City Council Minutes 01-23-1970JAnuary 23, 1970 An informal meeting of the Village Council took -place at 8:00 p.m. Friday Januar '-'-3,, 1970 with Nror Schlief, Co' iciLnen Janes '',us and Richard Martie �oresent. Franz Swanberg Tgas absent. Discussion of fire department services to township areas was supported by some cost figures gures pre,pared by Don Granlund, Clerk - Treasurer on opm-ratingr costs of 1969. Notes of Don Gran1wnd's conference vith 'U'!apl,- Ind-ce Fire Dent. re'resentative were discussed and evaluated. �'T o decisions weir P 4' made as Ronald Trichaelis, Fire Chief, should be included in discussions. SOme time spent in talking up ideas for addixtionalprojnct study for Village Planning Commission. Removal of the Christmas decorations was discussed, and consensus favored hiring a sign comDany from St. Cloud with a boom basket to remove at an extI­ated cost of $125.00 on, Granlund