City Council Minutes 09-16-1970VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
September 17, 1970
Notes on the Annexation Hearing -- September 16, 1970
Five members of the Municipal Commission conducted the hearing.
Forenoon -- 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 -- was spent with conferences
between Commission members, Gary Pringle, Ron Schleif, James Yet -
calf and Basil Schillewaert. Dave "IcGannon, NSP attorney, also
participated in the discussion.
The group generally agreed on the boundaries of the area in need
of orderly annexation and in need of immediate annexation.
Formal hearing called to order at 1:00 P.M. by Commissioner Swan.
Gary Pringle introduced purpose of hearing. Ron Schleif was sworn.
in aid asked to present description of property agreed upon.
Boundaries of which are:
East side of section 13, south side of section 13, 14 and
15 (all of section 13, all of section 14 except S. E. 1/4 now
owned by Francis Klein, all of section 15) west side of section
15 and west side of section 10 northerly to point of intersection
with I-94 then continuing along I-94 right-of-way to west boundary
of section 4 and section 3 and continuing thru NSP property -line
to be determined upon survey to divide ATSP property equa" be-
tween village and township, thence to Mississippi River and follow
river easterly to point of beginning. Area to exclude County Park
NSP does not commit itself to agreement at this time and reserves
the right to appeal. sr. McGannon states that NSP needs more in-
fornation regarding division of government jurisdiction of NISP
property and services to be sujplied.
Commission moved to continue hearing to October 21, 1970, at which
time all information and testimony will be heard.
Adjourned at 2:10 P. M.
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