Planning Commission Minutes 01-17-1978 . MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION January 17, 197$ - 7:30 P.M. Members present: Gillham, Doerr, Bauer, Ridgeway, Miller, Topel. 1. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Bauer, second by Gillham to approve the minutes of 12-20-77 and 1"";3-78 as presented. 2. Public Hearing - Consideration of Howard Gillham's Preliminary Plat. This plat had been previously discussed at a December 1977 meeting and a revised plat was presented by Mr. Gillham for his property located south of County Road #39. The revised comprehensive plan proposes that a portion of Mr. Gillham's property remain commercial and thus the Planning Commission and consulting planner recommended that Mr. Gillham prepare a revised plat with the major arterial street positioned approximately 300 - 400' from the freeway to allow for possible commercial uses. . The preliminary plat presented, consisting of 83 residential lots, positioned the road alignment approximately 300' north of the freeway. Mr. Bob Rohlin, of Meyer - Rohlin, reviewed the proposed plat with the Planning Commission and proposed multiple family residential zoning for the area between the arterial road and the freeway. Mr. William Hoffman, representing an abutting property owner, Ruff Auto Parts, Inc., expressed opposition to rezoning of this property to residential. Should the arterial road as proposed in Mr. Gillham's plat be extended easterly to connect with Highway 25 someday, it would have to go through property owned by H. Ruff. Mr. Ruff apparently does not have any present plans to develop his property for residential purposes, and was in opposition to the road going through his property. The Planning Commission discussed the merits of the northerly portion of Mr. Gillham's property being used for residential purposes since abutting property to the east and southeast is currently zoned R-l and R-3 and using the arterial street as a dividing line for commercial property near the freeway. This type of layout would follow the proposed comprehensive plan. . A motion was made by Ridgeway, second by Doerr to recommend that the following revisions be implemented in Mr. Gillham's plat: 1/17/78 . A. Property near the freeway should be proposed for commercial uses. B. The arterial ring road proposed should be realigned further to the south at the S.E. corner of the plat. C. Indicate an area north of the arterial street for R-2 zoning. D. Balance of plat asR-l (Residential). The Public Hearing on this plat will be continued until 2/7/78 at which time the Public Hearing will continue on the revised plat along with a Public Hearing on any area requiring rezoning. Motion was passed unanimously with H. Gillham abstaining. 3. Public Hearing - Consideration of Approval of John Sandberg's Riverside Plat. John Sandberg presented an 8-parcel, 6 acre plat located just east of Riverside Cemetary. The plat proposed Single Family Residential lots varYing in size from 13,700 sq. ft. to 109,000 sq. ft. In addition, two (2) unbuildable outlots are indicated west of River Street. . Both the City Engineer and Consulting Planner have reviewed the preliminary plat, and have indicated that this subdivision would be subject to the 50' setback requirements for all buildings under the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act, both for otter Creek and Mississippi River. After discussion on the suitability of 'outlots (A) & (B) as building sites, a motion was made by H. Gillham, second by D. Bauer and unanimously carried to recommend approval of the Riverside preliminary plat consisting of eight ($) residential lots provided the two (2) outlotsare noted on the plat as unbuildable sites. 4. Public Hearing - Consideration of pylon Sign Height Variance. Vance Florell of Vance's Standard proposed to develop a gasoline station at the southeast corner of Interstate 94 and State Highway 25. Before a proposal for a building permit is presented, Mr. Florell requested a variance from the height requirement of 32 feet. Pro- posed sign would be 60 feet or almost twice as high as existing sign. Reason for the request was that Mr. Florell felt that approximately 9afo of his business would come from freeway traffic and thus would require as much sign exposure as possible. In addition, the proposed site elevation is considerably lower than Hwy. 25. . Motion was made by Gillham, second by Doerr and unanimously carried to recommend approval of a variance to allow a sign height of 60' above the site's final grade elevation. The final grade is proposed at approximately l' above grade of County Road 117. 1/17/78 .. . 5. Review of Proposed Commercial Plat - Stuart Hoglund. Stuart Hoglund presented a preliminary plat to the commission for review consisting of several lots. The property is located on the south side of 1-94 just east of the Hoglund Bus CO. Garage. The Planning COmmission and consulting planner recommended that the access road proposed next to the freeway be located further south allowing commercial lots to abut the freeway. In addition, it was recommended that the lot sizes be increased from the present sizes of approximately 3/4 acre. The recommendations will be incorporated into a new plat plan to be presented at a later date. 6. Discussion on Residential Home located in B-4 District. A residential home located in Block 5 (B-4 zoning) was originally "grandfathered" in as a non-conforming duplex. The home owned by J. Miller is now being used as a single family residence. . A motion was made by Bauer, second by Ridgeway and unanimously carried to have the City notify Mr. Miller that this home used as a single family residence is in violation of the grandfather clause and should be returned to use as a duplex. Motion by Ridgeway, second by Topel and unanimously carried to adjourn. A1~ql~ Asst. Administrator RW/ns .