City Council Minutes 02-10-1970 Page 2179 February 10, 1970 Village Council Chambers 8:00 p.m. The regular meeting of the Vonticello Village Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Mayor Ronald Schlief with councilmen Franz Swanberg and JamAs Taus in attendance. Ti alt `--ack, Village Superintendent was also in attendance. krriving after order call were; Councilman Richard 1-lartie, Police Chief Arthur McIntire, Liquor Store ',"anager Gerald DeLong, Village Engineer Thore T-leyer, Villa7,%. Attorney Gary Pringle. Fire Chief Ronald lq:chaelis did not attend. �anutes of the previous meeting had been prepared and nailed to all councilmen. James Maus Trade motion that minutes be approved as submiWtd. Franz Swanberg seconded motion and unanimously approv:td by all councilmen. Walter ilack did not have a formal report to make regardinp,, Street, 1,"J'ater and Sewer departments. Arthur MicIntire did not have a formal report to make at this time but referred to annual report previously submitted. Gerald DeLong had previously requested that off -sale. Liauor Store I open ng be delayed until 10:00 a4m. each day. Ile reported that a t�.,o study revealed that average sales for these two hours morning period were $20.00 a day. Discussion revealed that this decision could be made by the manager, however, James Maus made motion that delayed opening be tried for a 30 -day period to study effect. Richard �1artie seconded motion. Voting in favor: Jarn,-,s 14aus, Richard M-iartie, Ronald Schlief, Not in favor: Franz Swanberg. Gerald. DeLong presented John Livdahl who demonstrated a Smokeeter air cleaner designed to remove smoke and odors from the air in the liquor store. ','o action taken pending furthr study. Gerry further rmquo-steel study to deterr-alne adequacy of insurancf- coverage on inventory; the need for ad,-itional cooler space for beer; inadequate electrical outlets on bar; water and ice, accumulation at back door of liquor store; and, floor repair. Janes Maus and Franz Swanberg were. appointed is a committed to work with Thor Meyf-,r and 'Jerald DeLong on these studies. Report due at M,,arch meeting, Thor Meyer presented Report #1 of a Feasability report on up- mrading streets and drainage system. Report will be studies b -v council and considered with Reports #2 and 13 to be presented at a later date. Don Granlund, Village Clerk -Treasurer, presented proposal of Tonka Kennels of 'Wayzata for dog control service in the village. 0 James Maus made motion and Franz Swanberg seconded it to proceed with prepareing working agreement vrith Tonka Kennels. Dog control notice together i-rith ordinance to be published twice before it plementation of agreemr!nt. 180 Franz Swanber.- and Ronald Schlief presented report of study in preparation for fire service contracts with neighboring toi-msYips . The clerk -treasurer 7,,Tas instructed to prtpare contracts showint fire call charges of $200.00 for first hour, $75.00 for second hour, and $50-00 for each additional hour or fraction thereof. Each contract to includot annual standby charges: Otsego Township, X2100.00; Silver Creek Township #300-00; 1. I T'.ontic,!-llo Tournship $1000. Richard Martie made motion to implement this action. James Maus seconded it and councilmen unanimously approved. Franz Swanberg submitted report of contract negotiations irith Al's Sanitary Service to provide r -fuse pickup for Village of 'I'llonticello at $600.00 per month. Don Granlund to work out special details as needed. Mlotion to approve contract made by James Maus, secondtd. by. Franz Swanberg carried by unanimous vots. Several inquiries regarding proposed building in tht village were considered. Commercial building for Broadway will be, considered upon receipt of plans and study of building codas and zoning. Building of an 18 -unit apartment house considered favorably. Plans to be submitted. before permit granted. Request for permit to remodel house by Don Granlund tabled til next meeting pending building code study. James Maus made motion that Village advertise► for a Building Inspector. Richard 'Ilartie seconded motion. Carried by unanimous vote. Selection of Heatlth Officer tabled until next meeting. Selection of Park Board tables until next mnrting. Review of salary adjustment for Barbara Schnelle df%f^-rred for further study. Gary Pringle, Villave attorney, advised that they will not act as defense attorneys in village cases. Contract for $1200.00 retainer of Gary Pringle as village attorney signed ba, both. parties. Mr. Pringle advised that State n't torney General has brief regarding school water and sewer hook-up and will render an opinion in near future. Franz Swanberg moved that all bills per attach,12!rjl, listing be. paid. Richard seconded and councilmen approved unanimously. Bills approved totaled $20,899-36 for Liquor Store;$1581.39 for Street Department; $1632-73 for Sewer Denartment,5 t4lo-38 for TAT -ter De-part'.1-,ent " and $51,53-55 for General Administrative (Police, Fire, administration) Discussion regarding annexation proceedin7s and revi-w of a joint to'�mship_municipality annexation meeting held February 9. The Village Attorney was instructed to defer the next joint meeting until the week of February 23rd. Motion '1:�y James Mlaus to appoint Ronald Schlief Mlayor of T-'Iontic-llo to fill uno�xpired t-rm of Don Gran�i,ind who resigned. Term to extend to Decti6b,L­r 30, 1971. Mlotion seconded b,T Fr_anz Swan bf�rr,_P. and passed b unanimous vote. Councilman po:kt vacated by Schli!=f to be filled at ",larch IN'lotion to adj,-)urn madke by F. Swanberg at 10:50. Seco ed b,,r 1.1r.aus. Carried.