Planning Commission Minutes 04-03-1979 (Special Meeting) '~ . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, April 3, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Fred Topel, Dave Bauer, Ed Schaffer, Jim Ridgeway. Loren Klein (ex-officio). Member Absent: Dick Martie. 1. Consideration of I-94 Tri-Plaza PUD Development - McDonald's. The McDonald's Corporation submitted their final plans and specifications for going ahead with their project on Parcel C of Sam peraro's Monticello I-94 Tri-Plaza at the intersection of Oakwood Drive and Highway 25. A number of areas were discussed by the Planning Commission with the representative of the McDonald's corporation, and they were as follows: . The Site Plan submitted with the PUD development proposes 67 parking spaces, while the City ordinances indicate there should be 77 parking spaces provided on the parcel. It was recommended by the City Planner, of Howard Dahlgren Associates, that as long as there are extra spaces available on the next parcel, which is the standard Service Station, that if McDonald's could secure an agreement from the owner, Sam Peraro, to allow McDonald's customers to park on these 10 spaces, it would be a solution to the required parking needed. Mr. Peraro indicated that such an agreement would pose no problem as far as he is concerned, and could be made into a written agreement. The planner also indicated that some minor changes concerning the curbing in a few areas of the parking lot should be incorporated into the new site plan. In addition, the Planner suggested that the sign be moved from its present location in the northwest corner of the lot to the middle of the parking lot. The item that received the most discussion by the Planning Commission was the square footage of the new pylon sign proposed by McDonald's. It was the staff recommendation that the open area of the "golden arches" not be considered as part of the square footage allotment for the sign. If the open area created by the "golden arches" was eliminated, the actual surface area of the sign would be 200 square feet or less which is what is allowed by the City ordinances. The McDonald's representative indicated that the majority of the items would pose no problem in regards to parking spaces, location of the sign, curb barrier extensions, but requested that their sign, as proposed, be accepted. They indicated that this large sign is necessary because the City of Monticello, in itself, is too small to support the business volume that McDonald's needs, and that they must rely heavily on freeway traffic for their business. . Considerable Planning Commission discussion centered on whether the open space in the sign should be included in the square footage allotment, or whether it could be reasonably determined that the open space between the arches need not be counted in determining square footage, which in this case would allow the sign to meet the ordinances. After the .. . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 4/3/79 lengthy discussion, motion was made by Dave Bauer and seconded by Ed Schaffer to approve a variance recommending that the sign area of the sign proposed be allowed. voting in favor: Dave Bauer and Ed Schaffer. Opposed: Jim Ridgeway and Fred Topel. Since the vote was tied, motion for approval was denied. It was noted that the reason for opposition to this sign was that in the past the Planning Commission was previously looked at the total outside area of a sign when determining the square footage of a sign, and in this case, they felt the sign would be approximately 280 square feet by taking the outside of the "golden arches" as part of the sign. Motion was made by Fred Topel, seconded by Ed Schaffer and unanimously carried to approve the balance of the PUD for McDonald's as proposed, provided all the previous changes are implemented in regards to parking spaces, curb barrier alignment, etc. 2. Public Hearing on the preliminary Subdivision Plat of the Meadows by Jim Maus. Mr. Jim Maus presented the preliminary plat for his land located north of Prairie Road on the western edge of Monticello. The Plat consists of 30 acres and would have a total of approximately 64 single family residential lots. The plans have been submitted to the City Engineer for study and since no comments at this time have been received in regards to the plat from the City Engineer, motion was made by Dave Bauer, seconded by Fred Topel and unanimously carried to table any discussion on this preliminary plat until the engineer has made his written recommendations in regards to the plat. Hearing no other business, motion was made by Fred Topel, seconded by Ed Schaffer and unanimously carried to adjourn. Rick Wolfstel r Assistant Administrator Rw/ns - 2 -