City Council Minutes 01-06-1970 Special Page 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7: 0 G p. m.
Jan. 6. 1970
Special meeting of the Village Council Continued after recess at this
time and d'ate at the Villa�
ge Hall. Members present: Mayor Granlund;
Councilmen Martie, Schlief, Swanberar, anJ Maus. Members absent-, none.
Mayor Granlun .14. presented to the Council his resignation as rcjayor of thf,
Village of Monticello, which will be eflfective. January 6, 1970. lvlotion
by Councilman Maus to accept the resignation of Adr. Granlund as the mtvar
nf the Vilkvie of Monticello of =ctive January 6, 1970. Motion secondeJ by
Councilman Swanberg an,.?, carried. 1.7otingr yes: unanimous.
Mr. Gary 1". Prins lie presented to the Council his resignation as Clerk -
Treasurer of the Village of Monticello -which will beefflective Janua.-y 6. 1�970.