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City Council Agenda Packet 08-09-2021
AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 9, 2021— 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Monticello Community Center 5 p.m. Budget Review Mayor: Lloyd Hilgart Council Members: Jim Davidson, Charlotte Gabler, Brian Hudgins, Sam Murdoff 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Agenda — Councilmembers or the City Administrator may add items to the agenda for discussion purposes or approval. The City Council may or may not take official action on items added to the agenda. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from July 26, 2021 • Regular Meeting Minutes from July 26, 2021 D. Citizen Comments — Individuals may address the City Council about any item not contained on the agenda. Each speaker will be allotted three minutes with a maximum of five speakers. The Mayor may allow for additional time and/or speakers. The City Council generally takes no official action of items discussed, except for referral to staff for future report. E. Public Services Announcements • Movie in the Park • Popular Annual Financial Report • West Bridge Park Closure — August 21, 2021 F. Council Liaison Updates • EDA • IEDC • Planning Commission G. Department Updates • WCSO Quarterly Update • Construction Update 2. Consent Agenda —All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered standard or may not need discussion prior to approval. These items are acted upon by one motion unless a councilmember, the city administrator, or a citizen requests the item by removed from consent for additional discussion. A. Consideration of approving payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration of approving a Special Event Permit for St. Henry's for their annual parish festival FunFest being held August 29, 2021 Consideration of approving appointment of Eric Olson, Monticello Public School Superintendent, to the IEDC Consideration of approving a Special Event Permit for Monticello RV for a Local Heroes Day event being held August 19 — August 21, 2021 G. Consideration of approving the purchase of furniture for the new DMV location at 118 W 6t" Street from Haworth Furniture for $75,638.11 H. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-60 accepting a petition and calling for a public hearing on August 23, 2021 for vacation of a portion of Cedar Street, Dundas Road, and Marvin Road right of way as legally described for the proposed Kampschroer Addition and authorizing review of a quit claim deed releasing interest in the vacated parcels Consideration of authorizing negotiations with Karlsburger Food for sale of an approximately 12,000 square foot parcel and preparation of a cross access and parking agreement for Outlot A, Otter Creek Crossing 2nd Addition 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of adopting Resolutions 2021-61 and 2021-62 in support of requesting funding from the Transportation Economic Development (TED) Program administered by MnDOT and the Transportation Economic Development Infrastructure (TEDI) Program application through MN DEED B. Consideration of approving the 2022-2023 law enforcement contract with Wright County Sheriff's Office 5. Adjournment AGENDA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Monday, August 9, 2021— 5 p.m. Monticello Community Center — North Mississippi Room AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Budget Workshop 3. Adjournment lK CIT Y C) F 41& Monticello 2022 BUDGET MEETING #3 August 9, 2021 • Sessions are meant to be interactive and conversational • Staff will provide rationale and justification for requests made as needed • Council is encouraged to asked questions, provide feedback, add items, and remove/edit items CITY OF M tic flo r �9 • JUlyl9th— Budget Intro and Buckets: Personnel, Equipment, Major Non -capital • July 26th— Buckets: Capital Projects, Funding options/strategies • August 5th — Chelsea Commons Discussion • August 9th — Budget Summary and Review • August 23 rd— Updated Budget Summary and Review • September 1.3th—Final Review of Budget • Preliminary Levy adopted during regular meeting CITY OF M tic flo Personnel Equipment Major Non -Capital Capital Projects ;y Funding �.17V �]f M1�l �)e rs a Sr (,a l' Mceflo.1 Personnel (increase to budget) Fire Rate increase ($12 to $14) $ 16,600 Fire Rate increase - officers $ 4,100 Parks Seasonals $ 26,700 MCC PT wages $ 182,134 DMV Lead Pay $ 2,080 Comm Dev Intern $ 5,000 Engineering Intern $ 3,500 Admin Administration staffing $ 75,000 Parks & Rec Staffing shift $ 10,000 Liquor store Additional FT $ 64,989 $ 390,103 General Fund $ 140,900 Community Center(General)Fund $ 182,134 DMV Fund $ 2,080 Liquor Fund $ 64,989 $ 390,103 �)e rs a Sr (,a l' Mceflo.1 still* $ 1,927,000 Central Equipment Fund* $ 948,000 Capital Projects Fund $ 725,000 Sewer Fund $ 37,000 Stormwater Fund $ 187,000 Facilities Maintenance Fund $ 30,000 $ 1,927,000 *General Fund 2022 impact $ 132,800 i;rSr (,a l' Mceflo.1 Equipment (total expenditure) Engineering Engineering Inspection Vehicle $ 30,000 Streets Paver $ 100,000 Streets Paver Trailer $ 30,000 Streets Dump Truck $ 300,000 Streets 1.5 ton truck $ 80,000 Streets Mini Loader $ 150,000 Recreation Kawasaki Mule 4010 $ 15,000 Recreation Toro 7200D Mower $ 30,000 Recreation Toro 7200D Mower $ 30,000 Recreation Toro 4100D Mower $ 90,000 Recreation 2021 Isuzu $ 63,000 Building Building Inspector Vehicle $ 30,000 Fire Engine 1 $ 725,000 FM Facilities Maintenance Vehicle $ 30,000 Storm Street Sweeper $ 187,000 Sewer 1/2 Ton Pickup $ 37,000 $ 1,927,000 Central Equipment Fund* $ 948,000 Capital Projects Fund $ 725,000 Sewer Fund $ 37,000 Stormwater Fund $ 187,000 Facilities Maintenance Fund $ 30,000 $ 1,927,000 *General Fund 2022 impact $ 132,800 i;rSr (,a l' Mceflo.1 0 i;rSr (,a l' Mceflo.1 Major Non -Capital (total expenditure) Streets City Street Signs $ 25,000 Streets Annual Crack Seal $ 70,000 Recreation Pathway Maintenance (+$10k) $ 60,000 Fire Turnout Gear $ 7,000 Fire Radios (remaining) $ 15,000 IT PCs/Laptops $ 18,500 IT City Hall Plotter $ 8,000 IT Laserfiche Scanner $ 4,500 MCC East/West Door Handicap Doors $ 10,000 MCC Card Access Readers $ 16,000 Liquor Liquor Store Coolers $ 10,000 Storm Boulevard Drainage Tile $ 50,000 Water Backup Generator $ 100,000 Water Annual Water System Improvements $ 150,000 Sewer Annual Sewage Line Improvements $ 250,000 Sewer WWTP Repair and Maintenance $ 125,000 FM Furnace/Central Air - Chamber Bldg $ 10,000 $ 929,000 General Fund $ 187,000 Community Center (General) Fund $ 26,000 Water Fund $ 250,000 Sewer Fund $ 375,000 Stormwater Fund $ 50,000 Liquor Fund $ 10,000 IT Fund $ 31,000 $ 929,000 i;rSr (,a l' Mceflo.1 0 Community Center (Genera I) Fund Capital Projects/Purchases (total expenditure) 30,000 Streets Pavement Preservation Program -2022 Street Project $ 1,500,000 Streets School Blvd SRTS Improvements - Ped Crossings $ 50,000 Recreation School Blvd SRTS Improvements -Trail: Ferning to Cardinal Hills $ 50,000 Water SCADA System -Water $ 400,000 Sewer SCADA System - Sewage $ 800,000 FM Roof- Library $ 55,000 FM Cooling unit - City Hall $ 30,000 MCC Carpet and Terrazo Repair $ 30,000 IT Surveillance Cameras - MCC $ 45,000 IT Surveillance Cameras - Parks $ 51,400 IT Surveillance Cameras - Liquor $ 15,000 IT Color copier $ 12,000 Streets Sidewalk Gap/ADA Improvement Projects^ $ 100,000 Streets Street Light Improvements^ $ 100,000 Storm Stormwater Pond Restoration $ 240,000 Streets Hwy 25/Broadway Intersection Improvements* $ 575,000 Storm Otter Creek Industrial Park- Pond AConstruction* $ 480,000 Storm Otter Creek Industrial Park - Karlsburger Outlet* $ 120,000 Public Works Public Works Facility $ 500,000 FiberNet Capital Expansion $ - Chelsea Commons $ Downtown Projects $ Bertram Chain of Lakes - Next Phase $ - $ 5,153,400 *Development driven ^ Recurring allocation 0 Community Center (Genera I) Fund $ 30,000 Capital Projects Fund $ 2,810,000 Street Lighting Fund $ 100,000 Park & Pathway Fund $ 50,000 Water Fund $ 400,000 Sewer Fund $ 800,000 Stormwater Fund $ 840,000 IT Fund (charged back to MCC/General/Liquor funds) $ 123,400 $ 5,153,400 i;rSr (,a l' Mceflo.1 • Levy • Charges for Services • Debt Issuance • Use of Capital Reserves • G ra nts • SRTS, TED grant, BDPI (Otter Creek) • Federal/State Aid • Lobbying Efforts • Liquor Store Transfer • DMV Transfer • Cable Franchise Fees • Electric Franchise Fees • Gas Franchise Fees • Local Option Sales Tax CITY OF M t.1fl \ � CITY OF � Monticello CIP mmgrmff 2023 2024 2026 2027 2028 2029 030 2031 Total Subtotal -Public Works 1,190,000 639,720 18,846,594 2,514,646 520,103 320,968 77,096 29,573 38,725 411,217 24,588,642 O .r.SUUWLF�2,445,000 4,495,00Pw 5,045,000 69IIY 1,745,000 645,000 4,245,000 •r• 2,245,000 12,395,000 37,500,000 Subtotal - Stormwater/Draina a 1,077,000 890,000 1,600,000 290,000 699,000 290,000 90,000 590,000 390,000 290,000 6,206,000 • X11 1,477,161• •, ••441 1,079,984 796,000 1,408,015• 770,000 1 111 • ••, ,323 Subtotal- Water 650,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 29,350,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 - 31,050,000 111 m 111,111,11,11F 11111 111 • . Subtotal - Fire & Rescue 747,000 19,000 32,000 190,500 381,000 26,000 191,500 876,500 27,000 17,000 2,507,500 1111 1 - ----- Subtotal -Facilities Maintenance Subtotal 125,000 40,000 - - - - - - - - 165,000 111 ... .... 111 111 1 111 Subtotal - Deputy Re istrar - - 30,000 - - 30,000 11 11 •• . 11 .1 11 11 • 11 Subtotal - MCC 101,000 130,000 115,000 160,000 75,000 250,000 60,000 891,000 Grand Total 8,084,400 8,673,172 32,749,233 12,023,087 36,463,616 2,879,468 7,677,116 13,516,952 4,201,002 13,279,375 139,547,42 MoWk�elo P Fund -inn Sc MoWk�elo 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Total General Fund General Govt 10,000 - - - - - - - - - 10,000 Fire & Rescue 22,000 19,000 32,000 40,500 31,000 26,000 26,500 26,500 27,000 17,000 267,500 Streets 95,000 370,000 70,000 370,000 70,000 370,000 70,000 370,000 70,000 370,000 2,225,000 Recreation 60,000 110,000 60,000 70,000 60,000 70,000 60,000 70,000 60,000 - 620,000 Community Center Fund 56,000 130,000 115,000 160,000 75,000 250,000 60,000 - - - 846,000 Capital Projects Fund 3,610,000 4,375,000 22,900,000 3,675,000 1,600,000 200,000 4,100,000 2,950,000 2,100,000 11,950,000 57,460,000 Street Lighting Fund 100,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 775,000 Park & Pathways Fund 50,000 885,000 268,000 940,000 910,000 726,000 1,343,000 2,125,000 710,000 10,000 7,967,000 Utility - Water Fund 650,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 29,350,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 - 31,050,000 Utility - Sewage Fund 1,212,000 722,790 6,541,196 5,750,000 557,029 375,000 1,425,005 6,875,000 553,777 129,658 24,141,455 Utility - Stormwater Fund 1,077,000 890,000 1,600,000 290,000 699,000 290,000 90,000 590,000 390,000 290,000 6,206,000 Liquor Store Fund 10,000 75,000 - 50,000 2,000,000 - - - - - 2,135,000 Deputy Registrar Fund - - - - 30,000 - - - - - 30,000 Facilities Maintenance Fund 30,000 - - 30,000 IT Services Fund 154,400 34,500 26,500 26,500 26,500 26,500 30,500 26,500 26,500 26,500 404,900 Central Equipment Fund 948,000 836,881 911,537 426,087 980,087 320,968 247,111 258,952 38,725 411,217 5,379,566 Summary Total 8,084,400 8,673,172 32,749,233 12,023,087 36,463,616 2,879,468 7,677,116 13,516,952 4,201,002 13,279,375 139,547,421 MoWk�elo \ � CITY OF � Monticello DEBT G.O. Debt Service Levies $3,500,000 $3,000,000 - $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $- 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 0 2014A 20156 0 2016A 0 2017A 2018A 2019A ■ 2020A CIOF Moniticeflo G.O. Debt Outstanding $30 $25 $20 - - $15 $10 - $5 ■ $- 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 0 2011A 20136 0 2014A 20156 0 2016A 0 2017A 0 2018A 2019A 2020A MoWk�elo \ 'K C I1Y 0F ii Monticeflo TAX & MARKET VALUE INFORMATION 0 South Haven Howard Lake Clearwater Cokato Maple Lake Waverly Annandale Buffalo Montrose Dayton Delano Albertville Hanover Rockford Wright County St. Michael Monticello Otsego Tax Rates - 2021 72.596 69.513 5 t1.01 61.994 60.997 54.256 51.607 51.378 49.369 801 44.343 43.719 17 34.653 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 �.17V �]f Property Tax Levies & LGA - 2021 Monticello Buffalo St. Michael Otsego Albertville Delano Rockford Cokato Annandale Montrose Hanover Maple Lake Howard Lake Clearwater Waverly South Haven 77 $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 ■ Levy ■ LGA Millions MoWk�elo MmUn,inFrae Tax Capacity Rates by Taxing Authority 140 120 w ♦ ♦ 100 ♦ M*Aft as N go r U 80 W 0 0 v m a 60 'u m CL m U - - x. 40 T 20 0 tidy~ IV IV ti ti ti ti lip IV County City --dr—School ♦ Total CIOF Moniticelq MonticelloTaxes t;r(,a I' Moniticeflo 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Property Property Property Property Property % $$ Fund Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Change Change General Fund $6,590,000 $6,670,000 $6,788,000 $7,169,000 $ 7,475,000 4.3% $306,000 MCC - Operating 387,000 402,000 417,000 485,000 485,000 0.0% - Capital 783,000 662,354 300,013 578,221 564,374 -2.4% (13,847) 2020A GO Bonds - - - 117,586 123,196 4.8% 5,610 2019A GO Bonds - - 728,620 714,945 709,446 -0.8% (5,499) 2018A GO Bonds - 500,000 472,434 448,077 451,812 0.8% 3,735 2017A GO Bonds 450,159 429,782 427,367 430,097 427,367 -0.6% (2,730) 2016A GO Bonds 407,769 409,134 405,039 406,089 406,929 0.2% 840 2015B GO Bonds 203,425 200,905 198,385 201,115 192,650 -4.2% (8,465) 2014A GO Judgment Bonds 537,586 537,244 535,501 513,570 517,226 0.7% 3,656 2005A/2011A GO IBF 148,061 150,581 172,641 - - - - 2010A GO IBF 40,000 - - - - - - Total City Levy $9,547,000 $9,962,000 $10,445,000 $11,063,700 $11,353,000 2.6% $289,300 HRA Levy 323,000 348,000 355,000 366,300 388,000 5.9% 21,700 Total $9,870,000 $10,310,000 $10,800,000 $11,430,000 $11,741,000 2.7% $311,000 Change $440,000 $490,000 $630,000 $311,000 4.5% 4.8% 5.8% 2.7% t;r(,a I' Moniticeflo Property Tax Levy (Proposed 2022) r pp - Debt Service, $2,828,.. Capital, General Fund, $564,374, 5% , HRA Levy, $388,000, lo MCC Operations, $485,000, 4% MoWk�elo 2020/2021 2021/2022 rotal Change I& New Construction Existina Change Residential $ 894, 321, 400 $ 9555 002, 500 $ 60, 681,100 $ 9,985,700 $ 50, 695, 400 Commercial & Industrial $ 287, 347, 200 $ 289, 463, 900 $ 21116,700 $ 2,089,600 $ 27,100 Apartments $ 88, 502,100 $ 1075 310, 800 $ 18,808,700 $ 13,711,800 $ 51096,900 • New Construction 1.12% 0.73% 15.49% • Existina Change 5.67% 0.01% 5.76% CITY OF Miff 10 Vs t. I-_ 2012 $15,771,688 4.0% 46.191 I -1.6% $7,850,000 �.2% 2013 $18,692,762 18.5% 42.262 -8.5% $7,900,000 0.6% 2014 $18,244,090 -2.4% 44.672 5.7% $8,150,000 3.2% 2015 $23,882,689 30.9% 35.737 -20.0% $8,535,000 4.7% 2016 $25,891,898 8.4% 34.470 -3.5% $8,925,000 4.6% 2017 $27,583,160 6.5% 33.172 -3.8% $9,150,000 2.5% 2018 $29,528,145 7.1% 32.332 -2.5% $9,547,000 4.3% 2019 $29,076,227 -1.5% 34.262 6.0% $9,962,000 4.3% 2020 $29,870,392 2.7% 34.968 2.1% $10,445,000 4.8% 2021 $31,026,583 3.9% 35.659 2.0% $11,063,700 5.9% 2022 $31,910,837 2.8% 35.577 -0.2% $11,353,000 2.6% MoWk�elo t;r(,a I' Moniticeflo 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Property Property Property Property Property % $$ Fund Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Change Change General Fund $6,590,000 $6,670,000 $6,788,000 $7,169,000 $ 7,475,000 4.3% $306,000 MCC - Operating 387,000 402,000 417,000 485,000 485,000 0.0% - Capital 783,000 662,354 300,013 578,221 564,374 -2.4% (13,847) 2020A GO Bonds - - - 117,586 123,196 4.8% 5,610 2019A GO Bonds - - 728,620 714,945 709,446 -0.8% (5,499) 2018A GO Bonds - 500,000 472,434 448,077 451,812 0.8% 3,735 2017A GO Bonds 450,159 429,782 427,367 430,097 427,367 -0.6% (2,730) 2016A GO Bonds 407,769 409,134 405,039 406,089 406,929 0.2% 840 2015B GO Bonds 203,425 200,905 198,385 201,115 192,650 -4.2% (8,465) 2014A GO Judgment Bonds 537,586 537,244 535,501 513,570 517,226 0.7% 3,656 2005A/2011A GO IBF 148,061 150,581 172,641 - - - - 2010A GO IBF 40,000 - - - - - - Total City Levy $9,547,000 $9,962,000 $10,445,000 $11,063,700 $11,353,000 2.6% $289,300 HRA Levy 323,000 348,000 355,000 366,300 388,000 5.9% 21,700 Total $9,870,000 $10,310,000 $10,800,000 $11,430,000 $11,741,000 2.7% $311,000 Change $440,000 $490,000 $630,000 $311,000 4.5% 4.8% 5.8% 2.7% t;r(,a I' Moniticeflo Residential Estimated Market Value Homestead Exclusion Taxable Market Value Res. Homestead Class Rate Tax Capacity Tax Capacity Rate City Tax Owed Tax Year Tax Year $ 305,300 $ 9,800 $ 322,600 $ 8,200 $ 295,500 1.0% $ 314,400 1.0% $ 2,955 $ 3,144 35.659% 35.577% Change $ 17,300 5.7% $ (1,600) -16.3% $ 18,900 6.4% $ 1,053.72 $ 1,118.54 $ 189 6.4% -0.1% -0.2% 64.82 6.2% v Sr (,a l' Mceflo.1 Commercial Estimated Market Value Homestead Exclusion Taxable Market Value Commercial Class Rate: F rst $150,000 Over $150,000 Tax Capacity: F rst $150,000 Over $150,000 Total Tax Capacity Tax Capacity Rate City Tax Owed Tax Year Tax Year Change % $1,095,000 $1,096,100 $ 1,100 0.1% $ - $ - $ - 0.0% $1,095,000 $1,096,100 $ 1,100 0.1% 1.5% 1.5% 2.0% 2.0% $ 2,250 $ 2,250 $ - 0.0% 18,900 18,922 22 0.1% 21,150 21,172 22.00 0.1% 35.659% 35.577% -0.082% -0.2% $ 7,541.88 $ 7,532.36 $ (9.52) -0.1% MoWk�elo \ 'K CITY OF � Monticello GENERAL FUND DTFSiii: General Fund Revenues - 2022 Property Taxes (71%) Franchise & Other Taxes (3%) ■ Licenses & Permits (4%) ■ Intergovernmental Revenues (4%) Charges for Services (10%) 0 All Other (8%) GENERAL FUND REVENUES Property Taxes Tax Increments Franchise & Other Taxes Sale of Goods Licenses & Permits Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Fines & Forfeits Special Assessments Miscellaneous Contributed Capital Operating Transfers In Debt Proceeds TOTAL REVENUES 2019 ACTUAL $ 6,667,831 $ 232,816 603,925 431,004 746,706 40,054 802 509,858 29,340 25,000 $ 9,287,336 $ 2020 ACTUAL 6,774,776 $ 216,864 521,369 737,650 885,951 31,852 166 621,431 9,790,059 2021 BUDGET 7,169, 000 $ 256,500 420,300 404,000 965,300 41,600 150 618,150 2021 THRU 6/30 3,773,390 $ 57,292 354,283 98,005 554,126 22,698 235 269,246 2022 BUDGET 7,475,000 258,000 421,100 463,000 1,078,600 51,600 100 752,600 CHANGE 4.3% 0.6% 0.2% 14.6% 11.7% 24.0% -33.3% 21.8% 129,275 $ 10, 500, 000 6.30/1 CITY OF M �.1fl General Fund Expenditures - 2022 General Government (24%) ■ Public Safety (28%) ■ Public Works (33%) ■ Recreation & Culture (15%) Operating Transfers (0.1%) DTFSiii: GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY DEPT 2019 ACTUAL 2020 ACTUAL 2021 BUDGET 2021 THRU 6/30 2022 BUDGET % CHANGE GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mayor and Council $ 57,409 $ 52,589 $ 59,178 $ 26,789 $ 59,262 0.1% City Administration 443,963 789,820 956,408 381,715 1,095,517 14.5% City Clerk 121,197 180,824 128,960 59,092 194,593 50.9% Finance 456,902 451,819 458,156 224,075 493,557 7.7% Audit 45,940 39,559 44,000 44,797 45,000 2.3% City Assessing 64,554 70,115 75,000 75,068 78,000 4.0% Legal 41,837 29,340 35,000 7,291 32,000 -8.6% Human Resources 142,812 142,232 139,054 62,428 148,395 6.7% Planning & Zoning 315,091 339,005 268,867 161,907 313,710 16.7% City Hall 66,422 60,501 86,910 42,955 118,207 36.0% Prairie Center Building 21,225 14,857 23,183 9,741 10,000 -56.9% TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 1,777,352 $ 2,170,661 $ 2,274,716 $ 1,095,860 $ 2,588,241 13.8% CITY OF i M 0 �.1e( fl OTH I i a On. GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY DEPT 2019 ACTUAL 2020 ACTUAL 2021 BUDGET 2021 THRU 6/30 2022 BUDGET % CHANGE PUBLIC SAFETY Law Enforcement $ 1,455,727 $ 1,524,150 $ 1,595,638 $ 800,161 $ 1,650,816 3.5% Fire & Rescue 477,941 414,399 502,257 185,220 559,190 11.3% Fire Relief 123,640 131,638 135,000 - 140,000 3.7% Building Inspections 324,072 354,251 466,357 223,341 496,974 6.6% Emergency Management 8,253 257,565 6,000 9,208 25,225 320.4% Animal Control 46,709 49,522 56,842 23,576 59,957 5.5% National Guard 13,423 12,429 14,000 6,493 14,000 0.0% TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY $ 2,449,765 $ 2,743,954 $ 2,776,094 $ 1,248,001 $ 2,946,162 6.1% CITY OF i M 0 �.1e( fl GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY DEPT 2019 ACTUAL 2020 ACTUAL 2021 BUDGET 2021 THRU 6/30 2022 BUDGET % CHANGE PUBLIC WORKS Public Works Administration $ 228,625 $ 221,881 $ 243,340 $ 115,069 $ 201,826 -17.1% Engineering 111,710 80,432 112,405 24,595 - -100.0% Public Works Inspections 90,047 102,110 169,632 39,870 364,229 114.7% Streets &Alleys 920,384 777,633 1,294,694 372,917 1,126,343 -13.0% Ice & Snow 454,607 326,120 375,600 198,646 411,889 9.7% Shop & Garage 178,063 199,310 256,932 117,714 351,893 37.0% Stormw ater 27,650 - - - - --- Street Lighting 210,948 191,829 237,000 91,863 237,000 0.0% Refuse Collection 610,944 681,948 722,936 245,188 802,878 11.1% TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $ 2,832,978 $ 2,581,263 $ 3,412,539 $ 1,205,863 $ 3,496,057 2.4% CITY OF i M 0 �.1e( fl GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY DEPT 2019 ACTUAL 2020 ACTUAL 2021 BUDGET 2021 THRU 6/30 2022 BUDGET % CHANGE RECREATION AND CULTURE Senior Center 102,169 103,662 106,363 52,267 106,363 0.0% Park Operations 925,482 1,040,665 1,061,609 500,260 1,200,738 13.1% Park Ballfields 19,836 23,685 27,400 6,737 27,400 0.0% Public Arts 46,954 36,092 57,500 31,776 72,227 25.6% Shade Tree 61,396 79,024 105,065 56,002 118,417 12.7% Library 53,592 48,068 53,714 31,446 53,396 -0.6% TOTAL RECREATION AND CULTURI $ 1,209,429 $ 1,331,196 $ 1,411,651 $ 678,489 $ 1,578,540 11.8% t;r(,a I' Moniticeflo GENERAL FUND OTHER USES 2019 ACTUAL 2020 ACTUAL 2021 BUDGET 2021 THRU 6/30 2022 % BUDGET CHANGE Operating Transfers $ 1,450,040 $ 1,000,000 $ - $ - $ 6,000 --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 9,719,564 $ 9,827,074 $ 9,875,000 $ 4,228,212 $10,615,000 7.5% FUND BALANCE- JANUARY 1 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $ 7,109,478 (432,228) $ 6,677,250 (37,015) $ 6,640,235 - $ 6,640,235 901,063 $ 7,541,298 (115,000) FUND BALANCE - DECEMBER 31 $ 6,677,250 $ 6,640,235 $ 6,640,235 $ 7,541,298 $ 7,426,298 Sr (,a l' Mceflo.1 \ 'K C I1Y 0F ii Monticeflo COMMUNITY CENTER FUND (GENERAL FUND) MCC Fund Revenues - 2022 Property Taxes (35%) ■ Charges for Services (64%) Miscellaneous (1%) CIOF Moniticeflo MCC Fund Expenditures - 2022 ■ Personnel Services (61%) Supplies (6%) Other Services & Charges (33%) CIOF Moniticeflo COMMUNITY CENTER REVENUES Property Taxes Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Miscellaneous Operating Transfers In TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Personnel Services Supplies Other Services & Charges Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2019 2020 2021 2021 2022 M ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET THRU 6/30 BUDGET $ 402,000 $ 417,000 $ 485,000 $ 242,500 $ 485,000 - 42,827 - - - 1,361,002 496,912 423,700 293,563 899,000 63,534 54,287 2,300 30,204 16,000 - 425,000 325,000 - - $ 1,826,536 $ 1,436,026 $ 1,236,000 $ 566,267 $ 1,400,000 $ 1,132,228 $ 871,143 $ 740,712 $ 192,222 96,312 77,120 550,104 288,123 418,168 319,295 367,573 - $ 2,193,849 $ 1,623,151 $ 1,236,000 $ FUND BALANCE- JANUARY 1 $ Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures FUND BALANCE- DECEMBER 31 $ 403,954 $ 1,104,382 22,541 119,600 137,808 593,018 564,302 $ 1,817,000 606,795 $ 239,482 $ 52,357 $ 52,357 $ 54,322 367,313) (187,125) - 1,965 (417,000) 239,482 $ 52,357 $ 52,357 $ 54,322 $ (362,678) CHANGE 0.0% 112.2% 595.7% -100.0% 13.3% 49.1% 55.1% 41.8% 47.0% CITY OF M �.1fl \ 'K CITY OF � Monticello ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) FUND EDA FUND REVENUES 2019 ACTUAL 2020 ACTUAL 2021 BUDGET 2021 THRU 6/30 2022 BUDGET CHANGE Property Taxes $ 347,881 $ 354,390 $ 366,300 $ 189,477 $ 388,000 5.9% Tax Increments 679,925 707,824 617,344 379,791 630,344 2.1% Franchise & Other Taxes 634 690 - (24) - --- Intergovernmental Revenues - 185,000 - - 25,000 --- Operating Transfers In - - - - 6,000 --- TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,186,084 $ 1,332,644 $ 1,186,000 $ 585,639 $ 1,093,000 -7.8% EXPENDITURES Personnel Services Supplies Other Services & Charges Capital Outlay Operating Transfers Out TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 127,129 $ 134,190 $ 137,597 $ 64,928 $ 175,790 27.8% 146 - 200 - 200 0.0% 601,606 1,757,517 289,879 42,255 324,785 12.0% 154,404 35,496 190,324 - 188,300 -1.1% 230,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 197,925 -1.0% $ 1,113,285 $ 2,127,203 $ 818,000 $ 307,183 $ 887,000 8.4% FUND BALANCE- JANUARY 1 $ 7,240,465 $ 7,313,264 $ 6,518,705 $ 6,518,705 $ 6,797,161 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 72,799 (794,559) 368,000 278,456 206,000 FUND BALANCE- DECEMBER 31 $ 7,313,264 $ 6,518,705 $ 6,886,705 $ 6,797,161 $ 7,003,161 CITY OF M �.1fl 'i 0 I \ 'K CITY OF � Monticello CHELSEA COMMONS FINAL DISCUSSION Paver/Trailer Fire Rate Interns City Hall Door Engineering Prof Svcs Streets Small Tools & Equip Ice & Snow Equip Repair Parts Shop R&M - Mach & Equip Parks Chemical Products GF CEF 16,900 130,000 4,600 8,500 15,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 115,000 130,000 CITY OF M �.1fl MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 26, 2021— 4:30 p.m. Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Lloyd Hilgart, Jim Davidson, Charlotte Gabler, Sam Murdoff Absent: Brian Hudgins Others: Rachel Leonard, Sarah Rathlisberger, Angela Schumann, Matt Leonard, Ron Hackenmueller, Tom Pawelk, and Jennifer Schreiber Call to Order Mayor Hilgart called special meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. 2. Budget Review Rachel Leonard, City Administrator, gave a brief introduction for the budget workshop, the second workshop on the 2022 budget. Sarah Rathlisberger, Finance Director, provided information on capital projects and funding options. Equipment expenditures for items between $500 and $10,000 are recorded as small tools and equipment and are funded as supplies with current revenues. Larger projects are considered capital projects and can be funded by a variety of ways such as through levy increase, debt issuance, grants, capital reserves, money transfers, franchise fees, or local option sales tax. The City Council had general discussion about assessments, selling property, downtown development and Bertram Chain of Lakes complex. Tom Pawelk commented on the need for surveillance cameras in parks. The parks have had a significant increase in vandalism and the cost to the City keeps increasing. There was continued discussion about funding large projects such as a Water Treatment Facility and the Fallon Avenue trunk sewer line. As part of the discussion, a local option sales tax was mentioned. The City Council expressed support to research this funding mechanism. 3. Adjournment By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Council Special Meeting Minutes — July 26, 2021 City Administrator REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 26, 2021— 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Lloyd Hilgart, Jim Davidson, Charlotte Gabler, Brian Hudgins, and Sam Murdoff Absent: None 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Hilgart called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. Approval of Agenda Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the agenda. Councilmember Hudgins seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Regular Meeting Minutes from July 12, 2021 • Special Meeting Minutes from July 19, 2021 Councilmember Davidson moved approval of both sets of minutes. Councilmember Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. D. Citizen Comments None. E. Council Liaison Updates • EDA—Councilmember Davidson provided an update on the EDA meeting. - EDA member Bill Tapper submitted his resignation, and his term will end August 31, 2021. - Rustech Brewery approached EDA on a loan. - Recommendation on EDA levy for 2022. • CMRP — Rachel Leonard noted that the CMRP met and discussed budget items. In addition, CMRP hired a contract project manager and is working on a branding package. • Parks, Arts, & Recreation — Councilmember Murdoff noted that the commission discussed renovating the 4' Street ballfield into a winter skating rink. They also discussed adding a pickleball court to Groveland Park. F. Department Update • Economic Development Update—Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager, presented an economic development update. The update included information on economic development tool kit, the EDA and IEDC work plan, TIF Districts, Loan Programs, studies, and projects. City Council Minutes: July 26, 2021 Page 1 1 5 • Riverfest Recap — Tom Pawelk gave a brief recap of the 2021 Riverfest activities. • Online Building Permit Update —Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk, and Ron Hackenmueller, Building Official, gave a brief update on the new online system for submitting building permits. • Construction Update — Matt Leonard provided an update on the Fenning Avenue/CR 118 road construction project and noted that they will be starting the roundabout in near future. 2. Consent Agenda: Councilmember Davidson moved approval of the consent agenda. Councilmember Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Action taken: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a $671,558.84. B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for city departments. Action taken: Approved the hires for Administration, IT, MCC, and Parks & Recreation and departures for DMV, Liquor Store, and MCC. C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property for the Parks Department. Action taken: No report this cycle. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-59 accepting a donation for Fire Department general use of $400 from the Riverfest Committee. Action taken: Adopted the resolution accepting the donation. E. Consideration of approving an application for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle and bingo to be conducted by the Wright County Ducks Unlimited, Chapter 39 in conjunction with their annual banquet on September 20, 2021. Action taken: Approved the application. Consideration of approving Special Event Permit allowing use of the Commuter Lot and related assistance and approving a temporary liquor license for Taste of the Towns event on September 16, 2021. Applicant: Monticello Rotary Club. Action taken: Special event permit, use of Commuter Lot and related assistance and temporary liquor license was approved. G. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-51 approving a Development Stage Planned Unit Development and Resolution 2021-52 approving Preliminary Plat for Stony Brook Village, to include 28 Twin Home Units in the R-2 (Single Family and 2 Family Residential) District. Applicant: Mark Elliot Homes. Action taken: Adopted Resolution 2021-51 recommending approval of the Stony Brook Village preliminary plat, subject to conditions in Exhibit Z as recommended by the Planning Commission and based on findings in said resolution and adopted Resolution 2021-52 recommending approval of the Stony Brook Village Development Stage PUD, subject to conditions in Exhibit Z as recommended by the Planning Commission and based on findings in said resolution. City Council Minutes: July 26, 2021 Page 2 1 5 H. Consideration of approving a Final Plat to create a single lot for an existing financial institution in the Central Community District (CCD). Applicant: CorTrust Bank (Mark Nettesheim). Action taken: Adopted Resolution 2021-53 approving the final plat for CorTrust Bank Monticello, based on conditions and findings in said resolution. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-54 approving the extension of flexibility and temporary waivers or suspensions of fees and ordinances as related to outdoor dining areas and temporary signs. Action taken: Adopted Resolution 2021-54 approving an extension through October 31, 2021, for flexibility and temporary waivers or suspensions of fees and ordinances as related to expanded outdoor dining areas and temporary signs. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-55 accepting a petition and calling for a public hearing on August 23, 2021, for vacation of a portion of Dundas Road and Marvin Road right of way as legally described for the proposed Kampschroer Addition. Action taken: Adopted Resolution 2021-55 accepting the petition and setting the public hearing for August 23, 2021. K. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-56 accepting bids and awarding contract to Visu-Sewer for the 2021 CIPP Sanitary Sewer Lining Project, City Project No. 21CO06 for a total amount of $105,832.50. Action taken: Adopted Resolution 2021-56 accepting bids and awarding project to Visu-Sewer for the amount noted. L. Consideration of approving the replacement of the Parks Department 2010 Bobcat A770 skid loader and purchase of a 2021 Bobcat A770 skid loader with bucket and a 60 -month extended warranty for $74,212.07 through the Central Equipment Fund. Action taken: Approved the purchase with the warranty. M. Consideration of authorizing the purchase of a 2021 Huffcutt Birch Modular Restrooms for $135,250 to replace existing restrooms at Ellison Park. Action taken: Authorized the purchase of 2021 Huffcutt Birch Modular restrooms. N. Consideration of approving updates to the park maintenance shed at Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park for school district use at a total cost of $36,917. Action taken: Approved the updates to the park maintenance shed at BCOL. 3. Public Hearings: A. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-57 modifying Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District #1-22 for parcel removals related to lot combinations Angela Schumann presented the item and noted that the mentioned parcels were being removed for administrative purposes and to allow the replat of the CorTrust Bank property. The plat cannot be recorded by Wright County until the parcels were removed. There were four parcels presented for removal. The four parcels were 155-010-016070 (First MN Bank), 155-010-016090 (First MN Bank), City Council Minutes: July 26, 2021 Page 3 1 5 155-010-016100 (First MN Bank), and 155-010-069080 (Grimsmo Funeral Home). The modification of the boundaries of TIF 1-22 will not change the classification of the district. Mayor Hilgart opened the public hearing. No one testified. Mayor Hilgart closed the public hearing. There was minimal discussion by the City Council. Councilmember Gabler motioned to adopt Resolution 2021-57 modifying TIF District 1-22 for parcel removals related to lot combinations. Councilmember Murdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Regular Agenda: A. Consideration to proceed with relocating the DMV to 118 W. 6th Street and authorizing staff to work with the Construction Manager to bid out project specifications Sarah Rathlisberger, Finance Director, provided an overview of the proposed new DMV location at 118 W. 6th Street. As part of the presentation, layouts of the office space were shown, including the lobby area and the back-office space. In addition, staff has met with the construction manager and vendors regarding IT, security, and other needs required for the building and increased traffic. The anticipated cost of the project is $567,962 and approximate completion date is November 15, 2021. City Council had general questions about lobby space and the number of workstations. Mayor Hilgart motioned for the City to proceed with relocating the DMV to 118 W. 6th Street and to authorize staff to work with Kraus Anderson to bid out the project specifications. Councilmember Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. B. Consideration of approving a feasibility study for improvements on County Ditch 33 for a total amount of 525.970 Matt Leonard, Public Works Director/City Engineer, presented the history of the public drainage system Wright County Ditch 33 which exists over a large area of the City and the orderly annexation area. In 2019 Wright County agreed to reclaim ownership of Ditch 33 and determined how costs should be distributed per MN Statute. The ditch repair costs are significand and interjurisdictional cooperation is important. Wright County, Monticello Township and the City have been meeting regularly. Mr. Leonard also noted that a new outlet to the Mississippi River was planned as part of past developments, but never occurred. Because of the this, the current areas of disrepair now pose a challenge for additional development. Future development would likely increase flows into Ditch 33 and would require a discharge permit. City Council Minutes: July 26, 2021 Page 4 1 5 To better understand the costs to repair the ditch and the ability to accommodate future growth, it was proposed that a feasibility study be completed. The City Council discussed the item and questioned some detail. Mayor Hilgart requested that Mr. Leonard address the flooding issue and the need to review the ditch. Mr. Leonard noted that Wright County has had many requests from homeowners to fix the problem because their properties or septic systems have flooded because of the ditch. The cost to remedy is significant. Certain funding options, such as the CET grant or grant programs were discussed. Councilmember Davidson motioned to authorize a feasibility study for improvements on County Ditch 33 for a total amount of $25,970. Councilmember Murdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. S. Adjournment: By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 7:42 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes: July 26, 2021 Page 5 1 5 City Council Agenda: 08/09/2021 2A. Consideration of approving payment of bills Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Finance Director 08/09/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $684,074.12. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. I. Budget Impact: N/A II. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of bill and purchase card registers as presented. SUPPORTING DATA • Bill registers and purchase card registers Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 08/02/2021 - 1:30PM Batch: 00215.07.2021 - 215.07.2021 Xcel/CPE Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Moiiii6effo Y Reference Vendor: 2968 BOND TRUST SERV CORP - Wire Transfer Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 65251 Series 2011 AGO Refunding Bonds - Interest 2,925.00 07/31/2021 312-47000-461100 Check Total: 2,925.00 Vendor: 1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 07/31/2021 5863599-6 - Animal Shelter 13.20 07/31/2021 101-42700-438100 07/31/2021 8235331-9 - Prairie Center 2.40 07/31/2021 101-41941-438100 07/31/2021 5828859-8 - Storage Garage 3.33 07/31/2021 101-41940-438100 07/31/2021 5864452-7 - Library 39.65 07/31/2021 101-45501-438100 07/31/2021 6401745330-5 - 349 W Broadway 12.20 07/31/2021 101-45204-438100 07/31/2021 5804618-6 - Parks (Fallon) 15.00 07/31/2021 101-45201-438100 07/31/2021 8235333-5 - P.C. (U Fab) 5.22 07/31/2021 101-41941-438100 07/31/2021 5768542-2 - MCC 2,046.03 07/31/2021 226-45126-438100 07/31/2021 5768542-2 - City Hall 88.48 07/31/2021 101-41940-438100 07/31/2021 5768542-2 - National Guard 44.24 07/31/2021 101-42800-438100 07/31/2021 5768542-2 - Senior Center 33.18 07/31/2021 101-45175-438100 07/31/2021 8000015233-2 - WWTP 923.35 07/31/2021 602-49480-438100 07/31/2021 6402462182-9 - Help Center 6.89 07/31/2021 653-41990-438100 07/31/2021 6402504048-2 - 107 Broadway W 12.32 07/31/2021 213-46301-438100 07/31/2021 6402504046-6 - 101 Broadway W 12.24 07/31/2021 101-45204-438100 Check Total: 3,257.73 Vendor: 5188 HEALTHY CONTRIBUTIONS Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 7/22/2021 AARP Supplement/At Your Best 7.05 07/31/2021 226-45122-430900 Check Total: 7.05 Vendor: 1592 IRS Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: True 07/26/2021 IRS FICA Paid In Error - To Be Refunded 41.35 07/31/2021 101-00000-115030 Check Total: 41.35 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/02/2021 - 1:30 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 5646 JACK HENRY & ASSOCIATES, INC. Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 3734779 Client Account Fee - July 2021 67.82 07/31/2021 226-45122-443980 Check Total: 67.82 Vendor: 5415 MII LIFE INSURANCE INC Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True 15769044 Participant Fee - July 2021 36.90 07/31/2021 101-41800-413500 39896411 FSA- Dependent Care 1,991.44 07/31/2021 101-00000-217200 39896411 FSA -Medical 57.74 07/31/2021 101-00000-217300 39908852 FSA- Dependent Care 497.86 07/31/2021 101-00000-217200 Check Total: 2,583.94 Vendor: 4732 MONEY MOVERS, INC. Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: True 140393 Fitness Rewards - June 2021 15.25 07/31/2021 226-45122-430900 Check Total: 15.25 Vendor: 2405 WELLS FARGO - Monthly Charges/Returns Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: True 07/19/2021 Duplicate CC Charge LIQ 3.98 07/31/2021 609-49754-378150 07/19/2021 Duplicate CC Charge LIQ 27.98 07/31/2021 609-49754-378120 07/19/2021 Duplicate CC Charge LIQ 66.98 07/31/2021 609-49754-378110 07/19/2021 Duplicate CC Charge LIQ - Gen Sales Tax 0.29 07/31/2021 609-00000-208100 07/19/2021 Duplicate CC Charge LIQ - LIQ Sales Tax 9.20 07/31/2021 609-00000-208100 7/31/2021 BrainTree CC Fees (Bldg) 38.80 07/31/2021 101-42400-443980 Check Total: 147.23 Vendor: 1585 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: True 6/31/2021 51-9391437-3 - Prairie Center 174.22 07/31/2021 101-41941-438100 6/31/2021 51-6505909-4 - DMV/Food Shelf 258.92 07/31/2021 653-41990-438100 6/31/2021 51-6505915-2 - Parks 696.47 07/31/2021 101-45201-438100 6/31/2021 51-6505911-8 -MCC 0.00 07/31/2021 226-45126-438100 6/31/2021 51-6505912-9 - Animal Shelter 153.19 07/31/2021 101-42700-438100 6/31/2021 51-4271112-2 - Library 0.00 07/31/2021 101-45501-438100 6/31/2021 51-6505907-2 - Park Lots- auto 73.79 07/31/2021 101-43160-438100 6/31/2021 51-6505907-2 - Parking Lots 70.94 07/31/2021 101-43160-438100 6/31/2021 51-6505905-0 - Water 5,779.20 07/31/2021 601-49440-438100 6/31/2021 51-6505915-2 - Ice Rink 33% 87.83 07/31/2021 601-49440-438100 6/31/2021 ZZZNEP-IMPLEM- 51-6505908-3 18.37 07/31/2021 101-42500-438100 6/31/2021 51-6505911-8 - City Hall 0.00 07/31/2021 101-41940-438100 6/31/2021 51-6505914-1 - Shop/Garage 916.88 07/31/2021 101-43127-438100 6/31/2021 51-6505913-0 - Fire Station 1,028.29 07/31/2021 101-42200-438100 6/31/2021 51-7780310-4 - Bldg. Inspec. G 36.59 07/31/2021 101-41940-438100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/02/2021 - 1:30 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 6/31/2021 51-0623082-8 - MontiArts 48.51 07/31/2021 101-45204-438100 6/31/2021 51-6505915-2 - NSP- Softball 246.95 07/31/2021 101-45203-438100 6/31/2021 51-6505910-7 - Liquor Store 1,599.78 07/31/2021 609-49754-438100 6/31/2021 51-6505906-1 - Sewer 1,270.46 07/31/2021 602-49490-438100 6/31/2021 51-0395766-0 - Ramsey Pumphous 0.00 07/31/2021 601-49440-438100 6/31/2021 51-6505911-8 - Senior Center 0.00 07/31/2021 101-45175-438100 6/31/2021 51-6572904-0 - WWTP 16,588.11 07/31/2021 602-49480-438100 6/31/2021 51-6505915-2 - NSP- consc/sec. 85.57 07/31/2021 101-45203-438100 6/31/2021 51-6505916-3 - Street Lights 12,238.79 07/31/2021 101-43160-438100 6/31/2021 51-0371645-4 - SwanCam 18.74 07/31/2021 101-45201-438100 6/31/2021 51-6505911-8 - National Guard 0.00 07/31/2021 101-42800-438100 6/31/2021 51-6505913-0- Parks Bldg 388.29 07/31/2021 101-45201-438100 6/31/2021 51-13295413-8 - 103 Pine St 40.41 07/31/2021 213-46301-438100 6/31/2021 51-13295413-8 - Parks 20.33 07/31/2021 101-45201-438100 6/31/2021 51-13295413-8 - Water 20.33 07/31/2021 601-49440-438100 6/31/2021 51-13295413-8 -Streets 20.34 07/31/2021 101-43120-438100 6/31/2021 51-0013373403-2 - MontiArts 120.73 07/31/2021 101-45204-438100 6/31/2021 Solar Rewards Credits -27,194.37 07/31/2021 101-41310-362140 6/31/2021 booked to AR 1,930.98 07/31/2021 101-00000-115030 Check Total: 16,738.64 Total for Check Run: 25,784.01 Total of Number of Checks: 9 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 8/9/2021 Approved by Mayor Lloyd Hilgart AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/02/2021 - 1:30 PM) Page 3 Accounts Payable CITY' OF Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Moiiii6effo User: Julie.Cheney Printed: 08/04/2021 - 10:46AM Batch: 00202.08.2021 - 202.08.2021 AP Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 5750 ALICIA MAI AMUNDSON Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 7/30/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 7/22 & ' 47.00 08/10/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 47.00 Vendor: 5787 HEATHER ANDERSON Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 7/30/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 7/29/21 10.00 08/10/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 10.00 Vendor: 3991 ANOKA RAMSEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 00464480 Seasonal Safety Training (6/8/21) 750.00 08/10/2021 101-41800-431960 00464494 Right to Know, Fire Extinguisher, AWAIR Train 1,150.00 08/10/2021 101-41800-431960 Check Total: 1,900.00 Vendor: 1039 AQUA LOGIC INC Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: True 51570 Replace Front End Recirculation Pump in Spa 427.00 08/10/2021 226-45126-440100 Check Total: 427.00 Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False 311723 resale- beer credit inv. # 3467251 -64.76 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 311724 resale- beer credit inv. # 3483469 -27.20 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 3485807 resale- beer 101.80 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 3486094 resale- beer 204.95 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 3487086 resale- beer 404.90 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 619.69 Vendor: 4502 ARVIG Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True 317873 Purchase & Install 60W Port Switch 515.00 08/10/2021 702-00000-431990 Check Total: 515.00 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/04/2021 - 10:46 AM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: True 103660900 resale- can coolers 195.25 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 103660900 asst. bags 362.60 08/10/2021 609-49754-421990 103660900 freight 2.56 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 90357700 resale- liquor 9,210.17 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 90357700 freight 103.85 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 90474400 freight 153.98 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 90474400 resale -liquor 13,546.92 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 90474400 resale- wine 300.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425300 90523800 resale- liquor credit -199.48 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 90523800 freight credit -1.55 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 90543800 resale -liquor 2,526.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 26,200.30 Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 235400 resale- beer -40.76 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 235401 resale- soda pop 15.16 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 235402 resale- beer n/a 308.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 235402 resale- beer 2,320.90 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 237913 resale - soda pop 262.64 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 237914 resale- beer n/a 28.50 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 237914 resale- beer 2,646.30 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 253403 Resale - Pop, Water, Gatorade, Juice 281.30 08/10/2021 226-45125-425410 253403 Rental/Party Supplies: Pop, Water, Gatorade, Jui 430.80 08/10/2021 226-45123-421990 253403 Concession Supplies: Cups 62.19 08/10/2021 226-45125-421990 Check Total: 6,315.03 Vendor: 1074 BOLTON AND MENK INC Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 0273040 ZPARKS ELREST - Ellison Park Restroom Sur% 947.50 08/10/2021 400-43300-453010 0273041 21C005 - Sewer Comp Plan 517.00 08/10/2021 601-49440-431990 0273064 200002 CONSTR - 2020 Stormwater Improvem 1,322.50 08/10/2021 652-00000-165010 Check Total: 2,787.00 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPIF Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 340382637 resale- liquor 1,784.94 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 340382637 resale- wine 460.81 08/10/2021 609-49750-425300 340382637 freight 33.96 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 340470633 resale- liquor 7,900.08 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 340470633 resale- wine 499.66 08/10/2021 609-49750-425300 340470633 resale- mix 174.10 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/04/2021 - 10:46 AM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 340470633 freight 96.95 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 340470634 resale- beer 122.75 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 11,073.25 Vendor: 4100 KATHRYN BRISBOIS Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: True 7/29/2021 Mileage Reimbursement - Dealer Runs (71 mile: 39.76 08/10/2021 653-41990-433100 Check Total: 39.76 Vendor: 1091 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: True 2348-000OG 227 General Admin - June 2021 3,419.20 08/10/2021 101-41610-430400 2348-000OG 227 Planning & Zoning Admin - June 2021 256.00 08/10/2021 101-41910-430400 2348-000OG 227 PW Admin - June 2021 136.00 08/10/2021 101-43110-431990 2348-000OG 227 Parks - June 2021 48.00 08/10/2021 101-45201-431990 2348-000OG 227 202118 - Duffy Development - June 2021 32.00 08/10/2021 101-00000-220110 2348-OOOIG 140 Building Code Enforcement Services - June 202 211.31 08/10/2021 101-42400-430400 2348-OOOIG 140 Fire Code Enforcement Services - June 2021 362.08 08/10/2021 101-42200-431990 2348-0103G 116 FiberNet - June 2021 240.00 08/10/2021 656-49870-431990 2348-0154G 6 18D003 - Carlisle Village 6th Addition - June 20 120.00 08/10/2021 101-00000-220110 2348-0177G 1 202119 - Deephaven 2nd Addition - June 2021 456.00 08/10/2021 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 5,280.59 Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: True 2572251 resale - beer 20,614.70 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 2572251 resale - beer n/a 414.07 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 257490 resale - beer 16,283.16 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 257490 resale - beer n/a 291.03 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 2577934 resale - beer 18,567.60 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 2577934 resale - beer 273.93 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 7180370 resale - beer credit -50.30 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 56,394.19 Vendor: 1103 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS INC Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False 565601 (14) chrome shaft; wiper seal; o -ring; back-up rii 253.67 08/10/2021 101-43125-440500 Check Total: 253.67 Vendor: 1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: True 0000132972 Monthly Tank Rental 65.00 08/10/2021 226-45124-421600 0000475588 Bulk Carbon Dioxide (682 lbs) 179.49 08/10/2021 226-45124-421600 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/04/2021 - 10:46 AM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 60.00 Vendor: 5201 DICK FAMILY, INC. Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/04/2021 - 10:46 AM) Page 4 Check Total: 244.49 Vendor: 5726 CENTRAL MINNESOTA MOW & SNOW Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False 1406 Hillside Cemetery - July lawncare; weed control 625.00 08/10/2021 101-45201-431050 1406 Riverside Cemetery - July 2021 lawncarc 2,250.00 08/10/2021 215-49010-431050 1407 Blight Mowing & Trash Clean Up - 9793 Hart B 178.69 08/10/2021 101-45201-431050 Check Total: 3,053.69 Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: True 1428963 resale- beer credit -52.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 1430871 resale- beer 20,211.45 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 1430871 resale- beer n/a 138.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 1431106 resale- beer 1,673.10 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 1431106 resale- beer n/a 57.80 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 1432703 resale- beer 12,648.60 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 1432703 resale- beer n/a 73.70 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 1433017 resale- beer 396.80 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 1434391 resale- beer 232.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 1434392 resale- beer 38,242.40 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 1434562 resale- beer credit -16.80 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 1434644 resale- beer 2,165.95 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 1435836 resale- beer n/a 172.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 1435836 resale- beer 9,823.13 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 1436220 resale- beer credit -40.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 1438324 resale- beer 1,696.45 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 1438324 resale- beer n/a 132.80 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 1438325 resale- beer 20,645.60 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 1438325 resale- beer n/a 67.20 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 108,268.18 Vendor: 4475 DAKOTA SUPPLY GROUP Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: True S1011092665.001 12"x20' gals. culvert; (2) 12" flared end strap 611.01 08/10/2021 101-45203-421990 Check Total: 611.01 Vendor: 3677 CHARLES DEGRIO Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: True boots 2021 boot reimbursement 2021 60.00 08/10/2021 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 60.00 Vendor: 5201 DICK FAMILY, INC. Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/04/2021 - 10:46 AM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1182512 resale- beer credit -28.50 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 1182513 resale -beer 126.80 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 1182513 resale -liquor 198.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 1184907 resale -beer 878.30 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 1,174.60 Vendor: 4010 MARILYN DIRKSWAGER Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False 182 July Programs (16) 480.00 08/10/2021 101-00000-220150 183 Craft Programs (2) 200.00 08/10/2021 101-00000-220150 Check Total: 680.00 Vendor: 5340 DISGRUNTLED BREWING DISGRUNTLED. Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: False 1841 resale- beer 364.80 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 1887 resale- beer 96.40 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 461.20 Vendor: 5545 DRASTIC MEASURES BREWING, LLC Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: True 1460 resale - beer 380.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 1474 resale - beer 473.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 1483 resale - beer 624.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 1,477.00 Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: True 845598 202123 - Swan CUP PH Ad# 1152195 119.99 08/10/2021 101-41910-435100 845599 202128 - RRG Holdings Plat PH Ad# 1152198 119.99 08/10/2021 101-41910-435100 845600 202124 - Burnham PUD PH Ad# 1152200 110.76 08/10/2021 101-41910-435100 845601 IUP PH Ad# 1154624 110.76 08/10/2021 101-41910-435100 846622 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 35.11 08/10/2021 213-46506-431990 846622 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 35.07 08/10/2021 213-46519-435100 846622 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 35.07 08/10/2021 213-46520-435100 846622 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 35.07 08/10/2021 213-46522-435100 846622 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 35.07 08/10/2021 213-46524-435100 846622 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 35.07 08/10/2021 213-46529-435100 846622 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 35.07 08/10/2021 213-46530-435100 846622 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 35.07 08/10/2021 213-46534-435100 846622 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 35.07 08/10/2021 213-46539-435100 846622 2020 Annual TIF Disclosure 35.07 08/10/2021 213-46540-435100 Check Total: 812.24 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/04/2021 - 10:46 AM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 4191 ELK RIVER GREENHOUSE LLC Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: True 7/30/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 7/22 & ' 563.00 08/10/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 563.00 Vendor: 1166 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH 11 Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: True 94078158 9/1/21 - 8/31/22 - ArcGIS Desktop/Enterprise W 1,970.00 08/10/2021 702-00000-431900 Check Total: 1,970.00 Vendor: 4336 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT INC Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: False E03540 2021 Bobcat A770 skid loader w/ bucket 74,214.07 08/10/2021 703-00000-165010 P56815 hyd. fluid 47.19 08/10/2021 101-45201-422990 W08335 Tool Cat - replaced blown hydr. drive hose; hydr 500.67 08/10/2021 101-45201-440440 Check Total: 74,761.93 Vendor: 2561 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: False 478366 pocket pro reader; (6) pro read touch pad 1,331.26 08/10/2021 601-49440-422701 Check Total: 1,331.26 Vendor: 3762 GARRETTS DIAMOND CITY BREAD Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: True 7/30/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 7/22 & ' 81.00 08/10/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 81.00 Vendor: 5790 TIM GENUNG Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: True boots2021 boot reimbursements 2021 90.00 08/10/2021 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 90.00 Vendor: 1205 GRAINGER INC Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: False 9002640598 Wall Mount Fan (2) 127.18 08/10/2021 226-45126-422990 9971101192 Custom Sign 18.40 08/10/2021 226-45126-422990 Check Total: 145.58 Vendor: 1223 HAWKINS INC Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: True 4985377 chemicals for city wells - chlorine; hydro. acid; t 10,590.43 08/10/2021 601-49440-421600 4987269 Aluminum Sulfate Liquid - WWTP 6,232.64 08/10/2021 602-49480-421990 4990176 Polymer - Aqua Hawk - WWTP 4,835.58 08/10/2021 602-49480-421990 Check Total: 21,658.65 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/04/2021 - 10:46 AM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1242 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: True 7/18/21 acct. # 1400-017-223-399 fuel slips 6/19-7/18/2 453.67 08/10/2021 101-42200-421200 Check Total: 453.67 Vendor: 5487 JONATHAN HOPKINS Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: False 7/30/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 7/29/21 43.00 08/10/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 43.00 Vendor: 5512 HYDROCORP HYDRO -DESIGNS, INC. Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: True 0063009 -IN Cross Connection Control Program - Insp & Rpt 741.00 08/10/2021 601-49440-431990 Check Total: 741.00 Vendor: 3971 INTL UNION OF OPER ENGINEERS LOCAL Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: False Sept 2021 Health Insurance - Union - Sept 2021 19,875.00 08/10/2021 101-00000-217061 Check Total: 19,875.00 Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: False 156040 resale - liquor credit inv # 1843080 -156.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 156402 resale- liquor credit inv 1833387 -20.90 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 1846790 resale- liquor 1,539.39 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 1846790 freight 26.82 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 1847176 resale- liquor 254.52 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 1847176 freight 4.47 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 1847177 freight 14.90 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 1847177 resale- wine 482.64 08/10/2021 609-49750-425300 1848123 freight 52.88 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 1848123 resale- liquor 2,303.35 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 1848124 resale- liquor 59.20 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 1848124 resale- wine 2,354.65 08/10/2021 609-49750-425300 1848124 resale- mix 60.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 1848124 freight 67.05 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 1849530 freight 24.63 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 1849530 resale- liquor 2,650.42 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 1849531 resale- wine 299.48 08/10/2021 609-49750-425300 1849531 resale- mix 35.20 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 1849531 freight 9.43 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 1851812 freight 18.37 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 1851812 resale- liquor 1,047.12 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 1853029 freight 91.97 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 1853029 resale- liquor 7,969.25 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/04/2021 - 10:46 AM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1853030 resale- wine 2,422.60 08/10/2021 609-49750-425300 1853030 resale- mix 28.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 1853030 resale- liquor 144.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 1853030 freight 68.36 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 1853031 resale- beer 147.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 1854316 freight 19.85 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 1854316 resale- liquor 2,018.13 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 1854317 freight 29.80 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 1854317 resale- wine 1,100.81 08/10/2021 609-49750-425300 1854317 resale- mix 33.30 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 1856841 resale- liquor 748.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 1856841 freight 13.50 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 25,962.19 Vendor: 4885 KB PROPERTIES Check Sequence: 38 7/16/2021 17D005 - Escrow Refund - Affordable Storage 9,350.00 08/10/2021 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 9,350.00 Vendor: 1273 KIWI KAI IMPORTS, INC. Check Sequence: 39 134106 resale - wine 1,195.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425300 134106 freight 15.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 1,210.00 Vendor: 1291 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST Check Sequence: 40 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 1,186.00 08/10/2021 101-41310-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 78.00 08/10/2021 101-41410-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 454.00 08/10/2021 101-41520-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 78.00 08/10/2021 101-41800-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 4,478.00 08/10/2021 101-41910-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 4,512.00 08/10/2021 101-42200-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 751.00 08/10/2021 101-42400-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 1,085.00 08/10/2021 101-42700-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 3,112.00 08/10/2021 101-43110-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 145.00 08/10/2021 101-43115-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 5,281.00 08/10/2021 101-43120-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 124.00 08/10/2021 101-43125-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 62.00 08/10/2021 101-43127-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 16,768.00 08/10/2021 101-45201-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 395.00 08/10/2021 101-45501-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 47.00 08/10/2021 101-46102-436100 ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/04/2021 - 10:46 AM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 5,080.00 08/10/2021 101-49240-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 700.00 08/10/2021 213-46301-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 6,896.00 08/10/2021 226-45122-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 1,483.00 08/10/2021 653-41990-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 5,333.00 08/10/2021 601-49440-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 5,188.00 08/10/2021 602-49480-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 6,409.00 08/10/2021 602-49490-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 1,746.00 08/10/2021 609-49754-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 686.00 08/10/2021 215-49010-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 252.00 08/10/2021 652-49880-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 61,089.00 08/10/2021 101-00000-155020 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 980.00 08/10/2021 213-00000-155020 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 9,655.00 08/10/2021 226-00000-155020 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 2,077.00 08/10/2021 653-00000-155020 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 7,467.00 08/10/2021 601-00000-155020 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 16,235.00 08/10/2021 602-00000-155020 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 2,444.00 08/10/2021 609-00000-155020 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 960.00 08/10/2021 215-00000-155020 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 353.00 08/10/2021 652-00000-155020 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/21 - 7/15/22 4,693.00 08/10/2021 656-00000-202099 Check Total: 178,282.00 Vendor: 3933 CHARLES LONG Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False 7/30/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 7/22 & ' 254.00 08/10/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 254.00 Vendor: 4456 LUPULIN BREWING LLC Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: True 38742 resale -beer 1,140.60 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 8831 resale- beer credit memo -48.76 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 1,091.84 Vendor: 1303 M AMUNDSON CIGAR & CANDY CO, LLP Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: True 325109 resale- cigarettes 1,669.68 08/10/2021 609-49750-425500 325109 resale- tobacco; cigars; soda pop; barware 518.60 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 2,188.28 Vendor: 3745 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: True 22499412 (402) gal. unleaded @ $2.54 1,023.06 08/10/2021 101-43120-421200 22499413 (330) gal. diesel@ $2.68 885.04 08/10/2021 101-43120-421200 22510424 (283) gal. unleaded $3.03 857.63 08/10/2021 101-43120-421200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/04/2021 - 10:46 AM) Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/04/2021 - 10:46 AM) Page 10 Check Total: 2,765.73 Vendor: 1726 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False 449430669 7/24/21 - 8/24/21 - Contract Payment 1,243.98 08/10/2021 702-00000-441500 449430669 Supply Freight Fee 35.00 08/10/2021 702-00000-441500 Check Total: 1,278.98 Vendor: 1914 MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: False 32696973 (13.73) TN Rip Rap 391.31 08/10/2021 652-49881-421990 Check Total: 391.31 Vendor: 5736 MAVERICK WINE LLC Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: True 616615 resale - liquor 543.32 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 616615 freight 5.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 548.32 Vendor: 1317 MDRA Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: False 7/23/2021 MDRA Annual Meeting Registration (3 Attendee 120.00 08/10/2021 653-41990-433100 Check Total: 120.00 Vendor: 4638 MID AMERICA METER, INC. Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False 021-3913 testing suspect water meter for discrepancy 60.00 08/10/2021 601-49440-443990 Check Total: 60.00 Vendor: 4667 MILLNER VINEYARD, LLC Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: False 272021-3 resale - wine 608.40 08/10/2021 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 608.40 Vendor: 5786 MILLS PROPERTIES Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False 7/16/2021 16D002 - Fleet Farm Escrow Refund 1,000.00 08/10/2021 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 1,000.00 Vendor: 3437 MINNCOR INDUSTRIES Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False SOI -098126 (4) cs. sani-fresh air freshener 300.00 08/10/2021 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 300.00 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/04/2021 - 10:46 AM) Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 2512 MONTICELLO PLBG HTG AC LLC Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False 23156 repair washer drain backing up - extractor machi 97.50 08/10/2021 101-42200-440100 Check Total: 97.50 Vendor: 5789 NICK MORDAL Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: False 7/2/2021 Performance @ Farmers Market on 8/12/21 150.00 08/10/2021 226-45127-431990 Check Total: 150.00 Vendor: 1390 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: True 1315637 spindle asm 165.95 08/10/2021 101-45201-422990 Check Total: 165.95 Vendor: 2928 NUSS TRUCK AND EQUIPMENT Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: False 7/16/2021 202117 - Escrow Refund - Nuss Truck & Equipn 840.00 08/10/2021 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 840.00 Vendor: 1412 OMANN BROTHERS INC Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False 15342 (1.16) SPWEA240B 67.30 08/10/2021 101-43120-422400 15351 (3.02) AC Fines mix 250.66 08/10/2021 101-43120-422400 15368 (2) AC Fines mix 166.00 08/10/2021 101-43120-422400 15378 (102.27) SPWEA240B 5,831.44 08/10/2021 101-43120-422400 Check Total: 6,315.40 Vendor: 1417 OSC OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: True 3501329 large cylinder - Shop 13.64 08/10/2021 101-43127-421990 3501767 monthly propane (2) medium; (1) large - Parks 40.92 08/10/2021 101-45201-421990 8458007 (5) T80/T60 hand torch 119.25 08/10/2021 101-43127-421990 Check Total: 173.81 Vendor: 4139 PAULA PAULSON Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: False 7/21/2021 Draping for Mississippi Room - 6/17 & 6/24 Eve 450.00 08/10/2021 226-45123-431990 Check Total: 450.00 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: False 6239248 resale- liquor 1,030.25 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 6239248 freight 11.92 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 6240182 freight 52.15 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 6240182 resale- liquor 2,557.50 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/04/2021 - 10:46 AM) Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 6241282 resale- liquor 3,859.76 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 6241282 freight 49.17 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 6241283 freight 26.31 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 6241283 resale- wine 871.78 08/10/2021 609-49750-425300 6241283 resale- mix 116.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 6241283 resale -juice 58.80 08/10/2021 609-49750-425500 6243973 resale- liquor 621.10 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 6243973 freight 11.92 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 6245016 freight 57.37 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 6245016 resale - liquor 4,657.26 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 6245017 resale- wine 1,417.19 08/10/2021 609-49750-425300 6245017 freight 36.63 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 636858 resale- liquor credit inv. # 6232111 -10.38 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 636859 resale- liquor credit inv. # 6234024 -126.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 637021 resale- liquor credit inv. # 6218264 -51.31 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 15,247.42 Vendor: 5454 PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: False 1092 Cleaning Services - July 2021 - Head End 380.00 08/10/2021 656-00000-202099 1092 Cleaning Services - July 2021 - Prairie Center 420.00 08/10/2021 101-41941-431100 1092 Cleaning Services - July 2021 - Library 1,560.00 08/10/2021 101-45501-431100 1092 Cleaning Services - July 2021 - City Hall 490.00 08/10/2021 101-41940-431100 1092 Cleaning Services - July 2021 - Parks Bldg 450.00 08/10/2021 101-45201-431100 Check Total: 3,300.00 Vendor: 5431 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: False 8/3/2021 Postage Purchased 7/22/21 1,000.00 08/10/2021 101-00000-155010 8/3/2021 Postage - Reimbursed (BG 7/23/21) 8.52 08/10/2021 101-41310-432200 Check Total: 1,008.52 Vendor: 1450 RAILROAD MANAGEMENT CO III LLC Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: False 443948 11/17/21 - 11/16/22 - Water Pipeline Crossing 284.85 08/10/2021 601-49440-431990 443949 11/17/21 - 11/16/22 - Sewer Pipeline Crossing 284.85 08/10/2021 602-49490-431990 Check Total: 569.70 Vendor: 2584 RECYCLE TECHNOLOGIES INC Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: False 215228 Recycle Bulbs - Various Types 199.84 08/10/2021 226-45126-431990 215228 Recycle Bulbs - Various Types 24.98 08/10/2021 101-45501-431990 215228 Recycle Bulbs - Various Types 24.98 08/10/2021 656-00000-202099 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/04/2021 - 10:46 AM) Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/04/2021 - 10:46 AM) Page 13 Check Total: 249.80 Vendor: 4022 REINHART FOODSERVICE LLC Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: True 687085 Food for Concession Resale @ MCC 468.12 08/10/2021 226-45125-425410 Check Total: 468.12 Vendor: 5759 RES GREAT LAKES, LLC Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: False 9022 BCOL - mowing; herbicide; prep drag; light raki 3,620.00 08/10/2021 101-45201-431900 Check Total: 3,620.00 Vendor: 1874 RES SPECIALTY PYROTECHNICS Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False 24207 fireworks display - Riverfest 2021 10,000.00 08/10/2021 609-49754-443990 Check Total: 10,000.00 Vendor: 1470 RUSSELL SECURITY RESOURCE INC Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: True A40056 install new deadbolt & thumbturn; re -pin- Pionef 337.50 08/10/2021 101-45201-440100 A40113 well house lock -install store rm lock on door; kc 400.00 08/10/2021 601-49440-440100 Check Total: 737.50 Vendor: 5523 RUSTECH BREWING COMPANY, LLC Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: True 1075 resale- beer 60.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 1076 resale- beer 190.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 250.00 Vendor: 5791 WILLIAM SCHINDELE Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: True boots 2021 boot reimbursement 2021 60.00 08/10/2021 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 60.00 Vendor: 4719 SCHMITZ EXCAVATING Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: True 1826 Locate Location of Sewer Line & Depth 650.00 08/10/2021 653-00000-165010 Check Total: 650.00 Vendor: 3751 CHRISTINE SCHYMA Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: False 7/30/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 7/29/21 53.00 08/10/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 53.00 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/04/2021 - 10:46 AM) Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1484 SENSUS USA INC Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: True ZA 21012593 Autoread sftwr support- annual renewal 7/24/21- 1,715.95 08/10/2021 601-49440-431900 Check Total: 1,715.95 Vendor: 5211 RANDI ANN SMELSER Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: False Aug 1st Semi Monthly Contract Payment 1,622.25 08/10/2021 101-42700-431200 Check Total: 1,622.25 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS; Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: False 2106066 resale- liquor 1,908.90 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 2106066 freight 19.83 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 2106067 resale- wine 1,276.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425300 2106067 freight 25.90 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 2107943 resale- liquor 2,037.12 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 2107943 freight 22.40 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 2107944 freight 36.40 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 2107944 resale- wine 1,586.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 6,912.55 Vendor: 4513 AARON STAEHNKE Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: True 7/30/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 7/22 &' 38.00 08/10/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 38.00 Vendor: 5714 JUSTIN STRAYER Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: False 8538 dba - Mega Beer - resale - beer 932.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 932.00 Vendor: 5788 THE ROCKIN HOLLYWOODS Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: False 07/2/2021 Performance @ Mississippi on 8/18/21 2,500.00 08/10/2021 226-45127-431990 Check Total: 2,500.00 Vendor: 1519 THEIN WELL CO Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: False 7546 pump #1 repairs- disassemble; clean; repair; reas 5,900.00 08/10/2021 601-49440-440600 Check Total: 5,900.00 Vendor: 2614 TITAN MACHINERY Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: False 15781022 credit sales tax -22.02 08/10/2021 101-43120-422100 15822622 spring, seat bar assist; stud 61.89 08/10/2021 101-43120-422100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/04/2021 - 10:46 AM) Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 15835040 blower assy; thermostat; blower motor; etc 530.05 08/10/2021 101-43120-422100 Check Total: 569.92 Vendor: 4859 TRIO SUPPLY COMPANY Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: False 695403 cs. hand soap; (4) cs. can liner 164.51 08/10/2021 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 164.51 Vendor: 4656 TRUE FABRICATIONS, INC. Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: False 888128 resale - barware; mix 421.10 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 421.10 Vendor: 5157 DAVID TURPIN Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: True 07/30/2021 Mileage Reimbursement - Dealer Run (92 miles) 51.52 08/10/2021 653-41990-433100 Check Total: 51.52 Vendor: 1188 TWAIT WINES, INC Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: False 4265 resale- wine 378.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 378.00 Vendor: 5505 TWIN STAR EQUIPMENT & MFG CO Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: False 3508 (10) 4.5 " LED flood lights 550.00 07/27/2021 101-43120-422100 Check Total: 550.00 Vendor: 1537 UHL COMPANY INC Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: True 33335 Replace Condensor Coil & King Valve - Unit #9 4,995.00 08/10/2021 226-45126-440100 Check Total: 4,995.00 Vendor: 1539 UNITED LABORATORIES Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: False 323404 (12) Pen. oil; (12) elec. lube 678.29 08/10/2021 101-45201-421600 323416 (12) qt. Ten Strike; 272.40 08/10/2021 101-45201-421600 323416 (6) cs. grunge grippers; (6) disinfect; etc 782.41 08/10/2021 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 1,733.10 Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: True 2736305 resale- soda pop 461.45 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 2744211 resale- soda pop 313.35 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/04/2021 - 10:46 AM) Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/04/2021 - 10:46 AM) Page 16 Check Total: 774.80 Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: True 283389 resale- wine 405.33 08/10/2021 609-49750-425300 283389 resale- mix 120.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425400 283389 fright 20.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 283797 resale- liquor 208.83 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 283797 freight 5.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 759.16 Vendor: 5538 WAYNE'S HOME SERVICES Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: False 1521 window cleaning in/out garage doors; outside m, 694.00 08/10/2021 101-42200-431100 Check Total: 694.00 Vendor: 1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: False 10140 parts- repair work needed as per fire marshall ins 384.35 08/10/2021 101-45201-440100 10140 labor- repair work needed as per fire marshall in: 455.00 08/10/2021 101-45201-440100 10152 labor- MontiArt- (2) GFI; asst. repairs 520.00 08/10/2021 101-45201-440100 10152 parts - MontiArt- (2) GFI; asst. repairs; (5) raise( 158.60 08/10/2021 101-45201-440100 10153 labor - run new circuit future fountain - BCOL 338.64 08/10/2021 101-45201-440100 10153 parts- run new circuit future fountain - BCOL 455.00 08/10/2021 101-45201-440100 10154 parts- GFI breaker GE replaced- Ellison pedestal 106.23 08/10/2021 101-45201-440100 10154 labor - GFI breaker GE replaced- Ellison pedesto 200.00 08/10/2021 101-45201-440100 10163 parts - (30) EMT conduit; 70a circuit; etc - old fi 241.27 08/10/2021 101-45201-440100 10163 labor- (30) EMT conduit; 70a circuit; etc - old fn 390.00 08/10/2021 101-45201-440100 Check Total: 3,249.09 Vendor: 4766 SUSAN WESTLEY Check Sequence: 92 ACH Enabled: False Qtr. 2 2021 dba- Sue Seeger- MontiArts Director Qtr. 2 2021 2,083.33 08/10/2021 101-45204-431990 Check Total: 2,083.33 Vendor: 2041 WESTSIDE WHOLESALE TIRE & SUPPLY R Check Sequence: 93 ACH Enabled: False 886964 #800- (4) mount & force balace tires 510.68 08/10/2021 653-41990-440500 Check Total: 510.68 Vendor: 1572 THE WINE COMPANY Check Sequence: 94 ACH Enabled: True 178724 resale- wine 388.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425300 178724 resale- liquor 178.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/04/2021 - 10:46 AM) Page 16 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 178724 freight 9.90 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 575.90 Vendor: 1206 WINEBOW INC. Check Sequence: 95 98234 resale - liquor 138.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425100 98234 resale - wine 180.00 08/10/2021 609-49750-425300 98234 freight 4.50 08/10/2021 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 322.50 Vendor: 5635 WK & ASSOCIATES LLC Check Sequence: 96 August Monthly Storage Rent (1/3) 200.00 08/10/2021 101-45201-443990 August Monthly Storage Rent (1/3) 200.00 08/10/2021 101-43120-443990 August Monthly Storage Rent (1/3) 200.00 08/10/2021 101-43125-443990 Check Total: 600.00 Total for Check Run: 658,290.11 Total of Number of Checks: 96 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 8/10/2021 Approved by: Mayor Lloyd Hilgart ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/04/2021 - 10:46 AM) Page 17 City Council Agenda: 08/09/2021 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments (TE) Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Human Resources Manager 08/09/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve new hires and departures for city departments. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Council is asked to ratify the attached list of new hires and departures for the City. This listing includes full-time, part-time, seasonal, and temporary employees. The listing may also include status changes and promotions. Budget Impact: Positions are generally included in the budget. II. Staff Workload Impact: If new position, there may be some training involved. If terminated position, existing staff will cover hours as needed, until replacement. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of new hires and departures as identified on the attached list. SUPPORTING DATA • List of new hires and terminated employees. Name Geshanna Dayal Alexander Westveer Landon Senear Brooke Hillstrom Tara Lamb Amy Levreau Name NEW EMPLOYEES Title Department Hire Date 10/23/20 Childcare MCC 7/20/21 PT Guest Service MCC 7/26/21 PT Climbing Wall MCC 8/2/21 PT Climbing Wall MCC 8/2/21 PT Liquor Store Clerk Liquor Store 8/2/21 PT DMV Clerk DMV 8/4/21 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Reason Department Last Day Nicole Brunsberg Voluntary MCC 10/23/20 PT Morgan Sawatzke Voluntary MCC 11/12/20 PT Robert Kissinger Voluntary Liquor Store 7/13/21 PT Avery Vanderlinden Voluntary MCC 7/14/21 PT Rhonda Spring Involuntary MCC 7/26/21 PT New Hire and Terms City Council 2021: 8/4/2021 Class Class City Council Agenda: 08/09/2021 2C. Consideration of approving the sale or disposal of surplus City property Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item N/A 08/09/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A N/A There is no report this City Council Cycle. City Council Agenda: 08/09/2021 2D. Consideration of approving a Special Event Permit for Church of St. Henry's FunFest annual parish festival on August 29, 2021 Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item City Clerk 08/09/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Parks & Recreation Director City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve the special event permit for Church of St. Henry's FunFest and the use of 12 City picnic tables. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council is asked to consider approving the special event permit for Church of St. Henry. Approval includes use of 12 City picnic tables for FunFest, their annual parish festival, being held Sunday, August 29 from 11:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m. The Parks Department will deliver the picnic tables to the church on Friday, August 27. I. Staff Workload Impact: St. Henry's is requesting City assistance for delivery and use if City picnic tables. These will be delivered to the site and picked up during regular staff hours. Processing the event permit requires minimal staff time. II. Budget Impact: The budget impact is minimal. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends approval of the special event permit and related support. SUPPORTING DATA A. St. Henry's FunFest Special Event Permit Application B. Map of Event Layout CITY OF Monticello CITY OF MONTICELLO Community Development 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Special Event Permit Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295-2711 . inforc ci.monticello.mmus Application Checklist Property Address PROPERTY INFORMATION _ 11001 E 7th St, Monticello, MN 55362 Property Legal Description Property ID Number PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Owner Name Church of St Henry Owner Address 1001 E 7th St, Monticello, MN 55362 Owner Phone 763-295-2402 Owner Email info@sthenrycatholic.com APPLICANT INFORMATION - Applicant Name Dan Dupay. Applicant Address 1001 E 7th St, Monticello, MN 55362 Applicant Phone 763-271-3072 Applicant Email ddupay@sthenrycatholic.com Name of Event FunFest (Parish Festival) Location/Address of Event Church parking lot Dates & Times of Event 8/29/2021 11 AM to 4PM Complete Application Required The review and consideration of an application submitted shall only occur if such application includes all items that are required in support of the application and is deemed complete by the City Clerk's Office. Application Submission Schedule Application, required information, and payment must be submitted no later than 30 workingdays prior to desired approval date. Application Information Applicants shall note that in addition to a special event permits, any liquor license or permit, sign permits and building permits for tents may also be required and are not included within the special event permit application and approval. Any requested use of City facilities, City staff resources, City equipment, and/or City property (including rights of way) and/or any requested waiver of application fee or park rental fees requires review and approval by the City Council. In addition, events which occur after 10 PM may requires review and approval by the City Council as related to noise ordinances. Please provide clear information in the application regarding these requests. 07/25/16 APPLICANT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS CITY CHECK-IN CHECK I l A written narrative including: 1. A description of the proposed special event, how it will function on the property, hours and dates of operation, and any other information necessary to fully describe the request; and 2. An explanation of how the proposed special event will meet each of the review criteria specified by code (on reverse), as well as any additional criteria that may apply for the specific use. Any requested use of City facilities, City staff resources, City equipment and City property (including rights of way) and/or any requested waiver of application fee or park rental fees requires review and approval by the City Council A site plan showing all information necessary to accurately depict how the proposed use will function on the site. Information required on the site plan shall include but not be limited to: 1. The location of all existing and proposed structures; 2. Driveways and parking areas; 3. Proposed storage spaces; 4. Natural features such as woodlands, wetlands, shorelines, etc; 5. Proposed number of parking spaces (if applicable). If deemed necessary by the Community Development Department, a survey may be required to.be submitted with the application in addition to a site plan. Certificate of insurance/liability coverage. Electronic copies of all written narratives and plan sets required above. Application fee of $50.00. Special Event Review Process • The City Clerk will review all Temporary Use Permit applications. • Applications determined to conform with the approval criteria outlined in Monticello Zoning Code Section 2.4(L)(4)(a) and listed below shall be approved by the Community Development Department with any conditions deemed necessary. A copy of the approved permit shall be provided to the applicant which includes all conditions and comments. • Applications not conforming with the approval criteria outlined in Section 2.4(L)(4)(a) shall be denied by the Community Development Department. • A notice of denial shall be provided to the applicant which includes all identified reasons for denial. Special Event Temporary Use Permit Approval Criteria Approval of a Temporary Use Permit shall only be granted once the City Clerk has determined the use shall: • Not be detrimental to property or improvements in the surrounding area or to the public health, safety, or general welfare; • Be compatible with the principal uses taking place on the site; • Not have substantial adverse effects or noise impacts on nearby residential neighborhoods; 07/25/16 Special Event Temporary Use Permit Approval Criteria, cont. • Not include permanent alterations to the site; • Not maintain temporary signs associated with the use or structure after the activity ends; • Not violate the applicable conditions of approval that apply to a site or use on the site; • Not interfere with the normal operations of any permanent use located on the property; and • Contain sufficient land area to allow the temporary use, structure, or special event to occur, as well as adequate land to accommodate the parking and traffic movement associated with the temporary use, without disturbing environmentally sensitive lands. • Not create an unreasonable risk of significant: 1. Damage to public o.r private property, beyond normal wear and tear; 2. Injury to persons; 3. Public or private disturbances or nuisances; 4. Unsafe impediments or distractions to, or congestion of, vehicular or pedestrian travel; 5. Additional and impracticable or unduly burdensome police, fire, trash removal, maintenance, or other public services demands; and 6. Other adverse effects upon the public health, safety, or welfare. • The special event shall not be of such a nature, size, or duration that the particular location requested cannot reasonably accommodate the event. • The special event shall not conflict with another permitted special event at the same location in a manner that will negatively impact the public health, welfare, or safety. Special Event Temporary Use Permit Conditions of Approval In approving the Temporary Use Permit for the special event, the City Clerk's Office is authorized to impose such conditions upon the issuance of the permit as may be necessary to reduce or minimize any potential adverse impacts upon other property in the area, as long as the condition relates to a situation created or aggravated by the proposed special event. The Community Development Department is authorized, where appropriate, to require: 1. Provision of temporary parking facilities, including vehicular access and egress. 2. Control of nuisance factors, such as but not limited to, the prevention of glare or direct illumination of adjacent properties, noise, vibrations, smoke, dust, dirt, odors, gases, and heat. 3. Regulation of temporary buildings, structures and facilities, including placement, height and size, location of equipment and open spaces, including buffer areas and other yards. 4. Provision of sanitary and medical facilities. S. Provision of solid waste collection and disposal. 6. Provision of security and safety measures. 7. Use of an alternative location or date for the proposed special event. 8. Modification or elimination of certain proposed activities. 9. Regulation of operating hours and days, including limitation of the duration of the special event to a shorter time period than that requested or specified in this subsection. 10. Submission of a performance guarantee to ensure that any temporary facilities or structures used for such proposed special event will be removed from the site within a reasonable time following the event and that the property will be restored to its former condition. Duration of Permit A temporary use permit for a special event authorized in accordance with this subsection shall be limited to a maximum duration of 14 days per site per calendar year, unless otherwise specifically authorized by the City Clerk. 07/25/16 3 Property Owner's Statement I am the fee title owner of the described property and I agree to this application. I certify that I am in compliance with all ordinance requirements and conditions regarding other City approval that have been previously granted. Applicant's Statement This application shall be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding the application. I have completed all of the applicable filing requirements and I hereby acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the applicable provisions of the City Ordinances and current policies related to this application and that the documents and information I have submitted are true and correct. (Date) Approval is granted with the following conditions: Internal review checklist (as applicable): Public Works Routing Admin Parks Streets Director Law Enforcement Notification Building Department Monticello Community Center Room/Park Reservations Post -Approval Routing/Requirements Applicant Public Works Law Enforcement Notification City Clerk Monticello Community Center Room/Park Reservations Liability Insurance Certificate Received Surrounding Property Owner Notification Complete 07/25/16 4 0 ► ®o 150 prim:-graph-paper.com I5-1 5-0 -- - ---- � ---- ".-. ( i I , 1--r-) -,. - t } '- F !j 1 ! i i I F r , i i � F711 ...A. . 3 i , I 3 3 ; i { { ( E if { 1 , 1 --�- , 1 - € prim:-graph-paper.com I5-1 5-0 City Council Agenda: 08/09/2021 2E. Consideration of approving the Appointment of Eric Olson, Monticello Public School Superintendent to IEDC Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Economic Development Manager 08/09/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Community Development Director City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve the appointment of Eric Olson, Monticello School Superintendent, to the Industrial & Economic Development Committee (IEDC). REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council is asked to consider approving the appointment of Eric Olson, Monticello School Superintendent, to the IEDC. At the August 3, 2021 meeting, the IEDC approved an amendment to its Organizational and Membership Guidelines adding a school district representative as a standing committee, voting member. This minor amendment streamlined the process of replacing the school district representative when the need arises. Mike Carr, recently retired High School Principal, served on the IEDC for several years and his exit created a vacancy. Per the IEDC Organizational and Membership Guidelines, the City Council must approve the appointments to the committee. As the Superintendent of the Monticello public schools, Eric Olson is the optimal school district appointee to the IEDC. I. Staff Workload Impact: There is minimal staff impact in considering approving the appointment of Eric Olson as a member of the IEDC. II. Budget Impact: The budget impact is minimal. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends approving Eric Olson as a member of the IEDC. If the Council appoints Mr. Olson to the IEDC, the membership will rise to 16. The total members allowed on the committee is 18, two of which are High School students. SUPPORTING DATA A. IEDC Amended Organizational and Membership Guidelines MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) ORGANIZATIONAL AND MEMBERSHIP GUIDELINES I. Meeting Time and Place: Regular meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 a.m. at the Monticello Community Center. Special meetings may be called by the Chair. II. Mission Statement and Objectives: As written and adopted by the Monticello IEDC in the Annual Action Statement. III. Committee Size: While there is no set or definite size established, it is generally understood that the committee will not exceed 16-18 members. IV. Make-up of the Committee: Committee members must either work or reside in the community of greater Monticello. Individuals who are involved in an occupation or profession that provides services to the community of Monticello but is not headquartered within the community may also serve as members of the committee. Standing Committee Members: The City Council shall appoint a representative of either the Mayor or a Council Member to the IEDC as a voting member. The Board of Directors of the Monticello Chamber of Commerce & Industry and the Monticello School District shall appoint a voting member to the IEDC. Up to two (2) Monticello High School Senior Students may serve as voting members. The High School Principal shall recommend their membership on the IEDC. These members shall be considered in committee size. City Staff Members: Non-voting Administrator of the City of Monticello Economic Development Manager of the City of Monticello (serves as the EDA Executive Director) Community Development Director of the City of Monticello (in the absence of the Economic Development Manager) V. Officers: The Chair, the Vice Chair, and the Secretary shall be appointed annually at the January meeting. Length of office term shall not exceed three consecutive years. Minutes of each meeting are the responsibility of the Secretary. Committee correspondence is the responsibility of the Economic Development Manager. VI. Length of Membership Term: Members shall serve for three-year terms on a three-year rotating basis so that approximately one-third of the membership expires each year. PAGE 2. IEDC ORGANIZATIONAL AND MEMBERSHIP GUIDELINES Individuals wishing to continue serving on the committee may so indicate prior to the expiration of their term. Any member wishing to relinquish his/her position on the IEDC may do so by submitting a letter of resignation. VI. Filling a Vacant Position: A list of potential committee members shall be kept by the Executive Director. The IEDC must recommend approval of new members by a majority vote. The City Council must ratify the appointment of new members to the IEDC. VII. Membership Attendance: In order to make a positive contribution to the committee, each member is expected to attend at least 75 percent of the meetings in any given year. A year is defined as beginning on the 1St of January and ending on the 31 St of December Amended: 01/05/2016, 12/06/2016, 03/05/2019, 08/03/21 City Council Agenda: 08/09/2021 2F. Consideration of approving a Special Event Permit for Monticello RV for a Local Heroes Days event to be held August 19 — August 21, 2021 Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item City Clerk 08/09/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve the special event permit for Monticello RV with Public Works assistance. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council is asked to consider approving the special event permit for Monticello RV for a Local Heroes Days event being held August 19 —August 21, 2021. Many local partners are participating, including the Monticello Fire Department and Wright County Sheriff's Office. As part of the event, black hawk helicopters and North Memorial helicopters will be flying in. Monticello RV has requested Public Works clean the parking lot in preparation of the landing of the helicopters. Any debris or gravel on the ground creates a problem for the landing of the helicopters. I. Staff Workload Impact: Monticello RV is requesting City assistance in cleaning the Monticello RV parking lot. II. Budget Impact: The budget impact is minimal. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends approval of the special event permit and related support. SUPPORTING DATA A. Monticello RV Permit Application B. Event Flyer CITY OF Monticeflo CITY OF MONTICELLO Community Development 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Special Event Permit Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295-2711 . info(a�ci.monticello.mn.us Application Checklist Complete Application Required The review and consideration of an application submitted shall only occur if such application includes all items that are required in support of the application and is deemed complete by the City Clerk's Office. Application Submission Schedule Application, required information, and payment must be submitted no later than 30 working days prior to desired approval date. Application Information Applicants shall note that in addition to a special event permits, any liquor license or permit, sign permits and building permits for tents may also be required and are not included within the special event permit application and approval. Any requested use of City facilities, City staff resources, City equipment, and/or City property (including rights of way) and/or any requested waiver of application fee or park rental fees requires review and approval by the City Council. In addition, events which occur after 10 PM may requires review and approval by the City Council as related to noise ordinances. Please provide clear information in the application regarding these requests. 07/25/16 1 Property Address Property Legal Description Property ID Number Owner Name - ,,-a e, -:ed Ir"e_S Owner Address t10 elf 5-161� Owner Phone ' ` -- 2-7 ( — 7 Z6 Owner Email Applicant Name S"Ce9 77 Applicant AddresstT o CAe Applicant Phone -7& -5-k Z Applicant Email Cow-kl Name of Event Location/Address of Event S� Dates & Times of Event -- / a Complete Application Required The review and consideration of an application submitted shall only occur if such application includes all items that are required in support of the application and is deemed complete by the City Clerk's Office. Application Submission Schedule Application, required information, and payment must be submitted no later than 30 working days prior to desired approval date. Application Information Applicants shall note that in addition to a special event permits, any liquor license or permit, sign permits and building permits for tents may also be required and are not included within the special event permit application and approval. Any requested use of City facilities, City staff resources, City equipment, and/or City property (including rights of way) and/or any requested waiver of application fee or park rental fees requires review and approval by the City Council. In addition, events which occur after 10 PM may requires review and approval by the City Council as related to noise ordinances. Please provide clear information in the application regarding these requests. 07/25/16 1 APPLICANT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS CITY CHECK -1N CHECK A written narrative including: 1. A description of the proposed special event, how it will function on the property, hours and dates of operation, and any other information necessary to fully describe the request; and 2. An explanation of how the proposed special event will meet each of the review criteria specified by code (on reverse), as well as any additional criteria that may apply for the specific use. 3. Any requested use of City facilities, City staff resources, City equipment and City property (including rights of way) and/or any requested waiver of application fee or park rental fees requires review and approval by the City Council A site plan showing all information necessary to accurately depict how the proposed use will function on the site. Information required on the site plan shall include but not be limited to: 1. The location of all existing and proposed structures; 2. Driveways and parking areas; 3. Proposed storage spaces; 4. Natural features such as woodlands, wetlands, shorelines, etc; 5. Proposed number of parking spaces (if applicable). If deemed necessary by the Community Development Department, a survey may be required to be submitted with the application in addition to a site plan. Certificate of insurance/liability coverage. Electronic copies of all written narratives and plan sets required above. Application fee of $50.00. Special Event Review Process • The City Clerk will review all Temporary Use Permit applications. • Applications determined to conform with the approval criteria outlined in Monticello Zoning Code Section 2.4(L)(4)(a) and listed below shall be approved by the Community Development Department with any conditions deemed necessary. A copy of the approved permit shall be provided to the applicant which includes all conditions and comments. • Applications not conforming with the approval criteria outlined in Section 2.4(L)(4)(a) shall be denied by the Community Development Department. • A notice of denial shall be provided to the applicant which includes all identified reasons for denial. Special Event Temporary Use Permit Approval Criteria Approval of a Temporary Use Permit shall only be granted once the City Clerk has determined the use shall: • Not be detrimental to property or improvements in the surrounding area or to the public health, safety, or general welfare; • Be compatible with the principal uses taking place on the site; • Not have substantial adverse effects or noise impacts on nearby residential neighborhoods; 07/25/16 2 Special Event Temporary Use Permit Approval Criteria, cont. • Not include permanent alterations to the site; • Not maintain temporary signs associated with the use or structure after the activity ends; • Not violate the applicable conditions of approval that apply to a site or use on the site; • Not interfere with the normal operations of any permanent use located on the property; and • Contain sufficient land area to allow the temporary use, structure, or special event to occur, as well as adequate land to accommodate the parking and traffic movement associated with the temporary use, without disturbing environmentally sensitive lands. • Not create an unreasonable risk of significant: 1. Damage to public or private property, beyond normal wear and tear; 2. Injury to persons; 3. Public or private disturbances or nuisances; 4. Unsafe impediments or distractions to, or congestion of, vehicular or pedestrian travel; 5. Additional and impracticable or unduly burdensome police, fire, trash removal, maintenance, or other public services demands; and 6. Other adverse effects upon the public health, safety, or welfare. The special event shall not be of such a nature, size, or duration that the particular location requested cannot reasonably accommodate the event. The special event shall not conflict with another permitted special event at the same location in a manner that will negatively impact the public health, welfare, or safety. Special Event Temporary Use Permit Conditions of Approval In approving the Temporary Use Permit for the special event, the City Clerk's Office is authorized to impose such conditions upon the issuance of the permit as may be necessary to reduce or minimize any potential adverse impacts upon other property in the area, as long as the condition relates to a situation created or aggravated by the proposed special event. The Community Development Department is authorized, where appropriate, to require: 1. Provision of temporary parking facilities, including vehicular access and egress. 2. Control of nuisance factors, such as but not limited to, the prevention of glare or direct illumination of adjacent properties, noise, vibrations, smoke, dust, dirt, odors, gases, and heat. 3. Regulation of temporary buildings, structures and facilities, including placement, height and size, location of equipment and open spaces, including buffer areas and other yards. 4. Provision of sanitary and medical facilities. 5. Provision of solid waste collection and disposal. 6. Provision of security and safety measures. 7. Use of an alternative location or date for the proposed special event. 8. Modification or elimination of certain proposed activities. 9. Regulation of operating hours and days, including limitation of the duration of the special event to a shorter time period than that requested or specified in this subsection. 10. Submission of a performance guarantee to ensure that any temporary facilities or structures used for such proposed special event will be removed from the site within a reasonable time following the event and that the property will be restored to its former condition. Duration of Permit A temporary use permit for a special event authorized in accordance with this subsection shall be limited to a maximum duration of 14 days per site per calendar year, unless otherwise specifically authorized by the City Clerk. 07/25/16 3 Property Owner's Statement I am the fee title owner of the described property and I agree to this application. I certify that I am in compliance with all ordinance requirements and conditions regarding other City approval that have been previously granted. (Sign atur °' (Date) Applicant's Statement This application shall be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding the application. I have completed all of the applicable filing requirements and I hereby acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the applicable provisions of the City Ordinances and current policies related to this application and that the documents and information I have submitted are true and correct. _. (Signatu,Ce) .' �� (Date) CITY APPROVAL (City Clerk Signature) (Date) (Community Development Director Signature) (Date) Special Event Permit Approved ❑ Denied ❑ Approval is granted with the following conditions: Internal review checklist (as applicable): Public Works Routing Admin Parks Streets Director Law Enforcement Notification Building Department Monticello Community Center Room/Park Reservations Post -Approval Routing/Requirements Applicant Public Works Law Enforcement Notification City Clerk Monticello Community Center Room/Park Reservations Liability Insurance Certificate Received Surrounding Property Owner Notification Complete 07/25/16 4 1st Annual r� RV CENTER 0 Q JARSp ® A Thur.- Fri. -Sat., August 19-20-21. 2021 (10 am to 4 pm Daily) Join Us In Showing Our Appreciation Law Enforcement • Fire Fighters • First Responders Veterans • Armed Forces • Educators • Medical Meet -and -greet with local heroes, step inside vehicles on site, booth displays & more. Get to know your local heroes and celebrate their contributions! This is afamily event• No Admission• Free Food Over $20,000 In Prizes Given Away Special Color Guard Ceremony on Saturday at 10:30 am Event Participants include: Wright and Sherburne County Sheriffs, Minnesota Highway Patrol, Minnesota National Guard, Monticello Fire Department, local Veteran agencies, and others! Free tee-shirts handed out to the first 500 local heroes attending this event 20+ local heroes vehicles to view • On-site K9 demonstrations Kids that come to meet police officers will receive a coupon for a FREE Ice Cream Treat courtesy of Cub Foods! For more informatiom visit the website: Local Heroes Days.com If you would like to participate in this event contact: Scott Kunz • 763-567-0673 I LocalHeroesDays@gmaii.com Event held at d/ r TICELLO RV CENTER 3880 Chelsea Road W. MONTICELLO City Council Agenda: 08/09/2021 2G. Consideration of approving the purchase of furniture for the new DMV location at 118 W 6th Street for $75,638.11 from Haworth Furniture. Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Finance Director 08/09/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Public Works Director/City Engineer City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve the purchase of furniture for the new DMV location at 118 W 6th Street for $75,638.11 from Haworth Furniture. PRIOR COUNCIL ACTION July 26, 2021: Consideration to proceed with relocating the DMV to 118 W 6th Street and authorizing staff to work with the Construction Manager to bid out project specifications. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Rather than constructing built-in workstations in the new DMV space, staff has designed a layout using furniture systems. The intent is not to edit the layout once complete; however, a furniture system provides the option to reconfigure in the future as DMV's needs grow and change. These systems are flexible and can adjust to promote proper ergonomics. The furniture systems also provide a more modern look, include a 12 -year warranty, and are more easily repaired as the space is used and incurs wear -and -tear. Haworth, the manufacturer recommended by the architect, is active on a number of cooperative purchasing ventures including the State's purchasing contract. Pricing was most beneficial through the Omnia purchasing venture, negotiated with Haworth by the City of Charlotte, NC so the pricing is cheaper than what is listed through both the State of Minnesota and University of Minnesota's contracts. While pricing is still being bid for the main construction portion of the project, Council is asked to approve the purchase of the furniture system for two reasons. First, the current pricing was set to increase on August 1, but the reseller, Christianson's Business Furniture, was able to negotiate an extension until August 15. Second, supply chain issues from the pandemic continue to occur, and ordering the furniture earlier will ensure it has arrived when the space is ready for the furniture installation. City Council Agenda: 08/09/2021 The furniture systems are included in the overall project estimate as follows: Construction $ 385,769 (including design & construction contingencies) Architect design 7,000 Furniture systems 72,000 IT Equipment & devices 21,053 Security cameras & card access 32,340 Sewer lateral 29,800 Parking lot re -striping 20,000 $ 567,962 Al. Budget Impact: $75,638.11 in the DMV fund. 33%, or $24,960.58, will be due upon ordering the furniture. While the final quote is slightly higher than the project estimate above, it is still in line with the estimate provided and does not reflect an anticipated significant increase to the overall project budget. A2. Staff Impact: None. A3. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of the purchase of furniture for the new DMV location at 118 W 6th Street for $75,638.11 from Haworth Furniture. SUPPORTING DATA A. DMV 3D Floorplan B. Proposed Quote — Omnia Pricing C. Omnia Partners Contract Information D. Pricing Sheets from Omnia, State of Minnesota & NASPO contacts Y==9 W�Hi IN �lowl EKA ISLAISLIJUJILAMP OVERALL FLOOR PLAN _ I � /dJ 7-A "� DMVDMVSTAFF�1 NOTES q�?njY3%e 6 HCOMPOSE PANELS stla fy�a81 47H COMPOSE PANELS WITH COUNTERTOP €3 f§� eE l -(4) L SHAPE WORKSTATIONS, WITH AMOBILE aY q3��e ft y psa BOVBOVFILE, MOBILE FILEIFILE, PENCIL $§ el4'tEF DRAWER, AND STOOL -(1) WORKSTATION WITH A MOBILE BOWFILE, y6� PENCIL DRAWER, AND TASK CHAIR g w DEALER LOQ BBV 80PEN OFFICE WORKSTATIONS EACHWITHA TIGHT ADJUSTABLE TABLE, IXBOXIFILE, FILE/FILE, AND TASK STORAGE CABINETS TABLE IN LOBBY 11, 4r wp,% 31 •I I m I � I �y7 jy Y tib i 0201. _. _.... DEALER LOQ BBV 80PEN OFFICE WORKSTATIONS EACHWITHA TIGHT ADJUSTABLE TABLE, IXBOXIFILE, FILE/FILE, AND TASK STORAGE CABINETS TABLE IN LOBBY 11, 4r wp,% 31 y christiansons Christianson's Business Furniture 2828 13th Ave South Fargo, ND 58103 Phone: (701) 293-3944 Fax: (701) 293-3626 http://www.cbfplus.com/ Project Scope Bill To Sarah Rathlisberger City of Monticello Department of Motor Vehicle 118 W 6th Street Monticello, MN 55362 Install To City of Monticello Department of Motor Vehicle 118 W 6th Street Monticello, MN 55362 4 christiansons SUMMARY PAGE Quote # 5585-35269 Project Investment Project Total $75,638.11 Tax (0%) $0.00 Grand Total $75,638.11 Payment Schedule Net 30 33.00% Deposit Due at Signing $24,960.58 67% Balance Due Net 30 $50,677.53 CHRISTIANSON'S BUSINESS FURNITURE • 2828 13TH AVE SOUTH • FARGO, ND 58103 • PHONE: (701) 293-3944 • FAX: (701) 293-3626 • WEBSITE: HTTP://WWW.CBFPLUS.COM�Page 2 of 4 Christianson's Business Furniture 2828 13th Ave South Fargo, ND 58103 Phone: (701) 293-3944 Fax: (701) 293-3626 http://www.cbfplus.com/ BILL TO Sarah Rathlisberger City of Monticello Department of Motor Vehicle 118 W 6th Street Monticello, MN 55362 City of Monticello DMV Bldg D C7 christiansons INSTALL TO City of Monticello Department of Motor Vehicle 118 W 6th Street Monticello, MN 55362 LINE # QTY UNIT PART # / DESCRIPTION 1 1.00 EA Break/Conference Room 108 LINE # QTY UNIT PART # / DESCRIPTION 2 1.00 EA Dealer Lobby 109 LINE # QTY UNIT PART # / DESCRIPTION 3 1.00 EA Open Office - Dealer Services 110 LINE # QTY UNIT PART # / DESCRIPTION 4 1.00 EA Office 111 LINE # QTY UNIT PART # / DESCRIPTION 5 1.00 EA DMV Lobby 113 LINE # QTY UNIT PART # / DESCRIPTION 6 1.00 EA DMV Staff 114 LINE # QTY UNIT PART # / DESCRIPTION 7 1.00 EA Manager Office 115 LINE # QTY UNIT PART # / DESCRIPTION 8 1.00 EA Installation / Design / Delivery Services CUSTOMER SIGN OFF Authorized Signature Print Name Accepted Date QUOTATION # 5585-35269 VALID UNTIL 9/3/2021 Salesperson Kris Root Payment Terms Net 30 PRICE EA EXT PRICE $752.70 $752.70 PRICE EA EXT PRICE $753.18 $753.18 PRICE EA EXT PRICE $13,486.04 $13,486.04 PRICE EA EXT PRICE $3,752.83 $3,752.83 PRICE EA EXT PRICE $4,836.89 $4,836.89 PRICE EA EXT PRICE $33,040.11 $33,040.11 PRICE EA EXT PRICE $8,196.36 $8,196.36 PRICE EA EXT PRICE $10,820.00 $10,820.00 subtotal $75,638.11 sales tax $0.00 total $75,638.11 Page 3 of 4 O C7 christiansons THERE'S POWER IN THE Partnership OMNIA Partners, Public Sector is the largest and most experienced cooperative purchasing organization dedicated to public sector procurement. Shaping the future of procurement through power, access and trust. Haworth helps government agencies, higher education, and non-profit organizations fulfill their workplace vision to improve performance and maximize their return on investment. Research, innovation, design, and global expertise are our core competencies that provide the foundation to support your long-term strategies and a talented workforce. RTH @ Awarded by the City of Charlotte, North Carolina for Office Furniture, Installation and Related Products and Services, Haworth designs and manufactures product solutions that help you create inspiring spaces. The breadth and strength of our portfolio forms the foundation for creating interior environments that adapt to keep your organization nimble and make the most of your workplace. We're your partner in transforming space, no matter where you're located. Contract #2020000606 Haworth Contract Term: January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2024 Optional Renewals: 2 additional one-year perids From floor to ceiling, and wall to wall, our mix of products offers you endless options for transforming your space as your needs evolve. We invite you to explore the options. - Moveable walls - Workstations - Tables - Desks - Storage - Lighting - Workspace Accessories - Technology BENEFITS Haworth is an OMNIA Partners supplier providing adaptable workspace solutions at competitive prices to state and local agencies, educational organizations as well as non-profit organizations nationwide. As a leading supplier, we offer a comprehensive range of products and services that meet your workspace needs. In addition to benefiting from Haworth's capabilities, you can feel confident through the collective purchasing power of public and non-profit agencies that the price you pay is market competitive. And, our simple procurement process saves you time by allowing you to bypass a formal RFP. Services available through our dealer network include: • Reconfiguration and relocation • Design/layout and planning • Installation • Project management ENSURING YOUR FUTURE Financing options • Workplace consulting • Trade-in and refurbishment Your investment is for the long-term, and Haworth is committed to meeting your future needs with solutions that adapt. Our product design strategy gives you design freedom for a variety of applications, and product solutions that work together seamlessly as your needs change. Through our Integrated Palette'" - a platform of products designed to create a consistent, cohesive environment - we make it easy to meet user needs, support organizational goals, and provide fu- ture assurance, connecting physically and aesthetically to the new Haworth products as your organization grows. From the desk to the department and the entire building, everything works together. Only Haworth offers a truly integrated kit of parts, created to sup- port the widest range of environments and providing future as- surance to organizations that recognize their investment must be effective for years to come. SERVING PUBLIC AGENCIES 0- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -0 All cooperative agreements are competitively solicited and publicly awarded by a lead public agency/government entity (e.g. state, city, county, public university or school district), utilizing the best public procurement practices, processes and procedures. These lead agencies are considered some of the best public procurement organizations in the nation and are available to answer questions or discuss the contracting process in detail. omniapartners.com/publicsector • 866.875.3299 • info@omniapartners.com HAWORTH'S OMNIA PARTNERS MULTIPLE AWARD CONTRACT DISCOUNTS Omnia Contract Pricing CUSTOMER COPY $0435 AA for orders shipping to continental U.S. Locations, accessing North American price list Product Systems, Tables and Seating Freestanding Wood Casegoods FlooringfElectrical List Dollar Customer Group Healthcare Products Et Wood Tables Architectural Value Discount Interiors Product bn€ UniGroupl, 51-$106,006 711 Regular Lead PLA{ESf,, 5100,001 or Mare Negotiable Time UniGroupl Toa _Adaptable Components III PREMISES, Cuinµ�sc�, $1-$106,066 69%Regular Lead IF 5100,001 or More Negotiable Time III Besides $1550,000 63% Regular Lead X 5eries2o Casegoads 550,001 or Phare Negotiable Time V Series,,s Casegoods IV Momcoo, $1-$25,006 63% Regular Lead Irnprov� $25,001 or More Negotiable Time V x99 $1-$25,006 60% Regutar Lead 525,661 or More Negotiable Time VI PatternsTM $1-$50,OO6 531 Regular Lead Resided Desking 550,001 or More Negotiable Time IntuityE, Active Cam onents- VII Hello, Tads, 51125,006 531 Regutar Lead Clpenestfq, Poppy-, 525,061 or More Negotiable Time Riverbend-, Pebble', Cabana Lounge;" VIII Masters 5eriesC 5T $106,066 53 Regular Lead Suite"I $100,061 or More Negotiable Time IX Cassis*", Candor- $1-$25,006 5556 Regular Lead $25,661 or More Negotiable time x Planes' Composeg Storage 51-550,006 59% Regular Lead $50,001 a More Negotiable Time XI Belong- £t Jump stuff $1-$10,006 41% Regular Lead Work tools 510,001 or More Negotiable Time till HaworehCollection- $1-$50,600 411 Regular Lead Haworth 550,061 or More Negotiable Time )(lit 51-525,000 55% Regular Lead Very@)Task 525,001 or Flare Negotiable Time g XIV FIK I1FU-R $1-5106,066 551 Regular Lead Walk Glass 5100,601 or More Negotiable Time State Contract Pricing ATTACHMENT D PRICING INFORMATION: DISCOUNT MATRIX HAWORTH' Discount from List Price Tiers are based on Product Groups $1.00 - $50,000 $50,001 - $150,000 $150,001 or More Seating Products Accolade Seating Improv Seating Look Seating 61.00% 63.00% 64.00% Monaco System 12 Tilt VeryT Very Task 53.00% 55.00% 56.00% Zody Candor 53.00% 58.00% 58.00% X99® 58.00% 60.00% 61.00% Com positesT" ForenzeT" Galerie Collection HelloTM Openest 51.00% 52.00% 54.00% Poppy Prescott Series ToDo® Tuxedo Series Lively 58.00% 58.00% 58.00% K100 Series Scamps 56.00% 58.00% 59.00% Tempo Series Fern 48.00% 48.00% 48.00% Harbor Work Lounge Haworth Collection NA 39.00% 40.00% 41.00% Haworth Health 00% 55. 55.00% 55.00% E Environments Poltrona Frau Cappellini 13.00% 13.00% 13.00% Cassina NOTES: • Please note Alaska, Hawaii will have three (3) discount points less for all product collections and pricing tiers. Cost of insurance and freight (CIF) included. • Order must be issued to an authorized Haworth Dealer • Discounts are product only • Price List: March 2017 NASPO MULTIPLE AWARD CONTRACT DISCOUNTS NASPO Contract Pricing CUSTOMER COPY 73471 for orders shinnine to continental U.S. locations. accessine North American price list Product Systems, Tables and Seating Freestanding Wood Casegoods Flooring/Electrical List Dollar Customer Alaska Group Healthcare Products & Wood Tables Architectural Value Discount & Hawaii CIF Interiors Product Only Product Only 73471 AA 73471 BB I UniGroup@ NW/WT $1450,000 69.00% 66.00% Regular Lead PLACES@ NW/WT and $50,001- $150,000 69.00% 66.00% Time FW, UniGroup@ Too $150,001or More 71.00% 68.00% Adaptable Components RUSH** $1 or More 59.00% 56.00% II IF, PREMISE@ NW/WT, $1-$50,000 66.00% 63.00% Regular Lead MoxiC", Components, $50,001- $150,000 66.00% 63.00% Time Compose $150,001orMore 68.00% 65.00% RUSH** $1 or More 53.00% 50.00% III Beside, X Series0 Casegoods, Files $1-$50,000 61.00% 58.00% Regular Lead & Storage, V Series@ Casegoods, $50,001-$150,000 62.00% 59.00% Time Files & Storage $150,001 or More 63.00% 60.00% RUSH** $1 or More 55.00% 54.00% IV A Series$1450,000 52.00% 48.00% Regular Lead T$50,001-$150,000 52.00% 48.00% Time $150,001 or More 52.00% 48.00% V Tactics@, 450 Series, $1450,000 56.00% 53.00% Regular Lead TempoT"",Plancem $50,001-$150,000 58.00% 55.00% Time Compose Wood $150,001 or More 59.00% 56.00% RUSH** $1 or More 53.00% 50.00% VI Everyday Office (Hop, $1450,000 48.00% 45.00% Regular Lead Jump, Jive and Swivel) $50,001- $150,000 48.00% 45.00% Time $150,001orMore 48.00% 45.00% VII Jump@Stuff, Belong, $1450,000 39.00% 36.00% Regular Lead BRAZO $50,001-$150,000 41.00% 38.00% Time $1 50,001or More 42.00% 39.00% VIII Ergotron $1450,000 46.00% 43.00% Regular Lead $50,001-$150,000 46.00% 43.00% Time $150,001or More 46.00% 43.00% IX Monaco0, Improv0, Look $1450,000 61.00% 58.00% Regular Lead $50,001-$150,000 63.00% 60.00% Time $1 50,001or More 64.00% 61.00% RUSH** $1 or More 54.00% 51.00% X VeryTM $1450,000 53.00% 50.00% Regular Lead Very Task $50,001-$150,000 55.00% 52.00% Time $150,001orMore 56.00% 53.00% RUSH** $1 or More 50.00% 47.00% XI Zody $1450,000 53.00% 50.00% Regular Lead $50,001-$150,000 55.00% 52.00% Time $150,001orMore 56.00% 53.00% RUSH** $1 or More 38.00% 35.00% XII Lively $1-$50,000 58.00% 55.00% Regular Lead $50,001-$150,000 58.00% 55.00% Time $150,001orMore 58.00% 55.00% XIII Fern $1-$50,000 48.00% 45.00% Regular Lead $50,001-$150,000 48.00% 45.00% Time $150,001orMore 48.00% 45.00% Product Systems, Tables and Seating Freestanding Wood Casegoods Flooring/Electrical List Dollar Customer Alaska Group Healthcare Products & Wood Tables Architectural Value Discount & Hawaii CIF Interiors Product Only Product Only 73471 AA 73471 BB XIV X990 $1450,000 58.00% 55.00% Regular Lead $50,001-$150,000 60.00% 57.00% Time $150,OOlorMore 61.00% 58.00% RUSH** $1 or More 39.00% 36.00% XV Enclose $1-$50,000 53.00% 50.00% Regular Lead $50,001-$150,000 53.00% 50.00% Time $150,001or More 55.00% 52.00% XVI Patterns, Reside CompositesTM, Forenze m, Masters, Series. Suite $1450,000 51.00% 48.00% Regular Lead Openest, Intuity, Active Hello-, Tally-, TODD@, $50,001- $150,000 52.00% 49.00% Time Components Poppy$150,001orMore 54.00% 51.00% RUSH** $1 or More 39.00% 36.00% XVII Cassis, Candor $1450,000 53.00% 50.00% Regular Lead $50,001-$150,000 58.00% 58.00% Time $150,OOlorMore 58.00% 58.00% RUSH** $1 or More 39.00% 36.00% XVIII The Haworth Collection $1450,000 39.00% 36.00% Regular Lead NA Products $50,001-$150,000 40.00% 37.00% Time $150,001orMore 41.00% 38.00% XIX Powerweb $1450,000 58.00% 55.00% Regular Lead $50,001-$150,000 58.00% 55.00% Time $150,OOlorMore 60.00% 57.00% XX Haworth Collection $1450,000 13.00% 10.00% Regular Lead Poltrona Frau, Cappellini, $50,001- $150,000 13.00% 10.00% Time Cassina $150,001or More 13.00% 10.00% XXI Harbor Work Lounge $1-$50,00048.00% 45.00% Regular Lead $50,001-$150,000 48.00% 45.00% Time $150,001orMore 48.00%45.00% XXII HHE Healthcare $1-$50,000 55.00% 52.00% Regular Lead $50,001-$150,000 55.00% 52.00% Time $150,OO1orMore 55.00% 52.00% XXIII Workware $1-$50,000 53.00% 50.00% Regular Lead $50,001-$150,000 53.00% 50.00% Time $150,001orMore 53.00% 50.00% XXIV Soji $1450,000 49.00% 46.00% Regular Lead $50,001 or More Negotiable Negotiable Time **Seller offers the above mentioned discounts on products included in this Agreement which are offered in Seller's RUSH Programs. See the current price list(s) for a description of the products included in these programs. A. Only the items stated within each product group may be combined on a single purchase order for purposes of attaining a higher discount tier and/or negotiable discount tier. DIFFERENT PRODUCT GROUPS OR LEAD TIMES MAY NOT be combined together for purposes of attaining the next pricing tier. B. The applicable discount will be separately negotiated for new products or lead time programs introduced by Seller during the term of this Agreement. C. Price protection to the price list dated June 1, 2015 with a price adjustment increase multiplier of 2.11 % t NASPO MULTIPLE AWARD CONTRACT DISCOUNTS DEALER COPY 73471 for orders shippiruz to continental U.S. locations, accessing North American price list Product Systems, Tables and Seating Freestanding Wood Casegoods Flooring/Electrical List Dollar Dealer Customer Dealer Alaska Group Healthcare Products & Wood Tables Architectural Value Discount Discount Discount & Hawaii CIF Interiors 73471 AA Product CIF Product Only Only 73471 BB 73471 BB 73471 AA I UniGroup® NW/WT $1450,000 75.00% 69.00% 72.00% 66.00% Regular Lead PLACESS NW/WT and $50,001- $150,000 75.00% 69.00% 72.00% 66.00% Time FW, UniGroup® Too $150,001 or More 76.40% 71.00% 73.40% 68.00% Adaptable Components RUSH** $1 or More 65.80% 59.00% 1 62.80% 56.00% II IF, PREMISE® $1450,000 72.20% 66.00% 69.20% 63.00% Regular Lead NW/WT, Moxie-, $50,001- $150,000 72.20% 66.00% 69.20% 63.00% Time Components, Compose $150,001 or More 73.75% 68.00% 70.75% 65.00% RUSH** $1 or More 59.00% 53.00% 56.00% 48.00% III Beside, X Series® Casegoods, $1-$50,000 67.10% 61.00% 64.10% 58.00% Regular Lead Files & Storage, V Series® $50,001-$150,000 67.10% 62.00% 64.10% 59.00% Time Casegoods, Files & Storage $150,001 or More 68.80% 63.00% 65.80% 60.00% RUSH** $1 or More 61.30% 55.00% 58.30% 54.00% IV A Series $1-$50,000 60.58% 52.00% 57.58% 48.00% Regular Lead $50,001- $150,000 60.58% 52.00% 57.58% 48.00% Time $150,OOlorMore 60.58% 52.00% 57.58% 48.00% V Tactics®, 450 Series, $1450,000 64.90% 56.00% 61.90% 53.00% Regular Lead Tempo-, Planes- $50,001- $150,000 66.00% 58.00% 63.00% 55.00% Time Compose Wood $150,001 or More 66.50% 59.00% 63.50% 56.00% RUSH** $1 or More 60.02% 53.00% 57.02% 50.00% VI Everyday Office (Hop, $1-$50,000 58.75% 48.00% 55.75% 45.00% Regular Lead Jump, Jive and Swivel) $50,001- $150,000 58.75% 48.00% 55.75% 45.00% Time $150,001 or More 58.75% 48.00% 55.75% 45.00% VII Jump®Stuff, Belong, $1450,000 55.00% 39.00% 55.00% 36.00% Regular Lead BRAZO $50,001-$150,000 55.00% 41.00% 55.00% 38.00% Time $150,001 or More 55.00% 42.000/. 55.00% 39.00% VIII Monaco®, Improv®, $1450,000 67.20% 61.00% 64.20% 58.00% Regular Lead Look $50,001-$150,000 68.80% 63.00% 64.80% 59.00% Time $150,001 or More 69.20% 64.00% 66.20% 61.00% RUSH** $1 or More 61.30% 55.00% 1 58.30% 52.00% IX Very"' $1-$50,000 61.40% 53.00% 58.40% 50.00% Regular Lead Very Task $50,001-$150,000 63.00% 55.00% 60.00% 52.00% Time $150,001 or More 63.10% 56.00% 60.10% 53.00% RUSH** $1 or More 57.00% 50.00% 54.00% 47.00% X Zody $1450,000 61.40% 53.00% 58.40% 50.00% Regular Lead $50,001-$150,000 63.00% 55.00% 60.00% 52.00% Time $150,001 or More 63.10% 56.00% 60.10% 53.00% RUSH** $1 or More 55.00% 38.00% 52.00% 35.00% XI Lively $1450,000 66.00% 58.00% 63.00% 55.00% Regular Lead $50,001-$150,000 66.00% 58.00% 63.00% 55.00% Time $150,001 or More 66.00% 58.00% 63.00% 55.00% XII Fern $1-$50,000 56.70% 48.00% 53.70% 45.00% Regular Lead $50,001-$150,000 56.70% 48.00% 53.70% 45.00% Time $150,001 or More 56.70% 48.00% 53.70% 45.00% Product Systems, Tables and Seating Freestanding Wood Casegoods Flooring/Electrical hist Dollar Dealer Customer Dealer Alaska Group Healthcare Products & Wood Tables Architectural Value Discount Discount Discount & Hawaii CIF Interiors 73471 AA Product CIF Product Only Only 73471 BB 73471 BB 73471 AA XIII X990 $1-$50,000 66.00% 58.00% 63.00% 55.00% Regular Lead $50,001-$150,000 67.70% 60.00% 64.70% 57.00% Time $150,001 or More 68.00% 61.00% 65.00% 58.00% RUSH** $1 or More 55.00% 39.00% 52.00% 36.00% XIV Enclose $1450,000 61.40% 53.00% 58.40% 50.00% Regular Lead $50,001-$150,000 61.40% 53.00% 58.40% 50.00% Time $150,OO1orMore 62.00% 55.00% 59.00% 52.00% XV Patterns, Reside CompositesTM, Masters, Series. Suite $1-$50,000 60.70% 51.00% 57.70% 48.00% Regular Lead Openest, Intuity, Active ForenzeTM, He11oTM, $50,001- $150,000 60.70% 52.00% 57.70% 49.00% Time Components Tally-, TODo®, Po $150,001 or More 61.80% 54.00% 38.80% 51.00% RUSH** $1 or More 55.00% 39.00% 55.00% 36.00% XVI Cassis, Candor $1450,000 62.70% 53.00% 59.70% 50.00% Regular Lead $50,001-$150,000 65.00% 58.00% 65.00% 55.00% Time $150,001 or More 65.00% 58.00% 65.00% 55.00% RUSH** $1 or More 55.00% 39.00% 55.00% 36.00% XVII The Haworth Collection $1450,000 55.00% 39.00% 55.00% 36.00% Regular Lead NA Products $50,001- $150,000 55.00% 40.00% 55.00% 37.00% Time $150,OO1orMore 55.00% 41.00% 55.00% 38.00% XVIII Powerweb $1450,000 62.75% 58.00% 59.75% 55.00% Regular Lead $50,001- $150,000 62.75% 58.00% 59.75% 55.00% Time $150,001 or More 64.45% 60.00% 61.45% 57.00% XIX Haworth Collection $1-$50,000 43.00% 13.00% 43.00% 10.00% Regular Lead Poltrona Frau, $50,001-$150,000 43.00% 13.00% 43.00% 10.00% Time Cappellim, Cassina $150,001 or More 43.00% 13.00% 43.00% 10.00% XX Harbor Work Lounge $1450,000 57.30% 48.00% 54.30% 45.00% Regular Lead $50,001- $150,000 57.30% 48.00% 54.30% 45.00% Time $150,001 or More 57.30% 48.00% 54.30% 45.00% XXI HHE Healthcare $1-$50,000 61.30% 55.00% 58.30% 52.00% Regular Lead $50,001-$150,000 61.30% 55.00% 58.30% 52.00% Time $150,OO1orMore 61.30% 55.00% 58.30% 52.00% XXII Workware $1450,000 60.45% 53.00% 57.45% 50.00% Regular Lead $50,001- $150,000 60.45% 53.00% 57.45% 50.00% Time $150,001 or More 60.45% 53.00% 57.45% 50.00% XXIII Ergotron 1450,000 56.50% 46.00% 53.50% 43.00% Regular Lead 50,001-150.000 56.50% 46.00% 53.50% 43.00% Time 150,001orMore 56.50% 46.00% 53.50% 43.00% XXIV Soji $1450,000 58.70% 49.00% 55.70% 46.00% Regular Lead $50,001 or More Negotiable Negotiable Negotiable Negotiable Time **Seller offers the above mentioned discounts on products included in this Agreement which are offered in Seller's RUSH Programs. Seethe current price list(s) for a description of the products included in these programs. A. Only the items stated within each product group may be combined on a single purchase order for purposes of attaining a higher discount tier and/or negotiable discount tier. DIFFERENT PRODUCT GROUPS OR LEAD TIMES MAY NOT be combined together for purposes of attaining the next pricing tier. B. The applicable discount will be separately negotiated for new products or lead time programs introduced by Seller during the term of this Agreement. C. Price protection to the price list dated June 1, 2015 with a price adjustment increase multiplier of 2.11 % t City Council Agenda: 08/09/2021 2H. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-60 accepting a petition and calling for a ublic hearing on August 23. 2021 for vacation of a portion of Cedar Street. Dundas Road and Marvin Road right of way as legally described for the proposed Kampschroer Addition and to authorize review of a auit claim deed releasing interest in the vacated parcels. Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Community Development Director 08/09/2021 X Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Program Engineer/City Clerk City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Resolution 2021-60 accepting a petition and calling for a public hearing on August 23, 2021, to vacate of a portion of Cedar Street, Dundas Road and Marvin Road right of way as legally described for the proposed Kampschroer Addition. Motion to authorize review of a proposed quit claim deed for the areas to be vacated for purposes of inclusion within the proposed Kampschroer Plat boundary, with the deeded area of Cedar Street to be conveyed for a consideration of $1. PREVIOUS ACTION June 26, 2021: Council accepted a petition calling for a public hearing for a portion of Marvin Road and Dundas Road. A small portion of Cedar Street adjacent to the proposed plat was not included in the consideration. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND After further review of the proposed Kampschroer Addition plat area, it is now proposed to include within the vacation consideration a small portion of Cedar Street in the northeast area of the proposed plat. This area is currently included within the boundary of the City's parcel immediately to the east of the proposed plat. However, the parcel proposed for vacation lies west of the new alignment for Cedar Street. It is directly adjacent to the development/plat area and separated from the balance of the City parcel by the existing Cedar Street. The noted parcel is approximately 1020 square feet in size. If vacated, staff requests that the parcel be quit claim deeded to the adjacent Danner property and be included within a revised Kampschroer Addition plat boundary. Council is asked to accept the petition and call for the hearing on vacation of this portion of Cedar Street so that it may be included within the boundary of the proposed plat. The parcel would be encumbered in majority by the required perimeter drainage and utility easement. City Council Agenda: 08/09/2021 Statute requires two weeks between the publication of notices and the public hearing itself. Therefore, the public hearing for consideration of the vacations should be on the August 23 City Council agenda. The developer also had a title company review the proposed vacations and plat. The title company recommended that in addition to the vacations as proposed, the City should also provide a quit claim deed for these areas. The quit claim deed is proposed to release the City's interest in all of the plat area. The recommendation is due to the complexity of the title and ownership for the land area. This approach has been deemed reasonable by the City Attorney, subject to the City Engineer's requirements for establishment of the Cedar Steet right of way line and establishment of drainage and utility easements on the plat. As part of the request, staff requests authorization to begin work on review of the proposed quit claim deed. The quit claim deed itself would be considered for approval on August 23 in conjunction with the plat. However, staff is asking for Council authorization to proceed based on a conveyance at no cost to the developer. The majority of the rights of way to be vacated and quit claim deeded are internal to the plat area and upon vacation, would automatically become the property of the adjacent owner. In the case of Cedar Street, the realignment and location on the edge of the plat has caused some question on ownership. Conveyance of City interest at no charge allows the parcel to be combined and utilized for development. Staff will use the time between the items to thoroughly review the petition and past action related to these rights of way. Staff will continue to consult with the City Attorney on the matter given the complicated nature of the legal descriptions and parcel configuration in the area. As part of this review, the applicant/petitioners will be responsible for coordinating any required private utility information and communicating this information to the City. City staff has prepared and sent the notices to be published in the Monticello Times and sent to affected property owners. Budget Impact: None. The application fee and deposit cover the costs for publication, mailing and review. II. Staff Workload Impact: Workload impact is expected at approximately 10-15 hours for review and recommendation on the vacation requests. Review by the City Attorney will be required. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The Monticello 2040 Plan specifically cites the Highway 24 Corridor as an "Opportunity Area" for redevelopment and reinvestment. The redevelopment of this existing nonconforming use and site is in direct support of this comprehensive plan goal. City Council Agenda: 08/09/2021 STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends adoption of the resolution and calling for the public hearing. The opportunity to review and simplify right of way and parcel configuration in this area is considered beneficial. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2021-60 B. Revised Petition for Vacation C. Vacation Exhibit and Legal Description D. Cedar Street Vacation Exhibit E. Proposed Plat (may require revision pending Cedar Street vacation) CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2021-60 RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATING PORTION OF RIGHT OF WAY ON CEDAR STREET, DUNDAS ROAD, AND MARVIN ROAD AS ROAD AS LEGALLY DESCRIBED CEDAR STREET, MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 4152.851, after two (2) weeks published and posted notice of the hearing and after mailing written notice of the hearing at least ten (10) days before a hearing to each property owner affected by the proposed vacation; and WHEREAS, a public hearing on the vacation of portion of right of way on Cedar Street, Dundas Road, and Marvin Road at 1301 Cedar Street, Monticello, Minnesota as legally described below on Monday, August 23, 2021, at 6:30 PM at the Monticello City Hall: THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA, WHICH LIES WESTERLY OF A LINE 50 FEET WESTERLY AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE OF CEDAR STREET AS DESCRIBED PER MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALIGNMENT LAYOUT & TABULATION S.A.P. 222-103-02, S.A.P. 222-110-03 (WESTERLY LINE OF "NEW" CEDAR STREET); SOUTHERLY OF THE SOUTH LINE AND THE SOUTHEASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF LOT 5, BLOCK 1, COMMERCIAL PLAZA 25; NORTHERLY OF A LINE 40 FEET NORTHERLY AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE OF DUNDAS ROAD AS DESCRIBED PER MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALIGNMENT LAY & TABULATION S.A.P. 222-103-02, S.A.P. 222-110-03 (NORTHERLY LINE OF "NEW" DUNDAS ROAD); AND EASTERLY OF MN TRUNK HIGHWAY NO. 25 RIGHT OF WAY AS CURRENTLY MONUMENTED. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the vacation of such easements and a public hearing shall be held on such proposed vacation on the 23rd day of August, 2021, before the City Council in the Council Chambers located at the Monticello Community Center at 6:30 p.m. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give published, posted, and mailed notice of such hearing as required by law. ADOPTED BYthe City Council of Monticello, Minnesota this 91" day of August, 2021. CITY OF MONTICELLO Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk 08/03/2021 TO: City Clerk City of Monticello To Whom it may Concern: Sherie E. Danner, fee title property owner of 1301 Cedar Street, Monticello, MN 55362, petitioned on behalf of RRG Holdings, LLC for the vacation of public street right-of-way for Marvin Road, Cedar Street and Dundas Road within the property boundaries as herein described. Legal description: See attached Exhibit A Thank You. Property Owner's Signature THIS DESCRIPTION IS INTENDED TO BE USED TO VACATE PORTIONS OF CEDAR STREET, DUNDAS ROAD, AND MARVIN ROAD WITHIN THE BELOW DESCRIBED PROPERTY. THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA, WHICH LIES WESTERLY OF A LINE 50 FEET WESTERLY AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE OF CEDAR STREET AS DESCRIBED PER MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALIGNMENT LAYOUT & TABULATION S.A.P. 222-103-02, S.A.P. 222-110-03 (WESTERLY LINE OF "NEW" CEDAR STREET); SOUTHERLY OF THE SOUTH LINE AND THE SOUTHEASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF LOT 5, BLOCK 1, COMMERCIAL PLAZA 25; NORTHERLY OF A LINE 40 FEET NORTHERLY AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE OF DUNDAS ROAD AS DESCRIBED PER MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALIGNMENT LAY & TABULATION S.A.P. 222-103-02, S.A.P. 222-110-03 (NORTHERLY LINE OF "NEW" DUNDAS ROAD); AND EASTERLY OF MN TRUNK HIGHWAY NO. 25 RIGHT OF WAY AS CURRENTLY MONUMENTED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY, PLAN OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KALEB J. KADELBACH (LIC. NO. 57070) DA TE.- Al O �Q J� Q N STORE l FLOW= 957.24 INV.= 928.94 Z o FOR VACATION OF PORTIONS OF MARVI N ROAD, CEDAR STREET AND DUNDAS ROAD / O Q / no��AT Ohl QF STORM MANHOLE !� / RIM= 960.61 S0 INV. = N/A l �j� G>y s BU�LpIN� M�PL SNE S�OR� 1 Oy ��oTo SSRI J s \�A O sroRM INLET 6'�S22�C• FLOW= STORM INIE INV.= 954.11 Q ON FLOW= 958.01 INV.= 940.51 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT Q (PARC L D) �O \ oM- PARC A GRPJE� (` \ z /� Q 05 O �ry \ O0- X0Al 0 o lb Ory \ ^ ��' o / /C3OJryh ^�OQ Ss), \ 4 \ a 4 o \ NoOng \m mo\m I \M CI J 1r) O 04� w w \ \ 0 0 ,"� � v D / Lb v ^ wOcO\� 0 N o g, ars J N \ D \ /QOM t���V'0^� / \� Q � ^� / \ 001 \ /` N,O / oo,h'�h Qj PARCEL D \ / A\ / ti Q� S Oryh / �y�- / O Js / AN RY O�Qr co of rV� �OQe0�0`1' tc�v`� O�c Q /V 97 Off/ 00� M in �v / Q� O a STORMv NET FLOW= 957.23 POB (PARCEL D) INV.= 952.63 I POIN OF BEGINN� G THIRD p L / / PO Off' V V LINE ARCEL B •h� ZO/ 60 / P O p C� 'POI A„ wN (NOT 040) TO SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF DUNDAS ROA D AS DESCRIBED F Cy BRG. Lo I PER PARCEL D STORM 955 FLOW= 957.38 INV.= 950.42 S S 'b?�� �A r� /� ��g0 °y'so. 46327v ��, dam]° Rc%10 00 Dc ,,� I d POIN 4i M I DESC OF BEGINI�'ING, SECOND ED LINE (PARCEL B) ANH 6 16„ 9 0�Q� � a STORY oLF to O II STR I RIM= 957.77 INV.= N/AO/ CONCRETE �/ \ AV= 959.38 R/,qe V V.- 950,74 I LF �ijoTy STORM lN� IN� FLOW= 957.49 /,/? INV.= 953.74 pvB ^ �O = 318 44 N 1. yT 4-24 37.0 owl F — 2)--- A A LINE 40.00 NORTHERLY OF "LINE A" 0 O POINT OF BEGINNING (LINE A, PARCEL B) I I � RECORD DESCRIPTION Parcel A: Lot "D" of the Northwest Quarter, Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, except therefrom a tract conveyed to State of Minnesota in Book 210 of Deeds, page 256, legally described to wit: All that part of the following described tract: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121 North, Range 25 West, described as follows: Beginning in the middle of the Buffalo and Monticello County Road, 26.84 chains southwesterly by the course of the road, from section line between Sections 11 and 14 said Township and Range; thence along middle of said road, South 29 degrees West, 3.95 chains, more or less, to the intersection of this line and the middle of Marvin Road; thence along middle of said road, North 14 14 degrees West 5.79 chains; thence South 85 degrees East parallel to the North line of the piece of land from which this is taken, 2.77 chains, more or less to the beginning (designated Lot D of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14); which lies Northwesterly of a line run parallel with and distant 75 feet southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the North line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14, distant 62.3 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof, thence run southwesterly at on angle of 71 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds with said North line for 1700 feet and there terminating. Parcel B: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies Southeasterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. And which lies Northerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 40.00 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter referred to as "Line A"; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said "Line A" there terminating. And also, which lies Westerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non—tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Northerly, a distance of 64.55 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet, and a central angle of 03 degrees 45 minutes 18 seconds, to a point to be hereinafter referred to as "Point A"; thence continuing Northerly, a distance of 401.23 feet, along said 985.00 feet radius curve, with a central angle of 23 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating. And also, which lies Northwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at said above reference "Point A"; thence South 50 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 72.87 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of said above reference "Line A" and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel C: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: A strip of land 33 feet in width over that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, the Northwesterly line of said strip of land is contiguous with the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to the plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. Said strip land is to extend by its full width from the Southeasterly extension of the South line of said Lot 5, to a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said line there terminating. Except that part of the above described strip, which lies Easterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non—tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Northerly, a distance of 465.78 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet and a central angle of 27 degrees 05 minutes 38 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel D: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows; Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 263.65 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 60.32 feet to the Southerly right of way line of Dundas Road; thence North 51 degrees 01 minutes 32 seconds West along said Southerly right of way line, a distance of 51.73 feet; thence North 22 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 38.62 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East along said Southeasterly right of way line a distance of 170.60 feet to said Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel E. That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in said office of the County Recorder, thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 213.30 feet to the centerline of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 50.35 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence North 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds West along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East, along said Southeasterly right of way line, a distance of 62.20 feet to said centerline of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East, along said centerline, a distance of 178.08 feet to the point of beginning. Abstract Property THE LANDS SURVEYED, SHOWN AND DESCRIBED HEREON ARE THE SAME LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN THE TITLE COMMITMENT PROVIDED BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, FILE NO. 20210548, DATED MAY 25, 2021. SHEET 1 OF 1 v THIS DESCRIPTION IS INTENDED TO BE USED TO VACATE PORTIONS OF CEDAR STREET, DUNDAS ROAD, AND MARVIN ROAD WITHIN THE BELOW DESCRIBED PROPERTY: THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA, WHICH LIES WESTERLY OF A LINE 50 FEET WESTERLY AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE OF CEDAR STREET AS DESCRIBED PER MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALIGNMENT LAYOUT & TABULATION S.A.P. 222-103-02, S.A.P. 222-110-03 (WESTERLY LINE OF "NEW" CEDAR STREET); SOUTHERLY OF THE SOUTH LINE AND THE SOUTHEASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF LOT 5, BLOCK 1, COMMERCIAL PLAZA 25; NORTHERLY OF A LINE 40 FEET NORTHERLY AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE OF DUNDAS ROAD AS DESCRIBED PER MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALIGNMENT LAY & TABULATION S.A.P. 222-103-02, S.A.P. 222-110-03 (NORTHERLY LINE OF "NEW" DUNDAS ROAD); AND EASTERLY OF MN TRUNK HIGHWAY NO. 25 RIGHT OF WAY AS CURRENTLY MONUMENTED. STORM INLET FLOW= 95724 INV.= 928.94 , STORM INLET FLOW- 957.23 INV.= 952.63 FLO INLF, FLOW 95749 INV.= 953.74 srowM MANIroIF� RlM= 960.61 INV.= N/A -,.i_ 001'-"""' RECORD DESCRIPTION Parcel A: Lot "D" of the Northwest Quarter, Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, except therefrom a tract conveyed to State of Minnesota in Book 210 of Deeds, page 256, legally described to wit: All that part of the following described tract: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121 North, Range 25 West, described as follows: Beginning in the middle of the Buffalo and Monticello County Road, 26.84 chains southwesterly by the course of the road, from section line between Sections 11 and 14 said Township and Range; thence along middle of said road, South 29 degrees West, 3.95 chains, more or less, to the intersection of this line and the middle of Marvin Road; thence along middle of said road, North 14 14 degrees West 5.79 chains; thence South 85 degrees East parallel to the North line of the piece of land from which this is taken, 2.77 chains, more or less to the beginning (designated Lot D of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14); which lies Northwesterly of a line run parallel with and distant 75 feet southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the North line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14, distant 62.3 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof, thence run southwesterly at an angle of 71 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds with said North line for 1700 feet and there terminating. Parcel B: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies Southeasterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. And which lies Northerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 40.00 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter referred to as "Line A"; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said "Line A" there terminating. And also, which lies Westerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West assumed bearingalong said North line of the South Half of the Northwest uarter, a 9 Q distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non–tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Northerly, a distance of 64.55 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet, and a central angle of 03 degrees 45 minutes 18 seconds, to a point to be hereinafter referred to as "Point A` thence continuing Northerly, a distance of 401.23 feet, along said 985.00 feet radius curve, with a central angle of 23 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating. And also, which lies Northwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at said above reference "Point A"; thence South 50 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 72.87 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of said above reference "Line A" and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel C: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: A strip of land 33 feet in width over that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, the Northwesterly line of said strip of land is contiguous with the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to the plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. Said strip land is to extend by its full width from the Southeasterly extension of the South line of said Lot 5, to a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said line there terminating. Except that part of the above described strip, which lies Easterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non–tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Northerly, a distance of 465.78 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet and a central angle of 27 degrees 05 minutes 38 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel D: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows; Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County; thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 263.65 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 60.32 feet to the Southerly right of way line of Dundas Road; thence North 51 degrees 01 minutes 32 seconds West along said Southerly right of way line, a distance of 51.73 feet; thence North 22 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 38.62 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East along said Southeasterly right of way line a distance of 170.60 feet to said Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel E: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in said office of the County Recorder, thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 213.30 feet to the centerline of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 50.35 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence North 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds West along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East, along said Southeasterly right of way line, a distance of 62.20 feet to said centerline of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East, along said centerline, a distance of 178.08 feet to the point of beginning. Abstract Property THE LANDS SURVEYED, SHOWN AND DESCRIBED HEREON ARE THE SAME LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN THE TITLE COMMITMENT PROVIDED BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, FILE NO. 20210548, DATED JULY 12, 2021. UTILITY NOTES UNDERGROUND UTILITIES 111 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL I/t 2 WORKING DAYS h BEFORE YOU DIG CALL 1-800-252-1166 (TOLL FREE) UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF MINNESOTA THE LOCATION OF UTILITIES SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM OBSERVED EVIDENCE OF ABOVE GROUND APPURTENANCES AND GROUND MARKINGS. THE SURVEYOR WAS PROVIDED WITH UNDERGROUND UTILITY PLANS. UNDERGROUND UTILITY PLANS WERE REQUESTED FROM THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY PROVIDERS AND PLOTTED AS PROVIDED. GROUND MARKINGS WERE OBSERVED AT TIME OF SURVEY AND THE LINES ARE PLOTTED AND SHOWN HEREON. MFLOOD NOT BY GRAPHIC PLOTTING ONLY, THIS PROPERTY IS IN ZONE C OF THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, NUMBER 2705410005B, EFFECTIVE ON 11/01/1979, PROPERTY IS IN ZONE C AND IS NOT IN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA. AS SHOWN ON THE FEMA WEBSITE (HTTP://MSC.FEMA.GOV). NO FIELD SURVEYING WAS PERFORMED TO DETERMINE THIS ZONE. SCALE : 1 " = 30' 0' 15' 30' 60' i r r / / r / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \ i k/ QO/ Co, �h , / � O / <0T 4�� STORM MANHOLE RIM= 960.61 � 'S'0 INV. = N/A BZ0 �FST�� / r / of l ITEMS CORRESPONDING T� SCHEDULE B -II 14 14. Reservation of Utility easements in favor of the City of Monticello as set forth in Document No. 1103715. (PLOTTED AND SHOWN HEREON) 15 15. Drainage and utility easement in favor of the City of Monticello as described in Document No. 1122751. PLOTTED AND SHOWN HEREON) ) gU�k_pING O / cry i / i i Q'`/ l / OW= 958.8 STORM INLET \ /� / r IN �� 954.11 4 ��/ FLOW= 958.01 INV.= 940.51 _ 1 1 4 UV�Q/Avc 667 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT / 33 / O (PARC L D) / \ J �� > O • / /� \ m �� SURFPGE / / / o $� PARCE so . N of O / / J h I A� ,O (b �D \ O / O c� 1 Q / Ss 7 \ Q \0 ovo or, m 0000 ^\ `T` / `b/J r�``/ cO �� V rn o ^per^ �ooto\> \ o i� ^D v ��QS AZ Z� "� o ��/`OQ� I `v�0 �V�� N JI \o \ Q r7�v ^ / II I /� Q� 4, A� �0We �P yQOO liJQVp�Q� GRPJE� S \\ 00� h / / O O�OVO 00 N o/ \ �� ST2RM INLET \�,�11 ���� QO FLOW= 957.24 / l l PARCEL D / /�e� / �V� I 1 / ��}� INV.= 928.94 / / l \ /�Q STORM M/� FLOW= 957.23 INV.= 952.63 co POB (PARCEL D) —/�� SANITARY 1 11 RIM= 962.25 O ` 1 STOR_ M INL� INV.= 950.58 �• V 1 FLOW= 961.18 7- aj \ `�, / / Q r</ l INV 957.88 o ��,h� / – – – / POGO vV v / POIN F BEGINN�NG THIRD o a LINE RCEL B Z p Np o ^�� 00/ / Q O \ p I "POI I A �??� cb- 1 '� � 03 ,' 0 STORM /NLET - 00 INV.= 957. 78 SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF _ _ –� c / ���, / o) I00 DUNDAS ROAD AS DESCRIBED STORM INLET /Ij s ` -� ____ ��9� B -*7 26`3?iY / o PER PARCEL D FLOW= 95738 s S ,�� %O, I POIN OF BEGINNING, SECOND \ INV.= 950.42 So? � SQ `��\ ��1�\ – 4��.16 %DOQ �OD,�•k�4 ® I �j DESC IED LINE (PARCEL B) STORM MANHOLE ��F��A^��' ��- \�`,\ �•�1rh� 6� �oI A LINE 40.00 NORTHERLY RIM= 957.77 \ I V $1 J INV.= N/A 11\ C \ CONCRETE 5 �ti 11 OF "LINE A" / �5�0` RIM= RM96 32 y // INV.= 954.68 STORE �/O T �I I �u o FLOW= 957.49 ` / /� /I / / ` I 1\ I O INV.= 953.74 �\ p`/�L 1 6 - 318.44 �_ N 4 i POINT OF BEGINNING 24-e � (LINE A, PARCEL B) /C R/ 4. 1- -50.00 I N o I o \ \ / 2TOR MANHOLE I ZZ Ir RIM= 960.72 I --- --- —1 – LEGEND OF SYMBOLS & ABBREVIATIONS 9P POWER POLE iLIGHT POLE EGUY WIRE ® ELECTRIC MANHOLE 8 ELECTRIC METER ❑E ELECTRIC VAULT ❑T TRANSFORMER CLIENT COMMENTS TELEPHONE MANHOLE FIELD WORK: 03/12/2021 DRAFTED: 4/22/21 CHECKED BY: TS FB & PG: TELEPHONE PEDESTAL CABLE BOX ® STORM DRAIN MANHOLE 0 STORM DRAIN INLET INV = N/A I I _ I SANITARY MANHO I RIM= 961.42 ® VAULT ® SANITARY MANHOLE ` ` �� INV.= N/A SIGN (AS NOTED) GAS VALVE 8 GAS METER f-- _ I FLAG POLE �L HANDICAPPED PARKING D4 WATER VALVELLS:j MITERED END SECTION FIRE HYDRANT 10 MANHOLE (UNKNOWN) SIAMESE FIRE HYDRANT STORM PIPE ® WATER MANHOLE ® FOUND IRON (AS NOTED) -~► POINT OF ACCESS SET 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP #5 70 70 — UT UT UT — UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE — UE UE UE — OVERHEAD ELECTRIC — GAS GAS GAS— UNDERGROUND GAS —I —I — I —I — I — I- UNDERGROUND WATER — > > > > - UNDERGROUND STORM SEWER >> >> >> — UNDERGROUND SANITARY SEWER \ — — — — — — — – MISCELLANEOUS NOTES 1. PER TABLE A ITEM 2: 1301 CEDAR STREET, MONTICELLO MN 55362 WAS DISCLOSED IN DOCUMENTS PROVIDED AND NOT OBSERVED AS POSTED AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY. 2. PER TABLE A ITEM 4; PROPERTY CONTAINS 1.18 ACRES (51,353± SQ. FT.) OF GROSS LAND AREA. 3. PER TABLE A ITEM 9: THERE ARE 0 STANDARD STRIPED PARKING SPACES, AND 0 HANDICAP PARKING SPACES, FOR A TOTAL OF 0 STRIPED PARKING SPACES WITHIN SUBJECT PROPERTY. 4. PER TABLE A ITEM 10(a): NO PARTY WALLS WERE OBSERVED WITH RESPECT TO ADJOINING PROPERTY. 5. PER TABLE A ITEM 13: ADJOINING OWNERSHIP INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON WAS OBTAINED FROM THE WRIGHT COUNTY WEBSITE. OWNERSHIP INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO REVISION UPON RECEIPT OF A TITLE SEARCH BY A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. 6. PER TABLE A ITEM 16: THE SITE IS NEW CONSTRUCTION SO THERE WAS SIGNIFICANT RECENT EARTH MOVING WORK, BUT AT THE TIME OF THE FIELD SURVEY THERE WAS NOT ANY EVIDENCE OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PRESENT. 7. PER TABLE A ITEM 17: WE ARE NOT AWARE OF ANY PROPOSED CHANGES IN STREET RIGHT OF WAY LINES, BUT THIS IS NEW CONSTRUCTION SO THERE IS SIGNIFICANT EVIDENCE OF RECENT STREET OR SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION OBSERVED AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY. 8. PROPERTY HAS PHYSICAL AND DIRECT ACCESS TO AND FROM PARRISH AVENUE NORTHEAST BEING DULY DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT–OF–WAY – THE ACCESS IS BY MEANS OF TWO CURB CUT DRIVE ENTRANCES. 9. BASED ON OBSERVED EVIDENCE ONLY, THE SITE DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY CEMETERIES OR BURIAL GROUNDS. 10. THE RECORD DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FORM A MATHEMATICALLY CLOSED FIGURE WITH NO GAPS, OR GORES. 11. THE BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE WRIGHT COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD83(2011). 12. VERTICAL CONTROL WAS DERIVED FROM MNDOT VRS, NAVD88 DATUM. ELEVATIONS WERE CHECKED TO THE MNDOT VERTICAL CONTROL POINT NAMED '8605 J" (ELEV. 959.247). THE LOCAL BENCHMARK IS THE TOP NUT OF THE FIRE HYDRANT ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY ELEV.=_----, AS SHOWN HEREON. SIGNIFICANT OBSERVATIONS -.A= A� EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF CEDAR STREET IS SHOWN PER THE EXTENSION OF CEDAR STREET AS SHOWN PER THE PLAT OF AMAX ADDITION (B r DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT OVER VACATED CEDAR STREET WAS NOT RELEASED AT THE TIME OF VACATION. ZONING INFORMATION PER TABLE A ITEM 6b, ZONING REPORTS HAS NOT YET BEEN PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT ALTA NSP LAND TITLE SURVEY for CESD MONTICELLO NWSE Project No. 21382 1301 CEDAR STREET, MONTICELLO MINNESOTA BASED UPON TITLE COMMITMENT NO. 20210548 OF FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BEARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF JULY 12, 2021 @ 7:00 A.M. Surveyor's Certification To: RRG Holdings, LLC a Minnesota limited liability company, First American Title Insurance Company. This is to certifythat this ma or lot and the survey on which it is based were made in P P y accordance with the 2021 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and includes Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b 1, 8, 9, 10, 11o, 13, 14, 16, and 17 of Table A thereof. The field work was completed on 06/17/2021. Surveyor's signature Kaleb J. Kodelbach 20980 Rogers Drive Suite 500 Rogers, MN 55374 (763) 515-6040 Surveyor License #:57070 SHEET 1 OF 1 SUR[ 11 AMS v PROJECT REVISION RECORD DATE DESCRIPTION DATE DESCRIPTION 6/21/2021 FIRST DRAFT 7/19/2021 UPDATED TITLE 7/03/2021 CLIENT COMMENTS 7/13/2021 CLIENT COMMENTS FIELD WORK: 03/12/2021 DRAFTED: 4/22/21 CHECKED BY: TS FB & PG: MISCELLANEOUS NOTES 1. PER TABLE A ITEM 2: 1301 CEDAR STREET, MONTICELLO MN 55362 WAS DISCLOSED IN DOCUMENTS PROVIDED AND NOT OBSERVED AS POSTED AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY. 2. PER TABLE A ITEM 4; PROPERTY CONTAINS 1.18 ACRES (51,353± SQ. FT.) OF GROSS LAND AREA. 3. PER TABLE A ITEM 9: THERE ARE 0 STANDARD STRIPED PARKING SPACES, AND 0 HANDICAP PARKING SPACES, FOR A TOTAL OF 0 STRIPED PARKING SPACES WITHIN SUBJECT PROPERTY. 4. PER TABLE A ITEM 10(a): NO PARTY WALLS WERE OBSERVED WITH RESPECT TO ADJOINING PROPERTY. 5. PER TABLE A ITEM 13: ADJOINING OWNERSHIP INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON WAS OBTAINED FROM THE WRIGHT COUNTY WEBSITE. OWNERSHIP INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO REVISION UPON RECEIPT OF A TITLE SEARCH BY A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. 6. PER TABLE A ITEM 16: THE SITE IS NEW CONSTRUCTION SO THERE WAS SIGNIFICANT RECENT EARTH MOVING WORK, BUT AT THE TIME OF THE FIELD SURVEY THERE WAS NOT ANY EVIDENCE OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PRESENT. 7. PER TABLE A ITEM 17: WE ARE NOT AWARE OF ANY PROPOSED CHANGES IN STREET RIGHT OF WAY LINES, BUT THIS IS NEW CONSTRUCTION SO THERE IS SIGNIFICANT EVIDENCE OF RECENT STREET OR SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION OBSERVED AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY. 8. PROPERTY HAS PHYSICAL AND DIRECT ACCESS TO AND FROM PARRISH AVENUE NORTHEAST BEING DULY DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT–OF–WAY – THE ACCESS IS BY MEANS OF TWO CURB CUT DRIVE ENTRANCES. 9. BASED ON OBSERVED EVIDENCE ONLY, THE SITE DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY CEMETERIES OR BURIAL GROUNDS. 10. THE RECORD DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FORM A MATHEMATICALLY CLOSED FIGURE WITH NO GAPS, OR GORES. 11. THE BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE WRIGHT COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD83(2011). 12. VERTICAL CONTROL WAS DERIVED FROM MNDOT VRS, NAVD88 DATUM. ELEVATIONS WERE CHECKED TO THE MNDOT VERTICAL CONTROL POINT NAMED '8605 J" (ELEV. 959.247). THE LOCAL BENCHMARK IS THE TOP NUT OF THE FIRE HYDRANT ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY ELEV.=_----, AS SHOWN HEREON. SIGNIFICANT OBSERVATIONS -.A= A� EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF CEDAR STREET IS SHOWN PER THE EXTENSION OF CEDAR STREET AS SHOWN PER THE PLAT OF AMAX ADDITION (B r DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT OVER VACATED CEDAR STREET WAS NOT RELEASED AT THE TIME OF VACATION. ZONING INFORMATION PER TABLE A ITEM 6b, ZONING REPORTS HAS NOT YET BEEN PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT ALTA NSP LAND TITLE SURVEY for CESD MONTICELLO NWSE Project No. 21382 1301 CEDAR STREET, MONTICELLO MINNESOTA BASED UPON TITLE COMMITMENT NO. 20210548 OF FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BEARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF JULY 12, 2021 @ 7:00 A.M. Surveyor's Certification To: RRG Holdings, LLC a Minnesota limited liability company, First American Title Insurance Company. This is to certifythat this ma or lot and the survey on which it is based were made in P P y accordance with the 2021 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and includes Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b 1, 8, 9, 10, 11o, 13, 14, 16, and 17 of Table A thereof. The field work was completed on 06/17/2021. Surveyor's signature Kaleb J. Kodelbach 20980 Rogers Drive Suite 500 Rogers, MN 55374 (763) 515-6040 Surveyor License #:57070 SHEET 1 OF 1 SUR[ 11 AMS v KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That RRG Holdings, LLC a Minnesota limited liablility company; fee owners of the following described property situated in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota to -wit: Parcel A: Lot "D" of the Northwest Quarter, Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, except therefrom a tract conveyed to State of Minnesota in Book 210 of Deeds, page 256, legally described to wit: All that part of the following described tract: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121 North, Range 25 West, described as follows: Beginning in the middle of the Buffalo and Monticello County Road, 26.84 chains southwesterly by the course of the road, from section line between Sections 11 and 14 said Township and Range; thence along middle of said road, South 29 degrees West, 3.95 chains, more or less, to the intersection of this line and the middle of Marvin Road; thence along middle of said road, North 14 1/4 degrees West 5.79 chains; thence South 85 degrees East parallel to the North line of the piece of land from which this is taken, 2.77 chains, more or less to the beginning (designated Lot D of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14); which lies Northwesterly of a line run parallel with and distant 75 feet southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the North line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14, distant 62.3 feet East of the Northwest comer thereof; thence run southwesterly at an angle of 71 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds with said North line for 1700 feet and there terminating. Parcel B: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies Southeasterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. And which lies Northerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 40.00 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter referred to as "Line A"; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said "Line A" there terminating. And also, which lies Westerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non-tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Northerly, a distance of 64.55 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet, and a central angle of 03 degrees 45 minutes 18 seconds, to a point to be hereinafter referred to as "Point A"; thence continuing Northerly, a distance of 401.23 feet, along said 985.00 feet radius curve, with a central angle of 23 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating. And also which lies Northwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at said above reference "Point A"; thence South 50 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 72.87 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of said above reference "Line A" and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel C: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: A strip of land 33 feet in width over that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, the Northwesterly line of said strip of land is contiguous with the Southwesterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to the plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. Said strip land is to extend by its full width from the Southeasterly extension of the South line of said Lot 5, to a line drawn parallel with and distant 40 feet Northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South Half of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest uarter, a distance of 584.77 feet to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 Q , P �' minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Westerly, a distance of 318.44 feet; along a tangential curve concave to the North, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said line there terminating. Except that part of the above described strip, which lies Easterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said East line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 567.42 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 345.84 feet, along a non-tangential curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 08 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds East; thence North 00 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 30.60 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described;thence Northerly, a distance of 465.78 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the East, having a radius of 985.00 feet and a central angle of 27 degrees 05 minutes 38 seconds, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 33.00 feet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, and said line there terminating, including vacated Cedar Street, as set forth in Document No. 1103715. Parcel D: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows; Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County; thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 263.65 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 60.32 feet to the Southerly right of way line of Dundas Road; thence North 51 degrees 01 minutes 32 seconds West along said Southerly right of way line, a distance of 51.73 feet; thence North 22 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 38.62 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East along said Southeasterly right of way line a distance of 170.60 feet to said Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel E: That part of Lot A, of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to said plat on file and of record in said office of the County Recorder; thence South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West assumed bearing along the Westerly right of way line of Cedar Street, a distance of 213.30 feet to the centerline of Marvin Road, the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 50.35 feet to the Southwesterly right of way line of Marvin Road; thence North 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds West along said Southwesterly right of way line a distance of 163.40 feet to the Southeasterly right of way line of Minnesota State Highway No. 25; thence North 20 degrees 06 minutes 07 seconds East, along said Southeasterly right of way line, a distance of 62.20 feet to said centerline of Marvin Road; thence South 11 degrees 56 minutes 01 seconds East, along said centerline, a distance of 178.08 feet to the point of beginning. Abstract Property Have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as KAMPSCHROER ADDITION and do hereby dedicate to the public for public use the road, drainage and utility easement as created on this plat. In witness whereof RRG Holdings, LLC a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed this day of 120 Cory Kamschmer, Chief Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 120, by Cory Kamschroer, Chief Manager of RRG Holdings, LLC a Minnesota limited liability company. Notary Public Signature Notary Printed Name County, Minnesota My Commission Expires I Kaleb J. Kadelbach do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on the plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wetlands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this day of Kaleb J. Kadelbach, Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 57070 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF 20 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 120 by Kaleb Kadelbach, Land Surveyor, Minnesota Licence No 57070. Notary Public Signature Notary Printed Name County, Minnesota My Commission Expires KAMPSCHROER ADDITION / / / LOT 5, BLOCK / COMMERCIAL PLAZA 25 JA,,/ F` � O \ � o s / p Q ? / \ \O zR30, 6s�:o Q / K11 ro P q KSL A 160 / ct) / IN Q)ui / LU / o I / `n Jou oo (DjPC I Z ' V' ' O o C5,Cj Z� CD v ! ,ISI m I � I C:) � I / /ti 0 ��� �P� / LLJ I 4 I 0 1 W J�O� l (-PARCEL D I N Cy BRc �N Iq 11I I C � / P� I so ss I ow� \ `\a 0900 �R ; 2j / // o �� 17 ss 50 o `�`' 1� 1p3g1o00 o % 5�O a 'V �`/ I� ^ N272757E In I --- 12.20 R II u-, O N76' 32.71 � s � '90 ,� 90 'co, °4 0.35 6g I o /� ' 901 p �y' Dc o a;0 p/'16;1610'0 p `L�4�' (kh I�,D a \ \ X50 Dqs o N o ROADo / \ V O / — o N / In , �Z / I 00 CD x.15 11 / (y)am / / fl Z / I / CITY OF MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Be it known that at a meeting held on this day of this plat of KAMSCHROER ADDITION Chairperson Secretary CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 20_, the Planning Commision of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, did herby review and approve This plat of KAMSCHROER ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof held this day of , 20, and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2. Mayor Clerk WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR I herebycertify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 505.021 Subd.. 11 this plat has been reviewed and approved this da of 20 fY p pp Y Wright County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable for the year 20_ on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered this day of , 20 Wright County Auditor/Treasurer WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER By Deputy I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record on this day of was duly recorded in Cabinet No. Sleeve as Document No. Wright County Recorder W O O no o� O O F W 20_, at o'clock _.M. and NE CORNER OF THE S 1/2 OF OF THE NW 1/4 SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 721, RANGE 25 S89'00'47"W 1056.00 N. LINE OF THE S 1/2 OF THE NW 114 VICINITY MAP - NOT TO SCALE SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 WRIGHT COUNTY, MN of SITE �11� ��NIk of Nil, S N -Of -FT- ��� rt -N NIk NIS N DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS: E SCALE 1"= 30' 30 0 30 60 BEARINGS ARE BASED ON NAD83(2011) HENNEPIN COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM • INDICATES FOUND IRON MONUMENTS o INDICATES SET CAPPED 1/2" REBAR BEARING P.L.S. No. 57070 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED TO BE 6.00 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF LOT LINES AND 12.00 FEET ADJACENT TO STREETS AS SHOWN ABOVE. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN HEREON N N 0 N M N -Of -FT- ��� rt -N SURVEYiI`IG GII`IEERII`IG, IIYC. i P.O. Box 3067 _ Bemidji Minnesota - 56619 m � � O City Council Agenda: 08/09/2021 21. Consideration of authorizing negotiations with Karlsburger Foods for sale of an approximately 12,000 square foot parcel and preparation of a cross access and parking agreement for Outlot A, Otter Creek Crossing 2"d Addition Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Community Development Director 08/09/2021 ❑X Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Public Works Director/City Engineer, City Administrator Economic Development Manager, Project Engineer /_N IfQ L11:410111*11tcp Motion to authorize negotiations with Karlsburger Foods for sale of approximately 12,000 square foot parcel and preparation of a cross access and parking agreement for Outlot A, Otter Creek Crossing 2nd Addition. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Karlsburger Foods is considering a significant expansion to their existing site on Chelsea Road West. In conjunction with their expansion site planning, the company is requesting that the City consider the sale of the southeasterly portion of its adjacent lift station parcel. The area proposed for acquisition would support enhanced site circulation and parking for the existing site and future expansion, which will include added employment. The proposed acquisition area is approximately 12,000 square feet of Outlot A, Otter Creek 2nd Addition. The City retained ownership of the parcel due to the location of a lift station on the parcel. An illustration of the proposed acquisition area is attached for reference. Prior to moving forward on the required applications and plans associated with the expansion, Karlsburger needs to understand the City's willingness to sell the proposed land area. Staff has suggested the sale price of $3.15 per square foot, which is similar to the adjacent EDA land. The sale price considers the price paid by the City to acquire the land originally, as well as the future stormwater ponding improvements needed to support development of this square footage. Karlsburger is also pursuing acquisition of adjacent EDA land to the west for their expansion. The EDA will consider the use of TIF to assist with the project, including land cost assistance for both the EDA and City properties. To create a conveyable parcel, Outlot A and the Karlsburger lot must be re -platted. The plat will accomplish the subdivision of Outlot A into two parcels: the parcel to be conveyed to Karlsburger and the parcel to be retained by the City (which will include the access to Chelsea City Council Agenda: 08/09/2021 and the lift station, as well as trail access to Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park to the west). The plat will also accomplish the combination of Karlsburger's existing parcel with the proposed 12,000 square foot City parcel. Drainage and utility easements will be established over the entirety of the 12,000 square foot City parcel due to the presence of utilities, along with necessary right of way. The plat process would also incorporate all or a portion of EDA property located to the west of the Karlsburger site as needed for the expansion project. To facilitate the use of the acquisition parcel for parking and circulation, Karlsburger is also requesting the execution of a cross easement agreement between the City and Karlsburger. The easement would allow Karlsburger to utilize the existing access to Chelsea Road which will be located on the portion of Outlot A to be retained by the City. With Council authorization to proceed on preparation of the easement agreement, staff and Karlsburger will negotiate maintenance, access restrictions, and parking and trail access considerations. Pending Council approval of the noted actions, staff and Karlsburger will work through agreement preparation and site planning. A final purchase agreement and cross access agreement will then be brought forward for Council consideration. I. Budget Impact: The sale of the proposed parcel will generate a small amount of revenue for the City. Based on preliminary TIF information, the land acquisition cost of $3.15 per square foot can be reduced for Karlsburger using TIF to approximately $1.00 per square foot. II. Staff Workload Impact: Staff time related to the land acquisition and cross easement is estimated at 10-20 hours, with review time by Community & Economic Development, Engineering, City Attorney and EDA Attorney. There will be other time allocated to the platting, land use and TIF -assistance components. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The Monticello 2040 Plan's Economic Development chapter cites as its first goal "Business Attraction and Retention." Working with Karlsburger on site configuration for their expansion will support Monticello's retention of an existing manufacturing business, and further the community's goals for tax base and employment increases. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends moving forward with the necessary steps for sale of a portion of the Outlot A parcel and development of the cross -access agreement. SUPPORTING DATA A. Aerial Site Image B. Request Narrative C. Otter Creek 2nd Addition Plat D. DRAFT Karlsburger Expansion Site Plan Subject Site 1 in=94ft FEMA Floodplain 500 Year 100 Year; N A August 4, 2021 ary or Map Powered By Data Link Am..—O nticello wsb From: Michael Maher To: Anaela Schumann Cc: Justin Dahlman; Matthew Maher; Spencer Sanford Subject: FW: Karlsburger Foods Narrative Date: Monday, August 2, 20214:32:30 PM Attachments: imaae001. nnaa Karlsburger Foods 2021.pdf Hi Angela, Karlsburger Foods has been a leading manufacturer of Soup Bases, Sauces and Seasonings since 1956. We also are very active in Hunger Relief. We manufacture vitamin enriched flavoring for organizations like Feed My Starving Children and Kids Against Hunger. We help feed approximately 600 mm meals to third world countries annually. We proudly joined the Monticello Community in January of 2007 when we built our new production facility in Otter Creek Crossings. Since we moved here we have grown from 11 employees to 42 employees. We have outgrown our current production facility, employee amenities and our parking area. As we have discussed with Angela and Jim we are working on a building addition of approximately 17,000 square feet. In order to accommodate this we would like to purchase approximately 2 acres of the land to the west of us from the EDA. Additionally we would like to acquire a portion of the triangle lot on the north side from the City. I have included a proposed drawing for these lots. In regards to the lot to the North, we would like to share the current entrance to the lift station and possibly even make it slightly wider. That would allow us to build an access for semi -trucks to travel in one direction around our building to the new proposed dock doors on the south side of the building. My office overlooks this current lift station and I can also see the entrance to the trail for the park system. Our goal would be to acquire the land and provide an easement so that people can access the trail system. By aquiring this land and granting an easement back we hope to utilize the square footage of the easement towards our impervious area requirements. Benefits to the City of Monticello if Karlsburger Foods acquires the piece of land to the north would be: Eliminates the mowing and irrigation of the triangle in front of Karlsburger. Adds to the Karlsburger Foods Tax Basis. Allows us to keep semis from pulling over on the side road of Chelsea. As a paved parking area the City utilities below the ground would not be interfered with. Karlsburger Expansion will propose an additional 20 employees of various wage and salary levels within the next 3 to 5 years. In all honesty I did discuss with Jeff Nelson a few years ago about the city giving this parcel of land to Karlsburger for some of the same reasons that are listed above. We just never got around to completing the transaction. One last note, as we set our 10 year vison plan we see ourselves eventually acquiring more of the land to the West and expanding again. I look forward to presenting a more thorough narrative in person and introducing you to my three sons Justin, Matthew and Spencer. We are a family owned business with a solid succession plan in place to keep the company growing and contributing to the City of Monticello. Thanks Mike Michael H. Maher I President & CEO MikePkarlsburger.com 763.295.2273(Base) 1 800.383.6549 Office Hours: M -F, 7:30 am - 4:00 pm Central Time 3236 Chelsea Road W, Monticello, MN 55362 1 Karlsburger.com OFFICIAL. PLAT OTTER C"ff4rCROSSINGINDADDITION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the City of Monticello, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, fee owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota to wit: OUTLOT B and OUTLOT C, Otter Creek Crossing 1 st Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as OTTER CREEK CROSSING 2ND ADDITION and does hereby donate and dedicate to the public fur public use forever the easements as shown on this plat for drainage and utility purposes only. In witness whereof, said City of Monticello, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officers this e'*' day of M qua 200(o. BY: L- /� �a Clint Herbst, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF lav�niti� Rick Wolfstell ,City Administrator The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this g}", day ofMqu!A, 2001P by Clint Herbst, Mayor, and Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator, of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public,kAiv-.. County, Minnesota My Commission Expires: �Tan 3 t, aoi o Crrr it iJ�J�rJ�ivr Jr J� I hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the property described on this plat as OTTER CREEK CROSSING 2ND ADDITION, that this plat is a correct representation of said survey, that all distances are correctly shown in feet and hundredths of a foot, that all monuments have been correctly placed in the ground as shown or will be placed as required by the local governmental unit, that the outside boundary lines are correctly designated on said plat and that there are no wet lands as defined by MS 505.02, Subd. 1 or public highways to be designated other than as shown. Steven V. Ische, Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 22703 •DEANNA MARIE uiSfiMAN • STATE OF MINNESOTA No„�,':A COUNTY OF %whurnc. '� �+an3,.20,o w The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this Z8 day of q5L, 1 , 200 (, by Steven V. Ische, Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 22703. &OAAP- Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires: ail3►l.0 PLANNING COMMISSION This plat of OTTER CREEK CROSSING 2ND ADDITION was approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota at a regular meeting held this iSj day of NOrcmbGr , 200. r� By: 444ew Chairman CITY COUNCIL This plat of OTTER CREEK CROSSING 2ND ADDITION was approved and accepted in compliance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd,2, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota at a regular meeting held this.:r '`\ day of Mckv%ch , 2001o. BY: CZ /� Clint Herbst, Mayor COUNTY SURVEYOR BY: e WP2WX,(-,;1 Rick Wolfsteller, C4 Administrator Examined and recommended for approval this 2q day of , 200A. By: L� (A • � County Surveyor, Wrigh COUNTY AUDITOR unty, Minnesota Taxes paid for all years through year .2 oos and transfer entered this asr"day of 1)1Av , 200& . COUNTY TREASURER I hereby certify that taxes payable in the year .zeeL on lands herein described are paid this. - 4Z day of Ingy , 2000. COUNTY HIGHWAY ENGINEER This plat was recommended for approval this Wright COUNTY RECORDER Engineer 2T day of ,200 I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record this -,W" day of May ,200(0 , at 3'.00 o'clock P .M., and was duly recorded in Cabinet b , Sleeve 183E ,as Document Number mi )H i(o By: rwfYf� County Recorder, � Or. b%�. L%A-y o� Moc %Le-k(o 4§ 51..00 Cjt4 38(-9 County, Minnesota �B S"fTIOF2S"WU oFFIC IPL PI -AT �- ;,._� • - � � OTTER\ �i��1YCRO�S',�S'ING2NI��1l�l�ITION i V•' v1 ^/ `/` 5 \ O,O (t` \ff o\�\ � lT \ \\�/o _ — \ Q. (51 R Ey- \ \ \ SPO OF 'n I : , d S 076 9 \ !t t1; rJ L=295.02 N� k N\\I % oPo°�ry� 4 a3?s o,3S•2�,� — 200.53 R-1 429 99 N It �Q- ° 41 15"E - A 1 1 '49'15" S70' / N -_ �_ t Z aec'. ', Ntt DRAINAGE 24.24 D 18'10'21„ �5581�� c)02N/�FQ�� ' i 5$ 2151' 71 2S°5�'vf�s53z2� W� &UTILITY EASEMENTCV N00 2 33�� .G o sG 589 5� 23 8$ ` 1 EP \ so \\ 0i9. O ori .(�\t9� \\ \\ I 30()37 Tb \\ \\ _SOUrN 4S1 27"-27 W — 150 -' \\ \\ O rrER 90 CREEK CR SINE OF15EG 10 \\ \\ OSS/NC 1ST �e 541 5\�� NN \ \ lrloA1 92927^ f \ \ 42.0()' f — r- 03 N Ory \ 00 \ \ \ \ ON �'G• 2 ' S� - / 1 10.77 -c--- 3 \ Coo - , 0)C'4 Lo I I \ M I \ NN I \ 561 / �L� ,\\ � N52.4j•51" \\ `_ s0 471.92 W \1 \ Or ER CRS ?E Y \ CRO OF �=41.1p ffK SINE \ SS/NC ,Sr AO00 DIroN 2'1927- 200 foot \ \ onsmis Elect�i (perDoc SNo Eoseme \ \ \ \ 469784) VICINITY MAP TE NOT TO SCALE SEC.10 T.121 R.25 100 0 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET II If N6 II N DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: BEING 6 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES, AND 12' IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. AND ADJOINING PLAT AND RIGHT OF WAY LINES, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT. FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS PLAT THE SOUTH LINE OF SW1/4 OF THE NW1/4 OF SEC. 10, T.121. R.25 ASSUMED TO BEAR N88'50'00'W t♦ DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT O DENOTES 1/2*x 14' IRON MONUMENT TO BE SET WITHIN ONE YEAR OF RECORDING OF THE PLAT. s- SBWLf'T20F2S�ffTS CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B618 I � ---------------------------- p ° I 52' r — J LOADING DOCK p p° p I c p p ° p ° J ° ° ° ° pp 4 12" RCP STORM SEWER p ° ° ° p ° J p ° C ° e ° n o ° e °p CLASS III RIPRAP OVERFLOW SWALE ° p 1 J 1: o — — o — — o O - I I I III I p I j III o I I I I I I �� Fl- 1 III --1 — = La--- II------ — — — — \ \\ N o 0' c9 --------- o 0 �\ 0 0 0 . rn � � I 01 J s I I I I TL$' /Z/Z71 I I I I I I I I I I I S I I II I I IIA I - I I I L-- i111n'—JuJ ti 3'-4' HIGH RETAINING WALL i \ — I FFAI 1L_JI L_ __ II I \ \ I �----- � J \ II — — I I I NEW TRASH ENCLOSUREk-1 REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT AND CONCRETE ISLANDS L 00 LEGEND: PROPOSED 4" BITUMINOUS SURFACE WITH 8" CLASS 5 BASE. 101 Z__2" BITUMINOUS MILL AND OVERLAY. (/ ° a 8" REINFORCED CONCRETE (LOADING DOCK) 4 CONCRETE (SIDEWALKS) 6 DIRECTIONAL INFILTRATION BASIN (1-2 FOOT DEPTH, 1:3 BORE WATERMAIN. SLOPES, GRASS AND VARIOUS PLANTS) / 8 COVER 1919 / PROVIDE EROSION CONTROL AS REQUIRED FOR ALL NECESSARY SITE PERMITS. 92� I i 71' I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I 0I I I I I °p I I I I I---------------- I I I I I I I I I I 1 i � I PROPOSED LANDSCAPE. ` RELOCATE EXISTING PINE TREES. sj. PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE �H 6" DIRECTIONAL BORE WATERMAIN. 8' COVER i Ir cn w U)Z LU_ U U) U) Ir LU z z LU U) LU Ir Um �❑Z O ¢w w a Z ❑ D W O Z (n > 0 1 O O K w z LU O�O J Q z W LLLLIQ O N U Of z Q d ❑ O ~ N O < LLau z LU \ a- w O z Q Q)za� ❑ LL ❑w0 O�w > m J w — La — ❑ LL LU U d Q 0 �U) m Of Q QW J LLJ Q > ZTACCESS EASEMENT omw i !" 250' SET BACK LINE i / J:\Karlsburger Food s-46276\2021-11236\CADD\Civi1\cd-2b21-11236-site.dwg Plotted by:Jim Krueger 7/26/2021 4:11:16 PM © 2021 WIDSETH z 0 a it U U) w ❑ U) z O U) W w < � LU °� O ~ 0 QcpN O w 0Oz � 0� w c� DW M � Q o w z O J J U Z O c� z> N N N O Q Q J N — H O Q Z Z } in W CO in ❑ Lu ui z U z K = m Q U w < � LU °� O ~ 0 QcpN O w 0Oz � 0� w c� DW M � Q o w z O J J U Z O z J a W H J SHEET NO. C1.1 City Council Agenda: 08/09/2021 4A. Consideration of approving Resolution 2021-61 and Resolution 2021-62 in support of requesting funding from the Transportation Economic Development (TED) Program administered by MNDOT and the Transportation Economic Development Infrastructure (TEDI) Program application through MN DEED. Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Regular Agenda Item Public Works Director/City Engineer 08/09/2021 ❑ Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Community Development Director, City Administrator Finance Director ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve Resolution 2021-61 supporting a Transportation Economic Development program funding request. Motion to approve Resolution 2021-62 supporting a Transportation Economic Development Infrastructure (TEDI) Program application. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) has a Transportation Economic Development funding program (TED) that provides funding for projects on state highways that provide measurable economic benefits. MNDOT has $20 million available statewide for this funding program. Staff has identified a potential project that would coincide with the Block 52 redevelopment efforts. This project would make improvements to the NW quadrant of the Hwy 25 and Broadway intersection. These improvements would include: • Increasing the radius to allow for right -turning trucks to not have to turn into oncoming traffic or have their trailer go up onto the sidewalk when making the southbound Hwy 25 to westbound Broadway right -turn movement. • Relocate the existing signal standard and extend the mast arm to accommodate new signal pole location. • Relocate signal and electrical cabinets to another quadrant to limit visibility restrictions to Block 52. Staff submitted a letter of interest for this grant prior to the June 25, 2021, deadline. MNDOT staff contacted the City to indicate they didn't receive many applications for this program statewide, and we could look at extending the limits and scope of the project. MnDOT and City City Council Agenda: 08/09/2021 staff discussed expanding the project scope to include changes on Hwy 25 as well as River Street; however, given the early stages of plans for redevelopment on Block 52, staff recommend submitting the grant application as originally intended. This helps fund the known requirements for the redevelopment project without committing to other changes prematurely. The other options discussed may be incorporated into future projects, such as MnDOT's plan to replace the deck on the Hwy 25 Mississippi River bridge in 2024. The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) has a parallel program called the Transportation Economic Development Infrastructure (TEDI) program. This program only has $2.9 million statewide, and staff plans to apply for the extension of Walnut Street between River Street and Broadway Street. The Walnut Street extension improvements include an option for pedestrian only connection or a full pedestrian and roadway connection of Walnut to River. The Downtown Small Area Plan supports the full connection. The Walnut to River improvements would be similarly timed to redevelopment on Block 52. I. Budget Impact: The TED grant will fund 70% of the construction cost and the TEDI Grant doesn't require a local match. Estimated budget impacts are as follows: • Hwy 25 and Broadway o Total Project Cost - $650,000 o TED Grant Application - $400,000 o Local Match - $250,000 • Walnut Street Extension o Total Project Cost - $695,000 o Proposed TEDI Grant Application — 600,000 o Proposed Local Match — 95,000 II. Staff Workload Impact: Staff workload will have marginal impact. Assistance from consultants maybe required for grant application submittal. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The Monticello 2040 Plan incorporated the Downtown Small Area Plan in its entirety. As part of the implementation of the plan, the City also adopted a more detailed plan for Walnut Street, the Walnut Street Corridor Plan. Excerpts of both documents are provided, demonstrating support for the noted projects with retention of maximum connectivity throughout the Downtown. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends approving a resolution in support of constructing a water treatment facility. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2022-61 City Council Agenda: 08/09/2021 B. Resolution 2022-62 C. Aerial Image of Pine Street (TH25) and Broadway (CSAH 75) Area D. Monticello 2040 Plan, Excerpts E. Downtown Small Area Plan, Excerpts F. Walnut Street Corridor Plan CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2021-61 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE TRANSPORTATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM APPLICATION WHEREAS, the City of Monticello acts as the legal sponsor for the Highway 25 and Broadway Avenue intersection improvement project and requests funding from the Transportation Economic Development (TED) Program of the Minnesota Department of Transportation; and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has the legal authority to apply for financial assistance, and the institutional, managerial, and financial capability to ensure matching funds and adequate construction of the proposed projects; and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has not violated any Federal, State or local laws pertaining to fraud, bribery, graft, kickbacks, collusion, conflict of interest or other unlawful or corrupt practice; and WHEREAS, that upon approval of its application by the State, the City of Monticello Monticello may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above -referenced project, and that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in all contract agreement. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. The City of Monticello has committed $250,000 towards the local match requirement. 2. The City of Monticello confirms if the project cost increases above the amount listed in the Application, the City of Monticello will provide or secure all additional funds necessary to complete the project. 3. The City of Monticello certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and rules of the Application. 4. That the sources and uses, private investors, equity, and other financing commitment represented in the attached document are accurate. NOW, THEREFORE BE IN FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, that the Mayor and City Administrator, or their successor in office, are hereby authorized to execute such agreements, and amendments thereto, as are necessary to implement the project(s) on behalf of the applicant. ADOPTED BYthe City Council of Monticello, Minnesota this 91" day of August, 2021. CITY OF MONTICELLO Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2021-62 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE TRANSPORTATION ECONOMIC DEVELOMENT INFRASTRUCTURE (TEDI) PROGRAM APPLICATION WHEREAS, the City of Monticello acts as the legal sponsor for the Walnut Street extension project contained in the Transportation Economic Development Infrastructure (TEDI) Program application to be submitted on August 27, 2021 and that the Mayor and City Administrator are hereby authorized to apply to the Department of Employment and Economic Development for funding of this project on behalf of the City of Monticello; and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has the legal authority to apply for financial assistance, and the institutional, managerial, and financial capability to ensure matching funds, adequate construction, operation, maintenance and replacement of the proposed project for its design life; and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has not violated any Federal, State or local laws pertaining to fraud, bribery, graft, kickbacks, collusion, conflict of interest or other unlawful or corrupt practice; and WHEREAS, that upon approval of its application by the State, the City of Monticello Monticello may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above -referenced project, and that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in all contract agreements. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. The City of Monticello has committed $95,000 towards the local match requirement. Those funds will come from the Capital Project Fund. 2. The City of Monticello confirms that all funding necessary for the project is secured and the City will provide funds to complete the project. 3. The City of Monticello will repay the grant if milestones are not realized by the completion date identified in the Application. 4. The City of Monticello certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and rules of the Application. 5. That the sources and uses, private investors, equity, and other financing commitment represented in the attached document are accurate. NOW, THEREFORE BE IN FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, that the Mayor and City Administrator, or their successor in office, are hereby authorized to execute such agreements, and amendments thereto, as are necessary to implement the project(s) on behalf of the applicant. ADOPTED BYthe City Council of Monticello, Minnesota this 91h day of August, 2021. CITY OF MONTICELLO Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk 8 TWIS " 7a�" ; t• e h � 'IV O '7 h ry ry p ro ryN j ry N O� 70 G, o ry nj 703 77 101> o. C'] a / 70c, `•. 9 a � a. �; a•' � P � o• ry s � �n �I CIV 2y ` : ` • 20�. ,ham �, c' ti lb � O ry O � _ ' 4• � �rV ^ �� 1� ry �• J ry ?04 3 °� T 3?7 `a *; tea• oT v 413.76 6 �� PRIMARY GROWTH CITY-WIDE GROWTH AND DOWNTOWN Developing parcels within the City and the Downtown are the primary growth objectives of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Monticello will prioritize infill development within the existing municipal boundary and adjacent lands accessible by existing utility infrastructure, with a strong focus on the revitalization and redevelopment of the Downtown. SECONDARY GROWTH STUDY AREAS AND PORTIONS OF THE MOAA The secondary growth objectives of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan include directing growth into the Northwest Study Area, the East Bertram Study Area, specific parcels of land within the MOAA with a future planned land use designation, and other areas that align with City goals and policies. In particular, property outside the Study Areas but with frontage on County Highway (CSAH) 39, Highway 25 and other major transportation corridors, or properties already served by utilities are logical development opportunities and may be considered Primary Growth Areas. The City shall retain discretion when evaluating development proposals in the Secondary Growth Area that are consistent with the Goals and Vision of the Comprehensive Plan. Sunset Ponds Development TERTIARY GROWTH DEVELOPMENT RESERVE OF THE MOAA The third growth objective is to direct growth in the Development Reserve of the MOAA. Property within the MOAA will retain their existing uses until requests for annexation and development under the Orderly Annexation Agreement occurs, and transportation and utility improvements are installed. This includes utility studies to support cost effective and efficient infrastructure into the secondary and tertiary areas. It would be premature to change the land use designations of parcels at the time of this Comprehensive Plan given this Plan's long-term development horizon, and the potential need for future study and development impact assessment. As appropriate, the City may undertake or authorize development studies to respond to Comprehensive Plan amendment proposals or changing circumstances. Since these areas have a longer development horizon and have not been assigned a new future land use designation, they will continue to accommodate the existing single-family, rural residential and agricultural land uses that exist today. Any future change of land use will require a Comprehensive Plan amendment. Residential Development in the City of Monticello MONTICELLO 2040 VISION + PLAN 51 COMMERCIAL DESIGNATIONS There are four commercial and mixed land use designations as follows: Community Commercial A Community Commercial designation applies to existing commercial uses along State Highway 25, School Boulevard and Chelsea Road, as well as other small pockets of Monticello that include existing shopping centers, retailers and entertainment uses. The intent of Community Commercial is to provide locations for everyday retail goods and services generally oriented to a city-wide basis. Regional Commercial A Regional Commercial designation applies to areas targeted for uses that serve the traveling public and larger retail uses and commercial development intended for a regional market. This designation is generally applied to various areas along the Interstate 94 corridor with high visibility. The development character of the regional commercial development will continue to be auto -oriented, large format commercial uses such as `big -box' uses and other uses that require a large parking area. Looking to the future, opportunities for connectivity and design linkages between such development and nearby uses and neighborhoods will be emphasized. Downtown Mixed -Use The Downtown Mixed -Use category identifies and designates the downtown area as a primary development focus for downtown intended to improve, revitalize and redevelop Downtown Monticello as envisioned in the 2017 Downtown Small Area Plan. The goal is to transform downtown into a thriving commercial area with new mixed-use, specialty retail and restaurant uses with enhanced streetscape and pedestrian amenities. Entertainment uses, co -working spaces, boutiques and cafes are also envisioned. New downtown development should also embrace and be oriented towards the river whenever possible. Commercial/Residential Flex The Commercial/Residential Flex designation encourages the mix of flexible and compatible development of commercial, office, retail and residential uses in limited areas of the city on the same or adjacent properties. The purpose of this designation is to give the city and property owners flexibility for future land use based on market demand. The Commercial/Residential Flex designation is applied to a few of the remaining large vacant parcels in the City including the parcels located south of Chelsea Road and north of School Boulevard and centered along Dundas Road. This designation is also applied to parcels located between Interstate 94 and 7th Street West. These properties may be developed as commercial, residential, or mixed land uses under the city's PUD zoning, subject to review and approval of the City. TABLE 3.3.- FUTURE LAND USE COMMERCIAL ACREAGES Land Use CategoriesAcreage Community Commercial 125 Regional Commercial 433 Downtown Mixed -Use 48 Commercial and Residential Flex 174 Source: Monticello Downtown Small Area Plan (2017) 60 (« LAND USE, GROWTH AND ORDERLY ANNEXATION GOALS, POLICIES AND STRATEGIES COMPREHENSIVE PLAN THEMES The goals, policies and actions related to overarching themes of sustainability, community health or sense of place are identified by an icon with the implementation chart displayed later in the chapter. LAND USE, GROWTH AND ORDERLY ANNEXATION The Land Use, Growth and Orderly Annexation Chapter presents the goals, policies, and strategies to achieve the land use vision. They are organized into six major topic areas discussed in further detail within Chapter 3 of the Comprehensive Plan. • Growth and Change Complete Neighborhoods • Successful Commercial Centers and Corridors Revitalized Mixed -Use Downtown • Active Employment Centers • A Preserved Natural Environment Collectively these policies and strategies provide the guidance needed to achieve Monticello's land use vision and development character. They provide the foundation to protect and strengthen neighborhoods, foster a revitalized downtown and active employment centers, promote and protect the River, and conserve the open spaces and natural areas valued so highly by residents. Since these policies were prepared in tandem with those addressing mobility and connectivity, they ensure that economic centers, neighborhoods, and valued natural areas and open space will remain accessible and connected. MOBILITY AND CONNECTIVITY The Mobility & Connectivity Chapter presents the goals, policies, and strategies to implement the vision and complete the mobility network. For organizational purposes, the goals policies and strategies are divided amongst five topics described within Chapter 4 of the Comprehensive Plan. • Planned Street Network • Complete Streets • New Interstate 94 Interchange • Downtown Transportation • Connectivity Exhibit 4.6 in Chapter 4 illustrates the strategies geographically. COMMUNITY CHARACTER, DESIGN AND THE ARTS Monticello will focus on its community design and arts goals related to the following topics discussed in further detail within Chapter 5 of the Comprehensive Plan. • Urban Design and Placemaking • Site Design and Architecture • Downtown Design • Design to Promote Economic Activity • Arts, Culture and Equity Source: Downtown Public Art, Source: City of Monticello 192 IMPLEMENTATION IMPLEMENTATION CHART: LAND USE, GROWTH AND ORDERLY ANNEXATION SHORT I LONG- ONGOING THEME TERM TERM Policy 3.8. Commercial Uses Strategy3.8.1- Promote food access by and Public Health amending zoning regulations to allow retail Manage commercial land uses and service based food uses in all commercial districts and some residential districts as O and development in a way that appropriate. These uses may include food contributes to the health and stores, markets, community gardens and well-being of Monticello residents. farmer's markets. Strategy3.82- Require pedestrian and bike Ensure commercial areas are connected and accessible and connections in new commercial development. ensure the food system is protected, that no food deserts exist in the City, O and all residents have equal access to food. • Policy 4.1. Downtown Small Area Plan ("Downtown Plan") Utilize the Downtown Small Area Plan as the primary planning document that guides development and improvement in the Downtown. The components O of the Downtown Plan shall be acknowledged and referenced in terms of development and improvement priorities. These include the Downtown Goals, Frameworks and Implementation Actions which will continue to remain high priority for the City until achieved. These are listed below for reference. - ..... .. . . . off . SSS Downtown Goals Downtown Frameworks Shift the Center and Double Down on Broadway. Open Space and Parks Improve the Pine Street Experience for Everyone. Access and Land Use • Lots of Small Investments, a few medium ones and Development and Land Use just one or two big ones. • Engage and love the riverfront. Go beyond the Swan. Downtown Implementation • Improve the physical environment with streetscape, benches, programming, and art. Bolster Broadway with a facade improvement program and retail recruitment. • Aggressively market development opportunities such as Block 52 and infill housing on Walnut and Cedar Streets. • Enact the appropriate policies, programs and incentives that enable the type of development described in the Plan. 206 IMPLEMENTATION Background and Purpose The purpose of this Plan is to attract and direct investments on the core blocks of Downtown Monticello, MN over the next 10 years. The Plan advocates for solidifying Downtown as the heart of the community with a series of coordinated public and private investments. Together, these investments will create a human -scaled environment that encourages gathering, socializing, visiting and enjoying on a daily basis - throughout the year. The improvements outlined in this Plan aim to build on the unique qualities of Monticello to make the Downtown yet more attractive to those who have chosen to live and do business in the community. Specifically, the Plan seeks to promote Broadway Street as a storefront district with restaurants and specialty retail, celebrate the River for its recreational, connective and economic qualities, reinvigorate a downtown housing market with multiple, appropriately scaled, infill projects, and improve the experience of Pine Street for all users. The plan is ambitious, but achievable. Over time and upon completion, the plan would usher in up to 500 new units of downtown housing, new restaurants overlooking the river, and unique retail and services on Broadway. Momentum can be established in the next few years. Primary projects to be completed within five years include: redevelopment of Block 52, Walnut Street connection to River Street and infill housing on Walnut Street. Implementation of this Plan will create two legacies. The first will be a revitalized Downtown with an economy and attractions that benefit all residents of Monticello. Equally important, however to the physical improvements described above will be the legacy of new partnerships and civic cooperation that are essential to and will result from coordinated actions. The ideas set forth in this Plan come from the vested interest of the Monticello community through a broad public outreach effort. The realization of these ideas rely on a coordinated, cooperative, and active public sector working in tandem with an entrepreneurial private sector The result will be a lively Downtown for all in Monticello, a place that embodies both its history and future aspirations. Goals � 0 0 weodtlw FFU E] I,. .�� 4 Improve Pine Street for All Users C STI C" Shift the Center of Town to Walnut and Broadway Encourage Small and Medium Scaled Investments "` _X City of Monticello Downtown Small Area Plan I Executive Summary 0 NOTE:7his illustration depicts new deveopment on both private and public properties. The plan does not i Tu compel private property owners to change anything regarding how they use their land. Rather, the Plan is a /i� t. guide for change if the property owner chooses to do so. Please see page—for an illustration of the Master Plan as it applies to publicly held properties only. The City will endeavor to work with' existing business who wish to remain, revitalize and expand in the downtown.- City of Monticello Downtown Small Area Plan I Executive Summary 0 Frameworks Land Use, Open Space and Transportation are the three frameworks that organize and define the physical environment. As with systems in the human body, each must function independently - and together with - the others. If one fails, they all fail. This is why it is important to understand frameworks as individual systems that must function as part of a single Downtown. The Plan is also divided into frameworks in order to allow different agencies, departments, and investors act in concert with each other. This will help ensure public and private investments are coordinated, less risky, and more publicly acceptable. Framework: Open Space and Parks (Primary recommednations) • Improve Riverfront Parks to accommodate more programming and events • Redesign Walnut Street and River Street to allow for park extention during events • Convert vacant lots on Broadway to small pocket parks • Utilize River islands for additional natural park space • Create pedestrian refuges or enhanced building entry ways on the corners of blocks along Pine Street • Enliven open spaces with public art wherever possible Framework: Access and Circulation • Emphasize connectivity throughout the Core, with pedestrian and bike friendly streets, a complete sidewalk system, and connectivity to the in -town neighborhoods. • Promote a "complete streets" policy that balances the needs of all users in the Downtown. • Manage and improve the grid system to support connectivity and access throughout Downtown • Work with MnDOT to improve Pine Street for users of Downtown Monticello, including additional signals, maintaining the River Street signal and supporting an additional river crossing • Improve pedestrian crossings of Broadway at Walnut and Cedar to improve access to the Riverfront • Reconnect Walnut Street with River Street Framework: Development and Land Use • Riverfront District with destination restaurant and entertainment uses, as well as housing • Broadway District with shopfront retail and restaurant uses beneath housing and offices • In -town neighborhoods extend to Walnut and Cedar Street with new infill housing 2-4 stories (apartments and townhouses) Additional recomendations are included in the Framewoirks Section pages 25-32 :N 9 Open Space and Parks J 7� Access and Circulation Development and land Use Immediate Next Steps and Implementation 1. Improve the physical environment with streetscape, benches, programming, and art. 2. Bolster Broadway with a facade improvement program and retail recruitment. 3. Aggressively market development opportunities such as Block 52 and infill housing on Walnut and Cedar Street 4. Enact the appropriate policies, programs and incentives that enable the type of development described in the Plan. How is This Plan Related to the Embracing Downtown Plan and the Comprehensive Plan? In 2010, the City of Monticello completed the "Embracing Downtown Plan". The full area considered to be "Downtown Monticello"extends from Interstate I-94 to the Mississippi River, and generally from Cedar Street to Maple Street. The Embracing Downtown Plan was adopted as an appendix to the Comprehensive Plan. Changes in the retail marketplace overall, and more specifically market changes and reinvestments in downtown Monticello, have created a need to develop a new planning perspective for the core blocks of the downtown. This document therefore is an update to the 2008 Monticello Comprehensive Plan and to the Embracing Downtown Plan for the Downtown. This Plan will replace the Embracing Downtown plan as an appendix to the Comprehensive Plan. City of Monticello Downtown Small Area Plan I Executive Summary 0 Walnut Street and Cedar Street Walnut and Cedar Streets Character Area: The recommendations and guidelines on this page pertain to the area colored on this diagram Walnut Street and Cedar Street are important corridors to the River as well as transitions between the commercial areas of downtown and the in -town neighborhoods. In order to perform in this capacity, the Plan encourages new housing to infill vacant lots and eventually for single family housing to transition to medium density housing. Live/work units or small service/production (such as insurance agent or jewelry maker) are permitted. In addition, the Plan recommends improvements to the street that will accommodate pedestrian and bike access to the River. This includes parallel parking, aligned sidewalks and crosswalks, and curb extensions at Broadway. 0 Create a pedestrian promenade to the Riverfront with wide continuous sidewalks and well marked crosswalks Infill vacant lots and redevelop underutilized 0 parcels with housing in small apartments or townhouses. Small service or production uses are permitted within these and existing buildings. OEncourage new housing to face Walnut and Cedar Street, with multiple doors facing the street. OLocate all parking towards the middle of the block, accessed via a rear lane shared with other properties on the block. Encourage small and medium scaled residential buildings © (3-5 stories,1/4 to 1/2 block) that prioritize pedestrian scale and walkability. Perspective along Walnut Street, looking north towards the River. r m Y P 1 � oo P 8' 12' 8 24' 8' 12' 8' 80' ROW a ■ Walnut Street Promenade to the River River Street Broadway 3rd Street 4th Street 5th Street tracks 7th Street Proposed Parallel Parking Section of Walnut and Cedar Street On -street parking is important throughout Downtown. Parallel parking will not require an easement and is desireable in front of residential buildings. Diagonal parking requires an easement and yields 50% more parking spaces. City of Monticello Downtown Small Area Plan I Character Areas M Walnut Street and Cedar Street Guidelines Precedent Images Facade and Frontage • Porches and/ or dooryards are encouraged for all ground floor residential units. • Dormers and bay windows are encouraged to create a pedestrian scaled facade • Upper story balconies are encouraged. • Courtyards are permitted along 1/2 of a front property line. Public Realm • 6'-10' sidewalk, aligned across intersections and along the front of blocks. • On street parking for visitors to Downtown • Clearly marked crosswalks to accommodate pedestrian and bike access between the Community Center and the Riverfront �ass��9 I r , , mo o0o" f! ' Sys I I .or -41%% Massing and Orientation • Buildings should be between 2 and 4 stories. • Buildings should be primarily oriented to Walnut and Cedar Street to create a comfortable pedestrian environment. • Dormers and roof articulations should be used to reduce the scale of buildings if buildings are longer than 100' in length. Building Use and Location I • Primarily residential uses between the Civic Center and Walnut Street. Small scale service and commercial businesses permitted on corner of 4th and Cedar and 4th and Walnut. • Buildings oriented toward front (street) and ' front corners I I I I I I I L City of Monticello Downtown Small Area Plan I Character Areas M Block 52 Block 52 (Public ownership in blue) Block 52 is a key block in the Downtown. It is highly visible and it sits on the West Bridge Park. The site slopes approximately 15' from Broadway to River Street. Broadway and Walnut contain mercantile buildings of varying quality. River Street has vacant parcels and underutilized buildings. Active Frontage Flexible Frontage (either Active or Residential) Frontage And Ground Floor Uses Active frontages (high transparency) and uses (retail and restaurants) should be located on Broadway, Walnut, and the west half of River Street. The remainder of the block is flexible - it can have either residential or active frontages. Building Setback l� Pocket Park & Open Space Setbacks, Pocket Parks & Open Space Buildings should define the perimeter of the Block. Minor setbacks (5'-10') for overhangs, seating, and display of goods is permitted on Broadway and Walnut. A more generous setback is permitted on Pine due to traffic volumes and access. Attached corner plazas are encouraged on the northwest corner of the block and permitted on the northeast and southeast corners. Surface Parking Access Way Parking & Servicing Access to mid block parking is encouraged on Pine Street and Walnut St. Parking should have minimal exposure to Broadway, River or Walnut St but should be large enough to replace the existing public parking lot on the block and should be expandable if the south side of the block redevelops. Careful consideration should be given to visibility and access to parking from Pine St since that will be the primary access as the site will be approached from the Bridge. Extra signage or a turning lane may be required. t1 rTaik<1�1 %\ 00 E► Bred -� C a� dy ■ Options The two illustrations above show potential options for development on Block 52 - both adhering to the guidelines. The top illustration shows new development on Broadway, articulated at a Main Street scale, with a corner plaza and a covered pass through as a form of pocket park. The bottom illustration shows a single corner development on Broadway, with a pocket park. Approaching Downtown from the Bridge Block 52 is the Gateway Block to Downtown from the Bridge. It is important to create an easy way for visitors to access mid -block parking as they approach downtown. The image to the left shows the approach - with enhanced landscaping, a turn lane, and clear signage to direct drivers to parking mid -block. City of Monticello Downtown Small Area Plan I Character Areas N Frameworks: Purpose Land Use, Open Space and Transportation are the three frameworks that organize and define the physical environment. As with systems in the human body, each must function independently - and together with - the others. If one fails, others are impacted. This is why it is important to understand frameworks as individual systems that must function as part of a single Downtown. The Plan is also divided into frameworks in order to allow different agencies, departments, and investors to act in concert with each other. This will help ensure public and private investments are coordinated, less risky, and more publicly acceptable. — Required Retail Frontage — Small Retail Opportunities Commercial Mixed -Use Multi -Family Housing Public Employment Pa rk/Open S pace/Cemetery �♦ 1 .♦ ♦• 1 Core Study Area Frameworks: Land Use and Development Development patterns that support social interaction, local character, and a compact connected and walkable environment. General Approach The Land Use Plan promotes a development pattern that recognizes the essential role that Downtowns plays in the communities they serve. Successful Downtowns tend to be places that serve many functions for the full cross section of the community throughout the year and across generations. They are places to gather, eat, live, shop, celebrate, protest, recreate, meet, be entertained, and to visit. They are places that promote social interactions and the unique creative expression of the community. At their best, Downtowns are places that exude pride because they represent the best the community has to offer. In order to promote these ideals, this Plan favors policies and development patterns that improve downtown for those who currently use it and patterns that support the places that people value. Therefore, development patterns and land uses in this Plan seek to support the Main Street character of Broadway, the importance of Walnut Street as a promenade to the River, regional and local needs of Pine Street, and the riverfront as the birthplace of the City. This Plan also recognizes the traditional (and still relevant) role of Downtown Monticello as well as the changing nature of small Downtowns throughout the country. In doing so, the Plan is committed to retaining the small scale shopfront District on Broadway by encouraging uses that value "experience" over "convenience". At the same time, the Plan encourages Pine Street (the regional face of downtown) to develop as a corridor that emphasizes convenience and accessibility. Together, both Broadway and Pine Street can complement each other to create a downtown that attracts a wide range of investments. Physically, the Plan favors compact walkable small town design with a fine grained mix of uses. The Plan arranges development types and land uses so valued places are supported, and new investments can add to the overall vitality of downtown. Recommendations • Create a Center to Downtown that is active throughout the day and into the evening - year round. The Walnut / Broadway Intersection should become the heart of this area. • Improve connections to the River by locating uses that benefit from open spaces and activities associated with the River. • Improve the entry experience from the north. • Maintain a shopfront District along Broadway, west of Pine Street comprised of traditional main street (mercantile) buildings that have retail/restaurant space on the ground floor and wither housing or offices above. • Create a development pattern on Pine Street that benefits from high visibility and regional access. • Infill Walnut Street and Cedar Street with mid scale housing (2-4 stories) that creates an effective transition between the in -town neighborhoods and the Downtown. City of Monticello Downtown Small Area Plan I Character Areas N Frameworks: Parks and Open Spaces Parks, Plazas, and Sidewalks that are lively, safe and pleasant to be in. ®® j eroda Wdy � Improved Pedestrian 0 and Bicycle Crossing ■ Community Parks Neighborhood Parks E� Pocket Parks WestBridge _, Ppm East Bric Park erodawdy ®� Seasonal Bridge Public Gardens Convertible Streets Pedestrian Promenade to River Proposed Bituminous Trail Connections oonno Existing Bituminous Trial ® ® ® ® MRTTrail Sledding Hill General Approach Parks and Open Space play an important role in distinguishing the Downtown from other areas of Monticello. Unlike much of Monticello where parks are generally programmed for recreational / sports and defined by trees and greenery, the parks downtown should focus on gathering and general social interaction as well as planned events. Therefore, in order to support and enhance the environment for downtown residents and businesses, this Plan expands the definition of parks beyond the valued park spaces that are already in use - namely Front Street Park, East and West Bridge Park. The Downtown Parks should also take in consideration the needs of new downtown residents and visitors. Upon implementation of this plan, several hundred new residents will be living in the downtown. It is likely that new downtown housing will be more compact and with less outdoor space than typical single family homes. Inevitably this will result in park demands that don't currently exist. Meeting these needs is a great opportunity to further develop a well designed and well connected park and open space system. Fla Illustrative Master Plan: East and West Bridge Park Recommendations • Redesign East and West Bridge park to include an amphitheater, water feature, riverfront access, picnicking, and additional space for passive park use. • Improve Front Street Park to include improved boat landing and space for nature oriented programming. • Connect the two Bridge Parks with Front Street Park with improved pathways and trails. Design all three parks as a single park with multiple uses. • Provide access to the islands with a seasonal bridge • Create small pocket parks mid block on Broadway to offer plazas that connect to parking lots in the middle of the block. • Redesign Walnut Street between River Street and Broadway as a special street that can be closed and used for festivals and events throughout the year. • Consider all sidewalks for opportunities to enhance greenery and public art. Emphasize Walnut Street, River Street and Broadway as the main pedestrian corridors in Downtown. • Use public art throughout the parks and corridors to distinguish Downtown as a place of cultural expression and celebration. • Work closely with local businesses, residents (new and existing) to ensure local parks and open spaces are appropriately designed and programmed for their varied needs. • Modify the Embracing Downtown Plan that recommends off street bike paths on Pine Street. In lieu of this off-street path, create north / south bike access to the river along Walnut and Cedar through a complete streets policy. Encourage bicycle crossing of Pine Street at 4th, River and 7th Street. • Maintain sidewalks and paths along TH25 City of Monticello Downtown Small Area Plan I Character Areas Frameworks: Circulation and Access A complete network of flexible streets that favors the needs of residents, businesses, and visitors. 01, 0 Traffic Calming IM11 Improved Pedestrian Crossing AW (J4 Signalized Intersection F� Access Way © Surface Parking - - - Interstate 94 mmm= Pine Street (MN 25) ', mmm= Broadway Street (CSAH 75) Pedestrian Promenade to River Add Sidewalks to Complete Grid General Approach The design of the streets (and the full right of ways) in downtown have a significant bearing on how downtown functions and feels. The rights-of-way in the Downtown should be designed to create a comfortable and safe physical environment that encourages a range of activities and development types. The Plan recommendations, therefore, favor a high quality, well-connected, and flexible street system that facilitates all users of downtown - especially those who are using and not passing through Downtown. With two main roads bisecting downtown, traffic volumes are relatively high. This provides an opportunity to capture additional business downtown, but it also can have a deleterious impact on the pedestrian and business environment in some locations. Recognizing this situation, previous Plans have emphasized Walnut Street as a main pedestrian connection to the River (not Pine Street). This Plan supports that idea and offers several ways in which that can be further achieved. This Plan departs from previous Plans in that it also encourages pedestrian activity on streets other than Walnut - this includes, Broadway, Pine Street and Cedar. While the Plan recognizes the regional function of Broadway and Pine, the Plan strives to balance this function with the local needs of community connectivity, aesthetics, pedestrian safety, and multi -modal travel. Successful Downtowns are not just easy to get to, they are pleasant to be in and to stay for multiple reasons. Therefore, this Plan, discourages future road widenings that would have further negative impacts on pedestrians Downtown - especially along the primary pedestrian corridors and districts. In lieu of road widenings, the Plan champions an well connected and balanced urban street grid system that can be programmed to flex and contract as needed to meet all the needs of Downtown. Accomplishing this goal will require a series of smaller interventions (signal timing, street connections, traffic controls, traffic calming, time -of -day -parking restrictions, modified property access, etc.) in lieu of wholesale street widening that would likely have a negative physical impact on the built environment of Downtown. The Plan also supports a street network where the Level of Service for pedestrians, transit riders, and cyclists are considered on equal terms to those of motorists and delay measurements from modelling are considered as a portion of overall average trip, not in isolation. Recommendations • Connect Walnut Street to River Street • Maintain the River Street / Pine Street signal as the formal entrance to Downtown and an important pedestrian connection across Pine Street. • Add a traffic signal at 4th and Pine to help balance the grid and turning movements at the Pine / Broadway Intersection. • Modify Walnut / Broadway and Cedar / Walnut Broadway intersection to prioritize pedestrian crossings and access to the river. • Narrow the travel lanes on Walnut Street, add parallel parking, where possible and ensure continuous safe and pleasant sidewalks. • Add sidewalks at the perimeter of blocks where they are not currently present • Discourage direct property access to Pine Street; favoring the side streets wherever possible with through -block lanes or easements. • Allow direct property access to Block 52 from Pine Street in order to reduce volumes at the Pine / Broadway intersection. • Discourage deceleration lanes; encourage speeds that do not require them. • Consider traffic calming at River Street and Locust (or Linn) to prevent excessive speeds - similar to River Street and Cedar Street as an example City of Monticello Downtown Small Area Plan I Character Areas N Parking Recommendations Strategy Recommendation Create a parking program that focuses on creating available spaces for different user groups. Pilot a shared parking program in which private parking is shared with the "public." Priority #1 Maximize use of existing parking supply Enhance pedestrian access to existing parking lots by developing small pocket parks on Broadway Expand and clarify on -street parking supply on all blocks in downtown. Invest in and implements a comprehensive parking signage and Strategically invest in information wayfinding system. Continually monitor occupancy, availability and utilization of and technology parking throughout downtown Complete the sidewalk system in Downtown to make walking more Improve mobility options to reduce comfortable. Encourage bicycle access to Downtown with bike racks and clearly parking demand designated bike routes. Revise zoning code to better support walkable development in the Downtown core. Revise the zoning code to incentivize sharing of parking and Simplify and leverage the zoning code underground parking for residential buildings. Require Transportation Demand Management program for all development above a certain size. Adjust on street regulations and operations to maximize flexibility Enhance parking administration and at the curb Establish formal collaboration between the City, County, and other operations parking stakeholders. Provide Additional public parking as Strategically invest in public and shared parking supply in key needed locations. Key Principles for New Parking Supply • Ensure that parking is shared and open to the public to the greatest degree possible. • Manage new parking as part of the larger system so that prices and regulations primarily incentivize use by long-term parkers. If off street parking is more expensive than on street parking, people will continue to circle and create congestion. • Include technology and wayfinding that makes parking easy to locate and use. • Contribute to the downtown environment by supporting strong urban design, pedestrian access and safety, and promote street activity via ground floor uses. Specific Block By Block Recommendations Block 52: • provide 50 surface spaces for public use mid block when developing north half of block • locate residential parking underground • restripe Walnut Street with wider sidewalks for short term parking • provide short term on -street parking on River Street • expand public surface lot (50 spc) to south side of block when redeveloped. Block 51 • combine surface lots midblock • locate residential parking underground • provide short term on -street parking on River Street • provide short term on -street parking on Locust Street Block 35 • expand mid -block lot (15 spc)when redeveloping south west corner of block. • consider a midblock parking structure. This would require the re-routing of midblock utilities in order to preserve space for housing or other development to face the street. • locate residential parking underground Block 36 • maintain and expand mid block lot (15 spc) when redeveloping southwest corner of block • locate residential parking underground • provide short term on -street parking on 3rd Street Other • work with property owners on blocks 31, 32, 18,17 to create shared parking arrangements City of Monticello Downtown Small Area Plan I Character Areas N i �. 0. __% Y Walnut Street Corridor Concept Plan Monticello, MN FINAL -Adopted November 12, 2018 Principles and Values Connectivity Walnut Street will connect three of the city's most valuable and beloved assets - the Community Center, Broadway Street and the River. It will be a comfortable and simple connection for all residents and visitors of the City to use throughout the year. le r r' 1�OFF rf FRN -F ARR -air rr 44MMWft--jM --MW F 1 Sociability Walnut Street will become a place where gathering, celebration, and simple interaction with friends and strangers can occur in a safe and inviting manner. The street will be designed to showcase creativity, art and the unique identity of the City. Sustainability Walnut Street will highlight the City's commitment to sustainability. It will responsibly manage greenspace and stormwater and will encourage a healthy lifestyle by promoting walking and cycling between the Community Center and the River. Incremental Walnut Street corridor improvements will be implemented over time. While capital improvements will be budgeted for and implemented, many of the improvements will be implemented along with redevelopments and separate initiatives as they arise. CUNINGHAM G R 0 U P Downtown Small Area Plan Design Principles from the Downtown Monticello Small Area Plan ,a eoddwdy mlml rop lift 000 000 FT 000�000 Shift the Center and Double Down on Broadway. Improve the Pine Street Experience for Everyone. Engage and love the riverfront. Go beyond the Swan. Lots of Small Investments, a few medium ones and just one or two big ones. CUNINGHAM G R 0 U P City Wide Significance ' s A Community Center to River Mississippi River Trail to 5th Street Bike Trail A space for everyone Walnut Street connects two of the Cities most important amenities and destinations : the Community Center/ Senior Center/City Hall to the Riverfront. In addition, Walnut Street is bisected by two important recreational trails: the Mississippi River Train and the 5th Street bike Trail. This Plan offers a concept plan for how Walnut Street can be redesigned to function as both a connection between the Community Center and the Riverfront and as an important public space in and of itself. A new Walnut street can become a positive address for development, a place for creative expression, gathering, and a safe and pleasant way for everyone in the community to get to the Community Center and the Riverfront. The Family Path is a key feature to the overall design. The Family is an off-street, two-way multi -use trail that connects the Community Center to the River. The Family Path is intended for strolling, jogging, and slow biking. It is designed to be safe and comfortable for users of all abilities; however experienced cyclists are encouraged to use the street. The Family Path will be lined with amenities such as benches, art and shade trees. At intersections, the Family Path crosses the street with special markings, ensuring cross traffic knows the intersection will be occupied by children, elderly, cyclists, scooters, and others. CUNINGHAM G R 0 U P Walnut Street Corridor - Issues Sidewalks jog and are not connected to side streets. On -street parking is available, but it is unclear due to intermittent diagonal parking. Library The riverfront parks are disconnected from Downtown and the rest of the city because Walnut Street ends in a parking lot. N N o I 1 Community Cargill' _- .' - J _ ,, Center .. ¢' m��` i F t . inn mew 71 777�,7 _—_—_*,y ------------------------------------4—L _—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_---_ _---_=11 —_� ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 71 Street is wider than necessary, creating less than ideal conditions for walking and cycling. Crossing Broadway is uncomfortable. The two sides of Monticello's Main Street are disconnected. The tight dimensions and lack of bumper stops allow cars to overhand the sidewalk - thereby narrowing the walking area to less than 3'. K-0 7 "11 ;rr West Bridn: Park Existing Bridge Park is not connected to Downtown or Walnut Street due to sidewalks that end and no ramp to Walnut Street. © CUNINGFIAM G R 0 U P Walnut Street Corridor - Concept Plan Big Rooms °J Community v i Library, v, Center i Promenade • "Family Track"a 2 lane pathway • Public Art and Community Identity • Seating areas and shade • Free little libraries • Stormwater and landscaping • Strolling events and activities • Sidewalk i- ------4- -- Cargill 4- N V) ' - - ---------------- Shared and Convertible Street • Markets • Celebrations • Overlook the river L ------ --- --------� ro �,- - i West Bridge Park i---------�------- - - - - -- L - - - - -- i i Civic • Business and Civic Activity • Diagonal parking • Compact section • Programming relates to Library and Community Center Broadway • Cafe Seating • Walk your bike/ park your bike • Curb extensions at Broadway and Locust • Sidewalk sales CUNINGHAM G R 0 U P 0 � m � Shared and Convertible Street • Markets • Celebrations • Overlook the river L ------ --- --------� ro �,- - i West Bridge Park i---------�------- - - - - -- L - - - - -- i i Civic • Business and Civic Activity • Diagonal parking • Compact section • Programming relates to Library and Community Center Broadway • Cafe Seating • Walk your bike/ park your bike • Curb extensions at Broadway and Locust • Sidewalk sales CUNINGHAM G R 0 U P Walnut Street Corridor - Concept Plan Medium Rooms Community Library ) Center 4-1 on street _ Gather With others next to the community center v Cargill N N s � 4� M — — -- — -------- — — QN 96' iini Emil on street on street Intersect With art at 4th and Walnut on n3 0 m rmnoffnm Eat Under a grove of trees at Broadway Celebrate: On Walnut between Broadway and the River Ad — CUNINGHAM G R 0 U P Walnut Street Corridor - Concept Plan Small Rooms Plug and Play / Mix and Match Trellis and swings C Art Shade trees and groundcover .,.,,.•mwater ....+ ... . 41. . 40. Games and pop UPS C Along the corridor, between the tracks and Cornerstone Cafe, the east side of the road will have a +/- 6' zone between the sidewalk and the family path that can be put to productive use for many purposes. It can be used for stormwater, outdoor seating, art, shade trees and benches. These spaces can be implemented over time, as funding and interest allows. Shade trees and benches CUNINGHAM G R 0 U P Walnut Street Corridor - Proposed Design 04 No significant changes 36'road = 8' Family Path 8' parking + 10'drive lanes 6'Amenity Zone (small rooms) 5'walk Pavement Materials FamilyTrack T.tm "Rooms" Intersections and sidewalks between Back of Curb and Cornerstone and River Sidewalk u .t sidewalk family path Tan/Red Colored Concrete Stamped Dark Charcoal Colored Concrete Patterned or stamped Concrete Standard Brushed Concrete M 18'-0" 19'-0" Existing Angled Parking J. 3 Varies 'Zri Y 36-0" Street Width 8'-0" 26-4- 9.4.1 6'-0" Sidewalk Parallel Parking Travel Lane Travel Lane Parallel Parking FamilyTrack/ Small Outdoor Sidewalk Multi-UseTrail Rooms Future Street Section (typical) Existing JL FamilyTrack/ Existing Sidewalkarallel Parking Travel Lane Travel Lane Parallel Parking Multi-UseTrail Sidewalk Interim Street Section (typical) e CUNINGFEAM G R 0 U P Character Area - Promenade Community Center Bridge Park bike trail Walnut Street New development I f� Betwen the Community Center and Broadway, Walnut is designed as a Promenade with a paralell Family Path. The intersection of 4th Street and Walnut is highlighted with public art, and comfortable places to sit and relax. The publicly owned property at the rail tracks is redeveloped and a portio of it is incoporated into the corridor design Family Path Walnut .r CUNINGHAM G R 0 U P Character Area - Broadway ,e Community Center Bridge Park Insurance MM 1 M*kWWA5ft==Rlbl1hW v M Walnut Street parallel parking Family Path parking grove Cornerstone Cafe 0 111 At Broadway, Walnut Street is designed to accommodate 4) VULUVVI UIIII118 allU JG11G lAVJJ1118 V1 1JIVQUW0.y OLIQGL. 1J1riG1J are encouraged to walk their bikes or park them in bike corrals and others are encouraged to enjoy the shade under a grove of Dental ` trees. m Cornerstone cafe Dance Studio 4 CLININGHAM G R O U P Character Area - Shared + Convertible Street �a-A Community Center Bridge Park 3 Dental ml - - - - - - - - - - - - ■■': d p off F parallel parkingME A I■■■■■■■■ I■■■■■■■■ Dance Studio Bessies �q/h4tstreet Broadway Between Broadway and River Street, Walnut Street is designed as a "Shared y Street." The space between the buildings is curbless, and can therefore be used more flexibly. It will have diagonal and parallel — _ _ _ _ _ _ parking, as well as a drop off zone for the dance studio. On occasion, the street can be closed and used for gathering, festivals, and other events occasionally throughout the year. Other amenities, such as benches, NE shade trees, lighting and banners signify N■■ \ that this section of Walnut Street is special 'ui and it's use is shared by many. West Bridge Park 12 CUNINGHAM G R O U P Walnut Street Ramp: Interim Solution �A ��e air iia �joaa �`Je� Community Center Bridge Park Dental Office �F HHHHHM Dance Studio ` stripping in the parking lot new ramp 4- v v i Ln— — L Q1 Walnut Street Walnut Street ------ - -• Fab Bessies W � West Bridge - - Park new ramp r � 1 l clear crosswalks exttend d sidewalk End of Walnut Street Sidewalk at West River Park DRAFT 02/10/10® CUNINGHAM G R 0 U P City Council Agenda: 08/09/2021 4113. Consideration of approving a 2022-2023 law enforcement contract with Wright County Sheriff's Office. Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Finance Director 08/09/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve a 2022-2023 law enforcement contract with Wright County Sheriff's Office. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City of Monticello has contracted with the Wright County Sheriff's Office (WCSO) for police work since 1971 when the population was 1,636. As the community has grown and changed, the WCSO has provided quality coverage to the city and has become a strong partner to keep Monticello a safe place to live, work, and recreate. Our current contract with Wright County expires at the end of 2021, so they have offered a new two-year contract. The proposed contract maintains the coverage at 52 hours per day with a 3% hourly rate increase in both 2022 and 2023. The following table shows the details of the proposed contract for 2022-2023 and the current and two most recent contracts: Year Hourly Rate % Increase Hours per Day Budget Change 2023 $86.75 3.0% 52 $1,646,515 $48,399 2022 $84.20 3.0% 52 $1,598,116 $46,501 2021 $81.75 4.5% 52 $1,551,615 $66,430 2020 $78.25 5.0% 52 $1,485,185 $71,175 2019 $74.50 3.5% 52 $1,414,010 $152,570 2018 $72.00 3.6% 48 $1,261,440 $43,800 2017 $69.50 3.7% 48 $1,217,640 $43,800 2016 $67.00 3.9% 48 $1,173,840 $43,800 City Council Agenda: 08/09/2021 I. Budget Impact: $1,598,116 in 2022 and $1,646,515 in 2023. Expenditures for police services are recorded in the General Fund and are paid from the property tax levy. II. Staff Impact: Minimal. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: Creating and maintaining a safe community. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approving a 2022-2023 law enforcement contract with Wright County Sheriff's Office. SUPPORTING DATA • 2022-2023 Law Enforcement Contract as proposed by Wright County. Matt Treichler Chief Deputy Shawna Athman Office Administrator Todd Sandin Captain Annette Habisch-Peterson Captain Todd Hoffman Captain Pat O'Malley Jail Captain July 1, 2021 Greetings, Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Sean Deringer 3800 Braddock Ave NE Buffalo, MN 55313 1-800-362-3667 Fax: 763-682-7610 JNT Y o,c � Z 4.W . .4$ 7855 Administration 763-682-7622 Dispatch 763-682-7600 Records 763-682-7630 Civil 763-682-7646 Warrants 763-682-7688 Investigations 763-682-7433 Jail Administration 763-684-2381 Victim Assistance 763-684-4537 Enclosed is your city law enforcement contract for 2022-2023. Please review the documents, sign, and return to our office with the pre -paid envelope inside. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your area Lieutenant for additional information. Thank -you for your continued partnership. Sincerely, Kristbn Hoyne Confidential Adini rative Assistant 763-684-2374 LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered on this day of , 2021, by and between the COUNTY OF WRIGHT and the WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF, hereinafter referred to as "County" and the CITY OF MONTICELLO hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Municipality is desirous of entering into a contract with the County for the performance of the hereinafter described law enforcement protection within the corporate limits of said municipality through the County Sheriff, and WHEREAS, the County is agreeable to rendering suc11 services and protection on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, such contracts are authorized and provided for by the provision of Minnesota Statutes 471.59 and Minnesota Statutes 436.05; NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the terms of the aforesaid statutes, and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, it is agreed as follows: 1. That the County by way of the Sheriff agrees to provide police protection within the corporate limits of the Municipality to the extent and in the manner as hereinafter set forth: a. Except as otherwise hereinafter specifically set forth, such services shall encompass only duties and functions of the type of coming within the jurisdiction of the Wright County Sheriff pursuant to Minnesota Laws and Statutes. b. Except as otherwise hereinafter provided for, the standard level of service provided shall be the same basic level of service which is provided for the unincorporated areas of the County of Wright, State of Minnesota. 1 c. The rendition of services, the standard of performance, the discipline of the officers, and other matters incident to the performance of such services and control of personnel so employed shall remain in and under the control of the Sheriff. d. Services purchased pursuant to this contract shall include enforcement of Minnesota State Statutes, including but not limited to the Traffic Code and the Criminal Code, as well as all local ordinances enacted in conformance therewith. Statutes and ordinances which prescribe enforcement by a different authority; i.e., the State Electrical Code, the Uniform Building Code, etc., shall be excluded from this agreement. Ordinances pertaining exclusively to purely local city management matters; i.e., sewer and water collection, etc., shall be excluded from this agreement. The Municipality shall be responsible for enforcement of the Municipal Zoning Code except that the Sheriff will enforce the nuisance ordinances conforming to State law; i.e., junk cars, etc. and traffic ordinances; i.e., parking and erratic driving. 2. That it is agreed that the Sheriff shall have full cooperation and assistance from the Municipality, its officers, agents, and employees so as to facilitate the performance of this agreement. In order to facilitate a local presence of Sheriff's Deputies, the Municipality shall, if requested by the Sheriff, provide a secure office for the Sheriff's Deputies having adequate space for two desks with chairs, limited public visibility, a local telephone line and an internet connection. The Municipality shall allow a sign indicating the location of its Sheriff's substation with appropriate telephone numbers to be displayed on the exterior of the building. 3. That the County shall furnish and supply all necessary labor, supervision, equipment, communication facilities for dispatching, cost of jail detention, and all supplies necessary to maintain the level of service to be rendered herein. 4. The Municipality shall not be liable for the direct payment of any salaries, wages, or other compensation to any personnel performing services herein for said County. 5. The Municipality shall not be liable for compensation or indemnity to any of the Sheriff's employees for injuries or sickness arising out of its employment, and the County hereby agrees to hold harmless the Municipality against any such claims. 6. The County, Sheriff, his officers, and employees shall not be deemed to assume any liability for intentional or negligent acts of said Municipality or any officer, agent, or employee thereof. 7. This agreement shall be effective from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2023. N 8. The Municipality agrees to pay to the County the sum of $84.20 per hour for law enforcement protection during the calendar year 2022 and $86.75 per hour during the calendar year 2023. If salaries of Deputy Sheriffs are increased at any time during the term of this contract, the hourly rate of this contract shall not be increased. 9. The number of hours of service to be provided pursuant to this contract are as follows: 18,980 hours annually and shall provide 24-hour call and general service. The Municipality shall notify the County in writing prior to August 15 regarding any change in the number of hours for the subsequent year. 10. The County shall provide for all costs and prosecution efforts with the respect to violations charged by the Sheriff in the performance of this agreement. All fines arising from such prosecutions shall accrue to the County. Violations of municipal ordinances excluded from enforcement by this agreement shall be prosecuted by the Municipality at its expense. All fines arising from the city prosecutions shall accrue to the Municipality unless otherwise provided by law. 11. Pursuant to law, the County Auditor/Treasurer shall remit to the Municipality its share of all fines collected. The Municipality shall return to the County within 30 days all fine money attributable to prosecutions initiated by the Sheriff in accord with Paragraph 11 of this contract. The Municipality shall keep and retain any fine money submitted by the Auditor/Treasurer attributable to prosecutions initiated by the Municipality. 12. For the purpose of maintaining cooperation, local control and general information on existing complaints and problems in said Municipality, one member of the Municipal Council, the Mayor or other person or persons shall be appointed by said Council to act as police commissioner(s) for said Municipality and shall make periodic contacts with and attend meetings with the Sheriff or his office in relation to the contract herein. 13. The County shall save, hold harmless and defend the City from any and all claims arising from the acts or omissions, including intentional acts and negligence, committed by employees or agents of the County or Sheriff while in the performance of duties in furtherance of this contract. 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Municipality, by resolution duly adopted by it governing body, caused this agreement to be signed by its Mayor and attested by its Clerk; and the County of Wright, by the County Board of Commissioners, has caused this agreement to be signed by the Chairman and Clerk of said Board, and by the Wright County Sheriff, effective on the day and year first above written. Dated: ATTEST: Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Lee Kelly, County Coordinator Dated: e 9 1- G/ V Approved as to form and execution: Brian Lutes, Wright County Attorney CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY 4 Mayor Mark Daleiden, Wright County Board Chair r Sean Deringer, right County Sheriff Monticello Patrol Hour Summary Hours Purchased Per Contract: 1 19,032.00 Starting Hours (beginning of month): 9,499.00 M -T -D (detailed below): 1,697.25 Balance going forward (to next month): 7,801.75 Y -T -D: 1 11,230.25 Shift Start Shift Stop Date Shift Start Time Shift Stop Date Time Schedule Position Time Type Regular Hours 1 -Jul -21 6:00 1 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 1 -Jul -21 8:00 1 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 1 -Jul -21 12:00 1 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 1 -Jul -21 18:00 2 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 1 -Jul -21 20:00 2 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 2 -Jul -21 6:00 2 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 2 -Jul -21 6:00 2 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 2 -Jul -21 12:00 2 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 2 -Jul -21 18:00 3 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 2 -Jul -21 20:00 3 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 3 -Jul -21 6:00 3 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 3 -Jul -21 8:00 3 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 3 -Jul -21 12:00 3 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 3 -Jul -21 14:00 4 -Jul -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 3 -Jul -21 18:00 4 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 4 -Jul -21 4:00 4 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 OT - Regular 2.00 4 -Jul -21 6:00 4 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 4 -Jul -21 8:00 4 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 4 -Jul -21 12:00 4 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 4 -Jul -21 14:00 5 -Jul -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 4 -Jul -21 18:00 5 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 5 -Jul -21 4:00 5 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 OT - Regular 2.00 5 -Jul -21 6:00 5 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 5 -Jul -21 8:00 5 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 5 -Jul -21 12:00 5 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 5 -Jul -21 14:00 6 -Jul -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 5 -Jul -21 18:00 6 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 5 -Jul -21 20:00 6 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 6 -Jul -21 6:00 6 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 6 -Jul -21 8:00 6 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 6 -Jul -21 12:00 6 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 6 -Jul -21 14:00 7 -Jul -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 6 -Jul -21 18:00 7 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 6 -Jul -21 20:00 7 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 7 -Jul -21 6:00 7 -Jul -21 17:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 11.00 7 -Jul -21 8:00 7 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 7 -Jul -21 12:00 7 -Jul -21 18:15 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 6.25 7 -Jul -21 14:00 8 -Jul -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 7 -Jul -21 18:00 8 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 7 -Jul -21 20:00 8 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 8 -Jul -21 6:00 8 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 8 -Jul -21 8:00 8 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 8 -Jul -21 12:00 8 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 8 -Jul -21 18:00 9 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 8 -Jul -21 20:00 9 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 9 -Jul -21 6:00 9 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 9 -Jul -21 8:00 9 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 9 -Jul -21 12:00 9 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 9 -Jul -21 18:00 10 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 9 -Jul -21 20:00 10 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 10 -Jul -21 6:00 10 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 10 -Jul -21 8:00 10 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 10 -Jul -21 12:00 10 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 10 -Jul -21 18:00 11 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 10 -Jul -21 20:00 11 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 11 -Jul -21 6:00 11 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 11 -Jul -21 8:00 11 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 11 -Jul -21 12:00 11 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 11 -Jul -21 18:00 12 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 11 -Jul -21 20:00 12 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 12 -Jul -21 6:00 12 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 12 -Jul -21 8:00 12 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 12 -Jul -21 12:00 12 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 12 -Jul -21 14:00 13 -Jul -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 12 -Jul -21 18:00 13 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 12 -Jul -21 20:00 13 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 13 -Jul -21 6:00 13 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 13 -Jul -21 8:00 13 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 13 -Jul -21 12:00 13 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 13 -Jul -21 14:00 14 -Jul -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 13 -Jul -21 18:00 14 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 13 -Jul -21 20:00 14 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 14 -Jul -21 6:00 14 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 14 -Jul -21 8:00 14 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 14 -Jul -21 12:00 14 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 14 -Jul -21 14:00 15 -Jul -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 14 -Jul -21 18:00 15 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 14 -Jul -21 20:00 15 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 15 -Jul -21 6:00 15 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 15 -Jul -21 8:00 15 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 15 -Jul -21 12:00 15 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 15 -Jul -21 16:00 16 -Jul -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 8.00 15 -Jul -21 18:00 16 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 15 -Jul -21 20:00 16 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 16 -Jul -21 6:00 16 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 16 -Jul -21 8:00 16 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 16 -Jul -21 12:00 16 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 16 -Jul -21 18:00 17 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 16 -Jul -21 20:00 17 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 17 -Jul -21 6:00 17 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 17 -Jul -21 8:00 17 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 17 -Jul -21 12:00 17 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 17 -Jul -21 18:00 18 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 17 -Jul -21 20:00 18 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 18 -Jul -21 6:00 18 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 18 -Jul -21 8:00 18 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 18 -Jul -21 14:00 19 -Jul -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 18 -Jul -21 18:00 19 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 18 -Jul -21 20:00 19 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 19 -Jul -21 6:00 19 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 19 -Jul -21 8:00 19 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 19 -Jul -21 12:00 19 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 19 -Jul -21 18:00 20 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 19 -Jul -21 20:00 20 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 20 -Jul -21 6:00 20 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 20 -Jul -21 10:00 20 -Jul -21 20:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 20 -Jul -21 12:00 20 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 20 -Jul -21 14:00 21 -Jul -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 20 -Jul -21 18:00 21 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 20 -Jul -21 20:00 21 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 21 -Jul -21 6:00 21 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 21 -Jul -21 8:00 21 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 21 -Jul -21 12:00 21 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 21 -Jul -21 14:00 22 -Jul -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 21 -Jul -21 18:00 22 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 21 -Jul -21 20:00 22 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 22 -Jul -21 6:00 22 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 22 -Jul -21 8:00 22 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 22 -Jul -21 12:00 22 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 22 -Jul -21 14:30 23 -Jul -21 0:30 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 22 -Jul -21 18:00 23 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 22 -Jul -21 20:00 23 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 23 -Jul -21 6:00 23 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 23 -Jul -21 8:00 23 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 23 -Jul -21 12:00 23 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 23 -Jul -21 14:00 24 -Jul -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 23 -Jul -21 18:00 24 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 23 -Jul -21 20:00 24 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 24 -Jul -21 6:00 24 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 24 -Jul -21 8:00 24 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 24 -Jul -21 12:00 24 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 24 -Jul -21 18:00 25 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 24 -Jul -21 20:00 25 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 25 -Jul -21 6:00 25 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 25 -Jul -21 8:00 25 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 25 -Jul -21 12:00 25 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 25 -Jul -21 18:00 26 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 25 -Jul -21 20:00 26 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 26 -Jul -21 6:00 26 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 26 -Jul -21 8:00 26 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 26 -Jul -21 12:00 26 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 26 -Jul -21 18:00 27 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 26 -Jul -21 20:00 27 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 27 -Jul -21 6:00 27 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 27 -Jul -21 8:00 27 -Jul -21 14:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 6.00 27 -Jul -21 12:00 27 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 27 -Jul -21 16:00 27 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 2.00 27 -Jul -21 18:00 28 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 27 -Jul -21 20:00 28 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 28 -Jul -21 6:00 28 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 28 -Jul -21 8:00 28 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 28 -Jul -21 12:00 28 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 28 -Jul -21 14:00 29 -Jul -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 28 -Jul -21 18:00 29 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 28 -Jul -21 20:00 29 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 29 -Jul -21 6:00 29 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 29 -Jul -21 8:00 29 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 29 -Jul -21 12:00 29 -Jul -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 29 -Jul -21 14:00 30 -Jul -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 29 -Jul -21 18:00 30 -Jul -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 29 -Jul -21 20:00 30 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 30 -Jul -21 6:00 30 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 30 -Jul -21 8:00 30 -Jul -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 30 -Jul -21 10:00 30 -Jul -21 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 30 -Jul -21 14:00 31 -Jul -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 30 -Jul -21 20:00 31 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 30 -Jul -21 20:00 31 -Jul -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 31 -Jul -21 6:00 31 -Jul -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 31 -Jul -21 10:00 31 -Jul -21 20:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 31 -Jul -21 10:00 31 -Jul -21 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 31 -Jul -21 14:00 1 -Aug -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 31 -Jul -21 20:00 1 -Aug -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 31 -Jul -21 20:00 1 -Aug -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 TOTAL: 1697.25 ,yGNT COGy�. f9r R 5 G4/`r Monticello Monthly Report 2021 Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Sean Deringer 3800 Braddock Ave. NE, Buffalo, MN 55313 1-800-362-3667 Fax:763-682-7610 QPpF ESSIONA�rS Printed on Auaust1 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 911 Abandoned Total: 8 07/03/21 00:48 911 Abandoned 2021054598 911 07/04/21 22:59 911 Abandoned 2021055371 911 07/07/21 08:54 911 Abandoned 2021056077 911 07/12/21 11:38 911 Abandoned 2021057879 911 07/17/21 13:19 911 Abandoned 2021059748 911 07/18/21 22:51 911 Abandoned 2021060342 911 Abandoned WP21019235 911 07/20/21 08:48 911 Abandoned 2021060805 911 07/31/21 11:21 911 Abandoned 2021064746 911 911 Abandoned; Medical - Bleeding - Lacerations Total: 1 07/26/21 09:12 911 Abandoned; 2021062953 911 Hang-up Total: 26 07/01/21 16:15 911 Hang-up 2021054046 07/01/21 19:41 911 Hang-up 2021054120 07/03/21 16:34 911 Hang-up 2021054781 07/04/21 20:36 911 Hang-up 2021055287 07/05/21 14:58 911 Hang-up 2021055559 07/05/21 17:59 911 Hang-up 2021055627 07/06/21 09:51 911 Hang-up 2021055778 07/06/21 20:58 911 Hang-up 2021055982 07/07/21 14:29 911 Hang-up 2021056170 07/08/21 11:51 911 Hang-up 2021056497 07/11/21 08:53 911 Hang-up 2021057515 07/11/21 11:53 911 Hang-up 2021057554 07/11/21 12:00 911 Hang-up 2021057556 07/12/21 14:45 911 Hang-up 2021057924 07/14/21 12:14 911 Hang-up 2021058567 07/15/21 21:52 911 Hang-up 2021059116 07/17/21 09:07 911 Hang-up 2021059669 07/17/21 13:21 911 Hang-up 2021059749 07/20/21 10:58 911 Hang-up 2021060834 07/21/21 06:18 911 Hang-up 2021061107 07/23/21 06:59 911 Hang-up 2021061824 07/23/21 19:04 911 Hang-up 2021062089 07/25/21 23:32 911 Hang-up 2021062889 07/27/21 09:50 911 Hang-up 2021063360 07/29/21 21:28 911 Hang-up 2021064220 07/30/21 02:01 911 Hang-up 2021064271 911 Hang-up 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 WP21020389 911 Page 1 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 911 Open Line Total: 68 07/01/21 00:13 911 Open Line 2021053825 07/01/21 05:44 911 Open Line 2021053853 07/01/21 09:36 911 Open Line 2021053895 07/02/21 13:24 911 Open Line 2021054357 07/02/21 14:56 911 Open Line 2021054382 07/02/21 18:43 911 Open Line 2021054475 07/02/21 19:05 911 Open Line 2021054483 07/03/21 09:42 911 Open Line 2021054665 07/03/21 17:14 911 Open Line 2021054806 07/03/21 20:19 911 Open Line 2021054865 07/04/21 19:39 911 Open Line 2021055271 07/05/21 11:04 911 Open Line 2021055491 07/05/21 18:00 911 Open Line 2021055629 07/06/21 06:51 911 Open Line 2021055747 07/06/21 08:47 911 Open Line 2021055764 07/06/21 14:01 911 Open Line 2021055853 07/07/21 12:18 911 Open Line 2021056131 07/07/21 13:05 911 Open Line 2021056143 07/07/21 15:21 911 Open Line 2021056184 07/07/21 18:42 911 Open Line 2021056258 07/08/21 19:45 911 Open Line 2021056681 07/10/21 00:55 911 Open Line 2021057147 07/10/21 11:05 911 Open Line 2021057211 07/10/21 14:21 911 Open Line 2021057267 07/10/21 17:09 911 Open Line 2021057312 07/10/21 17:33 911 Open Line 2021057321 07/10/21 20:23 911 Open Line 2021057365 07/10/21 21:27 911 Open Line 2021057398 07/10/21 21:54 911 Open Line 2021057409 07/11/21 11:51 911 Open Line 2021057552 07/11/21 20:42 911 Open Line 2021057703 07/15/21 07:57 911 Open Line 2021058803 07/15/21 09:53 911 Open Line 2021058848 07/15/21 17:51 911 Open Line 2021059035 07/15/21 18:28 911 Open Line 2021059045 07/16/21 17:02 911 Open Line 2021059398 07/16/21 19:57 911 Open Line 2021059480 07/17/21 16:13 911 Open Line 2021059806 07/18/21 12:32 911 Open Line 2021060130 07/18/21 13:27 911 Open Line 2021060154 07/19/21 16:55 911 Open Line 2021060604 07/19/21 17:23 911 Open Line 2021060615 07/20/21 13:21 911 Open Line 2021060883 07/20/21 16:29 911 Open Line 2021060945 07/21/21 14:09 911 Open Line 2021061248 07/21/21 16:04 911 Open Line 2021061293 Final Incident Case Number How Reported 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 Page 2 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 07/21/21 17:41 911 Open Line 2021061338 Phone 911 07/23/21 10:54 911 Open Line 2021061882 Assist 911 07/23/21 13:00 911 Open Line 2021061940 2021057394 911 07/23/21 18:00 911 Open Line 2021062063 16:31 911 07/23/21 18:09 911 Open Line 2021062067 Phone 911 07/25/21 00:12 911 Open Line 2021062531 911 07/25/21 07:54 911 Open Line 2021062578 2021060310 911 07/26/21 15:52 911 Open Line 2021063078 09:29 911 07/27/21 13:32 911 Open Line 2021063425 Phone 911 07/27/21 13:46 911 Open Line 2021063429 Assist 911 07/28/21 05:04 911 Open Line 2021063653 Injuries 911 07/28/21 16:22 911 Open Line 2021063806 Agency Assist; MVA - 911 07/28/21 23:56 911 Open Line 2021063953 911 07/29/21 13:37 911 Open Line 2021064087 911 07/29/21 18:57 911 Open Line 2021064182 911 07/30/21 03:05 911 Open Line 2021064275 911 07/30/21 08:26 911 Open Line 2021064314 911 07/30/21 08:51 911 Open Line 2021064320 911 07/30/21 16:31 911 Open Line 2021064487 911 07/30/21 21:22 911 Open Line 2021064597 911 07/31/21 10:18 911 Open Line 2021064733 911 07/31/21 18:59 911 Open Line 2021064882 911 911 Open Line; Agency Assist Total: 1 07/29/21 05:41 911 Open Line; Agency 2021063976 911 911 Open Line; Alarm Total: 1 07/06/21 19:30 911 Open Line; Alarm 2021055959 911 Abandoned Vehicle Total: 3 07/02/21 05:29 Abandoned Vehicle 2021054231 Abandoned Vehicle WP21017445 Phone 07/17/21 07:58 Abandoned Vehicle 2021059650 Abandoned Vehicle WP21019046 Phone 07/25/21 20:14 Abandoned Vehicle 2021062822 Abandoned Vehicle WP21019972 Phone Abuse Total: 1 07/19/2117:19 Abuse 2021060613 Abuse WP21019314 Phone Agency Assist Total: 8 07/04/21 03:16 Agency Assist 2021054995 Agency Assist WP21017661 Phone 07/05/21 10:07 Agency Assist 2021055476 Agency Assist WP21017807 Phone 07/10/21 21:19 Agency Assist 2021057394 Agency Assist WP21018393 Phone 07/13/21 16:31 Agency Assist 2021058324 Agency Assist WP21018670 Phone 07/17/21 03:28 Agency Assist 2021059638 DUI WP21019042 Phone 07/18/21 21:11 Agency Assist 2021060310 Agency Assist WP21019228 Phone 07/28/21 09:29 Agency Assist 2021063696 Agency Assist WP21020228 Phone 07/30/21 10:57 Agency Assist 2021064358 Agency Assist WP21020413 Phone Agency Assist; MVA - No Injuries; MVA - Injuries Total: 1 07/28/21 23:55 Agency Assist; MVA - 2021063952 Agency Assist WP21020296 Phone Page 3 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Alarm Total: 2 07/09/2115:43 Alarm 2021056950 07/29/2107:13 Alarm 2021063985 Animal Total: 15 07/01/2110:25 Animal 2021053918 07/02/2116:24 Animal 2021054413 07/05/2101:26 Animal 2021055425 07/08/2119:15 Animal 2021056667 07/09/2120:24 Animal 2021057064 07/10/2115:58 Animal 2021057296 07/12/2116:12 Animal 2021057963 07/16/2121:53 Animal 2021059540 07/17/2115:58 Animal 2021059801 07/17/2116:43 Animal 2021059819 07/22/2115:32 Animal 2021061617 07/24/2120:20 Animal 2021062436 07/28/2105:26 Animal 2021063658 07/31/2106:58 Animal 2021064700 07/31/2122:52 Animal 2021064982 Animal - Abuse Total: 3 07/02/21 10:31 Animal - Abuse 2021054296 07/04/21 14:04 Animal - Abuse 2021055148 07/27/21 11:48 Animal - Abuse 2021063395 Animal - Bites - Attacks Total: 1 07/28/21 09:02 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2021063690 Final Incident Case Number How Reported 911 911 Animal WP21017345 Phone Animal WP21017500 911 Animal WP21017788 911 Animal WP21018161 Phone Animal WP21018298 Phone Animal WP21018363 Phone Animal WP21018574 Phone Animal WP21019024 911 07/07/21 10:44 07/05/2103:18 ATL Phone Animal WP21019096 Phone Animal WP21019610 911 Animal WP21019853 Phone Animal WP21020216 911 Animal WP21020500 2021063537 Animal W P21020581 911 Animal - Abuse Animal - Abuse Animal Animal - Bites - Attacks WP21017461 Phone WP21017713 Phone WP21020143 Phone WP21020226 Phone Assault Total: 3 Check Welfare 2021054179 Check Welfare WP21017427 07/11/2104:19 Assault 2021057489 Assault WP21018428 Phone 07/22/21 19:33 Assault 2021061698 Domestic Disturbance WP21019635 Phone 07/30/2100:02 Assault 2021064251 Assault WP21020385 Phone ATL Total: 1 Check Welfare WP21017989 Phone 07/07/21 10:44 07/05/2103:18 ATL 2021055438 ATL WP21017794 Phone Burglary Total: 2 Check Welfare 2021056254 Check Welfare WP21018050 07/16/21 23:11 Burglary 2021059576 Burglary WP21019029 911 07/27/21 18:49 Burglary 2021063537 Burglary WP21020183 911 Check Welfare Total: 25 07/01/21 22:16 Check Welfare 2021054179 Check Welfare WP21017427 Phone 07/01/21 22:59 Check Welfare 2021054191 Medical - Psychiatric - WP21017431 Phone 07/02/21 13:15 Check Welfare 2021054353 Check Welfare WP21017480 Phone 07/07/21 07:07 Check Welfare 2021056059 Check Welfare WP21017989 Phone 07/07/21 10:44 Check Welfare 2021056105 Check Welfare WP21018001 911 07/07/21 18:28 Check Welfare 2021056254 Check Welfare WP21018050 07/10/21 23:53 Check Welfare 2021057452 Check Welfare WP21018409 911 Page 4 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 07/12/21 17:23 Check Welfare 2021058000 Citizen Aid WP21017664 911 07/14/21 04:57 Check Welfare 2021058478 Check Welfare WP21018718 Phone 07/15/21 15:09 Check Welfare 2021058956 Check Welfare WP21018859 Phone 07/15/21 21:31 Check Welfare 2021059110 Check Welfare WP21018900 911 07/15/21 23:29 Check Welfare 2021059138 Check Welfare WP21018909 Phone 07/16/21 20:04 Check Welfare 2021059484 Check Welfare WP21019012 911 07/18/21 18:04 Check Welfare 2021060249 Check Welfare WP21019208 Phone 07/18/21 23:50 Check Welfare 2021060358 Check Welfare WP21019242 Phone 07/20/21 18:50 Check Welfare 2021060994 Check Welfare WP21019414 911 07/21/21 20:48 Check Welfare 2021061390 Check Welfare WP21019540 Phone 07/23/21 13:17 Check Welfare 2021061945 Check Welfare WP21019702 911 07/23/21 14:03 Check Welfare 2021061963 Check Welfare WP21019712 911 07/23/21 19:55 Check Welfare 2021062105 Check Welfare WP21019757 Phone 07/25/21 19:46 Check Welfare 2021062814 Check Welfare WP21019966 911 07/26/21 23:25 Check Welfare 2021063262 Check Welfare WP21020096 911 07/28/21 12:55 Check Welfare 2021063753 Check Welfare WP21020242 911 07/29/21 19:22 Check Welfare 2021064191 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21020370 911 07/31/21 16:02 Check Welfare 2021064834 Check Welfare WP21020541 Phone Check Welfare; Dispatch - CAD - Addressing Problems Total: 1 07/25/21 23:21 Check Welfare; 2021062887 Check Welfare WP21019996 911 Citizen Aid Total: 15 07/01/21 13:36 Citizen Aid 2021053987 Citizen Aid WP21017372 Phone 07/04/21 05:06 Citizen Aid 2021055005 Citizen Aid WP21017664 Phone 07/04/21 19:35 Citizen Aid 2021055269 Citizen Aid WP21017736 Phone 07/06/21 11:49 Citizen Aid 2021055816 Citizen Aid WP21017910 Phone 07/08/21 13:06 Citizen Aid 2021056526 Citizen Aid WP21018117 911 07/11/21 02:55 Citizen Aid 2021057484 Citizen Aid WP21018427 911 07/11/21 14:49 Citizen Aid 2021057601 Citizen Aid WP21018461 Phone 07/12/21 23:06 Citizen Aid 2021058104 Citizen Aid WP21018603 911 07/13/21 17:26 Citizen Aid 2021058354 Citizen Aid WP21018678 Phone 07/19/21 04:35 Citizen Aid 2021060381 Citizen Aid WP21019252 911 07/20/21 08:11 Citizen Aid 2021060796 Citizen Aid WP21019358 Phone 07/25/21 01:42 Citizen Aid 2021062547 Citizen Aid WP21019891 911 07/29/21 13:05 Citizen Aid 2021064074 Citizen Aid WP21020328 Phone 07/30/21 15:18 Citizen Aid 2021064459 Citizen Aid WP21020438 Phone 07/30/21 18:33 Citizen Aid 2021064534 Citizen Aid WP21020458 911 Civil Complaint Total: 32 07/02/21 13:06 Civil Complaint 2021054349 Civil Complaint WP21017482 Phone 07/02/21 15:19 Civil Complaint 2021054390 Civil Complaint WP21017490 Phone 07/02/21 16:46 Civil Complaint 2021054424 Civil Complaint WP21017502 911 07/05/21 10:45 Civil Complaint 2021055485 Civil Complaint WP21017812 Phone 07/05/21 11:52 Civil Complaint 2021055507 Civil Complaint WP21017821 Phone 07/05/21 17:54 Civil Complaint 2021055625 Civil Complaint WP21017860 Phone 07/07/21 16:47 Civil Complaint 2021056223 Civil Complaint WP21018042 911 07/09/21 16:48 Civil Complaint 2021056973 Civil Complaint WP21018272 911 Page 5 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 07/10/21 11:28 Civil Complaint 2021057219 Civil Complaint WP21018335 Phone 07/11/21 20:17 Civil Complaint 2021057697 Civil Complaint WP21018487 Phone 07/13/21 13:07 Civil Complaint 2021058249 Civil Complaint WP21018644 911 07/13/21 17:44 Civil Complaint 2021058363 Civil Complaint WP21018685 Phone 07/14/21 16:49 Civil Complaint 2021058628 Civil Complaint WP21018766 Phone 07/15/21 19:42 Civil Complaint 2021059078 Civil Complaint WP21018885 Phone 07/16/21 16:03 Civil Complaint 2021059369 Civil Complaint WP21018981 Phone 07/16/21 16:49 Civil Complaint 2021059389 Civil Complaint WP21018987 Phone 07/17/21 17:58 Civil Complaint 2021059847 Civil Complaint WP21019104 Phone 07/19/21 09:55 Civil Complaint 2021060430 Civil Complaint WP21019278 Phone 07/19/21 18:45 Civil Complaint 2021060642 Civil Complaint WP21019322 Phone 07/19/21 19:01 Civil Complaint 2021060648 Civil Complaint WP21019323 Phone 07/21/21 14:06 Civil Complaint 2021061245 Civil Complaint WP21019498 Phone 07/21/21 16:47 Civil Complaint 2021061317 Civil Complaint WP21019522 Phone 07/22/21 12:16 Civil Complaint 2021061564 Civil Complaint WP21019594 Phone 07/22/21 17:33 Civil Complaint 2021061654 Civil Complaint WP21019621 Phone 07/24/21 19:34 Civil Complaint 2021062420 Civil Complaint WP21019847 Phone 07/25/21 14:59 Civil Complaint 2021062714 Civil Complaint WP21019938 Phone 07/25/21 17:56 Civil Complaint 2021062780 Civil Complaint WP21019960 Phone 07/27/21 08:28 Civil Complaint 2021063331 Civil Complaint WP21020118 Phone 07/28/21 17:48 Civil Complaint 2021063837 Civil Complaint WP21020265 Phone 07/30/21 10:34 Civil Complaint 2021064349 Civil Complaint WP21020410 Phone 07/30/21 11:47 Civil Complaint 2021064385 Civil Complaint WP21020420 Phone 07/30/21 17:22 Civil Complaint 2021064502 Civil Complaint WP21020447 Phone Civil Process Total: 64 07/01/21 09:52 Civil Process 2021053901 Officer 07/06/21 15:46 Civil Process 2021055888 Officer 07/07/21 08:59 Civil Process 2021056079 Officer 07/07/21 13:15 Civil Process 2021056147 Officer 07/08/21 08:55 Civil Process 2021056424 Officer 07/08/21 10:39 Civil Process 2021056466 07/08/21 11:21 Civil Process 2021056485 Officer 07/09/21 11:37 Civil Process 2021056863 Officer 07/09/21 13:48 Civil Process 2021056912 07/12/21 08:31 Civil Process 2021057823 Officer 07/12/21 08:31 Civil Process 2021057824 Officer 07/12/21 09:57 Civil Process 2021057846 Officer 07/12/21 11:36 Civil Process 2021057878 Officer 07/12/21 12:03 Civil Process 2021057883 Officer 07/12/21 16:34 Civil Process 2021057979 Officer 07/13/21 10:45 Civil Process 2021058198 Officer 07/13/21 11:02 Civil Process 2021058204 Officer 07/13/21 11:36 Civil Process 2021058217 Officer 07/14/21 09:16 Civil Process 2021058506 Officer 07/15/21 08:55 Civil Process 2021058828 Officer 07/15/21 12:26 Civil Process 2021058906 Officer Page 6 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 07/15/21 12:33 Civil Process 2021058909 Officer 07/15/21 15:11 Civil Process 2021058957 Officer 07/16/21 09:17 Civil Process 2021059215 Officer 07/16/21 09:35 Civil Process 2021059218 Officer 07/16/21 09:47 Civil Process 2021059221 Officer 07/16/21 10:00 Civil Process 2021059228 Officer 07/19/21 14:58 Civil Process 2021060549 Officer 07/19/21 15:15 Civil Process 2021060556 Officer 07/19/21 15:26 Civil Process 2021060565 Officer 07/20/21 12:58 Civil Process 2021060873 Officer 07/20/21 15:36 Civil Process 2021060926 Officer 07/21/21 11:13 Civil Process 2021061180 Officer 07/22/21 09:13 Civil Process 2021061506 Officer 07/22/21 11:29 Civil Process 2021061552 Officer 07/23/21 08:07 Civil Process 2021061841 Officer 07/23/21 09:54 Civil Process 2021061857 Officer 07/23/21 14:33 Civil Process 2021061974 Officer 07/26/21 10:43 Civil Process 2021062981 Officer 07/26/21 13:25 Civil Process 2021063037 Officer 07/26/21 15:58 Civil Process 2021063080 Officer 07/27/21 13:53 Civil Process 2021063433 Officer 07/27/21 16:01 Civil Process 2021063461 Officer 07/27/21 16:06 Civil Process 2021063463 Officer 07/27/21 16:20 Civil Process 2021063474 Officer 07/28/21 09:43 Civil Process 2021063699 Officer 07/28/21 09:56 Civil Process 2021063703 Officer 07/28/21 10:09 Civil Process 2021063709 Officer 07/28/21 14:33 Civil Process 2021063775 Officer 07/28/21 14:44 Civil Process 2021063781 Officer 07/28/21 15:16 Civil Process 2021063789 Officer 07/28/21 15:29 Civil Process 2021063794 Officer 07/28/21 15:45 Civil Process 2021063796 Officer 07/29/21 08:12 Civil Process 2021063997 Officer 07/29/21 08:25 Civil Process 2021063999 Officer 07/29/21 08:39 Civil Process 2021064003 Officer 07/29/21 12:00 Civil Process 2021064053 Officer 07/29/21 13:20 Civil Process 2021064079 Officer 07/30/21 08:48 Civil Process 2021064319 Officer 07/30/21 09:01 Civil Process 2021064323 Officer 07/30/21 09:30 Civil Process 2021064328 Officer 07/30/21 09:42 Civil Process 2021064332 Officer 07/30/21 09:48 Civil Process 2021064336 Officer 07/30/21 10:08 Civil Process 2021064341 Officer Commercial Fire Alarm Total: 5 07/04/21 02:02 Commercial Fire Alarm 2021054985 07/04/21 10:47 Commercial Fire Alarm 2021055078 Phone Phone Page 7 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 07/06/21 03:28 Commercial Fire Alarm 2021055729 07/24/21 06:52 Commercial Fire Alarm 2021062224 07/28/21 20:39 Commercial Fire Alarm 2021063901 Commercial General Alarm Total: 25 07/03/21 01:31 Commercial General 2021054609 07/03/21 07:07 Commercial General 2021054634 07/03/21 15:52 Commercial General 2021054769 07/06/21 01:17 Commercial General 2021055720 07/07/21 01:25 Commercial General 2021056032 07/08/21 01:04 Commercial General 2021056362 07/08/21 01:08 Commercial General 2021056363 07/09/21 19:35 Commercial General 2021057055 07/12/21 09:01 Commercial General 2021057835 07/18/21 11:40 Commercial General 2021060109 07/18/21 16:16 Commercial General 2021060216 07/18/21 16:52 Commercial General 2021060231 07/19/21 06:35 Commercial General 2021060389 07/20/21 23:26 Commercial General 2021061067 07/21/21 08:11 Commercial General 2021061123 07/22/21 20:44 Commercial General 2021061722 07/24/21 07:29 Commercial General 2021062230 07/24/21 07:31 Commercial General 2021062231 07/26/21 21:08 Commercial General 2021063206 07/26/21 21:23 Commercial General 2021063211 07/28/21 21:23 Commercial General 2021063919 07/28/21 22:31 Commercial General 2021063937 07/29/21 01:39 Commercial General 2021063960 07/30/21 17:12 Commercial General 2021064500 07/30/21 18:17 Commercial General 2021064526 Final Incident Case Number How Reported Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Commercial General Alarm; Dispatch - CAD - Addressing Problems Total: 1 07/02/21 05:04 Commercial General 2021054227 Phone Court Order Violation Total: 6 07/01/21 13:14 Court Order Violation 2021053983 07/07/21 18:27 Court Order Violation 2021056252 07/10/21 12:36 Court Order Violation 2021057241 07/10/21 13:52 Court Order Violation 2021057260 07/16/21 13:11 Court Order Violation 2021059299 07/28/21 16:48 Court Order Violation 2021063825 Criminal Damage to Property Total: 9 07/05/21 21:51 Criminal Damage to 2021055686 07/06/21 06:33 Criminal Damage to 2021055744 07/08/21 10:25 Criminal Damage to 2021056458 07/11/21 07:48 Criminal Damage to 2021057505 07/13/21 15:40 Criminal Damage to 2021058302 Court Order Violation Court Order Violation Court Order Violation Court Order Violation Court Order Violation Civil Child Custody WP21017368 911 WP21018053 Phone WP21018344 WP21018350 911 WP21018957 Phone WP21020260 911 Criminal Damage to Property WP21017880 Phone Criminal Damage to Property WP21017890 Phone Criminal Damage to Property WP21018103 Phone Criminal Damage to Property WP21018437 Phone Medical - Psychiatric - WP21018661 911 Page 8 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 07/13/21 22:08 Criminal Damage to 2021058438 Criminal Damage to Property WP21018707 911 07/19/21 12:33 Criminal Damage to 2021060491 Criminal Damage to Property WP21019288 911 07/21/21 23:11 Criminal Damage to 2021061434 Juvenile - Complaint WP21019550 Disorderly 07/25/21 04:17 Criminal Damage to 2021062564 Criminal Damage to Property WP21019902 911 CSC Sex Offense Total: 2 07/02/21 13:07 CSC Sex Offense 2021054350 07/24/21 23:07 CSC Sex Offense 2021062514 Disabled Vehicle Total: 2 07/28/21 18:51 Disabled Vehicle 2021063869 07/31/21 19:26 Disabled Vehicle 2021064895 Disorderly Total: 4 Suspicious - Circumstances WP21017481 Phone Suspicious - Circumstances WP21019881 Phone Phone Phone 07/10/21 00:52 Disorderly 2021057145 Disorderly WP21018320 911 07/11/21 01:54 Disorderly 2021057479 Disorderly WP21018422 Officer 07/12/21 05:06 Disorderly 2021057797 Assault WP21018515 911 07/29/2117:02 Disorderly 2021064143 Disorderly WP21020351 911 Divert Hospital Total: 15 07/01/21 14:10 Divert Hospital 2021053995 Phone 07/05/21 16:20 Divert Hospital 2021055600 Phone 07/06/21 16:39 Divert Hospital 2021055903 Phone 07/12/21 21:04 Divert Hospital 2021058064 Phone 07/13/21 18:03 Divert Hospital 2021058372 Phone 07/16/21 19:17 Divert Hospital 2021059464 Phone 07/18/21 02:58 Divert Hospital 2021060024 Phone 07/19/21 15:33 Divert Hospital 2021060571 Phone 07/20/21 17:49 Divert Hospital 2021060971 Phone 07/22/21 15:47 Divert Hospital 2021061624 Phone 07/23/21 00:36 Divert Hospital 2021061789 Phone 07/27/21 10:14 Divert Hospital 2021063370 Phone 07/27/21 17:51 Divert Hospital 2021063518 Phone 07/28/21 19:51 Divert Hospital 2021063889 Phone 07/29/21 11:08 Divert Hospital 2021064034 Phone Domestic Disturbance Total: 18 07/02/21 18:30 Domestic Disturbance 2021054472 Domestic Disturbance WP21017517 911 07/02/21 21:56 Domestic Disturbance 2021054549 Noise WP21017535 911 07/03/21 00:22 Domestic Disturbance 2021054591 Domestic Disturbance WP21017553 Phone 07/04/21 08:53 Domestic Disturbance 2021055038 Domestic Disturbance WP21017677 911 07/05/21 17:33 Domestic Disturbance 2021055620 Domestic Disturbance WP21017859 Phone 07/07/21 18:20 Domestic Disturbance 2021056250 Suspicious - Circumstances WP21018048 Phone 07/08/21 01:34 Domestic Disturbance 2021056366 Domestic Disturbance WP21018077 911 07/08/21 18:36 Domestic Disturbance 2021056659 Domestic Disturbance WP21018154 911 07/09/21 19:40 Domestic Disturbance 2021057057 Domestic Disturbance WP21018293 911 07/10/21 08:40 Domestic Disturbance 2021057176 Intoxicated Person WP21018328 911 07/11/21 02:17 Domestic Disturbance 2021057482 Noise WP21018426 Phone 07/12/21 12:29 Domestic Disturbance 2021057888 Domestic Disturbance WP21018550 911 Page 9 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 07/13/21 10:33 Domestic Disturbance 2021058191 07/13/21 20:51 Domestic Disturbance 2021058416 07/15/21 02:31 Domestic Disturbance 2021058778 07/15/21 13:24 Domestic Disturbance 2021058920 07/25/21 23:00 Domestic Disturbance 2021062882 07/28/21 19:55 Domestic Disturbance 2021063890 Drugs Total: 2 Civil Complaint 07/20/2121:15 Drugs 2021061039 07/30/21 21:28 Drugs 2021064600 Dumping Total: 1 07/17/2114:50 Dumping 2021059782 Extra Patrol Total: 1 07/15/21 20:46 Extra Patrol 2021059098 Fight Total: 2 07/04/2101:26 Fight 2021054978 07/10/2101:56 Fight 2021057154 Fire - Electrical Total: 2 07/03/21 00:56 Fire - Electrical 2021054600 07/10/21 19:26 Fire - Electrical 2021057348 Fire - Gas Leak Total: 2 07/06/21 15:01 Fire - Gas Leak 2021055874 07/20/21 13:49 Fire - Gas Leak 2021060891 Fire - Grass Total: 1 07/05/21 00:08 Fire - Grass 2021055399 Fire - Grass; Fireworks Total: 1 07/23/21 00:23 Fire - Grass; Fireworks 2021061785 Fire - Hazardous Materials Total: 1 07/06/21 00:55 Fire - Hazardous 2021055718 Fire - Other Total: 4 07/03/21 03:33 Fire - Other 2021054622 07/11/21 05:15 Fire - Other 2021057494 07/17/21 21:29 Fire - Other 2021059934 07/31/21 22:09 Fire - Other 2021064963 Fire - Structure Total: 2 07/20/21 11:50 Fire - Structure 2021060853 07/21/21 02:34 Fire - Structure 2021061092 Fire - Vehicle Total: 1 07/01/21 15:19 Fire - Vehicle 2021054018 Final Incident Case Number How Reported Domestic Disturbance WP21018629 911 Medical - Psychiatric - WP21018699 Phone Domestic Disturbance WP21018806 Phone Intoxicated Person WP21018846 911 Domestic Disturbance WP21019994 911 Civil Complaint WP21020276 Phone Drugs WP21019433 911 Suspicious -Circumstances WP21020468 Phone Dumping WP21019088 Phone I�'i%F1�i�.7 ►�1/i��i[lyE:�'yb'�,�T.TiTa Fight WP21017656 911 Fight WP21018325 Phone Fire - Electrical WP21017555 911 Fire - Electrical WP21018377 911 Fire - Gas Leak WP21017930 Phone Fire - Gas Leak WP21019384 Phone Fire - Grass WP21017776 911 Fire - Grass WP21019663 911 Fire - Hazardous Materials WP21017886 Other Fire - Other WP21017558 Phone Fire - Other WP21018432 Phone Fire - Other WP21019132 Phone Fire - Other WP21020574 Phone Fire - Structure WP21019370 911 Fire - Structure WP21019448 911 Fire - Vehicle WP21017380 Phone Page 10 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported Fireworks Total: 10 07/02/2121:52 Fireworks 2021054545 Fireworks WP21017534 Phone 07/03/2120:46 Fireworks 2021054875 Fireworks WP21017613 Phone 07/03/2121:43 Fireworks 2021054901 Fireworks WP21017626 Phone 07/03/2122:03 Fireworks 2021054915 Fireworks WP21017638 Phone 07/04/21 21:02 Fireworks 2021055295 Fireworks WP21017744 911 07/04/21 21:50 Fireworks 2021055320 Fireworks WP21017753 911 07/05/2100:22 Fireworks 2021055410 Fireworks WP21017780 Phone 07/09/21 22:10 Fireworks 2021057101 Fireworks WP21018307 911 07/10/2122:29 Fireworks 2021057425 Fireworks WP21018400 Phone 07/22/21 23:08 Fireworks 2021061768 Fireworks WP21019659 911 Found Person Total: 1 07/21/21 14:23 Found Person 2021061254 Found Person WP21019501 Phone Fraud - Checks - Cards Total: 5 07/05/21 16:33 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2021055606 Civil Complaint WP21017853 Phone 07/07/21 16:25 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2021056215 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP21018041 Phone 07/13/21 16:22 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2021058321 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP21018669 Phone 07/18/21 12:24 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2021060127 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP21019184 911 07/27/21 11:17 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2021063387 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP21020134 Phone Fraud - Forgery Total: 2 07/10/21 15:15 Fraud - Forgery 2021057283 Fraud - Forgery WP21018359 Phone 07/21/21 15:28 Fraud - Forgery 2021061273 Fraud - Forgery WP21019505 Phone Fraud - Internet Total: 3 07/03/21 12:24 Fraud - Internet 2021054714 Medical - Psychiatric - WP21017587 Phone 07/16/21 12:09 Fraud - Internet 2021059277 Fraud - Internet WP21018949 Phone 07/20/21 15:20 Fraud -Internet 2021060922 Fraud -Internet WP21019394 Phone Funeral Escort Total: 3 07/01/21 09:37 Funeral Escort 2021053896 Phone 07/27/21 09:38 Funeral Escort 2021063356 Phone 07/28/21 11:38 Funeral Escort 2021063730 Phone Gun Incident Total: 2 07/11/21 01:20 Gun Incident 2021057475 Gun Incident WP21018420 911 07/16/21 13:49 Gun Incident 2021059311 Gun Incident WP21018959 911 Harassment Total: 8 07/07/21 13:00 Harassment 2021056140 Harassment WP21018012 911 07/12/2116:46 Harassment 2021057984 Harassment WP21018578 Phone 07/12/21 18:17 Harassment 2021058024 Civil Complaint WP21018583 Phone 07/14/2113:02 Harassment 2021058575 Threats WP21018752 07/21/2121:20 Harassment 2021061403 Harassment WP21019543 Phone 07/23/21 20:51 Harassment 2021062135 Harassment WP21019763 911 07/25/21 01:45 Harassment 2021062548 Harassment WP21019892 911 07/31/2115:23 Harassment 2021064825 Harassment WP21020539 Page 11 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Info Total: 4 07/07/21 14:48 Info 2021056173 07/17/21 14:44 Info 2021059779 07/20/21 05:53 Info 2021060778 07/28/21 01:01 Info 2021063635 Intoxicated Person Total: 2 07/16/21 02:25 Intoxicated Person 2021059162 07/24/21 20:00 Intoxicated Person 2021062431 Juvenile - Complaint Total: 8 07/03/21 22:01 Juvenile - Complaint 2021054913 07/09/21 20:53 Juvenile - Complaint 2021057076 07/17/21 13:26 Juvenile - Complaint 2021059752 07/21/21 08:58 Juvenile - Complaint 2021061132 07/25/21 20:54 Juvenile - Complaint 2021062840 07/26/21 21:45 Juvenile - Complaint 2021063219 07/26/21 22:16 Juvenile - Complaint 2021063228 07/29/21 21:28 Juvenile - Complaint 2021064222 Juvenile Lost - Found - Party Total: 2 2021058700 07/09/21 23:00 Juvenile - Party 2021057123 07/17/21 00:10 Juvenile - Party 2021059597 Juvenile Lost - Found - Runaway Total: 2 2021063471 07/16/21 22:09 Juvenile - Runaway 2021059548 07/25/21 22:05 Juvenile - Runaway 2021062866 Lock Out - Lock In Total: 1 07/16/21 10:13 07/05/21 14:59 Lock Out - Lock In 2021055560 Lost - Found Property Total: 13 07/01/21 09:43 Lost - Found Property 2021053899 07/01/21 17:34 Lost - Found Property 2021054080 07/01/21 19:18 Lost - Found Property 2021054115 07/03/21 17:40 Lost - Found Property 2021054817 07/05/21 18:58 Lost - Found Property 2021055647 07/09/21 09:50 Lost - Found Property 2021056822 07/12/21 08:34 Lost - Found Property 2021057825 07/12/21 09:47 Lost - Found Property 2021057843 07/14/21 20:04 Lost - Found Property 2021058700 07/16/21 14:47 Lost - Found Property 2021059335 07/26/21 09:57 Lost - Found Property 2021062963 07/27/21 16:11 Lost - Found Property 2021063471 07/30/21 16:25 Lost - Found Property 2021064483 Medical - Back Pain Total: 3 07/08/21 21:03 Medical - Back Pain 2021056699 07/16/21 10:13 Medical - Back Pain 2021059235 Final Incident Info Intoxicated Person Intoxicated Person Juvenile - Complaint Fireworks Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Party Juvenile - Party Juvenile - Runaway Juvenile - Runaway Lock Out - Lock In Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Theft Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Case Number How Reported Phone WP21019087 Phone Phone WP21018914 911 WP21019851 Officer WP21017631 911 WP21018300 911 WP21019076 911 WP21019462 Phone WP21019979 911 WP21020088 Phone WP21020090 Phone WP21020375 Phone WP21018312 911 WP21019033 911 WP21019025 911 WP21019992 Phone WP21017838 Phone WP21017337 WP21017399 911 WP21017408 WP21017603 WP21017865 WP21018220 WP21018525 WP21018534 WP21018785 WP21018968 Phone WP21020019 WP21020163 WP21020444 911 911 Page 12 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 07/25/21 00:32 Medical - Back Pain 2021062534 Phone Medical - Back Pain; Dispatch - CAD - Addressing Problems Total: 1 07/18/21 09:38 Medical - Back Pain; 2021060063 911 Medical - Bleeding - Lacerations Total: 3 07/05/21 15:40 Medical - Bleeding - 2021055580 07/12/21 20:14 Medical - Bleeding - 2021058055 07/14/21 23:19 Medical - Bleeding - 2021058754 Medical - Breathing Problems Total: 11 07/02/21 08:54 Medical - Breathing 2021054265 07/03/21 08:54 Medical - Breathing 2021054656 07/04/21 22:43 Medical - Breathing 2021055360 07/05/21 23:24 Medical - Breathing 2021055710 07/10/21 16:48 Medical - Breathing 2021057304 07/13/21 16:50 Medical - Breathing 2021058333 07/14/21 14:53 Medical - Breathing 2021058601 07/20/21 03:31 Medical - Breathing 2021060760 07/21/21 05:08 Medical - Breathing 2021061102 07/22/21 22:21 Medical - Breathing 2021061755 07/28/21 11:27 Medical - Breathing 2021063729 Medical - Chest Pain Total: 7 07/04/21 01:07 Medical - Chest Pain 2021054976 07/06/21 07:39 Medical - Chest Pain 2021055754 07/06/21 12:46 Medical - Chest Pain 2021055829 07/07/21 01:14 Medical - Chest Pain 2021056030 07/12/21 13:06 Medical - Chest Pain 2021057899 07/17/21 22:10 Medical - Chest Pain 2021059946 07/20/21 20:18 Medical - Chest Pain 2021061018 Medical - Diabetic Total: 3 Medical - Fall Under 6 07/07/21 09:37 Medical - Diabetic 2021056084 07/18/21 09:55 Medical - Diabetic 2021060073 07/26/21 12:59 Medical - Diabetic 2021063028 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet Total: 13 07/03/21 15:25 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021054757 07/05/21 18:36 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021055640 07/14/21 21:32 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021058727 07/14/21 22:08 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021058739 07/15/21 19:16 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021059071 07/17/21 15:21 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021059791 07/19/21 22:33 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021060722 07/20/21 15:50 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021060931 07/27/21 07:26 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021063312 07/30/21 10:25 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021064345 07/30/21 11:02 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021064361 Medical - Chest Pain 911 Phone 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 Phone BP21005556 911 911 Phone Phone 911 911 911 Phone Phone 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 Phone 911 911 Page 13 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 07/30/21 16:00 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021064472 07/30/21 23:37 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021064656 Medical - Heart Problems Total: 3 07/14/21 19:54 Medical - Heart 2021058697 07/18/21 10:20 Medical - Heart 2021060081 07/28/2113:56 Medical Heart 2021063770 Final Incident Case Number How Reported 911 911 Phone 911 Phone Medical - Overdose - Poisoning Total: 2 07/11/21 23:22 Medical - Overdose - 2021057764 Medical - Overdose - PoisoninVP21018504 911 07/27/21 21:13 Medical - Overdose - 2021063578 Medical - Overdose - PoisoningVP21020198 911 Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 5 07/05/21 11:20 Medical - Psychiatric - 2021055496 07/06/21 15:53 Medical - Psychiatric - 2021055890 07/18/21 20:08 Medical - Psychiatric - 2021060291 07/22/21 18:20 Medical - Psychiatric - 2021061668 07/28/21 18:51 Medical - Psychiatric - 2021063872 Medical - Seizure Total: 2 2021057516 07/25/21 20:44 Medical - Seizure 2021062836 07/31/21 20:25 Medical - Seizure 2021064920 Medical - Sick Total: 21 07/01/21 23:28 Medical - Sick 2021054197 07/04/21 19:54 Medical - Sick 2021055274 07/05/21 18:31 Medical - Sick 2021055639 07/09/21 12:33 Medical - Sick 2021056889 07/09/21 15:52 Medical - Sick 2021056955 07/11/21 08:55 Medical - Sick 2021057516 07/13/21 20:27 Medical - Sick 2021058411 07/16/21 02:53 Medical - Sick 2021059167 07/18/21 08:09 Medical - Sick 2021060044 07/19/21 11:57 Medical - Sick 2021060473 07/19/21 15:22 Medical - Sick 2021060561 07/22/21 07:56 Medical - Sick 2021061486 07/22/21 17:01 Medical - Sick 2021061647 07/22/21 20:54 Medical - Sick 2021061725 07/23/21 12:26 Medical - Sick 2021061916 07/23/21 15:55 Medical - Sick 2021062008 07/26/21 12:33 Medical - Sick 2021063017 07/27/21 17:15 Medical - Sick 2021063495 07/29/21 15:04 Medical - Sick 2021064107 07/29/21 15:17 Medical - Sick 2021064112 07/30/21 11:34 Medical - Sick 2021064381 Medical - Stroke Total: 1 07/27/21 05:17 Medical - Stroke 2021063292 Suicidal - Attempt - Threat WP21017816 911 Medical - Psychiatric - WP21017936 911 Medical - Psychiatric - WP21019222 911 Medical - Psychiatric - WP21019626 911 Medical - Psychiatric - WP21020271 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 Medical - Sick WP21019652 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 0Sfl Page 14 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported Medical - Unconscious - Fainting Total: 7 07/10/21 01:30 2021056522 Medical - Unconscious - 2021057153 07/13/21 13:13 Officer Medical - Unconscious - 2021058253 07/16/21 18:27 07/17/21 18:52 Medical - Unconscious - 2021059430 07/21/21 15:57 Motorist Aid Medical - Unconscious - 2021061287 07/24/21 17:26 2021061352 Medical - Unconscious - 2021062378 07/27/21 10:29 WP21019785 Phone Medical - Unconscious - 2021063375 07/30/21 11:25 MVA - Car Deer Total: 1 Medical - Unconscious - 2021064374 Medical - Unconscious - Medical - Unconscious - WP21018865 911 911 Phone WP21019512 911 911 Phone 911 Medical - Unknown Total: 1 07/29/21 19:08 Medical - Unknown 2021064185 911 Missing Person Total: 1 07/03/21 00:16 Missing Person 2021054589 Juvenile - Complaint WP21017552 911 Motorist Aid Total: 8 07/08/21 12:59 Motorist Aid 2021056522 MVA - Hit & Run 07/09/21 15:22 Motorist Aid 2021056939 Officer 07/12/21 16:21 Motorist Aid 2021057969 Phone 07/17/21 18:52 Motorist Aid 2021059870 07/20/21 17:56 07/20/21 17:13 Motorist Aid 2021060960 Phone 07/21/21 18:29 Motorist Aid 2021061352 Phone 07/24/21 00:25 Motorist Aid 2021062192 Abandoned Vehicle WP21019785 Phone 07/31/2120:02 Motorist Aid 2021064909 Phone MVA - Car Deer Total: 1 MVA - Hit & Run WP21020157 07/18/21 22:14 MVA - Car Deer 2021060330 MVA - Car Deer WP21019229 911 MVA - Hit & Run Total: 7 07/03/21 12:59 MVA - Hit & Run 2021054722 MVA - Hit & Run WP21017584 911 07/09/21 22:23 MVA - Hit & Run 2021057108 MVA - Hit & Run WP21018310 07/19/21 15:32 MVA - Hit & Run 2021060570 MVA - Hit & Run WP21019309 07/20/21 17:56 MVA - Hit & Run 2021060975 MVA - Hit & Run WP21019406 07/21/21 17:49 MVA - Hit & Run 2021061341 MVA - Hit & Run WP21019529 911 07/23/21 17:39 MVA - Hit & Run 2021062052 Agency Assist WP21019736 911 07/27/21 14:44 MVA - Hit & Run 2021063442 MVA - Hit & Run WP21020157 MVA - Injuries Total: 6 07/03/21 21:27 MVA - Injuries 2021054890 MVA - Injuries WP21017618 911 07/20/21 17:14 MVA - Injuries 2021060961 Agency Assist WP21019403 07/24/21 09:31 MVA - Injuries 2021062251 Agency Assist WP21019799 911 07/24/21 09:44 MVA - Injuries 2021062254 Agency Assist WP21019800 07/25/21 09:04 MVA - Injuries 2021062597 Officer 07/25/21 11:44 MVA - Injuries 2021062648 Agency Assist WP21019918 911 MVA - No Injuries Total: 21 07/01/21 12:17 MVA - No Injuries 2021053961 MVA - No Injuries WP21017357 07/01/21 13:10 MVA - No Injuries 2021053982 MVA - No Injuries WP21017367 07/01/21 16:23 MVA - No Injuries 2021054048 MVA - No Injuries WP21017392 Page 15 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 07/02/21 20:19 MVA - No Injuries 2021054508 MVA - No Injuries WP21017525 Noise 07/05/21 12:12 MVA - No Injuries 2021055512 MVA - No Injuries WP21017825 2021057478 07/05/21 13:33 MVA - No Injuries 2021055536 MVA - No Injuries WP21017829 911 07/06/21 14:22 MVA - No Injuries 2021055863 2021059514 Noise WP21019020 07/06/21 17:28 MVA - No Injuries 2021055920 MVA - No Injuries WP21017943 911 07/06/21 21:00 MVA - No Injuries 2021055983 Criminal Damage to Property WP21017963 07/31/2122:37 07/08/21 19:39 MVA - No Injuries 2021056679 MVA - No Injuries WP21018163 - Window Total: 2 07/11/21 12:36 MVA - No Injuries 2021057563 MVA - No Injuries WP21018448 911 07/12/21 22:19 MVA - No Injuries 2021058092 MVA - No Injuries WP21018601 Open Door - Window 07/13/21 14:29 MVA - No Injuries 2021058281 MVA - No Injuries WP21018652 07/24/21 13:25 07/13/21 21:27 MVA - No Injuries 2021058428 MVA - No Injuries WP21018702 Total: 1 07/15/21 10:06 MVA - No Injuries 2021058851 MVA - No Injuries WP21018828 2021057188 07/17/21 17:59 MVA - No Injuries 2021059848 Motorist Aid WP21019103 911 07/20/21 05:55 MVA - No Injuries 2021060780 Agency Assist WP21019355 911 07/24/21 03:28 MVA - No Injuries 2021062213 MVA - No Injuries WP21019792 911 07/26/21 07:42 MVA - No Injuries 2021062934 MVA - No Injuries WP21020008 911 07/27/21 17:07 MVA - No Injuries 2021063488 07/31/21 15:01 MVA - No Injuries 2021064817 MVA - No Injuries WP21020535 Neighborhood Dispute Total: 2 07/02/21 13:03 Neighborhood Dispute 2021054348 Neighborhood Dispute WP21017478 07/09/21 22:11 Neighborhood Dispute 2021057102 Juvenile - Complaint WP21018308 Noise Total: 9 07/05/2100:16 Noise 2021055406 Noise WP21017779 07/05/21 03:10 Noise 2021055436 Noise WP21017793 911 07/05/2119:58 Noise 2021055661 Noise WP21017868 07/11/2101:52 Noise 2021057478 Noise WP21018421 07/15/2122:21 Noise 2021059122 Noise WP21018903 07/16/2121:09 Noise 2021059514 Noise WP21019020 07/17/2122:03 Noise 2021059941 Noise WP21019134 07/24/21 00:32 Noise 2021062193 Noise WP21019783 911 07/31/2122:37 Noise 2021064974 Noise WP21020579 Open Door - Window Total: 2 07/10/21 09:47 Open Door - Window 2021057189 Open Door - Window WPRK21018330 07/31/21 04:02 Open Door - Window 2021064693 Open Door - Window WP21020498 Ordinance Violation Total: 1 07/24/21 13:25 Ordinance Violation 2021062306 Ordinance Violation WPRK21019815 Park Incident Total: 1 07/10/21 09:40 Park Incident 2021057188 Park Incident WPRK21018329 Parking Total: 7 07/07/21 19:50 Parking 2021056276 Parking WP21018055 Officer 07/09/2108:21 Parking 2021056804 Parking WP21018213 07/11/21 15:13 Parking 2021057615 Stolen - Vehicle WP21018463 07/13/2109:25 Parking 2021058175 Parking WP21018623 Page 16 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 07/18/2107:26 Parking 2021060039 Parking WP21019163 07/22/2114:28 Parking 2021061595 Parking WP21019603 07/26/21 12:56 Parking 2021063027 Parking WP21020039 Probation Check Total: 7 07/07/21 16:16 Probation Check 2021056208 07/07/21 16:41 Probation Check 2021056218 07/07/21 17:14 Probation Check 2021056232 07/18/21 13:42 Probation Check 2021060155 07/18/21 14:00 Probation Check 2021060160 07/27/21 13:47 Probation Check 2021063430 07/30/21 19:27 Probation Check 2021064556 Prowler Total: 2 07/06/21 23:55 Prowler 2021056020 07/08/2103:43 Prowler 2021056378 Repossession Total: 3 07/21/2123:16 Repossession 2021061437 07/23/2116:10 Repossession 2021062018 07/25/2118:04 Repossession 2021062782 Residential Fire Alarm Total: 1 07/28/21 21:04 Residential Fire Alarm 2021063912 Residential General Alarm Total: 4 07/09/21 18:01 Residential General 2021057010 07/12/21 06:55 Residential General 2021057802 07/14/21 18:33 Residential General 2021058667 07/17/21 18:21 Residential General 2021059857 Residential Medical Alarm Total: 5 07/11/21 15:16 Residential Medical 2021057616 07/12/21 12:48 Residential Medical 2021057893 07/13/21 10:39 Residential Medical 2021058193 07/24/21 06:35 Residential Medical 2021062223 07/24/21 15:51 Residential Medical 2021062347 Search Warrant Total: 1 07/06/21 15:16 Search Warrant 2021055880 SIA Area Watch Total: 3 07/01/21 07:38 SIA Area Watch 2021053867 07/09/21 21:31 SIA Area Watch 2021057088 07/13/21 07:47 SIA Area Watch 2021058153 SIA Business Walk Through Total: 23 07/02/21 14:43 SIA Business Walk 2021054380 07/02/21 15:02 SIA Business Walk 2021054383 07/05/21 07:01 SIA Business Walk 2021055449 Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Suspicious - Circumstances WP21017977 911 Prowler WP21018080 911 Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Search Warrant WSIU21017931 Page 17 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 07/06/21 11:07 SIA Business Walk 2021055803 07/07/21 16:41 SIA Business Walk 2021056219 07/07/21 17:08 SIA Business Walk 2021056228 07/10/21 16:47 SIA Business Walk 2021057303 07/13/21 10:52 SIA Business Walk 2021058203 07/14/21 09:29 SIA Business Walk 2021058509 07/14/21 11:19 SIA Business Walk 2021058549 07/15/21 16:55 SIA Business Walk 2021059009 07/16/21 16:34 SIA Business Walk 2021059384 07/17/21 17:10 SIA Business Walk 2021059828 07/20/21 15:08 SIA Business Walk 2021060917 07/22/21 10:40 SIA Business Walk 2021061535 07/22/21 11:29 SIA Business Walk 2021061553 07/23/21 10:36 SIA Business Walk 2021061874 07/23/21 13:55 SIA Business Walk 2021061958 07/23/21 16:02 SIA Business Walk 2021062012 07/24/21 15:46 SIA Business Walk 2021062345 07/26/21 16:26 SIA Business Walk 2021063095 07/29/21 06:59 SIA Business Walk 2021063982 07/31/21 10:34 SIA Business Walk 2021064735 SIA Citizen Aid Total: 1 07/05/21 11:02 SIA Citizen Aid 2021055489 SIA City Council - City Hall Total: 2 07/12/21 17:30 SIA City Council - City 2021058005 07/26/21 17:30 SIA City Council - City 2021063124 SIA Community Presentation Total: 1 07/26/21 10:27 SIA Community 2021062975 SIA Door Check Total: 3 07/04/21 18:55 SIA Door Check 2021055258 07/06/21 06:13 SIA Door Check 2021055739 07/22/21 06:13 SIA Door Check 2021061473 SIA Foot Patrol Total: 4 07/09/21 10:59 SIA Foot Patrol 2021056847 07/09/21 22:56 SIA Foot Patrol 2021057120 07/15/21 16:44 SIA Foot Patrol 2021059002 07/28/21 01:59 SIA Foot Patrol 2021063644 SIA Other Total: 6 Final Incident Case Number How Reported Officer Officer 07/05/21 22:07 SIA Other 2021055691 07/17/21 16:26 SIA Other 2021059812 Officer 07/22/21 15:44 SIA Other 2021061622 07/23/21 01:02 SIA Other 2021061794 Officer 07/23/21 08:04 SIA Other 2021061840 07/24/21 03:50 SIA Other 2021062215 Officer Page 18 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported SIA Parks Total: 34 07/03/21 14:48 SIA Parks 2021054746 07/04/21 09:08 SIA Parks 2021055041 07/06/21 21:10 SIA Parks 2021055987 07/07/21 06:26 SIA Parks 2021056055 07/07/21 13:26 SIA Parks 2021056151 07/07/21 16:18 SIA Parks 2021056209 07/08/21 06:51 SIA Parks 2021056388 07/08/21 20:33 SIA Parks 2021056689 07/10/21 08:58 SIA Parks 2021057181 07/11/21 10:39 SIA Parks 2021057531 07/11/21 16:53 SIA Parks 2021057642 Officer 07/12/21 22:48 SIA Parks 2021058101 07/13/21 08:04 SIA Parks 2021058158 07/13/21 10:30 SIA Parks 2021058190 07/14/21 02:03 SIA Parks 2021058470 07/14/21 14:27 SIA Parks 2021058597 07/18/21 01:35 SIA Parks 2021060011 07/18/21 08:40 SIA Parks 2021060051 07/21/21 01:17 SIA Parks 2021061088 07/21/21 09:44 SIA Parks 2021061145 07/21/21 10:13 SIA Parks 2021061156 07/21/21 21:29 SIA Parks 2021061407 07/22/21 00:31 SIA Parks 2021061452 07/22/21 13:01 SIA Parks 2021061574 07/23/21 01:27 SIA Parks 2021061798 07/24/21 00:24 SIA Parks 2021062191 07/24/21 12:47 SIA Parks 2021062299 07/25/21 01:25 SIA Parks 2021062542 07/27/21 22:07 SIA Parks 2021063595 07/27/21 22:35 SIA Parks 2021063604 Officer 07/30/21 07:30 SIA Parks 2021064303 07/30/21 10:40 SIA Parks 2021064351 07/31/21 14:59 SIA Parks 2021064814 07/31/21 23:07 SIA Parks 2021064987 SIA School Check Total: 1 07/08/21 08:14 SIA School Check 2021056409 SIA School Check WP21018092 Sign - Signal Repair Total: 2 07/05/21 18:16 Sign - Signal Repair 2021055634 Phone 07/17/21 10:54 Sign - Signal Repair 2021059704 Phone Soliciting Total: 1 07/08/2113:10 Soliciting 2021056529 Soliciting WP21018119 Phone Stolen - Property Total: 1 07/08/21 13:44 Stolen - Property 2021056545 Theft WP21018126 Phone Page 19 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported Stolen - Vehicle Total: 1 07/18/21 13:11 Stolen - Vehicle 2021060144 Stolen - Vehicle WP21019189 Phone Stolen - Vehicle; Civil Complaint Total: 1 07/11/21 19:55 Stolen - Vehicle; Civil 2021057688 Civil Complaint WP21018483 Phone Surveillance Total: 3 22:19 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21018881 Suspicious - Person - 07/06/2113:28 Surveillance 2021055846 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21019039 Suspicious - Person - 07/15/21 09:15 Surveillance 2021058834 Search Warrant WSIU21018824 07/23/2107:18 Surveillance 2021061829 18:49 Suspicious - Suspicious - Circumstances Total: 18 2021059052 07/15/21 20:22 07/01/21 17:19 Suspicious - 2021054074 Suspicious - Circumstances WP21017398 Phone 07/02/21 13:03 Suspicious - 2021054347 Criminal Damage to Property WP21017477 Phone 07/03/21 08:49 Suspicious - 2021054653 Theft WP21017566 Phone 07/06/21 19:52 Suspicious - 2021055963 Suspicious - Circumstances WP21017954 Phone 07/07/21 11:29 Suspicious - 2021056117 Suspicious - Circumstances WP21018004 Phone 07/09/21 19:06 Suspicious - 2021057043 Suspicious - Circumstances WP21018288 Phone 07/11/21 00:37 Suspicious - 2021057464 Suspicious - Circumstances WP21018413 Phone 07/12/21 02:04 Suspicious - 2021057780 Suspicious - Circumstances WP21018511 911 07/12/21 09:38 Suspicious - 2021057839 Suspicious - Circumstances WP21018531 Phone 07/15/21 16:34 Suspicious - 2021058994 Suspicious - Circumstances WP21018868 Phone 07/16/21 18:02 Suspicious - 2021059418 Suspicious - Circumstances WP21018995 Phone 07/16/21 18:38 Suspicious - 2021059440 Suspicious - Circumstances WP21018998 Phone 07/18/21 14:33 Suspicious - 2021060172 Theft - Shoplifting WP21019195 Phone 07/20/21 21:00 Suspicious - 2021061033 Suspicious - Circumstances WP21019431 911 07/26/21 06:26 Suspicious - 2021062929 Suspicious - Circumstances WP21020006 911 07/27/21 02:26 Suspicious - 2021063285 Suspicious - Circumstances WP21020102 911 07/27/21 12:58 Suspicious - 2021063411 Suspicious - Circumstances WP21020147 Phone 07/27/21 22:52 Suspicious - 2021063609 Suspicious - Circumstances WP21020205 911 Suspicious - Circumstances; Lost - Found Property Total: 1 07/13/21 20:37 Suspicious - 2021058413 Suspicious - Circumstances WP21018698 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle Total: 15 07/01/21 12:34 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21018496 Suspicious - Person - 2021053967 07/11/21 22:19 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21018881 Suspicious - Person - 2021057746 07/12/21 04:57 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21019039 Suspicious - Person - 2021057796 07/14/21 19:40 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21019424 Suspicious - Person - 2021058693 07/15/21 18:49 Suspicious - Person - 2021059052 07/15/21 20:22 Suspicious - Person - 2021059088 07/15/21 23:43 Suspicious - Person - 2021059142 07/17/21 02:14 Suspicious - Person - 2021059628 07/20/21 01:14 Suspicious - Person - 2021060750 07/20/21 06:32 Suspicious - Person - 2021060782 07/20/21 20:02 Suspicious - Person - 2021061016 07/22/21 22:43 Suspicious - Person - 2021061762 07/26/21 23:07 Suspicious - Person - 2021063254 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21017360 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21018496 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21018514 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21018784 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21018881 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21018890 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21018910 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21019039 911 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21019349 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21019356 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21019424 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21019657 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21020095 911 Page 20 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 07/28/21 08:19 Suspicious - Person - 2021063681 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21020225 Phone 07/29/21 17:16 Suspicious - Person - 2021064153 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21020353 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle; Civil Complaint Total: 1 07/07/21 19:11 Suspicious - Person - 2021056268 Civil Complaint WP21018054 911 Theft Total: 8 07/15/21 13:29 07/15/21 20:20 07/18/21 15:47 07/19/21 11:04 07/21/21 07:59 07/24/21 11:29 07/27/21 19:34 07/29/21 18:39 Theft 2021058922 Theft 2021059087 Theft 2021060203 Theft 2021060450 Theft 2021061120 Theft 2021062274 Theft 2021063551 Theft 2021064178 Theft; Civil Complaint Total: 1 07/06/21 11:06 Theft; Civil Complaint 2021055802 Theft - From Vehicle Total: 4 Theft Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Theft Theft Theft Theft Civil Complaint Theft 07/02/21 08:51 Theft - From Vehicle 2021054262 Theft - From Vehicle 07/15/21 13:23 Theft - From Vehicle 2021058919 Theft - From Vehicle 07/16/21 10:38 Theft - From Vehicle 2021059241 Theft - From Vehicle 07/21/21 11:07 Theft - From Vehicle 2021061175 Theft - From Vehicle Theft - Gas Drive Off Total: 1 07/12/21 10:35 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2021057858 Theft -Shoplifting Total: 11 07/01/21 07:52 Theft - Shoplifting 07/06/21 19:46 Theft - Shoplifting 07/07/21 02:21 Theft - Shoplifting 07/11/21 10:29 Theft - Shoplifting 07/19/21 14:49 Theft - Shoplifting 07/20/21 19:20 Theft - Shoplifting 07/20/21 19:37 Theft - Shoplifting 07/21/21 13:26 Theft - Shoplifting 07/21/21 16:20 Theft - Shoplifting 07/26/21 17:03 Theft - Shoplifting 07/27/21 16:10 Theft - Shoplifting Threats Total: 9 07/01/2110:43 Threats 07/05/2107:32 Threats 07/08/2109:15 Threats 07/08/2109:18 Threats 07/08/2121:24 Threats 07/12/2111:29 Threats 07/19/2105:19 Threats 2021053871 2021055961 2021056041 2021057528 2021060543 2021061000 2021061004 2021061233 2021061301 2021063112 2021063469 2021053927 2021055453 2021056432 2021056435 2021056707 2021057875 2021060383 Theft - Shoplifting Theft - Shoplifting Theft - Shoplifting Theft - Shoplifting Theft - Shoplifting Theft - Shoplifting Theft - Shoplifting Theft - Shoplifting Theft - Shoplifting Theft - Shoplifting Theft - Shoplifting Threats Threats Threats Threats Medical - Psychiatric - Domestic Disturbance Fraud - Internet WP21018848 Phone WP21018889 Phone WP21019202 911 WP21019279 Phone W P21019459 911 WP21019807 Phone WP21020187 Phone WP21020362 Phone WP21017905 Phone WP21017454 Phone WP21018845 Phone WP21018938 Phone WP21019479 Phone Phone WP21017325 Phone WP21017953 Phone WP21017984 Phone WP21018444 Phone WP21019302 Phone WP21019417 Phone WP21019421 Officer WP21019494 Phone WP21019515 Phone WP21020060 Phone WP21020165 Phone WP21017347 Phone WP21017801 Phone WP21018094 Phone WP21018095 911 WP21018170 911 WP21018546 Phone WP21019254 Phone Page 21 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 07/19/21 17:26 Threats 2021060617 Civil Complaint WP21019319 Phone 07/27/21 20:43 Threats 2021063572 Threats WP21020192 911 Tow Total: 1 WP21017843 911 07/06/21 20:04 Traffic - Complaint 07/27/2121:52 Tow 2021063591 Tow WP21020200 Phone Traffic - Complaint Total: 32 07/03/21 11:36 Traffic - Complaint 2021054703 Traffic - Complaint WP21017577 911 07/04/21 10:00 Traffic - Complaint 2021055058 Traffic - Complaint WP21017683 Phone 07/05/21 15:41 Traffic - Complaint 2021055582 Traffic - Complaint WP21017843 911 07/06/21 20:04 Traffic - Complaint 2021055968 Traffic - Complaint WP21017956 Phone 07/07/21 19:55 Traffic - Complaint 2021056280 Traffic - Complaint WP21018056 911 07/08/21 16:35 Traffic - Complaint 2021056625 DUI WP21018144 911 07/08/21 20:45 Traffic - Complaint 2021056693 Traffic - Complaint WP21018167 Phone 07/09/21 16:19 Traffic - Complaint 2021056965 Traffic - Complaint WP21018259 Phone 07/10/21 00:01 Traffic - Complaint 2021057135 Traffic - Complaint WP21018315 911 07/11/21 00:37 Traffic - Complaint 2021057463 Traffic - Complaint WP21018412 Phone 07/12/21 10:10 Traffic - Complaint 2021057851 Traffic - Complaint WP21018537 Phone 07/12/21 16:30 Traffic - Complaint 2021057976 Traffic - Complaint WP21018576 Phone 07/12/21 16:47 Traffic - Complaint 2021057985 911 07/13/21 17:38 Traffic - Complaint 2021058360 911 07/13/21 21:57 Traffic - Complaint 2021058437 Traffic - Complaint WP21018706 Phone 07/14/21 14:42 Traffic - Complaint 2021058600 Traffic - Complaint WP21018757 911 07/14/21 23:20 Traffic - Complaint 2021058755 Traffic - Complaint WP21018799 911 07/18/21 18:44 Traffic - Complaint 2021060268 Traffic - Complaint WP21019214 911 07/19/21 14:27 Traffic - Complaint 2021060538 Traffic - Complaint WP21019298 Phone 07/19/21 15:09 Traffic - Complaint 2021060554 Traffic - Complaint WP21019305 911 07/19/21 19:09 Traffic - Complaint 2021060649 Traffic - Complaint WP21019324 Phone 07/19/21 22:32 Traffic - Complaint 2021060721 Traffic - Complaint WP21019343 911 07/21/21 13:00 Traffic - Complaint 2021061225 Traffic - Complaint WP21019492 Phone 07/24/21 21:41 Traffic - Complaint 2021062481 Traffic - Complaint WP21019870 911 07/24/21 21:53 Traffic - Complaint 2021062489 Traffic - Complaint WP21019872 Phone 07/26/21 12:52 Traffic - Complaint 2021063025 Traffic - Complaint WP21020040 Phone 07/27/21 18:20 Traffic - Complaint 2021063528 Traffic - Complaint BP21006339 Phone 07/28/21 18:15 Traffic - Complaint 2021063851 Traffic - Complaint WP21020267 Phone 07/29/21 10:36 Traffic - Complaint 2021064026 Traffic - Complaint WP21020311 Phone 07/30/21 11:58 Traffic - Complaint 2021064394 911 07/31/21 11:50 Traffic - Complaint 2021064761 Traffic - Complaint WP21020519 Phone 07/31/21 22:38 Traffic - Complaint 2021064976 Traffic - Complaint WP21020580 Phone Traffic - Hazard Total: 3 07/05/21 20:35 Traffic - Hazard 2021055669 Traffic - Hazard WP21017872 Officer 07/12/21 14:28 Traffic - Hazard 2021057918 Traffic - Hazard WP21018559 911 07/20/21 10:32 Traffic - Hazard 2021060826 Traffic - Hazard WP21019364 Phone Traffic Stop Total: 308 07/01/21 00:37 Traffic Stop 2021053832 Officer 07/01/21 00:58 Traffic Stop 2021053835 Traffic Stop WP21017313 Officer Page 22 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 07/01/21 03:18 Traffic Stop 2021053847 Juvenile - Curfew Violation WP21017319 Officer 07/01/21 09:00 Traffic Stop 2021053885 Traffic Stop WP21017333 Officer 07/01/21 12:21 Traffic Stop 2021053963 Officer 07/01/21 12:58 Traffic Stop 2021053976 Officer 07/01/21 14:23 Traffic Stop 2021053999 Officer 07/01/21 16:28 Traffic Stop 2021054050 Officer 07/01/21 20:30 Traffic Stop 2021054135 Officer 07/01/21 21:07 Traffic Stop 2021054147 Officer 07/01/21 21:26 Traffic Stop 2021054161 Officer 07/01/21 22:59 Traffic Stop 2021054190 Officer 07/02/21 06:22 Traffic Stop 2021054238 Traffic Stop WP21017447 Officer 07/02/21 06:48 Traffic Stop 2021054244 Traffic Stop WP21017450 Officer 07/02/21 07:13 Traffic Stop 2021054248 Traffic Stop WP21017451 Officer 07/02/21 07:25 Traffic Stop 2021054250 Officer 07/02/21 08:51 Traffic Stop 2021054263 Officer 07/02/21 09:00 Traffic Stop 2021054268 Officer 07/02/21 09:10 Traffic Stop 2021054274 Officer 07/02/21 11:06 Traffic Stop 2021054312 Officer 07/02/21 11:18 Traffic Stop 2021054319 Officer 07/02/21 11:20 Traffic Stop 2021054321 Officer 07/02/21 15:59 Traffic Stop 2021054405 Officer 07/02/21 19:56 Traffic Stop 2021054503 Officer 07/02/21 21:54 Traffic Stop 2021054547 Officer 07/02/21 23:34 Traffic Stop 2021054576 Officer 07/02/21 23:47 Traffic Stop 2021054581 Traffic Stop WP21017549 Officer 07/03/21 03:47 Traffic Stop 2021054623 Officer 07/03/21 05:38 Traffic Stop 2021054628 Traffic Stop WP21017560 Officer 07/03/21 15:22 Traffic Stop 2021054756 Traffic Stop WP21017591 Officer 07/03/21 15:39 Traffic Stop 2021054761 Officer 07/03/21 19:42 Traffic Stop 2021054853 Officer 07/04/21 00:24 Traffic Stop 2021054971 Officer 07/04/21 02:47 Traffic Stop 2021054991 Officer 07/04/21 05:11 Traffic Stop 2021055006 Traffic Stop WP21017665 Officer 07/04/21 10:59 Traffic Stop 2021055082 Officer 07/04/21 13:08 Traffic Stop 2021055136 Officer 07/04/21 14:49 Traffic Stop 2021055164 Officer 07/04/21 15:02 Traffic Stop 2021055172 Officer 07/04/21 16:13 Traffic Stop 2021055195 Officer 07/04/21 17:09 Traffic Stop 2021055219 Officer 07/04/21 19:35 Traffic Stop 2021055270 Officer 07/04/21 21:49 Traffic Stop 2021055319 Officer 07/05/21 15:31 Traffic Stop 2021055575 Officer 07/05/21 15:32 Traffic Stop 2021055576 Officer 07/05/21 15:34 Traffic Stop 2021055578 Officer 07/05/21 15:40 Traffic Stop 2021055579 Officer 07/05/21 15:55 Traffic Stop 2021055589 Officer 07/05/21 16:00 Traffic Stop 2021055591 Officer Page 23 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 07/05/21 16:02 Traffic Stop 2021055594 Traffic Stop WP21017848 Officer 07/05/21 17:09 Traffic Stop 2021055615 Officer 07/05/21 23:23 Traffic Stop 2021055708 Traffic Stop WP21017884 Officer 07/06/21 00:34 Traffic Stop 2021055717 Officer 07/06/21 02:34 Traffic Stop 2021055725 Officer 07/06/21 06:26 Traffic Stop 2021055742 Officer 07/06/21 06:44 Traffic Stop 2021055745 Officer 07/06/21 07:27 Traffic Stop 2021055751 Officer 07/06/21 07:37 Traffic Stop 2021055753 Officer 07/06/21 11:47 Traffic Stop 2021055815 Officer 07/06/21 11:51 Traffic Stop 2021055817 Officer 07/06/21 13:41 Traffic Stop 2021055849 Drugs WSIU210179227fficer 07/06/21 18:20 Traffic Stop 2021055940 Traffic Stop WP21017948 Officer 07/06/21 19:44 Traffic Stop 2021055960 Officer 07/06/21 21:14 Traffic Stop 2021055988 Traffic Stop WP21017965 07/06/21 22:49 Traffic Stop 2021056012 Drugs WP21017975 Officer 07/07/21 07:12 Traffic Stop 2021056061 Traffic Stop WP21017990 Officer 07/07/21 11:05 Traffic Stop 2021056111 Officer 07/07/21 12:18 Traffic Stop 2021056130 Officer 07/07/21 12:20 Traffic Stop 2021056132 Officer 07/07/21 14:46 Traffic Stop 2021056172 Traffic Stop WP21018024 Officer 07/08/21 00:29 Traffic Stop 2021056354 Officer 07/08/21 12:12 Traffic Stop 2021056504 Officer 07/08/21 12:46 Traffic Stop 2021056517 Officer 07/08/21 13:30 Traffic Stop 2021056539 Officer 07/08/21 18:36 Traffic Stop 2021056658 Officer 07/08/21 22:14 Traffic Stop 2021056721 Officer 07/08/21 22:45 Traffic Stop 2021056727 Traffic Stop WP21018180 Officer 07/08/21 22:48 Traffic Stop 2021056729 Officer 07/09/21 00:22 Traffic Stop 2021056750 Officer 07/09/21 06:53 Traffic Stop 2021056777 Traffic Stop WP21018199 Officer 07/09/21 07:18 Traffic Stop 2021056783 Traffic Stop WP21018204 Officer 07/09/21 16:09 Traffic Stop 2021056963 Traffic Stop WP21018257 Officer 07/09/21 16:23 Traffic Stop 2021056966 Officer 07/09/21 16:48 Traffic Stop 2021056974 DUI WP21018266 Officer 07/09/21 18:21 Traffic Stop 2021057021 Traffic Stop WP21018281 Officer 07/09/21 19:10 Traffic Stop 2021057046 Officer 07/09/21 20:31 Traffic Stop 2021057069 Officer 07/09/21 22:17 Traffic Stop 2021057105 Officer 07/10/21 00:30 Traffic Stop 2021057142 Officer 07/10/21 11:52 Traffic Stop 2021057227 Officer 07/10/21 18:29 Traffic Stop 2021057336 Officer 07/10/21 20:43 Traffic Stop 2021057375 Officer 07/10/21 21:14 Traffic Stop 2021057393 Officer 07/10/21 21:46 Traffic Stop 2021057406 Officer 07/10/21 21:49 Traffic Stop 2021057407 Officer 07/10/21 21:53 Traffic Stop 2021057408 Officer Page 24 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 07/10/21 23:06 Traffic Stop 2021057438 Officer 07/10/21 23:23 Traffic Stop 2021057447 Officer 07/10/21 23:57 Traffic Stop 2021057454 Officer 07/11/21 00:38 Traffic Stop 2021057466 Officer 07/11/21 19:59 Traffic Stop 2021057690 Officer 07/11/21 21:36 Traffic Stop 2021057731 Traffic Stop WP21018495 Officer 07/11/21 23:20 Traffic Stop 2021057763 Officer 07/12/21 01:31 Traffic Stop 2021057777 Traffic Stop WP21018509 Officer 07/12/21 04:28 Traffic Stop 2021057792 Officer 07/12/21 07:22 Traffic Stop 2021057806 Traffic Stop WP21018518 Officer 07/12/21 07:29 Traffic Stop 2021057807 Officer 07/12/21 08:17 Traffic Stop 2021057822 Officer 07/12/21 10:37 Traffic Stop 2021057859 Officer 07/12/21 16:11 Traffic Stop 2021057962 Traffic Stop WP21018573 Officer 07/12/21 17:42 Traffic Stop 2021058011 Officer 07/12/21 18:32 Traffic Stop 2021058026 Officer 07/12/21 21:26 Traffic Stop 2021058071 Officer 07/12/21 21:59 Traffic Stop 2021058085 Officer 07/12/21 22:03 Traffic Stop 2021058086 Officer 07/13/21 00:23 Traffic Stop 2021058115 Officer 07/13/21 11:53 Traffic Stop 2021058226 Officer 07/13/21 12:11 Traffic Stop 2021058233 Officer 07/13/21 13:09 Traffic Stop 2021058251 Traffic Stop WP21018645 Officer 07/13/21 13:55 Traffic Stop 2021058265 Officer 07/13/21 14:04 Traffic Stop 2021058269 Officer 07/13/21 14:28 Traffic Stop 2021058279 Officer 07/13/21 14:44 Traffic Stop 2021058284 Traffic Stop WP21018655 Officer 07/13/21 15:19 Traffic Stop 2021058293 Officer 07/13/21 23:06 Traffic Stop 2021058448 Officer 07/13/21 23:20 Traffic Stop 2021058450 Drugs WP21018713 Officer 07/13/21 23:20 Traffic Stop 2021058451 Officer 07/14/21 01:39 Traffic Stop 2021058468 Officer 07/14/21 09:39 Traffic Stop 2021058516 Officer 07/14/21 09:55 Traffic Stop 2021058523 Officer 07/14/21 10:44 Traffic Stop 2021058537 Traffic Stop WP21018743 Officer 07/14/21 15:44 Traffic Stop 2021058617 Officer 07/14/21 16:48 Traffic Stop 2021058627 Officer 07/14/21 17:20 Traffic Stop 2021058640 Officer 07/14/21 18:26 Traffic Stop 2021058661 Traffic Stop WP21018775 Officer 07/14/21 18:30 Traffic Stop 2021058666 Officer 07/14/21 18:52 Traffic Stop 2021058673 Officer 07/14/21 21:12 Traffic Stop 2021058722 Officer 07/14/21 22:06 Traffic Stop 2021058738 Officer 07/14/21 23:40 Traffic Stop 2021058763 Officer 07/15/21 07:47 Traffic Stop 2021058799 Officer 07/15/21 08:32 Traffic Stop 2021058817 Officer 07/15/21 10:24 Traffic Stop 2021058857 Officer Page 25 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 07/15/21 17:27 Traffic Stop 2021059027 Officer 07/15/21 20:33 Traffic Stop 2021059095 Traffic Stop WP21018894 Officer 07/16/21 02:15 Traffic Stop 2021059160 Officer 07/16/21 06:49 Traffic Stop 2021059183 Officer 07/16/21 07:03 Traffic Stop 2021059184 Officer 07/16/21 15:37 Traffic Stop 2021059357 Officer 07/16/21 17:39 Traffic Stop 2021059413 Officer 07/16/21 19:57 Traffic Stop 2021059479 Traffic Stop WP21019009 Officer 07/16/21 21:11 Traffic Stop 2021059515 Officer 07/16/21 21:18 Traffic Stop 2021059518 Officer 07/16/21 21:29 Traffic Stop 2021059528 Officer 07/16/21 21:41 Traffic Stop 2021059536 Officer 07/16/21 22:12 Traffic Stop 2021059551 Officer 07/17/21 00:36 Traffic Stop 2021059604 Traffic Stop WP21019035 Officer 07/17/21 11:34 Traffic Stop 2021059715 Officer 07/17/21 12:04 Traffic Stop 2021059725 Officer 07/17/21 12:16 Traffic Stop 2021059730 Officer 07/17/21 14:33 Traffic Stop 2021059774 Officer 07/17/21 14:48 Traffic Stop 2021059781 Officer 07/17/21 16:40 Traffic Stop 2021059818 Officer 07/17/21 19:12 Traffic Stop 2021059877 Officer 07/17/21 20:18 Traffic Stop 2021059900 Traffic Stop WP21019123 Officer 07/17/21 21:10 Traffic Stop 2021059925 Officer 07/17/21 21:23 Traffic Stop 2021059929 Officer 07/17/21 21:24 Traffic Stop 2021059930 Officer 07/17/21 21:26 Traffic Stop 2021059933 Officer 07/17/21 23:23 Traffic Stop 2021059976 Officer 07/18/21 02:07 Traffic Stop 2021060015 Officer 07/18/21 11:12 Traffic Stop 2021060096 Officer 07/18/21 11:39 Traffic Stop 2021060108 Officer 07/18/21 12:03 Traffic Stop 2021060123 Officer 07/18/21 20:07 Traffic Stop 2021060290 Officer 07/18/21 21:18 Traffic Stop 2021060312 Officer 07/18/21 22:42 Traffic Stop 2021060338 Traffic Stop WP21019233 Officer 07/18/21 23:38 Traffic Stop 2021060352 Officer 07/19/21 01:37 Traffic Stop 2021060371 Traffic Stop WP21019245 Officer 07/19/21 07:50 Traffic Stop 2021060399 Officer 07/19/21 08:02 Traffic Stop 2021060402 Traffic Stop WP21019260 Officer 07/19/21 11:02 Traffic Stop 2021060449 Officer 07/19/21 21:27 Traffic Stop 2021060693 Officer 07/19/21 21:33 Traffic Stop 2021060696 Officer 07/19/21 21:54 Traffic Stop 2021060709 Officer 07/19/21 22:24 Traffic Stop 2021060720 Warrant - Arrest WP21019344 Officer 07/20/21 12:38 Traffic Stop 2021060868 Officer 07/20/21 21:46 Traffic Stop 2021061048 Officer 07/20/21 22:26 Traffic Stop 2021061056 Officer 07/20/21 22:42 Traffic Stop 2021061061 Officer Page 26 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 07/20/21 23:06 Traffic Stop 2021061065 Officer 07/20/21 23:38 Traffic Stop 2021061072 Officer 07/20/21 23:54 Traffic Stop 2021061077 Traffic Stop WP21019440 Officer 07/21/21 01:38 Traffic Stop 2021061090 Officer 07/21/21 11:56 Traffic Stop 2021061197 Officer 07/21/21 12:48 Traffic Stop 2021061221 Officer 07/21/21 13:34 Traffic Stop 2021061236 Officer 07/21/21 15:32 Traffic Stop 2021061277 Officer 07/21/21 16:13 Traffic Stop 2021061297 Traffic Stop WP21019513 Officer 07/21/21 16:32 Traffic Stop 2021061305 Traffic Stop WP21019517 Officer 07/21/21 20:50 Traffic Stop 2021061392 Officer 07/21/21 23:48 Traffic Stop 2021061443 Officer 07/22/21 01:51 Traffic Stop 2021061465 Officer 07/22/21 07:06 Traffic Stop 2021061479 Officer 07/22/21 09:10 Traffic Stop 2021061503 Officer 07/22/21 09:21 Traffic Stop 2021061508 Officer 07/22/21 15:46 Traffic Stop 2021061623 Traffic Stop WP21019612 Officer 07/22/21 17:11 Traffic Stop 2021061650 Officer 07/22/21 18:49 Traffic Stop 2021061679 Officer 07/22/21 21:34 Traffic Stop 2021061746 Officer 07/23/21 00:17 Traffic Stop 2021061781 Officer 07/23/21 00:45 Traffic Stop 2021061790 Officer 07/23/21 01:54 Traffic Stop 2021061802 Traffic Stop WP21019668 Officer 07/23/21 02:13 Traffic Stop 2021061805 Officer 07/23/21 11:07 Traffic Stop 2021061887 Officer 07/23/21 12:42 Traffic Stop 2021061927 Officer 07/23/21 14:03 Traffic Stop 2021061964 Officer 07/23/21 14:26 Traffic Stop 2021061970 Officer 07/23/21 14:56 Traffic Stop 2021061979 Traffic Stop WP21019720 Officer 07/23/21 15:20 Traffic Stop 2021061990 Traffic Stop WP21019723 Officer 07/23/21 15:29 Traffic Stop 2021061996 Officer 07/23/21 16:56 Traffic Stop 2021062032 Officer 07/23/21 17:35 Traffic Stop 2021062051 Officer 07/23/21 19:47 Traffic Stop 2021062100 Traffic Stop WP21019756 Officer 07/23/21 20:07 Traffic Stop 2021062108 Officer 07/23/21 20:11 Traffic Stop 2021062110 Officer 07/23/21 20:43 Traffic Stop 2021062129 Officer 07/23/21 20:44 Traffic Stop 2021062131 Officer 07/23/21 21:46 Traffic Stop 2021062152 Officer 07/23/21 22:52 Traffic Stop 2021062167 Traffic Stop WP21019774 Officer 07/23/21 23:37 Traffic Stop 2021062183 Officer 07/24/21 00:37 Traffic Stop 2021062194 Officer 07/24/21 09:09 Traffic Stop 2021062244 Officer 07/24/21 13:15 Traffic Stop 2021062304 Traffic Stop WP21019814 Officer 07/24/21 15:36 Traffic Stop 2021062341 Officer 07/24/21 18:21 Traffic Stop 2021062388 Officer 07/24/21 18:32 Traffic Stop 2021062394 Officer Page 27 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 07/24/21 18:51 Traffic Stop 2021062402 Officer 07/24/21 19:38 Traffic Stop 2021062422 Officer 07/24/21 20:57 Traffic Stop 2021062449 Officer 07/24/21 21:02 Traffic Stop 2021062455 Officer 07/24/21 21:46 Traffic Stop 2021062485 Officer 07/24/21 22:03 Traffic Stop 2021062491 DUI WP21019879 Officer 07/24/21 22:55 Traffic Stop 2021062508 Officer 07/25/21 07:03 Traffic Stop 2021062571 Traffic Stop WP21019903 Officer 07/25/21 07:22 Traffic Stop 2021062573 Traffic Stop WP21019904 Officer 07/25/21 17:10 Traffic Stop 2021062763 Officer 07/25/21 18:35 Traffic Stop 2021062788 Officer 07/25/21 18:55 Traffic Stop 2021062797 Officer 07/25/21 19:02 Traffic Stop 2021062802 Officer 07/25/21 19:09 Traffic Stop 2021062806 Officer 07/26/21 13:46 Traffic Stop 2021063044 Officer 07/26/21 15:27 Traffic Stop 2021063068 Traffic Stop WP21020050 Officer 07/26/21 20:43 Traffic Stop 2021063198 Officer 07/26/21 21:02 Traffic Stop 2021063203 Officer 07/26/21 21:07 Traffic Stop 2021063205 Officer 07/26/21 21:38 Traffic Stop 2021063216 Officer 07/26/21 21:55 Traffic Stop 2021063223 Officer 07/26/21 22:05 Traffic Stop 2021063225 Officer 07/27/21 01:15 Traffic Stop 2021063281 Officer 07/27/21 07:02 Traffic Stop 2021063308 Traffic Stop WP21020110 Officer 07/28/21 08:40 Traffic Stop 2021063684 Officer 07/28/21 14:44 Traffic Stop 2021063780 Officer 07/28/21 17:41 Traffic Stop 2021063835 Officer 07/28/21 20:56 Traffic Stop 2021063906 Traffic Stop WP21020281 Officer 07/28/21 21:39 Traffic Stop 2021063925 Traffic Stop WP21020288 Officer 07/28/21 23:50 Traffic Stop 2021063951 Officer 07/29/21 07:10 Traffic Stop 2021063984 Officer 07/29/21 10:32 Traffic Stop 2021064024 Officer 07/29/21 11:01 Traffic Stop 2021064033 Officer 07/29/21 11:14 Traffic Stop 2021064037 Officer 07/29/21 11:40 Traffic Stop 2021064046 Officer 07/29/21 11:46 Traffic Stop 2021064047 Officer 07/29/21 14:03 Traffic Stop 2021064094 Officer 07/29/21 15:43 Traffic Stop 2021064119 Officer 07/29/21 17:02 Traffic Stop 2021064144 Officer 07/29/21 18:13 Traffic Stop 2021064170 Traffic Stop WP21020358 Officer 07/29/21 21:51 Traffic Stop 2021064225 Traffic Stop WP21020378 Officer 07/29/21 23:08 Traffic Stop 2021064241 Officer 07/30/21 00:14 Traffic Stop 2021064253 Officer 07/30/21 03:46 Traffic Stop 2021064277 Officer 07/30/21 03:50 Traffic Stop 2021064278 Traffic Stop WP21020392 Officer 07/30/21 06:23 Traffic Stop 2021064290 Officer 07/30/21 06:55 Traffic Stop 2021064295 Officer Page 28 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 07/30/21 08:38 Traffic Stop 2021064317 Officer 07/30/21 08:52 Traffic Stop 2021064321 Officer 07/30/21 10:53 Traffic Stop 2021064357 Officer 07/30/21 15:33 Traffic Stop 2021064465 Officer 07/30/21 23:03 Traffic Stop 2021064642 Officer 07/30/21 23:04 Traffic Stop 2021064643 Officer 07/30/21 23:18 Traffic Stop 2021064648 Traffic Stop WP21020482 Officer 07/30/21 23:54 Traffic Stop 2021064660 Officer 07/31/21 02:19 Traffic Stop 2021064686 Officer 07/31/21 07:18 Traffic Stop 2021064703 Officer 07/31/21 07:52 Traffic Stop 2021064707 Officer 07/31/21 11:41 Traffic Stop 2021064755 Officer 07/31/21 12:05 Traffic Stop 2021064767 Officer 07/31/21 16:12 Traffic Stop 2021064839 Officer 07/31/21 21:16 Traffic Stop 2021064939 Officer 07/31/21 21:25 Traffic Stop 2021064942 Officer 07/31/21 21:26 Traffic Stop 2021064943 Officer 07/31/21 21:40 Traffic Stop 2021064949 Officer 07/31/21 21:55 Traffic Stop 2021064956 Traffic Stop WP21020573 Officer 07/31/21 21:57 Traffic Stop 2021064959 Officer 07/31/21 22:00 Traffic Stop 2021064960 Officer 07/31/21 22:09 Traffic Stop 2021064962 Officer 07/31/21 22:34 Traffic Stop 2021064973 Traffic Stop WP21020578 Officer 07/31/21 23:21 Traffic Stop 2021064993 Officer Training Total: 3 07/16/2110:09 Training 2021059232 Phone 07/16/2110:45 Training 2021059246 07/26/2108:35 Training 2021062943 Trespass Total: 1 07/12/21 18:51 Trespass 2021058033 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21018587 911 Unwanted Person Total: 3 07/02/21 16:09 Unwanted Person 2021054408 Unwanted Person WP21017498 Phone 07/08/21 13:55 Unwanted Person 2021056553 Unwanted Person WP21018128 911 07/10/21 10:01 Unwanted Person 2021057192 Unwanted Person WP21018332 911 Walk Away Total: 1 07/07/21 15:28 Walk Away 2021056188 Walk Away WP21018030 Phone Warrant - Arrest Total: 1 07/09/21 21:46 Warrant - Arrest 2021057091 Warrant - Arrest WP21018304 Officer Warrant - Arrest; Surveillance Total: 1 07/01/21 23:58 Warrant - Arrest; 2021054204 Court Order Violation WP21017439 Officer Warrant - Attempt Total: 9 07/08/21 11:28 Warrant - Attempt 2021056487 Officer Page 29 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident 07/09/21 15:09 Warrant - Attempt 2021056933 Drugs 07/14/21 09:11 Warrant - Attempt 2021058505 07/14/21 10:27 Warrant - Attempt 2021058532 07/15/21 09:23 Warrant - Attempt 2021058838 07/16/21 18:09 Warrant - Attempt 2021059421 07/22/21 01:22 Warrant - Attempt 2021061458 Warrant - Arrest 07/26/21 10:54 Warrant - Attempt 2021062984 07/29/21 10:02 Warrant - Attempt 2021064019 Total Records: 1146 Case Number How Reported WP21018252 WP21019556 Officer Page 30 of 30 Monticello City Quarterly Review 2nd Quarter 2021 (April, May, and June) Cityof Monticello Activityfor 2n (April 1St to June 30th, 2021) Same Time period comparison ► 2020 Activity ➢ 2716 Calls For Service assigned in Monticello ➢ 1353 Cases Assigned to Patrol ➢ Property Crimes: ➢ 3 Burglaries ➢ 22 Damaged to Property ➢ 37 General Thefts ➢ 10 Thefts from Vehicle ➢ 1 Gas Drive Offs ➢ 39 Shoplifting ➢ 32 Drug Complaints ➢ 27 juvenile Complaints ➢ 51 Motor Vehicle Crashes (4 involved injuries) ➢ 8 Assault Complaints ➢ 48 Domestic Disturbance Complaints 503 Traffic Stops 180 Total Citations Issued ➢ 53 Individuals Arrested/Booked into jail d Quarter ► 2021 Activity ➢ 3429 Calls For Service assigned in Monticello ➢ 1443 Cases Assigned to Patrol i ➢ Property Crimes: ➢ 13 Burglaries ➢ 24 Damaged to Property ➢ 46 Thefts ➢ 18 Thefts from Vehicle ➢ 0 Gas Drive Off ➢ 42 Shoplifting ➢ 25 Drug Complaints ➢ 45 juvenile Complaints 74 Motor Vehicle Crashes (5 involved injuries) ➢ 5 Assault Complaints ➢ 43 Domestic Disturbance Complaints ➢ 872 Traffic Stops ➢ 298 Total Citations Issued ➢ 55 Individuals Arrested/Booked int Law Enforcement Activity by Division ► Patrol Division ► 3429 Calls for Service that resulted in 1443 Cases assigned to Patrol in the 1st Quarter of 2021. This is a conversion rate of 42% which is about 6% lower than the average throughout the County. ► There were 112 "High Priority" Calls (Abuse, Assault, Burglary, CDP, CSC, Fire, Found Body, Fraud/Forgery, Psychiatric Health, Stolen Vehicles, etc.) ► Terroristic threats email ► Home invasion suspect caught - Country Lane Law Enforcement Activity by Division ► Criminal Investigation Division (CID) ► 41 cases were assigned to the Criminal Investigation Division during the 2nd Quarter of 2021. Law Enforcement Activity by Division ► Major Crime Investigation Unit (MCIU) ► 13 cases were assigned to MCIU during the 2nd Quarter of 2021 ► MCIU members assisted in investigating and processing: Criminal damage to property, Burglary, and other crimes. Law Enforcement Activity by Division ► Forensics ► 6 cases from the city of Monticello were assigned to Forensic Examiners during the 2nd Quarter of 2021. Law Enforcement Activity by Division School Resource Officer(SRO) ► 79 cases were assigned to a School Resource Officer (SRO) in Monticello Schools during the 2nd Quarter of 2021. ► 8 of which had charges filed ► SRO's investigated juvenile complaints, disorderly person(s), medicals, traffic complaints, and harassment/threats complaints in and around the schools. Law Enforcement Activity by Division ► Special Investigation Unit (SIU) ► There were 12 case specific drug investigations in Monticello during the 2nd Quarter of 2021 ► 7 of which had charges filed. Killed in the line of duty - Quarter 2 ► 2020, Nationwide: 119 ► Minnesota = 0 ► 2021, Nationwide: 57 ► Minnesota = 1 (traffic accident) WE APPRECIATE THE CITIZENS OF MONTICELLO!! Questions? Contact: Lieutenant Jason Krambr (763)682-7433 Wright County Sheriff's Office (763)682-7600