HRA Agenda 05-02-2007 . . . AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, May 2, 2007 - 6:00 p.m. Bridge Room - Community Center Commissioners: Chair Brad Barger, Vice Chair Steve Andrews, Darrin Lahr, Dan Frie, and Bill Fair. Council Liaison: Wayne Mayer. Staff: Rick Wolfsteller, Ollie Koropchak, and Angela Shumann. Guest: Mike Cyr, MLC Building and Remolding, Inc. 1. Call to Order. 2. Consideration to approve the April 11 , 2007 HRA minutes. 3. Consideration of adding or removing items from the agenda. 4. Consent Agenda. 5 Consideration to discuss the presentation on the Cedar Street Garden Center for possible acquisition and to take action accordingly. 6. Consideration of a request from Lyle Trunnell for HRA purchase of residential property. 7. Consideration of a request for advancement of the pay-as-you-go finance method associated with TIP District No. 1-29 (Front Porch.) 8. Consideration to authorize payment ofHRA bills. 9. Consideration ofHRA Executive Report. 10. Committee Reports: Marketing Fiber Optics 11. Next regular HRA meeting - Wednesday, June 6, 2007. 12. Adjournment. . . . BRA Agenda - 05/02/07 5. Consideration to discuss the Dresentation on the Cedar Street Garden Center for possible aCQuisition and to take action accordinl!lv. A. Reference and back~round: At the HRA meeting of April 11, 2007, the commissioners heard a presentation requesting the HRA to consider purchase of the Cedar Street Garden Center located at 201 East Broadway. The 1.12 acre (48,787 sq ft) site includes a 6,494 sq ft building. Zach Adams, Wright- Sherburne Realty, presenting on behalf ofthe seller, Leslie Delisi, noted he had spoken with Chuck Van Heel, Allied Properties, of their interest to purchase the said site. Van Heel indicated the timing wasn't right. Given the long term goals and interest by the HRA to redevelop the river front, the item appeared before the commissioners. According to the owner, the East Broadway traffic is in transition since the opening of the new easterly interchange and the big box retailers. The asking price is $459,900. The commissioners inquired of the owner's interest to lease back the property. The nature of the garden center business has changed with the opening of the Home Depot and Wal-mart. Would prefer buyout or lease back for a short time only. The HRA commissioners made a motion to table for further research until the May 2nd meeting. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: In August 2006, the asking price for the Garden Center was $690,000.00. September 2006, the HRA offered two property owners on Block 52, $13.31 per sq ft (highest commercial land value) plus 15% or $15.3065 per sq. ft. Later, the HRA raised the offer to $17.50 per sq. ft. with some flexible terms. Should the HRA wish to use that same rational, the Garden Center offer at $17.50 per sq ft. x 48,787.2 = $853,776. Using $15.3065 is $746,761.12. Their asking price in April was $459,900 or $9.4266 per sq. ft. Potential funding source. TIF 1-22 Net today: $299,864, TIP 1-22 projections over life of district (2024) by Ehlers: $1.4 million available from 20% pooling rule for use within the project area but must be used for redevelopment purposes. Since the district is established no need for redevelopment inspection. The parcels are within the four-year knock down rule. However, should the HRA want to demolish the building and in the future wish to remove the parcels from District No. 1-22 for the purpose of creating a new redevelopment district to maximize the tax increment, then the HRA should consider an inspection of the parcel for qualifying as substandard and request Council to a adopt of resolution ofmemorialization: More of less stating that the parcels was certified substandard prior to demolition for the intent of a I . HRA Agenda - 05/02/07 future new redevelopment district. Although an appraisal is not required of the HRA, should other funding agencies such as community block grant become a part of future funding, an appraisal may be required. Additionally, it's a good backup if someone ask. B. Alternative Action: 1. Motion to authorize an appraisal for the Cedar Street Garden Center. , terms as defined, to draft a 2. Motion to make an offer in the amount of $ subject to no relocation costs and authorize purchase offer. 3. Motion of no interest in the property. 4. Motion of wait and see until Comprehensive Plan Update completed. . c. Recommendation: Certainly the asking price per square foot is less than the offer price of $17.50 for the Block 52 properties; however, Block 52 is one of the four blocks at the intersection of Highway 25 and Broadway and key to the redevelopment of downtown. Previously, the HRA has obtained an appraisal prior to purchase of property (Carlson, O'Connor, etc.) Because of the auction, no appraisal was obtained for the eight-plex on WalnutlRiver Street. Is this site the best use of TIF District 1-22 pooling dollars? Do you see this site along East Broadway with no river exposure as a crucial site for redevelopment of downtown? Should the HRA be interested in proceeding with the purchase of this site, the Executive Director and Finance Director recommend Alterative No. 1. D. SUDDortinl! Data: Maps, real estate info, and tax info. . 2 4/1112007 201 E Broadway St, Monticello, MN 55362-9317 Customer Full Report, Commercial/Mixed Use, MLS#: 3348975 . J1i~k.tt~. "'~ 1I.....ill.. Mal'Poinf <<" , Status: Active List Price: $459,900 ",,,,. ~ ~St "25. ~~ .f~ ....... :S .~. -5l' /rt rl20 1 Brria~~ay E -"""'0 iI' , ~ ~ ~ '<<I J9 !It '" 1!fJ' .." '" ... 2S '" J J" J:" .'it , ~1f).5l'e Map Page: 31 Map Coord: 02 Directions: 94 to Hwy 25 North, East on Braodway to Garden Center on Left , ~' " 7th$l:E =- c" '~CoIp~06N~'ITl!Q""I<<Tllelll's,~, MLS Area: 341 - Wright County (Except Buffalo) CMU Style: IndustrialJWarehouse, Other, Retail/Shopping Center Current Use: Commercial Canst Status: Previously Owned Total Units: 1 Foundation Size: Building Finished SqFt: 6,494 6,494 Year Built: Acres: Lot Dimen: 1970 1.12 see plat TAX INFORMATION Property 10: T155010067010 Tax Year: 2007 Tax Amt: 14,963.00 Assess Bal: 0.00 Tax w/assess: 14,963.00 Assess Pend: No Homestead: No General Property Information Legal Description: Lenghty County: WRIG - Wright School District: 882 - Monticello, 763-271-0300 Complex/Dev/Sub: __at Description: ~oad Frontage: Zoning: Accessibility: LakelWaterfront: Owner is an Agen!?: Public Remar1<s: Business/Commercial None Owner Occupied: Yes Lake Name: No 1.12 acres of prime commercial land on high traffic mainstreet, sale price includes land and buildings, 6494 sq ft building currently used as garden retail center. great location for possible redevelopment, traffic counts are high w/ great frontagel Structure Information Heat: Fuel: AirCnd: Garage Stalls: Other Par1<ing: Par1<ing Char. Utilities: Miscellaneous: Sale Includes: Appliances: No. 01 Ranges: No. 01 Refrig: Basement Pool: Shared Rooms: .AmenitieS-Shared: Amenities-Unit: Forced Air Natural Gas Wood 0.00 o Other Exterior: Fencing: Root Water: Sewer: City Water - Connected City Sewer. Connected Building, Land Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed. @2007 Regional MLS of Minn., Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 1012 ~ ." . / . ~ / I ~ -/;}~/ '/13/ ~ .. / /~ / '/ 12 , . / I /':-;';-'. / : .. I,' -/r,>=:7, / .~ /2.13/. / "';;(/\-'::~ ~ 4. ,/1 . r 1- r / . ..~ .. '1,/ ~~.',~ /7 / ~~ ~~ ~ ' ~t.)~' / 8 9/ /,;:,' I 11/0 ~l >:IJ~}. /l' , ~ />0): ".~ ~ ~ , , \: ~ r fit ~ t. ~ ~ P / ~ P <! ~a J.. I~IO_ I { Plat Map ) , . . . Cedar Street Garden Center 165' "' '" '" t:l ~ i - - ~ '" OJ !!! -0- i'l) -"lJ- 0 0:: ~ I ~ ~ . 90' I i:> ~ I .. .. . , '" 1 ~ ~ -0 en (jj S o-l H Po< i:5 '" H lil ~ . . , J '" OJ ., (; (0 '" i'l) ~ " :g '" (0 0- ~ . . I I Cedar Street , I ! ., o Iii i-- 0> '" "' '" Wright County )) Property Search )) Page 1 of 1 -rJr 11/riglit County/ 5Y:K HomJ; >> l'rilPertv. Enviro_l1w->;!)t & Parks >>PxQJ>S'J!Y >>PJ.9Jle.rt"S.e.~r~h>> Results List>> Parcel Data Property Search View Parcel Parcel Data The property itiformation database is updated daily. Last updated:4/25/2007 I Parcel Data I Property ID: 155-010-067010 Tax Year: 2007 II New Search Tax Summary T ax Statement Assessment Appraisal Sales Detail Property Address: 201 BROADWAY E MONTICELLO MN 55362 Municipality: CITY OF MONTICELLO School Dist: 0882- MONTICELLO Owner Name: (CONTRACT FOR DEED) ANTHONY P & LESLIE DELISI %DELISI INC 20lBROADWAYE MONTICELLO MN 55362 Taxpayer Name & Address: DELISI, INC PO BOX 746 MONTICELLO MN 55362-0746 Lot: Block: Section: 11 Township: 121 Range: 025 Plat Name: ORIGINAL PLAT . Deeded Acre: 0 Legal Description: LOTS 1,2,3,4&5 BLK B New Search :: Parcel Data:: Tax Summary :: Tax Statement:: Assessment:: Appraisal :: Sales Detail As a public service Wright County is providing access to information maintained by Wright County for individual parcels of property. This information is to be used for reference purposes only. Although reasonable efforts are taken to publish the most current property information, Wright County does not guarantee accuracy ofthe material contained herein and is not responsible for misuse or misinterpretations. HOME PAGE I YOUR COUNTY GOVERNMENT I HEALTH FINANCIAL & SOCIAL SERVICES I PUBLIC SAFETY LAW & LEGAL !JQENSES & CERTIFICATES I PRQPo.RH ENVIRONMENT & PARKS I HIGHWAY MANAGEMENT & TRANSPORTATION SALARY DATA NOTIFICATION I SEARCH I ~ I SITE MAP I GOVERNMENT PORTAL I EMAIL @2006 Wright County All Rights Reserved Contact the Webmaster . http://www.co.wright.mn.us/departmentlaudtreas/proptaxlresults.asp?pid= 1550 10067010&... 4/25/2007 Wright County >> Property Search >> Page 1 of 1 -III' . . Wright Countyj !M:K HQ!D~)) f!1m_~r!Y,-E_1JyirQnm~t ~Park~ >) EIQPJ~rty)) P.r.QP-e_[t~~_~h )) Results List)> Assessment Summary Property Search View Parcel Assessment Summary The property information database is updated daily. Last updated:4/25/2007 I Assessment I Property ID: 155-010-067010 Tax Year: 200711 New Search T ax Summary Sales DetaIl T ax statement AppraIsal Parcel Data Values 1 2 II 3 II 4 II 5 Estimated Land Market 217,600 Estimated Building 134,100 Market Estimated Machinery 0 Market Excluded Market 0 Total Estimated Market 351,700 Land Limited 0 Building Limited 0 Total Limited 0 Classifications COMM Property Type LAND & BLDGS Homestead Statns NON- HOMESTEAD Exempt Status Not Exempt New Sl~arch :: f.<!r<;el Data:: Ta)(S\lIllmill)':: ImLStatem_el1.t :: Assessment:: Appraisal:: S.ales Detail As a public service Wright County is providing access to information maintained by Wright County for individual parcels of property. This information is to be used for reference purposes only. Although reasonable efforts are taken to publish the most current property information, Wright County does not guarantee accuracy of the material contained herein and is not responsible for misuse or misinterpretations. ~QME_PAc:Jl; I YOUR COUNTY GOVERNMENT I HEALTH FINANCIAL & SOCIAL SERVICES I PUBLIC SAFETY LAW & LEGAL LICENSES & CERTIFICATES I PROPERTY ENVIRONMENT 1< PARKS I HIGHWAY MANAGEMENT & TRANSPORTATION SALARY DATA NOTIFICATION I SEARCH I FAQ'S I ,SITE MAP I GOVERNMENT PORTAL I EMAIL @2006 Wright County All Rights Reserved Contact the Webmaster http://www.co.wright.mn.us/department/audtreas/proptax/results.asp?pid= 1550 100670 I 0&... 4/25/2007 Wright County >> Property Search >> Page 1 of 1 .dr . . 'Wriglit COUflty~ !M!J{ Home >> Prooerty,Enviroranmt& J'arks >> J'fQJ1l'Xty >> Property~e~x<;h >> Results List >> Tax Summary Property Search View Parcel Tax Summary The property information database is updated daily. Last updated:4/25/2007 ITax summaryl Property In: 155-010-067010 Tax Year: 2007;1 Sales Detail New Search Tax statement Assessment Appraisal Parcel Data Taxable Market Value 351,700 Total Improvement Amount 0 Tax Capacity Amount 6,284 Green Acres? No Total Net Tax 9,542.47 Total Specials 2,067.53 Total Gross Tax 11,610.00 Total Adjustments 0.00 Penalty Collected 0.00 Interest Collected 0.00 Tax Collected 1st Half 0.00 Tax Collected 2nd Half 0.00 Special Assessments Collected 0.00 Total Amount Uupaid 11,610.00. Prior Years Unpaid? Yes . The Total Amount Unpaid docs not include late payment penalties. [fyou are paying after the due date, call 763- 682-7572 or 763-682-7573 to acquire the total amount due. Late payments received without the penalty will be flrst applied to the penalty owed, leaving a tax amount due. Ns;w SS;llrch:: Parcel Datll :: Tax Summary:: Tax Statement :: Assessment :: Appraisal :: Sales Detail As a public service Wright County is providing access to information maintained by Wright County for individual parcels of property. This information is to be used for reference purposes only. Although reasonable efforts are taken to publish the most current property information, Wright County does not guarantee accuracy of the material contained herein and is not responsible for misuse or misinterpretations. HOME PAGE I YOUR COUNTY GOVERNMENT I HEALTH FINANCIAL & SOCIAL SERVICES I PUBLIC SAFETY LAW & LEGAL LICENSES & CERTIFICATES I PROPERTY ENVIRONMENT & PARKS. I HIGHWAY MANAGEMENT & TRANSPORTATION SALARY DATA NOTIFICATION I SEARCH I Ef',Q'S I SITE MAE I GOVERNMENT PORTAL I EMAIL @ 2006 Wright County All Rights Reserved Contact the Webl]1aster http://www.co.wright.mn.us/departmentlaudtreas/proptaxlresuIts.asp?pid= 1550 1 00670 1 0&... 4/25/2007 . BRA Agenda - 05/02/07 6. Consideration of a reauest from Lvle Trunnell for the BRA to purchase a residential property. A. Reference and backlrround: Mr. Lyle Trunnell is requesting the HRA consider purchase of his property located at 301 East Broadway. In 2006, Mr. Trunnell had inquired about the Transformation Home Loan program offered by the HRA. In 2007, he again inquired about the Home Loan program and then returned requesting the HRA consider purchase of his residential parcel and provided a copy of his 2007 Tax Statement. Given the current housing real estate market combined with the older housing stock in the core city, the HRA may be approached more often as a means of being a potential buyer. B. Alternative Actions: 1. Motion to authorize an appraisal of the property. . 2. Motion to consider making an purchase offer. 3. Motion of no interest to purchase. 4. Motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: The Executive Director and Finance Director recommend Alternative No.3 as the HRA has no plan for redevelopment ofthe area or block, we support the transformation home loan program, and the HRA is not flush with readily available cash. D. SUDPortiUl! Data: Tax Statement and map. . I . 21404 LYLE S TRUNNELL 301 BROADWAY E PO BOX B62 MONTICELLO MN 55362-0662 1,1,1"1,1",11"11",,1,111,,.1,,1,,11,,,,1,1,11,,"1,1.1,1,1 ~.,.v 0' ~.,~ ,.~\ !..~;t : "_0 ." 4Y 78S6 C54 20233 21122 21404 PARCEL IDENTlFICA nON NO, R155-015-005090 DESC Sect-II Twp-121 Range-025 LOWER MONTICELLO Lot-009 Block-005 LOTS 9 & 10 BLK 5 'New ImprovementsJ Expired ExcitJslons: Estimated Markat Value: Taxabla Market Value: Property Class: 1. Use this amount on Form M1PR 10 see if you're eligible for a property tax refund. File by August 15. If Box is checked, you owe delinquent taxes and aranot eligible . 2 Use this amount for the special properly tax refund onsc~~le 1 of Form M1PR Your property tax and how it Is reduced by the State of Mlnne~ta 3. Your properly lax before reduction by stale-paid aids and crEidits. 4. Aid paid by the Stale of Minnesota 10 reduce your property tax_ 5 Credits paid by lhe Slale of Mirmesolalo reduce you(property tax A. Homestead and Agritultural Credits_ 8. Other Credils. 6. Your property lax after reduction by stale-paid aids and credits. Where Your Property Tax Dollars Go 7 County WRIGHT COUNTY o $ $ $ MONTICELLO CITY OF 8 City or Town 9 Stale General Tax ... School DIStrict 0882 .Speclal Taxing Districts A_ Voter approved levies Bother localleYies. A HOSPITAL DISTRICT B C D 12 Nan-school valer awroved referenda levies 13. Total properly !axes before special assessmenls 14 Special Ass,",smen15 added 10 the properly lax bill: PRINCIPAL $ 22.00 CO SW DEBT 86000-0 22.00 15. YOUR TOTAL PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. $ Taxes of $50.00 or less must be paid in full. H you pay your taxes late, you will be charged a penal!}-, See back for rate. Pay this amount no later than: Pay this amount no later than: ROBERT J. HIIVALA WRIGHT COUNTY AUDlTORffREASURER to SECOND STREET NW., ROOM 230 BUFFALO, MN 55313-1195 763-682-7572 or 763-684-4540 www.co.wright.mn.us 2006 114,100 114,100 RES. HSTD 1,064.00 2,899.56 1,555.85 289~11 0,00 1,064.00 291.09 0.00 451 A5 . ,0.00 201.00 81.51 20.89 D.OO 0.00 D.OD 0.00 1,064.00 :z4.00 1,088.00 MAY 15 OCTOBER 15 You may be eligible for one or even two refunds to reduce your property tax. Read the back of this statement to find out how to apply. 2007 120,400 120,400 RES. HsTO $ $ 2,1~1,8:j 1,429.Sf 264.04 0.00 1,008.00 $ . 289.11 . ..0.00 398.26 0.00/\/ ;- . 189.24.,,'. 104.11 21.89 0.00.. . .0.00 D.OO 0.00 1.008.00 , 22.00. $ $ $ $ 1,030.00. 515.00 515.00 Detach and return this stub with your 2nd half payment 2007 2nd HALF PAYABLE OCTOBER 15 Property 1.0.: R 155.()15.()0509D RES. HSTD RE TAX Detach and return this stub with your 1st hair payment 2007 1st HALF PAYABLE MAY 15 Property 1.0.: R 155.()15.()05090 RES. HSTD RE TAX 1011 21404 TAX BILL# 21122 1011 21404 TAX BILL# 21122 SECOND HAlF TAX AMY LYLE S TRUNNELL LYLE S TRUNNELL $ 515.00 . PLEASE iNDiCATE ADDRESS CHANGE ABOVE PEN PLEASE INDlCATE ADDRESS CHANGE ABOVE TOTAL MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO: Robert J. Hiivala AuditorlTreasurer WrightCouTlty lO Second Sc NW.. Room 230 Buffalo, MN S53lJ-1l95 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MA(L TO: Rohert J. Hiivala Auditor/Treasurer Wright County 10 Second 51. N.W_. Room 230 Buffalo,MN55313-1195 $ FUll TAXAMT 1,030.00 FIR5THALFTAXAMT $ 515.00 PEN TOTAL ,,~ ~. .,,~ ~._. r '~L,,_ D '~"._M.' v,u,. __",..".., ..h..o_' ;, ".." ....'-.;." n,;, ~ecei"", .,,;d;f ,.""", i< nnl MnMI'rl :-/0 Re"eilll Sent IJnlo:-"" Reuuested Your cancelled ~!Yeck i, yOur receipt. Thi! RCI.'Cipl i~ void ,i ~hed; i~ not rumored Page 1 of 1 Ollie Koropchak From: Greg Hayes [ghayes@shingobee.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 3:20 PM To: Ollie.koropchak@monticelloland.com Subject: Redevelopment Attachments: CornerBldg_pro.jpg; Cornerstone St Michael Computer Image 051906.pdf; the Cornerstone SITE PLAN 060324.pdf Ollie, Nice to see you again today. From our discussion I am sending you some images of our St. Michael project. I will also be sending you a hard copy set with additional information in the mail. I'll look forward to your call updating me on how the initial information was received by the HRA. Greg Hayes Vice President Shingobee Real Estate Services phaves(a~shinoobee.com 763-479-5636 5/2/2007 ~, ~ t acs , 1 ~, . . . BRA Agenda - 05/02/07 7. Consideration of a request for advancement of the nav-as-vou-l!O fmancinl! method associated with TIF District No. 1-29 (Front Porch.) A. Reference and backl!round: Mike Cyr, Front Porch Associates, Inc., developer of Vine Place, is requesting the HRA consider an advancement of the pay-as-you-go note. As you recall, the Contract for Private Development was assigned to First National Bank of Elk River; therefore, the semi-annual reimbursement payments are paid to the Bank. The total amount ofland acquisition and site improvement costs for reimbursement per the Contract is $220,000 at 7.25% interest. Payments from 80% of the tax increment received from the County through 2029. As of December 31, 2005, no principal amount, only interest, had been reimbursed by the HRA to the Bank. The District balance as of December 31, 2006 is approximately $22,000. It was pointed out by Mr. Cyr that within the Contract on page 8: The Authority may prepay all or part of the Land Acquisition and Site Improvement Costs at any time. Per the Contract, the developer was to complete the total of eighteen townhouses within the TIF District by December 31,2004. This was accomplished March of2005. Additionally, the Contract states that an additional eight townhouses (outside the TIF District but within the project area) must be completed by December 31, 2007. Of the additional eight townhouses, a certificate of occupancy have been issued on four of the eight townhouses by the Building Department. This clause assured the HRA that the entire redevelopment project area would be developed and on the city tax role; although, tax increment is generated only from within the boundaries of the TIF District. Mr. Cyr will attend the HRA meeting to further explain his request and rational. It is my understanding, his request is for an advanced payment of $60,000 as a bridge loan to First National Bank of Elk River. His request is for an advancement on the interest and not the principal amount. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to advance the pay-as-you-go note in the amount of $ First National Bank of Elk River. to 2. A motion to deny advancement of the pay-as-you-go note to First National Bank of Elk River. 3. A motion to table action for further research. 1 . HRA Agenda - 05/02/07 C. Recommendation: The Executive Director and Finance Director recognize the down-turn in the housing market especially the townhouse market and that Mr. Cyr is a quality builder; however, we do recommend the HRA advance funds because the purpose of the HRA is not the banking business, lack of security (no Assessment Agreement, would be difficult to obtain from owner- occupied homeowners), completion date of all townhouses with the TIF project area appear will not be satisfied, and the HRA is not flush with available cash for advancement. This is a qualified Housing District which means there is no pooling restrictions but must be used for affordable housing. Recommendation Alternative No.2. D. SUDDortinl! Data: Letter of February 2005. . . 2 February 17,2005 MONTICELLO Front Porch Associates, L TD Attn: Mike Cyr P.O. Box 1338 Monticello, fvrN 55362 Re: Contract for Private Development by and among Front Porch Associates, L TD, Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, and City of Monticello, Minnesota. To Whom It May Concern: . On May I, 2002, the Contract for Private Development was entered into among the above said parties. \Vithin the Contract, the Developer agreed to complete the construction of the minimLlm improvements for a total of eighteen townhouses on the Development Property (TIF Housing District) by no later than December 3 J, 2004. As on this date, the Developer has been furnished a Certification of Completion for each of the seventeen townhOllses completed. It is my understanding, the eighteenth townhouse will be completed with the closing scheduled for the end of March 2005. The Developer should be commended for his timeliness in completion of the minimum improvements within the Development Property and satisfying the qualifications for a TIF Housing District. Also per the Contract, the Developer agreed to complete the construction of the minimum improvements for an additional eight townhouses on the Adjacent Property (outside TIF District but within project area) by no later than December 31,2007. The Authority encourages the Developer to continue his good works and to complete the additional eight townhouses on the Adjacent Property on a timely basis. Should you have any further questions relative to the construction progress of Vine Place, please call me at 763-271-3208. Sincerely, HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO CJ~ \<(0) () (iJ) ~.~ Ollic Koropchak Executive Director . c: TIF District No. 1-29 File ~-'---------'---'-"'---~-'--'-'--'-'-~-------"-"-'~------ ----- -------~~~-----.-.__._--------- -----_.._---~.__..._----_.._,.._~--- Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Strect, Suite J, Monticello, MN 55362-R83I . (763) 295-271 ] . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362. (763) 295-3170. Fax: (763) 271-3272 . . . 8. Consideration to authorize oavment of 8RA bills. Recommendation is to authorize payment of bills. 1 8RA Agenda - 05/02/07 CONROY LAW Stephen R. Conroy Attorney at Law CLIENT NAME: HRA c/o Ollie Koropchak ADDRESS: City of Monticello BILLING PERIOD: DATE 4/10/2007 r~ u ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ a `~1 261 East Broadway P.O. Box 999 Monticello, MN 55362 (763)245-6667 Telephone (763)295-6666 Fax Email: conroylaw@tds.net HOURS 0.2 TOTAL HOURS: 0.2 0.2 Hours times $150.00 per hour = $ 30.00 Amount owed from March Billing: $ 45.00 Less retainer (if applicable): $ 0.00 Payment received: $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Miscellaneous: $ 0.00 Interest $ 0.23 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $ 75.23 Please remit payment by May 12, 2007. Make check or money order payable to "Stephen R. Conroy, Attorney" and remit to P.O. Bax 999, Monticello, MN 55362 PLEASE CHARGE MY VISA OR MASTERCARD ACCOUNT ACCOUNT # EXPIRATION DATE ti~ °~r~ ~j PRINTED NAME _ __ SIGNATURE OFFICE, Ltd. 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 April-07 ACTIVITY Call from Froslie; E-mail to Ollie ~ ~ ~ ~~ , ~~ ~ ~~ Payable to: MONTICELLO TIMES PO BOX 420 E RIVER STREET NTICELLO MN 55362 (763) 295-3131 Fax(763) 295-3080 Advertising INVOICE CITY OF MONTICELLO Amount Paid: ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 Comments: MONTICELLO MN 55362 Ad #: 721072 Take Note: if you pay from this individual ad invoice, be careful not to double pay from the month-end statement. Please Retum Upper Portion W(th Pa mant rsi ~, ~. 01 ,~'qat~ ~, 42fi3i1dFI d_ g .. 4/12/07 721072 PHN TIF DIST W/ MAP 3X 7.2 1 LEG OLLI~ KOROPCHAK 21.75 333.21 333.21 333.21 04/12 MTI/MO • ~ ~~ ,5~~~,~~ ~` ~ OK TO PAY ~ r[~ ~ ~ ~ C~ ~ Cody: ~ ~ 3 , ~ ~, ~ 1 O ~ _,~~ _ ~.~ 1 I ._ __ _ __. __ ___.. ~ ,.... _; 0.001 0.00 ~ 0.00 ~ 0.00 ~ ( 333.21 NI~NTICELLO TIMES (763) 295-3131 • UNAPPLIED AMOUNTS ARE INCLUDED IN TOTAL AMOUNT DUE MONTICELLO TIMES _ox 420 RIVER STREET TICELLO MN S5362 (763) 295-3131 007 134.05 N/A N/A N/A N/A Fax(763) 295-3080 Advertising Invoice and Statement 1 03/29/07 133 mcarl. 133 CITY OF MONTICELLO ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 Amount Paid: .~ 'Tmments: \...- . PHN LAND SALE OLLIE KOROPCHAK 03/29 MTI/MO 134.05 134.05 . OK TO PA ? Code: Initial: ~ Ol/,t. \..\ It S \.l,~\: ~. _-6,\ ~s~o Statement of Account . Aging of Past Due Amounts ~A IN/A I N/A MONTICELLO TIMES (763) 295-3131 Due..AJ.pon receipt I N/A I; 134.05 963183 . UNAPPUED AMOUNTS ARE INCLUDED IN TOTAL AMOUNT DUE ~-~~ Foods, lnc. REFERENCE INVOICE DATE GROSS AMOUNT DISCOUNT NET AMOUNT 040? 4/13/07 6,367.56 .00 6,367.56 • pp (~ (, ~ ~1l~lc U APA 2 3 ~7 CITY OF IUIa~1TICELLQ CIiY OF 32650 K NUMBER TOTALS ~- 6 ; 3 ~? . 5 6 00 6 , 3 67.:' S ~ ,, i .• , _.-. .- ~ ~ W6iis Fdrgo Banl~ Minnesota Na n 13765 83Rd Way O Q ~ ~~ ~ 4~ ` ~ ~ Foods, /nc. Maple Grove, MN 55369 75-166?J910 12450 FERNBROOK LANE, gAYTON, MINNESOTA 55327-9765 263/421-54$1 • 800/383-6549 CHECK DATE CHECK NO. 4/19/07 32650 SIX THOUSAND THREE-HUNDRED SIXTY--SEVEN AND 56/100 DOLLARS A~ THE ORDER OF CHECK AMOUNT $*~****6,367.56 (-CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT STREET SUITE 1 -~ ~MONTIGELLO, MN~~55362 U.S.A. - •.. II'03 2650u' ~:09 10000 L9~: 84959 L66 L4~i' t . ~, ~ ~ " . . . HRA Agenda - 05/02/07 9. Executive Director's ReDort: a) Merger ofHRA and EDA - I believe some of you may have been contacted by the City Administrator for input about the potential to merge the two authorities. This was the reason the EDA did not advertise and the Council did not appoint an EDA commissioner to fill the vacancy created by Wojchouski. The Council appoints commissioners at the first Council meeting each January. The Council will be asked to authorize the merger and authorize hiring Kennedy & Graven to guide the process and prepare the necessary documents. This was tentatively scheduled for the Council meeting of April 23, 2007, but was removed. If the Council wishes to merge the two authorities, the question then becomes which authority prevails. The make-up of the commissioners and the numbers of commissioners will be designated in the new Bylaws since there are options within the Statutes. I have talked to Attorney Bubul on the process and can inform you at the EDA meeting if interested. b) Feasibility Study - The Marketing Subcommittee partnered with St. Cloud State University (SCSU) and the Small Business Development Center to complete a feasibility study to identify the current assets and shortcomings of Monticello as a potential location for a life science industrial park. The committee met with the SCSU students in January to define the context of the study. On Monday, April 30, some of the committee members and the Mayor will hear the results based on the research completed by the students. Kleinwachter, Frie, Barger, Tomann, Dahl-Fleming, Herbst, and myself plan to attend. Schumann may join us at the center. c) Washburn Computer Group - I need to contact this company who purchased the Clow Stamping building to set up a tour. d) Walker In-Store - A new TIF District is being created for this company. The company plans to purchase a city-owned site along Dalton Court and construct a 10,240 sq ft facility. The Albertville company will employ II people at an average wage-level of $18.81 per hour without benefits. The developer has agreed to accept the quick claim deed from the HRA so the execution copy of the contract should be ready for signatures soon. Only need to determine completion date of construction for minimum improvements and no later than date for closing. Council approved the TIF Plan and other items on April 23. e) Annual Business Subsidy Reports - The annual reports due to the State of Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development were due April 1. As you recall within the Business Subsidy Agreement, a company agrees to create a certain number of job and wage-level goals commencing from the benefit date. Should they not comply, remedies are also outlined in the agreement. Monticello has a rich history of companies meeting their goals. t) Manufacturing/industrial leads have been slow - good time to work on economic development goals. I . . . BRA Agenda - 05/02/07 g) Karlsburger - Attached is the letter requesting the developer to submit the "administrative costs" shortfall in the amount of$6,367.56. At this point, the shortfall has not been received. The HRA will receive an invitation to their "welcome tour" scheduled for Thursday, May 10, 3:30 p.m. Froslie property - Copy of email to Conroy given the HRA decision of April 11. h) 2 "I / /1 ;! 1 " .( '_ ,I April 12, 2007 :</"A';>,- "/y-/ /" ','''1'1\1 ., ,{\,<, \L jf '1,",' MONTICELLO Mr. Mike Maher SL Real Estate Holdings, LLC 3236 Chelsea Road West Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Certificate of Completion and Administrative Costs Shortfall. Dear Mr. Maher: This letter addresses three sections of the Purchase and Redevelopment Contract dated April 12 , 2006, between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) in and for the City of Monticello and SL Real Estate Holdings, LLC. . Per the Contract, ARTICLE rv, the Redeveloper must substantially complete construction of the minimum improvements by March I, 2007, and the construction of the minimum improvements shall be deemed to be substantially completed when the Redeveloper has received a certificate of occupancy issued by the City of Monticello for the minimum improvements. The Building Department issued a certificate of occupancy on February 26, 2007. Although the Certificate of Completion is issued in accordance with the Contract, please note that the landscaping, irrigation system and some site work have not been completed per the approved Plans and the Otter Creek Declaration of Covenants. This is recognized as an unavoidable delay - seasonal construction period. The original Certificate of Completion is being recorded at the Office of the Recorder of Wright County by the staff of the Authority. Secondly, per the Contract, Section 3.9, the Redeveloper is obligated to pay such administrative costs shortfall within 15 days after receipt of a written notice from the Authority containing evidence of unpaid costs. Attached are copies of invoices from Ehlers & Associates and Kennedy & Graven and a summary of the administrative costs. Please note the application of the $10,000 deposit and the subtraction of certain non-applicable legal charges. Therefore as of April 12, 2007, the administrative cost shortfall is $6,367.56. Please remit this amount to the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362. . Lastly and as a reminder, per the Contract, Section 3.6, the Authority agreed to reimburse the Redeveloper for "general grading" costs associated with the buildable redevelopment property in an amount not to exceed $.12 per square foot upon receiving evidence of the total genera! grading costs. Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd" Monticello, MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170 . Fax (763) 271-3272 . . . Mr. Maher April 12,2007 The Authority is proud to have the business of Karls burger Foods, Inc. relocate and grow in the City of Monticello. Congratulations on your new facility. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 763-271-3208. With regards, HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA O~. ~ cf1 ~i2~ Ollie Koropchak Executive Director Attachments c: TIF District No. 1-37 File 2 . . . TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-37 SL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS LLC ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS per Purchase and Redevelopment Contract, Section 3.9 Pavment of Administrative Costs. April 11, 2007 Ehlers & Associates, April 2006 Ehlers & Associates, May 2006 Subtotal $ 3,750.00 $ 3,750.00 $ 7,500.00 Kennedy & Graven April 2006 June 2006 September 2006 October 2006 Subtotal $ 6,591.00 $ 492.00 $ 637.00 $ 1,835.56 $ 9,555.56 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS $17,055.56 Less deposit, February 2006 $10,000.00 Less charges not applicable, Kennedy & Graven $ 688.00 Subtotal $10,688.00 AMOUNT DUE AND PAYABLE TO MONTICELLO HRA $ 6,367.56 . . . E:,,^~ ~"T Steve - The Monticello HRA met last night (April 11 , 2007) and passed a motion to withdraw their offer on the Kathy Froslie property. The HRA is no longer interested in the parcel and are looking at a different direction. The HRA and myself thank both you and Kathy for your time and consideration. Ollie \.{-~o'l <t,:l.\.o ~ Customer Full Report, CommerciallMixed Use, MLS#: 3348975 4/11/2007 201 E Broadway St, Monticello, MN 55362-9317 i~_;l' ~ '" "MapPOfn'r "". (!'ir4;., ",.i" ". B """ S, >,2!:" . . 4f'.,. ~.i '" ;J l~! liI,t' n201 ~~a~~av E ....1lth.dUu,/. , . ,....: ,...,~~ ;,#! ... ':'. e ",. J Jt.Ji ., ~r'~<(' J" ,d~ >>hSlE .t::;e :/i l'el~cotpe200&IMI\I1l!Q.""'flII'lIIIil'.IllC. MLS Area: 341 - Wright County (Except Bulfalo) CMU Style: IndustriallWarehouse, other, Retail/Shopping Center Current Use: Commercial Const Status: Previously Owned Total Units: 1 Foundation Size: Building Finished SqFt: General Property Information Legal Description: Lenghty County: WRIG - Wright School District: 882 - Monticello, 763-271-0300 Complex/Dev/Sub: Lot Description: Road Frontage: Zoning: Accessibility: LakelWaterfront: Owner is an Agen!?: Public Remarks: 6,494 6,494 . BusinesslCommercial None Year Buitt: Acres: Lot Dimen: 1970 1.12 see plat Status: Active List Price: $459,900 Map Page: 31 Map Coord: 02 Directions: 94 to Hwy 25 North, East on Braodway to Garden Center on Left TAX INFORMATION Property1D:T155010067010 Tax Year: 2007 Tax Amt: 14,963.00 Assess Bal: 0.00 Tax w/assess: 14,963.00 Assess Pend: No Homemead: No Owner Occupied: Yes No 1.12 acres of prime commercial land on high traffic mainstreet, sale prtce includes land and buildings, 6494 sq ft building currently used as garden retail center. great location for possible redevelopment, traffic counts are high w/ great frontagel Structure Information Forced Air Natural Gas . Heat: Fuel: Air Cnd: Garage Stalls: Other Parking: Parking Char: Lttilities: Miscellaneous: Sale Includes: Building, Land Appliances: No. of Ranges: No. of Refrig: Basement: Pool: Shared Rooms: Amenities-Shared: Amenities-Unit: 0.00 o other Lake Name: Exterior: Fencing: Roof Water: Sewer: Wood Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed. Q 2007 Regional MLS of Minn., Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 1 of2 City Water - Connected City Sewer - Connected - - .. , 0 ~ 00 > '" '" '" , 0 ~ m > '" 1 0 0 rn '" '" 1 0 ~ o~ '" "'''' 1 0 ~ 00 '" "'''' 1 0 0 00 '" '" '" 1 0 U 0 '" , 0 ~ . '" t1~ , 0 0 . 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