City Council Minutes 01-13-1970 Page 6176 (Continued January 6, 1970)
Motion by Councilman Schlief to accept the resignation of Mr. Pringle as
the Clerk -Treasurer of the Village of Monticello effective January 6, 1970.
Motion seconded by Councilman Martie and carried. Voting yes: unanimous.
Motion by Councilman Schlief to appoint Mr. Don Granlund to the position
of Clerk -Treasurer of the Village of Monticello effective January 7, 1970,
and the contract submitted by Mr. Granlund for the position of Clerk -Treasurer
of the Village of Monticello to be signed and accepted. Motion seconded by
Councilman Martie and carried. Voting yes: unanimous.
Acting Mayor, Jim Maus, submitted his resignation as acting mayor
effective January 6, 1970. Motion by Councilman Swanberg to accept the
resignation of Jim Maus as acting mayor effective January 6, 1970. Motion
seconded by Councilman Schlief and carried. Voting yes: unanimous.
Motion by Councilman Martie to appoint Councilman Schlief as acting
mayor of the Village of Monticello, as of January 6, 1970. Motion seconded
by Councilman Swanberg and carried. Voting yes: unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. this date on motion.
1,J 1A
Clerk -Treasurer
Jarxu-i.ry 13, 1970 ✓
`3:C0 p.rr,.
Re ular meeting of` `�onticatllo Villa-�- Council called to order ry Ronal
Schlief, ctin Favor. Councilmen pry,, .nt. J mes �`'aus, Richard-lartie, Franz
Swanberg, Absent: 1 -one.
A c,
A inutas or t?��,_ p. cial raertinP;s of January j and Jaru=; ry b read and
approved. _Renu!�'st by' council that second paircagraph of r,:I utes of Januery .5th
be deleted. 1 otion by J. Py%aus, seconded by R. IaIartie, unanimously approved..
Ronald (RED) "ichaells reported to Council V-1at lock,,rs have been
installed for fireman. i;r.. Michaelis rt -quested ailt-.oriz --tion
to add sufficient e^uiprr_ent to outfit each fireman with coats, he�,lmets,
glove& and face protectors. Estimated cost about $375.00• -.otion by J.
I aus, s@condnd by F. Swanberg to authorize: purchase ofe^uipr�ent. 1ppro1sP'-,(1
1�y unanimous 'vote.
aBPr. `°sichaelis reported on ac tzvities, of Civil Defense unit.
ici aelis roquested. co sidera.ti on to be paid $100.010 per rionth as Civil
;- i
Defense Di.-ector in lieu of present ? j�f.00' per month. In reco rition of
- fine job besng dons, motion rade by F. Swrberg, seconded by J. 1""aus to
increase nont? ly :gay pert to $100.00. Apr roved b -r unanimous Grote.
(Continuer January 5, 1970)
cash report for th,e Village in 1970. Motion seconder by Councilman Swanberg
and carried. Voting yes: unanimous.
Motion by Councilman Swari,,,berg to appoint Councilman Maus as acting
mayor, seconded by Councilman Schlief and carried. Voting yes: unanimous.
Motion by Councilman�Swanberg to ,appoint Ron Michaelis as civil
defense director for the Village of Monticello. Motion seconded by
Councilman Schlief and carried. Voting yes: unanimous.
Motion by Councilman Schlief to accept and sign the contract submitted
by Thor Meyer thereby appointing Thor Meyer Village Engineer for the
Village of Monticello. Motion seconded by Councilman Maus and carried.
Voting yes: unanimous.
Motion by Councilman Swanberg to appoint the Wright County State Bank
as the official depository for the Village funds. Motion seconded by Councilman
Maus and carried. Voting yes; unanimous;.
Motion by Councilman Swanberg to appoint the Monticello Times as the
official newspaper. Motion seconded by Councilman Martie and carried.
Voting yes: unanimous.
The council discussed the problem of appointing a Village -clerk -Treasurer.
p. M.
Council meeting adjoou-ned until 7:00 /January 6, 1970. This adj*cumment
took place at 10:10 p. m. January 5, 1970.
C1 k -Treasurer
7:00 p.m.
Jan. 6, 1970,,'
Special meeting of the Village Council continued after recess at this
time and date at the Village Hall. Members present: Mayor Granlund;
Councilmen Martie, Schlief, Swanberg, and Maus. Members absent: none.
Mayor Granlunl�l presenteR11 to the Council his resignation as mayor of the
Village of Monticello, which will be effective January 6, 1970. Motion
by Councilman Maus to accept the resignation of Mr. Granlund as the may:)r
of the Village of Monticello effective January 6, 1970. Motion seconder by
Councilman Swanberg am carried. Voting yes: unanimous.
Mr. Gary L. Pringle presente j to the Council his resignation as Clerk -
Treasurer of the Village of Monticello which will be effective January 6, 1970.
January 13, 1970 continued
Councilmen appointed to serve as lCalison with villar-e dep-_.rtnents
-were as follows: Streets & Alleys; I.iatnr and Sewer, R. ",11artie. and J. '101aus
with Thor Meyer, Village Engineer, as member of t --tis conmittee.
Fire Department, F. Sw-anberg and 34ayor Schlief. Police Departs -est, 'I-Tayor
Schlief. Liquor Store, all councilmen.
Don Granlund, Clerk -Treasurer, was instructi�d to prepare cost analyses
for fire service contract negotiations With Silver Creek. township, Mlonticellio
township and Otsego toims!AL'PI,
Motion to anprove
prove appointments and action rade by t% Maus, seconded bif
F. Sw-anberw and carried by unanimous vote.
Motion by R. Martie to appoint James `_'4aus to Park ,&-, Recreation Committee.
MT. Maus to recommend to coucii four members to be appointed for the to this
committee. Seconded by F. Swanberg, approved by all,
Council b -,r consensus deferred appointrent of 14-alth Officer and Ti!?eed_
Insp-cictor to have opportunity to study fi,inction of ea6h.
Discussion to the ap ointmentof a Building Inspector rtsulted in the
selection of J. haus and R. trllarti-!� as an inv,-stiFatinr-: committee to study
duties of and availability of a qualified buildinIv inspector. Committee
to report to February meetinlr.
Council unanimously approvfed the appointment of Payor Schlief as the
council representative to the Planning Commission.
Councilman F. Swc-7nberg rade the notion that Lando Kirscht be retained
as Village Assessor at an annual retainer of $1200.00 Seconded by J. Maus
and approved by unanimous vote.
Councilman Fl. Sw^nber� d (In
,:7 made notion that Lando Kirscht be allowed $3jl .00
additional retainer for 1970 only to allow for additional assessment load.
Seconded b-,, J. 71,7,aus and approved by all councilmen.
Motion by J. Maus to retain Gary PringleLas Village Attorney at an
annual retainer of $1200.00. This retainer will allow councilmen and
city engineer and village office to consult with the Attorney on routine
business matters and information. Special legal assignments will be
handled in the usual manner. Seconded b-ili F. Swanb-.rff and approved unanimously.
.,,lotion by J. "Maus, seconded b7,T R."Martie granting renewal of building
nermit to Skelly -nil Company for proposed bu-'_Icling near interch-qnge of
.Fyway 25 and 1-94,
Request submitted by Gerald DeLong to approve change statlas of
Claude Johnston and Jim Canton from parttime bartendr:r to fulltime bar-
tender. Hourly rate to remain the same. Yotion bv J. ",!ausq seconded b,,r
R. Nlartie to approve request carried by unanimous vote.
.Notion b.,I R. Martie to install one flood lito'l-t cn municipal parking
lot and one flood light on parkin' 7 lot behind liquor store at a cost of $90.00
per year. Placerent to I -le agreedon between Village Superintendent, Liquor
Store manager and ff. S. P. engineer. Seconded by J. taus and approved by
unanimous vote.
Motion by F. Swanbert, Seconded by, -J. 1,4aus to accept and sirzn
e.rriployrr 'ent agreement with Don Gran-1-und., Villa,n",e Clerk -Treasurer,
g, verbal agr,�ement of Janu:,.-,ry 6th. Unanl.7ious approval.
Agre,ement signed. by D. 'u'ranlund, R. Schlief and F. Swanberg.
T -,O, 'In b J. 1.,` 0, - -P
roti Aus, seconde' by F. Swanberg to advertise sale of.
villas snoio-, blower. Asking price to be set at $300-00. "otion approvedr.�> F:
by unanimous vote.
1,,,1otion by J. 1,1aus, seconded by F. S-wanberg to approve the followl-Ir
Beer Lic,7�nce applicntions.d- Off Sale; ., -.-Onticello Recr�,,Cation, Ruth's C,-,Ii_f(-,,
Schneider's Recreation. ("n Sale; Monticello Recreation, Ruth's C_,,.fe,
Schneidnrls Recreation. - ti -)n approved b,,.,r
urani-,P.(.-)us vote.
Yotion by F. Swanberg, seconded b,-.,- J. .`:aus to maintain rr.inir.nurm water
S�pf, �%Irs. !-.i�,z:-�lia
charge for January, February, "Jarch for Yrv. Lois
firers �7,nd r. Ralph Hollenbeck b,cpuse they must leave water running during
cold. weather to prevent fre-lzin-m of villave w,,).t,-r lines.
It luas brought to attention of Village Council., V -1t ixtensirn contract
with .ml's Sanitary Service exrAres February 28, 1970. "otion by J. I`raus
seconded by R. ]Partie and approved that D. GrCanlund and F. Swanbe-C, study
disposal needs and. report to next council meeting.
The Atudited cash raceipts and dis burs ener. ts report was r,. --viewed b,,r
council. !",otion by Vaus,, seconded by R. %",artie V -tat reoort be accented and
prepared for publication. Unanimously a-pp.roved.
r"otion b.-, R. Lliartie.d that all d-partrr'.ert heads be requested to attend
all regular ineetings of Villarre Cor,_,,ncii. -Seconded by ��anberg .�-nd
unanimously approv,,-A.
valtcr �,"ack, illapr Superintendent, requested authorizat-icn to
purchase new i,,Tatrgr ret,-rs on a rlm,volvin,
, s to r, -,-ac-,• ('-Ifective !, ,,rd
i,i-jeters. =lotion for auth-oriaation marle by F. Swanbtrg,
seconded by J. Maus ;and unanimously ap?rovc.l.
lo 1:0 i o n b -,,r F. Sw.,,nbe-, s.cond -1 by R. [Aart,!!-v t'i L" bills sub -snit .10
be approved and paid, by unanimous vote.,.
t I Iranlund
10 on by F. Swanber., seconded by H. Tlrlartie to autloriz��
to obtain additional desk Vand chair for villar-e, officr}. il.-Pnrovond by
unanimous vote.
Reaue, t b,,;, G. DeLon-7 to def��r openirvr
- 1.5 (D '1�, of off -sale liquor soreuntil 100*00 a.n. daily was tabled for further study.
Cc-,uncilmen briefly discussed Drojecte.d re3ponsibilities ~end iprof r;rras
for village Planning., Co,-rriission. i -1o. decisions made.
Mee'tinr- adjourned -at 10:00 p.rM . 1-13-70
r;1 -'reasurer