Planning Commission Minutes 07-18-1978
July 18, 1978 - 7:30 P.M.
Members present: Jim Ridgeway, Denton Erickson, Fran Fair, Fred Topel.
Members absent: Dave Bauer.
1. Public HearinR - COnsideration of COnditional Use Permit - Fair's Market.
Mr. & Mrs. Budd Fair proposed an increase to the area of their Market at the
Northeast corner of Broadway and Cedar Streets. Since this area is currently
zoned as B-4 (Regional Business) a conditional use permit is necessary to
allow for outdoor sales and storage.
A provision of the conditional use permit requires that the outside storage
area be limited to 3CY/o of the building area, unless this percentage is
increased by the City Council. Mr. & Mrs. Fair are proposing the outside
sales and storage area to be approximately 43% of the building area. A
motion was made by D. Erickson, seconded by F. Topel and unanimously carried
to approve the conditional use permit as presented.
2. Consideration of Recommendation of Ordinance Amendment Relative to Junkyards.
Monticello I s current ordinance relative to junkyards indicates that any
junkyard may only continue as a non-conforming use for more than one year
after the effective date of the ordinance (July 28, 1975) except that a
junkyard may continue as a non-conforming use in an industrial district
if, within that period, it is completely enclosed within a building, fence,
screen planting, or device of such height so as to screen completely the opera-
tions of the junkyard.
Subject of the hearing was a proposed ordinance amendment that would allow
all existing junkyards as lawful, non-conforming uses, provided that junk-
yards are completely enclosed within a building, fence, screen planting,
or device of such height so as to screen co~lete1y the operations of the
junkyard. (See Agenda Supplement 7-18-78 #1).
A meeting was held the afternoon of July 18, 1978 at 4:00 P.M. with Betsy
Parker and Rich Hein1an, officials of the State Department of Transportation,
William Hoffman, attorney for Harold Ruff, Chuck Stumpf, with Ruff Auto
Parts, Inc., Jim Metcalf, representing Edgar K1ucas, Loren Klein, Monticello
Building Inspector, and Gary Wieber, City Administrator. At this meeting,
Ms. Parker indicated after review of the properties of Mr. Edgar Klucas
and Harold Ruff, that both appear ed eligible for a State and Federal
program whereby State and Federal funds were available to screen that portion
of the junkyard that is visible from a State Trunk Highway. State and
Federal monies would be available for installing the fence, and also available
for purchasing the easement from the property owners. If the City so desired
to have the remaining portion of any junkyard screened, that would be a
decision which the City of Monticello would have to make. However, in order
Minutes - 7/18/78
to allow State and Federal monies to be utilized in constructing the fence
and obtaining the easements, the City of Monticello would have to amend its
current ordinance which in effect amortizes out a junkyard. After these
items were explained by Gary Wieber, Monticello City Administrator, the
Chairman of the Planning Commission, Jim Ridgeway, open ed up the hearing
for input from the audience.
Mr. William Hoffman indicated that his client, Mr. Ruff, had estimated that
it would require approximately $300,000 to screen the remaining portion of
his junkyard if the same type of fence that the State would put up would be
required. Mr. Hoffman indicated that if the City would want the screening,
that the City should consider paying for the screening itself.
Mr. James Metcalf, representing Edgar Klucas, expressed the same concern
for his client as did Mr. Hoffman, in that the financial aspects of such a
fence would be a burden to Mr. Klucas. ..
A motion was made by D. Erickson, seconded by F. Topel and unanimously carried
to table this issue and allow the item to be reviewed with our City Attorney.
The issue will be brought up at the next regular meeting of the Planning
Commission, August 15, 1978.
COnsideration of Variance Request - Front yard Setback.
At the request of Mr. Sam Peraro, the Building Inspector went out to Lot 13,
Block 1, at Hillcrest Second Addition, and provided the setback locations.
This property fronts on Hillcrest Circle and is zoned as R-1.
On Thursday, July 6, 1978, it was brought to the attention of the Building
Inspector that the setback was only 22' instead of the required 30', and
that the Building Inspector did in fact make a mistake in determining the
setback. As a result, a variance request to have the building setback at
22' instead of the 30' was being requested.
Motion was made by D. Erickson, seconded by F. Fair and unanimously carried
to recommend the Council approve such a variance request.
Consideration of Ordinance Amendment - Day Care Center.
Mr. Shelly Johnson, Superintendent of Monticello School District #882,
indicated that Sue Baker and Marcella Corrow would like to open up a
Day Care Center in the gymnasium portion of the former Oakwood Elementary
School. There appeared to be some question on whether such a use was allowed
as a conditional use in the current zone, which is R-2, or whether a zoning
ordinance amendment would have to be made to the Rr-2 to add this provision.
A motion was made by F. Fair, seconded by F. Topel and unanimously carried
to rule that such a use is a conditional use under the R-2 section, since it
is a private educational institution. Therefore, since the School has already
existed, a hearing and resulting approval from the City COuncil is not neces-
sary to consider the same type of use. However, the Planning Commission did
recommend that the provision for offstreet parking under the conditional use
section of R-2 be reviewed annually coinciding with the lease agreement between
the school district and the day care center.
. '
Minutes - 7/18/78
5. Approval of Minutes.- July 5, 1978 and June 20, 1978.
A motion was made by F. Fair, seconded by F. Topel and unanimously carried
to approve the minutes as indicated above.
6. Request for Variance - Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blake.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blake have made application for a variance to build a
garage behind their home at 313 East 4th Street. The property is currently
zoned as Rr-2.
The Blake's are requesting to build within 3' of their Westerly property line.
With a 2' overhang on the garage, the drip line would be I' from the property
line. Letters have been sent to the building inspector and are on file
indicating that the abutting property owners have no objections to this
variance request.
A motion was made by F. Fair, seconded by F. Topel and unanimously carried
to approve the variance request.
Motion was made by F. Topel, seconded by D. Erickson and unanimously carried
to adjourn.
Gary W" r .
City A . ist tor
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