Planning Commission Minutes 01-02-1996 . . . MINUI'ES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, January 2,1996 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Dick Martie, J on Bogart Staff Present: Gary Anderson, Steve Grittman, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call to order. Chairman Frie called the meeting to order. 2. Consideration of approval of minutes of the re~ular meetin~ held December 5, 1995. COMMISSIONER CARLSON APPROVED THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 5, 1995. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN. 3. Consideration of adding items to the a~enda. Commissioner Bogart added an item for code enforcement. 4. Citizens comments. There were no citizens comments. 5. Public Hearing--Consideration of a.pprovin~ preliminary plat of the Shingobee Subdivision. Applicant, Gae Veit. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported that Gae Veit, owner of the plat, is requesting approval of the preliminary plat of the Shingobee Subdivision, which is a 2.10t, 2-acre plat located on the east side of Highway 25 directly south of the Tom Thumb store. The property currently is the site of the Subway Shop. The subdivision would result in the Subway Shop being located on a smaller lot. The new lot created will be the site of a proposed quick lube facility. According to the city code, the subdivision proposed must be handled through the platting process and cannot be completed via the simple subdivision process. This is because the parcel proposed for subdivision results from an earlier "simple subdivision" which occurred a few years ago. According to code, properties over 5 acres are eligible for one simple subdivision; after that, subsequent subdivisions must occur via the platting process. Page 1 Planning Commission Minutes - 01/02/96 . The final plat process should include a requirement that an easement is prepared which allows access to the Subway Shop across the new lot that is being created. Easements allowing access to the utility lines serving the Subway Shop will need to be prepared and recorded in conjunction with the platting process. The City has authorized the completion of a transportation study of the Highway 25 corridor which will include alternatives for realignment of the Oakwood Drive/Highway 25 frontage. It does not appear at this time that the proposed site of the quick lube facility will be selected as the point of intersection. This is because the Silver Fox Motel serves to block an extension of Chelsea Road from connecting to Highway 25 at the Shingobee plat location. Frie opened the public hearing. Commissioner Dragsten inquired if the lot being sold will be large enough for the quick lube facility. . Gary Anderson, Building Official, stated that Linda Milke, potential buyer, had met with staff and is aware of the requirements. Chairman Frie inquired as to how this can be platted with no public access. Steve Grittman explained that MNDOT controls the driveway permits along Hwy 25 and only a certain number of permits will be granted. The standard approach would be to provide a full frontage road but there is not adequate room for a road. Also, the properties along this driveway do not all have access to Chelsea Road. Chairman Frie stated that he wanted on record that a shared private driveway is usually not allowed but in this case it cannot be avoided. Commissioner Bogart stated that this issue was brought up when the Subway Shop was built. Gerald Hermes, Monticello Housing and RV Center, stated that everyone takes care of their own area for snow plowing and maintenance. It has worked very well in the past. . COMMISSIONER BOGART MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE SHINGOBEE SUBDIVISION BASED ON THE CONDITIONS THAT THE REQUEST IS CONSISTENT WITH CITY Page 2 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 01/02/96 ORDINANCES, EASEMENT DOCUMENTATION MUST BE PREPARED PRIOR TO THE FINAL PLAT ALLOWING UTILITY AND DRIVEWAY ACCESS TO THE SUBWAY SHOP, AND THAT SUBWAY HAS A RIGHT OF ACCESS AGREEMENT. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Riverfront/Downtown Development activity report. A. RiverfrontIDowntown Development Coalition. Chairman Frie encouraged the Commissioners to attend the January 20th workshop regarding Riverfront/Downtown development. The workshop will concentrate on goals and projects for the downtown area. B. Housing and Redevelopment Authority. 1. HRA initiating riverfront/downtown redevelopment planning effort focusing on market and financial analysis and urban design. Steve Grittman, City Planner, explained the HRA is requesting the Planning Commission consider adopting a resolution modifying Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1; modifying TI district Nos. 1-1 through 1-18; and approving the Central Monticello Redevelopment Plan and TIF Plans relating thereto. The existing Project No.1 did not allow the HRA to acquire parcels outside created TIF Districts located within the boundaries of Project No. 1. By adopting the resolution the following address can be included in the TIF district: 1400 West Broadway, 225 Front Street, 525 East Broadway, 109 West Broadway, and 108 Walnut. COMMISSIONER CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE TIF RESOLUTION TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES IN THE TIF DISTRICT: 1400 WEST BROADWAY, 225 FRONT STREET, 525 EAST BROADWAY, 109 WEST BROADWAY, AND 108 WALNUT STREET. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MARTIE BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE MODIFICATION OF THE TIF PROJECT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. Motion passed unanimously. Page 3 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 01/02/96 2. HRA would have authority to use TIFfunds to purchase land once the redevelopment plan is complete. Chairman Frie reported the HRA tabled the purchasing of the property by West Bridge Park until an overall plan for the downtown redevelopment was completed. The Commissioners discussed the action of the HRA and decided that Commissioner Bogart and Commissioner Martie would attend the next HRA meeting for more information. 7. Review meetin2" schedule for 1996. The Commissioners reviewed the schedule for January. The additional meetings in January are: January 18th-Special meeting for City Council and Planning Commission for reviewing the Comprehensive Plan; January 20th-Theresa Washburn regarding RiverfrontIDowntown Development; January 24th-Special meeting for Parks, HRA, & Planning Commission to review the goals and objectives for 1996. 8. Other. Commissioner Bogart added the item of zoning violations. Bogart stated that there is a resident on West River Street and Chestnut that is manufacturing sheds/fish houses in his garage. At times, this resident loads and unloads trailers in the street because his lot is so full of vehicles that there is no room for another trailer. This resident has been informed in the past that this type of operation is not allowed in a residential zone. If the City does not take action it could set a precedent for future problems. Gary Anderson, Zoning Administrator, replied that Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, had contacted the attorney on this matter. Anderson stated that he would call the resident and visit the site with a deputy. It is very hard to address violations on inside operations but Anderson would take care of the outside matters. The inside operations would be monitored. Brian Stumpf, Council Member, stated when this person was allowed to put an addition on his garage it was specified that no manufacturing was allowed on the site. The Commissioners discussed the violation and made a strong recommendation to the city staff to follow up on the zoning violations at Page 4 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 01/02/96 Chestnut and West River Street. There should be a report at the next regular meeting as to the progress of this item. 8. Adjournment. COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BOGART. Respectfully submitted _uJ r1A;z~ K /lIlM1/lt/l Wanda Kraemer/Development Services Technician Page 5