Planning Commission Minutes 08-01-1995 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, August 1, 1995 . 7 p.m. Members: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Jon Bogart, Richard Martie, Rod Dragsten Staff: Jeff O'Neill, Gary Anderson, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dick Frie. 2. Approval of minutes of the reeuIar meetinl: held ,June 6. 1995; the special meeting held ,June 12, 1995. RICHARD MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FOR THE JUNE 6 MEETING. SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FOR THE JUNE 12, 1995, SPECIAL MEETING. SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. ROD DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FOR THE JUNE 26, 1995, SPECIAL MEETING. SECONDED BY JON BOGART. Motions passed unanimously. 3. Public Hearing --Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowine- development of a church facility in an R-1 zone. Applicant, A Glorious Church. Jefl'O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported A Glorious Church requests a renewal of their conditional use permit allowing development of a church facility. This is an item that the two new Planning Commission members are not familiar with. For the three long-standing members of the Planning Commission, this is a familiar request, as A Glorious Church received their original approval for a conditional use permit in 1990 and received a renewal of the conditional use permit in May of 1994. Due to the fact that it has been over a year since A Glorious Church received their most-recent approval, it is necessary for the organization to come before the Planning Commission and City Council again to request an update or renewal of the conditional use permit. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Dan GassIer, Pastor of A Glorious Church, stated that the church is still planning to build and will keep renewing the conditional use permit until the Page 1 . Planning Commission Minutes - 8/1/95 building is up. There was one change from the previous request that the paving portion of the project be delayed until a year after the building of the facility is completed. GassIer has indicated that the church has funds available to complete the entire project; therefore, he is not asking to be allowed to delay construct of the paved surface. The entire project can now be financed, and the only thing that would delay the building is the weather. Natural vegetation is going to be used for the landscaping. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Frie stated that he has faith that things were done right the first time and would encourage the church to forge ahead with their building project. Rod Dragsten asked if the plans were to start soon. GassIer said the church would like to start before the weather is below zero. O'Neill inquired what the architectural design will be like. Randy Frie reported that the primary church facility will be wood frame, slab on grade, shingled, with a vaulted ceiling, 10,000 square feet, office, chapel, kitchen. There will be cedar siding with brick trim and will cost about $525,000. The building will not be extremely fancy but will not look cheap either. . Chairman Frie asked staff if parking will be an issue. Would there be enough parking places? O'Neill reported that the site plan did follow the code. GassIer commented that there were a full set of plans so parking should not be a problem. At the present time, we have about 128 people per Sunday and room for 300 in our new church. There is enough room to double the size of the church at the present location. RICHARD CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A GLORIOUS CHURCH IF THE SUBJECT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, IS COMPATIBLE WITH EXISTING AND FUTURE CHARACTER OF THE ADJOINING R-1 ZONE, AND BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. CITY APPROVAL OF PARKING LOT, LANDSCAPING, AND SCREENING PLAN. ADEQUATE SCREENING OF THE PARKING LOT AREA FROM ABUTTING RESIDENTIAL USES AND LANDSCAPING MUST BE PROVIDED. THE SCREEN MUST BE AT LEAST 6 FEET HIGH AND ACHIEVE 90% OPACITY. THE SCREEN MUST CONSIST OF EITHER A BERM, SOLID FENCE, OR LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS. INSTALLATION OF THE PARKING LOT SCREEN SHALL OCCUR AT SUCH TIME THAT THE . Page 2 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 8/1/95 B. ADJOINING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IS PLATTED (now). CITY APPROVAL OF DRAINAGE PLAN MUST BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. C. CITY APPROVAL OF LANDSCAPING PLAN MUST BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. THE LANDSCAPING PLAN SHOULD INCLUDE 30 OVERSTORY TREES TO BE PLANTED ALONG THE PERIMETER OF THE DEVELOPED PORTION OF THE PROPERTY AND SPACED APPROXIMATELY 35 FEET APART. ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT WILL PRECIPITATE ADDITIONAL PLANTINGS. D. CITY APPROVAL OF EXTERIOR TREATMENT OF STRUCTURE MUST BE OBTAINED TO ENSURE COMPATIBILITY WITH THE NEIGHBORHOOD. STEEL EXTERIOR MATERIALS SHALL BE LIMITED TO ~ OF THE AVAILABLE WALL SURFACE. SECONDED BY JON BOGART. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Public Hearin~ --Consideration of a request for preliminary plat approval of the Monticello Business Center commercial subdivision. Awlicant, Ocello LLC.. Conunissioner Jon Bogart abstained from the discussion. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported that Tony Emmerich, representing Ocello, LLC, requests approval of the preliminary plat entitled Monticello Business Center. The lot configuration identified on the plat is identical to all conceptual plans presented to the City on which previous zoning map amendments have been based. The plat encompasses an area of 110 acres and is split into 6 lots. Each of the individual lots will be platted as outlots in this phase of development. O'Neill explained that the six lots consist of Out lots A-F. Outlots A and Fare located between Cedar Street and State Highway 25 and encompass approximately 15 acres. These lots will be zoned for B3/highway business uses. Outlots Band E are located east of Cedar Street and internal to the overall site. Outlots Band E encompass about 44 acres and are designated for B4 uses. The B4 district is the regional commercial zoning designation, which allows a wide variety of commercial uses. Outlot C is located in the northeast comer of the property and encompasses 31.4 acres. This lot is designated for business campus uses, which is an area for light manufacturing. Outlot D is located in the southeast comer of the Page 3 . Planning Commission Minutes - 8/1/95 plat and encompasses 21.2 acres and is designated for PZM uses, which allows a combination of commercial and residential uses. The design of the plat is affected by the presence of three major utility easements extending diagonally across the site. Along the southern boundary of the site is an NSP easement, and diagonally through the center of the site is an Amoco gas line easement; third is a UP A power line easement cutting across the northwestern corner of the property. The adjacent land uses are as follows: to the south of the site is the Kjellberg East Trailer Park; County Road 117 is the boundary on the east side between the Monticello Business Center and the Klein Farms development area; State Highway 25 makes up the western boundary of the plat. Each site will pond storm water until a storm sewer system is developed. This system will be funded partially by the storm water fees charged on each building permit that is issued in the Monticello Business Center. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. . Glen Posusta, owner of A-Max storage, asked for an explanation on the water flow process; he thought everyone was building an outlet pond. O'Neill explained that a storm sewer study revealed that the most efficient way to manage the storm water from this area is to create a system of ponds and trunk storm sewer facilities to convey water in a northwesterly direction toward the low land north and west of the site. The storm water from this area would pond in the large wetland area east of Highway 25. The overall plan calls for extending trunk storm sewer underneath the freeway, thus providing an outlet for the wetland area. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Frie noted his concern about development of a land-locked area prior to completion of storm water systems. O'Neill noted that trunk storm sewer fees will be collected at the time of development of the parcels identified on the plat. The funds collected along with other funds will be used to help finance the storm sewer network necessary to provide an outlet to the river. Emmerich is familiar with the trunk storm sewer requirement, as he is paying $1,500/acre with the Klein Farms development. . Rod Dragsten inquired how many acres are going into the pond by Posusta's property? If the pond is a owned by the DNR, does the City need to purchase this property. O'Neill noted that it is important that we soon identify the best method for acquiring necessary storm water easement areas. Page 4 . Planning Commission Minutes - 8/1/95 Richard Carlson thought there were about 400 acres, with Emmerich's portion around 100. RICHARD CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE MONTICELLO BUSINESS CENTER SUBJECT TO COMPLETION OF THE FOLLOWING FIVE MODIFICATIONS: 1. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY EASEMENTS ALONG LOT PERIMETERS AS REQUIRED BY ORDINANCE. 2. WIDEN CEDAR STREET FROM 60 FT TO 80 FT AND WIDEN SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO 100 FT BETWEEN HIGHWAY 25 AND CEDAR STREET. 3. ADJUST CEDAR STREET ALIGNMENT TO ENABLE CONNECTION TO THE KJELLBERG TRAILER PARK FRONTAGE ROAD. 4. SUBSEQUENT DEVELOPMENT MUST ADHERE TO THE TRUNK STORM WATER POLICY OF THE CITY. . 5. ON-SITE PONDING SHALL BE DEVELOPED SUFFICIENT TO MANAGE STORM WATER PRODUCED ON SITE. Seconded by Dick Martie. Voting in favor: Dick Frie, Rod Dragsten, Dick Martie, Richard Carlson. Jon Bogart abstained. 5. Review zoning enforcement issues (,Jeffs report at meeting). J eft' O'Neill reported that there are many new commercial developments that have followed ordinances and that overall, the integrity of the zoning ordinance is being maintained with new development; however, we have found a number of violations that the Planning Commission should review. . O'Neill then handed the Commissioners an inventory of violations that he would like the Planning Commission to prioritize. In prioritizing, the Planning Commission could weigh each violation in terms of public safety, land use violations, complaints from neighbors, violations of approved conditional use permits. The goal of the prioritization process would be to provide direction for enforcement or to identify possible code changes. There was discussion on what is currently being done on violations. O'Neill stated that unless there is a safety hazard or significant complaints, there has been little enforcement. O'Neill added if the City desires to take a more aggressive approach to zoning violation enforcement, a separate local attorney should be considered. Page 5 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 8/1/95 Chairman Frie said that the list is only to be used for an inventory and each Planning Commission member should put items in order by priority. O'Neill was asked to prepare an enforcement prioritization list based on criteria mentioned above. 6. Comprehensive plan update or discussion. O'Neill explained that Steve Grittman and Dan Sjordal, Northwest Associated Consultants, could not attend this meeting but are in the process of doing a presentation for the HRA. After this presentation, a more detailed concept plan for the Planning Commission will be ready to review. O'Neill then reviewed a community perspective article dealing with "reinventing downtown." The Commission was in favor of the article being published as written. It was also discussed that other community centers and river front towns should be toured to get ideas for our community. DICK MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, tiJaHtIc" Kza.M1U~ Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician Page 6