City Council Minutes 01-06-1970 Special Page 2(�-'or .1.1, -Ititwe J January 6. 1970) ecept the resignation of Mr. Pringle as Motion by Councilman Schlief to -a the Clerk -Treasurer of the Village of Monticello erfective January G. 19,70 s: unanirnous. ye Motion seconded by C-.ounctlman Martie and carrie-. Votin;gr Motion by Clowicilman Schlielf to appoint Mr. Don Granlund to the position of Clerk -Tre.surer f the Village of Monticello effective January 7. 1.970; anA the contract submitted by Mr. Granlund for the position of Clerk --Treasurer of the Village of Monticello to be siggped. ansa accepted. Motion seconcie-J by Councilman Martie and carriedl. Voting yes: unanimous. Acting Mayor, Jim Maus, submitted his resignation as acting mayor effective January 6, 1970. Motion by Councilman Swanberg to accept the resignation of Jim Maus as acting mayor effective January 6, 1970. Motion seconded by Councilman Schliet and carried. Voting yes: unanimous. Motion by Councilman Ai-tartie to appoint Courncll�nan Schlief as acting mayor of the Village of Monticello, as of January 6, 1970. Motion iecondell by Councilman Swanbergg and carrie'. Voting yes: unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p. m. t1lis d'fwtP on motion. Clerk -Treasurer