City Council Minutes 09-29-1997 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 29, 1997 - 7 p.m. City Council Present: Bill Fair, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Planning Commission Present: Rod Dragsten, Dick Frie, Richard Carlson HRA Present: Brad Barger, Steve Andrews, Dan Frie, Bill Murray, Darrin Lahr IDC Present: Bill Tapper, Tom 011ig, Tom Lindquist A special meeting of the City Council was held for the purpose of discussing the status of industrial development in Monticello. IDC member Bill Tapper reported that, after studying the current status of industrial development in Monticello, the IDC marketing committee concluded that the City should take the lead in development of additional industrial land and create a marketing plan. It was their view that the taxes received from the NSP plant have established a standard of living for Monticello that could be difficult to maintain in the future as NSP's portion of the tax revenue decreases. The group discussed the benefits of industrial development, and Bill Tapper noted that industrial taxes are three times greater than residential, while industries require less city services than residential developments. In addition, he estimated that there is a $7 return for every $1 invested in industrial development. A video explaining the success and development methods of Anoka's Enterprise Park was shown, after which Monticello's financial assistance programs were discussed and compared to the incentives offered by Anoka. Bill Tapper suggested that in order to entice industry to Monticello, the business campus district regulations should be oriented more toward industry than commercial, program flexibility should be maximized to work with industries to the fullest extent possible, and the City needs to be recognized as a business -friendly city. It was noted that once the City decides the direction it will take regarding industrial growth, a marketing plan must be developed to let people know what Monticello has to offer. At the conclusion of the discussion, the IDC made the following recommendations to the City Council: Page 1 Special Council Meeting - 9/29/97 1. Rezone the business campus districts to I-1 with the agreement to revise the freeway building sight covenants to parallel BC building standards. 2. The City Council adopt a resolution that mandates City staff adopt an industry -friendly attitude and find creative ways to help industry locate and expand in Monticello. 3. The City Council immediately begin the study of a city -owned industrial park adjacent and west of on Highway 25. 4. The workshop attendees tour the Anoka Enterprise Park. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. are Doty Office Manager Page 2