City Council Ordinance 112AORDINANCE AMENDMENT #112 A
The City Council of Monticello Hereby ordains that the following
Ydinance_.sections_be--amended as follows:
10-20-1: Purpose
10-20-2: General Requirements and Standards
10-20-3: Submission Requirements
10-20-4: Procedure for Processing a Planned Unit Development
10-20-1: PURPOSE: It is the policy of the city to promote progressive
development of land and construction by encouraging planned
unit developments (PUDs) to achieve:
(A) A maximum choice of living environments by allowing a variety of
housing building types and permitting an increased density per acre
and a reduction in lot dimensions, yard, building setbacks and area
(B) A more useful pattern of open space and recreation areas and, if
permitted as part of the project, more convenience in the location
of accessory commercial uses and services;
(C) A development pattern which preserves and utilizes natural features,
trees and other vegetation, and prevents the disruption of natural
drainage patterns;
(D) A more efficient use of land and a resulting substanital savings
through shorter utilities and streets;
(E) A development pattern in harmony with land use density; transportation
facilities, and community facilities objectives of the comprehensive
(A) WHERE PERMITTED: A PUD may be authorized in any of the following
R-1 , R-2, R-3, B-1; B-2, B-31 B-4 and I-1.
(B) USES PERMITTED: Compatible residential, commercial, industrial,
public and quasi -public uses may be combined in a PUD if the proposed
location of the commercial and industrial uses will not adversely
affect adjacent property or the public health, safety and general
(C) GENERAL: Every PUD shall conform to the standards prescribed in this
section. I
f i
take into account the relationship of the site to the surrounding areas.
The perimeter of the PUD shall be so designed as to minimize un-
desirable impact of the PUD on adjacent properties and, conversely,
to minimize undesirable impact of adjacent land use and development
characteristics on the PUD.
(E) MINIMUM SIZE: A PUD shall consist of at least two (2) acres.
(F) MINIMUM LOT SIZE: The minimum lot size requirements of other sections
of this ordinance do not apply to PUD except that the minimum lot size
requirements of the underlying zone shall serve as the criterion to
determine the maximum dwelling unit density of the total development.
The city may, however, authorize a dwelling unit density up to 25%
greater than allowed in the underlying zone if the city determines
that the proposed PUD is consistent with the objectives of this article.
(G) SETBACK AND SIDE YARD REQUIREMENTS: Notwithstanding other provisions
of this article, every lot in a PUD abutting the perimeter of the PUD
shall conform to yard requirements for the underlying district. Side
yards between buildings in a PUD shall be the same as the respective
zoning district, but such buildings may be built without reference to
the property lines of the individual lots on which they are built.
(H) ACCESS TO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY: The site of a PUD shall abut, and the
major internal street or streets serving the PUD shall be connected
to, at least one primary arterial, community arterial, or neighbor-
hood collector street.
(I) UTILITY REQUIREMENTS: Utilities, including telephone and electrical
systems, installed within a PUD shall be placed underground. Utility
appurtenances which can be effectively screened may be expected from
this requirement if the city finds that such exception will be con-
sistent with the objectives of this article and the character of the
proposed PUD.
(J) COMMON OPEN SPACE: Common open space at least sufficient to meet
the minimum requirements established in this Ordinance and such
complementary structures and improvements as are necessary and
appropriate for the benefit and enjoyment of the residents of the
PUD shall be provided within the area of the PUD.
(K) PARKING: off-street parking and loading space shall be provided in
each PUD in the same ratios for types of buildings and uses as re-
quired in the underlying zoning district.
(L) ARRANGEMENT OF COMMERCIAL USES: When a PUD includes commercial uses,
commercial buildings shall be planned as groups having common parking
areas and common ingress and egress points. Each commercial area shall
be separated from abutting residential areas by appropriate screens or
fences. The design of commercial areas shall provide for the integrated
and harmonious design of buildings and for adequate and properly•
arranged facilities for internal traffic, circulation, landscaping and
such other features and facilities as may be necessary to make the
areas attractive and efficient from the standpoint of adjacent non-
commercial areas. Any area which is not to be immediately improved
or developed shall be landscaped or otherwise maintained in a neat
and orderly manner as specified by the city.
(M) ARRANGEMENT OF INDUSTRIAL USES: In any PUD including industrial uses,
the industrial uses shall be provided in park -like surroundings util-
izing landscaping and existing woodlands as buffers to screen lighting,
parking areas, loading areas and outdoor storage of raw materials or
products. An industrial area in a PUD shall provide for the har-
monious design of buildings and a compact grouping in order to econo-
mize in the provisions of required utility services. Streets in a
planned industrial area shall be kept to a minimum in order to re-
duce through traffic. Side yards of 30 feet and rear yards of 50 feet
shall be required if the industrial area adjoins any residential use.
All spaces between the right-of-way line and the industrial building
line and all intervening spaces between buildings, drives, parking
areas, and improved areas shall be landscaped with trees and plantings
and propertly maintained.
Section 10-20-3: SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Planned unit developments
shall be proposed and approved in accordance with this
(A) PRE -APPLICATION MEETING: Before submitting a formal application for
a PUD, the developer shall meet with the Zoning Administrator and the
Planning Commission. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss early
and informally the purpose and effect of this ordinance and the criteria
and standards contained in the ordinance and the criteria and standards
contained in the ordinance and to familiarize the developer with the
city's comprehensive plan, including the land use plan, the major
thoroughfare plan, and the parks and open space plan, and with the sub-
division regulations and the drainage, sewer, and water systems of the
(B) APPLICATION: An application for approval of a preliminary development
plan for a proposed PUD shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator by
at least one owner or lessee of property for which the PUD is proposed.
The application shall be accompanied by a filing fee deposit of $200.00
plus $10.00 per acre. Final billing shall be based on actual costs in-
A vicinity map at a scale approved by the Planning Commission showing
property lines, streets, existing zoning, and such other items as the
Planning Commission may require to show the relationship of the proposed
PUD to the comprehensive plan of the city, to existing schools and
other community facilities and services, and to the surrounding area;
A preliminary plan of the entire area in such detail as to show the
land uses being requested, the densities being proposed where ap-
plicable, the system of collector streets, and the off-street parking
A written statement explaining in detail and with supporing documen-
tation the specifics of the development plan as it relates to the
type of dwelling units proposed and the resultant population, the
extent and nature of nonresidential development and the resulting
traffic generated and parking demands created;
The proposed schedule for the development of the site;
A statement seeting forth the reasons why, in the opinion of the ap-
plicant, the PUD will be in the public interest and consistent with
the objectives specified for PUD's in Section 10-20-1.
(A) ACTION BY COMMISSION: Within 30 days of the filing of the application,
the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the proposed
PUD following written and published notice as required for amendments
of this ordinance. Following such hearing and within 60 days of the
filing of the application, or at a later time agreed to by the appli-
cant, the Planning Commission shall recommend approval or disapproval
of the preliminary proposal with such changes and conditions as it
may suggest and shall transmit its recommendations to the City Council.
In its recommendations the commission shall determine whether the
proposed PUD is consistent with the objectives for planned unit develop-
ments specified Section 10-20-3 and with the comprehensive land use
plan of the city; whether the proposed development will advance the
general welfare of the neighborhood and the city; and whether the
benefits, combination of various land uses, if proposed, and the in-
terrelationship with the land uses in the surrounding area justify
the deviation from standard district regulations allowed by this
ordinance for PUD's.
(B) ACTION BY COUNCIL: Upon receipt of the recommendations of the
Planning Commission, the council shall consider the application and,
after holding such public hearing as it deems desirable, shall approve
or disapprove the application with such changes or conditions, if any,
as it may deem appropriate. It shall include findings on matters on
which the Planning Commission is required to make determinations
under Section 10-20-4.
(C) FINAL REVIEW AND APPROVAL: An application for review and approval of
the final development plan shall be filed by the applicant with the
Zoning Administrator within 12 months of the date on which approval
of the preliminary plan was given by the council. If application for
final approval is not made within the time required, the proposal shall
be considered abandoned. An application to final approval may be filed
for part of a PUD area for which preliminary approval has been granted
by the council. A final plan for a part of a PUD shall provide the
same proportion of open space and the same over-all dwelling unit
density as is provided in the over-all preliminary plan.
(D) DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED: A final application and its supporting
documentation shall give the same information as is required of plats
under the subdivision control ordinance of the city in addition to
such other information as required by this ordinance and the Planning
Commission as a condition for approval of the preliminary plan. In
addition, the application shall be accompanied by such other docu-
mentation, such as restrictive covenants, incorpiration papers, by-
laws of home owners' association, dedications, and other conditions
specifically required by the Planning Commission and the Council
for the particular PUD.
(E) ACTION ON FINAL APPLICATION: Procedure for action by the Planning
Commission and the Council on an application for review and approval
of the final plan for a PUD shall be the same as prescribed by this
article for the action on the preliminary proposal. In giving approval,
the Council may specify the length of time within which construction
of the project must be begun or be completed, and it may attach such
other conditions as seem necessary. The final development plan shall
be in general conformance with the preliminary development plan as
Passed by the City Council this 25th
day of January, 1982.
Arve A. Grimsmo, Mayor
Rick Wolfsteer
Acting Administrator
Ordinance Amendment 1/25/82 #112 A