Planning Commission Minutes 12-18-1979
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Tuesday, December 18, 1979 - 7:30 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Dick Martie, Ed Schaffer, Fred Topel, Loren Klein (ex-officio)
MEMBERS ABSENT: Jim Ridgeway, Dave Bauer.
1. Consideration of Approval of Minutes.
Motion was made by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Dick Martie, and unanimously
carried to approve the minutes of the November 20, 1979 meeting.
2. Public Hearing on the Consideration of a Rezoning Request from R-I to
R-2 by Bradley Larson.
Mr. Brad Larson has requested that the property presently owned by the
First Baptist Church on West County Road 75 be rezoned from R-l to
R-2. This site is approximately 2.75 acres.
According to Mr. Larson, the intent would be to allow for the construc-
tion of five 4-unit condominiums. Additionally, the present church
building would be converted to a duplex. Initially, the First Baptist
Church, at the time of the construction of the Church, had indicated
that this would eventually be used as a parsonage if the First Baptist
Church had expanded in this area. Mr. Larson explained that the First
Baptist Church has now entered into a purchase agreement to buy another
piece of property currently owned by the Assembly of God Church in
Mr. Larson further explained that the condominiums would be owner-occupied,
and would be alternative housing for people who want to eliminate the
care and maintenance of yards. According to Mr. Larson, there would be
only one curb-cut from County Road 75.
At this point, the meeting was opened for the public hearing portion
and Mr. Steve Johnson, a property owner within approximately 350' on
Sandy Lane, made the following comments:
A. Mr. Steve Johnson had initiated a petition (copy of which is attached
to these minutes). This petition indicated opposition to the rezoning
from R-l to R-3. Upon a question from the Planning Commission
explaining that Mr. Larson had now changed his rezoning request to R-2,
Mr. Steve Johnson explained that in his opinion, he felt that the
petition would still be in opposition to the request.
B. Felt area was incompatible with the surrounding uses and with the over-
all comprehensive plan.
C. Felt problems would be incurred with congestion and that the number of
units proposed by Mr. Larson could result in additional density of
100 to 120 people in the area. Mr. Johnson felt it was too dense a
population for an R-l zone.
D. Traffic and congestion problems would be created on County Road 75
and Sandy Lane. Mr. Johnson explained there is already a problem
with congestion and traffic on Sandy Lane.
E. Mr. Johnson explained that he felt that the City did need condomin-
iums, but felt that other areas within the City that were zoned
properly, that is R-2 or R-3, should be proper sites for such a
Mr. Larson, in response to the concerns expressed by Mr. Johnson, indicated
that he had reviewed other available R-2& R...3 properties, and in fact, at one
point, a particular lending agency had indicated that one of the R-3
sites he was looking at lended itself more to commercial usage as opposed
to condominiums. According to Mr. Larson, this site was in the Lauring
Hillside Addition. Mr. Larson also indicated that he felt the present
site is ideal, since it was buffered by the railroad tracks to the south,
commercial property to the west, a school to the east, and County Road 75
to the north, along with pine trees which served as a barrier between the
project and the single family residential areas along sandy Lane.
Mr. Denton EriCkson, another property owner on Sandy Lane, indicated he
was concerned about the one entrance onto County Road 75 and the
congestion this would cause. Mr. Erickson did indicate he realized the
site was an isolated parcel, but he was very concerned about the traffic
and the congestion, especially in light of the fact that the school
property by itself generates quite a bit of traffic.
Mr. Bill'Swan, also a property owner along Sandy Lane, indicated that he
was concerned with the devaluation that the rezoning of Mr. Larsons
parcel to R-2 may cause. He initially bought his property on Sandy
Lane with the idea that the surrounding area would continue to be R-l
or single family residential.
Consensus of the Planning Commission was that the congestion caused
by this project would be minimal in light of the present congestion
caused by such developments further west - mainly, Anders-Wilhelm
Estates, Hillcrest Addition, Balboul Estates, and Northern States
Power Plant. Generally, it was felt that it was an ideal situation
to have congestion flow to a major thoroughfare, such as County Road 75,
rather than to have it flow onto a residential street. Additionally,
it was felt that the area was somewhat isolated and was well buffered
as indicated by Mr. Larson. Additionally, it was felt that there could
be as much or more concern about the congestion caused by the First
Baptist Church if it decided to expand on its present site, as opposed
to Mr. Larson's project. Motion was made by Ed Schaffer, seconded
by Dick Martie and unanimously carried to recommend to the Council
that the parcel in question be rezoned from R-l to R-2.
Motion was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Ed Schaffer and unanimously
carried to adjourn the meeting.