IEDC Minutes 06-01-2021MINUTES INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, June 1, 2021— 7:00 a.m. North Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Participants attended remotely. Members Present: Chair Randy Skarphol, Vice -Chair Liz Calpas, Joni Pawelk, Darek Vetsch, Kevin Steffensmeier, Steve Johnson, Mike Carr, Thomas Conboy, Luke Dahlheimer, Wayne Elam, Don Roberts, Andrew Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Sarah Kortmansky Liaisons Present: Marcy Anderson, Rachel Leonard, Jim Thares 1. Call to Order Randy Skarphol called the regular meeting of the IEDC to order at 7 a.m. 2. Approve Minutes: • May 4, 2021, meeting minutes DAREK VETSCH MOVED TO APPROVE THE MAY 4, 2021, MEETING MINUTES. MOTION SECONDED BY LIZ CALPAS. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 14-0. 3. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda • American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA): In September, Darek Vetsch said he will have more information about what programs Wright County will be allocating the funds to. 4. Table Topics a) Wright County American Rescue Plan Act Funding: Darek Vetsch discussed the county funding program for allocating the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) resources. These are federal funds totaling $26.8 million. They want to put thought into it and really create programs that will be ongoing and sustainable, following the federal guidelines. He said they are currently in the process of creating the programs and reviewing proposals. Some ideas for the use of the funds include: • Broadband expansion to townships. • Mental health programs for school districts. • Business Relief: Business loan programs there may not be as much available in the future, as many businesses have been able to remain profitable. • Infrastructure Programs (sewer & water). • Grant opportunities for municipalities for water & sewer upgrades: this will more than likely be an application process but dollars available based upon population. • Job creation & training. • Housing and individual relief. According to the guidelines, funds cannot be used for: • Road improvements. • Lowering taxes. • Land acquisitions. Vetsch said according to the guidelines, the County has until 2024 to have the funds committed and the end of 2025 to have the fund disbursed. This program is not intended for individuals or businesses but rather it needs to be programs created by the county whereby applications can be submitted to request funds through that program. They are trying to be mindful about allocating the money to the different areas/programs. The first funding may go out as early as August based on some of the proposals from the different organizations such as school districts in the county for mental health programs, and the Central MN Jobs & Training if that program is approved. Broadband expansion is a longer process as there is a lot of engineering that has to go into it. Also, grant program for municipalities will be about 6-12 months out. b) Xcel MNGP Facility Update: Tom Conboy said the Monticello outage ran from April 17 — May 21. Xcel brought in 700 subcontractors plus another 150 employees from other locations in for the outage. Everyone that came in was tested for Covid and all were negative when they started. There were three positive tests during the outage, but they were quarantined and there were not supplemental issues from that. For this outage, 1/3 of the spent fuel was removed and was swapped out with new fuel. This provides enough fuel to go through a 2 -year cycle and the next outage will be April 2023. They built a new cooling water tower on site and were able to in-service the cold power at the end of the outage which will allow Xcel to operate at full power in the summer. There were no safety issues and no events during the outage. Conboy noted that In June Xcel will celebrate 50 years of operation in Monticello. The company is looking at doing a big celebration next year on the 51St year due to the pandemic. They are looking at potentially opening the plant for selective tours by the end of the summer if everything continues to improve with the fighting the pandemic. 5. Restaurant Subcommittee Update — Draft Meeting Minutes (4-23-21 meeting) The subcommittee held their first meeting on 4/23/21 and the minutes are included in this agenda packet. The purpose of the subcommittee is to identify the challenges and outline the process and elements needed to attract a new restaurant to the community. The subcommittee believes a specific marketing package may need to be created and there may need to be funding assistance proposals as well. This is a long-range plan which should be ready to go in the next 2-3 years. The subcommittee will meet again in August and provide updates after that. 6. Reports (Verbal Reports): • Economic Development • Project Update: Jim Thares reviewed. • Prospects List: Jim Thares reviewed. • Building Permits Update: Jim Thares reviewed. • Planning Commission Agenda (attached): Jim Thares reviewed. • City Council: Rachel Leonard provided updates as follows: • Rescinded the city's emergency order at the last council meeting, and at this point we can respond to things as normal. Today is the official back to the office full-time day and the city is excited to bring everyone formally back and move back to normal. The city plans to move forward with events such as Walk & Roll, volunteer picnic, etc. • The CMRP group is finishing up the 2030 planning framework and bringing it forward for adoption. It focuses on three areas, land use, economic development, and interconnections between the different partners within that group. The group will hold a special meeting to discuss what specific projects and efforts they want to take to start moving forward with the different strategies and plans that were outlined in the framework 2030. • Chelsea Commons: This is still in a fairly intense short duration planning process reviewing concepts and functionality and financial viability for this 106 -acre area while at the same time actively entertaining development opportunities throughout the entire site. Excited to see people who are invested in this area of the community and this unique space and opportunity. • Wright County Economic Development Partnership: Jolene Foss was unable to attend the meeting, so Jim Thares said that WCEDP is working on business retention and expansion visits, and they have requested to do this as joint effort with the IEDC. Thares said he'll be scheduling around 4-5 visits in the next 90 days. Thares asked the group to consider going on the visits and asked for volunteers. The following members volunteered: • Liz Calpas • Marcy Anderson • Randy Skarphol • Chamber of Commerce: Marcy Anderson provided updates as follows: Growth has been good, new memberships are up, and the Chamber is at around 300 members. She said that Monticello has become a good location for mental health offices opening and that may be due to our central location between Minneapolis and St. Cloud. The Chamber is moving forward with event planning and activities, including: • Walk & Roll (June 12th) • Party in the Park (July 7th) • Art in the Park • Riverfest (July 8 -11th) • Taste of the Town 7. Adjournment: DON ROBERTS MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:01 A.M. MOTION SECONED BY SARAH KORTMANSKY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 14-0. Recorder: Beth Gree Tl$'4' Approved: August 3, 2021 Attest: S, Economic Development Director