2' 0" MIN. IN DIRECTION OF TRAVEL AND SHALL EXTEND THE FULL WIDTH WATERMAIN OF THE CURB RAMP. GATE VALVE WATERMAIN © THE CURB & GUTTER TRANSITION WILL BE PAID FOR AS LINEAR FEET OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER. THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP AREA WILL BE VALVE BOX INSTALLATION PAID FOR ON A PER EACH BASIS. THE TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP. Title: (2) THE TRUNCATED DOME/DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT ACCESSIBILITY Air Bleed Detail And GUIDELINES (ADAAG). Standard Plate Library Valve Box Installation ® DETECTABLE WARNING PAVERS MANUFACTURED BY HANOVER ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS SHALL BE USED WITH THE CHARCOAL COLORING. TO PROVIDE A VISUALLY CONTRASTING SURFACE TO THE WALK. ' City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Title: 03-05 Pedestrian Standard Plate Library for Curb Ramp the City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. - 5009 Revised: 02-06 A PLAN CASTING TO BE SET 0.10' BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12" MAX ENCASE WITH CONCRETE COLLAR •15" 24" w •48" P a � A 35-1/4" 1 43" CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX STANDARD CASTING - NEENAH R -3067-V 9" > 'DIMENSION VARIES BASED ON STRUCTURE DIAMETER CONCRETE CATCH BASIN MANHOLE AND BASE TO BE CRETEX TYPE 433B OR APPROVED EQUAL SECTION MANHOLE COVER TO BE 48" DIA CRETEX TYPE II WITH 24"x 36" OPENING CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE AND PIPE CONNECTION RCP PIPE NOTES: 1. BASE TO BE GROUTED TO FORM A SMOOTH INVERT TO OUTLET. 2. PIPE CUT-OUTS TO BE LOCATED WHERE REQUIRED. CATCH BASIN MANHOLES REQUIRED IN GREEN SPACES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF PRECAST CONCRETE ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH Mn/DOT STANDARD PLATE 4006L. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R-4342. CATCH BASIN MANHOLES LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH AN ECCENTRIC TOP SLAB WITH A 27" ROUND OPENING. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: Standard Plate Library Catch Basin Manhole City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised:4003 03-17 INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7—C8 DETAILS C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com 651-245-7455 V = W 00 Qa CCW Q W V� 0 w M LU ca C0 Cz )� q) L q) O j C � h C V i O CX N O 0 C Y °c r- ) L i QO q) 0 0 DO N Z N D; N TO N CIO wLi I• W G T EXISTING (OR FINISHED) GRADE PLUGGED END i 4' UMLO LO NOTES: C - ti n ~ 1. RE -USE EXISTING AIR BLEED LINES AND PLUGS W `° 1" CORPORATION STOP ON PROPOSED STUBS. INSTALLATION TO BE MADE AT I LLl NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION. FURNISH NEW GASKETS U WHERE REQUIRED. O 2. NEW LINES WILL BE PAID FOR AT UNIT PRICE BID m FOR 1" COPPER AND 1" CORPORATION STOP. ALL OTHER � WATERMAIN WORK TO BE INCIDENTAL TO THE PROJECT. 1" COPPER PLUGGED END AIR BLEED DETAIL STEEL T -STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED BLUE WITH AN OIL O BASED PAINT AND MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK O VALVE BOX. TO BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF VALVE BOX INSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL) W 4' NOTE: IF GATE VALVE BOXES ARE EXTENDED, THERE GROUND LINE SHALL AGATE VALVE NUT EXTENSION TO WITHIN 7. 7.5' OF FINISHED GRADE AND ATTACHED TO THE GATE VALVE NUT Q 2' W VALVE BOX O 1/2" RUBBER GASKET INSTALLED O BETWEEN THE GATE VALVE ANDMIN 7.5 ' COVER (UNLESS GATE VALVE ADAPTOR OTHERWISE NOTED) 1/4" STEEL VALVE BOX ADAPTOR WITH PROTECTIVE COATING AS 1/2 CU. YD. GRAVEL MANUFACTURED BY ADAPTOR INC. OR APPROVED EQUAL WATERMAIN GATE VALVE WATERMAIN VALVE BOX INSTALLATION Title: Air Bleed Detail And Standard Plate Library Valve Box Installation City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 Z 2003 Revised:03-15 i i INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7—C8 DETAILS C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com 651-245-7455 V = W 00 Qa CCW Q W V� 0 w M LU ca C0 Cz )� q) L q) O j C � h C V i O CX N O 0 C Y °c r- ) L i QO q) 0 0 DO N Z N D; N TO N CIO wLi I• W G FILE NO. 00821 C7 Details 0) >' UMLO LO W C - ti n ~ Lo I mm (O_>_ W `° M� I LLl C ' 00 U FILE NO. 00821 C7 Details N C) C) C) O O m � O DO O W W Q W O O O V FILE NO. 00821 C7 Details 4" CONCRETE PAVEMENT W/ 3" POLY FIBERS AT 4.0 LB/CY (ALTERNATE W/6"X6"—#10/10 W.W.M.) MNDOT SPEC 2461 4" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW MNDOT SPEC 3149.213 SUBGRADE PREPARATION TOP 6" TO PASS PROOF ROLL NOTES: 1. CONCRETE MIX SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2461 MIX No. 3F32 FOR SLIPFORM PLACEMENT (4,500 PSI) MIX No. 31`52 FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT (4,500 PSI) 2. CONCRETE PLACEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2301 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL SPACE THE CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 6'-0" O.C. 4. SOILS SPECIFICATIONS SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIONS CONCRETE PAVEMENT - LIGHT DUTY (PRIVATE SIDEWALK) 8'X 12' INSULATION AT PIPE CROSSING 8'X 20' INSULATION FOR BOX SEE ncreE 2006 NOTE: ALL PIPE JOINTS WITHIN 10' OF A BEND SHALL BE RESTRAINED USING TIE RODS. PROPOSED STORM SEWER cc 45' BEQNDS II 20 Standard Plate Library City of Monticello VARIES Title: Watermain Offset Date` 03-05 Plate No. Revised:2005 03-17 8" CONCRETE PAVEMENT W/ 3" POLY FIBERS AT 4.0 LB/CY (ALTERNATE "" EPDXY COATED REBAR 18" O.C.) MNDOT SPEC 2461 6" CLASS V AGGREGATE BASE MnDOT SPEC 3138 SUBGRADE PREPARATION TOP 6" TO PASS PROOF ROLL NOTES: 1. CONCRETE MIX SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2461 MIX No. 31`32 FOR SLIPFORM PLACEMENT (4,500 PSI) MIX No. 31`52 FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT (4,500 PSI) 2. CONCRETE PLACEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2301 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL SPACE THE CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 12'-0" O.C. 4. SOILS SPECIFICATIONS SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIONS CONCRETE PAVEMENT - HEAVY DUTY DF 1EIGHT PLAN WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG -23* HIGH FLOW INLET PROTECTION CURB AND GUTTER MODEL DEFLECTOR PLATE OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. OVERFLOW IS Y2 OF THE CURB BOX HEIGHT OVERFLOW AT TOP OF FILTER ASSEMBLY FILTER ASSEMBLY DIAMETER, 6" ON -GRADE 10" AT LOW POINT HIGH-FLOW FABRIC * FOR THE NEW R -3290 -VB STANDARD CASTING, INSTALL WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG -3290 OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. Title: Inlet Protection Standard Plate Library Catch Basin Insert City of Monticello Date: 03-07 Plate No. Revised:6004 03-15 CONTRACTION JOINTS BOULEVARD WIDTH VARIES(AVERAGE 8') SIDEWALK DIMENSIONS WIDTH — 6' (MATCH INKIND) DEPTH — 6" FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS *4" MINIMUM FOR EXISTING AREAS, 6" AT DRIVEWAYS AND CROSSWALKS GRANULAR BORROW DEPTH— 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 CONTRACTION JOINTS — 6' INTERVALS EXPANSION JOINTS — 60' INTERVALS (APPROX.) *MATCH EXISTING DEPTH, 4" MINIMUM INSTALL PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS AT ROADWAY INTERSECTIONS IRStandard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Typical Sidewalk Date: Plate No. 03-05 Revised:03-1 7 5012 2" BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE SPWEB240B MnDOT SPEC 2360 2" BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE SPNWB230B MnDOT SPEC 2360 8" CLASS V AGGREGATE BASE MnDOT SPEC 3138 SUBGRADE PREPARATION TOP 6" TO PASS PROOF ROLL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT NOTE: SOILS SPECIFICATIONS SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIONS Gravel pad(s) MnDOT Class CA -15 or CA -25 Riprap Bedding Geotextile fabric Original grade SECTION B—B (not to scale) Ribbed or Corrugated steel plates Original Geotextile fabric SECTION A—A grade (not to scale) NOTES: Channelize runoff to sediment trapping device CO z xl w Match Existing Grade Sediment Trapping Device A t I U I I Ribbed or Corrugated steel plates B 24' min. Slope away from highway 50' min. or Right of Way PLAN Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Commercial Gravel Construction Entrance Date: 06-14 Plate No. Revised:6002 03-15 2" x 2" WOOD POSTS FILTER FABRIC 4.0' O.C. MIN. FI-ENVIRO FENCE 3 — MAX. QUAL) MIN. 30" —MA36" ABOVE GRADE DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE BACKFILL 6" x 6" TRENCH UNDISTURBED SOIL SILT FENCE NOTES: 1. SILT FENCE SHALL BE BLACK IN COLOR. 2. DIG A 6"X6" TRENCH ALONG THE INTENDED FENCE LINE, OR MACHINE SLICE TO 6" DEPTH. 3. DRIVE ALL POSTS INTO THE GROUND AT THE DOWNHILL SIDE OF THE TRENCH. 4. LAY OUT SILT FENCE ON THE UPHILL SIDE ALONG THE FENCE LINE, AND BACK FILL. 5. WOOD POSTS MAY BE SPACED UP TO 4 FEET APART TO SUPPORT THE FABRIC. 6. REMOVE SILT FENCE AFTER TURF IS ESTABLISHED. SILT FENCE DETAIL CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com 651-245-7455 o aqi N O j L q) C p h C 45 W V iO tizg C (.1 .0 C y O o�� c � co� !i P oC .%.Q q) i QO � C, o Z 00 N Z N 1 07 10 N --CONCRETE CURB WL �V)I Co� r AND GUTTER W W l 0 >_ `° (a 0.0 Lo I W� C N 3 O �00 ��� a ^ EXPANSION \y JOINTS EXPANSION JOINTS � Cl)0 W / /� \,l B 6' B I�.. ,, W Q Q Q V FILE NO. 00821 5 CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN CONCRETE TO BE EXPANSION EXPANSION POURED INTEGRALLY JOINTS A JOINTS WITH CURB SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN PLAN C4 B618 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER C8 a � VARIABLE 1 /4 /�1�� C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN PER 7" MIN. 7 �— 3/4 <: 7" WIDTH VARIES EXISTING CONDITIONS 8c REMOVAL PLAN 5' MIN. C7—C8 SECTION B—B SECTION A—A Title: C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN Commercial Driveway Details Standard Plate Library Entrance City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 5008 8'X 12' INSULATION AT PIPE CROSSING 8'X 20' INSULATION FOR BOX SEE ncreE 2006 NOTE: ALL PIPE JOINTS WITHIN 10' OF A BEND SHALL BE RESTRAINED USING TIE RODS. PROPOSED STORM SEWER cc 45' BEQNDS II 20 Standard Plate Library City of Monticello VARIES Title: Watermain Offset Date` 03-05 Plate No. Revised:2005 03-17 8" CONCRETE PAVEMENT W/ 3" POLY FIBERS AT 4.0 LB/CY (ALTERNATE "" EPDXY COATED REBAR 18" O.C.) MNDOT SPEC 2461 6" CLASS V AGGREGATE BASE MnDOT SPEC 3138 SUBGRADE PREPARATION TOP 6" TO PASS PROOF ROLL NOTES: 1. CONCRETE MIX SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2461 MIX No. 31`32 FOR SLIPFORM PLACEMENT (4,500 PSI) MIX No. 31`52 FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT (4,500 PSI) 2. CONCRETE PLACEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2301 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL SPACE THE CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 12'-0" O.C. 4. SOILS SPECIFICATIONS SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIONS CONCRETE PAVEMENT - HEAVY DUTY DF 1EIGHT PLAN WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG -23* HIGH FLOW INLET PROTECTION CURB AND GUTTER MODEL DEFLECTOR PLATE OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. OVERFLOW IS Y2 OF THE CURB BOX HEIGHT OVERFLOW AT TOP OF FILTER ASSEMBLY FILTER ASSEMBLY DIAMETER, 6" ON -GRADE 10" AT LOW POINT HIGH-FLOW FABRIC * FOR THE NEW R -3290 -VB STANDARD CASTING, INSTALL WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG -3290 OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. Title: Inlet Protection Standard Plate Library Catch Basin Insert City of Monticello Date: 03-07 Plate No. Revised:6004 03-15 CONTRACTION JOINTS BOULEVARD WIDTH VARIES(AVERAGE 8') SIDEWALK DIMENSIONS WIDTH — 6' (MATCH INKIND) DEPTH — 6" FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS *4" MINIMUM FOR EXISTING AREAS, 6" AT DRIVEWAYS AND CROSSWALKS GRANULAR BORROW DEPTH— 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 CONTRACTION JOINTS — 6' INTERVALS EXPANSION JOINTS — 60' INTERVALS (APPROX.) *MATCH EXISTING DEPTH, 4" MINIMUM INSTALL PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS AT ROADWAY INTERSECTIONS IRStandard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Typical Sidewalk Date: Plate No. 03-05 Revised:03-1 7 5012 2" BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE SPWEB240B MnDOT SPEC 2360 2" BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE SPNWB230B MnDOT SPEC 2360 8" CLASS V AGGREGATE BASE MnDOT SPEC 3138 SUBGRADE PREPARATION TOP 6" TO PASS PROOF ROLL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT NOTE: SOILS SPECIFICATIONS SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIONS Gravel pad(s) MnDOT Class CA -15 or CA -25 Riprap Bedding Geotextile fabric Original grade SECTION B—B (not to scale) Ribbed or Corrugated steel plates Original Geotextile fabric SECTION A—A grade (not to scale) NOTES: Channelize runoff to sediment trapping device CO z xl w Match Existing Grade Sediment Trapping Device A t I U I I Ribbed or Corrugated steel plates B 24' min. Slope away from highway 50' min. or Right of Way PLAN Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Commercial Gravel Construction Entrance Date: 06-14 Plate No. Revised:6002 03-15 2" x 2" WOOD POSTS FILTER FABRIC 4.0' O.C. MIN. FI-ENVIRO FENCE 3 — MAX. QUAL) MIN. 30" —MA36" ABOVE GRADE DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE BACKFILL 6" x 6" TRENCH UNDISTURBED SOIL SILT FENCE NOTES: 1. SILT FENCE SHALL BE BLACK IN COLOR. 2. DIG A 6"X6" TRENCH ALONG THE INTENDED FENCE LINE, OR MACHINE SLICE TO 6" DEPTH. 3. DRIVE ALL POSTS INTO THE GROUND AT THE DOWNHILL SIDE OF THE TRENCH. 4. LAY OUT SILT FENCE ON THE UPHILL SIDE ALONG THE FENCE LINE, AND BACK FILL. 5. WOOD POSTS MAY BE SPACED UP TO 4 FEET APART TO SUPPORT THE FABRIC. 6. REMOVE SILT FENCE AFTER TURF IS ESTABLISHED. SILT FENCE DETAIL CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com 651-245-7455 o aqi N O j L q) C p h C 45 W V iO tizg C (.1 .0 C y O o�� c � co� !i P oC .%.Q q) i QO � C, o Z 00 N Z N 1 07 10 N r,)0) WL �V)I Co� r >_ X I m m (o W W l 0 >_ `° (a 0.0 Lo I W� C N 3 O �00 ��� m O m m � � Cl)0 W IO Q Q rW^^ vl I�.. ,, W Q Q Q V FILE NO. 00821 INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C8 C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS 8c REMOVAL PLAN C7—C8 DETAILS C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN Details 0 6.0 FT WIDE STONE MULCH WITH/ COMMERCIAL EDGING 4.0 FT WIDE STONE MULCH WITH COMMERCIAL' EDGING j� nV 7 SGJ % \\ STONE MULCH WITH KFG 19 COMMERCIAL EDGING 6 FF 3 SGJ \ 4 STONE MULCH WITH COMMERCIAL EDGING 1 I L,z 6.0 FT WIDE STONE MULCH WITH COMMERCIAL EDGING REQUIRED PLANT MATERIALS 10 CALIPER INCHES OF TREES PER ACRE + 2 SHRUBS PER 10 LF OF BUILDING PERIMETER SITE AREA = 45,391 SF = 1.04 AC 10 x 1.04 = 10.4 CALIPER INCHES OF TREES PROPOSED BUILDING PERIMETER = 510 LF 510/10 = 51 x 2 = 102 SHRUBS PLANT LIST: Site Plantings QTY. KEY BOTANICAL NAME TREES 3 CH Celtis occidentalis 2 BHS Picea glauca 'Densato' 2 CGS Picea pungens 14 CALIPER INCHES PROVIDED (10.4 REQUIRED) COMMON NAME Common Hockberry Black Hills Spruce Colorado Green Spruce SIZE/ROOT 2.0" B&B 6' B&B 6' B&B 0 20 40 60 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SHRUBS 28 FF Forsythia 'Fiesta' Fiesta Forsythia 3 Gal. Pot 39 SGJ Juniperus chinensis 'Sea Green' Sea Green Juniper 5 Gal. Pot 45 OV Viburnum sargentii 'Onondaga' Onondaga Viburnum 5 Gal. Pot 112 PROVIDED (102 REQUIRED) ORNAMENTAL GRASSES 19 KFG Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Karl Forestdfarl Forester Feather Reed Gross3 Gal. Pot PLANTING NOTES: Contractor shall provide one year guarantee of all plant materials. The guarantee begins on the date of the owner's written acceptance of the initial planting. Replacement plant materials shall also have a one year guarantee commencing upon planting. All plants to be northern—grown and hardy. Plants to be installed as per standard AAN planting practices. Use minimum 12" loam planting soil on trees and 6" on shrubs. Contractor shall verify locations with all utililies prior to installation of plants. Underground irrigation shall be provided for trees, shrubs, and sod areas. Staking of trees optional; reposition if not plumb after one year. Wrap all smooth—barked trees—fasten top and bottom. Remove by April 1. Open top of burlap on BB materials; remove pot on potted plants; split and break apart peat pots. Prune plants as necessary — per standard nursery practice. Owner shall be responsible for maintenance after acceptance of the work by contractor. Plants shall be immediately planted upon arrival at site. Properly heel—in materials if necessary. Planting beds for shrubs shall have (4 oz. min.) weed barrier fabric, 3" depth 1-3/4" washed River Rock and 6" vertical (commercial grade) black steel edging. The edging shall be placed and staked with smooth curves and lines. Use Preen or equal prior to planting. All disturbed areas to be sodded unless otherwise noted. Sod shall be northern grown and hardy. Double shredded dark brown hardwood mulch 4" deep shall be provided around all new trees. Field adjust tree and shrub locations to fit utility locations and any changes that may have occured to the site plan and/or grading plan. CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL NOTES: TWO ALTERNATE METHODS OF TREE STAKING ARE SHOWN. ITIS THE CONTRACTOR'S OPTION TO STAKE TREES: HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTAINING TREES IN A PLUMB POSITION THROUGHOUT THE GUARANTEE PERIOD. SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANING. DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL HAND LOOSEN ROOTS OF CONTAINERIZED MATERIAL (TYP.). SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING. SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL IB IN EDENCE OM INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7—C8 DETAILS C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St INE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com 651-245-7455 1141, 18" POLVPROPtt E OR POLYETHYLENE (40 MIL 1 -1/2 - C) AIDE STRAP TYP.) i�Cwaavnnrt a C) DOUBLE STRAND 14 GA. ARE — 3. 6120" INTERVAL (TYP.) �z a �01 O W TREE MAP TO FIRST BRANCH p J'�L w TURNBUCKLE MATH DOUBLE STRAND ,yE 1BAP Ta �, sAIxH v, LQ 4 GAUGE MIRE — 3 PER TNEE � WM oaf[ amAN) O L MULCH N SAUCER—EXTENDD PAST E ca VAN co o FINAL GRADE OF PLANT TO 4"—S" LAYER OF SHREDDED HARDWOODMULCH m IN SAUCER—EXTEND PAST STAKE EQUAL ORIGINAL GRADE o FINAL GRADE OF TO W W EQUAL ORIGINAL GRADET-1w APAmAT2".2"x30" STAKES SET 120" APARTOUTSIDE THE BALL AT ANGLE — 3 PFR BACKFILL WTH PLANTING SOIL a TREE BACKFILL 'MTI PLANTING SOIL I MAINTAINSIAL OF a a UNDIOIL MAINTAIN PEDESTAL OF Q 1 UNDISTURBED SOIL CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL NOTES: TWO ALTERNATE METHODS OF TREE STAKING ARE SHOWN. ITIS THE CONTRACTOR'S OPTION TO STAKE TREES: HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTAINING TREES IN A PLUMB POSITION THROUGHOUT THE GUARANTEE PERIOD. SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANING. DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL HAND LOOSEN ROOTS OF CONTAINERIZED MATERIAL (TYP.). SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING. SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL IB IN EDENCE OM INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN & PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY SEWER & WATER PLAN C4 STORM SEWER PLAN C5 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C7—C8 DETAILS C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: RRG Holdings, LLC 682 55th St INE Buffalo, MN 55313 Cory Kampschroer corykampschroer@gmail.com 651-245-7455 CZ o � Z a> ° j C p h C W V iO v` •` C C o ai o�� c •c `o c ° '15 zi V ' •]z Ln ,°q) Q o P O 3 i Q_ o .b � 3 w •iC 00 r7 N ' (A (NO N c: a� SAIo CID (0 0 N I 2L N 00 Q CL = -i (A' C) C) Q C) co z �z a �01 O W V p a. w � O C v, LQ r o z O L J ca VAN co o CZ o � Z a> ° j C p h C W V iO v` •` C C o ai o�� c •c `o c ° '15 zi V ' •]z Ln ,°q) Q o P O 3 i Q_ o .b � 3 w •iC 00 r7 N ' (A (NO N c: a� SAIo CID (0 0 N I 2L N 00 Q CL FILE NO. 00821 C9 Landscape Plan C) C) C) (N_/ �1J O jY, T o m o W W a a a Q FILE NO. 00821 C9 Landscape Plan W W 0 U 2 U Q �o M X tV LU z CL 0 Z) 0 V) co 0 LLJV LU Z J V Sota Car Wash Southeast Main Carwash Entry View SCALE: 1:1.41 SW 7004 S. d FA BCON PRECAST CONC PANEL WITH RANDOM RIB. EXPOSED AGGREGATE 004 SAND AND 920 ONIX TINT FABCON PRECAST CONC PANEL WITH SMOOTH FINISH AND RANDOM RIB FINISH. PAINTED IN FIELD SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW 7004 SNOWBOUND Sota Car Wash Northwest Aerial View SCALE: 1:1.47 Sota Car Wash Southeast View SCALE: 1:1.46 SHERWIND WILLAMS PAINTED CONCRETE COLUMS/ PIERS Black (06) CANOPIES, FASCIAS, AND SOFFTISTO BE WRAPPED IN PREFINISHED METAL - BLACK -Iowa 11 11 H i■I West Exterior Elevation r D Sota Car Wash Northeast Aerial View SCALE: 1:1.47 Sota Car Wash Southwest View SCALE: 1:1.49 Ocean Blue (35) Hawaiian Blue (70) CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM STOREFRONT WINDOWS AND OVERHEAD DOORS 12" Coverage Charcoal (17) 1 112" 4'X1' METAL SALES "TLC -1" PREFINISHED FLUSH METAL PANELS IN A RANDOM PATTERN OF THREE COLORS. r i►. n 4918 S. Tri Oak Circle NE East Bethel, MN 55092 Phone: 65 1-245-2346 Email: mjtallc2520@gmail.com www.michaeljthomasarchitect.com Project No: 21008 Date Last Revised: 05-26-21, 05-28-21, 05-31-21, 06-03-21, 06-07-21, 06-22-21, 06-28-21, 07-03-21 File Name: 21008 Sota Car Wash 07-02- 21.pIn Drawn By: MJT Minnesota License No.: 23592 Date Signed: I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature Copyright Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC. All rights reserved. The architectural works depicted herein are the sole property of Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and may not be constructed or used without its expressed written permission. No permission to modify or reproduce any of these architectural works, including without limitation the construction of any building, is expressed or should be implied from delivery of preliminary drawings or unsealed construction drawings. Permission to construct the buildings(s) depicted in sealed construction drawings is expressly conditioned on the full and timely payment of all fees otherwise due to Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and, in absence of any written agreement to the contrary, is limited to a one- time use on the site indicated on these plans. z L_O r U oc H = z O U CO W O t LL v, o°c W 3 N rd L. M �— U O u v, z, am ca O E "' >= V�� a a -� z o — Z G � J O v4J o LV W 0 _ U w z CL A0.0 BUILDING CODE ANALYSIS 2020 Minnesota State Building Code Chapter 3 OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION AND USE Section 304 Business Group B Car Wash Main Level Automatic Car Wash 3,365 sf. Car Wash Indoor Vacuum 3,188 sf Car Wash Equipment 621 sf Office 437 sf Total Net Main Level = 7,611 sf. Mezzanine Level Office 437 sf Car Wash Equip Mezzanine 279 sf Total Net Mezzanine Level = 716 sf Tota I Net Area = 8,32 7 Total Gross Main Level/ Building Footprint = 8,208 sf Chapter 5 GENERAL BUILDING HEIGHTS AND AREAS Table 504.3 Allowable Building Height In Feet Above Grade Plane B: Type IIB, Nonsprinklered: 55' allowed. 24' Actual Table 504.4 Allowable Number of Stories Above Grade Plane B: Type IIB, Nosprinklered: 3 Stories Allowed. 2 Stories Actual Section 505 Mezzanine and Equipment Platforms A 279 sf Mezzanine is part of the Car Wash Equipment room below Therefore, 279/ 621= 44.9%. Allowed to be 50% in Sprinklered, Type II Buildigs. Okay. Table 506.2 Allowable Area Factor in Square Feet (SF) B: Type IIB, 2 Story Nonsprinklered : 23,000 SF Allowed. 8,208 SF Actual Table 508.4 Required Separation of Occupancies No Occupancy separations required. Chapter 6 TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION Table 601 Fire -Resistance Requirements for Building Elements Type IIB. No fire rating required. Section 602.5. Type IIB: Structual Elements, Exterior Walls, and Interior Walls are of any material permitted by this code. Table 602 Fire -Resistance Rating Requirements For Exterior Walls Based On Fire Separation Distance. The building is open on West side by 20'. No rating required for 10</= x <30 Other sides are open over 30'. No rating required. Therefore no rating reqired. Chapter 7 FIRE AND SMOKE PROTECTION FEATURES No reaquirements based upon occupancy, construction type, and exteriorwall separation distances. Chapter 8 INTERIOR FINISHES Table 803.13 Interior Wall and Ceiling Finish Requirements by Occupancy B Occupancy/ Nonsprinklered Interior exit stairways and ramps and exit passageways = Class A Corridors and encosure for exit access stairway and ramps = Class B Rooms and enclosed space = Class C Chapter 9 FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS Section 903 Automatic Sprinkler Systems Not required per 2020 MN Building Code Chapter 10 MEANS OF EGRESS Table 1004.5 Maximum Floor Area Allowances Per Occupant Accessory storage areas, mechanical equipment rooms = 300 Gross Car Wash Equipment + Mezzanine = 900 sf. 900/300 = 3 Occupants Business Areas = 150 Gross Automatice Car Wash = 3,365 sf / 150 = 22.4, round up to 23. Indoor Vacuum = 3,188 sf / 150 = 21.25, round up to 22. Main Level Office = 437 sf / 150 = 2.9, round up to 3 Upper Level Office = 437 sf / 150 = 2.9, round up to 3 Total Occupant Load 3+23+22+3+3 = 54 Table 1006.2.1 Space With One Exit or Exit Access Doorway B Occupancy Max Occupant Load of Space = 49 No spaces have occupant loads 49 or more. Max Common Path of Egress Travel Distance (Nonsprinklered) Allowed is 75'. See code plan for actual Chapter 29 PLUMBING SYSTEMS Section 2902.1.1 Fixture Calculation Occupant Load 54 / 2 = 27 male and 27 female Table 2902.1 Merchantile. Retail Stores, service stations, shops, sales -rooms, markets, and shopping centers. Water Closets 1/500 = 1 each sex required. Lavitories 1/ 750 = 1 each sex required Drinking Fountain 1/ 1,000 = 1 required Service Sink = 1 required. Section 2902.2 Separate Facilities. Exception 3. Separate facilities shall not be required in merchantile occupancies in which the maximum occupant load is 100 or less. Proposed Plumbing Fixtures for Building Official Approval Provide (1) accessible unisex toilet room with water closet and lavitory for staff. Provide (1) accessible unisex toilet room with water closet, lavitory, and urinal for public. 2020 MINNESOTA PROVISIONS TO THE MINNESOTA STATE BUILDING CODE Section 1303.1500 Recyling Space Table 1-A Minimum Recyling Space Requirements "All Others" = .0025 x 8,327 sf = 20.82 sf required. See Code Plan. Recycling space provided in "Trash Room" 2020 Minnesota Energy Code Chapter 3 General Requirements Table C301 Climate Zone Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota Climate Zone 6A Chanter 4 Commercial Enerav Efficienc Table C402.1.3 Opaque Thermal Envelope Requirements Roof, Insulation entirely above deck R-30 Continuous Insulation Walls, Above Grade, Mass (Precast Concrete) R-13.3 Continuous Insulation Below Grade R-7.5 Continuous Insulation Slabs -on -Grade Floors, Unheated slabs R-10 for 24" below Table C402.4 Building Envelope Requirements: Fenestration U -factor Fixed Fenestration = 0.36 Operable Fenestration = 0.43 Entrances = 0.77 SHGC All = 0.40 Skylights U -factor = 0.50 SHGC = 0.40 Mechanicial, Electrical, and Plumbing Buidling Mechanical and Electrical Systems will be Design/ Build by applicable subcontractor. It shall be said subcontractor's resonsibility to design their system to meet all applicable energy code (and other code) requirements. — — — — — 7 Group B - Mezzanine 71 i r 12 0, o° 12'0" 10'0" rza'roa^ 12'0' 10'0" Code Plan - Mezzanine Level �Grou B -Offiq ftce A 437 sIomi SCALE: 1/1b" = 1'-U" 0 8' 16' 32' �N Code Plan - Main Level Z SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 0 8' 16' 32' FP_ i►. n H U W U 4918 S. Tri Oak Circle NE East Bethel, MN 55092 Phone: 65 1-245-2346 Email: mjtallc2520@gmail.com www.michaeljthomasarchitect.com Project No: 21008 Date Last Revised: 05-26-21, 05-28-21, 05-31-21, 06-03-21, 06-07-21, 06-22-21, 06-28-21, 07-03-21 File Name: 21008 Sota Car Wash 07-02- 21.pIn Drawn By: MJT Minnesota License No.: 23592 Date Signed: I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature Copyright Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC. All rights reserved. The architectural works depicted herein are the sole property of Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and may not be constructed or used without its expressed written permission. No permission to modify or reproduce any of these architectural works, including without limitation the construction of any building, is expressed or should be implied from delivery of preliminary drawings or unsealed construction drawings. Permission to construct the buildings(s) depicted in sealed construction drawings is expressly conditioned on the full and timely payment of all fees otherwise due to Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and, in absence of any written agreement to the contrary, is limited to a one- time use on the site indicated on these plans. v U oc = Z —_ O U CO W O t 10 LL v, L LU 3 N D U O v, Z , ca oLn E >= U,bA Q Q -� 2 Z o - Z �0 � J 0 v4J o LV W _ U w ZX a A0. I SITE SIGN - TO BE INCLUDED WITH SIGN PACKAGE WATER RECYCLING Concept Architectrual Site Plan BUILDING FOOTPRINT = 8,208 SF IMPERVIOUS SURFACE = 19,281 SF PERVIOUS SURFACE = 23,029 SF (45.59%) TOTAL LOT AREA = 50,518 SF (1.17 ACRES) 0 10' 20' 40' r ►. n 4918 S. Tri Oak Circle NE East Bethel, MN 55092 Phone: 65 1-245-2346 Email: mjtallc2520@gmail.com www.michaeljthomasarchitect.com Project No: 21008 Date Last Revised: 05-26-21, 05-28-21, 05-31-21, 06-03-21, 06-07-21, 06-22-21, 06-28-21, 07-03-21 File Name: 21008 Sota Car Wash 07-02- 21.pIn Drawn By: MJT Minnesota License No.: 23592 Date Signed: 77_77_77 I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature Copyright Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC. All rights reserved. The architectural works depicted herein are the sole property of Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and may not be constructed or used without its expressed written permission. No permission to modify or reproduce any of these architectural works, including without limitation the construction of any building, is expressed or should be implied from delivery of preliminary drawings or unsealed construction drawings. Permission to construct the buildings(s) depicted in sealed construction drawings is expressly conditioned on the full and timely payment of all fees otherwise due to Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and, in absence of any written agreement to the contrary, is limited to a one- time use on the site indicated on these plans. z O 1— V oC H = z —_ O ' V m W O s LL v, o°c W 3 N M O u v, z, ca O "' >= Q Q u.ao '� = z Z Z 3 0 Z 0 TRUE NORTH J 4J L V 4J LV 0 O V w z 0 z W _ CL PLAN NORTH A 1.0 2 TRUE NORTH z PLAN NORTH Main SCALE: 1 /f Level Floor Plan - Overall 11 = 1'-0" 0 4' 8' 16' a z f J W CL C1 N 'Q "I Z H F_ U W U OC 4918 S. Tri Oak Circle NE East Bethel, MN 55092 Phone: 65 1-245-2346 Email: mjtallc2520@gmail.com www.michaeljthomasarchitect.com Project No: 21008 Date Last Revised: 05-26-21, 05-28-21, 05-31-21, 06-03-21, 06-07-21, 06-22-21, 06-28-21, 07-03-21 File Name: 21008 Sota Car Wash 07-02- 21.pIn Drawn By: MJT Minnesota License No.: 23592 Date Signed: hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature Copyright Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC. All rights reserved. The architectural works depicted herein are the sole property of Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and may not be constructed or used without its expressed written permission. No permission to modify or reproduce any of these architectural works, including without limitation the construction of any building, is expressed or should be implied from delivery of preliminary drawings or unsealed construction drawings. Permission to construct the buildings(s) depicted in sealed construction drawings is expressly conditioned on the full and timely payment of all fees otherwise due to Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and, in absence of any written agreement to the contrary, is limited to a one- time use on the site indicated on these plans. b�0 :: X Cd � L o°c 0 to V � u � R E O a •� = z o Z Ca = o - eld o 4J L. OW V _ V zX O ALI C1 N 'Q "I Z H fF_ V LU ff2 U 4918 S. Tri Oak Circle NE East Bethel, MN 55092 Phone: 65 1-245-2346 Email: mjtallc2520@gmail.com www.michaeljthomasarchitect.com Project No: 21008 Date Last Revised: 05-26-21, 05-28-21, 05-31-21, 06-03-21, 06-07-21, 06-22-21, 06-28-21, 07-03-21 File Name: 21008 Sota Car Wash 07-02- 21.pIn Drawn By: MJT Minnesota License No.: 23592 Date Signed: u Mezzanine Level Floor Plan SCALE: 1/8" = V-0" 0 4' 9 Copyright Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC. All rights reserved. The architectural works depicted herein are the sole property of Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and may not be constructed or used without its expressed written permission. No permission to modify or reproduce any of these architectural works, including without limitation the construction of any building, is expressed or should be implied from delivery of preliminary drawings or unsealed construction drawings. Permission to construct the buildings(s) depicted in sealed construction drawings is expressly conditioned on the full and timely payment of all fees otherwise due to Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and, in absence of any written agreement to the contrary, is limited to a one- time use on the site indicated on these plans. z hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I a duly Licensed — E Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. LO i Signature u Mezzanine Level Floor Plan SCALE: 1/8" = V-0" 0 4' 9 Copyright Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC. All rights reserved. The architectural works depicted herein are the sole property of Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and may not be constructed or used without its expressed written permission. No permission to modify or reproduce any of these architectural works, including without limitation the construction of any building, is expressed or should be implied from delivery of preliminary drawings or unsealed construction drawings. Permission to construct the buildings(s) depicted in sealed construction drawings is expressly conditioned on the full and timely payment of all fees otherwise due to Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and, in absence of any written agreement to the contrary, is limited to a one- time use on the site indicated on these plans. z LO i V oC H = z —_ O ' V m W O s � LL v, L o°c ( 0 tv O to .� �- V O u v, z,Ln o� E O z o Ca 0 ed J 4J i O v4J o LV W 0 _ V w z CL !T A1.2 W W UO 0 Q M X �1- N Q W z C) 0 CIO0 LIJv z W J U N Enlarged Mezzanine Level Floor Plan- Wssh Equip. Area 6GALE:1/4" = 1'-U" 0 2' 4' 8' Enlarged Main Level Floor Plan - Wash Equipment Area SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 0 2' 4' 8' Enlarged Mezzanine Level Floor Plan - Office Area 0 2 4' 8' ---------------------------J Enlarged Main Level Floor Plan - P.O.S/ Control Area SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 0 2' 4' 8' MEMEM C1 N 'Q "I fF_ V LU ff2 U 4918 S. Tri Oak Circle NE East Bethel, MN 55092 Phone: 65 1-245-2346 Email: mjtallc2520@gmail.com www.michaeljthomasarchitect.com Project No: 21008 Date Last Revised: 05-26-21, 05-28-21, 05-31-21, 06-03-21, 06-07-21, 06-22-21, 06-28-21, 07-03-21 File Name: 21008 Sota Car Wash 07-02- 21.pIn Drawn By: MJT Minnesota License No.: 23592 Date Signed: hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature Copyright Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC. All rights reserved. The architectural works depicted herein are the sole property of Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and may not be constructed or used without its expressed written permission. No permission to modify or reproduce any of these architectural works, including without limitation the construction of any building, is expressed or should be implied from delivery of preliminary drawings or unsealed construction drawings. Permission to construct the buildings(s) depicted in sealed construction drawings is expressly conditioned on the full and timely payment of all fees otherwise due to Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and, in absence of any written agreement to the contrary, is limited to a one- time use on the site indicated on these plans. Z LO i V oC H = Z —_ O V m W O s � LL v, L o°c ( 0 cv O to .� �- V O u v, Z,Ln o� E O Z o — Z= CaA ^0 4J J i O v o LV W 0 _ V w ZZ CL A1.4 LU w 0 U 2 U �o M X d- rV Q LU Z CL CL0 LU co LU0 0 V z J V V-1 2' Roof Plan 191 1/8" : L- LOWER CANOPY ROOF TYP ROOF: BALLASTED EPDM OVER TAPER' D RIGID INSUL OVER R-30 FLAT INSUL OVER PRECAST CONC DECKING TYP 6" OVERFLOW ROOF DRAIN SET 2" HIGHER AT EACH ROOF DRAIN SS 15' 1 /8" SS 15' 0 0 ROOF HATCH 6" OVERFLW R.D. i 1/8" : I' SS 15' 17' TAPER' D RIGID INSUL OVER FLAT INSUL OVER FLAT PRECAST PLANK 4' 8' 4' 8' 4' 8' b C 0 0 c0 T I � I I � I I ' I I 6" OVERFLW ' I R.D. I I II V) I I I /8" : LL i 1 /8" : 1' —SS S SS ------------------------- 15' 17' (8) 4'X'4 4' FSKYLIGHTS 8' 4' z 2 6" OVERFLW R.D. 1/8" ss ss — 14' I, 15' I, 151 CONNECT ALL ROOF DRAINS HORIZONTALLY AND INTERNALLY, TIGHT TO BOTTOM OF PRECAST CONCRETE DECK. PROVIDE SLOPE AND CLEAN - OUTS AS REQUIRED PER CODE. VERT. ROOF DRAIN PIPE DOWN TO STORM SEWER CONNECTION BELOW GRADE SEE CIVIL FOR UNDER GROUND STORM SEWER CONNECTION r------------- ----------7 i) LOWER CANOPY ROOF HIGHER ROOF W/ OVERHANG VAULTED STANDING SEAM MTL CANOPY 0 4' 8' 16' r ►. n 4918 S. Tri Oak Circle NE East Bethel, MN 55092 Phone: 65 1-245-2346 Email: mjtallc2520@gmail.com www.michaeljthomasarchitect.com Project No: 21008 Date Last Revised: 05-26-21, 05-28-21, 05-31-21, 06-03-21, 06-07-21, 06-22-21, 06-28-21, 07-03-21 File Name: 21008 Sota Car Wash 07-02- 21.pIn Drawn By: MJT Minnesota License No.: 23592 Date Signed: 77_77_77 I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature Copyright Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC. All rights reserved. The architectural works depicted herein are the sole property of Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and may not be constructed or used without its expressed written permission. No permission to modify or reproduce any of these architectural works, including without limitation the construction of any building, is expressed or should be implied from delivery of preliminary drawings or unsealed construction drawings. Permission to construct the buildings(s) depicted in sealed construction drawings is expressly conditioned on the full and timely payment of all fees otherwise due to Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and, in absence of any written agreement to the contrary, is limited to a one- time use on the site indicated on these plans. z _O H V z O V m W O s LL v, L ODC W 3 N M 0 v, z, ca oLn >= V Q •� = z 0 0 4J J i O v 0 LV W 0 _ V w z CL A 1.5 LU w 0 U 2 U �o M X d- rN Q LUz CL 0 Z) 0 V) m 0 LLJV LU Z J V South Exterior Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" ALL O.H. DOORS TO BE FULL LITE ANODIZEI 0 4' 8' 16' 4"X4" STL TUBE PERLINS AT 5'- 011 O.C. VAULTED STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING STL TRUSS MADE OF 4"X6" STL TUBE CORDS & WEBS. (3) THUS DIA STL TUBE SUPPORT 6SEMBLY. .EARANCE BAR - 4" PVC PIPE ;LLED WITH SAND AND JSPENDED WITH GALV . 4AIN W16 STL BEAM - EXPOSED ROCK FACE CMU PIER 24" DIA CONC PIER BASE/ FON. North Exterior Elevations SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" East Exterior Elevation CrAl F• 1/R" = 1' -fl" LED WALL PACK - DOWNWARD 90 DEGREE CUT-OFF LIGHT FIXTURES - TYP. 4'X1' METAL SALES "TLC -1" PREFINISHED FLUSH METAL PANELS IN A RANDOM PATTERN OF THREE COLORS. West Exterior Elevation C( AI F• 1/R„ = 1,J)" PRECAST CONC, SMOOTH,PAINTED FINISH 3' X 1'X 10' PRECAST CONC COLUMN - PAINTED __ I - A _T__ __ __ __ r ALL WOW'S, STOREFRONT, AND OVERHEAD DOORS TO BE CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM. -- 1F T- -- I -- -- -- ------ J ------ ----------- ----J ------ ---- U ----------- UU----------- U—J ACCENT PRECAST - EXPOSED AGGREGATE ONIX uRivL.- I"MW rvirvuvry 0 4' 8' 16' PRECAST, RANDOM RIB FINISH, PAINTED 24' Upper T.O. Parapet 181-611 T.0 16' Roof PIS -10'-IU' MF 0" Main Fir — -3' T.O.F 0 4' 9 16' NEEn FP_ !. 'Q n 4918 S. Tri Oak Circle NE East Bethel, MN 55092 Phone: 65 1-245-2346 Email: mjtallc2520@gmail.com www.michaeljthomasarchitect.com Project No: 21008 Date Last Revised: 05-26-21, 05-28-21, 05-31-21, 06-03-21, 06-07-21, 06-22-21, 06-28-21, 07-03-21 File Name: 21008 Sota Car Wash 07-02- 21.pIn Drawn By: MJT Minnesota License No.: 23592 Date Signed: 77_77_77 I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature Copyright Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC. All rights reserved. The architectural works depicted herein are the sole property of Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and may not be constructed or used without its expressed written permission. No permission to modify or reproduce any of these architectural works, including without limitation the construction of any building, is expressed or should be implied from delivery of preliminary drawings or unsealed construction drawings. Permission to construct the buildings(s) depicted in sealed construction drawings is expressly conditioned on the full and timely payment of all fees otherwise due to Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and, in absence of any written agreement to the contrary, is limited to a one- time use on the site indicated on these plans. z LO i V z O V m W O s LL v, L OC W 3 N z, oLn >= V Q •� �� = z Z 3 W o 4� Now% 0 4 J v o LV W _ V w z CL A2. I LU LII 0 U 2 U Q �o M X rN Q Lidz CL 0 Z) 0 V) co 0 LLJV z W J V Building Section - POS & Cano SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 0 4' 8' 16' Buildin CrAI F- 1/R" = Section - POS & Tunnel BALLASTED EPDM OVER TAPER' D RIGID INSUL Ri jildinn SPr:tinn - I nnnifi AinA R SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" Q 2 3 4" CONC. SLAB ON GRADE OVER Af 11 i -r% • \ 11 -T 11 ♦ r% 1 I 1 ► 1/1 . • N/1 r% TYP EXT WALLS - PRECAST CONC WALL PANELS. 8" INSUL HOLLOW CORE, 2" RIGID CONT. INSULATION, 2" FINISH CONCRETE. 12" TOTAL 0 4' 8' 16' Q Q 4 Ri jildinn SPrtinn - I nnniti jr]inal A SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" ER 8" RAPET FIN. FLR. 0 4' 8' 16' r ►. n 4918 S. Tri Oak Circle NE East Bethel, MN 55092 Phone: 65 1-245-2346 Email: mjtallc2520@gmail.com www.michaeljthomasarchitect.com Project No: 21008 Date Last Revised: 05-26-21, 05-28-21, 05-31-21, 06-03-21, 06-07-21, 06-22-21, 06-28-21, 07-03-21 File Name: 21008 Sota Car Wash 07-02- 21.pIn Drawn By: MJT Minnesota License No.: 23592 Date Signed: 77_77_77 I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature Copyright Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC. All rights reserved. The architectural works depicted herein are the sole property of Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and may not be constructed or used without its expressed written permission. No permission to modify or reproduce any of these architectural works, including without limitation the construction of any building, is expressed or should be implied from delivery of preliminary drawings or unsealed construction drawings. Permission to construct the buildings(s) depicted in sealed construction drawings is expressly conditioned on the full and timely payment of all fees otherwise due to Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and, in absence of any written agreement to the contrary, is limited to a one- time use on the site indicated on these plans. Z O H V oC H = O V m W O s LL v, o°c W 3 N M O u v, Z, ca O "' E >= V 0 Z 0 4J J O v4J 0 LV W 0 _ V w z CL A3. I LU w 0 U U �o M X d- tV 0 Z CL 0 ZD 0 m 0 LUV z J V BALLASTED EPDM 3"X15" KEYWAY IN CONC FTG - VER. PRECAST SUPPLIER FP_ !. n 4918 S. Tri Oak Circle NE East Bethel, MN 55092 Phone: 65 1-245-2346 Email: mjtallc2520@gmail.com www.michaeljthomasarchitect.com Project No: 21008 Date Last Revised: 05-26-21, 05-28-21, 05-31-21, 06-03-21, 06-07-21, 06-22-21, 06-28-21, 07-03-21 File Name: 21008 Sota Car Wash 07-02- 21.pIn Drawn By: MJT 1/411•1' TAPERED RIGID Minnesota License No.: 23592 INSUL Date Signed: PREFIN MTL PARAPET CAP ??-??-?? 18' -6" T.P. PARAPET I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 6" R-30 FLAT RIGID INSUL Signature 16' PLANK BRG. Copyright Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC. All rights reserved. The architectural works depicted herein are the 8„ PRECAST PLANK ROOF STRUCTURE sole property of Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and may not be constructed or used without its expressed written permission. No permission / to modify or reproduce any of these limitation architectural works, including without I the construction of any building, is expressed or should be implied from delivery of preliminary drawings or unsealed construction drawings. Permission to construct the buildings(s) depicted in sealed construction drawings is expressly _32 conditioned on the full and timely payment of all fees otherwise due to Michael J. Thomas Architect, LLC and, in absence of any written agreement to the contrary, is limited to a one- time use on the site indicated on these plans. BASIS OF DESIGN FOR PRECAST CONCRETE WALL PANELS. FABCON ~ o� 12” VERSACORE+GREEN SANDWICH V PANELS IN EXPOSED AGGREGATE N FINISH. R - VALUE 28.2. 8" _ STRUCTURAL CORE LAYER (W/ EXP •— BILLET SHAPED CORES), 2 1/211 EXP Z 1 RIGID INSUL, 1 1/2" FINISH 0 1 1/2" LAYER V CO 8„ 2 1/2" O LLLU �' L 3 FINISH GRADE 4' BELOW FIN. FLR. - tv MAX rd �- V s Z 4J CL ca O it E N E ed OIL 0" MAIN LEVEL FIN. FLR. tv 4J 3 2" RIGID INSUL OUT 2' AT PERIM. - V sbp TYP. Q Q •;; 2 Z /4Z 2 Now% L _ N -3' T.O. FTG. i. � G Z p .0 _ iY J 4 v c W O O w o w/ V Z E 4" DRAIN TILE W/ FILTER SOCK AND j CRUSHED STONE BED CL A4. Wall Section - Typical Ext Wall SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 0 1' 2' 4' KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That RRG Holdings, LLC a Minnesota limited liablility company; fee owners of the following described property situated in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota to -wit: Parcel A: Lot "D" of the Northwest Quarter, Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, except therefrom a tract conveyed to State of Minnesota in Book 210 of Deeds, page 256, legally described to wit: All that part of the following described tract: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121 North, Range 25 West, described as follows: Beginning in the middle of the Buffalo and Monticello County Road, 26.84 chains southwesterly by the course of the road, from section line between Sections 11 and 14 said Township and Range; thence along middle of said road, South 29 degrees West, 3.95 chains, more or less, to the intersection of this line and the middle of Marvin Road; thence along middle of said road, North 14 1/4 degrees West 5.79 chains; thence South 85 degrees East parallel to the North line of the piece of land from which this is taken, 2.77 chains, more or less to the beginning (designated Lot D of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14); which lies Northwesterly of a line run parallel with and distant 75 feet southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the North line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14, distant 62.3 feet East of the Northwest comer thereof; thence run southwesterly at an angle of 71 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds with said North line for 1700 feet and there terminating. Parcel B: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies Southeasterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. And which lies Northerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 40.00 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter referred to as "Line A"; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said "Line A" there terminating. And also, which lies Westerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non-tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Northerly, a distance of 64.55 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet, and a central angle of 03 degrees 45 minutes 18 seconds, to a point to be hereinafter referred to as "Point A"; thence continuing Northerly, a distance of 401.23 feet, along said 985.00 feet radius curve, with a central angle of 23 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating. And also which lies Northwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at said above reference "Point A"; thence South 50 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 72.87 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of said above reference "Line A" and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel C: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: A strip of land 33 feet in width over that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, the Northwesterly line of said strip of land is contiguous with the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to the plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. Said strip land is to extend by its full width from the Southeasterly extension of the South line of said Lot 5, to a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest uarter, a distance of 584.77 feet to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 Q , P �' minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said line there terminating. Except that part of the above described strip, which lies Easterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non-tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described;thence Northerly, a distance of 465.78 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet and a central angle of 27 degrees 05 minutes 38 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel D: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows; Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County; thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 263.65 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 60.32 feet to the Southerly right of way line of Dundas Road; thence North 51 degrees 01 minutes 32 seconds West along said Southerly right of way line, a distance of 51.73 feet; thence North 22 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 38.62 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East along said Southeasterly right of way line a distance of 170.60 feet to said Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel E: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in said office of the County Recorder; thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 213.30 feet to the centerline of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 50.35 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence North 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds West along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East, along said Southeasterly right of way line, a distance of 62.20 feet to said centerline of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East, along said centerline, a distance of 178.08 feet to the point of beginning. Abstract Property Have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as KAMPSCHROER ADDITION and do hereby dedicate to the public for public use the road, drainage and utility easement as created on this plat. In witness whereof RRG Holdings, LLC a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed this day of 120 Cory Kamschmer, Chief Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 120, by Cory Kamschroer, Chief Manager of RRG Holdings, LLC a Minnesota limited liability company. Notary Public Signature Notary Printed Name County, Minnesota My Commission Expires I Kaleb J. Kadelbach do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on the plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wetlands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this day of Kaleb J. Kadelbach, Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 57070 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF 20 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 120 by Kaleb Kadelbach, Land Surveyor, Minnesota Licence No 57070. Notary Public Signature Notary Printed Name County, Minnesota My Commission Expires KAMPSCHROER ADDITION / / / LOT 5, BLOCK / COMMERCIAL PLAZA 25 JA,,/ F` � O \ � o s / p Q ? / \ \O zR30, 6s�:o Q / K11 ro P q KSL A 160 / ct) / IN Q)ui / LU / o I / `n Jou oo (DjPC I Z ' V' ' O o C5,Cj Z� CD v ! ,ISI m I � I C:) � I / /ti 0 ��� �P� / LLJ I 4 I 0 1 W J�O� l (-PARCEL D I N Cy BRc �N Iq 11I I C � / P� I so ss I ow� \ `\a 0900 �R ; 2j / // o �� 17 ss 50 o `�`' 1� 1p3g1o00 o % 5�O a 'V �`/ I� ^ N272757E In I --- 12.20 R II u-, O N76' 32.71 � s � '90 ,� 90 'co, °4 0.35 6g I o /� ' 901 p �y' Dc o a;0 p/'16;1610'0 p `L�4�' (kh I�,D a \ \ X50 Dqs o N o ROADo / \ V O / — o N / In , �Z / I 00 CD x.15 11 / (y)am / / fl Z / I / CITY OF MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Be it known that at a meeting held on this day of this plat of KAMSCHROER ADDITION Chairperson Secretary CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 20_, the Planning Commision of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, did herby review and approve This plat of KAMSCHROER ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof held this day of , 20, and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2. Mayor Clerk WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR I herebycertify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 505.021 Subd.. 11 this plat has been reviewed and approved this da of 20 fY p pp Y Wright County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable for the year 20_ on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered this day of , 20 Wright County Auditor/Treasurer WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER By Deputy I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record on this day of was duly recorded in Cabinet No. Sleeve as Document No. Wright County Recorder W O O no o� O O F W 20_, at o'clock _.M. and NE CORNER OF THE S 1/2 OF OF THE NW 1/4 SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 721, RANGE 25 S89'00'47"W 1056.00 N. LINE OF THE S 1/2 OF THE NW 114 VICINITY MAP - NOT TO SCALE SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 WRIGHT COUNTY, MN of SITE �11� ��NIk of Nil, S -N-ofFT- , -STE RN_ NIk NIS N DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS: E SCALE 1"= 30' 30 0 30 60 BEARINGS ARE BASED ON NAD83(2011) HENNEPIN COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM • INDICATES FOUND IRON MONUMENTS o INDICATES SET CAPPED 1/2" REBAR BEARING P.L.S. No. 57070 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED TO BE 6.00 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF LOT LINES AND 12.00 FEET ADJACENT TO STREETS AS SHOWN ABOVE. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN HEREON N N 0 N M -N-ofFT- , -STE RN_ 1 SURVEYiI`IG GII`IEERII`IG, IIYC. i P.O. Box 3067 _ Bemidji Minnesota - 56619 m � � O -z-4 FOR VACATION OF PORTIONS OF MARVIN ROAD AND DUNDAS ROAD / OQ/ Co�,011' Ty N l C9 / I 0 �� l STORM MANHOLE �(V / S gUI�,pIN RIM= 960.61 O SPL INV. = N/A oZO, o�QST SNEET /r <'oT,l,� 1 STAR S Al STORM INI FLOW= 958.8 Q . STORM INLET \ �J INV.= 954.11 4 Oy FLOW= 958.01 i /^ INV.= 940.51 d. S6 7 26' POINT OF COMMENCEMENT ^33 / PARC L D) / o / o PARC E AIV IV 0A\ 0`0 V Cl) AZ 70 CO t, YJ :(PAI I �n " /�,/ �b 14V OJ �� \ Novo co ri m °Q\'9O� VO F \oopo 0,\mA N/OJ�O �^0 /C3 O �� / I �O D° AZ \ \\ / QPM / I� I ��ck, G�� �� Q`v O N o`� w .!,`� \� �l o �, h I �� 1-1611 \K \ / N Q I °� rQP Cl) 4-7/ I Cl) 0 U QGJ n J� CJ o /�O 4 �O �`� URPJE \ O°,h� h / O O 00 / I �v X40 STORM /NLET QO PARCEL D / � Q� / �� FLOW= 957.24 ��} INV.= 92e.94 � � S ORM N \ / �0/ CN FLOW= 957.21 POB (PARCEL D) --�� / J§1 INV. = 952.63 RIM= 962.25 ° / STORM INS INV.= 950.58 �• V FLOW- 961.18 �P ��G`` , lNv.=i 957e8 POIN OF BEGINNING THIRD ` I N O�" ^ / O V V U LINE ARCEL B s o NO O°// / QP00 p P01 A" W N S�R� y 60 (d �� �/ / °� , ' V I O ??? q o R �'4 ry � <n STORM INLET f" FLOW= 9612 SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF (NOr ro eF vqN O) I � INV = ss7.781 DUNDAS ROAD AS DESCRIBED2ST�o� _•pis. II PER PARCEL D FLOW= '��3 . R 'y ��90�Oy R°" 0� ED LINE INLV.W 950.428 �o . O � Q�� 16, �� .00 ODc ,� � ® � II DESC OF BEGIN i I (PARCELOB) �oFoIL Nh N 6 `L� �' � ti� gg ��0� '0 I a .5TORM MANHOLE�� 55 6 l0 II ALINE 40.00 NORTHERLY RIM= 957.77 % �j� �� — J I - ---__ OF "LINE A" INV.= N/A O \ ) CONCRETE ��. ------------------ I , IT R A STORE V = 959.38 RIM= 961.32 INV -- 950.74 /NV.= 954.08 STORM INLET / `/,{ �u o FLOW= 95749 0Or�7 p// =31 N � POINT OF BEGINNING INV.= 953.74 Ve O� 8 44, i LSC R/ R,75 00 .00 N (LINE A, PARCEL B) , 7 STORM ANNA/ F ZZ ---- RIM- 960.72 -- - - - - - INV.= N/A \ \ SANITARY RANHOL RIM= 961.42 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY, PLAN OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY /* INV.= N/A DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. -- ----------------- i KALEB J. KADELBACH (LIC. NO. 57070) DATE.' THIS DESCRIPTION IS INTENDED TO BE USED TO VACATE THOSE PORTION OF MARVIN ROAD AND DUNDAS ROAD LYING WITHIN THE BELOW DESCRIBED PROPERTY. Parcel A: Lot "D" of the Northwest Quarter, Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, except therefrom a tract conveyed to State of Minnesota in Book 210 of Deeds, page 256, legally described to wit: All that part of the following described tract: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121 North, Range 25 West, described as follows: Beginning in the middle of the Buffalo and Monticello County Road, 26.84 chains southwesterly by the course of the road, from section line between Sections 11 and 14 said Township and Range; thence along middle of said road, South 29 degrees West, 3.95 chains, more or less, to the intersection of this line and the middle of Marvin Road; thence along middle of said road, North 14 14 degrees West 5.79 chains; thence South 85 degrees East parallel to the North line of the piece of land from which this is taken, 2.77 chains, more or less to the beginning (designated Lot D of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14); which lies Northwesterly of a line run parallel with and distant 75 feet southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the North line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14, distant 62.3 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof, thence run southwesterly at on angle of 71 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds with said North line for 1700 feet and there terminating. Parcel B: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies Southeasterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. And which lies Northerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 40.00 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter referred to as "Line A"; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said "Line A" there terminating. And also, which lies Westerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non–tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Northerly, a distance of 64.55 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet, and a central angle of 03 degrees 45 minutes 18 seconds, to a point to be hereinafter referred to as "Point A` thence continuing Northerly, a distance of 401.23 feet, along said 985.00 feet radius curve, with a central angle of 23 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating. And also, which lies Northwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at said above reference "Point A"; thence South 50 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 72.87 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of said above reference "Line A" and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel C: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: A strip of land 33 feet in width over that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, the Northwesterly line of said strip of land is contiguous with the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to the plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. Said strip land is to extend by its full width from the Southeasterly extension of the South line of said Lot 5, to a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said line there terminating. Except that part of the above described strip, which lies Easterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non–tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Northerly, a distance of 465.78 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet and a central angle of 27 degrees 05 minutes 38 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel D: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows; Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County; thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 263.65 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 60.32 feet to the Southerly right of way line of Dundas Road; thence North 51 degrees 01 minutes 32 seconds West along said Southerly right of way line, a distance of 51.73 feet; thence North 22 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 38.62 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East along said Southeasterly right of way line a distance of 170.60 feet to said Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPT, THAT PART OF PARCEL D LYING SOUTHERLY OF OF THE NORTHERLY ROW OF DUNDAS ROAD AS SHOWN ON MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALIGNMENT LAYOUT & TABULATION S.A.P. 222-103-02, S.A.P. 222-110-03 DATED 05/22/2006. Parcel E: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in said office of the County Recorder, thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 213.30 feet to the centerline of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 50.35 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence North 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds West along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East, along said Southeasterly right of way line, a distance of 62.20 feet to said centerline of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East, along said centerline, a distance of 178.08 feet to the point of beginning. Abstract Property SHEET 2 OF CITY OF 111 o July 27, 2021 Re: Sota' Car Wash City Project # 2021-026 OFFICE: 763-295-2711 FAX: 763-295-4404 505 Walnut Street Suite 11 Monticello, MN 55362 The Engineering Department has reviewed the Civil Plan Set dated 7/6/21 as prepared by Civil Engineering Site Design and offers the following comments: General Comments 1. Cedar street ROW to use 50' from 2006 Centerline. 2. Update slope on south side of driveway on sheet C2, currently shown as 0.07%. 3. Confirm and add note that cross -slope of sidewalk through the driveway is a maximum of 2% to meet ADA requirements. 4. Confirm that the cross -slope at handicap stall is max 2%. 5. If sidewalk is disturbed at corner of Cedar and Dundas, an ADA compliant ramp will need to be installed. 6. An Encroachment agreement will be required for items installed within the drainage and utility easement. 7. Please provide city with verification of NPDES permit coverage from the MPCA prior to starting construction. 8. Add inlet protection to storm inlet between paved trail and silt fence. 9. Recommend extending concrete apron to West side of sidewalk on the driveways. 10. The truncated domes may be eliminated at the driveways, unless traffic control devices are installed at the driveway. The City is not responsible for errors and omissions on the submitted plans. The owner, developer, and engineer of record are fully responsible for changes or modifications required during construction to meet the City's standards. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please contact the Engineering Department with any questions. Sincerely, ell Ryan Melhouse Project Engineer www.ci.monticello.mn.us Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/2021 2D. Public Hearing — Consideration of an amendment to the zoning ordinance adding the Extraction of Materials as an Interim Use Permit in the B-3 and B-4 zoning ordinance. Applicant: City of Monticello Prepared by: Northwest Meeting Date: Council Date (pending Associated Consultants (NAC) Commission action): 08/03/2021 08/23/21 Additional Analysis by: Community Development Director REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Property: Legal Description: NA Planning Case Number: 2021-029 Request(s): Amend the Zoning Ordinance to add the potential for an Interim Use Permit authorization within the B-3 and B-4 zoning districts, specifically for public projects permitted or conducted by the City. Deadline for Decision: NA NA Land Use Designation: NA Zoning Designation: NA Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: NA Current Site Uses: NA Project Description: The City is contemplating the potential extraction of sand and other aggregate resources as a part of an implementation plan for the Chelsea Commons project. Currently, the City's zoning ordinance only allows "Extraction of Materials" in the Agriculture -Open Space or Industrial zoning districts. The proposed amendment would establish a specific set of requirements for 1 Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/2021 extraction in the B-3 and B-4 districts, where sand and gravel mining may have greater impact. ANALYSIS: There are two primary proposed changes to the current code. The first is a reference correction in the existing language which no longer points to a place in the City Code, following the recent recodification of the City Code. The second relates to the changes being proposed that would allow extraction of minerals in the B-3 and B-4 Districts. The redlined text is as follows: (5) Extraction of Materials (a) All applicable regulations in Title 4, Chapter- 2 2.4 (M) and 4.10 of City Code this ordinance shall be met. (b) Plans shall be provided to illustrate how the land will be left in a useable condition upon cessation of extraction activities, shall prove that the finished grade will not adversely affect the surrounding land or future development of the site on which the mining is being conducted, and the route of trucks moving to and from the site. (c) The interim use permit authorizing the extraction of materials shall regulate: (i) The type(s) of material being mined on the site; (ii) A program for rodent control; (iii) A plan for fire control and general maintenance of the site; (iv) Controls for vehicular ingress and egress, and for control of material disbursed from wind or hauling of material to or from the site; (v) A calendar of specific dates when mining operations will be conducted, including specific beginning and ending dates; and (vi) The submission of a surety by the applicant in an amount determined by the Community Development Department to be equal to 100% of the value of the cost of restoring land whereupon mining is to occur and repairing the degradation of roadways used to transport soils. (d) On-site sales may be allowed as part of the interim use permit subject to all conditions established by the City Council to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of those visiting the site and of surrounding property owners. (e) For extraction of materials under this section within the B-3 and B-4 zoning districts, no such permit shall be issued except where: (i) The City has an interest in the subject property ownership; (ii) The City is conducting the extraction under a contract with the fee title owner or representative; or (iii.) The CityqPproves such a permit for another government agency and/or its contractor for a public project. (f) In the B-3 and B-4 Districts, and at the City's sole discretion, the IUP under this section may include screening, concrete mixing, asphalt plant operation, or other activities utilizing the raw materials being extracted from the site, provided 2 Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/2021 the City finds that no adverse impact on adjoining property use will occur, including, but not limited to, noise, odors, dust, or other particulate matter. (g) For the purposes of this section, mining or excavation shall mean solely the removal of minerals, including sand, stone, clay, gravel, or soil in quantities of more than 1,000 cubic yards, and hauling of said materials from the site. For quantities of less than 1,000 cubic yards, or for projects that extract and relocate the materials on the same project site regardless of quantity, administrative grading Permits may be issued without need for an IUP. The substantive changes are found in new subparagraphs (e), (f), and (g). Section (e) requires that any Interim Use Permit granted in the B-3 or B-4 Districts would be a City sponsored, or City -approved public project. This clause is intended to restrict the mining operation requests to public land, or for public projects, and limit the activity in commercial areas where mining can be a highly disruptive activity. Section (f) allows, under the IUP, the potential for other activities that are often associated with sand and gravel mines, including concrete mixing and asphalt production. The language specifically calls for "no adverse impact", which will intentionally be a difficult standard given the location of commercial property. Section (g) is definitional and is intended to exempt small projects including those mining and hauling less than 1,000 cubic yards (about 8-10 truckloads), those projects where the excavated material will be utilized on-site, rather than hauled away. In those cases, the language specifies that an administrative grading permit would be proper regulatory requirement. Finally, the City attorney has suggested that the excavation of a public stormwater pond and accompanying facilities may be considered an allowed public use, potentially exempt from what is often a private mining operation. This ordinance is designed to ensure that the City has covered possible eventualities for creation of the Chelsea Commons project, and is intentionally narrowly written. /_\%14:Iisl_A I 1Y/ VA41lWLFi Decision 1: Consideration of an amendment to the zoning ordinance to add Extraction of Materials as an Interim Use Permit to the B-3 and B-4 districts with limitations relating to public use and management. 1. Motion to adopt Resolution No. PC 2021-030 recommending adoption of the ordinance. 2. Motion to deny the adoption of Resolution No. PC 2021-030, based on findings identified by the Planning Commission following a public hearing. Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/2021 3. Motion to table action on Resolution No. 2021-030, pending additional information from staff. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends alternative 1. The ordinance amendment is limited narrowly to allow the proposed use in a limited circumstance related to public lands and/or improvement projects. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC -2021-030 B. Ordinance No. X, DRAFT C. Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Excerpts 4 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-030 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING EXTRACTION OF MINERALS IN THE B-3 AND B-4 COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS WHEREAS, the City finds that regulation of mineral extraction is important to manage the potential effects of mining on surrounding property; and WHEREAS, use and recovery of aggregate materials is an important environmental consideration, necessary for urban development and efficiency in public infrastructure; and WHEREAS, provision of the ability to extract minerals in commercial areas prior to, or as a part of, public construction projects will help protect public health and safety; and WHEREAS, the current city ordinances allow extractive activities only in industrial districts, despite the natural location and geographic distribution of the resources; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 3rd, 2021 on the application and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. Changes to the ordinance are necessary to ensure reasonable regulations. 2. Establishing the proposed regulations is consistent with the City's goals for development in key areas. 3. The proposed amendments ensure recovery or valuable resources in the development in the development of public infrastructure. 4. The proposed amendments provide reasonable regulation of the issue to ensure that common elements of the activity are addressed and managed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-030 ADOPTED this 3rd day of August, 2021 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION IA ATTEST: Paul Konsor, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director 2 ORDINANCE NO. - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE ADDING PROVISIONS FOR CITY OPERATION OF SOILS EXTRACTION BY INTERIM USE PERMIT IN THE B-3, HIGHWAY BUSINESS AND B-4, REGIONAL BUSINESS ZONING DISTRICTS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Table 5-1, Uses by District is hereby amended to add Extraction of Materials as an Interim Use Permit to the B-3, Highway Business and B-4, Regional Business Districts. SECTION 2. Section 5.2 (F)(5) is hereby amended to read as follows: (5) Extraction of Materials (a) All applicable regulations in Title 4, Char+^r' 2.4 (M) and 4.10 of C ity Cade this ordinance regaF'i^^ ^ a*i^^S shall be met. (b) Plans shall be provided to illustrate how the land will be left in a useable condition upon cessation of extraction activities, shall prove that the finished grade will not adversely affect the surrounding land or future development of the site on which the mining is being conducted, and the route of trucks moving to and from the site. (c) The interim use permit authorizing the extraction of materials shall regulate: (i) The type(s) of material being mined on the site; (ii) A program for rodent control; (iii) A plan for fire control and general maintenance of the site; (iv) Controls for vehicular ingress and egress, and for control of material disbursed from wind or hauling of material to or from the site; (v) A calendar of specific dates when mining operations will be conducted, including specific beginning and ending dates; and (vi) The submission of a surety by the applicant in an amount determined by the Community Development Department to be equal to 100% of the value of the cost of restoring land whereupon mining is to occur and repairing the degradation of roadways used to transport soils. (d) On-site sales may be allowed as part of the interim use permit subject to all conditions established by the City Council to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of those visiting the site and of surrounding property owners. (e) For extraction of materials under this section within the B-3 and B-4 zoning districts, no such permit shall be issued except where: (i) The City has an interest in the subject property ownership; (ii) The Citv is conducting the extraction under a contract with the fee title owner or representative; or (iii) The City approves such a permit for another government agency and/or its contractor for a public project. (f) In the B-3 and B-4 Districts, and at the City's sole discretion, the IUP under this section may include screening, concrete mixing, asphalt plant operation, or other activities utilizing the raw materials being extracted from the site, provided the City finds that no adverse impact on adjoining property use will occur, including, but not limited to, noise, odors, dust, or other particulate matter. (g) For the purposes of this section, mining or excavation shall mean solely the removal of minerals, including sand, stone, clay, gravel, or soil in quantities of more than 1,000 cubic yards, and hauling of said materials from the site. For quantities of less than 1,000 cubic yards, or for projects that extract and relocate the materials on the same project site regardless of quantity, administrative grading permits may be issued without need for an IUP. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall have full force and effect upon its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Monticello Wright County, Minnesota, this day of 12021 Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section S. I Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure 5-1: USES BY DISTRICT (cont.) Use Types Base Zoning Districts ConditionallyRequirement AdditionalTABLE Permitted •2 A�l Retail Commercial Uses (other) Buildings Less P P P 5.20(27) than 10,000 SF Retail Commercial Uses (other) Buildings OverC F I P P 5.20(27) 10,000 SF Specialty Eating 7] C P P P 5.2(E)(28) Establishments Vehicle Fuel Sales C C C 5.2E29 Vehicle Sales and Rental C 5.2E30 Veterinary Facilities C 5.2(E)(3 I Rural Veterinary Facilities C C C 5.2(E)(3 1 (Neighborhood) P P P None Wholesale Sales Industrial Uses Auto Repair — Major C P P 5.2(F)(I ) Bulk Fuel Sales and P p 5.2(F)(2) Storage Contractor's Yard, I I I 5.2(F)(4) Temporary Extraction of Materials I I I 5.2 F 5 General Warehousing C P P 5.2 F"6 Heavy Manufacturing C 5.2 F"7 Industrial Services C P None Industrial Self -Storage C C 5.2(F)(8) Facilities Land Reclamation C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 5.2(F)(9) Light Manufacturing P P P 5.2(U(!0) Machinery/Truck Repair P P 5.2 F I I & Sales Recycling and Salvage C C 5.2(F)(14) Center Truck or Freight C C 5.2(F)(15) Terminal Waste Disposal & C 5.2(U(! 6) Incineration Wrecker Services C P 5.2(F)(17) City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 361 CHAPTER 8. RULES & DEFINITIONS Section 8.4 Definitions Subsection (8) Lots sewers, pipes, catch basins, water storage tanks, conduits, cables, fire alarm boxes, police call boxes, traffic signals, pumps, lift stations, hydrants, and other similar features necessary for the function of the essential service. Wireless radio frequency reception and transmission antennas and support structures shall not be considered an essential service. Essential Services do not include buildings or uses that include human occupancy or activity beyond occasional service or maintenance. EXTRACTION OF MATERIALS: the development or extraction of a natural resource in excess of four hundred (400) cubic yards from its natural occurrences on affected land without processing. EXTRACTIVE USE: The use of land for surface or subsurface removal of sand, gravel, rock, industrial minerals, other nonmetallic minerals, and peat not regulated under Minnesota Statutes, sections 93.44 to 93.51. EVENT CENTER: A multi-purpose commercial venue (public or privately -owned) used for the purposes of performances, trade shows, corporate functions, sporting events, private receptions or parties, holiday gatherings or similar attractions. Common characteristics of event centers, which differentiate such uses from places of public assembly, often include but are not limited to, the following: 1. Varied and/or irregular activity schedules 2. The display and/or sale of retail commercial goods 3. The generation of high traffic volumes at varied time periods 4. Commercial activities and uses in coordination with the events 5. Locations in commercial districts 6. Alcohol service as licensed Accessory uses may include food preparation facilities, concessions, offices, museums, parks, athletic training or practice facilities, stores, restaurants, structured parking facilities, and patron transportation facilities. Event centers do not include adult uses and places of public assembly. EVERGREEN TREE: A tree that retains some or most of its leaves or needles throughout the year. EXISTING TREE CANOPY: The crowns of all healthy self-supporting canopy trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) of ten inches or greater and understory trees with a caliper size of four inches or greater at breast height. City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 485 CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section S. i Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 359 Use Types "P" = Permitted .. Conditionally. Permitted • , "I" = Interim Permitted Residential Uses 5.2(C)(1) Attached Dwelling Types 5.2(C)(2)(a) - Duplexp C 5.2(C)(21(b) 5.2(C)(21(c) - Townhouse C p - Multiple -Family C P C C 5.2(C)(21(dl Detached Dwelling p p p p p p None Group Residential P P P P P 5.2(C)(3) Facility, Single Family Group Residential C C C 5.2(C)(3) Facility, Multi -Family Mobile & Manufactured Home Park C C C P C 5.2(C)(4) Civic & Institutional Uses Active Park Facilities (public) P P P P P P P P P P P P p p p None Active Park Facilities P P P P P P P 5.2(D)(1) (private) Assisted Living FacilitiesC P C C P 5.2 D 2 Cemeteries C C C C C C C L2(D 3 Clinics/Medical Services C p p C None Essential Services p p p p p p p p p p p p p C p p None 5.2(D)(4) Hospitals C p p Nursing/Convalescent CC C C C C C C C P P 5.2(D)(5) Home Passenger Terminal C C CC None Passive Parks and Open P P P P P P P P P P P P p p p None Space Place of Public Assembly C C C C C p C 5.2 D 6 Public Buildings or Uses C C C C C C C P C C P P C P P 5.2 D 7 Public Warehousing I I I 5.2(D)(8) Temporary Schools, K- 12C C C C C C I I 5.2 D 9 Schools, Higher None Education C Utilities (major) C C C 5.2 D10 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 359 CHAPTER 8: RULES & DEFINITIONS Section 8.4 Definitions Subsection (8) Lots PLANTING STRIP: Areas intended for the placement of vegetation within the interior of vehicular use areas or along street right-of-way edges, typically between the back of the curb and the inside edge of the sidewalk. PORTABLE CONTAINER: A large container designed and rented or leased for the temporary storage of commercial, industrial, or residential household goods that does not contain a foundation or wheels for movement. PRINCIPAL USE: The main use of land or buildings as distinguished from subordinate or accessory uses. PRODUCTION BREWERY: A facility that manufactures, processes and warehouses beer for wholesale distribution in off -sale packages to retail liquor establishments and may retail beer product for on-site consumption in a taproom for off-site consumption as growlers. A production brewer may not have an ownership interest in a brewery licensed under Minnesota Statutes Section 43-A.409, Subd. 6, clause (d). PROFESSIONAL OFFICE — SERVICES: A commercial use involving administrative, clerical, or professional operations, and routinely including direct transactions or consultations with clients for such services. Such uses commonly include legal, financial, insurance, or real estate services, among others, but do not include retail sales of stock -in -trade goods. PUBLIC BUILDING OR USE: Any facility, including but not limited to buildings and property that are leased or otherwise operated or funded by a governmental body or public entity. PUBLIC WAREHOUSING: The indoor storage of equipment and/or materials by a government agency which may, or may not, be related to other principal uses on the same property. PUBLIC WATERS: Any waters as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 103G.005, Subd. 15, 15a. REACH (in relation to flood plains): A hydraulic engineering term to describe a longitudinal segment of a stream or river influenced by a natural or man-made obstruction. In an urban area, the segment of a stream or river between two consecutive bridge crossings would most typically constitute a reach. REAL ESTATE OFFICE/MOBILE SALES HOME: A dwelling temporarily used as a sales office for a residential development under construction for on-site sales City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 499 Planning Commission Agenda: 08/03/21 3A. Consideration to find that the acquisition of Outlot A, Cedar Street Addition by the Citv of Monticello is consistent with the Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Prepared by: Community Meeting Date: Council Date (pending Development Director 08/03/21 Commission action): 7/12/21 Additional Analysis by: City Administrator REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission is asked to consider adopting a resolution finding the acquisition of Outlot A of Cedar Street Addition by the City of Monticello is in conformance to the City's Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The approximately 35.6 acre subject acquisition parcel is guided "Commercial - Residential Flex" in the Comprehensive Plan and is currently zoned B-3 (Highway Business) and B-4 (Regional Business) District. Over the last 7 months, the City has been working on developing a small area plan (SAP) known as "Chelsea Commons", which includes this parcel within its geographic scope. The SAP reimagines the potential development of a prominent 100 -acre land area in the core of Monticello. The initial concept prepared for Chelsea Commons combines a varied mix of commercial services, residential living opportunities, and public open space amenities, consistent with the Land Use, Growth and Orderly Annexation chapter of the 2040 Plan. Chelsea Commons is centered on a significant recreational water feature and surrounded by a series of interconnected public spaces, consistent with the Parks, Pathways and Open Space chapter of the 2040 Plan. The 2040 Plan specifically recognizes the need to create amenity -based neighborhoods which combine places to live, work and recreate. The City's acquisition of the parcel is intended to support and facilitate the "Chelsea Commons" plan, specifically providing the City with additional control over the timing of the core public improvements, including the water feature, parkland, and transportation elements of the site. Through ownership, the City will also be able to strategically manage private development consistent with the SAP's goals. Any future private development is subject to the applicable subdivision and zoning ordinances, including those for use and performance standards (site and building design). These may include planned unit development standards which the City may choose to apply to further support the vision for Chelsea Commons. The parcel is currently privately owned and has been used for agricultural purposes for over 25 years. Planning Commission Agenda: 08/03/21 The City Council authorized a purchase agreement on July 12th, 2021 for this site, contingent on Commission's review for Comprehensive Plan conformance. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution PC -2021-029 finding that the proposed acquisition of Outlot A, Cedar Street Addition by the City of Monticello is consistent with the City of Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff supports Alternative #1 above. The acquisition of the site for commercial, residential and public uses is consistent with the Monticello 2040 Plan. The acquisition supports continued work to achieve a number of the City's goals, including those for tax base development, housing variety and creation of differentiating community assets. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution PC -2021-029 B. Aerial Image C. Cedar Street Addition Plat D. Excerpts, Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan — Land Use, Growth and Orderly Annexation E. Excerpts, Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan — Parks, Pathways and Open Space F. Monticello Zoning Map 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-029 A RESOLUTION FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN LAND FOR COMMERCIAL -RESIDENTIAL FLEX AND PUBLIC INFRASTRUCUTURE DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY OF MONTICELLO'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WHEREAS, the City of Monticello (the "City") proposes to dispose of certain property (the "Property") legally described as Outlot A, Cedar Street Addition in the City of Monticello, according to the plat on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Deeds in and for Wright County, Minnesota; PID: 155230000010; for the purposes of commercial -residential flex development and public infrastructure; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.356, subd. 2 requires the City Planning Commission to review the proposed acquisition or disposal of publicly -owned real property within the City prior to its acquisition or disposal, to determine whether in the opinion of the Planning Commission, such acquisition or disposal is consistent with the comprehensive municipal plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed acquisition of the Property and has determined that the Property is guided Commercial -Residential Flex within the Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan and zoned B-3 and B-4 commercial, that the City's purpose is to develop the Property consistent with these uses, and that the proposed acquisition is therefore consistent with the City's comprehensive plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, that the acquisition of the Property by the City is consistent with the City's comprehensive municipal plan and will promote the development of a portion of the larger commercial -residential area, along with supporting public improvements. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be communicated to the City Council. Adopted this 3rd day of August, 2021, by the Monticello Planning Commission. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION as Paul Konsor, Chair CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-029 ATTEST: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director Subject Site: 35.68 AC (B -3/B-4) c�Tv of A Monticello 1 in= 376 ft N A May 17, 2021 Map Powered By Data Link wsb e +1 r W D FF?CI A L K -4T" CEDAR STREET ADDITION KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That John M. Lundsten and Mary E. Lundsten, husband and wife, fee owners, of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, -Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: I- ( - That part of New State Trunk Highway No. 25 lying within Cedar Street (Old State Highway No. 25) and lying easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the intersection of the South line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter with the easterly right of way line of State Trunk Highway No. 25; thence westerly along said South line a distance of 7.30 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence northeasterly a distance of 490.58 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the westerly line of Cedar Street (Old State Highway No. 25) with the North line of New State Trunk Highway No. 25, shown as Station 531+75 on Minnesota Department of Transportation highway plans and there terminating. AND A tract of land in the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25 described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14; thence North on the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14, a distance -of 80 rods; thence West on the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 64 rods to a point; thence South on a line . parallel to the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 56 rods to a point; thence West on a line parallel to the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter to State Highway No. 25; thence Southwesterly along said State Highway No. 25 to the South line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence East on said South line of said South Half to the point of beginning, except the North 126 feet of the East 330 feet thereof, Excepting therefrdm: A strip of land 80.00 feet in width over that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, the centerline of which is described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the South Half of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North linea distance of 567.42 feet to the point of beginning of said centerline to be hereinafter described; thence South 17 degrees 35 minutes 14 seconds West 23.91 feet; thence Southerly a distance of 317.63 feet along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 700.00 feet and a central angle of 25 degrees 59 minutes 52 seconds; thence South 08 degrees 24 minutes 38 seconds West, tangent to the last described curve, a distance of 44.48 feet to a point on the South line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, distant 40.35 feet West of the Northwest Corner of Outlot B, MONTICELLO BUSINESS CENTER, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in said County, as measured along said South line, and said centerline there terminating. Said strip of land is to extend by its full width from said line drawn parallel with the`North line of said South half of the Northwest Quarter to said South line. ` Have caused the same to b8 surveyed and platted as CEDAR STREET ADDITION, and do hereby dedicate to'the public for public use the public way, and the drainage and utility easements as created by this plat. In witness whereof said John M. Lundsten and Mary E. Lundsten, husband and wife, have hereunto set their hands this /90� day of 201. Mary E. Lundsten CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Be it known that at a meeting herd on this _�day of May 2014, -the Planning Commissioh of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, did hereby review and approve this plat of CEDAR STREET ADDITION. Planning C mission, City of Monticello, Mi eso By: By: airperson I Secret CITY COUNCIL, MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA This plat of CEDAR STREET ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof held this day of Ma—i 20ft and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd.2. City Council, City of Monticello, Minnesota n By: / , Z By: Mayor WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR r� / I hereby certify that in accordance with the Minnesota Statutes, 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this 26¢ day of J 20 1q. r Wright County Surveyo r r WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes on the land hereinbefore described on this plat and transfer entered this A / day of �� ice- 120 1Y � r r • By: Wright Co ty Auditor Depu STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF L✓ - - - - WRIGHT COUNTY TREASURER This instrument was acknowledged before me this Ah day of r 201 bbyJohn M. Lundsten and Mary E. Lundsten, husband and wife. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable for the year 201yon the land hereinbefore described have been paid this /77� day of �ll N� 20 / Printed Name Signature Notary Public, .r SIL_ County, Minnesota s c , My Commission Expires f pp Wright Coun easurer Dep �'" JAE6 i.�E�ikf DFF w� I Marcus F. Hampton do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record on this lz r� day of JIJ AI E . 20A at Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. +e+e +e o'clock -A-.M. and was duly recorded in Cabinet No. % Sleeve as Document No. Dated this _day of -VAC , 201`fI, r -A AaisM1dJV Wright County Recorder Marcus F. Hampton, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 47481 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF N"N pp V The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this k6(t+1 day of TliLn:e 2014, by Marcus F. Hampton, Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 47481. C Printed Name 'g' nature +1 Notary Public,'jffiuV4 County, Minnesota My Commission Expires 5�r, , 3fc MFRA, INC. ENGINEERING, PLANNING AND LAND SURVEYING OSS RkE 61; FIRST h)jF_Ri6AAI TITkF- �5► SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS S . . +1 Notary Public,'jffiuV4 County, Minnesota My Commission Expires 5�r, , 3fc MFRA, INC. ENGINEERING, PLANNING AND LAND SURVEYING OSS RkE 61; FIRST h)jF_Ri6AAI TITkF- �5► SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS W t NORTH 0 100 200 SCALE IN FEET 1 INCH =100 FEET VICINITY MAP 25 CHELSEA RD I, • W • ,,t1t1 SITE z DUN DAS RD 0 — — W � �• '1 I pP 4' '• SCHOOL BLVD , — r— — — N.T.S. SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA O FFTGIflk, Pkf -r CEDAR STREET ADDITION DENOTES 1/2 INCH BY 14 INCH IRON MONUMENT SET 0 AND MARKED BY LICENSE NO. 47481. • DENOTES 1/2 INCH IRON MONUMENT FOUND. O DENOTES FOUND WRIGHT COUNTY CAST IRON MONUMENT, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. BEARING ORIENTATION: THE SOUTH LINE OF THE S 1/2 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 14, TWP. 121, RGE. 25, IS ASSUMED TO BEAR NORTH 89 DEGREES 14 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST_ DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: (NOT TO SCALE) 6 r-6 -I 12 1 1 12 --- ----I- BEING 6 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES, AND 10 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, t AND ADJOINING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT. t r r / •e r / I ' �.�0 I Nj"�OrA�f 1f �w4YNp 4 N% / • . • • • / • r% r% I T I /♦ • 1 1 -- - ♦ �614r ,R 1% IVI i\ x / Q N- it I 11 II I I I 11♦I ��-\� F°• S2T34'19'W € / ` Iry • / �, 82.13 o. �/ / 1 �te4X (aura" �I� to S8 w4, -rW 525.22 Xs'r) � / 99'00 47"w 184.41C' z f2zo lit IP 10. *0 1 ``•3% 35 5B7s1 LINE PARALLEL WITH Ti-' / N LINE OF THE $ 1/2 0 m S89'00'47"W 725.95 105600 (64 Raps WSr> N LINE OF 1HE S 1/2-' OF THE NW 1/4 OF SEC. 14, T. 121, R. 25 N 1/4 CORNER CF •\ SEC. 14, T. 121, R. 2S , (FO CIM) NE CORNER OF THE S 1/2 OF THE NW 1/4 OF ct SEC. 14, T. 121, R 25-, ` 1 # _-------330--------- T -211 I Z S89GW47'W 330.05 50 __- I � La. uj r♦ I La 1 '_- WI I � s Z I 1 1 •_- 1 �•Cf�l3 I to --� --I- Lf %L I 11J La_ d I !-% C r 1— --------I-- R r — 1 i $ $ DUNDAS PERMANENT EASEMENT PER DOC. N0. I R6AD 1 ----- - ------ --------------- �--------I-- --1�------------ I OUTLOT A ct�a 30 t I 10, Q / in fo 7*35'140W/ c / + / • I OF THE NW 1/4 OF ♦♦♦ i j i- I y \ I \ / h♦ N -- S17�3514 W SEC. 14, T. 121, R. 25 ♦♦ UNE PARALLEL WITH THE-' / p��2��,m /tik ,`�\\y� I , N LINE OF THE s 1/2 I DETAIL I- 1� ♦ 1 OF THE NW 1/4 OF Ny ♦♦♦ `SEC 14.t121.R 25 '/ I ®� .`J y / ', r ' 44 1 \\ I 8q a \\ I `��\ I N.T.S. rr I Fi Q o /ry ��. 8 \ I o g �$\ E,- / /� LOT 1 \ I g� F= A�� ��g ae V, BLOCK 1 ? ^ I X �' \\ I ,-- I - , /�I/ 1 iWESTERLY ROW LME -I ^M\\f \ rQ\\ �e � � P f11 �i e� Un17R TY AND ; OF- CEDAR STREETer?i„K;��•�� \\ I I 1 >� ' J �4 'I ♦ DRAINAGE I \ 15 , \ W1/2I I bl �Z F/ $ J M I S LINE OF THE S , 1 PER DOC. . N08'24'38'W I _ _1 - J - N08'24'38�W \ I \ OF THE NW 1/4 OFaN89'f4A0 E •-NO. 858707 ` 3911 ��- `� 49. / \ \ I SEC. 14, T. 121, R. 25 I S 1639.91 W N69'J400� ---- 1 =L---' 40 �� a `���� 55100\ FD 1/2' IP - - 105993 • 61615 7.30 'L-� -J �� FD 1/2' IP 1� FD 1/2' IP 119700 - N89'14'00'E 1808.93 (WST> t 507+%501 FD 1/2• IP N89'14'00'E 387 18 i *off `-NORTHWEST comaR OF OUnaT B •' T • T / ♦ I+ I h- 11♦1 • :: ;: 1 L_ :J I t• 1610 f0 (PUT NpVAaL4L0 BU9M a><N1ER) T 1 T �( y O» ,r MONTICQIO BUS NESS CENTER , ;J I L_ 1 L Il'Yj(,SjyS'!:) 1 ♦ L. L _ 1 1 '1 S LINE OF THE SW 1/4- I / .�. . • /♦ . I T 1 /. r- 1 1 - /♦ r\ 1 1 /- 1 . 1 r- �. /• /♦ r- . I T r- r\ / I r- • r\ . • OF THE NW 1 4 OF ' / /♦ . 1 T 1 /♦ r- I 1 /♦ IVI I 1 1\1 1 1 I F- 1 I I 1 ha 1 1 �� 11\1 h- �. �� 1 h- 7\1 1 F- h! • • /♦ \ 1 T 1 /♦ r- 1 1 /♦ r♦ 1 1 �� 1 \ 1 r- �- �• /♦ r- \ 1 T r- r♦ h- / \ Mf IVI �• SEC. 14, L 121. R 2S ��' IVI I 11\I 1 11 ►- 1 I 1 1 (� I 1 v 1 • 1 1 ♦/ �_ L. L. ♦� L- ♦/ v 11 • L_ �/ ♦� v . _ I • 1 L_ 1 IVI I 11\1 1 11 F- 1 1 1 I ha I I . 11♦1 h- I F- 1\I I F- hf , /-� 1 1 1 v / 1 1 ♦/ 1 • 1 1 ♦/ L_ ►- L. ♦/ N+ I 1 1 ♦/ 1 • 1 1 ♦/ 6_ 1.. L� ♦/ LJ ♦/ �� 11 • V_ �/ �� ♦/ V_ 1 • 1 1.- 1 1 Cir -I Ir-• ITI 1 • r+r�ITI/♦• 1 / S1/4COW OF I r-C•T • Tr-C� �- . • • r%I/r-Tr%1 • /♦r- ci t/: .1•- 1/1--1\1 I ►i /11 11 11 111 I1�1 IVI /\ hr N 1*- I h/ 1 /� 1 h- v �- t L_ 1 • 1 1 I /-1 v �� 1 1 1 ♦/ 1 • SEC. 14, L 121 R. 25 • �_ ♦i i i 11 i �_ .� I •♦ . 1 r, / 1..� /% 1 1♦11 I /� 1 11 1 1 11 11♦1 a.I •L� \i„ a. I • LI / \ LI LI 1 1 1 ♦/ 1 • / • r\ r\ 1 T 1 /♦ \ /\ 1 11 11Lo Lo I 1 11 11\1 I m r MFRA, INC. ENGINEERING, PLANNING AND LAND SURVEYING SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS ♦♦ FD 1/Y IP FD 1/Y IP IE \ i 1w UES 0.29 FT N OF CORNER I . -' /. �' LIES 0.29 FT / NOF CORNER - Y3 �♦ I % S89W47'W � IL � YS � � C4 1 ` %%♦ � 1 525.22 W. bi , 1 I Ig I Q / in fo 7*35'140W/ c / + / • I OF THE NW 1/4 OF ♦♦♦ i j i- I y \ I \ / h♦ N -- S17�3514 W SEC. 14, T. 121, R. 25 ♦♦ UNE PARALLEL WITH THE-' / p��2��,m /tik ,`�\\y� I , N LINE OF THE s 1/2 I DETAIL I- 1� ♦ 1 OF THE NW 1/4 OF Ny ♦♦♦ `SEC 14.t121.R 25 '/ I ®� .`J y / ', r ' 44 1 \\ I 8q a \\ I `��\ I N.T.S. rr I Fi Q o /ry ��. 8 \ I o g �$\ E,- / /� LOT 1 \ I g� F= A�� ��g ae V, BLOCK 1 ? ^ I X �' \\ I ,-- I - , /�I/ 1 iWESTERLY ROW LME -I ^M\\f \ rQ\\ �e � � P f11 �i e� Un17R TY AND ; OF- CEDAR STREETer?i„K;��•�� \\ I I 1 >� ' J �4 'I ♦ DRAINAGE I \ 15 , \ W1/2I I bl �Z F/ $ J M I S LINE OF THE S , 1 PER DOC. . N08'24'38'W I _ _1 - J - N08'24'38�W \ I \ OF THE NW 1/4 OFaN89'f4A0 E •-NO. 858707 ` 3911 ��- `� 49. / \ \ I SEC. 14, T. 121, R. 25 I S 1639.91 W N69'J400� ---- 1 =L---' 40 �� a `���� 55100\ FD 1/2' IP - - 105993 • 61615 7.30 'L-� -J �� FD 1/2' IP 1� FD 1/2' IP 119700 - N89'14'00'E 1808.93 (WST> t 507+%501 FD 1/2• IP N89'14'00'E 387 18 i *off `-NORTHWEST comaR OF OUnaT B •' T • T / ♦ I+ I h- 11♦1 • :: ;: 1 L_ :J I t• 1610 f0 (PUT NpVAaL4L0 BU9M a><N1ER) T 1 T �( y O» ,r MONTICQIO BUS NESS CENTER , ;J I L_ 1 L Il'Yj(,SjyS'!:) 1 ♦ L. L _ 1 1 '1 S LINE OF THE SW 1/4- I / .�. . • /♦ . I T 1 /. r- 1 1 - /♦ r\ 1 1 /- 1 . 1 r- �. /• /♦ r- . I T r- r\ / I r- • r\ . • OF THE NW 1 4 OF ' / /♦ . 1 T 1 /♦ r- I 1 /♦ IVI I 1 1\1 1 1 I F- 1 I I 1 ha 1 1 �� 11\1 h- �. �� 1 h- 7\1 1 F- h! • • /♦ \ 1 T 1 /♦ r- 1 1 /♦ r♦ 1 1 �� 1 \ 1 r- �- �• /♦ r- \ 1 T r- r♦ h- / \ Mf IVI �• SEC. 14, L 121. R 2S ��' IVI I 11\I 1 11 ►- 1 I 1 1 (� I 1 v 1 • 1 1 ♦/ �_ L. L. ♦� L- ♦/ v 11 • L_ �/ ♦� v . _ I • 1 L_ 1 IVI I 11\1 1 11 F- 1 1 1 I ha I I . 11♦1 h- I F- 1\I I F- hf , /-� 1 1 1 v / 1 1 ♦/ 1 • 1 1 ♦/ L_ ►- L. ♦/ N+ I 1 1 ♦/ 1 • 1 1 ♦/ 6_ 1.. L� ♦/ LJ ♦/ �� 11 • V_ �/ �� ♦/ V_ 1 • 1 1.- 1 1 Cir -I Ir-• ITI 1 • r+r�ITI/♦• 1 / S1/4COW OF I r-C•T • Tr-C� �- . • • r%I/r-Tr%1 • /♦r- ci t/: .1•- 1/1--1\1 I ►i /11 11 11 111 I1�1 IVI /\ hr N 1*- I h/ 1 /� 1 h- v �- t L_ 1 • 1 1 I /-1 v �� 1 1 1 ♦/ 1 • SEC. 14, L 121 R. 25 • �_ ♦i i i 11 i �_ .� I •♦ . 1 r, / 1..� /% 1 1♦11 I /� 1 11 1 1 11 11♦1 a.I •L� \i„ a. I • LI / \ LI LI 1 1 1 ♦/ 1 • / • r\ r\ 1 T 1 /♦ \ /\ 1 11 11Lo Lo I 1 11 11\1 I m r MFRA, INC. ENGINEERING, PLANNING AND LAND SURVEYING SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS PRIMARY GROWTH CITY-WIDE GROWTH AND DOWNTOWN Developing parcels within the City and the Downtown are the primary growth objectives of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Monticello will prioritize infill development within the existing municipal boundary and adjacent lands accessible by existing utility infrastructure, with a strong focus on the revitalization and redevelopment of the Downtown. SECONDARY GROWTH STUDY AREAS AND PORTIONS OF THE MOAA The secondary growth objectives of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan include directing growth into the Northwest Study Area, the East Bertram Study Area, specific parcels of land within the MOAA with a future planned land use designation, and other areas that align with City goals and policies. In particular, property outside the Study Areas but with frontage on County Highway (CSAH) 39, Highway 25 and other major transportation corridors, or properties already served by utilities are logical development opportunities and may be considered Primary Growth Areas. The City shall retain discretion when evaluating development proposals in the Secondary Growth Area that are consistent with the Goals and Vision of the Comprehensive Plan. Sunset Ponds Development TERTIARY GROWTH DEVELOPMENT RESERVE OF THE MOAA The third growth objective is to direct growth in the Development Reserve of the MOAA. Property within the MOAA will retain their existing uses until requests for annexation and development under the Orderly Annexation Agreement occurs, and transportation and utility improvements are installed. This includes utility studies to support cost effective and efficient infrastructure into the secondary and tertiary areas. It would be premature to change the land use designations of parcels at the time of this Comprehensive Plan given this Plan's long-term development horizon, and the potential need for future study and development impact assessment. As appropriate, the City may undertake or authorize development studies to respond to Comprehensive Plan amendment proposals or changing circumstances. Since these areas have a longer development horizon and have not been assigned a new future land use designation, they will continue to accommodate the existing single-family, rural residential and agricultural land uses that exist today. Any future change of land use will require a Comprehensive Plan amendment. Residential Development in the City of Monticello MONTICELLO 2040 VISION + PLAN 51 FUTURE LAND USE MAP COMMERCIAL DESIGNATIONS There are four commercial and mixed land use designations as follows: Community Commercial A Community Commercial designation applies to existing commercial uses along State Highway 25, School Boulevard and Chelsea Road, as well as other small pockets of Monticello that include existing shopping centers, retailers and entertainment uses. The intent of Community Commercial is to provide locations for everyday retail goods and services generally oriented to a city-wide basis. Regional Commercial A Regional Commercial designation applies to areas targeted for uses that serve the traveling public and larger retail uses and commercial development intended for a regional market. This designation is generally applied to various areas along the Interstate 94 corridor with high visibility. The development character of the regional commercial development will continue to be auto -oriented, large format commercial uses such as `big -box' uses and other uses that require a large parking area. Looking to the future, opportunities for connectivity and design linkages between such development and nearby uses and neighborhoods will be emphasized. Downtown Mixed -Use The Downtown Mixed -Use category identifies and designates the downtown area as a primary development focus for downtown intended to improve, revitalize and redevelop Downtown Monticello as envisioned in the 2017 Downtown Small Area Plan. The goal is to transform downtown into a thriving commercial area with new mixed-use, specialty retail and restaurant uses with enhanced streetscape and pedestrian amenities. Entertainment uses, co -working spaces, boutiques and cafes are also envisioned. New downtown development should also embrace and be oriented towards the river whenever possible. Commercial/Residential Flex The Commercial/Residential Flex designation encourages the mix of flexible and compatible development of commercial, office, retail and residential uses in limited areas of the city on the same or adjacent properties. The purpose of this designation is to give the city and property owners flexibility for future land use based on market demand. The Commercial/Residential Flex designation is applied to a few of the remaining large vacant parcels in the City including the parcels located south of Chelsea Road and north of School Boulevard and centered along Dundas Road. This designation is also applied to parcels located between Interstate 94 and 7th Street West. These properties may be developed as commercial, residential, or mixed land uses under the city's PUD zoning, subject to review and approval of the City. TABLE 3.3.- FUTURE LAND USE COMMERCIAL ACREAGES Land Use CategoriesAcreage Community Commercial 125 Regional Commercial 433 Downtown Mixed -Use 48 Commercial and Residential Flex 174 Source: Monticello Downtown Small Area Plan (2017) 60 (« LAND USE, GROWTH AND ORDERLY ANNEXATION COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL FLEX (CRF) The purpose of the Commercial Residential Flex designation is to provide limited locations where commercial and residential uses may be allowed and located in close proximity to each other. Mixed-use buildings are typically not appropriate in this designation although they may be considered at discretion of the City. Rather, the intent is to provide locations where a range of compatible uses can be established close to one another. This is a hybrid designation that allows a range of uses including residential, professional office, personal and professional services, hotels, retail and restaurants, entertainment uses and educational services. The goal is to create an urban mix of uses and provide the opportunity for inventive, flexible development standards characteristic of an urban lifestyle center. Commercial • Office/Retail • Professional Service • Restaurants • Hotels • Entertainment Residential • Mixed -Density Residential • Senior Living Facility Public/institutional • Educational Centers Recreational • Plaza • Public Space • Parks/Playgrounds Primary Mode Vehicular with access to collectors and arterials Transit or shuttle service Secondary Mode Pedestrian -friendly streetscape Bicycle facilities and parking • PUD Standards • Density (Low to High Density Residential) • Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 0.30-0.50 '♦1 2018 Correlating J Zoning District PUD Planned Unit Development MONTICELLO 2040 VISION + PLAN 79 LAND USE, GROWTH AND ORDERLY ANNEXATION GOALS Listed below are the land use goals which were informed by the Community Vision. For the complete set of policies and strategies for the goals refer to the Implementation Chapter. GOAL 1: GROWTH AND CHANGE A City that prioritizes growth inward by concentrating development activities within the existing cityboundaries and grows or develops into the OrderlyAnnexation Area only when development is proposed or planned contiguous to city boundaries, sensitive open space lands are protected and thoughtfully incorporated into the development pattern, and the land is serviced by appropriate utility and transportation systems. MENOL GOAL 2: COMPLETE NEIGHBORHOODS A City that prioritizes growth inward by concentrating development activities within the existing city boundaries and grows or develops into the Orderly Annexation Area only when development is proposed or planned contiguous to city boundaries, sensitive open space lands are protected and thoughtfully incorporated into the development pattern, and the land is serviced by appropriate utility and transportation systems. Successful, vibrant commercial centers and corridors that can adapt over time and provide a place for shopping, services, civic activities, entertainment, and arts and culture. GOAL 4: REVITALIZED MIXED-USE DOWNTOWN A revitalized mixed-use downtown that embraces the River and serves as the heart of the community and focus of civic activity that is lively throughout the day and night consisting of a variety of dining, shopping, recreation, celebrating, gathering and living opportunities. ii L 5: ACTIVE EMPLOYMENT CENTERS Monticello as a strong and growing regional employment center including a variety of economic sectors established as the preferred location for manufacturing, technology, research, and development, and home to a diverse mix of businesses and industries. An open space"frame around and woven throughont►c�mplemented by the Mississippi River, Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park, other local and regional parks, trails and recreation areas which together protect the City's natural resources, lakes, wetlands and woodlands, and provide opportunities for recreation, enhance visual beauty, and shape the City's character. MONTICELLO 2040 VISION + PLAN 95 Access to the land adjacent to the shore provides a significant opportunity to establish a facility that capitalizes on views of thousands of acres of natural resource land, along with areas that could eventually serve more active recreation uses. Prairie restoration in portions of this park area, particularly on the higher hills, could create an extensive environment reflecting pre -settlement land cover rarely found today. Edmonson Greenway An existing wetland feature and natural area is located south of Monticello and bisected by Edmonson Avenue. The community response during the 2008 Natural Resource Inventory and Assessment (NRI/A) process led to the inclusion of this site as a natural amenity to be incorporated into future park and pathway planning. The variety of land cover and topography around this location provides a wide range of recreation opportunities, including picnic locations, wildlife viewing, and more active athletic recreational opportunities on land outside of the more natural areas. The location of this site is also accessible from the rest of the community and provides a greenway opportunity. From the south, Edmonson Avenue travels between open space, residential, commercial, and industrial areas until its northern terminus at Chelsea Road, a major east -west street that parallels Interstate 94 and connects to both the State Highway 25 and Ferning Avenue interchange areas. East Bertram Study Area The future development of the East Bertram Study Area has the potential to result in new residential neighborhoods. Neighborhood park development would coincide concurrently with these neighborhoods as new residential development will be subject to the City's park dedication and fee requirements. These parks should be planned carefully to ensure they are located equidistant from all homes in the neighborhood, include necessary facilities and reflect the character of the area and nearby Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. Chelsea Commons A community park is also planned to be developed concurrently with the new Chelsea Commons mixed-use development located between Chelsea Road to the north and School Boulevard to the south. The park is intended to serve as a central park for the community and offer a space for events, programs and recreation. The focus of the park will be a water feature amenity that also provides stormwater retention and management for the surrounding properties. A perimeter trail will surround the water feature and provides access to a variety of public spaces suitable for solitary or small group use, or more active use and larger groups. Community gardens and event space for markets and similar activities is also planned. tai_ ■■■i■M1Ei t A _ y CONNECT TO MY PATHWAY SYMEW aPrRIMETERTRAkIL I t WATER ACCESS BPROPOSED PARK C .. Ma ..RI O� A ne�onlllflw�F :::,uu1N�lnukn C :111121t. A CHELSEA COMMONS COMMUNITY PARK MONTICELLO 2040 VISION + PLAN 155 0 Planning Commission Agenda — 08/03/21 3B. Community Development Director's Report Council Action on/related to Commission Recommendations A. Consideration of approving Resolution 2021-51 for Development Stage Planned Unit Development and 2012-52 for Preliminary Plat for Stony Brook Village, to include 28 Twin Home Units in the R-2 (Single Family and 2 Family Residential) District. Applicant: Mark Elliot Homes Approved on consent agenda; consistent with Planning Commission approval regarding internal trail connection to Elm Street. B. Consideration to approve a Final Plat to Create a Single Lot for an Existing Financial Institution in the Central Community District (CCD). Applicant: CorTrust Bank (Mark Nettesheim) Approved on consent agenda; required re -approval due to lapse created by necessary administrative procedures related to TIF District 1-22 for platting. Chelsea Commons Small Area Plan A joint workshop of the City Council, Planning Commission, and PARC is scheduled for 5 PM on Thursday, August 5t" which will include an overview of each of the four primary segments of the Chelsea Commons project (as follows). The purpose of the workshop is to provide an outline of the main content of the draft Small Area Plan, answer questions, and receive final direction from the boards for preparation of the final draft of the Small Area Plan. • Concept Plan & Land Use: NAC • Traffic Impacts & Recommendations: WSB • Stormwater & Water Management: WSB • Financial Model & Tools: NSI It is still anticipated that a "traveling' workshop will be making its way to the City's various boards and commissions in early August for the next phase of the naming exercise for the area. City Staff Updates Jacob Thunander, Community & Economic Development Coordinator, has resigned from his position with the City of Monticello to become the new Community Development Director for the City of Annandale. Congratulations to Jacob! The City welcomed Haley Foster to the position of Communications Coordinator in late July. Welcome to Haley! Council Updates Council Connection—July https://www.ci.monticello.mn.us/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Item/160?filelD=1361