City Council Minutes 08-30-1988 SpecialMINUTES
Tuesday, August 30, 1988
Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Dan Blonigen,
Warren Smith.
Member Absent: None.
The meeting convened at 7:35 a.m.
1. Consider Establishing City Position Regarding Design of Highway 25/River
Street Intersection.
Council discussed options previously presented by MNDOT officials
regarding potential design of River Street/Highway 25 intersections. Dale
Lungwitz of Wright County State Bank noted to Council that the existing
"temporary blocking of the access to Highway 25 from River Street has
resulted in diversion of 10-15 cars per hour through the Wright County
State Parking lot." Lungwitz noted his concern about increased chances
for vehicular accidents in the Bank parking area.
Warren Smith explained to Council that the state will more likely respond
to the City's concern if the City provides a unted position on the
matter. Motion made by Warren Smith, seconded by Dan Blonigen to adopt
Resolution 88-30;
Directing State of Minnesota Department of Transportation
to Install Traffic Signals at the Intersection of
Highway 25 and River Street in the City of Monticello..
WHEREAS, the City of Monticello wishes to promote the safe movement of
traffic at the intersection of State Highway 25 and River Street within the
City of Monticello: and
WHEREAS, due to historical patterns of physical and commercial
development of and within the City of Monticello, the City has limited
East/West traffic arteries; and
WHEREAS, the City wishes to maintain easy access to its commercial and
recreational facilities including parks adjacent to or near Highway 25, not
only for its citizens, but for those who travel to and through the City; and
WHEREAS, recent improvement to Highway 25 by the Minnesota Department of
Transportation including the construction of a new bridge and bridge approach
have resulted in sight line problems at the intersection of Highway 25 and
River Street; and
WHEREAS, the City has conducted informal public hearings with respect to
the problems associated with the Highway 25 and River Street intersection and
has received public and business input regarding resolution of the problems;
WHEREAS, the City has met with representatives of the Minnesota
Department of Transportation to discuss alternative solutions to the problems
with the Highway 25 and River street intersection; and
WHEREAS, no alternatives have been put forward which satisfies all
interested parties; and
WHEREAS, alternatives favored by the Minnesota Department of
Transportation will result in diversion of traffic from public rights-of-way to
private parking areas, will pose practical maintenance problem and safety
hazards in the maintenance of the intersection and will impede East/West
traffic within the City to the detriment of commercial enterprises within the
city and to the detriment of those seeking to take advantage of the City's
commercial and recreational facilities; and
WHEREAS, the competing safety, commercial and convenience interests can
best be served by the installation and operation of traffic lights at the
intersection of Highway 25 and River Street; and
WHEREAS, all competing interests should be considered in determining
whether to install traffic lights and not just one interest such as traffic
The Minnesota Department of Transportation should install at its expense,
traffic light signals necessary to assure safe and convenient movement of
traffic at the intersection of Highway 25 and River Street within the City of
Adopted by the Council this 30th day of August, 1988
It was the general consensus of City Council that the City will take
legal action to protect it's rights regarding this matter.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeff O'Neill,
Assistant Administrator