City Council Minutes 09-25-2000 Informational MeetingMINUTES PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING CSAH 75 (FROM WASHINGTON STREET - OTTER CREEK) Monday, September 25, 2000 - 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Rogers Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None Staff Present: Economic Development Director, 011ie Koropchak; Public Works Director John Simola, City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller; Deputy City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill, City Engineer, Bret Weiss and Becky Hauschild. John Simola, Public Works Director, began the informational meeting by briefly describing the scope of the project and the roles of the City and the County in the design and construction of the work. Virgil Hawkins, Assistant Wright County Highway Engineer, explained that the improvement project for CSAR 75 was a major project in the County's Five Year Plan. The project was originally planned for construction in the year 2002 but because of other projects being shifted around, the County is now considering it for construction in 2001. The proposed project is a rehabilitation of CSAH 75 from Washington Street to Otter Creek. The County's proposal includes removing the bituminous surface, milling it out and replacing the blacktop. The County is not proposing any widening, regrading or change in design. The County will design the roadway incorporating into the plans any utility work the City feels needs to be done at this time. It is proposed to bid the project in the spring with construction to take place next year. There may be a considerable amount of utility work included in this project. Some of the sanitary sewer lines in this area were installed in 1924 and the other utility lines were installed in the 1940's. The City is currently in the process of inspecting the lines to determine whether the lines will be replaced.. John Simola indicated there may also be some realignment of Otter Creek Road where it comes on to CSAH 75 but that is the only street realignment being proposed. The parkway design that is being considered includes medians and left turn lanes. If the project is constructed using this design there would be loss of parking. Revisions to the access to Pinewood Elementary are also being considered. Virgil Hawkins talked about how access onto the roadway impacts the flow of traffic. A video on access management was shown. By limiting the number of accesses onto a roadway, you limit the number of conflict points and you reduce interference with through traffic. The spacing of signalized intersections is also crucial to traffic flow and signalized intersections should be placed at least 1/4 mile or greater apart. Good access management improves traffic flow and reduces accidents. Jeff O'Neill provided background on how the parkway design was arrived at. A survey done in 1988 V revealed that traffic was identified as the #1 concern. In 1996 the City updated the comprehensive plan and attempted to address the issue of traffic on Broadway. The feeling was that the traffic should not dictate how land was used. The City wanted to maintain the character of this area as residential. The improvements that were done on CSAH 75 east were done to improve traffic and safety in the area of the school and the hospital. Pam Campbell from the Design Advisory Team felt that the traffic on Broadway needed to be slowed. They felt the two lane design was acceptable noting it was important to take care of pedestrian safety and suggesting that improvements be made to the designated crosswalks. The 20' median that was proposed would provide an opportunity to beautify the City. DAT felt that if the median was done it should include an irrigation system so that the plantings in the median could be maintained. DAT endorsed the project. Pam Campbell also commented that the parking in front of the post office site should be retained. Bret Weiss and Becky Hauschild from WSB, Inc., the City's engineers provided information on traffic volumes and accidents rates. The estimated cost of the project is $1,700,000 which would be funded through state aid funds, assessments and utility reserve funds. John Simola noted that because of the age of the utilities in this area, individual services may need to be replaced. The property owner is responsible for the utility lines from the house to the main. If residents are interested in determining whether their service line needs to be replaced, the City can with the equipment they have inspect the service. It was noted that the cost of replacing service lines, gate valves, hydrants etc. could be assessed. Cobra head lighting was installed in this area in the 1960's and it has deteriorated to the point where it should be replaced. In the downtown area where parking would still be allowed on Broadway, the County would charge the cost of the parking lane to the City and the City in turn could assess this cost back to the property owners. The meeting was then opened to comments from the public. Bill Becker, 618 East Broadway He stated that the lack of parking lanes could pose a hazard for those people who had to back out of their driveways onto the street. He indicated that in the winter the parking lane was also used for snow storage and asked how that would be handled if there was no parking lane. Mr. Simola responded that the Street Department had similar concerns with the snow and he would check with the County about removal. Virgil (Bud) Kalpin, 336 Broadway East Mr. Kalpin questioned why the median was included and suggested that it be considered making Broadway a one-way street. He felt it was unfair to eliminate the parking on Broadway for the residential properties. He stated that part of the value of his property was that there was parking on the street and by taking away the parking some of the value of his property was lost. He stated that all other residential property is allowed street parking. Mr. Weis responded that the City has eliminated or discouraged parking on collector streets in the past, i.e. 7" Street and School Boulevard. Harold Pittman, 106 Dayton Street Mr. Pittman questioned why the City would consider trees and other plantings in the median area since the salt from the snow removal would kill them. He commented that the City had some of the nicest streets before they put in the streetscape. He wasn't sure that the City's attempt to beautify the streets actually did anything for the street. Mr. Simola responded that there are salt resistant species of trees and shrubs that the City would use but that this is a concern. Jake Krob, 318 Broadway East Mr. Krob asked about the procedure used to notify the property owners of this meeting. He also asked if any further improvements were going to be made to the TH 25 and CSAR 75 intersection. He felt the improvements made at the intersection thus far were not working CSAH 75 Informational Meeting - 9/25/00 very well as there seemed to be a good amount of vehicle stacking and asked if the channelization proposed would help the TH 25/CR 75 intersection. He also expressed his concern about the speed of traffic on the roadway and with the proposed improvement the closeness of the traffic to the homes. Dawn Grossinger responded stating that notice was sent to the owner of record according to the tax printout.. Ben Smith, 806 West River Street Mr. Smith expressed concern about the traffic, particularly bus traffic at the intersection of West Broadway and Elm Street. Mr. Simola responded and stated that the staff would discuss this issue with Mr. Smith after the meeting. Mr. Simola met with Ben Smith the week of October 2nd and his concerns were with the buses making left turns onto CSAH 75 from County Road 39. The county will be looking into this with the school district. Doug Schneider, 112 West Broadway Mr. Schneider questioned the traffic volume and accident rate information that was presented. He was wondering if the accidents were primarily at the intersection of TH 25/CR 75 and if they were on the east or west side of the intersection. Becky Hauschild indicated that the she didn't have that breakdown but she would get the information and forward it to him. He also stated that if the City removes the parking, then they should lower the taxes for the site because the property loses value without the parking. John Simola indicated that the parking in approximately a two block distance both east and west of the TH 25/CR 75 intersection was proposed to remain. Lawrence Clausen, 320 Broadway West Mr. Clausen questioned the portion of the downtown area that would have parking along Broadway and stated he too felt that the parking should remain in the area of the post office. Dan Kraemer, 648 Broadway West Mr. Kraemer questioned whether installing left turn lanes would invite the traffic on Broadway to go even faster since the traffic wouldn't have to slow down for vehicles making left turns. Becky Hauschild responded that the plantings in median have a visual effect which slows traffic down. The question was also raised about the mailboxes located on Broadway. John Simola indicated that if the project proceeded with the parkway design the mailboxes would be relocated to side streets. Candy Johnson, 1233 Sand. Lane She asked what was the designated speed that was looked for on Broadway and asked what the plans were for Otter Creek Road. Virgil Hawkins responded that the speed limit was 30 mph to Otter Creek Road and then it became 45 mph. Mr. Hawkins replied that the plans for Otter Creek Road are to realign it to 90 degrees from CSAH 75. Dave Kranz, 743 Broadway West Mr. Kranz had questions regarding the sewer lines for his home. John Simola asked him to check with the Public Works Department. Opal Stokes, 215 Locust Street She asked if the opportunity to have the sewer service line inspected applied only to those properties abutting Broadway or if it would also apply to those homes on the side streets. John Simola responded it would only be for those properties served by the sewer on Broadway from Washington Street to Chestnut Street. J CSAR 75 Informational Meeting - 9/25/00 Because of the time, the informational meeting closed at this point. Those in attendance were asked to complete comment cards and submit them to the City. �= Recording Secretary 4