Monday, October 11, 2021— 6:30 p.m.
Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center
Present: Lloyd Hilgart, Jim Davidson, Charlotte Gabler, Brian Hudgins, and Sam Murdoff
Absent: None
1. General Business
A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Hilgart called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
B. Manufacturer's Week Proclamation
C. Approval of Agenda
Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the agenda. Councilmember
Murdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
D. Approval of Meeting Minutes
• Special Meeting Minutes from September 27, 2021
• Regular Meeting Minutes from September 27, 2021
Councilmember Gabler moved approval of both sets of minutes.
Councilmember Hudgins seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
E. Citizen Comments
Wayne Oberg addressed the City Council. He praised the trails at Bertram Chain
of Lakes park and the Mayor and City Administrator.
F. Public Service Announcements
• Fall Leaf pick up is Saturday, October 23.
• Tom Pawelk, Park & Recreation Director, gave an update on Park
seasonal activities.
G. Council Liaison Updates
• IEDC — Councilmember Hudgins noted that the commission heard an
update from the School Superintendent Eric Olson on school
programs, facilities, school internship program, and the upcoming
school referendum.
• Planning Commission — Councilmember Gabler provided an update.
Items on the agenda included: five public hearings which included
Planned Unit Development amendments and Conditional Use Permit
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F. Deoartment Update
• Construction Update — Matt Leonard, City Engineer/Public Works
Director, gave an update on the Fenning Avenue project. The curb and
gutter have been poured and the plan is to pave this current week. Mr.
Leonard noted that the detour routes have been posted and he
encouraged people to follow these routes and not go through the
residential neighborhoods.
2. Consent Agenda:
Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the Consent Agenda excluding items N and
O. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Action taken: Approved the bill
and purchase card registers for a total of $3,939,610.86.
B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for city departments.
Action taken: Approved the hire for MCC and departures for MCC and Liquor
C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property for the
Street Department. Action taken: No report this cycle.
D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-76 accepting a grant of $6,269 from
the Central Minnesota Arts Board Creative Support for Community Portraits
project. Action taken: Adopted resolution accepting the grant.
E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-77 declaring a vacancy on the City
Council and Resolution 2021-78 approving appointment of William Fair to vacant
city Council seat. Action taken: Resolutions 2021-77 and 2021-78 regarding the
City Council vacancy
F. Consideration of calling for a special meeting on Thursday, December 30, 2021 at
7:30 a.m. for approval of bills. Action taken: Special meeting was scheduled.
G. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-79 declaring the official intent of the
City of Monticello to reimburse certain expenditures from the proceeds of bonds
to be issued by the City. Action taken: Adopted resolution 2021-79.
H. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-80 providing for the prepayment and
redemption of the City's outstanding General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014A.
Action taken: Adopted resolution 2021-80.
I. Consideration of accepting Otter Creek Business Park (OCBP) Shovel Ready
Certification Quotes and authorizing a service agreement with WSB & Associates
in an amount not to exceed $29,500. Action taken: Accepted quote and
authorized service agreement with WSB & Associates.
J. Consideration of authorizing an expenditure of $61,320 and approve proposals
from WSB for platting services for a portion of City/EDA property at Otter Creek
Business Park. Action taken: Authorized the expenditure.
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K. Consideration of authorizing staff to solicit proposals for engineering services for
the School Boulevard Safety Improvement project. Action taken: Authorized
staff to solicit proposals for engineering services.
Consideration of authorizing a letter of support for Wright County 2021 Highway
Safety Improvement Plan (HSIP) grant application administered by MNDOT.
Action taken: Authorized letter of support.
M. Consideration of authorizing Michels Power, Inc.. to install FiberNet Facilities for
the Featherstone 5t" and Edmonson Ridge Developments in the amount of
$170,415.10. Action taken: Authorized Michels Power, Inc. to install FiberNet
N. Consideration of approving a policy for Sewer Availability Charges for reclaim car
wash systems. Action taken: ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA.
O. Consideration of approving an assessment agreement for payment of Sewer
Access & Availability Charges for RRG Holdings LLC. Action taken: ITEM
P. Consideration of approving the purchase of two 2022 Toro 7200 zero -turn
mowers and a 2022 Toro 4110-D mower from MTI Distributing for a total
amount of $127,391.87. Action taken: Approved the purchases.
Q. Consideration of a request to approve an amended Final Plat for Stony Brook
Village for a boundary line adjustment. Applicant: Mark Elliot Homes. Action
taken: Approved the amended Final Plat.
R. Consideration of a request for amendment to Planned Unit Development for
expansion of an existing Vehicle Sales & Rental use in a B-3 (Highway Business
District). Applicant: Ashbrook, Aeron. Action taken: Approved amendment to
2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion
N. Consideration of approving a policy for Sewer Availability Charges for reclaim car
wash systems.
Mayor Hilgart removed the item for discussion. Matt Leonard, City
Engineer/Public Works Director, provided an overview of the policy. This policy
was created to document the process that has been utilized by City staff and the
ongoing criteria that needs to be met for car wash facilities to receive the
reduction in SAC fees that a re-claim car wash system provides. There was some
discussion on the policy and the use of the reclaimed system. Councilmember
Murdoff noted that he would like included that anyone who utilizes the
reclaimed system, or any reusable energy system, should receive a benefit or
some type of credit.
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Mayor Hilgart moved approval of the policy. Councilmember Davidson
seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-1; Councilmember Murdoff voted
O. Consideration of approving an assessment agreement for payment of Sewer
Access & Availability Charges for RRG Holdings LLC.
Mayor Hilgart removed the item to allow the applicant, Cory Kampschroer, to
address City Council. Mr. Kampschroer misunderstood the amount per unit for
Sewer Availability Charges (SAC). The City of Monticello used the MET Council's
formula for determining SAC units, however, the City uses their own fee per unit.
This fee is higher than the fee the MET Council uses. Mr. Kampschroer
commented that he misunderstood and thought the fee used was the MET
Council's fee. He requested forgiveness in the difference of charges assessed.
The difference would be approximately half of what he is being assessed.
The City Council discussed the item and determined that the fee should remain as
presented as that is the SAC fee used by the City. There was some discussion about
giving a credit for installing a `green system', however, it was undetermined as there is
no way to quantify the use of such system to make it fair across the board.
Mayor Hilgart moved to approve the assessment agreement. Councilmember
Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-1; Councilmember Gabler voted
against as she would like more discussion on the units, rates, and possible credits.
3. Public Hearings:
4. Regular Agenda:
A. Consideration of appointing a member to the City Council to the Chelsea
Commons Professional Engineering, Park & Open Space Planning and Landscape
Architecture Services proposal review team and a member to the Chelsea
Commons Zoning Work Group
Mayor Hilgart moved to have himself serve on both committees with
Councilmember Gabler serving as alternate on the Chelsea Commons
Professional Engineering, Park & Open Space Planning and Landscape
Architecture Services proposal review team and Councilmember Davidson
serving as alternate on the Chelsea Commons Zoning Work Group.
Councilmember Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Other Discussion:
Mayor Hilgart and City Councilmembers thanked Councilmember Hudgins for his service
on the Council. This was his last meeting as he is relocating out of town.
6. Adiournment:
By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 8:03 p.m.
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Recorder: Jennifer Schreib
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