City Council Minutes 12-04-1989 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, December 4, 1989 - 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Ken Maus, Fran Fair, Warren Smith, Shirley Anderson, Dan Blonigen Members Absent: None. 1. Consideration of establishing 1990 salaries and wages for non-union personnel. Ken Maus started the meeting by reviewing recent City policy regarding establishing salaries and wages. He noted that in the past, the City has provided a fixed cost of living increase plus a pool of money that can be used for merit pay. The City Administrator would have the latitude to provide additional increases to salaries based on his review of employee performance. Shirley Anderson stated that she has a problem with inerit pay, as it is possible to be totally unfair with it. Anderson was more coinfortable with automatic step increases. However, she did note she is not against inerit pay if it has worked in the past. Dan Blonigen noted that in the past it appeared that all people received inerit pay from the pool which defeated the purpose of the inerit pay. Rick Wolf steller stated that not all people received inerit pay. Fran Fair noted that it is important at this time to re-evaluate job descriptions and, therefore, it might be difficult to establish salary increases because job duties have changed for some employees. Rick Wolf steller reviewed the City's comparable worth plan and noted that the salary ranges and job descriptions need to be adjusted so as to maintain salaries at comparable levels. At this point, discussion of a general salary increase was discussed. Dan Blonigen suggested that a pool of money be created equal to a 50 increase in total salary budget. This ;Honey would be used for comparable worth adjustments. A discussion then ensued regarding development of a comparable worth study. Administrator Wolfsteller noted that our study should be completed by the end of January. Warren Smith asked Dan Blonigen why 5% instead of 4%. Blonigen noted that he wanted the 5% because it would get the comparable worth situation brought into line. Shirley Anderson noted that it was her opinion that across the board percentage increases can be unfair, as individuals with higher salaries get a larger increase. Rick Wolf steller also noted that health insurance has gone up 6%. Warren Smith suggested that any increase in insurance should be paid out of the cost of living increase. 1 Special Council Minutes - 12/4/89 After discussion, motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Shirley Anderson, to grant an across the board 4.5% salary increase to all City employees with the 6% increase in health insurance derived from the 4.50 increase in salaries. In addition, all City positions and salaries are to be reviewed in terms of comparable worth. Salary adjustments of a greater magnitude will be made or considered at such time that the comparable worth study is complete. Motion carried unanimously. 2. 1990 Budget Workshop. Ken Maus began the discussion by noting that the loss in State aids ($181,000) will result in an increase to the City budget. He also noted that the School District will be receiving greater State aids. Therefore, the total tax bill paid by the Monticello residents and businesses may not increase appreciably. Maus went on to note that it might be very difficult to say exactly what will happen to the overall tax rate as a result of the recent budgetary actions taken by School, County, and now the City until later. It appears that with the information that we have now, the total tax bill increase will more likely reflect County increases than City or School increases. Maus noted that if Council accepts the budget as presented, there may be some increase in overall taxes. It was his view that we need to do what it takes to make that increase tolerable. At this point in the meeting, Council reviewed those items in the budget that accounted for the major increases in the City budget. Maus noted that the loss in State aid is the single most important reason why the City budget is increasing. He also noted that the debt service increases are a fixed cost that we cannot remove from the budget. Maus reviewed the garbage and recycling cost increase of $112,500 and noted that it is very difficult to lower this amount unless the City moves to a once per week pickup. John Simola stated that the contract calls for a re-evaluation of contract rates based on the performance of the recycling program. It was Simola's view that moving to a once per day pickup or obtaining a lower price for garbage removal are two potential options for the future. He also noted that the City of Buffalo has discussed with him the potential of combining resources to create a joint garbage removal service which could also potentially save the City money. 3. Public Hearing - Consideration of 1990 budget. At this point in the meeting, Ken Maus opened the public hearing portion of the meeting and asked if anyone had input. Lawrence Clausen was the single individual attending the ineeting and noted that he is curious about taxes in general. At this point in the meeting, the public hearing was closed. 2 Special Council Minutes - 12/4/89 Capital outlay items were discussed. Rick Wolfsteller noted that the capital improvement fund could be reduced. However, doing so may reduce the ability of the City to fund items or activities that arise unexpectedly. Ken Maus noted that we need to manipulate our budget to assure that our taxes do not increase substantially. Therefore, he supported using reserves to pay for capital improvements not identified at this time. Wolfsteller was asked how much of the unallocated reserves are generally used during the year. Wolfsteller noted that during most years, the City spends less than is allocated for capital funding. Fran Fair suggested that the Council not remove $150,000 from the unallocated fund. This money could be used to assist in funding projects and would remove some of the added bonding costs necessary when the City has to finance improvements through the bond market. Ken Maus replied by saying that the City has built a reserve in the liquor fund and other funds and may now wish to use that reserve. Dan Blonigen noted that he does not wish to see the full $500,000 increase to the City levy. Dan Blonigen suggested that the increase be reduced by removing $200,000 from the unallocated expense. Council discussed changes in clerical work conducted at City Hall. Ken Maus noted that there is a concern that work tasks are not completely identified. There have been changes in job descriptions and job activities due to installation of the computer system and due to employee turnover. Maus also noted that in 1987, Council did recognize the need for an additional employee and that Council had planned on hiring an additional staff person prior to Tom Eidem leaving his position. Since that time, Rick Wolfsteller has completed the duties of both the City Administrator and Finance Director. The work load created by this situation has not allowed Wolfsteller to give sufficient attention to duties associated with both those positions. In addition, the City has added services to the comunity such as the transportation program, the recycling program. In the final analysis, it may be that we need an additional staff person at City Hall. Maus went on to note that Cathy Shuman has excellent experience in computer implementation and operation and also has some skills in financing and accounting. She also has the capacity and willingness to get the job done. At the same time, however, when Cathy came on board we lost certain qualities that Lynnea Gillham possessed. It may then make sense for us to at this time move Cathy into an administrative role which would allow the possibility to hire another person at an entry level receptionist position. This person would likely complete utility billing tasks and stand ready to complete a variety of other duties. Maus went on to note that City Hall response to the public is important. The receptionist position is one that we may need, as no one in the clerical staff at this time has assumed that role, which may create a negative feeling with the public when they attempt to get service at City Hall. Fran Fair agreed and noted that staff needs to look for the right person to carry on the receptionist position. 3 3. Special Council Minutes - 12/4/89 Maus also explained that right now the City staff is using a temporary employee two days per week. This position could be eliminated by the hiring of a full-time receptionist. Gary Anderson requested Council's input with regard to hiring temporary help to assist him with paperwork. Ken Maus suggested that use of high school students or temporaries to assist with simple paperwork should not be excluded. After discussion, motion was made by Warren Smith, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to adopt the proposed budget with a reduction of $149,400 in the unallocated expenses. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 89-38. At this point in the meeting, the City Administrator's salary was discussed. After discussion, motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Shirley Anderson, to increase the Administrator's salary by 4.5% with a portion of that increase to be used to defray the 6% increase in the cost of health insurance. Motion carried unanimously. Other matters. Ken Maus noted that within each year a small portion of employee's salary may be retained for the purpose of conducting an employee party. This can be done only upon authorization by the City Council. After discussion, motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Warren Smith, authorizing the City Administrator to use a portion of the 1990 salary budget for an employee holiday party. Motion carried unanimously. John Simola asked for authorization to spend initial capital outlay for new offices and water department shop items. After discussion, inotion was made by Shirley Anderson, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to postpone capital outlay decision until December 11. Motion carried unanimously. Assistant Administrator O'Neill asked that Council consider amending the transportation management plan to allow the Heartland Express Bus to transport individuals to institutions and business locations outside the city of Monticello but directly adjacent to the city limits. O'Neill explained that the transportation advisory comnittee recommended that the bus be used to transport individuals to these locations because these locations provide a service to Monticello residents and because the added fare revenue gained by doing so will support the funding of the transportation program. 4 Special Council Minutes - 12/4/89 Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Warren Smith, to provide transportation service from the city of Monticello to Assemblies of God Church, Big Lake Missionary Alliance Church, River Inn, Monte Club, Gould Brothers Chevrolet, and D & D Bus Service. Voting in favor: Shirley Anderson, Ken Maus, Warren Smith, Fran Fair. Abstaining: Dan Blonigen. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. Jef XAX Neill Assistant Administrator 5