City Council Minutes 09-18-1990 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, September 18, 1990 - 7:00 a.m. Members Present: Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Warren Smith, Dan Blonigen Members Absent: Shirley Anderson 2. _Public hearing on Sandberg East, Improvement Project 90-04. AND 3. Consideration of a resolution ordering improvement accepting bids and authorizing contract --Sandberg East. Mayor Maus reconvened the public hearing that was continued from the day before regarding this matter. No one from the public was present. Staff reviewed the presentation made to Council during the previous meeting. Council reviewed the terms associated with establishing the assessment against the 17 lots associated with the Sandberg East development at $92,000. John Sandberg stated that he will be doing a replat of the Sandberg East development which is complicated by the fact that the Nelson mortgage must be released from the old plat and placed onto a new plat, which is a somewhat complicated and expensive undertaking. He also stated that the overall plan for the area makes better use of the land and is a good idea. Ken Maus asked if Vic Hellman is intending on developing homes in the Sandberg East development. John Sandberg replied that Hellman does have plans for development in the area and would like to dig some basements this fall. Fran Fair asked if the five lots that the assessment is being placed against would be adjacent to each other. John Sandberg mentioned that he would prefer that option. She also asked what type of quality housing is planned. John Sandberg stated that the price and the size of the lots will dictate the value of the homes. In addition, dealing with one builder helps in maintaining the character and caliber of the housing in the area. Fran Fair noted that the City needs to develop housing with higher market values. Page 1 Special Council Minutes - 9/18/90 After discussion, motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Warren Smith, to adopt a resolution ordering the project and fixing the assessment against the 17 lots associated with Sandberg East development at $92,000 with conditions as follows: 1. The City of assessment of created with subdivision. Monticello will $92,000 against replatting of 2. At such time that the assessment five lots becomes delinquent, right to foreclose immediately delinquent assessment. spread the total five of the lots the Sandberg East against any of the the City has the on the lot with the 3. John Sandberg agrees to plat the Sandberg East subdivision in a manner consistent with the preliminary plat recently approved. 4. The $92,000 assessment includes assessments associated with the parcel owned by the Nelson household. 5. The rear portion of the Sandberg East lot is intended for sale to Norell; and if not purchased by Norell, it shall be platted as a single outlot and shall not be sold to individual property owners purchasing replatted Sandberg East lots. 6. Property owners will not challenge the assessment using the argument that the property has not increased in value equal to the assessment. 7. Transfer of lot(s) from John Sandberg to a new property is not allowed until after assessment hearing is conducted and the assessment roll is certified. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 90-36. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to adopt a resolution authorizing the sale of bonds for Project 90-04, extension of sewer and water to the Sandberg East development. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 90-35. Jef ei Assistant Administrator Page 2