City Council Ordinance 149 (2)ORDINJUXE #14? A14 ORDINTAN'ICE ABOLISHING THE OTIFICE OF VILUGE TREASURER A0 tOOPTING &ND COMBININiG THF, OFFICE 01' VILLI -GE CaMK AND TMASURER SECTION I Upon expiration of the current term of office of the Village Treasurer, this office will be abolished. Coirmencing with the day follow-ing the expiration C.� of the current tteasurer's thrm of office, the Vi1l',-,07e Clerk will assume those duties of -,,-he treasurer. The office of Village Clerk there after will be known as Clerk -Treasurer. SECTION 171 This Ordinance shall take effect and be, in force on date of publication. Passed: September 8, 1967 (Seal) Attest clrk Mayor