City Council Minutes 12-10-1990 SpecialMINUTES
Monday, December 10, 1990 - 6:30 p.m.
Members Present: Ken Maus, Fran Fair, Shirley Anderson, Warren
Smith, Dan Blonigen
Members Absent: None
Administrator Wolfsteller discussed the potential of establishing
a policy for establishing annual pay adjustments. He noted that
there are many different methods used by various communities for
establishing annual pay adjustments. The policy, if implemented,
would relate employee performance to cost of living increases and
merit increases and also establish position pay ranges. In
addition, the policy would be integrated with a comparable worth
program that must be developed by December 31, 1991, as mandated by
state law.
Shirley Anderson remarked that a "step" system for adjusting pay
based on degrees or credits earned, seniority, or other criteria
can work in some situations but may not be as easy to implement in
a city setting.
Dan Blonigen noted that it is important to establish a range of pay
for each position and make sure that position ranges are
comparable. Blonigen also remarked that cost of living increases
noted by the Kiplinger report include increases in the cost of
insurance; therefore, cost of living increases granted to employees
should be adjusted downward to reflect increases in City payments
to employee insurance programs. Blonigen also noted that
individuals not performing to expectations should not receive a
cost of living increase. Rick Wolfsteller responded by saying that
employees should be considered for termination if they are not
performing up to expectations.
Ken Maus suggested the concept of establishing a pool to be used
for merit increases and to be used to make comparable worth
Warren Smith responded by saying that it was his understanding that
we were moving away from the merit pay concept.
Wolfsteller emphasized that we may need a pool to be used to adjust
for comparable worth adjustments.
Warren Smith suggested adjusting pay as done the previous year with
a bonus for people who should get recognition.
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Special Council Minutes - 12/10/90
At this point in the meeting, Council discussed establishment of a
pay increase pool to be distributed by the City Administrator.
Fran Fair noted that the cost of living increase for the past year
is 5.40; therefore, the pool should consist of an amount equal to
5.40 of the current payroll.
After discussion, a motion was made by Fran Fair and seconded by
Warren Smith to establish a pay adjustment pool of $26,000 to be
distributed as pay increases to employees as deemed appropriate by
the City Administrator, with the City Administrator's pay
adjustment to be considered later. Voting in favor of the motion:
Fran Fair, Warren Smith, Shirley Anderson, Ken Maus. Opposed: Dan
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Jeff O'Neill
Assistant Administrator
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Monday, December 10, 1990 - 10:10 P.M.
Members Present: Ken Maus, Fran Fair, Shirley Anderson, Warren
Smith, Dan Blonigen
Members Absent: None
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Ken Maus.
A discussion was held on the strengths and weaknesses of the City
Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller. The Council agreed that Rick by
and large was doing a fine job but needed to work in certain areas
such as public relations.
Council further discussed the relationship of Administrator to
Assistant Administrator and all agreed Assistant Administrator
should receive a merit increase.
Motion was made by Warren Smith, seconded by Fran Fair, to grant a
5.4% salary increase to the City Administrator and further to
direct the Administrator to grant a 5.4% increase to Assistant
Administrator, Jeff O'Neill, along with a $1,000 merit increase.
( The merit increase was to be added to the package increase already
authorized by Council.) Voting in favor: Fran Fair, Warren Smith,
Ken Maus. Op osed• Dan Blonigen. Abstaining: Shirley Anderson.
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