City Council Minutes Financial Recap 19781978 COUNCIL MEETING FINANCIAL RECAP
1/23/78 Public Officials Liability Insurance policy approved in the amount of
$1,000,000 per person, and $1,000,000 aggregate. Estimated premium would
be $1,235 annually.
Proposal was accepted by Patricia and James Pruesse for cleaning City
Hall at the rate of $180.00 per month.
2/13/78 Airport Study continued into Phase II. Phase II contract approved with
Ralph Burke & Associates for the original contract amount of $81500
plus an amended amount of an additional $1,200. FAA would fund 90%
of the $8,500, and the State Department of Transportation would fund
$0% of the $1,200. Since Buffalo and Maple Lake have dropped out of
the study, the City of Monticello would be solely responsible for the
remaining portions of the study for Phase II, or $1,090.
Ordinance adopted increasing Councilmember salaries to $100.00 per month,
and Mayor's salary to $125.00 per month effective January 1979.
3/13/78 Garbage disposal service contract was approved with Yonak Sanitation
at the rate of $2,750 per month with new residences added at the rate
of $3.50 per home per month. Contract to take effect April 1, 1978 and
expires March 31, 1981.
3/27/78 Building inspection fee schedule increased to 75% of the suggested State
fee schedule.
4/10/78 Change order with Henry 0. Mikkelson Company was approved in the amount
Of $3,300 for additional site work on the City Hall construction project.
4/24/78 Approval was given to the City Administrator to spend up to $8, o00 for
sod and landscaping of the City Hall.
Monthly maintenance allowance increased to Independent School District
#882 from $75.00 per month to $117.00 per month for increased space.
$2,125 was approved for the City's share of the joint recreation program
with Independent School District #882.
Contractawarded Arcon Constr on 77-3 Project for $2,495,253.50
5/$/7$ Change order approved with Arcon Construction in the amount of $38,672.45
to service Thomas Industrial Park.
Following bids were received on a single -axle dump truck:
Diesel Gasoline
Superior Ford -
Minneapolis, MN. $307660 $23,573
Monticello Ford -
Monticello, MN. $31,711 $24,801
Hoglund Bus Co.
Monticello, MN. $29,862.00 $23,004
Contract was awarded to Hoglund Bus and also included extra heavy-duty
tires for an additional $140.607 to make a total contract of $23,144.60.
6/12/78 Contract approved with International Union of Operating Engineers
Local #9 for City's union employees. Top rate starting April 1, 1978
would be $5.90 per hour, and on April 1, 1979, rate would go to $6.30
per hour. Contract would run from April 1, 1978 to March 31, 1980.
Final payment approved to Henry 0. Mikkelson & Company for general
construction of the City Hall. Included in the final payment approval
was a change order for a deduction of $441.00 for the unused portion
of the sign allowance.
6/26/78 Agreements were approved with the Burlington Northern Railroad to
widen the railroad crossing on Elm Street and Maple Street at a cost
of $12,300 and $5,100 respectively. This work would be part of the
1977-3 Street Improvement Project.
8/21/78 Northdale Construction Company was awarded the contract on the 1978-1
Improvement Project with the low bid of $1,054,450.
8/28/78 Public Hearing held on the proposed use of approximately $89,000 in
revenue sharing funds to be received in 1979•
Final payment approved to Kenco, Inc. on 1977-2 Improvement Project.
Final payment includes $4,867-14 of quantity extras over the original
contract amount, making a total contract of $1267$01.96.
Chemical Feed Equipment was awarded to the following firms:
Schedule A Grating & Others - awarded to Mac-In-Erny, Inc. for $5,800.78
Schedule B Chemical Feed Pumps - awarded to Lee Richert - for $1,810.00
& Accessories Plumbing & Heating
Schedule C Sampler & Accessories awarded to Lee Richert - for $5,320.00
Plumbing & Hearing
TOTAL ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,930-78
9/25/78 1979 Budget of $2,020.954 exclusive of construction funds approved for
1979. This Budget will necessitate a local levy of $847,734. In conjunc-
tion with the Budget, a hearing was held on the appropriation of Federal
Revenue Sharing Funds. It was decided that the estimated amount of
revenue sharing funds of $89,000 to be received in 1979 would be allocated
towards the City's portion of the expected $1,000,000 cost for upgrading
the wastewater treatment plant.
Sale was awarded to First National Bank of St. Paul for their low bid
on the sale of $1,175,000 in General Obligation Improvement Bonds for
the 1978-1 Improvement Project at an interest rate of 5.2590/o and the
net interest dollar cost was $4457179.38.
10/10/78 $780.00 earned by the members of the senior citizens center were allocated
towards the center for various improvements.
The City of Monticello accepted the Step II Grant offer from the State of
Minnesota for the wastewater treatment plant in the amount of $21,915
for �5% of the estimated Step II cost which is for the preparation of
plans and specs. Total cost of $166,100 would be split as follows:
10/10/78 (Continued)
State of Minnesota $24,915, Federal Funds $121,575, City's share $16,610.
10/23/78 $2,317 in Anti—Recession Funds received in 1978 were allocated towards
the cost of general administrative salaries.
11/27/7$ Contract approved with Wright County for law enforcement protection
from Wright County Sheriff's Department in the amount of $70,056 for
11/30/7$ Salaries for the following personnel were set for 1979:
Lynnea Gillham
Nancy Spivak
Judy Alcott
Rick Wolf steller
Gary Wieb er
Loren Klein
Dick Brooks
Walt Mack
Mark Irmiter
Mike Rajala
Karen Hanson
$4.80 per hour
$1.10 per hour
$3.75 per hour
$15,500 per year
$27,000 per year
$14,220 per year
$151000 per year
$15,000 per year
$17,000 per year
$177000 per year
$6,600 per year
1/10/78 Approval of potential site referred to in Phase I as combined site for
further study in Phase II of the Airport Feasibility Study.
1/23/78 Approval of purchase of public officials liability insurance in the
amount of $1,000,000 per person, and $1,000,000 aggregate.
2/13/78 Approved building permit for Silver Fox Motel to add 12 -units to the
existing 42 -unit Motel.
As a result of Maple Lake dropping out of the Study, approval was given
to study Site B rather than the combined site as the potential site in
Phase II of the Airport Study.
Uniform Housing Code adopted.
Ordinance adopted increasing councilmen's salary to $100.00 per month,
and Mayor's salary to $125.00 per month, commencing in 1979•
3/13/78 Garbage disposal service contract with Yonak Sanitation was renewed
in the amount of $2,750 per month.
Loren Klein hired as the full-time Building Inspector.
3/16/78 Plans and specifications approved for the 1977-3 Street Improvement Project.
1/10/78 Ordinance adopted prohibiting mailboxes other than for U.S. Postal
Service within the street right-of-way.
City Hall dedication and open house of all facilities was set for
June 4, 1978.
4/24/78 Contract awarded on 1977-3 Street Improvement Project to Arcon Construction
Company of Mora, Minnesota, for $274959253-50.
5/8/78 Adoption of comprehensive plan along with various zoning changes resulting
Bid awarded to Hoglund Bus Co. for a gasoline dumptruck for $23,144.60.
6/12/78 Assessment policy adopted.
Contract ratified with International Union of Operating Engineers
Local ,-#49. Actual contract starts April 1, 1978 and runs through
March 31, 19$0. Wage scale will be $5.90 per hour from April 1, 1978
to April 1, 1979, and at that time the rate will go to $6.30 per hour.
8/11/78 Airport Feasibility Study presented by Ralph Burke & Associates on
Site B was accepted and additionally, it was decided not to pursue any
further study of an airport on Site B.
8/21/78 Northdale Construction Company was awarded the contract as a result of
submitting the low bid on the 1978-1 Improvement Project. Amount of
contract was $1,054,450-00-
9/25/78 Budget for 1979 approved in the amount of $2,020,954 exclusive of
construction funds, and also this amount would necessitate a local levy
of $847,734.
$1,175,000 in General Obligation Improvement Bonds for the 1978-1
Improvement Project were awarded to First National Bank of St. Paul
at an interest rate of 5.259.
11/$/7$ Canvass Board was held relative to the November 7, 1978 election.
Arve Grimsmo was declared Mayor, and Frances Fair and Philip White
were declared winners of the Councilmember race.
11/27/7$ Contract for law enforcement protection signed with the Wright County
Sheriff's Department at a rate of $10.50 per hour, or a total of
$70,056 for 1979•
11/30/78 Salaries set for all non-union City employees for 1979•