Planning Commission Minutes 10-16-1979 . ,- . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October 16, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Jim Ridgeway, Dave Bauer, Ed Schaffer. Loren Klein (ex-officio) Members Absent: Dick Martie, Fred Topel. 1. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Dave Bauer, seconded by Ed Schaffer and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 18, 1979. 2. Public Hearing - Consideration of Recommending Approval of Curtis Hoglund's Subdivision Request for Macarlund Plaza. Mr. Ron Hoglund presented to the planning Commission the intentions of Mr. Curtis Hoglund to subdivide his property (9.4 acres) on East Broad- way into 67 lots. The purpose of the request is to develop commercial property on Lots 2 thru 6 of Block 1 and residential property on Lot 1, Block 1 and the balance of the Lots on Block 2 through 11 and Outlot A. . The immediate plans are to develop townhouses on Block 2 thru 11 with outlot A to be used as common shared ground for the townhouse owners. There was concern expressed that if the property were given services off of Mississippi Drive as to whether or not adequate water pressure could be developed. However, at a previous Council meeting, Mr. John Badalich, the City Engineer, informed the members that plans and specifi- cations could be developed that would make servicing Macarlund Plaza from Mississippi Drive feasible. presently, also, the developer is considering requesting looping of the water services from the east end of Mississippi Drive along County Road 39 and East Broadway to approximately Dino's Other World to give better water pressure and circulation. Other affected property owners would have to be contacted in this case, however, and a public hearing held. Mr. Badalich recommended approval of the preliminary plat of Macarlund Plaza if the developer would drain the hardsurfaced parking and road area to a catch basin or series of catch basins along the route to and at the west end of the road area and then drain the runoff through a series of storm sewer and manholes across Lot 14, Block 3 of the Hoglund Addition, which is owned by curtis Hoglund, and into the existing storm sewer line on Mississippi Drive. . ", PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - 10/16/79 . Mr. Hoglund is proposing to dedicate all of Lot 14, and whatever part of Lot 13 of Block 3 in Hoglund Addition that is necessary to meet the park ordinance requirements. A motion was made by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Dave Bauer and unanimously carried to recommend approval of Macarlund Plaza's preliminary plat contingent upon following the engineer's recommendations and recommended that the looping of the services from Mississippi Drive at County Road 39 to Dino's be given consideration. 3. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Request for a Conditional Use premit - Curtis Hoglund. In conjunction with Item #1 above, Mr. Hoglund is requesting a condi- tional use permit to develop townhouses on Blocks 7 through 11 and garages for those townhouses on Blocks 2 through 6. Each individual townhouse would have a single attached garage and a single detached garage. Outlot A would be owned by a townhouse owners association and by agree- ments signed by all parties and binding on all property owners would pro- vide for maintenance of all common ground areas. The owners association agreement has been reviewed by Gary Pringle, the City Attorney, and has received his preliminary approval. . On a motion by Dave Bauer and seconded by Ed Schaffer, the recommenda- tion for approval passed unanimously. 4. consideration of a Variance Request - La Rayne Vogt. LaRayne vogt, on behalf of a client who presently wishes to remain anonymous, requested a variance to allow an owner-operated beauty shop in a residence located on the N~ and the W~ of Lot 3 and N~ of Lots 4 & 5, Block 38, Lower Monticello, currently owned by Ralph Kiffmeyer. Zoned R-2. The prospective operator would agree, if granted the variance, to be the only operator of this shop, and to not have any employees, and to place a sign on the property no more than 2' x 3' for advertising the business, if a sign were used? and this sign is to be approved by the Building Official. There were no comments, pro or con, offered prior to or at the Planning Commission meeting from affected neighboring property owners. Motion was made by Dave Bauer, seconded by Ed Schaffer and unanimously carried to recommend approval of this variance request. 5. Consideration of a Simple Subdivision of Property - Troy Chaplin and Lawrence Hoyt. . Mr. Troy Chaplin and Mr. Lawrence Hoyt, who are abutting property owners, made a request to make some exchange of property between themselves to better arrange their property lines, and resolve a problem which exists because one of the owners has a driveway which is partly on - 2 - ~ . . . PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - 10/16/79 the others lot. Both property owners made the request which would tend to make their lots more rectangular rather than the present wedge shapes. Motion was made by Mr. Dave Bauer, seconded by Ed Schaffer and unanimously carried to recommend approval contingent upon the certificate of survey being prepared and recording be done by the process outlined in the Monticello Ordinances. 6. Miscellaneous. Mr. David Klein came before the Planning Commission to get a tentative response about rezoning Lots 9 & 10 of Block 4, Lower Monticello, from R-l to R-2 so he could remove the existing house and build a new duplex. The Planning Commission members indicated they could possibly be favorable to his request, but clarified that any decision would have to be made after holding a public hearing on the matter. adjourned at 8:15 P.M. Loren Klein, Building Official, LDK/ns - 3 -