IEDC Minutes 09-28-2021MINUTES INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, September 28, 2021— 7:00 a.m. North Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Participants attended remotely. Members Present: Chairperson -Randy Skarphol, Vice Chairperson Liz Calpas, Joni Pawelk, Kevin Steffensmeier, Steve Johnson, Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, Andrew Tapper, Sarah Kortmansky, Eric Olson Members Absent: Brian Hudgins, Darek Vetsch, Wayne Elam, Luke Dahlheimer, Thomas Conboy Liaisons: Rachel Leonard, Jim Thares, Marcy Anderson, Jolene Foss 1. Call to Order i. Randy Skarphol called the regular meeting of the IEDC to order at 7:01 2. Approve Minutes: a. September 7, 2021 meeting minutes i. KEVIN STEFFENSMEIER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM SEPTEMBER 71 2021, SECONDED BY ANDREW TAPPER, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda a. Meghan Hanson has resigned from the IEDC, a new member will need to be added to the IEDC. Tracy has posted the vacancy to the website. If anyone knows a colleague or associate who may be interested, please encourage them to visit the city website for more information or refer them to Jim for questions regarding the IEDC mission. 4. Table Topic — Monticello Public School District Facilities and Programs Update - Eric Olson, Superintendent i. IEDC member and Monticello School District Superintendent, Eric Olson, and staff members updated the IEDC on programs and facilities within the Monticello Public School District, specifically discussing how to prepare kids for a career or college path. They also reviewed the relationship between the school district and various businesses in Monticello. Several businesses are providing paid internships for students looking to explore career paths in fields like manufacturing, automotive, healthcare and information technology. Students 16 + years old can participate in the internship program. ii. Monticello school district staff provided experiences they have had with recent students regarding the success of the program. iii. Internships are paid by the employers an average $12 to $18 per hour. iv. Other goals for this program would include working with Habitat 4 Humanity as well as businesses in the area to help build homes in Monticello. v. Olson went on to further describe some of the additional innovative programming like the nature -based learning in grades K-5. vi. Olson also reviewed the 2021 operating referendum for the district. Referendum Question #1 would be to lower the looming budget reductions. Question #2 would be contingent on Question #1 to completely avoid budget reductions. Question #3 would allow the district to continue the current 1:1 ratio of technology for students. 5. Consideration of Update of Manufacturer's Recognition Event - October 14, 2021 a. Jim Thares reviewed the invitations that will be sent out to businesses for the event. Thares explained what the event's program of activities would be like as well. 6. Reports (Verbal Reports): a. Economic Development • Project Update —Jim Thares reviewed Exhibit A for the committee. • Prospects List — Jim Thares reviewed Exhibit B for the committee, nothing changed from previous meeting. b. City Council i. City Administrator Rachel Leonard gave a council update — Council member Brian Hudgins has resigned from city council. The council anticipates that a decision will be made to fill the position for the remaining 14 months of his term. His last meeting on the council will be October 11, 2021. ii. The city council passed the tax levy as of last night September 27, 2021. iii. Planning Commission had a special meeting regarding the Chelsea Commons Small Area Plan, both the Planning Commission and City Council passed this plan to carry on to the next step. c. Wright County Economic Development Partnership • Business Retention & Expansion Visits d. Chamber of Commerce Chamber director Marcy Anderson provided an update. Busy preparing for banquet coming up in December. 7. Adjournment (8:00am) a. KEVIN STEFFENSMEIER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING OF IEDC IN MONTICELLO AT 8:03 AND SECONDED BY ANDREW TAPPER. Recorder: Hayden Stensgard l� Approved November 1, 2021 Attest: J. Economic Development Manager