City Council Ordinance 79ORDINANCE AMENDMENT
The City Council of Monticello hereby ordains that Zoning Ordinance
Section 10-7-4-(D) be added, as follows:
10-7-4: Conditional Uses Within R-2 District
(D) Day Care - group nursery provided that:
1. No overnight facilities are provided for the children
served. Children are delivered and removed daily .
2. The front yard depth shall be a minimum of thirty-
five (35) feet.
3. Adequate off-street parking and access is provided
in compliance with Section 10-3-5 of this Ordinance.
4. Adequate off-street loading and service entrances are
provided in compliance with Section 10-3-6 of this
5. The site and related parking and service shall be
served by an arterial or collector street of sufficient
capacity to accommodate the traffic which will be generated.
6. All signing and informational or visual communication
devices shall be in compliance with Section 10-3-9 of
this Ordinance.
7. The provisions of Section 10-22-1-(E) of this Ordinance
are considered and satisfactorily met.
8. The regulations and conditions of the Minnesota Depart-
ment of Public Welfare, Public Welfare Manual 11-31-30
as adopted, amended and/or changed are satisfactorily met.
9. A written indication of preliminary, pending or final
license appproval from the regulatory welfare agency
is supplied to the City.
Passed by the City Council this
23rd day of June, 1980.
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(Ord. Amend. 6/23/80 #79)