Planning Commission Minutes 05-17-1977
May 17, 1977 - 7:30 P. M.
Present: Bauer, Ridgeway, Topel and J. W. Miller.
Gillham, Doerr.
1. Bauer made a motion, second by Ridgeway and unan-
imously carried to approve the minutes of April 12,
1977 and April 26, 1977.
2. Consideration of Allowing a Beauty Shop Within an
R-1 Zoning District.
Mrs. Willard Farnick requested that she be allowed
to operate a beauty shop in her home in Hillcrest
Current ordinances do allow home occupations in re-
sidential districts as permitted accessory uses under
certain conditons.
Mrs. Farnick presented a petition signed by (8)
surrounding neighbors indicating that they would not
object to a single operator beauty shop being opened.
Ridgeway made a motion, second by Bauer and unan-
imously carried to recommend approving a beauty shop
as a permitted accessory use in an R-1 zone subject
to conditions spelled out in the definition of home
occupations and allowing an identification sign not
to exceed 2 square feet.
3. Consideration of Determining Appropriate Requirements
on Subdivision and Consideration of Approving 5' Parcel
purchased by David Heifort.
Monticello ordinance 11-1-7 relative to subdivision
requirements states that a subdivider may be exempt
from complying with any inappropriate requirements of
this ordinance when:
A. The request is to subdivide a lot which is part
of a recorded plat where the division is to
permit the adding of a parcel of land to an
abutting lot or create 2 lots or,
B. Such division results in parcels of 5 acres
or more with at least 300' of frontage on a
public right of way and does not require
dedication of a public right of way.
Mr. David Heifort purchased 5' of the lot abutting his
own and requested approval of this subdivision. Mr.
Heifort would like to add this 5' parcel to his existing
lot to make it (1) lot of record. This subdivision
appears to fall under the provisions of ordinance
11-1-7 exempting him from the inappropriate requirements
of the subdivision ordinance.
As a possible way to clarify this section of the or-
dinance, the committee discussed amending the ordinance
to list the requirements needed for a subdivision
request that would fall under one of the exempt classes.
Possible requirements included review by the Planning
Commission and City Council along with a certificate
of survey. No action was taken by the Planning Com-
mission at this meeting.
A motion was made by Ridgeway, second by Bauer and un-
animously carried to recommend approval of the sub-
division request for David Heifort contingent upon
the county recording the (2) parcels as one lot of
4. Consideration of Using Chestnut Street as Driveway.
Mr. C. H. Borchardt was considering purchasing a house
on Block 42, Lot 10, in Monticello and he would like
to tear down the existing house and build a new home
on the site facing Chestnut Street.
Although the street is platted, it has never been
constructed and Mr. Borchardt would like to utilize
Chestnut St. as part of his driveway.
The Planning Commission questioned whether there may
be future problems created by allowing a property
owner to use a platted street as their own driveway
in that the city may have the responsibility for main-
tenance and snow removal, etc.
Ridgeway entered a motion, second by Bauer and unan-
imously carried to recommend denial of Mr. Borchardt's
request to use Chestnut Street as an access for his
5. ~sentation by Wm. Seefeldt on Subdivision of Electro
Industries Property He Recently Purchased.
Mr. Wm. Seefeldt discussed with the Planning Commission
his desire to subdivide a parcel of land from the recently
purchased acreage in the northwest part of the city.
Mr. Seefeldt purchased the property for Electro
Industries new manufacturing site and he presented a
certificate of survey proposing to sell a parcel of
this property to Production Specialities, consisting
of approximately 1 acre.
The new parcel would appear to be land locked and be
without any frontage on a public road, which is one
of the requirements necessary in a subdivision request.
Also, the parcel would not be over 5 acres in size and
therefore would be subject to the cities subdivision
The committee's consensus was that if Mr. Seefeldt
still wishes to subdivide any of this parcel, the
current subdivision ordinance would have to be ad-
hered to, such as park dedication, public road dedication,
6. Review of Comprehensive Plan.
Dick Dwinell reviewed portions of the Monticello and
Orderly Annexed Area Comprehensive Plan.
A special meeting was scheduled for June 7, 1977 tp
devote the entire meeting for further review of the
Comprehensive Plan.
Motion to adjourn by Bauer, second by Ridgeway.