Planning Commission Minutes 05-20-1980
Tuesday, May 20, 1980 - 7:30 P. M.
Members Present:
Jim Ridgeway, John Bondhus, Dick Martie. Loren Klein (ex- officio).
Members Absent:
Dave Bauer, Ed Schaffer.
1. Approval of Minutes.
A motion was made by John Bondhus, seconded by Dick Martie to approve the
Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Planning Commission on April 28,
1980. The vote was unanimous.
2. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit - Marcella
Corrow - ABC Day Care Center.
Marcella Corrow, representing the ABC Day Care Center, was present and
made an application for a conditional use to allow that day care facility
to be moved into the present day "First Baptist Church" on West Broadway
i n Mo n tic e 11 0 .
Two items of concern were - does the building meet the building code require-
ments and does the building and the property meet the zoning requirements.
Although, in both cases of concern there were some items which would need
improvement, both items could be improved to meet the present requirements,
and thus, a motion was made by John Bondhus, seconded by Dick Martie to
recommend approval of the conditional use. All voted in favor.
Public Hearing - Consideration of an Ordinance Amendment to Allow a Consign-
ment Auction Sales and/or Auction Sales Facility within a B-3 Zone.
This item was for the consideration of amending the ordinances to allow a
consignment auction sales and/or auction sales facility within a B-3 zone.
Several items were presented as part of the agenda supplement, which should
be considered as part of the ordinance amendment, which would allow that
type of facility. Also considered was amending the present parking lot
requirement for that type of facility. The concern there would be that a
building of 2,400 square feet would only need 21 parking spaces when the
occupany load in that building could quite possibly be as high as 162 persons
under the present parking lot requirement. One consideration which was taken
was that the occupant load allowed in a building of that size is that one
person be allowed for each 15 square feet, or as that which is determined by
the building code. Using that formula, in a 2,400 square foot building, the
occupant load could be 162 people, and if that figure were divided by 2.5,
which is the average number of persons who arrive at a location in an auto-
mobile, that would more accurately reflect the number of parking spaces that
would be required. Also taken into consideration were - if outdoor sales
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are going to be held, an adjustment should be made upward to accommodate
those additional parking spaces which might accommodate more individuals
at an outside sales area.
A motion was made by Dick Martie and seconded by John Bondhus to recommend
approval of the ordinance amendment, and also, to amend ordinance section
10-3-5-(H)-(22) to state that the number of spaces required for parking would
be determined by using the building code to determine the maximum occupant
load, and then divide the occupant load by 2.5, which would be the number of
spaces required. That passed with unanimous approval.
4. Public Hearing - Conditional Use for an Auction Sales Facility - Robert Davis.
Robert Davis, who owns the property across the street to the west of Heskins
Electric on Oakwood Drive, made an application for a conditional use so that
he may establish an auction sales facility at that location. Mr. Davis has
a large building on that property which facilitates the type of business
which he is hoping to establish. He has, in fact, held a couple of auctions
from that building and feels that it does suit his needs. However, in order
for him to continue his auction sales facility as a legal use, the ordinance
amendment as proposed in Item 3 above would have to be passed, and also,
his conditional use application would have to be passed.
It appeared that Mr. Davis could meet those conditions of the conditional
use which was proposed, with an exception of a variance which he would be
applying for in the next agenda item. With a motion by John Bondhus and
second by Dick Martie, it was recommended to approve the conditional use
application provided that Mr. Davis meet also the condition of the variance
which is dealt with in the next agenda item. All voted in favor of approval.
Consideration of a Variance - Robert Davis.
Robert Davis, who owns the property discussed in item #4 above, made an
application for a variance from the parking lot and curbing requirements
should he be allowed a conditional use to develop the auction sales
facility as was described in item #3 and which he applied for in item #4.
If the conditional use in item #4 was granted, Mr. Davis would be required
to develop a parking lot. If the formula for determining the number of
parking spaces required for the auction sales facility were adopted as
suggested in item #3, that facility would then require 65 parking spaces for
the inside sales, and if outside sales were developed, additional parking
spaces would be required.
Mr. Davis suggested that the City consider allowing him a period of one
year or more to determine whether or not his business would be successful
and worth continuing before he were required to develop a parking lot.
If that consideration were given and granted, a bond in the amount of l~
times the proposed parking lot development amount was discussed. On a motion
by John Bondhus, seconded by Dick ~1artie, it was recommended to approve that
variance request, provided that Mr. Davis bond for l~ times the proposed parking
lot development, which would then have to be installed within a period of one
year should the business be continued for that length of time. All voted in favor.
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6. Consideration of a Simple Subdivision - Kenneth Larson.
Ken Larson, who owns the east 51' of Lot 6 and all of Lots 7 & 8, Block 32,
Lower Monticello, made a request for a simple subdivision of that property.
His proposal was to divide these three lots, which run in a north/south
direction, into two lots which run in an east/west direction. That
property contains approximately 30,000 square feet total, and if the
subdivision were approved, it would create two lots which would be approxi-
mately 82~' wide and 183' deep, each containing over 15,000 square feet,
which does exceed the 10,000 square foot requirement in an R-2 zone by
l~ times.
At the time the Planning Commission met, no certificate of survey had
been submitted, but it was assummed that the existing house would be at
least 10' away from the newly created southerly property line of the
northern lot. On a motion by Dick Martie and seconded by John Bondhus,
it was recommended to approve this simple subdivision provided that a
certificate of survey were submitted and no variances would be required in
allowing the new property line change. All voted in favor.
7. Consideration of a Variance to Move a House within the City Limits which
is Over 25 Years Old - Monticello-Big Lake Hospital.
This item was requested to be postponed until the June 10, 1980 meeting
at the request of the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital.
. 8. Consideration of a Variance for a Zero Lot Line Duplex - Quintin Lanners.
Quintin Lanners made an application for a variance to build a zero lot
line duplex on the south ~ of Lot 3 and the south ~ of Lots 4 & 5, Block 38,
Lower Monticello. That property contains approximately 13,600 square feet
and is zoned R-2.
If the subdivision and lot size were approved, basically, a duplex would sit
on 13,600 square feet of property. However, that one building would be owned
by two separate individuals, who would also own approximately 6,800 square
feet of that total 13,600 square foot lot. The difference in this situation
where a duplex sits on a large lots that is divided into two smaller lots
is that, even though the 6,800 square foot lot is all that one property owner
will own, his dwelling sitting directly against his neighbors dwelling would
make one individual dwelling, or duplex, that sets on a 13,600 square foot
lot and would be the same as one building on a large lot. In this case, that
lot would be approximately 3,600 square feet larger in total than would be
required in an R-2 zone.
John Uban, of Howard Dahlgren Associates, was present at the meeting and
recommended that we consider this item for approval. A motion was made by
Dick Martie, seconded by John Bondhus and all voted in favor of this request.
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. 9. Continued Review of Monticello Sign Ordinance.
John Uban, of Howard Dahlgren Associates, presented the Planning Commission
with the possible sign ordinance amendments to allow off-premise signs as
presented by the Howard Dahlgren Company. This item was discussed with
Mr. Uban in some detail at the meeting, and it was determined to hold a
public hearing for possible sign ordinance amendments at the regular
Planning Commission Meeting at 7:30 P.M. on June 10, 1980.
A motion was made by Dick Martie, seconded by John Bondhus and unanimously
car~ed to adjourn.
Zoning Administrator
L D K/ n s
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