City Council Ordinance 82ORDINANCE AMENDMENT
The City Council of Monticello hereby ordains that Ordinance Sections
13-11-1 through 13-11-10 pertaining to Traveling Shows be added, as follows:
License Required
License Application
License Fees
3-11-6: Provisions of License
3-11-7: Surety Bond
3-11-8: Insurance
3-11-9: Approval of License
3-11-10: Revocation
3-11-1: PURPOSE: To control and regulatetraveling shows.
3-11-2: DEFINITIONS: Unless otherwise stated, whenever used in this
chapter, the following words shall have the meaning given to
them in this section:
CARNIVAL: A traveling enterprise offering amusement.
CIRCUS: An arena often covered by a tent and used for variety shows,
usually including tests of physical skill and daring, wild
animal acts and performances by jugglers, clowns, etc.
MENAGERIE: Display of animals for exhibition.
3-11-3: LICENSE REQUIRED: No individual or firm shall operate a
carnival, circus or menagerie in the City of Monticello with-
out having first obtained a license as provided by this chapter.
3-11-4: LICENSE APPLICATION: Every person or firm desiring a license
shall fill out a form as prescribed by the City Clerk and
recieve approval for such application by the City Council. Such an
application shall be made at least ten (10) days in advance of the City
Council meeting at which it is to be considered.
3-11-5: LICENSE FEES: Fee for a license shall be $100 (one --hundred
dollars) for the first day or portion thereof. and $50 (fifty
dollars) for each additional day or portion thereof. Payment of fee shall
accompany application. This license fee may be waived or modified for
non-profit organizations by the City Council.
3-11-6: PROVISIONS OF LICENSE: License shall be as provided in the
license application unless modified by the City Council and
shall not be for a period longer than seven (7) days.
3-11-7: SURETY BOND: A Surety bond in the amount of $5,000 (five
thousand dollars) shall be provided to the City of Monticello
to insure that all applicable Federal, State, and City regulations are
adhered to including provisions of this chapter. This bond shall accom-
pany the application.
3-11-8: INSURANCE: Proof of insurance shall be provided with the
application and shall include protection at least in the
following amounts:
1. For amounts including death therefrom sustained by any one person -
2. For injuries including death therefrom sustained by two or more persons
resulting from one occurenc:e - $300,000.
3. For property damage - $500000.
3-11-9: APPROVAL OF LICENSE: City Council shall review application and
consider approval based on the following factors:
A. Adherence to ordinance provisions in this section.
B. Previous violations of City of Monticello ordinances, other Cities`
ordinance, State and Federal regulations.
C. Location and capability of location to handle anticipated traffic, etc.
D. Noise levels and proximity to residences, nursing homes, hospitals.
E. Other extenuating circumstances that may endanger the health, safety,
and general welfare of the City of Monticello and its citizens.
3-11-10: REVOCATION: City Council may revoke the license at any time for
violations of this ordinance, or becoming aware of misrepresentation
of facts in the application.
Passed by the City Council this
14th day of July, 1980.
Ci minis rator
(Ord. Amend. 7/14/80 #82)