IEDC Minutes 08-03-2021MINUTES INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, August 3, 2021— 7:00 a.m. North Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Members Present: Chair Randy Skarphol, Vice -Chair Liz Calpas, Joni Pawelk, Brian Hudgins, Darek Vetsch, Steve Johnson, Wayne Elam, Luke Dahlheimer, Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, Andrew Tapper Members Absent: Kevin Steffensmeier, Meghan Hanson, Thomas Conboy, Sarah Kortmansky Liaisons Present: Marcy Anderson, Jolene Foss, Rachel Leonard, Jim Thares 1. Call to Order Randy Skarphol called the regular meeting of the IEDC to order at 7 a.m. 2. Approve Minutes: • June 1, 2021, meeting minutes DAREK VETSCH MOVED TO APPROVE THE JUNE 11 2021, MEETING MINUTES. MOTION SECONDED BY LIZ CALPAS. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 11-0. 3. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda • American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA): Darek Vetsch said that Wright County has set aside $4,000,000 for cities based on 2019 population with goal of up to $400,000 grants for sewer & water improvements. The County and the County EDA are working on broadband improvements. 4. Table Topics a) 2021 MN Legislative Update — State Representative Marion O'Neill, District 2913: Representative Marion O'Neill attended the meeting and provided the legislative update for District 29B. In the last legislative session, there were 45 bills passed, mostly omnibus bills. A $52 Billion budget was approved for the 2022-2023 biennium. In addition, $8 Billion was passed onto local government units from Federal Government funding programs. Budget highlights include: • $21.4 Billion Education • $19 Billion Health & Human Services o Includes nursing homes and other basic services • $4 Billion Tax Relief o Includes PPP Conformity, Individual Income Tax Exemption for the first $10,000 earned in 2020 o $5 Million Investment Credit ■ Increased the general property tax levy from $100,000 to $150,000 which will help businesses • $2.6 Billion Surplus • $3.5 Billion Higher Education Bill (a $100 Million increase) o Funds 3 buckets, the state grant program, MState schools, and U of M Wright County Specifics: • Retroactive sales tax exemption for all fire supplies & materials • Housing Bill: eviction moratorium federal ended on 7/31/2021. MN has their own put into place to extend moratorium to extend until June 2022 with exceptions. $100 Million in housing appropriation bonds • MN Redevelopment fund IVINDEED: o Authority provided to commissioner to use excess funds from other programs; In the future baseline budgets • 1-94 3 or 4 lanes/new interchanges and past St. Michael to Clearwater 3 lanes and that is the last section. Everything will be done by fall 2021. • Section between Albertville and Monticello will start in 2023. • Community Energy Transition CET Funding should include Monticello • $20.5 Million in 2020 Bonding Bill for development of infrastructure 5. Consideration of Manufacturer's Recognition Event(s) Format and Date• Update - Discussion Discussed the idea that due to the impacts of Covid, the recognition event should be open to other industries such as hospitals, fire departments, educators, front-line worker businesses, etc. The consensus is that these front-line workers are already being spotlighted nationally and that it is important to keep this recognition to manufacturing businesses locally. Date: Morning Breakfast Event at 7 a.m. October 7 or 14. Any suggestions on speakers at the event, please email Jim Thares. The first week in October is usually statewide manufacturing week. 6. Consideration of Proposed Amendments to IEDC Organizational and Membership Guidelines Jim Thares said that staff recommends that the IEDC approve the proposed amendment adding the Monticello school district representative as a standing Committee voting member. Adding the school district as a standing member to the IEDC will help make the process for appointments to the committee unambiguous and seamlessly keep the school district involved as a voting member. JONI PAWELK MOVED TO APPROVE PROPOSED AMENDMENT LANGUAGE TO THE IEDC ORGNAIZATIONAL AND MERMBERSHIP GUIDELINES ADDING THE MONTICELLO SCHOOL DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE AS A STANDING COMMITTEE VOTING MEMBER. MOTION SECONDED BY LIZ CALPAS. MOTION CARRIED, 11-0. 7. Reports (Verbal Reports): • Economic Development • Project Update: Jim Thares reviewed Exhibit A. • Prospects List: Jim Thares reviewed Exhibit B. • Building Permits Update: Jim Thares reviewed Exhibits C1 and C2. • Planning Commission Agenda (attached): Jim Thares reviewed Exhibit D. • City Council: Rachel Leonard provided updates. • Chelsea Commons: Council approved a purchase agreement for Outlot A, Cedar Street Addition, a 35.6-acre parcel which has been used for agricultural purposes for over 25 years. This parcel is situated within the geographic scope of the Chelsea Commons project. This acquisition will provide the City with additional control over the timing of the core public improvements, including the water feature, parkland, and transportation elements of the site, and also allow the City to strategically manage private development. • FiberNet: Renewed contract with Arvig for an additional 5 years for FiberNet. • Wright County Economic Development Partnership: Jolene Foss provided updates. • Attended a couple business retention visits with Jim Thares and will be scheduling additional visits in August. Thares encouraged members to attend the business retention visits. • Looking at doing a marketing study with the U of M Extension office, looking at what the needs are and where there are gaps. • Desire to continue the learning luncheons. The next one will be September. It is free and open to everyone; topic will be insights into new workforce trends. • Proposed new car wash in Monticello = $4.5 Million investment; loan request to be reviewed by WCEDP Loan Committee. • Chamber of Commerce: Marcy Anderson provided updates. • Chamber is hiring an office staffer. • August 17: Chamber Luncheon. 8. Adiournment• DAREK VETSCH MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:18 A.M. MOTION SECONED BY LUKE DAHLHEIMER. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 11-0. Recorder: Beth Greego Approved: September 7, 2021 Attest: S. Economic Development Director