City Council Minutes 08-23-2021REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 23, 2021— 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Lloyd Hilgart, Jim Davidson, Charlotte Gabler, Brian Hudgins, and Sam Murdoff Absent: None 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Hilgart called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. Approval of Agenda Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the agenda. Councilmember Hudgins seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from August 9, 2021 • Regular Meeting Minutes from August 9, 2021 Councilmember Gabler moved approval of both sets of minutes. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. D. Citizen Comments E. Public Service Announcements • Labor Day Holiday Hours • Music on the Mississippi — August 25, 2021 • Recognition of Bill Tapper for his service on the IEDC and EDA. F. Council Liaison Updates • EDA — Councilmember Davidson noted that the EDA held a special meeting prior to their regular meeting to conduct interviews of new member. At the regular meeting the EDA approved dollars for IEDC manufacturing recognition event; approved TIF business pre - application for Headwaters Development; and approved 2022 HRA Special Benefit Property Tax Levy. • MOAA — Councilmember Davidson noted that the group approved a home expansion in watershed district. • 1-94 Coalition — Councilmember Gabler noted that the group received an update on the processes for grants. F. Department Update • FiberNet Quarterly Update — Mark Birkholz presented the FiberNet quarterly update which was included in the packet. City Council Minutes: August 23, 2021 Page 1 1 4 Fire Department Update — Fire Chief Mike Mossey provided an annual update which included information on total number of calls, types of calls, the new fire station, the new command truck, training, public relations, donations, fire inspections, and future plans for the department. • Construction Update — Matt Leonard provided an update on Fenning Avenue Project. The plan is to have the roundabout completely open by second or third week in September. They may have half open by the time school starts. The retaining wall construction is close to complete. 2. Consent Agenda: Councilmember Davidson moved approval of the consent agenda with the removal of 2H and tabling 21L. Councilmember Murdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Action taken: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total of $1,083,848.19. B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for city departments. Action taken: Approved the hires for MCC, DMV, Engineering, and Development Services. C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property for the Parks Department. Action taken: No report this cycle. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-63 approving a donation from UMC in the amount of $2,477.06 for the Fire Department to be used for new tires for the Ranger ATV and exercise equipment and $10,000 from the Monticello Lions for the fish sculpture at East Bridge Park Arboretum. Action taken: Adopted the resolution accepting the donations. Mayor Hilgart recognized the donors. E. Consideration of approving Special Event Permit and waiving fee for Polaris Chiropractic for an event to be held on Friday, August 27, 2021. Action taken: Approved the special event permit. F. Consideration of approving a Conditional Use Permit for an Accessory Use Structure — Major in the R-1 (Single family Residence) District. Applicant: Bill Swan. Action taken: Conditional Use Permit was approved. G. Consideration of approving a Preliminary and Final Plat and Development Agreement for Kampschroer Addition for a car wash facility in the B-3 (Highway Business) District. Applicant: RRG Holdings, LLC. Action taken: Adopted Resolution 2021-68 approving a Preliminary Plat and Final Plat and development agreement for Kampschroer Addition, contingent on compliance with Exhibit Z and the vacations as petitioned for the proposed plat. H. Consideration of adopting Ordinance 762 amending the Monticello Zoning Ordinance by adding the Extraction of Materials as an Interim Use Permit in the City Council Minutes: August 23, 2021 Page 2 14 B-3 and B-4 zoning ordinance. Applicant: City of Monticello. Action taken: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA. Consideration of approving a quote and authorizing an expenditure of $12,825 for installation of City Hall Academy Room and Building Department doors and glass. Action taken: Accepted the quotes and authorized the expenditure of $12,475 and contract with DJ Commercial Door for installation of City Hall Academy Room and Building Department doors and glass. J. Consideration of approving the appointment of Hali Sittig to the EDA to Complete the remainder of a term which expires December 31, 2021. Action taken: Approved the appointment. K. Consideration of approving a contract with Kraus -Anderson Construction Company for the DMV Relocation Project in the amount of $284,179 in accordance with Sourcewell IZIQC Contract. Action taken: Approved the contract with Kraus -Construction Company. L. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-65 and Ordinance 763 for rezoning to Stony Brook Village Planned Unit Development, Resolution 2021-66 approving the Final Stage PUD for Stony Brook Village and Resolution 2021-67 approving the Final Plat and Development Agreement for Stony Brook Village. Applicant: Mark Elliot Homes. Action taken: Item was tabled by staff. 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion: H. Consideration of adopting Ordinance 762 amending the Monticello Zoning Ordinance by adding the Extraction of Materials as an Interim Use Permit in the B-3 and B-4 zoning ordinance. Applicant: City of Monticello Councilmember Murdoff removed the item to call attention to the fact that the 1,000 cubic yard reference should be corrected to 100 cubic yards. Councilmember Murdoff moved to adopt the Ordinance with the correction to 100 cubic yards. Councilmember Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Public Hearings: A. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-64 approving the vacation for a portion of Cedar Street, Dundas Road, and Marvin Road right of way as legally described for the proposed Kampschroer Addition and approving a quit claim deed releasing interest in the vacated parcels. Petitioner: Sherrie Danner Angela Schumann provided an overview of the vacation. The vacation is contingent on the approval of the final plat and the final plat is contingent on approval of the vacation. The vacation includes three portions of vacations. Mayor Hilgart opened the public hearing. No one testified. Mayor Hilgart closed the public hearing. City Council Minutes: August 23, 2021 Page 3 14 4. 5. There was minimal discussion. Councilmember Davidson moved to adopt Resolution 2021-64 for vacation of a portion of Cedar Street, Dundas Road and Marvin Road right of way as legally described for the proposed Kampschroer Addition, subject to final review and comment of the City Attorney. Councilmember Hudgins seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Councilmember Davidson moved to approve the quit claim deed for the areas to be vacated for purposes of inclusion within the proposed Kampschroer Plat boundary, with the deeded area of Cedar Street to be conveyed for a consideration of $1, subject to final review and comment of the City Attorney. Seconded by Councilmember Murdoff. Motion carried unanimously. Regular Agenda: A. Consideration of approving an amendment to the lease agreement extending the term of Great River Soccer Club's use of the City -owned facility at 101 Chelsea Road through May 31, 2026 Rachel Leonard, City Administrator, provided a brief update on the current lease agreement with the Great River Soccer Club which expired in 2021 and was extended to 2024. The Soccer Club inquired about city plans for the facility beyond 2024. The goal of the City has been to hold the property as a future development site; however, staff feels it is feasible to extend the lease until 2026. There was minimal discussion. Councilmember Hudgins moved approval for amendment to soccer lease agreement which extends the term of the lease to May 31, 2026. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Adjournment: By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: 4 r(�WAL" 4�-� 'J Atte City Council Minutes: August 23, 2021 Page 4 14