Planning Commission Minutes 08-16-1977
August 16, 1977 - 7:30 P. M.
Members present: Gillham, Doerr, Ridgeway, Topel, J. W. Miller.
Member absent:
1. Approval of minutes.
Motion was made by Ridgeway, second by Doerr, and un-
animously carried to approve the minutes of August 9,
1977 as presented.
2. Consideration of Variance on Sideyard Setback Requirements.
Bruce Wachter requested a variance from the required 10'
requirement on sideyards to build a deck within 5' of
the property line on Lot 2, Block 1, Griefnow Addition.
Mr. Wachter indicated that his original plans were to build
the deck 5' from the property line. The committee discussed
whether Mr. Wachter did not possibly create his own hard-
ship by not positioning the house originally to allow for
the planned deck.
H. Gillham made a motion, second by H. Doerr to recommend
approval of the 5' sideyard variance requested by Mr. Wachter.
In favor: Topel, Doerr. Opposed: Gillham, Ridgeway.
Because of the tie vote, the recommendation of approval
for variance request was defeated.
3. Consideration of Business District Development Plan.
Dick Dwinell of Howard Dahlgren & Assoc. reviewed with
the commission the CBD development plan proposed for Broad-
way Avenue and Walnut Street.
The total project costs for the three general improvement
areas were as follows:
Total Costs
Central Business District
Maus/Coast to Coast
Walnut Street
Projected development costs for the three areas for decorative
improvements onl~ without street or sidewalk improvements,
would be $230,574.87.
The new street and sidewalk improvements could be 100%
assessed, with the $230,574.87 balance being split 50%
direct assessments and 50% placed on ad valorem taxes.
Topel made a motion, second by Ridgeway and unanimously
carried to recommend adoption of the C.B.D. development
plan as presented.
The committee members also recommended that if such a plan
is considered, the entire project should be done together.
4. Consideration of Adopting the Uniform Housing Code.
Doerr made a motion, second by Topel and unanimously
carried to recommend adoption of the Uniform Housing
Code with an amendment providing for an orderly annual
inspection of all rental housing units.
The committee members expressed concern over how stringently
the code may be enforced and recommended that the enforce-
ment of the code be used primarily on rental housing and
serious cases of deteriorating single family residences.
5. J. Miller informed the committee of Denton Erickson's
request for a certificate of occupancy for the former
Electro Industries building he recently purchased. Mr.
Erickson will be informed of the requirements necessary
before a occupancy permit will be issued.
A special meeting of the Planning Commission was set for
September 6, 1977 at 7:30 P. M.
Motion to adjourn by Doerr, second by Ridgeway.