City Council Minutes 05-16-1978 Special5-16-78
May 16, 1978 - 7:30 P. M.
Members present: Con Johnson, Dan Blonigen, Arve Grimsmo,
Gene Walters, Phil White.
Purpose of the meeting: Board of Review - assessed valuations.
Mr. Bernie Mattson and Mr. Orlan Krietlow, Wright County
assessors for Monticello, were present to explain the
assessment procedures used in Monticello.
Mr. Mattson informed the council and citizens present
that approximately 25% of the residential property in
Monticello is reviewed annually. In addition, Mr. Mattson
explained that the limited market value of each property
may be increased by 10% each year or by 25% of the difference
between limited market value and actual market value,
whichever is greater.
Comments from the following property owners were heard:
1. Robert Hageman: Questioned why his market value doubled
from 1977 to 1978.
Answer: It was explained that Mr. Hageman's home was
only 50% completed in 1977 and the 1978 market value
was based on a 100% completed home.
2. Bob Hammergren: Was concerned about the taxes placed on
new homes. Felt that the new homes were valued out of
line compared to existing older homes of equal market
Answer: It was explained that the older homes are
re -assessed every 4 or 5 years, but there are limits
as to the amount of increase that these homes can
be raised each year.
3. Joe Nelson: Asked why his taxes doubled from 1977 to 1978.
Answer: In 1977, the market value was determined on a
partially completed home, while 1978 market value re-
flects as completely finished house.
4. Gilbert Stickfort: Asked general questions regarding
the amount a house can be increased each year and
questioned what the special taxing district was for -
(Hospital District).
5. John Moller: Stated that he only lives in his home for
less than three (3) months a year and requested a
seasonal classification for determining his taxes.
Mr. Mattson explained to the council that if a home is
used for recreational purposes, the seasonal rate
could apply, resulting in approximately a 20% savings.
Motion was made by G. Walters, second by A. Grimsmo,
and unanimously carried to have the county assessors
re -calculate Mr. Moller's taxes payable in 1977 under
the seasonal classification.
6. Ernie Hartwig: Asked that his home be considered as
Homestead property for 1978.
County assessor will change classification if pro-
perty qual ifys for Homestead.
G. Walters made a motion, second by D. Blonigen and unani-
mously carried to accept the assessment rolls for 1978
as amended.
Discussion - Interior Decorating - City Hall.
A Minnesota and U. S. flags have been ordered for place-
ment in the council chambers and by consensus of the
council the following decorative items were approved
for the city hall with funds provided from the mayor's
1. A �411 wide burlap strip will be installed on the walls
directly behind the council table.
2. A reading table with a decorative lamp will be placed
in the lobby area along with an additional outlet.
3. Four or five picture frames with thinam fabric designs
will be placed on burlap panels of the office walls.
4. Purchase of one plant for office area.
Motion was made by G. Walters, second by D. Blonigen and
unanimously carried to install the exterior clock numerals
on the brick of the clock tower instead of the redwood
facia board.
The dedication program for the new city hall scheduled
for June 4, 1978 at 1 P. M. was approved.
Meeting adjourned.
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Rick Wolf s��]Ller
Adm. Asst.