City Council Ordinance 142AORDIN.4VICE No. 142 r, jU� ORDNANCE AFE1*NDIjjU. SECTION A(l) OF ORDINANCE No 142 ADOPTED JUNE 26, 1961, AT'd ENTITLED "AN 01RDI1111ANICE IN RYGATM TO THE SANITARY SE-;,,VE.R AND TREATI,21,-?T PUT'T OF' VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO, WIRIC-THT COUTNITY9 MINNESOTA. - ITS USAGE AND CHARGES, The Village Council of Monti -cello ordains** Section A(l) of ordinance adopted June 26, 1061, and entitled "An Ordinance in regard to the sanitary set�,?-er and treatment plant of Villr-lge of Monticello, WrLht County, Y'Linnesota—Its Usage -.,.nd Ch,g --ires." is amended. t� Section A(l). There hereby impose an annual sewer rental ch -urge of $24.00 for each single family dwelling, governmental buildings or church sewer connection. The annual sewer rental charge for multiple dwelling units shall be at the rate of $24.00 per dwelling unit and for each additional family living in any single dwelling unit, there is imposed an additional annual charge of $24.00 (except in the case -where a sinr-,,,le, dwellinp, unit occupied.._bz a far -ail rents out one or two rooms onlyl-that dwellinZ will be classified as a Single famil;Z dwelling; ho-wever, if a single family dwellincr occupied bZ a family rents out three or more rooms, the sever charge will be based on the =annual commercial rate of $48,00). The annual sewer charge for each commercial establishment is hereby established at $48.00 and the annual charge for each schoolhouse sew --r W - 0 connection is her -by established at $480.00 for schools having over 3 0 pu-,Iils and at $200o00 for schools having 300 pupils or 'less, $600.00 for a creamery, $2000.00 for a milk drying plant, $150-00 for a slaughter house $96.00 for butcher shop $72-00 for filling stations, $60.00 for restaurant, $96.00 for automatic laundries, $84.00 for hospitals. Section A(l). This ordinc,),nce becomes effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by Council this 10th day of October 1967 &- -- Mayor