Planning Commission Minutes 07-25-1995 . . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, July 25,1995 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Jon Bogart, Richard Martie Members Absent: Rod Dragsten Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Gary Anderson, Steve Grittman, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call to order Chairman Dick Frie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Review sketch plan proposing replatting of the Prairie West subdivision. Applicant, .John Komarek. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported to the Commission that this subdivision was platted and developed in 1989-1990 for single family residential development. This subdivision has not progressed as planned. Mr. Komarek is considering purchasing the site and developing it under a twinhome concept. Komarek would like the Commissioner's input on twinhomes being developed at the site. The site would be excellent for twinhomes, but there will be variances needed on front or rear setbacks. John Komarek, Developer, explained that he was interested in the views of the Commissioners on twinhomes in this area. Each unit would have their own water and sewer line, the association would remove the snow, the units would be from $120,000 to $150,000, and Broadway Circle would remain a city street. There are options on how the twinhomes could be placed on the site which will affect the variances needed. Komarek asked which option would be the best for the variance request. Jon Bogart was concerned that a front yard setback variance would result in cars being parked partially in the street right-of-way when in the driveway. O'Neill stated that perhaps it would be beneficial for Komarek to meet with Steve Grittman, City Planner, and review the placement of the town homes. The Commission agreed and directed the City Planner to work with the developer on preparation of an acceptable design. 3. Review comprehensive plan report. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reviewed the status of the Comprehensive Plan. The following activities have been completed: Page 1 . . Special Planning Commission Meeting - 7/25/95 1. Staff Discussion - to refine approach and identify issues. 2. Tactic Interviews - identify issues from a broad spectrum of the community including: business owners, industry representatives, staff, commission members, chamber, and others. 3. Issues Categorization - to combine comprehensive plan topics into common areas. 4. Complete Inventory Report /Analysis - including sections specific to the tactics categories, and appendix of inventory data in tabular form. 5. Fiscal Impact Report - for Planning Commission presentation on July 25 in the draft form. 6. City Workshop - conducted to identify priority goals in housing and economic development. 7. Concept Land Use Sketch - prepared to illustrate land use concepts based on City-identified priorities. 8. N eighborhood Workshops - conducted to identify community improvement ideas and needs. 9. Synthesis - workshops prepared for Planning Commission workshop. 10. Downtown Redevelopment Concepts - prepared for Planning Commission and HRA workshops. Next the issues of the neighborhood meetings were discussed. . 1. Land Use Management and Rate of Growth - Monticello is currently expanding to the east. Grittman suggested the City look at encouraging development to the south and west. He suggested encouraging large lot development that would encourage bigger homes or keep residents that are looking for the one- to two-acre parcels. Monticello should be trying to attract a share of the higher-end housing, which can be done by allowing larger, unsewered lots. The City should consider expanding the industrial development to the west along the interstate. It was noted that annexation might be difficult for annexation of land for unsewered, scattered development that can be supported under township jurisdiction. Page 2 -----... --- -...... . Special Planning Commission Meeting - 7/25/95 Quality of New Development. 2. 3. CostlBenefit of New Development - Grittman is in the process of completing a fiscal impact analysis that will indicate the value level of a house that must be achieved in order for tax revenue from the home to match the cost of providing city services. 4. Community Facilities - Which facilities are priorities? 5. Economic Development - Where to focus? 6. Downtown Redevelopment - What is the City's role? 7. Industrial Development - Where should it expand? During the neighborhood meetings the following issues were discussed as priorities: 1. Higher valued housing development. 2. Continuation of current economic development programs. . 3. Expansion area for additional industrial development. 4. Redevelopment planning for the downtown area. 5. Intensification of city recreation facilities and amenities. 6. Focus on entertainment/recreation/civic activities in the downtown area. 7. Greater utilization of the river front. 8. Attention to traffic concerns (esp. Highway 25/Broadway). 9. Better access across 1-94 (both pedestrian and automobile). 10. More attention to aesthetics in new and existing development. . The Commissioners discussed at length the next step in the process for updating the Comprehensive Plan. Grittman commented that the main emphasis at the neighborhood meetings was a community center in conjunction with the redevelopment of the downtown area. The next step would be to prioritize what facilities would be located in the community center. Page 3 Special Planning Commission Meeting - 7/25/95 Also, Dan Sjordal, from Northwest Associated Consultants, displayed four sketch ideas of various redevelopment ideas in the downtown area. He stressed that the sketches were only preliminary and were done to give the Commissioners a visual idea of the concepts being discussed. . During the review of the sketches there were a number of ideas discussed that would be involved in the process: 1. Reinvent downtown verses revitalize. 2. Vacate a portion of River Street that would be along the West Bridge Park area. 3. The view of the river from Highway 25 was a priority. This might involve opening areas from Broadway to the river. 4. Locate the community center along the river or within the view of the river. 5. . 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Realignment of Broadway to promote improvement of park/river/retail setting. Walkways or trails through the park and along the river. U sing Walnut as a pedestrian only area with small shops. Extending 7th Street to help by reducing traffic on Broadway. River boat for dinner tours/entertainment. Commercial component important. Chairman Frie announced that the Parks Commission Tour would be August 9 at 4:30. He encouraged the commission members to attend. 4. Adjournment. DICK MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 10:00 P.M. SECONDED BY JON BOGART. Motion passes unanimously. Respectfully submitted, . ~00fitdc~ K/LM4lLt"-- Wanda Kraemer, DST Page 4