EDA Agenda 09-08-2021AGENDA REGULAR MEETING -ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, September 8th, 2021-6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Treasurer Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, H a I i Sittig and CounciImembers Lloyd HiIgartand Jim Davidson Staff: Executive Director Jim Thares, Angela Schumann, Sarah Rathlisberger 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Swearing in of Hali Sittig as new EDA Commissioner 4. Consideration of additional agenda items 5. Consent Agenda a. Consideration of Approving Regular Meeting Minutes —August 11, 2021 b. Consideration of Approving Special Meeting Minutes —August 11, 2021 c. Consideration of Approving Regular Meeting Minutes —August 25, 2021 d. Consideration of Payment of Bills Regular Agenda 6. Consideration of Resolution #2021-12 Authorizing Interfund Loan for advance of certain costs in connection with establishing TIF District#1-42 related to Karlsburger Foods' expansion proposal 7. Economic Development Manager's Report 8. Adjourn MINUTES REGULAR MEETING -ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, August 11, 2021— 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart, Jim Davidson Staff Present: Jim Thares, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the Regular Meeting of the EDA to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional agenda items None. 4. Consent Agenda a. Consideration of Approving Regular Meeting Minutes—July 14, 2021 Recommendation: Approve regular meeting minutes—July 14, 2021. b. Consideration of Approving Payment of Bills Recommendation: approve payment of bills through July. c. Consideration of Approving Funding for 2021 IEDC Manufacturers Recognition Event in the amount of $1,050 Item Removed. LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEM C. MOTION SECONDED BY TRACY HINZ. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. Regular Agenda 4.c. Consideration of Approving Funding for 2021 IEDC Manufacturers Recognition Event in the amount of $1,050 Jim Thares said that Manufacturers' Appreciation Breakfast, formerly Industry of the Year, is a business retention effort sponsored by the Industrial and Economic Development Committee (IEDC) and the EDA. The event is an opportunity to focus on and celebrate the contributions of the Monticello manufacturing and industrial community. It is held each year in conjunction with Minnesota Manufacturer's Week (typicallythe first week in October). The event is proposed for early October. Economic Development Authority Minutes — August 11, 2021 Page 1 1 6 In the past, the EDA has funded a portion of the costs associated with the event, with city staff completing the planning and organizing. Staff also secured commitments for event sponsorships, similar to prior years, in the amount of $650 to help defray the costs. Expenses for the event include the complimentary breakfast and table decor and preparation, estimated at $1,700 +/-. Invitations and promotions for the event are completed in house at minimal cost. Thares explained that this event is Monticello's opportunity to thank its existing manufacturers and industries and support business retention and expansion activities. The EDA's funding support is vital to holding a successful event. Bill Tapper asked if this was going to be a broader recognition event to include commercial businesses. Thares said that the IEDC discussed opening the event up but ultimately decided to keep it a manufacturing recognition event (limited to the approximate 50 +/- industries) to coordinate with MN Manufacturer's Week. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE $1,050 IN FUNDING FOR THE 2021 MANUFACTURERS' APPRECIATION EVENT. MOTION SECONDED BY OLLIE KOROPCHAK- WHITE. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. 5. Consideration of Resolution #2021-10 Approving a GMEF Loan Agreement between the EDA and Rustech Brewing in the amount $62,555 Jim Thares introduced Bill & Penny Burt, Rustech owners. The Burt's said that the funding request is not for purchasing the building as that is already completed with a Contract for Deed agreement. The total cost to build out the new area is around $107,000 and the gap funding in the amount of $62,555 is being requested from the EDA to purchase the new equipment. If the Burt's are unable to acquire the funds from the EDA, they will work with the bank to finance the full amount. They have initially spoken to the bank about the additional funds needed for the equipment and the bank is open to the financing but they're trying to determine the best route to go. Thares clarified that this is a legitimate expansion that does meet the gap requirements. Thares said he had previously met with the Burt's and asked for additional documentation to further clarifythe financing sources and uses for the proposal and that it may be prudent to table the item until staff has an opportunity to further review those materials once they are submitted. The extra time will be helpful to getthe final details in order. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO TABLE TO THE NEXT MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY LLOYD HILGART. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. ABSTAINED — 2, TRACY HINZ & JON MORPHEW. Economic Development Authority Minutes — August 11, 2021 Page 2 1 6 6. Consideration of TIF Pre -Application from Headwaters Development for Affordable Housing Development Proposal on EDA Owned Land, Country Club Manor, Outlot A Jim Thares said that Headwaters Development, Lakeville, MN, has submitted a TIF Pre - Application and concept multi -family development proposal on the 16.7 -acre Country Club Addition site along 7th Street West. The EDA has owned this property for some time. Headwaters is proposing to develop a 100 -unit affordable senior (age 55+) apartment building in the western portion of the site and 60 twin -home units (30 pad sites) on the eastern half of the parcel. The 100 -unit apartment building will be completed in two phases: 60 units in phase 1 and 40 units in phase 2. The townhomes will be targeted to the senior owner and rental market. Those units will be single story structures consisting of 1,200 square feet +/- per unit with attached two stall garages. The total unit count in the first phase of development is 120 (60 + 60) or 7.3 units per acre. Headwaters is an experienced developer, and the City of Monticello recently had a positive development experience with them as they completed the Willows Landing Assisted Living facility located at 9872 Hart Boulevard. The 2020 Housing Study indicates a there is a sizeable demand for affordable housing units, approximately 145 to 175 units. The Headwaters proposal would help meet this demand, especially for seniors (55+). Ultimately, staff defers to the EDA regarding the proposed concept and the use of TIF assistance to support the development. Mike Hoagberg, President, Headwaters Development, introduced himself, saying that they have been extremely happy to be part of the Monticello community. He briefly touched on the focus of this project and explained that it's kind of an extension of Willows Landing into the community for the long-term. They are focused on age targeted multi- family living. They have a passion for providing high quality living options for seniors. This development will be designed for the active senior. They are proposing a sizable affordable component to this, including 40% affordable units. Bill Tapper said he's concerned about selling the west end of the property until the future interchange is determined. Hoagberg said that they initially had the design flip-flopped but once they finished the wetland delineation, it was clear that the topography of the site would dictate various concept adjustments now reflected in the most recent plan. Angela Schumann said the Monticello 2040 guide plan recognizes the Orchard Road location for a future interchange. The rationale is that there is not enough developable land area at County Road 39, and it would not support the cost for the interchange. There are also various alignment considerations so it was determined that the NW area would be more feasible. Hilgart said that he concurs with that, and he doesn't think having an interchange is viable at the County Road 39 location since there isn't enough land to Economic Development Authority Minutes — August 11, 2021 Page 3 1 6 support it. Jon Morphew asked about whether they had taken the noise of the interstate into consideration. Hoagberg said that they have developments in other communities next to highways without issues. He said they design the structures with that in mind. They are prepared to go into full application and move forward quickly. What they're looking for tonight is whether there is a consensus to move forward. The consensus from the EDS is to continue to move forward with this application from Headwaters. Hoagberg said the goal, provided everything moves along smoothly, is to start with construction in the spring of 2022. 7. Consideration of Resolution #2021-11 Authorizing the 2022 HRA Special Benefit Property Tax Levy in the Amount of $388,000 and the General Fund Budget in the Amount of $425,000 Jim Thares said that Staff is asking the EDA to consider Resolution #2021-11 authorizing the 2022 HRA Special Benefit property tax levy in the amount of $388,000 and the EDA General Fund Budget in the amount of $425,000. The proposed tax levy is an increase of $21,700 over the 2021 certified levy. In percentage terms, it is 5.9 percent increase. Thares explained that the proposed budget reflects the efforts and the resources needed to effectively carry out the EDA's Work Plan goals and overall mission of facilitating economic development, redevelopment and housing activities that expand the tax base, increase employment opportunities, and create a vibrant economy. Some of the 2021 Work Plan activities underway right now, will carry over into 2022. They include Block 52 redevelopment efforts such as assembly of additional land and/or demolition activities, marketing of the Block 34 and Cedar -Garden Center sites, continuation of a Downtown Fagade Improvement Grant Program (estimated additional cost of $100,000), industrial development land acquisition(s) and potential strategic land acquisition in the core downtown to facilitate redevelopment as opportunities arise. The 2021 EDA Workplan is attached as supporting documentation to this report. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION #2021-11 (NOTING THAT THIS IS ACTUALLY #2021-10) AUTHORIZING THE 2022 SPECIAL BENEFIT HRA PROPERTY TAX LEVY IN THE AMOUNT OF $388,000, AND THE EDA GENERAL FUND AMOUNT OF $425,000. MOTION SECONDED BY BILL TAPPER. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. 7.5. Consideration of Accepting Quote for Architectural Services related to Facade Improvement Grant Program Jim Thares said that staff received a Facade Improvement Grant submittal from Hammer's Hair Lounge that is considered "nearly complete". One of the essential missing items is the architectural sketch -rendering for the facade improvements. The Hammer's building, located at 144 Broadway, has not yet had an architectural rendering completed for the fagade program. As a reminder the EDA had previously authorized Economic Development Authority Minutes — August 11, 2021 Page 4 1 6 Cuningham Architects to produce renderings of each building facing Broadway in Block 35 as a method establishing an acceptable improvement standard. Thares further explained that the architectural rendering is needed as outlined in the fagade program guidelines to keep moving forward on the Hammer's Hair Lounge proposal. The former architect, Cuningham, recommended Mr. Olson and believes that he can serve the EDA well in the required fagade improvement program design process. Staff also believe that having Mr. Olson available to provide guidance and feedback on project design may be useful as other developments are proposed in the downtown area. To move forward with Hammers' proposed fagade upgrades, staff is asking the EDA to accept the quote from Shawn Olson, Architect, in the amount of $990 and an hourly rate of $75.00 per hour for additional, as needed, consulting services for architectural review and guidance. Schumann said based on experience, she estimates approximately 5-6 additional hours may be needed. Jim Davidson said it would be safe to say not to exceed $1,500. Lloyd Hilgartfelt the not to exceed should be higher and proposed $2,000. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE QUOTE FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES RELATED TO THE FACADE IMPROVEMENT GRANT PROGRAM FROM SHAWN OLSON, ARCHITECT, IN THE AMOUNT OF $990 FOR THE ARCHITECTUREAL RENDERING AND NOTTO EXCEED $2,000 FOR ADDITIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES FOR ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW AND GUIDANCE. MOTION SECONDED BY JON MORPHEW. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. Jim Davidson said that when staff goes back to determine an hourly rate when working with the architect that he wants to see a definition of what hourly means to them. He would also like to suggest having a half-hourly rate as those rates can add up quickly and for instance, a phone call doesn't typicallytake an entire hour. 8. Economic Development Director's Resort Jim Thares reviewed the Economic Development Director's Report included in the agenda packet. Thares said that Granite City Real Estate, is holding an open house and tour of the new residential Rivertown Suites on Thursday August 26 at 3:30 p.m. They are inviting all EDA members and staff to the event. Economic Development Authority Minutes — August 11, 2021 Page 5 1 6 9. Adjourn TRACY HINZ MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:14 P.M. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM DAVIDSON. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. Recorder: Beth Green Approved: August 11, 2021 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — August 11, 2021 Page 6 1 6 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, August 11, 2021— 4:30 p.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart, Jim Davidson Staff Present: Jim Thares, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the Special Meeting of the EDA to order at 4:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. EDA Commissioner Interviews Bill Fair Teri Willenbring Hali Sittig BILL TAPPER MOVED TO RECOMMED THE APPOINTMENT OF HALI SITTIG TO THE EDA TO FILL THE REMAINDER OF BILL TAPPER'S 6 -YEAR TERM. MOTION SECONDED BY JON MORPHEW. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. 4. Adjourn TRACY HINZ MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 5:56 P.M. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM DAVIDSON. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. Recorder: Beth Green Approved: August 11, 2021 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — August 25, 2021 Page 1 1 1 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING -ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, August 25, 2021— 7:00 a.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart, Jim Davidson Staff Present: Jim Thares, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the Regular Meeting of the EDA to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional agenda items None. 4. Consent Agenda a. Consideration of Authorizing WSB Professional Services Quote in the Amount of $15,000 for Surveying and Plat Preparation related to Karlsburger Foods Expansion Proposal Recommendation: Accept quote from WSB for surveying and plat preparation in OCBP related to the Karlsburger Foods' expansion proposal in the amount of $11,600 plus related passthrough service fees not to exceed $3,400. b. Consideration of Authorizine Northland Securities. Inc. (NSI) Professional Services Quote in the Amount of $8,600 related to TIF District 1-42 for Karlsburger Foods Expansion Proposal Recommendation: Authorize NSI Financial Planning Agreementfor services related to creation of economic development TIF District 1-42 for the Karlsburger Foods' expansion proposal. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION SECONDED BY OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. Economic Development Authority Minutes — August 25, 2021 Page 1 1 3 Regular Agenda 5. Consideration of Resolution #2021-11 Approving a GMEF Loan Agreement between the EDA ad co -borrowers RRG Holdings, LLC and Sota Car Wash, LLC in the amount of $140,000 Jim Thares explained that RRG Holdings LLC and Sota Car Wash LLC, co -borrowers, recently submitted a GMEF Loan application seeking $140,000 to fill a funding gap for a proposed car wash facility. The cost of the development proposal is expected to total $4,619,000. The proposed development site isthe former Danner semi -truck terminal and repair shop located at 1301 Cedar Street. Under the City zoning ordinance, a car wash, as proposed, is a permitted use in the B-3 Zoning District. The applicant has indicated that the facility would be a new generation style operation and will use enhanced technology and design features ensuring fast, high-quality car washes in a customer -centric and friendly environment. Besides offering differentiated service levels and prices, Sota Car Wash's business model includes a membership rate/month which allows numerous washes every 30 days. The business plan includes market research with current and projected demographics and relies on the visibility of the site to enable it to capture a percentage of the nearly 25,000 to 30,000 vehicles traveling past the facility via MNTH 25 daily. Sota Car Wash is proposing to create 4 new FTE jobs and 4 new part-time jobs over the next two years. In addition to job creation, a community benefit is the redevelopment of a visible 1.16 -acre site. Currently, the site has older non -conforming metal buildings. It has a property value of $450,100 and generates approximately $11,000 in property taxes. Under the proposed redevelopment, the value may increase substantially and generate more than twice as much in annual property taxes. The loan term details are highlighted in the staff report included in the agenda packet. Thares explained that the GMEF loan request is recommended because the financial projections indicate a high expectation of repayment. The loan proposal is a critical component of the funding for a new business in the community. It also merits approval due to the overall context of the proposed gap financing structure. The community's economic benefits include new job creation, an increase in the tax base and redevelopment of a visible site that is currently occupied by an older metal building structure. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2021-11 AUTHORIZING GMEF LOAN AGREEMENTAND RELATED MORTGAGE BETWEENTHE EDAAND RRG HOLDINGS, LLC AND SOTA CAR WASH, LLC, COBORROWERS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $140,000. MOTION SECONDED BY JON MORPHEW. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. Economic Development Authority Minutes —August 25, 2021 Page 2 1 3 6. Consideration of Accepting TIF Business Subsidy Application and Authorizing Call for a Public Hearing by the Monticello City Council related to establishing TIF District 1-42 for Karlsburger Foods' Expansion Proposal. Jim Thares reported that he had received an email from Karlsburger Foods at mid-day on Tuesday (8-24-21) asking that this item be removed from the agenda. He further stated that Karlsburger Foods reported that they are still working on cost estimates with their contractor(s) and want to get that information clarified before taking any next steps regarding the TIF District formation process. They apologize for the late notice of the request. Staff felt that it would be best to simply table the item rather than redoing the agenda. EDA members concurred that they are fine with that approach. LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO TABLE CONSIDERATION OF THE KARLSBURGER TIF — BUSINESS SUBSIDY APPLICATION TO A FUTURE MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM DAVIDSON. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. 7. Economic Development Director's Report Jim Thares reviewed the Economic Development Director's Report included in the agenda packet. 8. Adjourn TRACY HINZ MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:52 A.M. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM DAVIDSON. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. Recorder: Beth Green Approved: August 11, 2021 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes —August 25, 2021 Page 3 1 3 EDA: 09/08/21 5d. Consideration of Approving Payment of Bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve payment of bills through July 2021. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through July 2021 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements Accounts Payable Transactions by Account CITY F � User: Julie.Cheneyonti Printed: 08/04/2021 - 11:12AM effo Batch: 00202.08.2021 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-00000-155020 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRU Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 08/10/2021 124292 980.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:00000 980.00 213-46301-436100 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRU Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 08/10/2021 124292 700.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 700.00 213-46506-431990 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 08/10/2021 0 35.11 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46506 35.11 213-46519-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 08/10/2021 0 35.07 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46519 35.07 213-46520-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 08/10/2021 0 35.07 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46520 35.07 213-46522-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 08/10/2021 0 35.07 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 35.07 AP-Transactions by Account (08/04/2021 - 11:12 AM) Page I Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-46524-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 08/10/2021 0 35.07 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46524 35.07 213-46529-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 08/10/2021 0 35.07 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46529 35.07 213-46530-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 08/10/2021 0 35.07 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46530 35.07 213-46534-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 08/10/2021 0 35.07 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46534 35.07 213-46539-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 08/10/2021 0 35.07 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46539 35.07 213-46540-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 08/10/2021 0 35.07 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46540 35.07 Subtotal for Fund: 213 2,030.74 Report Total: 2,030.74 AP -Transactions by Account (08/04/2021 - 11:12 AM) Page 2 Accounts Payable Transactions by Account CITY F �User: Debbie.Davidsononti Printed: 08/18/2021 - 12:16PM effo Batch: 00203.08.2021 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-00000-220110 CMDC Underwriting Fee - Sota Car Wash 08/24/2021 124359 1,500.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:00000 1,500.00 213-46301-430400 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] Billboard Leases -June 2021 08/24/2021 124375 183.00 213-46301-430400 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] Scherer Bros ED TIF -June 2021 08/24/2021 124375 650.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 833.00 213-46301-431990 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 2021 Economic Development Service: 08/24/2021 0 228.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 228.00 213-46301-431993 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 2021 Economic Development Service; 08/24/2021 0 850.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 850.00 213-46301-443990 DEMVI LLC Parking Lot Maintenance - August 20, 08/24/2021 124365 198.02 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 198.02 213-46522-430400 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] General EDA- June 2021 08/24/2021 124375 1,231.00 AP-Transactions by Account (08/18/2021 - 12:16 PM) Page 1 Account Number 213-46522-431990 Vendor Description GL Date Check No Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC 2020 Annual TIF Reporting 1-22 08/24/2021 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 Subtotal for Fund: 213 Report Total: 124388 Amount PO No 1,231.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 5,840.02 5,840.02 AP -Transactions by Account (08/18/2021 - 12:16 PM) Page 2 Accounts Payable CITY F Y Transactions b Account 1b User: Julie.Cheney 3tjMSo!nti effo Printed: 08/16/2021 - 1:42PM Batch: 00201.08.2021 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-46301-438200 CITY OF MONTICELLO 7256-004 - 130 Brdwy- Stormwtr 08/15/2021 0 19.25 213-46301-438200 CITY OF MONTICELLO 7256-007 - 103 Pine St- EDA 08/15/2021 0 37.97 213-46301-438200 CITY OF MONTICELLO 7256-008 - 112 River St. W EDA 08/15/2021 0 37.97 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 95.19 213-46301-443990 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYS Monti Chamber - July Lunch (JT) 08/15/2021 0 15.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 15.00 Subtotal for Fund: 213 110.19 Report Total: 110.19 AP -Transactions by Account (08/16/2021 - 1:42 PM) Page 1 Accounts Payable Transactions by Account CITY F User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 09/01/2021 - 12:37PM 3tjMSo!nti e ffo Batch: 00215.08.2021 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-46301-438100 XCEL ENERGY 51-13295413-8 - 103 Pine St 08/31/2021 0 49.68 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 49.68 Subtotal for Fund: 213 49.68 Report Total: 49.68 The preceding list of bills payable totaling $8,030.63 was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 9/8/2021 Approved by AP -Transactions by Account (09/01/2021 - 12:37 PM) Page I Accounts Payable Transactions by Account CITY F � User: Julie.Cheneyonti Printed: 08/04/2021 - 11:12AM effo Batch: 00202.08.2021 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-00000-155020 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRU Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 08/10/2021 124292 980.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:00000 980.00 213-46301-436100 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRU Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 08/10/2021 124292 700.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 700.00 213-46506-431990 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 08/10/2021 0 35.11 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46506 35.11 213-46519-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 08/10/2021 0 35.07 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46519 35.07 213-46520-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 08/10/2021 0 35.07 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46520 35.07 213-46522-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 08/10/2021 0 35.07 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 35.07 AP-Transactions by Account (08/04/2021 - 11:12 AM) Page I Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-46524-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 08/10/2021 0 35.07 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46524 35.07 213-46529-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 08/10/2021 0 35.07 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46529 35.07 213-46530-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 08/10/2021 0 35.07 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46530 35.07 213-46534-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 08/10/2021 0 35.07 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46534 35.07 213-46539-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 08/10/2021 0 35.07 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46539 35.07 213-46540-435100 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 08/10/2021 0 35.07 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46540 35.07 Subtotal for Fund: 213 2,030.74 Report Total: 2,030.74 AP -Transactions by Account (08/04/2021 - 11:12 AM) Page 2 LEAGUE car MINNESOTA CONNECTING & INNOVATING CITIES SINCE 1913 Invoice Page 1 of 3 Member Name and Address invoice Date Monticello, City Of 07/27/2021 505 Walnut Street, Suite 91 Monticello, MN 55362-8821 Agent Foster White Agency Inc 114 W 3rd St Monticello, MN 55362-4574 (763?295-2614 Account Number: 40001103 Account Type Property/Casualty Coverage Premium Current Balance: $ 178,282.00 Minimum Due: S 178,282,00 Due Date: Hit 5/2021 Summary of Date Activity Account Balance Minimum Due activity since Previous Invoice Balance 175,252 00 last Billing Payments Received -.00 Invoice Total of Transactions and Fees shown on reverse or attached 178,282.00 See reverse side and attachments for additional information Current Balance S 178,282.00 $ 178,282.00 Detach and Account Number return this 40001103 Payment Coupon with your payment Member Name Monticello, City Of Invoice Date Due Date Current Balance Minimum Due 07127/2021 09/1512021 $ 178,262.00 178,282.00 Amount Enclosed S BILLING INVOICE - Return stub with payment - make checks payable to: Mail payment League of MN Cities Insurance Trust P&C 7 days before clo Berkley Risk Administrators Company Due Date to 222 South Ninth Street, Suite 2700 ensure timely P.O. Box 581517 receipt Minneapolis, MN 55458-1517 i® � r!' 1 "- [ EAC1UE, N1 i N .' PS 0-1-A {,ITI i s CONNECTING & INNOVATING sINCL 191 Invoice Page 2 of 3 Detail or Package 1003507-5 Agreement Period 07/15/2021 - 07/15/2022 activity since Agreement Previous Balance last Invoice Renewal - PR 07/23/2021 Agreement Ending Balance Defense Cost Reimbursement 1003509-5 Agreement Period 07/15/2021 07/15/2022 Agreement Previous Balance Agreement Ending Balance Total Current Balance Total Minimum Due Transaction Amount Minimum Due $ 000 $ 178,282.00 $ 178,282 00 $ 178.282 00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 178,282.00 $ 178,282 00 p OP O P O O O O o P 4 Q 0 o O P O O 4 o O n 4 Q O_p 0 t? n P d n d 2 d d d d ❑ O O O Op O O O O O O O M m �_p M tO_t�� � a a v qa v �dd 4 Y I v 'T g v 0 a a c v v v g v c v a ry a d dd ^ m m 0 0 o N P 0 d.-.ndNN 0 6 oo --00064666 n Q urvi pl � c a o E o v C`o o a= G c U¢ y w 6 m U v v v] p E 0 0 0 N E Z9 d _� ¢ wm cS 7u�ey iY = Jn ca w"' a'� v'U E c E " E m m a v a E m ..... u o n 6 4 PP ^ ^ .- .-- P - - ^ - ^ •- .- - .- j v t`a uaaaJ�nc7Ou,c.a o m y v tnm.Jt���i co m a n N n� mNr�n:� ry � G a .. 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PUBLICATION DATE AD# CLASS DESCRIPTIONITAG LINE TYPE SIZE j QTYI l TIMES Monticello Times 07/29/2021 1156302 125 2020 Annual Disclosure Stateme LD 6.0 X 3.15 1 AMOUNT 350.74 Net Amount 350.74 Shipping 0.00 Tax 0.00 846622 Amount Due 350.74 ECM PIXELI N K VIS o$30rs charge assessed for returned checks. Report errors within 5 days to ensure consideration. Publishers, Inc CREATIVE GROUP <.xl: �.�; ; Unpaid balances over 30 days past due will incur 1.5% finance charge month (Minimum month). ka per .50 per AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF WRIGHT Karen Nelson being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that he/she is the Publisher's Designated Agent of the newspaper(s) known as: Monticello Times with the known office of issue being located in the county of: WRIGHT with additional circulation in the counties of: SHERBURNE and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02. (B) This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) once each week, for 1 successive week(s); the first insertion being on 07/29/2021 and the last insertion being on 0712912021. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICES Pursuant to Minnesota Stat. §580.033 relating to the publication of mortgage foreclosure notices: The newspaper complies with the conditions described in §580.033, subd. 1, clause (1) or (2). if the newspaper's known office of issue is located in a county adjoining the county where the mortgaged premises or some part of the mortgaged premises described in the notice are located, a substantial portion of the newspaper's circulation is in the latter county. By: I Designated Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 07/29/2021 by Karen Nelson. Notary Public - DAHLENE MARIE MACPHERMN NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA t ` 0. MY Comm1 ,imp 3i, 2424 Rate Information: (1) Lowest classified trate paid by commercial users for comparable space: $18.50 per column inch Ad ID 1156302 CL 7 nFD w a I �' y.m @ � m L1 N m v � m f m 3 0 a n j m m � 4_asn 3 QSD O �{� y � oni aas m n w a d n n m m � LD N CD n' m -o yy 7t X p P a o X � N 3 N d @ n m'p CD N 7 � N O � CD `° m C, Q 3 m m 3 v c x � N 5 2- l 5_ C [�j�a @ O n Q N _Q O = W w o �• Z o 0 3 N � N Al fO @ CL Q� CD n N V13 � d1 vv�o w m rn t» n @ N� w w coil =Yca . m � D X � � T N a m C W GY 4A fA A A (fl A O (ll � N 1d9Q O N N fmn �'l0 N W Eq r 1� � m> >' 0� W 0� O �T W A SpQ C 9'n �m 00 n o- N T 0 0 oma o N � O CD O O [O Q N eD O d y1 Gg {A y.> A [O OI O z Cgo 0— .Yni C ��` OCO Lai O N T 1 Vi ffl ys HS 6A W j Em�+ (D z @ X rCD n [T O DI til N 1 0 S7� - o n WO NO Q s Nd N.� N N O -y �3 FA 'i 1ym i'ca m�M = rt m.5 0 N W bf fR di N T u�ar- aco c➢ N N fA V �{fpp�� o ��K N O A O fp Wm A N rn ocn cn-•m A uj m = m� oma Z w Nm _i X33 N O ti T 69 ER w W W U 4 O N O N O A m y� A m � m �A A 0 0 CO A m m R 3 w w e» to en a» on S. n `Jy} N N J W CT J W 7 O (p S N Q 3 N 0 0 [O N O) V N O i0 A O CJ � Vl O m w m � O N c � O N oar N W N ID T n o N -• an d -- cD N w cn m a Om N. NNd�a 90 :14 Co '-"-A 3 z CD a t A V O� 0� Oa N O A A O A� O1 N N J O 4} q .la m N m n 3 c W fR 4fl !R EA T n. m �6AA A a69 on N N 01 Vl Cll V Sll W 1 � d O O �D [n CS w co N N m 0 N N [11 cfl K W N W d qp N O � a o N � 1.- (.v V Ef9 4A T -+ N i,3 O W A A N (h r m ANA �e d w N cnOON co p Qp� riC O W � N � r-3 � 'N'� � �' N W C Q1 W CJ3 w O A OBJ WJ[n _ n _4 OCD W A w Iv - [u 0 Ui C] W CSO W V 0 W W »+ District Coding amount TIF 1-6 213-46506-431990 35.11 TIF 1-19 213-46519-435100 35.07 TIF 1-20 213-46520-435100 35.07 TIF 1-22 213-46522-435100 35.07 TIF 1-24 213-46524-435100 35.07 TIF 1-29 213-46529-435100 35.07 TIF 1-30 213-46530-435100 35.07 TIF 1-34 213-46534-435100 35.07 TIF 1-39 213-46539-435100 35.07 TIF 1-40 213-46540-435100 35.07 350.74 0 Invoice total 350.74 From: Liz Lindrud To: Julie Cheney Subject: FW: ECM $350.74 Date: Monday, August 2, 20213:06:59 PM Attachments: ECM 072921 $350.74.pdf image001.pnna TIF Disclosure breakdown.xlsx Here you go! From: Sarah Rathlisberger <Sarah. Rath lisberger@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, August 2, 20212:09 PM To: Liz Lindrud <Liz.Lind rud@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: ECM $350.74 Liz, Can you please use the TIF disclosure file to allocate the attached invoice across the TIF districts we filed reports for and provide the ok and coding to Julie? Thank you, Sarah Rathlisberger, CPFO Finance Director City of Monticello, MN Tel: 763-271-3201 Fax: 763-295-4404 NOTE: The contents of this E-mail may contain information that is legally privileged and/or confidential to the named recipient. This information is not to be used by any other person and/or organization. The views expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect those of the City of Monticello. Email correspondence to and from City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney(@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, August 2, 20211:32 PM To: Sarah Rathlisberger <Sarah. Rath lisberger(@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: ECM $350.74 Hi Sarah Attached is ECM Inv# 846622 for the 2020 Annual Disclosure Statements. Okay to pay $350.74? Please provide coding. Thanks, Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us CITY OF lI Monticello Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. Accounts Payable Transactions by Account CITY F �User: Debbie.Davidsononti Printed: 08/18/2021 - 12:16PM effo Batch: 00203.08.2021 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-00000-220110 CMDC Underwriting Fee - Sota Car Wash 08/24/2021 124359 1,500.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:00000 1,500.00 213-46301-430400 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] Billboard Leases -June 2021 08/24/2021 124375 183.00 213-46301-430400 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] Scherer Bros ED TIF -June 2021 08/24/2021 124375 650.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 833.00 213-46301-431990 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 2021 Economic Development Service: 08/24/2021 0 228.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 228.00 213-46301-431993 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 2021 Economic Development Service; 08/24/2021 0 850.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 850.00 213-46301-443990 DEMVI LLC Parking Lot Maintenance - August 20, 08/24/2021 124365 198.02 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 198.02 213-46522-430400 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] General EDA- June 2021 08/24/2021 124375 1,231.00 AP-Transactions by Account (08/18/2021 - 12:16 PM) Page 1 Account Number 213-46522-431990 Vendor Description GL Date Check No Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC 2020 Annual TIF Reporting 1-22 08/24/2021 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522 Subtotal for Fund: 213 Report Total: 124388 Amount PO No 1,231.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 5,840.02 5,840.02 AP -Transactions by Account (08/18/2021 - 12:16 PM) Page 2 am BUSINESS FINANCING INVOICE t DATE: August 13, 2021 INVOICE NO.: 20210813 f� DUE DATE: August 30, 2021 City of Monticello Economic Development Authority Attn: Jim Thares 505 Walnut Street Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 Description Amount Due Underwriting Fee for: -Sota Car Wash, LLC $4,000.00 -CM DC SBA 504 Loan Discount ($2,500.00) Total: $1,500.00 Please make checks payable to: CMDC 1885 Station Parkway, Suite A Andover, MN 55304 C�)I .vocz4. OG�Q lto Julie Cheney From: Liz Lindrud Sent: Friday, August 13, 2021 9:34 AM To: Jim Thares; Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Invoice for GMEF Loan Underwriting Attachments: CMDC Invoice - Sota Car Wash GMEF Loan Underwriting - 0-13-21.pdf Julie, Here is the invoice I emailed about the other day. Jim — I actually coded the $1,500 as a deposit, so we could track the in and the out. We will code this against that deposit account 213-00000-220110. Thanks! From: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Friday, August 13, 2021 9:20 AM To: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us>, Liz Lindrud <Liz.Lind rud@ci.monticello.m n.us> Subject: Invoice for GMEF Loan Underwriting Julie and Liz, here is the invoice for CMDC's GMEF Loan Underwriting Services. The $1,500 check from Cory Kampschroyer that we discussed on Thursday is available to pay this invoice. I think this would get coded as Miscellaneous Professional Services: 213-46301-431990. Page: 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City of Monticello June 30, 2021 MN190-00101 General EDA Matters Through June 30, 2021 For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours Amount I l 000' rr� (.�sS--v ¢ (p 30 (— 43�4-O-C�, 6/7/2021 LJK Review billboard leases on EDA property to advice EDA 0.75 120.00 on termination process 6 MNI Review billboard leases and termination letters 030 63.00 6121/2021 LJK Sat in on finance call with Monticello, Martha and 1.40 224.00 Northland Drafted a resolution for Monticello EDA removing a parcel from a TIF district 6/23/2021 LJK Review documents to identify proper PIDs to be outside 050 80.00 TIF district 6/2 312 02 1 MNI Email and phone correspondence with Northland, EDA 050 105.00 Z.0 staff regarding parcel IDs for removal from TIF 1-22, review }f° documentation, office conference with L Kantner regarding same 1 6/24/2021 MNI Question as to current NTC over original NTC of each 0.60 126.00 parcel 6/24/2021 MNI Research model notice of public hearing for TIF 0.40 84.00 modification removal of parcels; begin draft 6/25/2021 MNI Draft notice of public hearing for modification of TIF 1-22 0.40 84.00 6/28/2021 LJK Review PH Notice- discuss with Martha 020 32.00 612$12021 MNI Review TIF Act language for public hearing requirements 0.50 105.00 for TIF mods: voicemail to A Schumann regarding same and email to group 6/29/2021 MNI Revise Notice for City; review City resolution approving TIF 0.70 147.00 mod 6/30/2021 LJK Began drafting Council resolution to remove certain 1.00 160.00 parcels from TIF District 1-22 6/3012021 MNI Revise notice of TIF modification; research City approval 0.40 84.00 resolutions; office conference with L Kantner regarding City of Monticello June 30, 2021 Page: 2 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered same. 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Total Services: $ 1,414.00 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 1,414.00 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2021 10:16 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (2) Attachments: Coding for K&G Invoice - 08-10-21.pdf Hi Julie, please see attached for invoice breakout and below for coding. Thank you. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, August 9, 20213:14 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (2) Fallowing up on these. Thanks! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 1:24 PM To: Jim Thares<Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (2) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven for June services: Inv# MN190-00101 — General EDA - $1,414.00 = Split out $183 to 213-46301-430400 and $1,231 to 213-46522-430400 Inv# MN190-00167 — Scherer Brothers TIF - $650.00 code to 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, J idle Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us CITY �OF 1 0 Montiuvl-ff Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2021 10:17 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (2) Attachments: Coding for K&G Invoice - 08-10-21.pdf Julie, for got to say that these are both okay to pay. From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2021 10:16 AM To: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (2) Hi Julie, please see attached for invoice breakout and below for coding. Thank you. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticelio.mn.us> Sent: Monday, August 9, 20213:14 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.TharesCaNci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (2) Following up on these. Thanks! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 1:24 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (2) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven for June services: Inv# MN190-00101 —General EDA - $1,414,00 = Split out $183 to 213-46301-430400 and $1,231 to 213-46522-430400 Inv# MN190-00167 — Scherer Brothers TIF - $650.00 code to 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, -ilEe Chene•y- Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us I Page: 3 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City of Monticello June 30, 2021 MN190-00167 Scherer Brothers ED TIF Through June 30, 2021 Iz� zoz, D For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours Amount 6/24/2021 MNI Phone and email correspondence with EDA staff regarding 0.40 100.00 upcoming need for PDA for Scherer Brothers TIF; open file 6/25/2021 MNI Draft Preliminary Development Agreement for Scherer 0.80 200.00 Bros. proposal 6125/2021 MNI Email correspondence with J Thares regarding legal 0.20 50.00 description issues for Scherer Bros. parcel 6/28/2021 MNI Revise PDA based on current property status 0.60 150.00 6/28/2021 MNI Finalize and circulate PDA with exhibits 0.30 75.00 6/30/2021 MNI Revise PDA per request from A Schumann; recirculate. 0.30 75.00 Total Services: $ 650.00 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 650.00 From: Jim Thares To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (2) Date: Tuesday, August 10, 2021 10:16:06 AM Attachments: Codino for K&G Invoice - 08-10-21.Ddf image001.p Hi Julie, please see attached for invoice breakout and below for coding. Thank you. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, August 9, 20213:14 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (2) Following up on these. Thanks! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Friday, July 30, 20211:24 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares(@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (2) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven for June services: Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA - $1,414.00 = Split out $183 to 213-46301-430400 and $1,231 to 213-46522-430400 Inv# MN190-00167 — Scherer Brothers TIF - $650.00 code to 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Chenev@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us CITY OF Monticello Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota 6overnment Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 701 XENIA AVENUE S SUITE 300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55 R.?6 City of Monticello __. August 4, 2021 Attn: Sarah Rathlisberger, CPFO Finance Manager Project/invoice: R-017641-000 - 6 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Reviewed by: Bret Weiss Monticello, MN 55362-8831 Project Manager: James Gromberg 2021 Economic Development Services City Staff Reviewer - Jim Thares GL Acct # 213.46301.431990 Professional Services from June 1. 2021 to June 30. 2021 Phase 001 2021 Economic Development Services Monthly Retainer Monthly Retainer $850 / Lump Sum Fee $10.200 for this task. Fee Total Fee 10,200.00 Percent Complete 50.00 Total Earned 5,100.00 Previous Fee Billing 4,250.00 Current Fee Billing 850.00 Total Fee 850.00 Total this Task $850.00 CET Grant Planning Hours Rate Amount Gromberg, James 6/9/2021 1.50 152.00 228.00 CET Grant Report Review Totals 1.50 228.00 Total Labor 228.00 Total this Task $228.00 Total this Phase $1,078.00 Total this Invoice $1,078.00 Billings to Date Current Prior Total Fee 850.00 4,250.00 5,100.00 Labor 228.00 5,671.50 5,899.50 Add-on 0.00 -93.00 -93.00 Totals 1,078.00 9,828.50 10,906.50 From: Jim Thares To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: WSB $1,078.00 Date: Tuesday, August 10, 20219:55:23 AM Attachments: imacae001.a_na Yes, this is okay to pay. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, August 9, 20213:00 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: WSB $1,078.00 Jim Attached is the current invoice from WSB for 2021 Economic Development Services. Okay to pay $1,078.00 as coded? Thanks, Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us CITY ��OF �I Monticello Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Bullseye Property Management & Realty <mail@managebuilding.com> Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2021 3:04 AM To: AP Subject: Lease statement for Broadway Parking Easement - COMMERCIAL - 2 as of 7/22/2021 Bullseye Property Management &amp; Realty Categories: Red Category Lease statement as of 2021-07-22 City of Monticello Economic Development Authority Account #: 00405914 35 Lake St Suite 500 Big Lake, MN 55309 Date Memo Amount Balance Prior balance $0.00 4/29/2021 Payment ($198.02) ($198.02) 5/1/2021 Common Area Maintenance $198.02 $0.00 5/28/2021 CC convenience fee $10.79 $10.79 by City of Monticello Economic 5/28/2021 ($208.81) ($198.02) Development Authority 6/1/2021 Common Area Maintenance $198.02 $0.00 6/29/2021 Payment ($198.02) ($198.02) 7/1/2021 Common Area Maintenance $198.02 $0.00 8/1/2021 Common Area Maintenance $198.02 $198.02 a13 .4Q30) • Lf L13 9 90 Balance due: $198.02 Payment is due on the 28th of the month. If payment isn't received, a one-time fee equal to 8% of recurring charges will be charged on the 4th of each month. Manage your account online: http://bullseyeproperties.managebuilding.com Northland Securities, Inc. 150 South Fifth Street Suite 3300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Voice: 612-851-5900 Fax: 612-851-5951 Sill To: ON of Monticello Sarah R ath I isberger, Finance Director 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 NORTHLAND SECURITIES Invoice Invoice Number: 6768 Invoice Date: 8/4/21 Page: 1 Customer PO Payment Terms Sales Rep ID Due Date 2020 Report, TIF 22 Net 30 Days S� g�b�21 9/3/21 Description Amount For services related to 2020 Annual TIF Reporting, TIF No. 22. Please see enclosed detail. 11000.00 21�r��Z2_ �3�g9D S� g�b�21 Subtotal 1,000.00 Sales Tax Total Invoice Amount 1,000.00 Payment Received TOTAL 11000.00 Main 612-851-5900 1 Voll -Free 800-851-2920 I Fax 612-851-5987 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 3300 I Minneapolis, MN 55402 NorthlandSecurities, com Member FINRA and SIPC, Registered with SEC and MSRB NORTHLAND PUBLIC FINANCE INVOICE SUPPLEMENT Client: City of Monticello Project: 2020 Annual TIF Reporting, TIF No. 22 Contact: Sarah Rathlisberger Finance Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Billing Period: July 2021 Services Performed • Complete TIF 22 annual reporting form and pro forma analysis • Calculate pooling for TIF 20 and pro forma analysis Staff Time Expenses Total This Period Fee Flat fee for TIF 22 Total Mileage Printing Other Total Expenses Project Summary Total Budget Billed This Period Billed Previous Budget Remaining # of Districts Rate Billable 1.00 $1,000 $1,000.00 $0.00 1.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 ($1,000.00) $0.00 Northland Securities, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Accounts Payable CITY F Y Transactions b Account 1b User: Julie.Cheney 3tjMSo!nti effo Printed: 08/16/2021 - 1:42PM Batch: 00201.08.2021 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-46301-438200 CITY OF MONTICELLO 7256-004 - 130 Brdwy- Stormwtr 08/15/2021 0 19.25 213-46301-438200 CITY OF MONTICELLO 7256-007 - 103 Pine St- EDA 08/15/2021 0 37.97 213-46301-438200 CITY OF MONTICELLO 7256-008 - 112 River St. W EDA 08/15/2021 0 37.97 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 95.19 213-46301-443990 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYS Monti Chamber - July Lunch (JT) 08/15/2021 0 15.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 15.00 Subtotal for Fund: 213 110.19 Report Total: 110.19 AP -Transactions by Account (08/16/2021 - 1:42 PM) Page 1 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8AMto4:30PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@merchanttransact.com Saturday, July 3, 2021 9:27 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. Invoice Back.pdf 007256-004 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 130 BROADWAY E 6/1/2021 to 6/30/2021 (30 days) 7/2/2021 8/1/2021 Previous Reading Current Reading Serial Date Reading Date Reading Cons Current Charges Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY ($1.25) Water: EBILL CREDIT ($0.50) Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RESIDENTIAL $21.00 Total Current Charges: $19.25 Bill Summary Previous Balance: $19.25 Payments Received: $19.25 Adjustments: $0.00 Current Charges: $19.25 * Total Amount Due by: 8/1/2021 $19.25 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 1 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8AMto4:30PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading Serial Current Charges noreply@merchanttransact.com Saturday, July 3, 2021 9:27 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. Invoice Back.pdf Previous Reading Date Reading Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Water: WATER - STATE CONNECTION FEE Sewer: SEWER - COMMERCIAL Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 8/1/2021 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-007 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 103 PINE ST 6/1/2021 to 6/30/2021 (30 days) 7/2/2021 8/1/2021 Current Reading Date Reading To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 1 Cons $0.00 $7.81 ($1.25) ($0.50) $0.81 $10.10 $21.00 $37.97 $37.97 $37.97 $0.00 $37.97 $37.97 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8AMto4:30PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@merchanttransact.com Saturday, July 3, 2021 9:27 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. Invoice Back.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading 68621907 6/1/2021 43880 Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Water: WATER - STATE CONNECTION FEE Sewer: SEWER - COMMERCIAL Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 8/1/2021 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-008 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 112 RIVER ST W 6/1/2021 to 6/30/2021 (30 days) 7/2/2021 8/1/2021 Current Reading Date Reading 7/1/2021 43880 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 1 Cons 0 $0.00 $7.81 ($1.25) ($0.50) $0.81 $10.10 $21.00 $37.97 $37.97 $37.97 $0.00 $37.97 $37.97 I - WIN"" Yidl R 97 tpt I N Date of -71-:?1) Jai Transaction CITY OF MONTICELLO Ghost Card Transaction Please attach the invoice/ receipt and any other available documentation to this form. To be completed by purchaser; Amount $ 6. (Q Circle purchaser name: Debbie D vidson (:Julie Cheney Expense Code c i t -f Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry 205 Pine Street PO Box 192 Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295-2700 1 fax: (763) 295-2705 info@monticellocci.com Monticello City of Accounts Payable 505 Walnut Street Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 Description 2021 Chamber Lunch - Updates from Minnesota Retailers Association- Chamber Lunch (Jim Thares) Invoice Invoice Date: 7/19/2021 Invoice Number: 7297 Account ID: 3 l l 1 2021 Terms Due Date Net 15 8!312021 Quantity Rate Amount 1 $15.00 $15.00 Subtotal: $15.00 Tax: $0.00 Total: $15.00 Payment/Credit Applied: $0.00 Balance: $15.00 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Monday, July 19, 2021 2:01 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Invoice from Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry Julie, yes, this is okay to pay. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.m n.us> Sent: Monday, July 19, 20212:00 PM To: Jim Thares<Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Invoice from Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hi Jim Attached is the current invoice from the Chamber for a lunch you attended in June. Okay to pay $15.00? Thanks, Julie From: Marcy Anderson <marcy@monticellocci.com> Sent: Monday, July 19, 2021 12:45 PM To: AP <AP@ci.monticello.mrt.us> Subject: Invoice from Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry Dear Jim Your invoice for the June 15th, 2021 Chamber lunch is attached. Thank you for supporting the Chamber. Please remit payment at your earliest convenience. You will find a link at the bottom of this email to pay bills online. Thank you for your continued support. Sincerely, Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry (763)295-2700 To view/pay bills online, please click here This email was sent on behalf of MDnticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry 205 Pine Street Monticello, MN 55362 To unsubscribe click here have questions or comments concerning this email or services in general, please contact us by email at info cDmontice.11occi_com 1 Julie Cheney From: Auto -Receipt <noreply@mail.authorize.net> Sent: friday, July 30, 2021 1:48 PM To: AP Subject: Transaction Receipt from Monticello Chamber of Commerce & Industry for $15.00 (USD) Description; Payment for Invoice #7297 {Monticello City of) : 2021 Chamber Lunch - Updates from Minnesota Retailers Association: Chamber Lunch (Jim Thares) $15.00(Class: } Invoice Number 8022749 Billing Information Shipping Information Julie Cheney Monticello City of 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, Mfg 55362 u5 ap@ci.monticello.mn.us 763-271-3205 Total: $15.00 (USD) Date/Time: 30 -Jul -202111:48:29 PDT Transaction ID: 63167825981 Payment Method: Visa xxxx8769 Transaction Type: Purchase Auth Code: 094988 Monticello Chamber of Commerce & Industry Monticello, MN 55362 Us marcy@monticellocci.com 1 Julie Cheney From: info@monticeiIocci.com Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 1:49 PM Subject: Online Payment Confirmation Your online payment request has been received by Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Payment Confirmation Name: Julie Cheney Company: Monticello City of Transaction !Number: 63167825981 East 4 of Acct Number: 8769 Amount: $15.00 Description Items} Quantity Total Amount Payment for Invoice #7297 2021 Chamber Lunch - Updates from Minnesota Retailers 1 $15.00 (Monticello City of) Association: Chamber Lunch (Jim Thares) $15.00(Class ) Grand Total: $1500 This Email was automatically generated. For questions or feedback, please contact us at: Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry 205 Pine Street PO Box 192 Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295-2700 info@monticeIlocci.com http://www.monticellDCCi.COM Accounts Payable Transactions by Account CITY F User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 09/01/2021 - 12:37PM 3tjMSo!nti e ffo Batch: 00215.08.2021 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-46301-438100 XCEL ENERGY 51-13295413-8 - 103 Pine St 08/31/2021 0 49.68 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 49.68 Subtotal for Fund: 213 49.68 Report Total: 49.68 AP -Transactions by Account (09/01/2021 - 12:37 PM) Page I Xcel Energy° RESPONSIBLE BY NATURE® QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? See our website: xcelenergy.com Email us at: Customerservice@xcelenergy.com Please Call: 1-800-481-4700 Hearing Impaired: 1-800-895-4949 Fax: 1-800-311-0050 Or write us at: XCEL ENERGY PO BOX 8 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702-0008 PREMISES SUMMARY NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Page 1 of 6 MAILING ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER Payment Received Auto Pay 07/06 CITY MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEV AUTH WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8831 51-0013295413-8 $0.00 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE739086782 ;08/10;4/202;1505 07/08/2021 ACCOUNT BALANCE (Balance de su cuenta) Previous Balance As of 06/03 $101.41 Payment Received Auto Pay 07/06 -$101.41 CR Balance Forward $0.00 Current Charges $112.23 Amount Due (CanSdad a pagar) $112.23 PREMISES NUMBER PREMISES IDENTIFIER PREMISES DESCRIPTOR CURRENT BILL 302923602 103 PINE ST EDA $49.68 303409149 112 W RIVER ST PW Split $62.55 Total $112.23 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL Thank you for your payment. jo XcelEnergy RETURN BOTTOM PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT • PLEASE DO NOT USE STAPLES, TAPE OR PAPER CLIPS ACCOUNT NUMBER I DUE DATE 51-0013295413-8 08/04/2021 $112.23 Your bill is paid through a n automated bank payment plan. ------ manifest line-------- I"I�III"�'I'�'�I'Illllll�ll�l'Il��lll�l��ll�lll'I�I'I�IIII'I��' CITY MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEV AUTH 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8831 Automated Bank Payment 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 I..I�III"�'I'�'�I'IIIIIII�II�I'IIS'lll�l��ll�lll�l�l'I�IIII'I��' XCEL ENERGY P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS MN 55484-9477 32 51080421 00132954138 0000001122300000011223 r• rr 0 Xcel Energy MAILING ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION CURRENT READING CITY MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEV AUTH 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8831 51-0013295413-8 08/04/2021 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE 0.4 kW 739086782 07/08/2021 $112.23 SERVICE ADDRESS: 103 PINE ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-8564 NEXT READ DATE: 08/05/21 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NUMBER: 302923602 INVOICE NUMBER: 0910776198 METER READING i METER 3632365 - Multiplier x 40 Read Dates: 06/03/21 - 07/05/21 (32 Days) DESCRIPTION CURRENT READING MEASURED BILLED PREVIOUS READING USAGE USAGE Total Energy 21414 Actual 21410 Actual 4 160 kWh Demand Actual 0.4 kW Billable Demand 0 kW ELECTRICITY CHARGES RATE: Sm Gen Svc (Metered) DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS RATE CHARGE Basic Service Chg $10.00 Energy Charge Summer 160 kWh $0.092560 $14.81 Fuel Cost Charge 160 kWh $0.035813 $5.73 Sales True Up 160 kWh $0.008510 $1.36 Affordability Chrg $1.27 Resource Adjustment $2.26 Subtotal $35.43 City Fees $5.50 Total $40.93 OTHER RECURRING CHARGES DETAILS INVOICE NUMBER: 910776172 ADDRESS: 103 PINE ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-8564 UNIT DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS CHARGE QTY CHARGE Install Number 157123 06/03/21 to 07/04/21 100 WATT HPS AREA CO OWN Auto Protective Lgt 31 kWh $7.41 1 $7.41 SAVE ON HIGH -EFFICIENCY COOLING UPGRADES .�• If your business is using an older cooling system, it could be * inefficient and expensive to maintain. When you're ready to make energy efficiency improvements, consider a high -efficiency cooling upgrade- Whether you'd Bike to replace a chiller, rooftop !i unit, or packaged terminal air -conditioner, you can earn cash back ° with our rebates to lower your up -front costs. Contact our energy advisors at 855-839-8862 or visit _ xcelenergy.com/HVACiR to (learn more. 1 0 Xcel Energy OTHER RECURRING CHARGES DETAILS MAILING ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER Temperature CITY MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEV AUTH 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8831 51-0013295413-8 08/04/2021 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE MONTICELLO, MN 55362-8564 739086782 07/08/2021 $112.23 INVOICE NUMBER: 910776172 Temperature ADDRESS: 103 PINE ST 5.0 i Electricity Cost MONTICELLO, MN 55362-8564 UNIT DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS CHARGE QTY CHARGE Fuel Cost Charge $0.86 Resource Adjustment $0.48 Total $8.75 Premises Total $49.68 DAILY AVERAGES Last Year Temperature 71° F Electricity kWh 5.0 i Electricity Cost $1.28 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL For an average non -demand customer, 68% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 15% to high voltage line costs, and 17% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand -billed customer, 78% of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 14% to high voltage lines, and 8% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. PUT SAVINGS IN MOTION. Install switch -mounted occupancy sensors around the office. When employees eater a room, the lights automaticaIIIY turn on. When they leave, the Fights go out. No more wasting energy or money lighting empty offices and restroorns. 0 Xcel Energy DAILY AVERAGES Last Year IFFITMTTM Temperature 71° F Electricity kWh 10.7 i Electricity Cost $4.41 Page 4 of 6 MAILING ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER CITY MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEV AUTH WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8831 51-0013295413-8 Total Energy STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE ;8/;04/202;1505 739086782 07/08/2021 Actual SERVICE ADDRESS: 112 W RIVER ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-8766 NEXT READ DATE: 08/05/21 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NUMBER: 303409149 INVOICE NUMBER: 0910782238 METER READING INFORMATION METER 15062258 Read Dates: 06/03/21 - 07/05/21 (32 Days) DESCRIPTION CURRENT READING PREVIOUS READING USAGE Total Energy 69275 Actual 69260 Actual 15 kWh Demand Actual 0.89 kW Billable Demand 15 kWh 0 kW $0.51 Fuel Cost Charge ELECTRICITY CHARGES RATE: General Service DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS RATE CHARGE Basic Service Chg $25.64 Energy Charge 15 kWh $0.034070 $0.51 Fuel Cost Charge 15 kWh $0.034667 $0.52 Sales True Up 15 kWh $0.008780 $0.13 Energy Chg Crd 15 kWh -$0.015180 -$0.23 CR Demand Charge Summer 0 kW $14.790000 $0.00 Affordability Chrg $3.60 Resource Adjustment $1.38 Subtotal $31.55 City Fees $31.00 Total $62.55 Premises Total $62.55 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL For an average non -demand customer, 68% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 15% to high voltage line costs, and 17% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand -billed customer, 78% of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 14% to high voltage lines, and 8% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. now, 44p! 1 = 4 PUT SAVINGS IN MOTION. Install switch -mounted occupancy sensors around the office. When employees enter a room, the lights autOMaticaIIIY turn on. When they leave, the Fights go out. No more wasting energy or money lighting empty offices and restroorns. M C7 Xcel Ene l COOL YOUR REFRIGERATION COSTS systema can save energy and lower operating Conti. We have rebates available on qualifying display cases, doors, defrost Controls for walk in Coolers and more. To get Signed, go to vcNmeribcam/Refrigeration to complete Ne digital application for a free, onsite refrigeration The assessment will help identify energy-saving opportunities atyourfaciliry. For more information call an energy specialist at 855-838-1 or email us at CrrugyEXicienry@calener8y.com. M EDA: 09/08/21 6. Consideration of Resolution #2021-12 Authorizing Interfund Loan for advance of certain costs in connection with TIF District #1-42 related to Karlsburger Foods' Expansion proposal (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Staff is asking the EDA to consider Resolution #2021-12 authorizing an Interfund Loan for expenditures incurred in connection with TIF District #1-42 related to Karlsburger Foods' expansion proposal. In authorizing the Interfund Loan Resolution, the EDA is assured of being able to use TIF proceeds to reimburse itself for expenses incurred related to establishing the TIF District prior to the approval of the TIF District by the City Council. An example of some of the costs that can be reimbursed by the increment includes the surveying and platting costs for the newly formed parcel, initial legal fees and title and closing costs related to the land sale. Karlsburger Foods has indicated that it is currently reviewing the overall expansion proposal cost information provided by its contractor(s). At the August 25, 2021 regular meeting, the EDAtabled consideration of the Karlsburger Foods' TIF application and call for a public hearing to a future date to accommodate a delay in the timeline for the expansion proposal. The EDA did take action at its August 25, 2021 meeting authorizing the Northland Securities Inc. financial planning agreement ($8,600) as well as the surveying and platting steps in an amount not to exceed $15,000 as quoted by WSB & Associates. Both of these items are integral to the Karlsburger Foods' expansion proposal and/or the TIF District process. Staff has informed both firms that the work is authorized though the official start date is yet to be determined. Karlsburger Foods has previously indicated that the optimal construction start timeline is late fall 2021. Staff has notified Karlsburger Foods officials that all TIF approval milestones, land conveyance steps and any potential state grant funding (MIF and JCF) awards and/or contract procedures must be completed before construction can begin and as a result the work may ultimately need to be pushed to early spring 2022. Al. STAFF IMPACT: The staff involved in this request includes the Economic Development Manager, Community Development Director, Finance Director and the EDA Attorney and Northland Securities, the financial advisor. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact related to considering the Interfund Loan Resolution is estimated to be approximately $550 +/-. Adopting the Interfund Loan Resolution has substantial positive budget implications as it will allowthe EDAto be reimbursed for costs that are incurred in establishing the TIF District through future increment collections. A ballpark estimate of initial costs for items such as surveying -platting and land sale closing costs and legal fees ranges from $25,000 to $40,000. There may be other unanticipated expenditures too. In the interim period though, the EDA General Fund budget has sufficient dollars to cover initial costs related to TIF District #1-42. EDA: 09/08/21 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution #2021-12 authorizing an Interfund Loan for advance of certain costs in connection with TIF District #1-42 related to Karlsburger Foods' expansion proposal. 2. Motion to table consideration of Resolution #2021-12 for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. Approving the Interfund Loan Resolution is a TIF expense management tool that allows the EDA to be reimbursed for costs incurred in establishing the TIF District via the future increment collections. A preliminary estimate of increment indicates that there should be sufficient increment flow to cover the EDA's modest advance costs and provide substantial assistance to Karlsburger Foods for its eligible expansion expenditures. 119]311►[Cl07-1110 a. EDA Resolution #2021-12 CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2021-12 AUTHORIZING INTERFUND LOAN FOR ADVANCE OF CERTAIN COSTS IN CONNECTION WITH TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-42 BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") as follows: Section 1. Background. 1.01. The Authority plans to establish tax increment financing district no. 1-42 (the "TIF District") within the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 (the 'Redevelopment Project") pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.1794 (the "TIF Act"), Sections 469.001 to 469.047, and Sections 469.090 to 469.108 1, all as amended. 1.02. The Authority may incur certain costs related to the TIF District, which costs may be financed on a temporary basis from available Authority funds. 1.03. Under Section 469.178, Subdivision 7 of the TIF Act, the Authority is authorized to advance or loan money from any fund from which such advances may be legally made in order to finance expenditures that are eligible to be paid with tax increments under the TIF Act. 1.04. The Authority may incur certain administrative costs related to the TIF District in an aggregate amount of up to $65,000 which may be paid from any legally available fund and reimbursed from tax increments under the TIF Act. 1.05. The Authority intends to designate the advances described herein as an interfund loan in accordance with the terms of this Resolution and the TIF Act. Section 2. Repayment of Interfund Loan. 2.01. The Authority will reimburse itself for administrative costs in the principal amount of up to $65,000, together with interest at the rate of 4% per annum (together, the "Interfund Loan"). Interest accrues on the Interfund Loan from the date of any advance of funds to pay such administrative costs. The interest rate is no more than the greatest of the rate specified under Minnesota Statutes, Section 270.75 and Section 549.09, both in effect for calendar year 2021. The interest rate will not fluctuate. 2.02. Principal and interest ("Payments") on the Interfund Loan shall be paid semi- annually on each August 1 and February 1 (each a "Payment Date"), commencing on the first Payment Date on which the Authority has Available Tax Increment (defined below), or on any other dates determined by the Executive Director, through the date of last receipt of tax MN190\168\743734.v2 increment from the TIF District. 2.03. Payments on the Interfund Loan will be made solely from Available Tax Increment, defined as tax increment from the TIF District received by the Authority from Wright County in the six-month period before any Payment Date. Payments shall be applied first to accrued interest, and then to unpaid principal. Interest accruing from the Closing Date will be compounded semiannually on February 1 and August 1 of each year and added to principal until the first Payment Date, unless otherwise specified by the City Administrator. 2.04. The principal sum and all accrued interest payable under this Resolution is pre- payable in whole or in part at any time by the Authority without premium or penalty. 2.05. This Resolution is evidence of an internal borrowing by the Authority in accordance with Section 469.178, subdivision 7 of the TIF Act, and is a limited obligation payable solely from Available Tax Increment pledged to the payment hereof under this Resolution. The Interfund Loan shall not be deemed to constitute a general obligation of the State of Minnesota or any political subdivision thereof, including without limitation the Authority and the City. Neither the State of Minnesota, nor any political subdivision thereof shall be obligated to pay the principal of or interest on the Interfund Loan or other costs incident hereto except out of Available Tax Increment. The Authority shall have no obligation to pay any principal amount of the Interfund Loan or accrued interest thereon which may remain unpaid after the final Payment Date. 2.06. The Authority may at any time make a determination to forgive all or a portion of the outstanding principal amount and accrued interest on the Interfund Loan to the extent permissible under law. 2.07. The Authority may from time to time amend the terms of this Resolution to the extent permitted by law, including without limitation amendment to the payment schedule and the interest rate; provided that the interest rate may not be increased above the maximum specified in Section 469.178. subd. 7 of the TIF Act. Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution is effective as of the date of its adoption. Adopted this 8a' day of September, 2021 President ATTEST: Executive Director 2 MN190\168\743734.v2 EDA Agenda: 09/07/21 7. Economic Development Director's Report (JT) A. Deephaven Development (Chelsea Commons): Deephaven completed the first phase 54 - unit apartment building in July 2021 and immediately started the second phase 61 unit building thereafter. Per the developers' recent feedback, the lease up of both phases one and two has been very strong, so they have pulled the permit for the phase three 58 unit building and expect to finish both follow on phases in 2022. B. Block 52 Redevelopment Update: TEDI and TED Grant funding applications were submitted to MN -DEED and MN -DOT respectfully on 8-27-21. The TEDI Grant application seeks $620,000 to connect Walnut Street to River Street. The TED Grant submittal seeks $469,000 to revise the NW corner of the MNTH#25 and CSAH 75 Intersection to allow safer turning movements and improve clear view triangle site lines. Both grant programs are competitive with limited funding. If the either or both of the City's submittals are awarded in late 2021, they would be structured to schedule construction activities to be completed simultaneously with the redevelopment of Block 52 which is proposed as a residential and commercial mixed-use development. C. Other Development Projects: Construction in Progress ➢ Jensen Precision Machining = 5,200 sq. ft. expansion (Dundas Circle) ➢ Nuss Truck& Equipment facility= 33,000 sq. ft. new construction (Chelsea Road) ➢ Healing Moments Counseling Center 5,000 sq. ft. new construction (Cedar Street) D. WSB & Associates Economic Development Assistance Update: Please see attached report from Jim Gromberg, WSB (Exhibit A) E. Prospect List Update: Please see the updated Prospect List as Exhibit B. F. EDAM Conference Update: September 29 through October 1, 2021, Duluth, MN The Economic Development Association of MN (EDAM) Summer Conference was pushed to late September due to COVID-19 Precautions. This is the first in-person EDAM conference since the pandemic began. Economic Development Manager, Jim Thares, registered for the full Conference. Relevant information learned at the Conference will be previewed with the EDA at upcoming meeting. The EDAM Conference Agenda is attached as Exhibit C. 1 2 0 U U` Z W m U) CD 00 2 0 0 Cl) LU U) T wsb Memorandum To: Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager From: Jim Gromberg, Economic Development Coordinator Date: August 31, 2021 Re: Quarterly Report WSB Project No. 013322-00 Thank you for the opportunity to continue to assist the City of Monticello in their continued efforts to provide economic vitality for the community and the residents. While we have hopefully put the worst of the 2020 pandemic behind us, there are several issues associated with the pandemic that will continue to affect our economic recovery. Below are updates on some of the projects and insights to the trends currently facing the City. Project Updates: Project Gia -Saurus: The company is currently seeking other communities to complete the project. While this doesn't mean that the city is no longer in consideration for the project, the likelihood of the project being completed in Monticello is remote. The decision by the company to seek other communities should not be viewed as negative comment on the community. It should be viewed as an opportunity to help the city solve issues that will allow for the successful attraction of projects in the future. One of the areas that was identified was the lack of property available for new commercial/industrial development projects. The city is moving forward with the identification of potential areas for new industrial parks and the process for their development. New Industrial Park: The City has received a CET grant to allow for planning of mitigating the effects of the future closure of the Xcel Facility. The city has conducted a preliminary SWOT analysis for the potential sites to determine the best fit for the community as it plans for future development. As a site or sites are identified the city, it may will be moving forward with some of the following studies such as; AUAR, environmental review, and infrastructure planning and design. This would allow for the city to have a significant amount of the work completed for the site to be considered shovel ready. Project Ecosphere: The City has completed RFI for the Project Ecosphere for the construction of battery manufacturing facility, when fully developed, of 1.6 million square feet and employing over 1,000 people. The Monticello site has been submitted to DEED and we are currently awaiting the company's decision on which, if any sites, they would like to move forward. Project Integrity: The City has been contacted by a company's representative on the potential for the development of a 100,000 square foot manufacturer which would employ over 100 people. WSB is currently completing a preliminary site design for the project. The site would encompass about 9-10 acres of property significantly reducing the area for future development in Monticello. Economic Trends: 2021 is continuing in the same direction as 2020 with new hurdles facing the economy like inflationary fears, low unemployment rate, shortages of consumer goods, and manufacturing materials. These shortages are highlighted by the lack of computer chips for new cars. Many car manufacturers are now running out of storage room for completed vehicles that are awaiting chip Monticello EDA August 31, 2021 Page 2 installation. Should the companies need to idle their facilities, there may be a spike in the unemployment rate, and they may lose workers that will be tough to replace in the future when they ramp backup to full production. In addition to the backlog of completed vehicle, the limited supply has resulted in price increases in the purchase of new vehicles fueling inflation concerns. These inflationary concerns are increased by the continuing trend of the cost of new homes. The current median price for a home in the 16 -county metro area is $350,000. This is over a 12% increase from the July 2020 which was $312,650. While this increase is worrisome, it we are seeing a greater supply of homes on the market. In January there was as .90 months supply of homes on the market. In July this inventory had risen to 1.3 months supply indicating a greater number of homes and a possible reduction in the level of activity to a more normal pace. These pressures seem to be shifting as 11 % of the properties had price changes compared to 28% seeing changes in January. Minnesota's unemployment rate fell in July to 3.4% (seasonally adjusted) down from 4.4% in June. This is compared to the July 2020 which had a seasonally adjusted rate of 7.6%. However, Minnesota's labor participation rate fell to 67.8% compared to the national average of 61.7%. Minnesota expects that the participation rate will continue in the high 60% range for the foreseeable future. The average hourly earnings also increased by 4.05 ($1.27 per hour) compared to July 2020. This brought the average hourly wage up to $32.63 in July. This increase in wages, while good for the employees, has added to the inflationary fears. In the coming months, look for the Federal Reserve to reassess interest rates to control the inflationary pressures and the COVID relief money's effect on prices through consumer and business spending. Please let me know if you have any questions concerning the above projects or require additional information on the projects. In addition, let me know if you have additional projects that should be reviewed and included. PROSPECT LIST 09/08/202 Date of Company Name Business Category Project Description Building -Facility Retained New Total Investment Project Contact Jobs Jobs Status 11/12/2016 MN DEED Prospect Metal Mfg. Exist Facility + Equip 65,000 sq. ft. 0 55- $2,500,000 Active 100 Search 11/17/2016 Project Armstrong Precision Machining New Facility Constr, Equip 58,000 sq. ft. 205 60 $10,831,000 Constructio -UMC � n 6/22/2017 Project #6580 Metal Mfg. New Facility Constr. 70,000 sq. ft. 0 49 $5,480,000 On Hold 10/17/2017 Project Ted Equipment Mfg. New Equipment N/A 45 ? $650,000 Concept Staae 5/22/2018 Karlsburger Foods Food Products Mfg. Facilty Expansion $4,500,000 Act -Plan -Fin 7/30/2018 Project Saturn Plastic Products Mfg. New Construction 5,000 +/-sq. ft. 41/- $830,000 Active Search 8/10/2018 Project Jupiter Metal Mfg. New Construction 5,000 sq. ft.+/- 3 $800,000 Active 5-,h 11/29/2018 Project Blitzen Precision Machining Exist Bldg or New Const. 12,000 sq. ft. 10 $1,200,000 Concept Gtaar 12/14/2018 Project Comet Commercial Bus New Const. 1,700 sq. ft.+/- 7 $700,000 Active 3/28/2019 Project Nutt Co -Working Space Existing Building ? ? ? ? Concept 5/9/2019 Project FSJP Light Mfg -Res. Lab New Construction 20,000 sq. ft. 0 20+/- $1,400,000 Active 8/16/2019 Project Jaguar Office New Construction 22,000 sq. ft. 22 4 $2,700,000 Active 9/19/2019 Project Kata Service New Construction 22,000 to 35,000 sq. 0 25 $7,900,000 Concept 1/20/2020 Project Panda v3 Service -Child Care New Construction 10,500 sq. ft. 0 21 $4,100,000 Active Search 3/31/2020 Project GiaSaurus Medical Prod. Mfg. New Construction 175,000 sq. ft. 0 75 $50,000,000 Active 8/27/2020 Project Nuss Combo Service -sale New Construction 30,000 sq. ft. 0 20 to 3n $3,500,000 Concept 5taoe 12/23/2020 Project TO Industrial Existing or New 10,000 to 15,000 sq. 0 5to7 $800,000 Concept 11/5/2020 Project Flower Office Existing 7,000-8,000 sq. ft. 0 12 $750,000 Concept Staae 2/16/2021 Project Cold Industrial -Warehouse- New Construction 80,000 sq. ft. 0 21 $12,000,000 Concept Distri Stage 2/18/2021 Project Shay Lounge -Restaurant Existing Bldg. 2,200 0 4 $150,000 Concept Stage 2/18/2021 Project Counsel Office -Service New Construction 5,600 sq. ft. 24 3 $1,120,000 Concept Stage 3/19/2021 Project Orion Warehouse-Distributi New Construction 832,500 sq. ft. 0 500 $125,000,000 Active on Search 4/23/2021 Project Emma Light Ind -Assembly New Construction 20,000 sq. ff. 0 4 $1,350,000 Active Search 6/3/2021 Project FCW Service New Construction w Redev 4,000 sq. ft. 0 9 $4,619,000 Concept Sta 6/16/2021 Project UBAA Child Care Services New Construction or Exist 5,000 sq. ft. 0 12 to 15 $2,000,000 Act Search 6/30/2021 Project Ecosphere Industrial Tech Mfg. New Construction 1,000,000 sq. ft. 0 1122 $85,000,000 Act Search 7/29/2021 Project BA710 Lt Assem-Distribute New Construction 6,500 to 7,000 sq. ft 0 10 $650,000 Active Project Integril New Constructlo Contacts: M = 01 YTD = 25 EDAM 2021 Fall Conference Event Schedule Wed, Sep 29, 2021 4:00pm Welcome Reception Hosted by the Emerging Professionals & Member Services Committees 0 4:00pm - 5:00pm, Sep 29 Start your conference experience with a casual reception that will give you a chance to reunite with old friends and colleagues or make new connections. The Emerging Professionals and Member Services Committees will be ready to welcome you! Appetizers and beverages will be served. The Emerging Professionals Committee is comprised of economic development professionals with a variety of backgrounds, levels of education, and job history, with 10 years or less experience in the economic development field. Knowing the importance of networking and the challenges and unanswered questions those new to the industry have when entering the workforce, this group acts as an agent to provide advice, job seeking resources and additional education opportunities and trainings. Learn more 5:00pm Post -Pandemic Trends in Real Estate & Construction 0 5:00pm - 6:00pm, Sep 29 1.0 AICP credit This session will bring together professionals from construction, development, and architecture for a conversation about how each industry has been affected by the pandemic and related factors. The discussion will include the positives and negatives, how each has had to change to stay operational and competitive, and what they see on the horizon going forward. Y�J Moderator I j Megan Barnett-Livgard Director of Business Development, Kraus -Anderson 14 Speakers Ot Jason Aarsvold Senior Municipal Advisors, Ehlers Katherine Gerzina Senior Project Architect, DSGW Architects ■ Peter jesh Principal Manager, Silver Creek Equity LLC 0 Jamison Kohout Principal Manager, Silver Creek Equity LLC 19 Becky Landon Founder, Landon Group 0 Chad Ronchetti Director, Project Planning and Development, Kraus -Anderson 1 e Steve Schwanke Partner, Inland Development Partners Thu, Sep 30, 2021 7:00a m 5K Fun Run 0 7:00am - 7:45am, Sep 30 V Canal Park loin other attendees for a fun 5K run in Canal Park! All abilities are welcome. Breakfast on your own 0 7:00am - 8:15am, Sep 30 7:30a m Registration 0 7:30am - 4:00pm, Sep 30 V Harborside Lobby 8:15am President's Welcome 0 8:15am - 8:30am, Sep 30 T,a Speaker Morgan Hill Market Strategist, ISG, Inc. 8:30a m 2020 Census: What We've Learned and Where We're Headed o : 0.9:30am, Sep 30 AICP Credit Breakout Sess 1.0 AICP credit Economic development professionals work hand in hand with their local community members to affect positive change. What happens as those hands begin to change? Join Megan Dayton, Senior Demographer for the State of Minnesota to hear about what we have learned from the 2020 census to ensure you have a good understanding of demographic trends within your community, region, and state so you are ready to continue to champion positive change. t4 Speaker Megan Dayton Senior Demographer, Minnesota State Demographic Center Solace Apartments: A Partnership Success Story to Create Permanent Affordable and Supportive Housing O 8:30am - 9:30am, Sep 30 1.0 AICP credit This session will provide an overview of the Solace Apartments in St. Peter, MN, which opened in October 2018. This 30 -unit affordable housing development provides 100% permanent supportive housing with onsite services targeted towards households exiting the criminal justice or chemical dependency treatment systems while aiming to reduce recidivism and reunifying families. The project was born out of a series of cross sector relationships (public, private, and non-profit) that stepped outside of "business as usual" approaches to drive the project completion and success story. Speakers Chad Adams CEO, Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership ki Jennifer Lamb Supportive Housing Specialist, Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership 9:30am Break with Exhibitors O 9:30am - 9:45am, Sep 30 p Harborside Lobby 9:45am Arbor Lakes Corporate Center: Redevelopment & Re -Use of a Contaminated Site O 9:45am - 10:45am, Sep 30 1.0 AICP credit The City of Maple Grove contact Inland Development Partners (IDP) in 2016 asking for help to redevelop the former Osseo dump site owned by the City. Today the building is leased to Abelconn Electronics and Lowe's, providing a wide range of employment opportunities while making a significant contribution to the City's tax base. This session will examine the site contamination issues, grant process and development costs. Speakers Brett Angell Economic Development Manager, City of Maple Grove ..f AO Tom Shaver Partner, Inland Development Partners Building a Community Brand - Way Cooler Than You Think! 0 9:45am - 10:45am, Sep 30 1.0 AICP credit "It's cold here and there's nothing to do. Who's going to move here?" Sometimes the biggest obstacles to economic development are your own residents. So when a collaborative group of EDC, city, county, CVB, and business stakeholders got together to address workforce development issues, it was important to build a strong brand and campaign that not only attracted talent but changed the hearts and minds of local residents. This presentation will explore getting the right stakeholders together, building a cohesive brand that is embraced by everyone, and the unique marketing strategies to keep it alive, using analytics and examples from the successful Grand Forks: Way Cooler than You Think campaign. v-1 Speakers "0 Andrea Boe Business Development Director/Communications Practice Leader, AE2S Communications Taylor Corbett Digital Marketing Strategist, AE2S Communications 10:45am Break with Exhibitors 0 10:45am - 11:00am, Sep 30 p Harborside Lobby 11:00a m KEYNOTE * Fueling the Path to Equitable and Inclusive Development and Shared Prosperity O 11:00am -- 12:OOpm, Sep 30 �� ' 1.0 AICP credit According to the American Community Survey and Brookings Institution, 98% of growth in the nation's 100 largest cities is from communities of color, yet segregation continues across the country and inclusive economic growth remains elusive. Economic developers are uniquely positioned to change this trajectory and drive racially equitable and inclusive development and redevelopment projects in their communities. Data -driven and community -informed strategies, policies, practices, and programs are key levers to activate while balancing the economic needs of the city and region. Tawanna A. Black, Founder and CEO of the Center for Economic Inclusion, will share examples of model municipal and county economic development projects her organization is partnering on that center equity and inclusive growth, and provide a checklist of actions to inspire economic developers as they take the next steps in this journey. -0 Speaker Tawanna Black Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Center for Economic Inclusion 12:00pm Lunch & Break with Exhibitors 0 12:00pm - 1:00pm, Sep 30 1:OOpm Mobile Tour Group 1: Essentia Vision Northland Project 0 1:00pm - 1:45pm, Sep 30 V Downtown Duluth (attendees are responsible for their own transportation) Because this is an active construction site, space in each mobile tour group is extremely limited for each time slot. If the tour is full and you would like to be added to the waiting list, please email info@edam.org. Essentia Health is making the largest private investment in Duluth's history as it transforms its downtown medical campus with the $900 million Vision Northland project. Join us for a walking tour of the project, which is currently under construction. Learn more about Vision Northland Safety Requirements: Closed toed shoes (athlectic shoes or boots), pants (no dresses/skirts or shorts), and masks. The project site is within walking distance of the DECC (approximately 25 minutes walking time) and directions will be provided to tour attendees. Please plan accordingly to arrive on time. 0 Speakers Phil Johnson Project Manager, McGough Construction Dan Cebelinski Director of Facilities, Essentia Health Community Transformation: Leveraging Vacant Real Estate for Housing and Revitalization Opportunities 0 11•m - 2:00pm, Sep 30 AICP Credit Plenary Session 1.0 AICP credit The pandemic's impact on real estate will be felt for years to come as employees buy bigger houses to work from home, and businesses downsize to save money. Affordable housing and newly acquired habits from shopping, attending events, dining out, new hobbies, workouts, more time with shorter commutes, car usage and several other factors will drive change. Many communities are dealing with the challenge of vacant or declining commercial and retail real estate values along with declining sales and property tax revenues. Affordable housing continues to be a challenge and a housing supply shortage has been making it more difficult for individuals to own and rent living space. Fortunately, when challenges are addressed strategically, they can bring new opportunities for growth in the community. In this session, Baker Tilly's economic development and real estate specialists will discuss the steps and strategies developers and governments can take to revitalize the community and provide housing for the growing population, including conducting market studies and mobilizing financial tools. T:� Speakers Diana Dyste Manager, Baker Tilly 0 Terri Heaton Principal, Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors 0 Dan Kennelly Director, Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors 2:00pm Mobile Tour Group 2: Essentia Vision Northland Project 0 2:00pm - 2:45pm, Sep 30 p Downtown Duluth (attendees are responsible for their own transportation) Because this is an active construction site, space in each mobile tour group is extremely limited for each time slot. If the tour is full and you would like to be added to the waiting list, please email info@edam.org. Essentia Health is making the largest private investment in Duluth's history as it transforms its downtown medical campus with the $900 million Vision Northland project. loin us for a walking tour of the project, which is currently under construction. Learn more about Vision Northland Safety Requirements: Closed toed shoes (athlectic shoes or boots), pants (no dresses/skirts or shorts), and masks. The project site is within walking distance of the DECC (approximately 25 minutes walking time) and directions will be provided to tour attendees. Please plan accordingly to arrive on time. vl Speakers Phil Johnson Project Manager, McGough Construction Dan Cebelinski Director of Facilities, Essentia Health Break with Exhibitors O 2:00pm - 2:15pm, Sep 30 V Harborside Lobby 2:15pm Leveraging Patient Community Capital for Small Businesses O 2:15pm - 3:15pm, Sep 30 1.0 AICP credit The NorthEast Investment Cooperative is an 8 -year old innovative approach using a community -owned cooperative to support small businesses by leveraging patient community capital to buy, rehab, and manage real estate. This approach has been used to purchase and renovate three properties in Northeast Minneapolis, supporting growth of four small businesses and creating over 25 jobs. The approach supports longer tenancy, small business stability, and democratically engages the community in its own economic development. While NEIC is located in an urban environment, the model has applications for rural Main Street properties and businesses as well. In January 2021, Cooperative Development Services and University of Nebraska - Lincoln released a practitioners guide to support the use of this model in urban and rural locations. This approach can be an effective tool in an economic develoeper's toolbox to support the rebuilding of small business in a COVID/post-COVID environment. Speakers 0 Michael Darger Director, Business Retention & Expansion, University of Minnesota Extension - Community Vitality 0 Kevin Edberg Cooperative Development Services (CDS) 3:15pm Break I Free Time O 3:15pm - 7:00pm, Sep 30 7:00pm President's Reception & Dinner at the Great Lakes Aquarium O 7:00pm - 9:00pm, Sep 30 p Great Lakes Aquarium, `anal Park Offsite Event join us for an evening at the Great Lakes Aquarium! Explore the exhibits, enjoy dinner, network, and see who is presented with the 2021 President's Award. Fri, Oct 01, 2021 7:00a m Breakfast on your own 0 7:00am - 8:30am, Oct 1 8:00am Registration 0 8:00am - 12:00pm, Oct 1 V Harborside Lobby 8:15am President's Announcements 0 8:15am - 8:30am, Oct 1 -:J Speaker Morgan Hill Market Strategist, ISG, Inc. 8:30am Entrepreneurism in the Mille Lacs Tribal Economy 0 8:30am - 9:30am, Oct 1 1.0 AICP credit Mille Lacs Corporate Ventures (MLCV), recognizing economic challenges and declining rates of entrepreneurship in the Mille Lacs Tribal Economy, launched an initiative to build a Tribal Economy Business Incubator (TEBI) program. MLCV brought together a diverse team of organizations to explore the concept and lay the groundwork for a comprehensive inclusive program to support entrepreneurs. Partners in the work include: • Mille Lacs Corporate Ventures - A political subdivision and for-profit corporation owned by the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe in Minnesota; owns the properties slated for incubator development and convened the partners behind this project to conduct the necessary due diligence. • Northspan Group, Inc. - Completed background research on the Mille Lacs Tribal Economy, an extensive community engagement process in conjunction with community coordinators, and compiled the final report. • Maxfield Research - Conducted market research to assess viability of proposed uses for each of the properties. • Neighborhood Development Center - Developed proformas for the four facilities, an overall TEBI program budget, and a series of policies and procedures to guide its operation. • HyTec Construction - Completed scopes of work for construction or renovation of TEBI buildings. • Initiative Foundation - The operating partner for the TEBI. • Community Coordinators - Led the coordination of securing Tribal & Non -Tribal participants for the focus groups. Also participated in focus groups and sharing their experiences in the Mille Lacs Tribal Economy. The process brought together the team's unique talents, generated enthusiasm for the initiative among both Tribal and non -Tribal residents of the Mille Lacs Tribal Economy and positioned the project to pursue Federal funding. This panel brings together the partners on the project to share how they put together this complex initiative and worked to set up entrepreneurs for success. v:* Speakers Carolyn Beaulieu Member, Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe Mitch Feierabend Owner/General Manager, HyTec Construction Dustin Goslin Vice President of Business & Economic Development, Mille Lacs Corporate Ventures (MLCV) Beth Gruber Director of Planning & Community Engagement, Mille Lacs Corporate Ventures Elissa Hansen President & CEO, Northspan Group, Inc. Bradley Harrington Members & CEO, Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe & Wenji-bimaadizing Media, LLC A% %F Matt Mullins Vice President & Business Development, Maxfield Research Mihailo (Mike) Temali Founder & CEO, Neighborhood Development Center Suzanne Wise Member, Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is: Transforming Programs and Policy to Advance an Inclusive Economy 0 8:30am - 9:30am, Oct 1 1.0 AICP credit In the past year, the city of Brooklyn Park's economic development program has shifted towards wealth building and investment in enhancing the lives of existing residents and growing existing small businesses. Come learn concrete changes your city can make in the realm of housing policy, business finance, and development subsidy changes towards economic inclusion, anti -displacement, and wealth creation by applying an equity lens. tzI Speakers John Kinara Housing & Economic Development Specialist, City of Brooklyn Park %Y1 Daniela Lorenz Business Development Coordinator, City of Brooklyn Park 9:30am Break with Exhibitors O 9:30am - 9:45am, Oct 1 V Harborside Lobby 9:45am New Waves on the Lake: Post -Pandemic Real Estate in Northeast Minnesota O 9:45am - 10:45am, Oct 1 1.0 AICP credit There has been no shortage of press on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the real estate market in major cities. But how has Greater Minnesota weathered the storm, and how are its communities positioned to take advantage of a changing economic reality? Northeast Minnesota offers the perfect test case to explore these changing realities, as it includes markets such as the Duluth metro, the towns of the Iron Range, and rural destinations such as the North Shore. This panel will explore the real estate market in northeast Minnesota with a special emphasis on the changes in the commercial market since the start of the pandemic. Insights from Northland Connection, a regional program that hosts a commercial real estate database and provides background data and information to support economic development efforts, will supplement the insights of some of the region's leading realtors and brokers. Speakers *- Steve Bragg Business Broker, Calhoun Companies iw Greg Follmer Owner/Broker, Follmer Commercial Real Estate Z Karl Schuettler Research Director & Consultant, Northspan Group, Inc. Beth Wentzlaff President, CMRA, LLC Andrea Zupancich Owner, Z'Up North Realty Driving Tourism and Economic Development Through Regional Recreation Programs O 9:45am - 10:45am, Oct 1 CIRMR! M, 1.0 AICP credit Sales tax legislation requiring projects of "regional significance" will have a major impact on the creation of jobs and tax bases in our communities. Two communities in Minnesota, the City of Virginia and the City of Elk River, are building significant regional recreation projects from which they hope to attract tourism dollars, jobs, new households and a new tax base from ancillary development. In this interactive panel discussion, representatives from both cities will tell their project stories and share how they will implement their plans for future economic growth using the recreation projects as a catalyst. We will discuss opportunities to drive community growth through traditional economic development initiatives as well as dive into innovative ways to use recreation projects as a mechanism to attract individuals, families and workers to job and housing opportunities at existing businesses as communities continue to search for top talent and fill residences. TJ Speakers A Calvin Portner City Administrator, City of Elk River 0 Paul Steinman Baker Tilly 1-40 John Sullivan Community Development Planner, City of Virginia 10:45am Break with Exhibitors O 10:45am - 11:00am, Oct 1 V Harborside Lobby 11:00am Legislative Update O 11:00am - 12:00pm, Oct 1 Powered By Whova