Planning Commission Minutes 07-02-1996 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION . Tuesday, July 2, 1996 .. 7 p.m. Members Present: Dick Frie, John Bogart, Richard Carlson, Members Absent: Richard Martie, Rod Dragsten Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Joe Merchak, Steve Grittman, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call to order. Chairman Frie called the meeting to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the re~lar meeting held June 4,1996. COMMISSIONER CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BOGART. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. . Chairman Frie commented on how attractive the new office building for Value Plus Homes, Inc. is and encouraged the Commissioners to visit the site. He also thought the landscaping and pathway along School Blvd was a great addition to the area. 3. Consideration of adding items to the ali:'enda. There were no items added to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments. There were no citizens comments. 5. Public Hearing--Consideration of an amendment to a conditional use permit allowing expansion to outside storage area. Applicant, Custom Canopy. Location is Lot 6. Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported Steve Birkeland was requesting an amendment to a conditional use permit which would allow expansion of the outside storage area at the Custom Canopy facility. The expansion proposed would more than double the existing storage area. The proposed plan would extend the storage area an additional 100 ft to the north and 50 ft to the west. Birkeland would extend the screening fence accordingly. . In the past, City staff has noticed and documented the following activities at the site that are not consistent with code. Page 1 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 7/02/96 1. Space necessary for employee parking along the rear of the structure is being used for storage. 2. Vehicles are parking in the ditch or on the right-of-way due to parking space used for storage. 3. Material is being stored at an elevation higher than the screening fence. 4. The existing screening fence is not 90% opaque as required by code. It has been bent and broken down but is now fixed. 5. The gate to the storage area is always open. According to code, the gate should be closed to assure proper screening. O'Neill then listed conditions that needed to be discussed: a benchmark for future construction should be established, the fence style should be enhanced, a guard or protective railing should be added to avoid running into the fence, additional plantings along Fallon Ave, expansion should allow more room for employee parking, gate should be closed or add a partial fence on the inside so storage area cannot be seen. Steve Grittman, City Planner, added there is nothing in our ordinance that regulates the size of outdoor storage. There are many ways to regulate the size of outdoor storage; examples- percentage of the principal building, by the parking demands, type of business, or a combination. Chairman Frie stated if the City can justify parking then outdoor storage should be regulated. O'N eill added when the bridge over Fallon has been completed Custom Canopy will be the entrance to the Industrial Park. This is another reason to require the storage area to be well maintained. The Planning Commission should also consider the effect of outdoor storage area in regards to storm water runoff and storm water trunk fees. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Steve Birkeland, owner, drew on the overhead where an additional paint building would be added in conjunction with the outdoor storage. He then stated his business had tripled in the last three years and about ten employees work two different shifts. The employees have been instructed not to park in the ditch and with the expansion the parking this should be corrected. He has plans for another building within a year. Page 2 Planning Commission Minutes - 7/02/96 Commission Bogart added a wood fence will deteriorate faster and require a high . amount of maintenance. He prefers slats in industrial storage areas. Joe Merchak, Chief Building Official, stated according to code a fence should withstand 80 m.p.h. winds. Steve Birkeland replied the fence he constructed was supposed to withstand 80 m.p.h. winds but did not. Chairman Frie stated the industrial park is not intended to be Beverly Hills but certain requirements need to be enforced. Every building should be required to have a sign. Chairman Frie asked Mr. Birkeland ifhe was aware of the conditions on the original CUP. Birkeland was aware of the screening and parking conditions but his business has grown so fast he has not kept up with the details. He was not aware of the gate being open all day and the expansion should correct the parking. Chairman Frie Closed the public hearing. . The Commissioners discussed the screening and it was agreed a combination of slats and evergreen trees would provide the best solution. A combination of the two will break the monotony of a large fence along the street and still provide adequate screening of the outdoor storage. COMMISSIONER CARLSON MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BOGART, TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENT TO THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ALLOWING EXPANSION TO THE OUTSIDE STORAGE AREA BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE OUTSIDE STORAGE WITH THE CONDITIONS AS NOTED IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CHARACTER OF THE AREA AND CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE 1-2 ZONE: 1. THE ENTIRE FENCE SYSTEM MUST BE REPLACED WITH A FENCE AND TREE SYSTEM THAT ACHIEVES 90% OPACITY. 2. PLACEMENT OF SUITABLE MATERIALS AS A BASE TO CONTROL DUST, ECT. 3. PLANT ADDITIONAL EVERGREEN TREES TO THE EAST AND NORTH SIDE OF THE LOT IN ACCORDANCE WITH CODE AND APPROVAL OF CITY STAFF. . 4. PROVIDE ADDITIONAL PARKING AREA OR ALTER USE OF EXISTING PARKING AREAS NOT BEING USED FOR STORAGE. Page 3 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 7/02/96 5. REMOVE GATE AND INSTALL A SECTION OF SCREENING FENCE AT LEAST 50 FT. IN LENGTH AT A RIGHT ANGLE TO THE EXISTING FENCE, THUS PARTIALLY SCREENING THE OPENING TO THE STORAGE AREA WHEN VIEWED FROM THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. 6. OUTDOOR AREAS SHOULD BE USED ENTIRELY FOR STORAGE AND NOT USED FOR PRODUCTION ACTIVITIES. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Public Hearing-uConsideration of amendments to general regulations pertainin~ to accessory structures. Applicant, Monticello Planning Comml ssion. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported in review of the City's existing accessory building regulations it is unclear whether maximum area requirements are to include (or exclude) attached garages. Past city policy has been to exempt attached garages from the maximum area requirements stipulated in the ordinance. Thus, the listed area requirements apply only to detached accessory structures. The city policy needs be clarified. The City Council could be asked to established a moratorium on this issue until regulations for accessory structures on small lots can be studied. Grittman gave four possible options: 1. Retain Existing Regulations - clarify the terms accessory building and accessory use. 2. Institute a maximum lot (building) coverage requirement. 3. Relate maximum accessory structure area to a percentage of the principal structure area. 4. Reduce existing rear yard coverage percentage. (rear yard calculation) 5. Prohibit detached accessory structures upon small lots. The Planning Commissioners discussed the report by Grittman and asked Joe Merchak, Chief Building Official, his opinion for enforcement. Merchak requested more time to research the item. COMMISSIONER BOGART MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER CARLSON, TO TABLE THE CONSIDERATION TO AMEND THE GENERAL REGULATIONS UNTIL THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING, PERTINENT TO ACCESSORY STRUCTURES UNTIL STAFF CAN FURTHER RESEARCH THE ISSUE. ALSO, RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL AN EXTENSION OF THE MORATORIUM FOR 10 DAYS. Motion passed unanimously. Page 4 Planning Commission Minutes - 7/02/96 7. Consideration of a requ.est for a sim.ple subdivision. Applicant, Marvel Trunnel. Location is Lots 2.3. 4, 5, Block 2, River Terrace subdivision. . Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported Marvel Trunnel is requesting a simple subdivision that calls for moving the lot line between Lot 2, Block 2, and Lot 3, Block 2, River Terrace toward Lot 3 a distance of 10 ft. The eastern wall of the existing house on Lot 3 is located directly on the current lot line. Moving the lot line 10 ft. to the east will result in establishment of the property setback for the eastern boundary of Lot 3. The lot width of Lot 2 will be reduced by 10 ft to a width of 80 ft, which meets code requirements. In addition to this simple subdivision, a small triangular piece ofland between the river and Lot 3 will be separated from its original parcel and attached to Lot 3, resulting in Lot 3 having complete access to the shore line between the east and west boundaries of the property. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Casey Kjellberg, realator forTrunnel, explained years ago there was a survey error and the garage is on the property line. A simple subdivision would correct this and allow Maravel Trunnel to have a buildable lot. Marvel Trunnel, owner of property, stated she requested this simple subdivision to allow her to sell one lot and keep the other lot to build on in the future. . Chairman Frie closed public hearing. COMMISSIONER BOGART MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER CARLSON, TO APPROVE THE SIMPLE SUBDIVISION BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE SUBDIVISION PROPOSED IS CONSISTENT WITH CODE REQUIREMENTS AND WILL RESULT IN SETBACK CONFORMANCE FOR THE EASTERN BOUNDARY OF LOT B WITHOUT CREATING A NONCONFORMING SITUATION ON AN ADJACENT LOT. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Consideration of a reQuest for a public hearin~ on an ordinance text Rmendment creatin~ a new "Brr zone and include zonine- map amenc1ments in the Riverroad Plaza area. Applicant. Investors To~ether. . Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported a few months ago Investors Together had requested a zoning ordinance amendment and conditional use permit which would have allowed an oilllube facility to be attached to the existing car wash at the Riveroad Plaza complex. The Planning Commission approved the request and recommended approval to the City Council. The City Council disagreed with the recommendation made by the Planning Commission. It was their view that establishment of an oilllube facility in a PZM zone was not appropriate because the oilllube facility was not, in their view, the type of facility that is consistent with the purpose of the PZM district. They were also concerned that it would be difficult to Page 5 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 7/02/96 enforce the condition that customer must obtain service "while you wait". The concern was that people would drop cars off at the site for overnight and all-day service and that the use of the facility would be in a manner similar to a major auto repair site. The Planning Commission is being asked by Investors Together to consider calling for a public hearing on amending the zoning ordinance. The Planning Commission or City Council must initiate the process because a number of parcels will be affected by any potential zoning map amendment in this area and because it is difficult for Investors Together to get the signature of every potential property owner that might be affected by the zoning map amendment. Planning Commission is asked to discuss the matter and consider whether or not to call for a public hearing on changing map and text for land use designations and rules for the PZM areas designated on the official zoning map. Staff recommends waiting until the Monticello Community Partners (MCP) receives information on the traffic studies being conducted. Ken Schwarze, applicant, was confused as to why the Planning Commission would pass the request for a Quick Lube 4 to 1 and the City Council would unanimously deny the request. Schwarze added that he had talked to many of the neighboring property owners and most of them were in favor of the Quick Lube. Dean Hoglund, applicant, stated this impression was the City Council thought it was a good idea but not in a PZM zone. O'Neill added there is a considerable amount of discussion regarding the traffic in this area. Would it be better to wait until the MCP studies are completed before continuing the rezoing? Chairman Frie's recommendation was to call for the public hearing and put the issues on the table, open this to the community for discussion. The Commissioners discussed other areas that are pending in this area that could be affected by this decision: changing Cty Rd 75 to a four lane, using 7th Street as main thoroughfare through town, prohibiting truck traffic on Cty Rd 75, creating a way to slow traffic down on Cty Rd 75 with stop signs, and traffic volumes. CHAIRMAN FRIE MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER CARLSON, TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON AN ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT CREATING A NEW "B" ZONE AND INCLUDE ZONING MAP AMENDMENTS IN THE RIVERROAD PLAZA AREA. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Review comprehensive planning implementation steps and consider forwardin~ the steps to the Parks Commission and HRA. The Commissioners discussed the implementation steps addressed in JetrO'Neill, Page 6 . . Planning Commission Minutes - 7/02/96 Assistant Administrator, letter June 19, 1996. The items that should be added to the list of work activities were: discussion on pole buildings, extend pathway system, create a safe pedestrian crossing over 1-94 and at a location on West River Street, follow up on conditions that applicants are required to do, and address outside storage. O'Neill would formate the items into a budge form and send to Parks Commission and HRA for their information and feed back. Jeff O'Neill added that it might be beneficial for a representative from the Planning Commission to be on the MOAA, Monticello Orderly Annexation Area. This is an important link in the planning process. 10. Adjournment. COMMISSIONER CARLSON MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BOGART, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Respectfully submitted, U)QMdc. K~ Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician . Page 7