Planning Commission Minutes 10-17-1978 ., . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - M)NTICELLQ PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October 17, 1978 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Denton Erickson, Fran Fair, Fred Topel. Members Absent: James Ridgeway, Dave Bauer. 1. Public Hearing - Rezoning & Conditional Use Application - Ken Krienke. Mr. Ken Krienke applied for a rezoning and conditional use permit to allow for the construction of a 24-unit apartment building on the south- west corner of the J. R. Gulp farm on the southern edge of town. The property is currently zoned R-l and B-3, and in order to build a 24-unit apartment building, a rezoning to R-3 would be necessary along with a conditional use permit, since only a 12-unit apartment building is allowed in an R-3 zone as a permitted use. Mr. Krienke is proposing to build 21 2-bedroom units and 3 I-bedroom units in the complex. He also indicated that the building would be a moderate income project with Farmers Home Administration funds. Hearing no corrnnents on the public hearing, a motion was made by F. Fair, seconded by F. Topel and unanimously carried to recommend approval of the rezoning request and the conditional use permit for a 24-unit apart- ment building. 2. Public Hearing - Consideration of Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development - Monticello 1-94 Tri-Plaza. Mr. Sam Peraro requested that the properly he owns southeast of the inte~ section of 1-94 and State Highway 25 be granted a conditional use permit for a Planned Unit Development. A Planned Unit Development is a conditional use permitted within a B-3 zone. Mr. Peraro indicated that the request for a PUD is to allow for the eventual construction of two restaurants along with the Vance's Amoco Gasoline Station, which is currently under construction. The primary reason for the request to go to a PUD is that Mr. Peraro does intend to continue ownership of the entire parcel, and plans in addition to the Standard Station, to build two other restaurants. By having a PUD rather than subdividing the land into three parcels, more flexibility is given to the developer in laying out the three parcels, and allowing parking requirements to be met in total but not to be required on each specific site. Additionally, if this three acres of land were subdivided, only two parcels could be created since all subdivision lots have to abut on a public road. Planning Commission Minutes - 10/21/78 . The proposal for a PUD has been reviewed by the City Staff, along with the City Planner, Howard Dahlgren. Mr. Dahlgren was in general agreement with the development plan as a PUD, and recommended approval of the concept. Hearing no other comments, motion was made by F. Fair, seconded by F. Topel and unanimously carried to approve the conditional use permit for aa Planned Unit Development to Mr. Sam Peraro. 3. Public Hearing - Consideration of Temporary Use Permit to Allow Light Manufacturing wi thin an R-2 Zone. Mr. Bill Schackor, of Draperies Minnesota, requested a temporary use permit to allow Draperies Minnesota to utilize one room on the second floor of the Oakwood Elementary School for use by his manufacturing firm. Mr. Schackor requested the temporary permit for up to one year to allow his new building to be completed within the Oakwood Industrial Park. Mr. Shelly Johnson, School Superintendent, informed the Planning Commis- sion that four sewing machines would be set up in one classroom, and four individuals would be working within the room itself. In addition, no remodeling of the School would take place, and all employee parking would be handled across the street at the existing Draperies Minnesota facilities. Motion was made by F. Fair, seconded by F. Topel and unanimously carried to approve the temporary use permit to Draperies Minnesota for a period of one year. . 4. Public Hearing - Consideration of an Ordinance Amendment to Add Jewelry Stores as a Permitted Use within a B-3 Zone. Mr. Dan Poirier requested an ordinance amendment to allow a jewelry store to be located in a B-3 zone. Mr. Poirier is proposing to open his busi- ness in one of the retail sections of the front part of Mel Worth's Stor-A- Way building located on Highway 25 south of 1-94. Since current Monticello Ordinances only allow a jewelry store in a B-4 zone, an ordinance amendment would be necessary allowing jewelry stores as permitted uses in a B-3 zone. Motion was made by F. Fair, seconded by F. Topel and unanimously carried to approve the recommendation allowing jewelry stores as permitted uses within B-3 zones. 5. Consideration of Variance Request - Minimum Lot Size - Arne Kolb.iornsen. Mr. Kolbjornsen requested a variance of approximately 700 square feet to subdivide a lot within Creekside Terrace into two parcels. The current lot size is 26,4S2 square feet, and the proposed subdivision would create two lots of approximately 9,300 square feet and 17,182 square feet. Since an R-2 zone required 10,000 square feet for a residential lot, a variance of 700 feet would be necessary. . Planning Commission Minutes - 10/21/7S . This lot was previously rezoned from R-I to R-2 to allow for the construc- tion of a duplex, and at that time, there was considerable objections from the neighbors to the rezoning. CanQy Johnson, neighboring resident, indicated to the Planning Conunission that she would be opposed to the subdivision and felt that her neighbors would also be opposed. Mrs. Johnson felt that the lot was too small and would not allow for a sufficient size home to be built in the residential area. Based on the fact that the 9,300 square feet was very close to the mllllmum requirement of 10,000 square feet, and since the placement of the house on this particular lot may be better suited for the land than to have the land vacant, a motion was made by Denton Erickson, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to recommend approval of the subdivision and the variance from the minimum lot size requirements, provided the lot contains at least 9,300 square feet. 6. Consideration of Variance Request - Sideyard Setback - Tadako Pratt. Tadako Pratt, of 301 West River Street, requested a variance to build an attached garage up to the easterly property line at her residence. Presently, her home is six feet (6') away from the property line on the south and two feet (2') on the east side. Mrs. Pratt indicated that she would like to move her garage which she plans to attach to the existing house, two feet ahead of the existing house. . Hearing no opposition from the neighbors, motion was made by F. Topel, seconded by F. Fair and unanimously carried to recommend approval of the sideyard setback variance. 7. Consideration of Variance - Off Premise Sif'1l. - Electro Industries. Mr. Bill Seefeldt, of Electro Industries, requested a variance to allow an off premise sign for his company to be put on the property of the Monticello Rod & Gun Club. Mr. Seefeldt indicated that the Rod & Gun Club had given him premission to do this provided the City concurs. The variance was requested since current City ordinances do not allow any off premise sign advertising a product, or another firm. Mr. Seefeldt indicated that the height of the sign would be $' and the size of the sign would be 1$" by 24". Hearing no objections, motion was made by F. Topel, seconded by F. Fair and unanimously carried to recommend approval of the off premise sign for Electro Industries. S. Approval of Minutes - September 20, 197$ Meeting. Motion was made by F. Fair, seconded by D. Erickson and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held September 20, 197$, as presented. . . . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 10/21/7$ 9. Discussion on Extension of Chelsea Road Westerly to State Highway 25. Mr. Stuart Hoglund inquired of the City of the possibility of the exten- sion of Chelsea Road westerly to State Highway 25. This request has been reviewed by the City Planner, Howard Dahlgren, who felt that such an extension of Chelsea Road would provide for a safe flow of traffic and also would serve to disperse traffic congestion at the intersection of COunty Highway 117 and State Highway 25. It was suggested by the Planning Commission that possibly all of the property owners involved should be contacted to get their feelings on the possible extension of Chelsea Road. No other action was taken by the Planning Commission. Motion was made by D. Erickson, seconded by F. Fair and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting. ~~~ Administrative Asst. RW/ ns