City Council Minutes Agenda Item Recap 1978COUNCIL MEETINGS - 1978 Agenda Item Recap January 5, 1978 - Special Meeting. New Monticello City Hall. January 10, 1978 - Regular Meeting. Goals and Objectives for 1978. 1. Consideration of Setting Regular Meeting Dates. 2. Appointment of City Functions And Duties. 3. Presentation of Public Officials Liability Insurance. 4. Removal of Snow Fence. 5. Ordinance .Amendment - Culvert Requirements. 6. Consideration of Advertising for Bids on Former Senior Citizens Center Site. 7. Approval of Bills. 8. Consideration of Resolution Selecting Airport Site for Further Study. 9. Consideration of Exterior Sign - City Hall. 10. Department Head Quarterly Meeting. 11. Approval of Minutes. 12. Miscellaneous Items. January 23, 1978 - Replar Meeting. 1. Consideration of John Sandberg' s "Riverside" Preliminary Plat. 2. Consideration of Petition for Improvements to Riverside Plat. 3. Consideration of Committee Appointments. 4. Presentation by Representative in Opposition to a Regional Airport. 5. Consideration of Public Officials Liability Insurance. 6. Consideration of Proposal for Cleaning Services for New City Hall. 7. Consideration of Appointing Council Representatives to Union Negotiating Committee. January ,23, 1978 - (Continued) 8. Approval of Minutes. 9. Miscellaneous. January 26, 1978 - Special Meeting. Discussion by Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc. on 77-3 Street Improvement Project. February 13 978 `_Regullaa.r. Meeting. Citizens Comments. 1. Consideration of Building Permit Approval - Silver Fox Motel. 2. Consideration of Resolution Continuing Phase II of Airport Feasibility Study on Site B. 3. Consideration of Installing Underground Utility Lines and Telephone Cables As Part of the 77-3 Street Improvement Project. 4. Consideration of Adoption of Uniform Housing Code. 5. Appointment of Council Representative to Community School Advisory Board's Annual Meeting. 6. Consideration of Adopting Ordinance Establishing Four Year Term for Mayor. 7. Consideration of Ordinance Revising Mayor and Councilmen's Salaries. 8. Consideration of Special Meeting to Interview Building Inspector Candidates. 9. Consideration of Approving Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc. to Review Floodway Map. 10. Approval of Bills. 11. Approval of Minutes. 12. Review of Street Improvement Project by John Badalich. 13. Miscellaneous. February 27, 1978 - Regular Meeting. 1. Consideration of Rezoning Lots 11, 12 and 13, Block C, Lower Monticello or Entire North 2 of Block C from R-2 (Single and Two -Family Residential) to B-4 (Regional Business). 2. Consideration of Final Plat - Riverside Plat. 3. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit - Pet Hospital. February 27,-1978 (Continued) 4. Consideration of Building Permit - Rick Doerr and Dean Hoglund. 5. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit - Commercial Storage - Mr. Marn Flicker. 6. Consideration of Resolution Authorizing Construction of Silver Fox Motel and Authorizing 4 09000 in Commercial Development Revenue Notes. 7. Consideration of Increas_+_ng Hours of Senior Citizens Center. 8. Review of Liquor Store Report for 1977• 9. Consideration of Having Specifications Prepared for Diesel Truck. 10. New Business - Special Meeting - March 61 1978 - Interview Applicants - Building Inspector Position. 11. Consideration of Increasing Street Widths - 1977-3 Street Improvement Program. 12. Approval of Bills. 13. Approval of Minutes. 14. Miscellaneous. March 6, 1978 - Special Meeting. Interview Building Inspector Applicants. March 13, 1978 - Regular Meeting. 1. Workshop Session on Comprehensive Plan and Ordinance Amendments with Planning Commission. 2. Consideration of Approval of Howard Gillham' s Country Club Manor - Preliminary Plat. 3. Consideration of Final Plat - Lauring Hillside terrace. 4. Consideration of Renewing Garbage Disposal Service. 5. 1977-3 Street Improvement Project - Deadend Streets. 6. Consideration of Resolution Calling for Feasibility Reports and Public Hearings - 1978 Improvement Projects. 7. Consideration of Street Width - Front Street. 8. Consideration of Curb Barrier - Maintenance Building. 9. Consideration of Approving Specifications for Diesel Truck. March 13, 1978 - (Continued) 10. Approval of Minutes. 11. Consideration of Full Time Building Inspector. 12. Acknowledgement of Letter from Electro Industries. March 16, 1978 --- Special Meeting. 1. County -State Aid. 2. Width -Front Street. 3_ Drainage Problem -Intersection of Elm and 3rd Street -Edgar Klucas 4. Excess Fill. 5. Wrightco Scale Accesses. 6. Approval of Plans and Specifications. 7. Advertisement for Bids. March 23, 1978 - Special Meeting. March 27, 1978 - Regular Meeting. 1. Public Hearing - Consideration of Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Street Improvements for Minnesota, Elm and Fifth Street. 2. Public Hearing - Consideration of Granting a Variance from the Home Occupation Activities to Allow a Hair Styling Shop for Joseph Peterson. 3. Consideration of Building Permit - High School Concession Stand. 4. Review of Increased Space Needs for Worth Brasie Memorial Library. 5. Consideration of Howard GillhamT s Preliminary Plat. 6. Consideration of Approval of Preliminary Subdivision Plat - Thomas Industrial Park. 7. Consideration of Approval of Preliminary Subdivision Plat - Kampa Estates. 8. Consideration of Approval of Preliminary Plat - Holker' s Hillside Addition. 9. Consideration of Change Order for City Hall. 10. Consideration of Increasing Building Inspection Fee Schedule. 11. Review and Consideration of Building Maintenance and Improvements to Senior Citizens Center, Fire Hall and Liquor Store. 12. Approval of Bills. 13. Approval of Minutes - March 65 March 13, March 16, 1978. April 101 1978 - Regular Meeting. 1. Assessment Policy Review. 2. Public Hearing - Vacation of Cedar Srreet between I-94 Freeway and Oakwood Drive - (County Road #117). 3. Consideration of Rezoning Lot 6, Block 5, River Terrace, from R-1 to R-2. 4. Wright County Community Action Recycling Program. 5. Consideration of Change Order for City Hall. 6. Consideration of Approval of Resident Engineer form Orr-Schelen- Mayeron During Construction of 1977-3 Street Improvement Project. 7. Consideration of Adopting Ordinance Relative to Utilization of Boulevard. 8. Approval of Minutes - March 23 and arch 27, 1978. 9. Open House - June 4, 1978. 10. Quarterly Meeting with Department Heads. April 242 1978 - Regular Meeting. 1. Consideration of Landscaping Plan and Sodding for Monticello City Hall. 2. Public Hearings - Consideration of a Sideyard Variance for Tom St. Hilaire, Consideration of Granting a Variance to Allow a Driveway to Extend to the Property Line for Frank May, and con- sideration of Granting a Variance to Allow a Driveway to Extend to the Property Line for Gene Jensen. 3. Consideration of Rezoning Harold Ruff Porperty from Residential (R-11 R-2, R-3) to Heavy Industrial(I-2). 4. Conditional Use Permit for Pet Hospital - Mr. Sam Perare, Jr. for Dr. Joel Erickson. 5. Conditional Use Permit Renewal Request for a Four Unit Family Dwelling J. W. Miller. 6. Consideration of Preliminary Plat - Balboul Estates. 7. Consideration of Increasing Monthly Maintenance Allocation for the Library and Additional Shelving. 8. Consideration of Awarding Contract on 1977-3 Street Improvement Project. 9. Consideration of Authorization for City Officials to Attend the Annual League of Minnesota Cities Conference - June 7 through 9, 1978 - Minneapolis. 10. Consideration of City's Participation in Joint Recreation Program. 11. Approval of Bills. 12. Approval of Minutes -A pril 10, 1978. 13. Assessment Policy. 14. Setting Hearing for Comprehensive Plan. April 24, 1978 - (Continued). 15. Sewer and Water Improvement to Thomas Industrial Park. May 8, 1978 Regular Meeting. 1. Public Hearing - Revised Comprehensive Plan, Zoning District Amendments and Zoning Ordinance Amendments. 2. Review of Assessment Policy Draft. May 9, 1978 - (Continuation of May 8 1978 Meeting) . 3. Consideration of Approval of Final Plat - Country Club Manor and Kampa Estates. 4. Consideration of Rezoning Couctry Club Manor from B-4, Regional Business, to R-1, Single Family Residential, and B-3, Highway Business. 5. Consideration of Adoption of Resolution Receving Feasibility Report and Calling for a Public Hearing on 1978-1 Improvement Project. 6. Review of Interim Upgrading of City's Waste Water Treatment Plant. 7. Consideration of Approval of Change Order #2 - 1977-1 Construction Project Arcon Construction. 8. Consideration of Awarding Contract on Dump Truck. 9. Consideration of Revising City's Policy Relative to Picking Up Brush. 10. Approval of Minutes - April 24, 1978. 11. Consideration of Disposition of City Owned Property - East Side of Highway 25. 12. Discussion on Sewer and Water Improvement along 5th Street f rom Vine to Elm Street. 13. Miscellaneous. May 16, 1978 - Special Meeting. Board of Review May 22, 1978 - Regular Meeting. 1. Informational Meeting on the 1977--3 Improvement Project. 2. Consideration of Adoption of Assessment Policy. 3. Consideration of Final Plat - Balboul Estates. 4. Consideration of Acknowledging Petition and Ordering Feasibility Report - Extension of 7th Street. 5. Public Hearing - Consideration of Vacation of a Portion of Former County Road #117. May 22, 1978 - (Continued) 6. Consideration of Ordinance Amendment Relative to Area and Height Limitations on Pylon Signs. 7. Consideration of League of Cities Insurance Program. 8. Approval of Bills. 9. Approval of Minutes. 10. Consideration of Confirming Contract Award on 1977-3 Street Improvement Project - Section 2. 11. Discussion on Additional Curb and Gutter Improvements - 77-3 Street Improvement Program. 12. Miscellaneous. June 12, 1978 - Regular Meeting 1. Consideration of Adoption of Assessment Policy. 2. Public Hearing - Proposed 1978 Improvement Projects. 3. Public Hearing - Variance Request on Sideyard Setback - Ron Peters. 4. Consideration of Ordinance Amendment, Conditional Use Permit, and Building Permit Request for a Tom Thumb Superette - James Ref rigeration. 5. Consideration of Zoning Ordinance District Amendments. 6. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit for a Three -Family Dwelling Unit - Leo Nelson. 7. Consideration of Approval of Preliminary Plat for Commercial Plaza 25 - Sam Peraro. 8. Public Hearing - Variance Request from 22 Acre Minimum Lot Size Without City Sewer and Water and Conditional Use and Building Permit Request - Automatic Garage Door Company, Inc. 9. Consideration of Building Permits for River Terrace Park, Marn Flicker, and Wrightco Products. 10. Consideration of Extension of Variance for Overhanging Sign for Monticello Ford, Inc. 11. Consideration of Approval of Temporary On -Sale Malt Liquor License - Lions Club. 12. Request of Change of Lot Line - Henry Doerr. 13. Consideration of Ratification of Contract with International Union of Operating Engineers Local #49, AFL-CIO. 14. Consideration of Approval of Final Payment - General Contractor - City Hall Improvement Project. 15. Consideration of Requiring Only City Council Approval for Building Permits Other Than Single Family Residences. June 12, 1978 - (Continued) 16. Interchange 94 Lighting System - East Side of Monticello. 17. Consideration of Building Permit Request - Northern States Power. 18. Approval of Minutes - 5/22/7$. 19. Consideration of Hiring a Public Works Department Replacement. June 26, 1978 - Regular Meeting 1. Consideration of Variances on 1977-3 Improvement Project for Dick Holker and Charles Stumpf. 2. Consideration of Final Plat of Holker's Hillside Addition. 3. Consideration of Improvement of Lauring Lane Between Wright and Ramsey Streets. 4. Consideration of Intoxicating Liquor and Non -Intoxicating Malt Liquor Licenses. 5. Consideration of Approval of Street Lighting Contract with Northern States Power Company. 6. Presentation of 1977 Audit Report. 7. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit for a Motor Fuel Station by Mr. Samuel Peraro. 8. Consideration of Adoption of Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings. 9. Consideration of Adopting Ordinance on Minimum Grade Elevations. 10. Consideration for Providing for Annual and Systematic Inspections for the Enforcement of Uniform Housing Code. 11. Consideration of a Variance Request by Mr. John Bergstad for an Application for a Certificate of Occupancy. 12. Consideration of 1)esignated Bicycle Routes. 13. Consideration of Appointment of Chairperson for Historical Society. 14. Consideration of Allowance for Firemen to Attend Schooling. 15. Consideration of Variznce of Insurmountable Curb Barrier for the Monticello Fire Hall. 16. Approval of Minutes. 17. Approval of Bills. 18. Consideration of Approval of Final Plat - Commercial Plaza 25. 19. Discussion on Blacktopping Cedar Street between Chelsea Road and Thomas Industrial Drive in Oakwood Industrial Park. June 26, 1978 - (Continued) 20. Approval of Additional Costs Associated with Relocation of Signals at Elm and Maple Streets as part of the 77-3 Improvement Project. July 107 1978 - Regular Meeting. 1. Consideration of Conditional Use and Variance Request by Mr. Bob Mosford. 2. Consideration of Adoption of Assessment Ordinance. 3. Consideration of Land Acquisition. 4. Consideration of Requesting Determination of Eligibility for Urban Development Action Grant Program. 5. Approval of Minutes - 6/26/78. 6. Discussion on Blacktopping Cedar Street between Chelsea Road and Thomas Industrial Drive in Oakwood Industrial Park. 7. Consideration of Certificate of Occupancy Variance - Mel Worth Storage Building. 8. Discussion on the Sideyard Variance Needed for a Residential Home in Hillcrest Second Addition. 9. Discussion on 1978-1 Improvement Project. 10. Quarterly Meeting with Department Heads. 11. Discussion on Chemical Treatment Improvements at Disposal Plant. July 14, 1978 - Special Meeting. To Review Variance Request for a Certificate of Occupancy for Mel Wolters' Dairy Queen July 24, 1978 - Regular Meeting. Citizens Comments. 1. Public Hearing - Consideration of Improvement of Former County Road 117 West of the Monticello Roller Rink and Joyners Lanes. 2. Public Hearing - Comsideration of Variance Request - Frontyard Setback for Lot 13, Block 1, Hillcrest Second Addition. 3. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit for Fair's Market. 4. Consideration of Variance from Pylon Sign Area Limitation. 5. Consideration of Obtainment of Appraisals for Easements on 1978-1 Improvement Project for Presentation to the City Council. 6. Consideration of Soliciting Quotations for Chemical Feed Equipment. July 24, 1978 - Continued. 7. Consideration of Ordering Parking Lot Improvements. 8. Consideration of Approval of Plans and Specifications for the 1978-1 Improvement Project. 9. Consideration of Type of Curb for Fire Hall. 10. Approval of Bills for July 1978. 11. Approval of Minutes - 7/10 and 7/10/78. 12. Discussion on Library Shelving. 13. Review of Six Month Liquor Store Financial Statements. 14. Consideration of Extension of Contract Deadline on 77-1 Improvement Project. August 14, 1978 - Regular Meeting 1. Public Hearing - Consideration of Variance on Sideyard Setbacks for Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blake. 2. Variance Request for a Certificate of Occupancy by H&D Storage. 3. Consideration of Acceptance of Airport Study Completed by Ralph Burke & Associates and Recommendations of the Monticello Airport Committee. 4. Consideration of Authorizing City Engineer to Prepare Plans and Specifications and to Inspect Improvements for Balboul Estates. 5. Consideration of Amending Requirements for Vacation of Former State Highway 25 - Cedar Street. 6. Consideration of Soliciting Quotations for Library Shelving. 7. Consideration of Approval of Easements for 1978-1 Improvement Project. 8. Appointment of Election Judges for State Primary and General Election. 9. Approval of Minutes 10. Consideration of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for Tom Chock. 11. Discussion on Street Lighting Improvements - Highway 25 and County Road 117. 12. Consideration of Parking Lot Improvements - Oakwood Parking Lot. 13. Assessment Hearing on 77-1 and 77-2 Improvement Projects. August 21, 1978 - SPECIAL MEETING Award contract on 197$-1 Improvement Project. August 28, 1978 - Regular Meeting. 1. Public Hearing - Consideration of Variance on Fence Height Limitation - Gus Hammer. 2. Public Hearing - Setback Variance Request by Duane Rajanen. 3. Public Hearing - Variance Request from Minimum Lot Size Requirements by Darwin. Straw. 4. Public Hearing - Variance on Setback for Garage by Tom Chock. 5. Public Hearing on the Proposed Use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. 6. Consideration of Rezoning Request from R-1 to R-3, Lot 5, Block 1, Riverside Addition by John Sandberg. 7. Consideration of Ordinance Amendment regarding Salvage and/or Junkyards. 8. Consideration of Approval of Appraisals for Easements for 1978-1 Improve- ment Project. 9. Consideration ofAApproval of Taxi Cab License. 10. Consideration of Calling for a Sale of General Obligation Improvement Bonds to Finance 1978-1 Improvement Project. 11. Consideration of Soliciting Quotes for Shelving. 12. Consideration of Amending Policy for Processing Variance Requests on Certificates of Occupancy. 13. Consideration of Making an Offer on the House Located Behind City Hall. 14. Consideration of Granting More Time to Make Housing Code Repairs. 15. Consideration of Approval of Final Payment to Kenko, Inc. on 1977-2 Improvement Project. 16. Approval of Bills. 1; Approval of Minutes. 18. Consideration of Accepting Quotes on Chemical Treatment Equipment for Sewer Plant. 19. Discussion on Angle Parking Along Walnut Street. September 11, 197$ - Regular Meeting. Citizens Comments. 1. Acknowledgment of Petition for Improvements to Oakwood Industrial Park and Determination of Cut -Off Date for Filing Petitions for 1979 Improvements. 2. Consideration of Approval of Cost Allocation for Chemical Feed Equipment. 3. Consideration of Ordering Plans and Specifications for Balboul Estates. 4. Consideration of Angle Parking on Walnut Street between Broadway and River Streets. 5. Consideration of Preliminary Budget for 1979• 6. Approval of Minutes. 7. Discussion on Liquor Store Operation. 8. Consideration of Drive -way Opening Variance Request - Bill Fyle. 9. Consideration of Driveway approach for Dan Blonigen on '77-3 Improvement Project. September 25, 197$ - REGJLAR MEETING Citizens Comments. 1. Public Hearing for Proposed Assessments on Delinquent Accounts. 2. Public Hearing on Proposed 1979 Budget including Appropriation of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. 3. Consideration of the Award of Sale of $1,475,000 in General Obligation Improvement Bonds for the 1978-1 Improvement Project. 4. Consideration of Recommendations on Ellison Park. 5. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit for a Tri-plex Apartment House by Tom Chock. 6. Consideration of Approval of Subdivision of Land. 7. Consideration of Extension of Variance for River Meadows Apartments. g. Consideration of Improvement to Hart Boulevard. 9. Consideration of Resolution Relative to Initiating Eminent Domain Proceedings on Easements necessary for the 1978-1 Improvement Project. 10. Approval of Bills. 11. Approval of Minutes. 12. Miscellaneous. October 2, 1978 - Special Meeting - Public Hearing - Proposed Assessment Rolls for 1977-1 and 1977-2 Improvement Projects. October 10, 1978 - Regular Meeting Citizens Comments. 1. Public Hearing - Variance Request from Parking Lot Curb Barrier Requirements - Silver Fox Motel. 2. Public Hearing - Variance Request from Parking Lot Hard -surface Requirements - Mr. Bob Rasmussen. 3. Consideration of Approval of Plans and Specifications for Marvin George's Balboul Estates. 4. Consideration of 1978-79 Maintenance Agreements on County State Aid Highways. 5. Consideration of Sale of Off -Sale Liquor Store. 6. Consideration of Allocation of Funds for the Senior Citizens Center. 7. Consideration of Approval of a Certificate of Correction to Commercial Plaza 25. 8. Consideration of Approval of Plans and Specifications for Dundas Road in Oakwood Industrial Park. 9. Consideration of Variances on Curb -cut Openings for Viva Jean Abrahamson and Mike Merkle. 10. Consideration of Approval of Step II Grant Offer from State of Minnesota for Wastewater Treatment Plant. October 10, 1978 - Regular Mtg. (Continued) 11. Consideration of Extending Time Period for Mandatory Sewer Hook -Up for those Parcels Served on the 1975-1 Improvement Project. 12. Approval of Minutes - 9/25/78 and 10/2/78. 13. Consideration of Variance from Certificate of Occupancy Requirements - Wright County State Bank. 14. Quarterly Department Head Meeting. October 23, 1978 - Regular Meeting 1. Public Hearing - Consideration of Variance Request for Minimum Lot Size and Subdivision by Arne Kolbjornsen. 2. Public Hearing - Consideration of Variance Request of. Sideyard Setback Require- ments - Tadako Pratt. 3. Public Hearing for the Consideration of a Variance Request for an Off - Premise Sign - Electro Industries. 4. Consideration of Temporary Use Permit to Allow Light Manufacturing Within an R-2 Zone - Decorative Services. 5. Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development - Monticello I-94 Tri -Plaza. 6. Consideration of Rezoning and Conditional Use Permit for a 24 --Unit Apartment - Ken Krienke. 7. Consideration of an Ordinance Amendment to Allow Jewelry Stores as a Permitted Use within a B-3 Zone. 8. Consideration of Approval of Development Agreement with Oakwood Industrial Park Partnership Relative to Dundas Road. 9. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit for Ambulance Garage - Monticello - Big Lake Community Hospital. 10. Consideration of Allocation of Anti Recession Fiscal Assistance Funds. 11. Consideration of Ordinance Amendment Relative to the Use of Banners, Pennants and Similar Devices. 12. Consideration of Curb Barrier for Monticello City Maintenance Building. 13. Approval of Bills - October 1978. 14. Approval of Minutes - 10/10/78. 15. Consideration of Resolution Supporting City of Richfield Law Suit Contesting Compulsory Binding Arbitration Provisions. Miscellaneous - Schedule 11/8/78 as meeting for canvassing election returns. November 8, 1978 - Special Meeting Canvassing board to declare results of the City's election held November 7, 1978. November 13, 1978 - Regular Meeting 1. Consideration of Rezoning Request from R-1 to R-3 on Lot 5, Block 1, Riverside Addition - John Sandberg. 2. Consideration of Variance Request from Parking Lot Curb Barrier Requirements - Silver Fox Motel. 3. Consideration of Approving Surety Arrangements for Oakwood Industrial Park Partnership on the Improvement of Dundas Road. 4. Consideration of Policy Relative to Four -Fifths (4/5's) Voting Requirements. 5. Consideration of Variance for Off -Premise Sign - Electro Industries. 6. Report from Civil Defense Director - Doug Pitt. 7. Consideration of Adoption of 1976 Edition of Uniform Building Code. 8. Consideration of Requiring Registration for Rental Units in the City of Monticello. 9. Consideration of Extension of Time for a Portion of the 1978-1 Improvement Project. 10. Approval of Minutes - 10/23/78. 11. Miscellaneous - Special meeting to review salaries set for 11/30/78. One Council meeting scheduled for December. November 27, 1978 - Regular Meeting 1. Public Hearing - Consideration of Off -Street Parking Variances and Conditional Use Permit Request for Addition to Trinity Lutheran Church. 2. Public Hearing - Variance Request for an Addition to a Home in a B-4 Zone. 3. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance Request to Exceed 1,000 Square Foot Maximum on an Accessory Building. 4. Public Hearing - Variance Request for Off -Premise Sign for St. Peter's Lutheran Church. 5. Consideration of Subdivision of Mel Worth's Stor-A-Way Property. 6. Consideration of Contract for Police Service for 1979 with Wright County Sheriff's Department. 7. Consideration of Ordinance Amendment - On Street Parking. 8. Consideration of Final Payment to Arcon Construction on 1977-1 Improvement Project. 9. Consideration of Assigning Name to Park in Country Club Manor and Renaming Street. 10. Vacancy on H.R.A. Committee. 11. Approval of Bills - November 1978. 12. Approval of Minutes - 11/8/78 and 11/13/78. 13. Discussion of Old Senior Citizens Center Vacant Lot. November 30, 1978 - Special Meeting To set the City Personnel Salaries for 1979, excluding those under Union Contract. December 11, 1978 - Regular Meeting Citizens Comments. 1. Public Hearing on Consideration of Variance Request from Minimum Lot Size Standards and Consideration of Rezoning Request - Richard and Delores Guille. 2. Public Hearing for Consideration of a Variance Request to Exceed 1,000 Square Foot Maximum on Accessory Building - James Murray. 3. Public Hearing on Variance Request to Allow the Display on a Permanent Basis of Pennants by Monticello Ford, Inc. 4. Consideration of Public Hearing on Variance Request for Off -Premise Sign - St. Peter's Lutheran Church. 5. Public Hearing on Vacation of That Portion of Palm Street Lying South of Fourth Street. 6. Consideration of the Sale of the Former Senior Citizen Center Site. 7. Consideration of Approval of Authorizing OSM to Update City of Monticello's Base Map. 8. Consideration of Reduction of Retainer and Extension of Time on '77-3 Project. 9. Consideration of Approval of Transfers. 10. Consideration of Deeding East Half of Oak Street. 11. Approval of Minutes - 11/27/78 and 11/30/78. 12. Miscellaneous - Suggest to OAA Board that City Building Inspector do inspections in OAA area. Suggested adding additional lighting to liquor store. December 20, 1978 - Special Meeting 1. Consideration of PUD Development Stage Approval and Variance Request on Certificate of Occupancy - Vance's I-94 Amoco Station. 2. Public Hearing on the Consideration of a Sideyard Setback - Independent Lumber Company. 3. Approval of Bills - December 1978. 4. Certificate of Occupancy Variance Request -- Bob Mosford.